Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Raven blinked at what Eliezer said about him not being their favorite prince and soon started to laugh a bit for that was a bit funny. “Ok that was kinda funny Eliezer.” She said with a smile and followed him out as he was leaving. “Stay safe Eliezer and good luck out in Sorene and the conference.” She said to him before he left. Once he was out of view though her smile faded and she walked back into her home and closed the door not wanting to deal with the villagers.

“Well looks like I was right and do not say it sis I will follow him to Sorene and keep an eye on him along with sending reports.” He said to his sister and she looked at him.

“I just want him safe mainly I mean this is just something I have to accept he is crown prince and he will have to travel to other kingdoms along with other things its just I guess...” Raven said sighed a bit.

“It is an adjustment Raven I mean you did make the choice to love a prince instead of killing him so it is all different from what we go through in life and what he goes through.” Andy explained and Raven knew that well.

“I know I just hope I can well keep up for I know some are not really going to accept us and two I am still not sure how he truly feels about me.” Raven said to him.

“Well you said so yourself Eliezer is acting like the stories of your father that your mother told you about how he did not know what love really was and your mother basically had to teach him and they fell in love.” Andy explained to his sister.

“That was my mother and father my father was just a middle class noble, at least from I can tell my parents never really told me what class he belonged too, and Eliezer is a prince with certain obligations to follow along with I doubt he will do what my father did meaning give up the life he has know all his life and run off with me to start over as a commoner.” Raven sad to Andy as she took the moon flowers and placed them in a vase.

“Raven he does not have to do the same thing as your father he can fall in love with you and convince those idiots that he made the right choice in picking you I mean Raven you are smart you know what this kingdom need, wants, and how to help it Ike right now even though it is a lot you take in orphans and give them a better life, you helped stopped crime thanks to our assassin ways, and you actually fund a way to show the prince how life has been outside of the palace you do have what it takes to rule by his side and to help him not be a doll.” Andy said to Raven and place his hand on her shoulder. “You just have to keep faith and just keep showing him the way.” He said and Raven looked at him and smiled a bit.

“Thanks bro you seem to know what to say to cheer me up.” She said and Andy smiled glad to make his assassin sister happy again.

The next day though Andy was up and in his assassin gear watching the carriage from his hiding spot and waiting for Eliezer to come out so he could follow and keep his safe from any danger and harm.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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By late morning, the royal convoy was set to leave the palace. It consisted of three caravans - a main one with two smaller ones behind and in front of it. Each was driven by two guards, and more flanked either side of each caravan on their own individual horses with a couple more guards trailing behind the convoy. Mathazar and a few other servants of the palace were present to see the crown prince off, and the younger prince pulled his brother into a firm embrace as the latter was about to leave.

"Have a safe journey, Eliezer. I shall do my very best in standing in for you during your absence."

"I trust nobody else to do so. Farewell, brother," Eliezer responded, before stepping into the caravan.

Following behind the crown prince was Sir Aldebrand Ward, a loyal knight of Dainia and Eliezer's personal guard during the journey. He addressed Mathazar with a "Your Highness," before stepping on board and shutting the caravan door.

As the convoy took off, Mathazar went back inside and up to a private room where Robynne was working. "So, my lady, I assume you have a little surprise planned for my brother this day?"

Robynne stopped her work and walked up to him with a smirk, briefly pulling a red carnival mask from her pocket to let him see it before hiding it back in. "But of course, Your Highness. The 'Red Robin' has assigned the task of the crown prince's assassination to the perfect group down at Gloomvale Tavern. If it all goes well, nobody in that convoy will be returning alive."

The first few hours of the journey were uneventful, with the convoy moving along the dirt road past rivers, farms, plains, and rock formations at a consistent speed. Words exchanged among the guards riding aside Eliezer's caravan could be heard on occasion, while the prince himself struck a conversation up with his personal guard every now and then. However, most of the trip was spent gazing out his window, taking in the sights between the two kingdoms.

It was near evening when the convoy came to a small forested area that it had to travel through. The entire group slowed down and continued on past the trees, now with less Sun to light their path which had also gotten narrower. Suddenly, several spinning knives shot out from the thick leaves on both sides of the path and hit majority of the guards who were driving the caravans precisely in their necks, killing them on the spot. A rain of flaming arrows then followed and pierced the sides of the caravans, setting the vehicles on fire. The flames frightened the horses in the convoy and a few of them started to rear up, throwing their riders off. That was when two groups in black with masks on emerged from the forest on either side and engaged the remaining guards in combat.

