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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ah. Well I think I'm still going to pick a different race. That idea was really more of a joke then anything else, and I wasn't sure I was going to use it in the first place
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

Card Captor said
Ah. Well I think I'm still going to pick a different race. That idea was really more of a joke then anything else, and I wasn't sure I was going to use it in the first place

Anyways character is gone so i don't know how to remake so ninja monk or samurai.. just answer.

Screw it going monk prepare for this thread to go down the shitter, because i'm have a romantic character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I can make a robust race if you want...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Name:Anya Erestal
Age:16(or the elven equivalent )
Country of Birth:Yana
Country of Origin:Roamer

Bio:Anya never really being able to talk Anya had a rough childhood. So her parents had trained her to be a entertainer for royalty. Although Anya liked this life she wanted to be something a little more outgoing then a doll trapped in a castle for someones enjoyment. So she got the help of the castle witch asking her to help her escape her current path. She did help her, but it was threw odd means.She would rather not make such a kind girl ugly, but she had to do something to make the king not like her so she made it so whenever she was feeling a strong emotion other then happiness/love(even that to a degree.) she would emit a strong foul odor. So when she preformed for the king her love for dancing stopped the curse from activating, but after when he said he wanted her to stay the fear that overcame her caused it to activate and disgusted the king. Causing him to send her away.

As she left he noticed the mark on her back was his personally sorceress's work. He quickly ordered her execution and events took place were she was executed before Anya could properly explain. The king feeling partially to blame for the girls current situation had her trained in martial arts much to her masters unhappiness. Despite her current misfortune the curse seemed to be somewhat helpfully when it came to fighting, as most things would back away rather then try to eat, kill, or rape her. She slowly got better control of it and 2 years later she is a accomplished slayer, and she even can do it with rhythm
Personality:Her personality can be described in one word. Silent. Although she is relatively cheery most of the time and it shows. Despite this there are a few bad points, especially when you scare her.... P.S. Run while you still can.
Combat Skills:She is a excellent fast fighter who uses a mix of dancing and martial arts to fight. The only way to explain her is she uses a mix of wind techniques and buffs threw what i like to call excitement. Excitement is gained naturally the fastest by staying out of harms way, and drastically increased by dodging.It is lowered by being hit or throwing her strikes. Can not be done if the curse is up.
A wind technique is a the equivalent of a melee wind spell, or channeling the wind threw your body to create a special attack.
Adventuring & Survival Skills:She can set traps, cook her own food, carve animals for every part they have, and loot dead bodies well.
Other Skills:She can dance real pretty like.

Reason for traveling:She'd rather not get people to know her to well.
Other:The curse's smell is comparable to rubbing rotten meat on herself, while having serious b.o, and having a skunk encounter.. May be a exaggeration
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

She's got enough meat on her for you.?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nation creation

Name: Talga
Political System: Tyranny
Location: The island is located somewhere south-east of Loyara with a chain of small islands connecting it to Loraya.

History: The history of Talga is bloody, with very little interest in changing this. It's believed to have been populated since the beginning of time, however, it's people rarely leave their nation. Sometime in it's early ages, a government system formed with one tyrant ruling the nation with an iron fist. He gathered minions and followers to do his bidding, which was mostly to kill those who opposed him. During his time on the throne, he created a religion that would soon become the defining factor of this country.

He preached that there were three wrathful gods that smiled upon killing the weaker man in their name, and only those who spread their word, did their bidding, and carried on their chaos could make it to their promise land. It should be noted that the first tyrant was completely insane. However, this religion stuck.

Over the years, new tyrants took the throne. The only requirement for gaining total rule over the nation was killing the first tyrant in a duel; as such, the tyrants were usually very strong and highly skilled. Each used different methods of control, but violence seemed to always be a prominent factor. Over centuries, the violent religion of theirs became a requirement for the people. Those most committed to it were highly favored by the tyrants, because they would do pretty much anything they were told. Those who refused it were killed.

Over the centuries, a sort of underground cult formed that rebuked the religion. It was rumored to have been started by a man who ventured off the island, got a taste of the much more peaceful world outside of it, and came back to try and save his people. They tried to teach the barbaric people a message of peace and harmony. Once the cult was exposed, most members of it were brutally murdered. Those who survived hid away and rarely showed their face.

Other than the constant violence that plagued the Talgans, the nation has given the rest of the world little trouble. They mostly stick to their own little hellhole and leave everyone else alone.


- It's actually illegal for citizens to leave the nation, however, if they manage, they typically aren't pursued.

