Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scriddles
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Usagi Tsukino is just your average 14 year old girl who likes to eat, sleep, and play video games when she's not hanging out with her friends. Now preparing for high school, Usagi has to juggle even harder school work and friends as well, and this is all made even harder by the fact that Usagi has been starting to look at her peers... a lot differently than before. Like, in a romantic crush sort of way. Particularly, she's been focusing on a classmate... but there's a problem. This classmate isn't just some boy she's noticed... it's actually a girl.

Now, this sort of thing was basically unheard of in Usagi's world. A girl liking another girl? That was just silly and yet here Usagi was in her class sneaking peeks at this other girl who she thought was really pretty and smart and perfect and... wait, what was she thinking??? Usagi had to cut this thinking out before she ended up really going off the deep end with this... but how? How could she deal with this sort of thing by herself? Maybe she just needed to keep this other girl out of her mind. That would work! But no matter how hard she tried doing that, it didn't actually end up working. In fact, it might have actually made the thinking about her classmate a lot worse.

Then she tried thinking up the meanest things about this other girl to try and get herself to knock it off, but that didn't help either because she couldn't think mean things about a person whom she barely knew, much less had an apparent crush on. So in the end, Usagi felt hopeless, embarrassed, and honestly ashamed about what she was feeling. There was no getting rid of it, it seemed. Usagi was just doomed to be the weird girl who happened to like other girls and that was just how it was going to have to be... unless she grew out of it, but that seemed like it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

At some point, though, Usagi thought that maybe she had come up with another solution to this problem. It seemed that avoidance tactics weren't working so maybe trying to be friends with this other girl might help her out a bit. Yeah, because if she was friends with her, then maybe this crush would go away and she would be content with just being friends. What an excellent idea, and she had thought of it all on her own. Usagi felt so smart for doing that.

So, during lunchtime on one particular day, Usagi decided to use some of her courage to take her lunch tray and approach her classmate's table with it. With her heart beating at what felt like a thousand miles an hour, Usagi asked the girl,"P-Pardon me but is this seat taken?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atsat
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Atsat A Little Clueless

Member Seen 3 days ago

To Ayano it was more of the same, throughout the familiar cafeteria all she could spot were the same faces she had seen everyday, eating the same old food, chatting away with the same friends. Looking down she poked away at her typical fare, a packed lunch of a variety of sandwiches from home, come to think of it wasn't she a bit hypocritical by having the same thing for lunch? Not that it would matter though because everything else was all... stagnant, but such was life she supposed. Never changing, always the same. It was on that particular day however that something different reared it's head for the first time.

Ayano looked up blonde haired girl not exactly sure what to make of such a request at first, although after a second Ayano gave a shrug. "No it isn't, feel free to sit." Already this newcomer had caught her attention which was a good start all things considered, however for the life of her she just couldn't quite figure out what Usagi of all girls wanted to do with her. Now, Ayano was a tiny bit familiar with this student, Usagi, which was just from the rumors she had heard and whatever personal observations she had made. To give credit where it was due, she was willing to admit that compared to every other girl in the school, Usagi was probably among the most interesting.

Assuming the other girl took a seat, Ayano continued to observe Usagi's movements. "So... uh, I think we're in the same class, right?" She eventually tested the waters with a simple question, plus she was lost as to anything else she could say to be honest.
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