Inside, Aldebrand and Eliezer immediately picked up on the commotion. First came the startled cries of a few of the guards before a flaming arrow was shot halfway through the wall of their vehicle, nearly hitting the prince. Aldebrand swiftly pulled Eliezer away from the side of the caravan while closely avoiding the arrows that came through the other side. Smoke could be smelled and seen through the windows, and knowing that the vehicle was on fire, the knight kicked the door open and quickly ushered the prince out while shielding him. However, multiple enemies caught sight of Eliezer and rushed to attack them.

Aldebrand pushed Eliezer away and attempted to hold the attackers off. "You have to leave this place, Your Highness!"

Eliezer could tell that the knight was not going to win, but he knew better than to argue at such a time. He was the one that everyone else was fighting to protect. He caught a glimpse of Aldebrand's throat getting sliced right before he turned to escape off the path, but there was no time to process what he had just seen. Unfortunately, the prince had not gotten very far from the chaos when he was intercepted by a couple more assassins. Eliezer instinctively reached for the grip of the sword at his waist, drawing it from its sheath. The assassins looked at the prince's gleaming rapier and one of them laughed.

"I see that you wish to make this difficult, Your Highness. No matter, you shall still die today!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Andy stayed close following the convoy and was able to hitch a ride under the princes ride when his legs got tired and also when they made their rest stop for the horses. He really wished he was not alone but Knew Raven had to be dealing with their old master getting the children out of the kingdom. But he just mainly hopped he will not be to outnumbered.

WHen night time came Andy was tired but stying alert and what caught him off guard was the sounds or screams and the horses acting up. He peeked out and saw the men was killed and thanks to his trained eyes he saw it was a large group of people. ”Crap now I really wish I was not alone ok Andy your main focus is Eliezer for if he dies Raven kills me.” He thought and sent a counter attack by sending knives at the ones that were close enough and soon made his way out from under the carriage and started to attack the other assassin and heard the door and saw Eliezer flee while his guard got killed. “Oh come one.” HE said and ran after the prince but dealing with a few assassin getting in his path injuring him in the process. Andy though did now slow down and just killed the fools that got in his way.

He heard the words of the two assassin said and quickly threw his knives hitting on of them and getting in between the prince and the foe before him. “If I were you I stand down now fool for I promise She will be angered and be after your blood.” He said while his face was concealing his face from both Eliezer and the foe before him.

“ANd who might she be?’ He asked as he laughed and Andy narrowed his eyes.

“The Moon Raven Assassin.....” he said and he could see the mans face pale.
“He is under her protection and if she finds one scratch on him she will be out for blood.” He said saying Ravens assassin name for she is very feared by many other assassins due to her skills and her cold hearted ways of killing those with no mercy or second chances.

“You are bluffing she hates the royal family as much as we do she be happy that this prince will die.” The man said and Andy stayed between the two but keeping his senses up for he knew there were more still.

“DO you really want to risk that logic for I even though you fools are hiding your faces I know were to find you after all you all love the Gloomsvale tavern right.” Andy said with a smirk making the man pale even more. “Lay one hand on him and I will tell her where to find you even if you run she will find you and the other none of you will ever feel safe ever again.” He said in a dark voice. “Now if I were all of you scram.” He siad and soon they all fled and he sighed turning to Eliezer.

“Come on you are going back to Dainia so you can send a message to Sorene to let them know what happen to you and it is not safe if the Moon Raven was with you I say you can continue but even with me I am already injured by some of those fools.” HE explained to Eliezer as he went and got the horses from the carriage and walked over with them. “Hope you can ride bare back the sooner we get back the better.” He said to him as he hopped onto the horse and waited for Eliezer to get onto his horse and head back to Dainia.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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With the assassins in front of him gone, Eliezer finally had a moment to let it all sink in. The convoy had been ambushed, his personal knight was dead, and who was this masked stranger who had come to his aid? The man mentioned a 'Moon Raven', and it was rather clear from the name whom it was who had sent him. The prince thanked her in his mind, before backing up against a tree for support and taking a few deep breaths as he sheathed his sword. Even with all his experience with blocking out his emotions his entire life, the trauma that Eliezer currently felt was visible, at least for a short while. Hearing the stranger speak to him, he composed himself and responded to the man.

"I am grateful for your help, although I am unsure if you are aware of the distance of Dainia from this place. Riding back would be just as dangerous as riding forward, Mister... How may I address you?"

However, right after he had asked that question, the sound of galloping horses rapidly approached them from across the path accompanied by shouts of "Your Highness!", as two knights sped around the still-burning caravans. One of them was about to leap at the stranger before Eliezer stopped them both from attacking.