- Crazed propaganda is a major tool often utilized by the tyrants. The current tyrant Empress Symara, has spent her entire rule spreading the word that the world outside of the island is even more hellish than on it. This makes the people hesitant to try and leave.

- Despite their barbarian nature, the Talgans are actually very efficient workers. The people are usually assessed and given a job that best fits them, not the job they actually want. This puts their strengths to work rather than their dreams. This system is rumored to have produced some pretty mind blowing technology (relatively of course).

- The island is large enough to have various terrain. Mountains, jungle, forest, ect. There's even snowy and desert-like regions.

- Kinda' had the idea to base this place off of North Korea. People hear about, people know about it, but no one really knows what goes on there. The shit they hear about is to mind numbing that half the time they don't believe it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Baron
Age: 17
Race: Deamonized Human
Country of Birth: Kaymari
Country of Origin: Kaymari

Bio: Baron was the son of the village blacksmith, and therefor grew up around weapons. He wanted to be an adventure since he was small. Going on mighty quests, slaying evil beasts, and maybe even rescuing a beautiful princess and living happily ever after with her. His dad found his dream amusing and used it to get him to take his blacksmithing training seriously "what kind of adventure can't even take care of his own equipment?" By the time he was 10, he had finally made his very own sword (show in picture). He began to pour every his entire life into learning to use his sword, as well as furthering his skill as a blacksmith. Until one day, his entire world was turned upside down.

When he was just 14, a demon attacked his small village. Due to the lack of people who could fight, the demon was able to slaughter a good chunk of the villagers. Sensing the call to adventure, young Baron grabbed his trusty sword and rushed off to fight the demon. His arrival drew the demon's attention long enough for someone to strike a mortal blow into the demon's body. Sensing itself dying, the demon tried to posses the nearest human; Baron. As the demon poured it's essence into Baron through his mouth, it horribly burned his face. Baron was able to gain enough control over his body to cut the demon, killing it for good, but it's essence didn't leave his body. Exsoted for the strain, he collapsed

When he awoke, he found that while the demon was transferring itself into him, it had done horrible damage to his eyes, nose and mouth. Completely destroying his sense of sight, smell, and taste. His vocal cords were also damaged, but not as badly and eventually healed (along with the skin on his face). According to the villagers, his right arm was the same shade of red as the demon. Fearing for their lives, they cast him out of the village. While his father pleaded on his son's behalf, no one would listen to him. After a tearful goodbye, the blind Baron left his home of 14 years.

While he started out using a walking stick to help him get around, as time went on, he began to...sense things around him. A few months after his departure, he came across a wandering monk. The monk, who called himself G.S.D, recognized the power he was using. He took Baron with him on his travels for half a year, during which he taught him the basics of Wave Manipulation. After he had a strong enough grasp of it, he parted with the kindly monk to look for a new place he could call home
Personality: Despite losing half of his sense and having been kicked out of his hometown, Baron is a rather easygoing. He's the type of guy who would get snarky before getting angry. However, he does have buttons that should never be pushed

Combat Skills: By manipulating waves, he can alter the elemental attribute of any solid object (normally his sword). He is also adapt at sword fighting
Adventuring & Survival Skills: Because of his blindness, he can't uses maps to get around. Therefor he just sticks to travel roads. However, he is really good at hunting
Other Skills: He posses the power to sense the 'Waves' of the world. The simplest explanation is that it functions like 360 degree magic sonar. However it's a bit more complex then that. By sensing the 'Waves' of the world, he can feel displacements in the air around him as if the very air was linked to his nervous system. However the range of this is half that of a normal humans eyesight. Also, he's a blacksmith

Reason for traveling: looking for a place where he can settle down that would chase him out for being a Demonized Human
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Let's start with the ones which need fixes

Mr_pink said Name: UntersbachPolitical System: Theocracy, the leader is the 'Oracle' who can speak with their god.Location: Not located within Lemea, to the far north-westHistory: Untersbach has a rich histroy detailing the many battles. Most of the battles were waged for religious reasons and headed by the Oracle at that present moment. Eventually, Untersbach became feared for their strong military prowess and tendency to wage war for very little things. The Oracles are selected from birth and are trained by the present Oracle. Every Oracle is chosen for their ability to talk to Xotic, the God of Untersbach. The Oracles also appoint their council which consists of military advisors, economic advisors, culture advisors and more. The Untersbach army also created the 'Keeper' division who are soldiers picked out at birth to be specially trained from a very young age. The Keepers were trained in secret for the first few generations but soon footsoldiers began leaking the information about the keepers and it was soon made public.Notes: - Highly Religious- Most of the continent is either owned or is the same religion as Untersbach- The Oracle is all powerful- Xotic is more powerful than the Oracle.