"Halt!" The prince snapped, prompting the knights to pull on the reins of their horses and skid to a stop. Both dismounted their horses as Eliezer continued. "This one is a friend. I am relieved to see survivors from our convoy, pray identify yourselves."

The knights removed their helmets and spoke.

"Dame Gertrude Monday, Your Highness."

"Sir Hildebrand Ward, Your Highness."

Noting the family name of the young male knight, Eliezer turned to him. "You were a relative of Sir Aldebrand?"

"H- He... was my brother, Your Highness," Hildebrand responded, the grief and rage apparent on his face as he fought to keep himself together. He then held out a blood-stained dagger with the crest of Lunar engraved into it. "The ones who attacked us, they were Lunarian assassins."

Eliezer nodded respectfully. "My deepest condolences, Sir Hildebrand."

"Your Highness, your orders?" Asked Gertrude.

The prince looked to the masked man. "My soldiers have died after taking me this far, I cannot let that go to waste by turning around now, and with the same risk as if I were to continue on to Sorene. The Kingdom of Sorene is our ally, and I shall be able to seek aid once I arrive. You have also informed me that you are injured. You are in no condition to protect anyone, so please return to Dainia without me. I thank you once again for your help, kind stranger. You may inform Lady O- the Moon Raven of what has taken place here, and that she shall hear from me soon."

Eliezer then addressed his knights. "Dame Gertrude shall ride forward with me to Sorene. Sir Hildebrand shall ride back to Dainia with this gentleman. Inform the royal family of what has happened, Sir Hildebrand, as well as your own. Tell them that your brother's death was an honorable one, that he was killed... protecting his prince."

The male knight then spoke up. "If I may, Your Highness. I wish to be the one to accompany you. My brother defended you with his life. It would mean a lot to me if I could finish what he was to do - to get you safely to Sorene. As he did, I shall die before I let any harm come to you. If you would allow this, I will send a letter to my family instead."

After what Aldebrand had done for him, Eliezer decided that he could not refuse his brother's request. "Very well, Dame Gertrude will ride back to Dainia instead. Have a safe journey, Dame Gertrude, and you too, stranger."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Andy just sighed and watched the whole ordeal go down between the prince and the knights and he was a bit like Raven in a sense both quit stubborn on certain details. “Well sorry Princy Boy I am going no where the Moon Raven sent me to watch and protect you through the whole trip until you return to Dainia safely for if I do not do so she will have my head literally.” HE explained to the prince and looked at the guards before getting off the horse he mounted and walked over to the knight of the dead brother. “If you want to send a letter to your family I know some people in Sorene who can deliver it fast and I am sorry for your brother.” Andy said to him.

“I was trying to rush to both him and the prince to help but I unfortunately did not make it in time but be proud he was a true warrior and I see a true warrior growing in you wanting to finish what your brother started takes great courage that will lead to make you a grand knight in all the kingdom.” Andy said to him something he had actually learned from Raven when she meet other assassin who needed hep or with the family they created with each other....no the family she had created once she arrived to Dainia after the slaughter of her family.

He then walked back to the horse and mounted it again. “Come on the sooner you both get to Sorene the better for if those goones return back to Dainia I am sure the one who hired them will not be pleased and send a new wave as soon as possible.” He said to them for he also wanted to get there and get some of his wounds treated. Once they were all set to leave they would set off to Sorene.


Once night time had arrived a large coach arrived in front of RAvens home and she opened the door and smiled. “Hello master it has been to long.” SHe said to a man that looked old but still could take out any one the gets in his path.

“Indeed my little Moon Raven I am here to pick the children up I do apologize about the delay a mission I was on took longer then expected.” He explained as Raven got the children’s things onto the coach.

“It is alright, now then I already talked to Andrew that is living in Kovaia and he along with his wife are willing to take them in and find them good homes of if the get to old to help them find proper work.” SHe explained to her master so the children would not be a burden on her old master.

“AS normal you thought everything out except with what happen with this target.” Her master said and she stopped and looked down.

“Honestly Master I know the code and I was heartless faking it but something in me well just started to feel whole again when I am with the prince while the second one I am starting to see his true colors and I just see another version of the king who took my parents form me where Eliezer I do not see that sure he acts like a doll but I see a kind man that truly cares for this kingdom Nd the ones outside also.” She finished explaining and her master ruffled her hair.

“I may have trained you to be a killer but I also trained you to kill for the right reasons not just for those with personal gain.....I am proud of you Raven you have grown to be a fine assassin but also a fine young woman.” He said with a smile and Raven smiled back.

“Well lets get these kids on board and get you out of here the sooner they are out fo Dainia then better for their protection.” She plainer and her master nodded. They both rallied the kids up and started to get them in the carriage while some clamped themselves onto Raven not wanting to leave and Raven did cry a bit but hugged them all good bye and watched her master take them Aya from here to a place where she hope they would find a home and better lives.

ONce it was all done she walked back in her home and noticed already how quiet it was with the kids gone. “Wow its....to quiet now how funny.” She said laughing with tears forming and streaming down her face.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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From the way the stranger had addressed Eliezer, the prince had a rather good idea of who was behind the mask, but he was not going to make an outright assumption. "So be it. You will ride with us to Sorene, though, you must have a name that you go by, lest you have us referring to you as 'the Moon Raven's lackey' during our time together."

As Eliezer and Hildebrand got onto their horses, the knight asked the prince a question. "Your Highness, who is this 'Moon Raven'?"

"She is... an ally," Eliezer responded.

"To the crown?"

The prince shook his head. "Only to me."

The answer just confused Hildebrand even more, but the knight decided to stop prodding. The three road swiftly out of the forest and along the path to Sorene through the night, and arrived at their destination at the break of dawn. The guards at the gates of Sorene recognized the crown prince of Dainia, and seeing the condition that he and his companions were in, immediately ushered the young men through and alerted the staff of Sorene Palace. Eliezer had a chance to report their encounter with the Lunarian assassins to the authorities, who then informed the guards at the border to look out for such people. They had their wounds treated, and were given accommodation so they could rest. While Eliezer attended to some matters, both Andy and Hildebrand were free to wander around the district of Sorene that they been brought to, or stay in their given quarters.

As the Sun rose over the Kingdom of Dainia, a lone knight entering the kingdom dashed straight to the palace and through its gates on horseback, startling the surrounding guards and servants. The guards were about to attack, but fortunately stopped in time when they saw that she bore the Dainian crest. The disturbance outside attracted the attention of the other prince still at the palace, who emerged from the entrance to see what the commotion was about.

Upon seeing Mathazar, Gertrude immediately strode up to him and spoke. "Dame Gertrude Monday returning by order of the crown prince to report an unfortunate incident that has befallen the convoy on the way to Sorene, Your Highness. The convoy was ambushed by Lunarian assassins, and the only survivors of the attack are myself, one other knight, and His Highness Prince Eliezer."

She presented a Lunarian dagger to the prince, who, while examining it, stayed silent for a moment. So, despite the efforts of the Red Robin, his brother had still managed to make it out alive. "Where is the crown prince currently?"

"He has continued on to Sorene with the other knight and a masked stranger who protected him during the attack, Your Highness."

"A masked stranger, you say?"

"Yes, Your Highness, if it was not for him, Prince Eliezer might not have survived the ambush."

"Interesting..." Mathazar looked up at the knight from the dagger in his hands. "Thank you for the report, Dame Gertrude, you must be exhausted. You are dismissed for the rest of the day, please take a good rest."

When night fell, the Red Robin was in a private section of Gloomvale Tavern, pacing back and forth across a table from the survivors of the group that had carried out the ambush in the forest the day before. Although hooded with the red mask hiding her face, the young woman was clearly frustrated. There was a moment of tense silence before she finally spoke up.

"Three, three survivors out of the entire convoy... and one of them had to be your target. Would any lady or gentleman here be willing to explain how that happened?"

Silence ensued once again, with the group of assassins glancing at one another before one finally broke it. "There was hesitation to take the prince out after learning that he is under the protection of the Moon Raven, Miss."

The Red Robin slammed the tip of the Lunarian dagger given to her by Mathazar into the wooden table. "You don't work for the Moon Raven, you work for me!"

The group before her flinched, but one of them had to point something out to her. "If we do manage to successfully assassinate the crown prince, you will be in danger if she finds out that we work for you, and she will find out."

She released the dagger with a smirk, leaving it standing in the wood. "Are you all that afraid of the Moon Raven? Because, we shall revisit the assassination of Prince Eliezer in due time. Our next goal, is the abduction of this feared assassin."

The Red Robin now had knowledge of Raven's location, and had been spying on her the night before when she had passed the children under her care to an unknown elderly man she had referred to as 'master'. Also, from what she had been told, Raven's companion was currently with the crown prince in Sorene. It would be safe to assume that she was alone, and the perfect time to strike would be within the next few days. Of course, with the unexpected failure of the first job, they would take extra precautions for this one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Andy looked at the prince and sighed. “I go by Night Owl but you can call me Night or owl what ever works for you.” He said to him before following the two to Sorene and was glad to not have to wait long to enter the kingdom and was glad they were all safe for he was not letting his assassin sister kill him if something happens to Eliezer. While ELiezer was busy doing his thing Andy had got his injuries taken care off he went off and watched the crown prince from afar just in case. But kept his distant to were he was not noticed not wanting the Sorene kingdom get uncomfortable and think he was going to betray them.