There are a few things that need to be fixed - THE LOCATION - I would like you to be more precise in your location. By the current info your country would be somewhere on the north-east Lowenar coastlands, a cold land of taiga and tundra! Refear to the NOTABLE COUNTRIES OUTSIDE LEMEA for info.
Trough this is a fantasy setting RELIGION works the same way as in our own world - AKA there are no gods which actually go and do stuff just because humans pray to them. Oracles which can have some type of visions can exists but they most commonly come from magic or a natural ability, not from a god.

datadogie said Name: Zenohunts
Homeland: N/A
Country(s): Low Orclands. Note that the Zenohunts do not control this fully, but live in random areas around there.
Common Physical Features: Zenohunts are usually very thin, and have animal ears and an animal tail.
Common Physiological Features: Zenohunts have a lot of the same biological features as humans, except from the tail and the extra pair of ears. Zenohunts' ears and tail and judged by whatever animal they are based on, and biological features may adapt so that the tail may feel things, and the ears may have the ability to hear things. The ears may be able to hear things better, depending on what animal they are based on. Zenohunts are known to also share the personalities of the animals they are based on. This sometimes does not apply.
Common Magical Features: Zenohunts are masters of nature and light magic, being able to summon lights and blind things, or summon vines to hold people stationary. This is due to their normally peaceful motives, and that they are partially affiliated with nature due to their animal features.
Other: Zenohunts are a relatively secret race. They live in underground houses in small tribes, where they are not seen. The only ways into these houses are by hidden doors, making the entire house itself completely concealed. Zenohunts tend to cover their animal features when outside of their homes, and claim themselves to be normal humans. They also speak in their own language, known as 'Zenospeak' by the Zenohunts.
I should also say there are not a lot of Zenohunts in existence. The tiny tribes they live in are sparsely populated, due to the fact that new Zenohunts can not move into towns because they can't find them.

The only problem with your race is the location, except for what we have for now I was not planning to add more large races in LEMEA, mostly due to not having a need for that. You should probably reposition add that their homeland is Ainyas and just note that a small populations have migrated to some of the hills of Lemea (hills are a preferable location due to thier low population and the fact that underground settelments just look more epic in them). Also Common Magical Features should say how commonly does the race produce a mage trough that is not that important RP-wise so you can add later.

Your CS is OK!

Card Captor said After seeing Cake's CS, I had a wonderful idea;

Name: Shota-Bishi (sometimes shortened to ShoBi)
Homeland: None
Country(s): None, they live scattered around the world rather equally
Common Physical Features: They are physically identical to humans...only more adorable/handsome
Common Physiological Features: Their younger/original form (Shota) is that of an adorable little boy. In this form, their magic is at it's strongest, however they are physically weak. While their older form (Bishi) is that of a very attractive teenage boy. While their magic is weaker in this form, they gain greater physical prowess
Common Magical Features: After living for around 200 years, a ShoBi will gain a teenage form. The physical capabilities of this new form tend to be based of the magical power of the ShoBi. While they are not naturally proficient (prodigies not withstanding) at any school of magic, they are capable of learning any they wish
Other: While at first glance, both of their forms seem to posses separate personalities (and sometimes even seem like different people), this is in fact false. Many ShoBi are merely acting out the part of a teenager simply for fun, while others who are timid gain more confidence in their older looking forms. Because both of their forms are physically identical to humans and other such races, they have little trouble intermingling with other races
Notes: Historical records indicate that this was once to different races; The Shotacon and the Bishonen. However somewhere along the line, they breed together to become a single race

Add at least a part of a continet that they come from under the Homeland, if you feel lazy just say north-west Sorka, that is from where humans originate.

Cake said Name:Anya Erestal
Age:16(or the elven equivalent )
Country of Birth:Ayys
Country of Origin:
Bio:Anya never really being able to talk Anya had a rough childhood. So her parents had trained her to be a entertainer for royalty. Although Anya liked this life she wanted to be something a little more outgoing then a doll trapped in a castle for someones enjoyment. So she got the help of the castle witch asking her to help her escape her current path. She did help her, but it was threw odd means.She would rather not make such a kind girl ugly, but she had to do something to make the king not like her so she made it so whenever she was feeling a strong emotion other then happiness/love(even that to a degree.) she would emit a strong foul odor. So when she preformed for the king her love for dancing stopped the curse from activating, but after when he said he wanted her to stay the fear that overcame her caused it to activate and disgusted the king. Causing him to send her away.As she left he noticed the mark on her back was his personally sorceress's work. He quickly ordered her execution and events took place were she was executed before Anya could properly explain. The king feeling partially to blame for the girls current situation had her trained in martial arts much to her masters unhappiness. Despite her current misfortune the curse seemed to be somewhat helpfully when it came to fighting, as most things would back away rather then try to eat, kill, or rape her. She slowly got better control of it and 2 years later she is a accomplished slayer, and she even can do it with rhythm Personality:Her personality can be described in one word. Silent. Although she is relatively cheery most of the time and it shows. Despite this there are a few bad points, especially when you scare her.... P.S. Run while you still can.
Combat Skills:She is a excellent fast fighter who uses a mix of dancing and martial arts to fight. The only way to explain her is she uses a mix of wind techniques and buffs threw what i like to call excitement. Excitement is gained naturally the fastest by staying out of harms way, and drastically increased by dodging.It is lowered by being hit or throwing her strikes. Can not be done if the curse is up.A wind technique is a the equivalent of a melee wind spell, or channeling the wind threw your body to create a special attack.
Adventuring & Survival Skills:She can set traps, cook her own food, carve animals for every part they have, and loot dead bodies well.
Other Skills:She can dance real pretty like.
Reason for traveling:She'd rather not get people to know her to well.
Other:The curse's smell is comparable to rubbing rotten meat on herself, while having serious b.o, and having a skunk encounter.. May be a exaggeration

The problem is that you put Ayya, an isolated country, as a origin point! Yes sometimes people from Ayya (just like people manage to get there) manage to come to Kaymari or Karans but that doesn't happen often and only the most desperate ones, mostly murderers or those which have nothing to lose, try their luck with one of the ways out of Ayya. So make a good story about how she left Ayya or it won't stick.
All else is fine by me.
As for the actuall age anywhere between 120 and 150 years is OK, most elves reach a mature appereance when around 150 years old so your one would need to be a little younger.

Metronome said Nation creation
Political System:Tyranny
Location:A large, southern island that is fairly isolated from the rest of the world.
History: The history of Talga is bloody, with very little interest in changing this. It's believed to have been populated since the beginning of time, however, it's people rarely leave their nation. Sometime in it's early ages, a government system formed with one tyrant ruling the nation with an iron fist. He gathered minions and followers to do his bidding, which was mostly to kill those who opposed him. During his time on the throne, he created a religion that would soon become the defining factor of this country. He preached that there were three wrathful gods that smiled upon killing the weaker man in their name, and only those who spread their word, did their bidding, and carried on their chaos could make it to their promise land. It should be noted that the first tyrant was completely insane. However, this religion stuck. Over the years, new tyrants took the throne. The only requirement for gaining total rule over the nation was killing the first tyrant in a duel; as such, the tyrants were usually very strong and highly skilled. Each used different methods of control, but violence seemed to always be a prominent factor. Over centuries, the violent religion of theirs became a requirement for the people. Those most committed to it were highly favored by the tyrants, because they would do pretty much anything they were told. Those who refused it were killed. Over the centuries, a sort of underground cult formed that rebuked the religion. It was rumored to have been started by a man who ventured off the island, got a taste of the much more peaceful world outside of it, and came back to try and save his people. They tried to teach the barbaric people a message of peace and harmony. Once the cult was exposed, most members of it were brutally murdered. Those who survived hid away and rarely showed their face. Other than the constant violence that plagued the Talgans, the nation has given the rest of the world little trouble. They mostly stick to their own little hellhole and leave everyone else alone.
- It's actually illegal for citizens to leave the nation, however, if they manage, they typically aren't pursued.
- Crazed propaganda is a major tool often utilized by the tyrants. The current tyrant Empress Symara, has spent her entire rule spreading the word that the world outside of the island is even more hellish than on it. This makes the people hesitant to try and leave.
- Despite their barbarian nature, the Talgans are actually very efficient workers. The people are usually assessed and given a job that best fits them, not the job they actually, not the job they actually want. This puts their strengths to work rather than their dreams. This system is rumored to have produced some pretty mind blowing technology (relatively of course).
- The island is large enough to have various terrain. Mountains, jungle, forest, ect. There's even snowy and desert-like regions.- Kinda' had the idea to base this place off of North Korea. People hear about, people know about it, but no one really knows what goes on there. The shit they hear about is to mind numbing that half the time they don't believe it.