“Well this is going to be one very long week it would be nice if they can get this over with so we can go home and I can go to the Tavern an have. A belt after this crazy mission my sister owes me that at least.” He said as he watched the young prince. But the other thing he did was send a letter to his sister letting him know she was right to send him to keep Eliezer safe but warned her to keep her guard up.


Back in Dainia Raven was adjusting to no longer having the children under her care but sh had a strange feeling she was being watched and she did not like it at all. So decided that she was going to change her routine everyday which meant she will not b able to patrol that much but still had ways to get information.

Soon an old friend of Andy’s and Ravens appeared delivering the letter and Raven read it and growled. “So Mathazar I was right but how did he get those men from the Tavern to do this for he would not dare risk to go back after that one time and me basically turning my back and having Eliezer under m protection from all assassins.” She said to herself for she was very strong, fast and also very knowledgeable. “Hmmmm I do not trust that Robyn girl at all which means...” She groaned for she did not want to deal with this but she was going to have to talk to Allister.

Thankfully her and Andys friend was still around and she gave him a letter to deliver to Allister and a few to their assassin siblings to come to Dainia for she was going to need their aid.


Allister was lucky to hear what had happened when the morning came that the Eliezer was safe and knew Raven had something to do with this. “Man yesterday was to eventful finding out the crown prince was almost assassinated thankfully he was protected.” He was in his office doing his normal paper work when he found a letter on his desk and looked and saw the window had been open for he heard nothing while he was looking at his bookshelf finding a certain book on their food budgets, clothing budget, who has been sick, who needs to be paid and so on.

Allister opened the letter and read it silently but was shocked it was from Raven.

Forgive me I do not know who to turn to right now and since you know my secret and I do not trust Robyn the red headed female maid that Eliezer brought to visit me before he left to Sorene. Something about her just gives me a bad feeling. But after he left and I got the orphan children sent off with my Assassin master to another kingdom for safety I have felt like I am being watched. So I wish to speak with you privately and where we can not be followed so come to this address by going to the orphanage I run and taking the secret tunnel that only me and my siblings know about....it was used for quick get always in the past. And you can only get there through the orphanage no where else. Allister please come I may dislike you but I at least trust you over the red head.

From Raven.

Burn this letter after you read it and memorize my instructions I will be waiting tonight.

Allister finished reading and narrowed his eyes a bit and thought. ”Hmmm Robyn that girl I never understood here according to her background she is in the middle class and her family was pretty well off but yet chose to come and work as a maid in the palace.”

Allister pondered this and soon burned the letter not wanting anyone to find it and risk things for he decided he was going to go visit her but has to make sure to keep Miss Robyn busy. Soon made a long chore list for RObyn to do since he was planning on punishing her for he noticed she was slacking off more then normal. Once done he gave it to one of the maids. “Deliver this to Miss Robyn and tell her I want this list done no matter what and its her punishment for slacking on the job so she is to have no help and Mathazar, king and queen can not over rule since thy gave me all power over the staff.” He said as the maid saw the list and can tell for her to do this alone would take her all day and all night to finish.

“Yes sir.” The maid said as she went to give the list to Robyn while he waited for the night to fall once again to meet miss Raven as she waited for the same with Allister and for the Arrival of her siblings.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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The moment Robynne received the instructions, she knew that she had to be even more wary of Allister. Even if a servant was found to be incompetent, such a decision made by him would be a hasty one, one he would make with an ulterior motive. He had no reason to suspect her of anything, unless he had spies of his own. Regardless, it was apparent that he had an eye on her. She just had to lie low for the next couple of days so that he could not confirm any suspicions he might have, and if he would continue not to leave her be, she knew that she could take it up to the royal family.

Allister might have authority over the servants at the palace, but the members of the royal family were the ones who decided on who took that position. She was certain that Mathazar would have a word with the butler if she were to lodge a report against him. In addition, she was well liked among the other servants, who would definitely vouch for her if necessary. She did not have to leave the palace this night, for she had already instructed some spies to keep watch at the orphanage.

After getting treated followed by some rest, Eliezer had noted that the Night Owl had vanished, and hoped that he was behaving in this foreign state. The Sorene authorities were immensely supportive of Dainia's crown prince, always taking into account the hard time he and his companions had on the way. Hildebrand was by his prince's side for the most part, accompanying him to all official meetings. It was night when Eliezer had just finished speaking to a couple of Sorene nobles in the private lounge that the Dainian group was allocated, and when they had left, the prince poured two glasses of wine and turned to his knight, who was standing by his seat.

"You have been diligent the whole of today, Sir Hildebrand. Take a seat and join me for a drink," Eliezer said, gesturing to one of the empty chairs at the table.

Hildebrand was surprised. "Me, Your Highness? I appreciate the invitation, but I... really should not."

"The Sorene soldiers are alert, Sir Hildebrand. I do believe that you can afford a rest."

The knight nodded, awkwardly sliding into one of the seats. His mind raced for a moment as he took a sip of wine, wondering if there was something he should say. Not everybody had a chance to have a drink with the crown prince of Dainia, after all. Thankfully, Eliezer spoke up first.

"I would just like to say, Sir Hildebrand, that I am extremely grateful for your company. What had happened must have been hard for you, and despite your loss, you still chose to take up this duty. When you finally do see your family again, let them know that the crown prince extends his condolences to them as well."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I hope that my letter has already reached them."

Letter? The mention of it jolted Eliezer's memory. He had promised to write to Raven once he had arrived in Sorene, but he had been too busy to remember. He decided that he would do it right after this. The two men sat in silence for quite some time, before the knight brought another topic up.

"You really trust this, Night Owl, Your Highness?"

"I do not have a reason not to, the man saved my life. I can only hope that he does not have any intention to come with us to Sorene, other than what he had said."

"Still, I cannot help but wonder of his whereabouts at this current moment."

"If he were here, I would have invited him to join us."

A messenger from Sorene would arrive at the orphanage in the morning with a letter bearing the familiar royal seal. It would be handed to Raven, and the following message would be read upon opening it:

My dearest Raven,

I trust that you and the orphans under your care are doing well. I have arrived in Sorene, but not without difficulty. I am unsure if you have already been informed of the attack on my convoy on the way to Sorene. Only a few of us have survived the ambush, and I would like to express my gratitude to you for sending the Night Owl after us. I might not be alive if it was not for him. He is currently not right by us, but as you have trusted him to be in our company here in Sorene, so shall I. I assure you that we are well taken care of, as we shall be under the protection of the Sorene authorities until we return to Dainia. Until we meet again, my lady.

Best regards,
Eliezer of Dainia
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Allister soon got ready for his leave for the night and he locked his office up for the night and placed his cloak on and made it way out of the palace and to the orphanage but as he walked he felt eyes on him and vanished for a second and knocked kicked the idiots. “Lunar assassins fools your loyalty is with Lunar and I a m from Lunar I serve the king and I am looking for his missing grand daughter so who ever hired you fools you tell them nothing do I make myself clear for if you harm Raven you become enemies of Lunar now get lost.” He said as the spies ran off. “ANd if you tell I will kill you both.” Allister said and once they were gone he went back to the orphanage. “Someone is watching her what are you planning Mathazar for if you lan to harm Raven you and I are going to end up killing each other.” He said and entered Ravens home and went through the secret passage where he spoked to Raven and her few siblings that had returned to help watch her an keep an eye on the kingdom.
Andy was in his hiding spot watching Eliezer talking to some nobles and stretched as he watched the person leave and seeing Eliezer and the knight now alone. He was glad that the place was high guarded he was just more concerned about when they returned to Dainia.

He watched the two talk but also heard his assassin name come from the knight and understood for he was an assassin and why trust a person trained to kill and was their own boss.....well more like Raven is their boss with how she takes charge. But when they were wondering where he was and he could use a drink she got up and jumped down from his hiding spot in the chair in front of the two. “Hey princy boy and mr. Knight heard my name and thought I drop by and take your offer on the drink.” He smirked.

“Man Eliezer are all your meetings suppose to be that boring I swear Moon Raven owes me big this time though hope she is ok back home.” Andy said for he knew how Raven can get when she is alone especially now Raven had shipped the orphans off for safety reasons.

He noticed that Eliezer’s knight was staring him down. “Got something on your mind knight boy.” Andy said to him as he swiped the bottle and poured into a cup he had and drank it.

“How can we trust you and this Moon Raven for all I know you could be tricking Eliezer and why is she not here if she is a so call Allie to Prince Eliezer or if its a trap to harm him you both after all are heartless killers that do not care and she could be just out for blood.” Hildebrand said but soon froze when something wiped past his face and on the wall past him was a small dagger.

“Do not talk bad about my assassin sister if it was not for her me and the other would be dead when we were little for we were all orphans that no one gave a crap about.” Andy said mad.