Make it take the palce of out our world Australia and have a chain of islands connecting it to Loraya Example "The island is located somewhere south-east of Loyara with a chain of small islands connecting it to Loraya."

Card Captor your CS is good to go (trough putting Kaymari would be a better choice for Orgin Country).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sounds good. As long as their cut off from the rest of the people somehow =P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Posting the species sheet today. Will probably make my character tomorrow.

Name: Talgan
Homeland: Talga
Country(s): Most are found in Talga. It's rare to see one outside of their homeland.

Common Physical Features: They are bipedal with thick, neutral colored hides that vary depending on race. Their hair is usually coarse and ranges in textures and colors according to race. They often sport horns or spikes of keratin on their head. Their ears are pointed like an elf's and sharp teeth. Their dental pattern is often hereditary; some families have rows like a shark, some have canines like a dog. Their skin sports rough scales that often cover the back, shoulders, and upper arms. They have five fingered hands with a claw on each digit. Some races that dwell near water have evolved to have wedded fingers and toes. They vary in height, but usually don't go over 7 feet.

Reproductive system

Common Physiological Features: Talgans share many of the same organs as other species: liver, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, ect. For the most part, they function the same, as well. Talgans are warm blooded, despite having many reptilian traits. Their senses are notably better than a human's: sight, hearing, smell, taste, but perhaps not touch. Their eyes are light reflective and catlike, allowing them to see well at night. Because of this, many prefer nighttime over daytime.

Not sure what else to put, so I'll talk about their sex lives some more.

A newborn Talgan resembles something like a salamander. The first to hatch usually crawls over to it's unhatched siblings and tries to devour them, which only helps break them free of their shell. The young then fight each other for dear life until their worn out, the weakest being killed. The survivors typically accept each other afterward, until the age of 2. In their second or so year, the young Talgans go off to a corner somewhere and build a cocoon around themselves. They stay hidden away for a few weeks, metamorphing into their adult form. When they emerge, they are full grown and ready to a lifetime of slavery.

Common Magical Features: None

Other: Can't think of anything.

Notes: Things I may have missed:

- Young Talgans have silk glands in their mouths.

- When they first emerge from their cocoon, they are very vulnerable and soft.

- Body language is big in their species.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

SWitchded it to yana.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eoin Lonne’lle
Age: 78 (26 in Elf time)
Race: Elf
Country of Birth: Sorka
Country of Origin: Kaymari

Appearance Appearance
Eoin has hair as black as midnight and green eyes that are reminiscent of coral on the sea. Underneath the Elf’s tanned skin lay lithe muscles and on top of said skin lay a plethora of tattoos
Bio: Eoin was born to a tavern waitress and a sailor, who wasn’t there by the time childbirth rolled around. For some the idea of a household that lacks a father figure may seem incomplete and it is however to young Eoin he didn’t even give it a second thought. Although his lack of proper parents came to the attention of the local non-bastard children and they would tease him daily. Somehow Eoin let that flow off him like water off the deck of a ship and he let the real bastard children continue with their beratements as he stared off into the endless oceans, dreaming of pirate treasures and deck fights.

At 16 Eoin’s mother took a bad spill at work and broke her neck on chair that wasn’t pushed in all the way. Sadly for Eoin she died instantly and this left the young Elf on the cusp of his manhood without guidance. Soon after the incident he felt a compulsion the sea, a feeling many of the Elves in Sorka felt, and slowly formulated a plan. When it all came together drew together his group of friends, the old ones who teased him for years, and made a move. In all honesty the Elf’s plan was simple: steal the fastest ship and adventure and surprisingly it was easy. As dawn approached they found a stowaway or rather a large group of them. In the ship’s interior held eight slaves of multiple races, while the group was, or at least tried to be tough, the band of Elves couldn’t stand slavery and they released them into the bonds of freedom.

Years passed full of excitement, minor treasure, and a large scale pirate fight. Eoin and his crew upon the ship, The Sea Trekker, set up shop in a Torvey. One day moving through the market he ran into one of the old slaves, “A small world.” Thought Eoin. After a minute of praises the old slave told him he began his life again as a smith and for thanks Eoin could pick one thing in his entire store front. As Eoin looked through the wares something shiny caught his eye a beautiful saxe knife, the old slave saw what Eoin eyed and sighed, but he kept to his word and delivered to him the saxe knife. The smithy explained the knife was made from a special ore that resisted rust and was hard to dull as the enthralled Elf played it.

As a few more years passed the life of the sea began to lose its luster and Eoin began to wander what to do. As he sat in a tavern the Elf happened to glance over an open book “The Legend of Lemea” as his eyes read the passage:
Far, far on the eastern edge of the known world stands Lemea,
There is said, that somewhere north from the Lacremia Mountains stands,
The Well of Wishes, which is said to grant any wish that those which reach it may have.
Lured by such promise thousands of people, marked as adventures,
Leave for Lemea, with only a few returning from the journey...
He knew what to do, all Eoin needed was to get ready.

Personality: Eoin is quick witted and can be a little loose with his words after a pint or two. He feels the need to compete and a longing for something exciting, anything to get his blood rushing.

Combat Skills: After years on the sea Eoin developed quick reflexes and impromptu fighting style involving his cutlass and his saxe knife.
Adventuring & Survival Skills: Eoin’s skills of adventuring involved tropical islands and dodging the occasional dart. Due to a large part of his life spent on the sea he only knows tropical survival and other basic things.
Other Skills: Eoin is great with quick thinking in any situation.

Reason for traveling: A lust for change and adventure
Other: Carries a special saxe knife
Hates left out chairs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The character is nice. You did mispell Karans (left out the s) and I think that one of the port towns of Kaymari or Eroku-minato (a large port from which many ships set sail, amongst everything else towards Lemea) would be a better statring place since it would allow me to more easily group together PCs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is there a Kaymarian port you prefer?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Any will do, it is up to you to chose one, you would need to "meet" in Kaymari before going further east anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now its done
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Your character has been added to the list.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I meant that Untersbach wasn't even near lemea or any of the known countries, like if it were America, Untersbach would be Britain. Also the god isn't like that sort, he's all powerful in the sense that they believe that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There is no point of having a character basically fallen out of a land that no one ever heard off! Think about where you want to possiton your country in relation to the existing lands since there is just no place to add such a large landmass! Look at Metronome's nation, he already decided it would be a southern island country in a fairy isolated part of the world so I suggested south-east from Loraya which is one of the most isolated areas.

By what I read about your country the possition fitting it would be the northern Everan where such country could exist without much fear from the Geworians. They could be replacing our world's Vikings (altrough their expansion fueled by religon rather then need for land) and would be what is stopping Geworia from expanding northwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Orren Lafrie
Age: 4 (A young adult)
Race: Talgan
Country of Birth: Talga
Country of Origin: Kaymari (I assume this is meant to be where he starts off in the RP)

Personality: Orren is not kind or sweet by any measure. He's loud, hot tongued, and speaks what he believes, even if it's wrong. He makes up for what he lacks in size with volume. His cursing and berating can be heard up to half a mile away. If he sees something he doesn't like, he yells. If someone says something wrong, he yells. The key to getting to know him better if realizing that this is a compensating tool. He comes from a nation where people are viewed as a means to an end, and he wants to be heard. He may allude to not caring about his peers, but it isn't true. He just cares in a stranger way than most.

Combat Skills: He's a highly skilled fighter. With no real training other than life experience, his fighting style is just sort of all over the place. However, he is set apart from most other Talgans because he's squeamish about actually killing his opponents.

Adventuring & Survival Skills: Hailing from a land of rough terrain, he's fairly good with survival. Adventuring may be a different story. While he's good at traveling, rationing food, hunting his prey, ect, he's not good with people. Meeting people and making friends is a big part of an adventure.

Other Skills: He enjoys cooking.

Reason for traveling: Was forced to either leave his land or die in it.


Appearance: He's rather short, only reaching 5'5". However, he makes up for it with a strong build. His skin is slightly yellow hued, with white hair and golden eyes.

History: Believe it or not, Orren actually enjoyed most of his life on Talga. He felt like it well equipped him for the rough existence he calls life. He was given a decent job: an cook for one of the large military bases. He had a decent home; it was nothing fancy, but it worked. And he had a few friends that he could go to when things got difficult.

Things went downhill when his housemate, a guy he never really cared for to begin with, was found to be part of the underground peace cult. He was executed and Orren was arrested for associating with him. Orren was unsure what would happen to him; the tyrant would often have people killed just for looking suspicious. Out of sheer panic, he escaped his capture and fled. Having access to a military base, he stole a patrol boat and left for the outside world. Of course, now if he ever returned, he would be killed immediately.

He arrived in Ligura, and has traveled Kaymari. He'll probably just keep moving around until he finds a reason to stay somewhere.
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