“We had all given up on life for many people would shun us and threaten to kill us if we try to steal or anything so we all starved and suffered from illnesses and other problems until she came into the village after losing everything, her home, her possession and most importantly she lost her parents and when he got to our villages and dealt what we dealt with she did not give up she told us we have a right to be in this world even if other did not see that.” Andy said as he tighten his grip on his cup.

“She was the first that started stealing food for us and she would not eat until the rest of us were fed and some days there was no food for her but she always just smiled and said not to worry after that I started going with her and saw how she stole she was quick, fast, and quiet and I started doing he same and started to bring more food and soon we all learned from her and started to steal and mind you we knew it was wrong but we did what we could to survive in a place where no one cared about us and just basically tell us t go die.” Andy explained.

“But Moon Raven was not going to die she was not going to listen she is basically our leader and soon we found our master she stole form him and she was able to outrun him a very well known assassin and he was very impressed and wanted to take her in to train but she said no I won’t go unless my siblings come and trust me he did not like that but in the end she won and we all got trained started making a living and went our separate way while me and Moon stayed in the village and she started the orphanage giving kids a chance that was not given to us originally but because of her we are all survived because she did not give up the fight for survival.” Andy finished and finished his drink. “Have a good night you two.” Andy said and disappeared once again into the shadows. He really hated when those tall Ill about his sister when she was the reason why he was even alive an found purpose in this wold once again.

Raven stretched after having her talk with Allister and him saying he will keep his eye out on Mathazar and Robyn at the palace while her siblings will stick around but hid in the shadows gaining information and also keeping her safe.

But she was happy to receive a letter from Eliezer and mile but was shocked he knew it was her but groaned thinking that the idiot gave out her assassin name and it would be so easy for him to know it was her. But when she read he was not right by them she laughed. “Eliezer he is always watching he just wants to not make the people of Sorene uncomfortably so he must be watching in the shadows.” She said to herself and hope this week would go by fast so she can see him again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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The Night Owl had vanished before Eliezer could respond, but him finally revealing his face and his mention of the orphanage confirmed that he was indeed Raven's close companion back in Dainia. The prince finished his drink and turned to his knight, only to nonchalantly make a statement.

"I believe you may have upset the gentleman, Sir Hildebrand."

The knight scoffed, getting up from his seat and walking over to where the dagger was stuck in the wall, before yanking it out. "Gentleman indeed. I know that he has not had the easiest life, Your Highness, far from it, but that does not change the fact that he is still an impolite, unrefined ruffian with no respect for you or the property of our host. I sincerely doubt that Sorene shall continue to be as hospitable if he goes around damaging walls, or worse. I am aware that you trust him and that you do not wish to constantly keep track of his whereabouts, Your Highness, but as he is here with us, he is still a guest of Sorene and our responsibility."

"His mannerisms are understandable, Sir Hildebrand. He does not know our ways," Eliezer replied, standing himself. "We are here due to my business. Therefore, the both of you are my responsibility. I greatly appreciate your concern, but pray do not fret over these things."

Hildebrand made his way back to Eliezer, presenting the Night Owl's dagger to him. "As you wish, Your Highness. We might not have a chance to return this to the Night Owl until we are set to leave Sorene. You could probably do with an additional weapon in the meantime."

Eliezer hesitantly took the dagger, but he wished to offer his knight a chance to keep it. "Perhaps it would be of better use in the hands of one who is more skilled with it. I have never trained with this weapon before."

Hildebrand did not take the dagger back, but only smirked. "You stick them with the pointy end, Your Highness. Have a good rest tonight."

A couple of days had passed with Robynne lying low at the palace. When the servants were released for the night, the Red Robin appeared once again, this time at the alleyway behind Gloomvale Tavern. However, while she had sent four to spy on the Moon Raven, only two had returned to meet her. She, of course, immediately requested an explanation for this.

"We have learned something of great value from the palace butler, Miss, and our companions were going to betray you with such information by passing it on to whoever was still loyal to Lunar, so we disposed of them immediately."

The palace butler? What was Allister doing near the orphanage? So, she was right, Allister really was up to something. "Well, let's hear this information."

The spies stepped in closer and whispered. "It would seem from his words, that the Moon Raven is the missing heir to Lunar's throne."

The Red Robin let out a gasp. "The butler just volunteered such information to you?"

"Not directly, but it was heavily implied. He said that the Moon Raven was under his protection."

She only chuckled. "That old fool! You have done well, take this and leave."

The Red Robin tossed them a coin bag each before watching them disappear into the night, knowing that although majority of the patrons were loyal to Lunar, there were still a handful whose allegiances were to no one, and would do anything just to get their hands on some coin.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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The next few days Andy had started out of sight not wanting to deal with the idiot for a knight and also not make the people of Sorene feel uncomfortable with him around thinking that Eliezer could betray them but he was only there to protect him for Ravens sake.

He was just watching another dull meeting that he believed was a waste of time for he could tell that this ma was just trying to get more from the kingdom of Dainia but what did he know he was not into this politics stuff like Raven was for she was the one that saw most of the flaws and loopholes that gave her advantages most of the time.

“Man I just want this to end and to go some peace and quiet for a while and I will be drinking for the next few days.” He said as he rested and watched from the shadow .


Raven spent the next couple days with one or the other of her many siblings that had returned to help her out when needed to but try to key their eyes out for any danger. Raven was glad to speak with Allister at least and how he will keep an eye on things in the palace but she was still worried about Eliezer for she knew Mathazar found out that he was not dead thanks to her thinking. But she was still worried about his trip back from Sorene for she wanted him to return safely.

She was in the market place working on some shopping and to her it felt weird she was basically still buying the same amount of food she did when she had the orphans but she was not feeding them since she sent them off she was feeding her siblings. “Man you think they would help me with the ingredients or the cooking since I am letting them stay in my home.” She said a bit annoyed as she did her shopping for she was mainly trying to distract herself about a lot mainly her fear of Eliezer staying safe.


Allister was busy with his normal paperwork in his office with signing things that needed to be signed looking over who needed day offs, who are wanting to have certain days off and things that need to be ordered to be brought to the palace. His normal long schedule that always kept him busy along with the king needed his presence, getting letters out and so much more. Allister had not assigned extra chores to Robyn for a while for he got the feeling she has Allister on her side and he did not like it at all.

AS he was busy going over the pay of the month for the staff a hawk came in with a message attached. HE took it off and recognized the royal seal of Lunar and opened it to read it. He was shocked for it read that His highness was coming to Dainia to get his granddaughter before the king of this kingdom find out and wort off he can not stop the king for the letter stated that by the time he would get the letter he would have already started the journey to Dainia.

Dainia was a week long journey and Eliezer was due to return in next day or two. “Oh boy this is not going to be easy at all I have to keep Raven safe until he arrive an protect the king this is going to be hard.” He said to himself and sent the hawk off and hid the letter in the inside of his jacket pocket.And wet back to getting the next staff member assasins to come in to get their pay for the month.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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"You have heard the proof yourselves. It matters not how dangerous she might be, your esteemed Moon Raven is no longer your ally. By protecting a member of the Dainian royal family, she has betrayed you and your kingdom. Do what you will with this newfound information."

The words of the Red Robin echoed in the minds of the Lunarian assassins she had recruited for the convoy attack as they cautiously made their way towards the orphanage to carry out an organized attack on Raven and her companions. Thanks to the information provided by the Red Robin's spies, they knew that they were in for quite a battle as she was no longer alone. It was the middle of the night, and if anyone inside the establishment were to be on watch and spot the attackers as they approached, they were in for an unexpected occurrence right before both parties would engage each other. However, if all inside were asleep, the sounds of said occurrence would likely wake them.

Just as the group of Lunarian assassins were about to break in, they were intercepted by Dainian troops. A short scuffle took place around the orphanage before the soldiers managed to restrain the aggressors and take them away. A couple of guards lingered to search for any remaining assassins that might still be hiding, and then checked the orphanage to ensure that all was well before leaving.

Back at the palace, the soldiers reported the incident to Mathazar, who had his maid by his side. The prince dismissed them and waited until they were out of the room before angrily turning to Robynne.

"Tell me this is not your doing!"

Robynne gave him a hurt and confused gaze. "I- I don't understand, my prince. I thought you wanted the Moon Raven either captured or dead."

"By having a scrimmage break out in the village while Dainia is left under my supervision?"

"This is your brother's doing, not yours, Your Highness. If the people find out that this happened because Prince Eliezer is fraternizing with a Lunarian assassin, it would be his reputation that would be tarnished and not yours."

"Unlike the diligent and honest people of the village, the scum of Gloomvale do not have the respect of those from other districts. My brother is greatly admired by our people, and nobody would doubt his integrity just because of the words of some Gloomvale rogues."

Robynne started to wear her most guilty-looking face. "Forgive me for not thinking in such a way, Your Highness, but just know that everything that I have done, I have done for you, and shall continue to do so."

Mathazer knew better to be taken in by her act, but he decided to play along regardless. "But of course, my sweet lady. Fret not, as you have mentioned ruining the reputation of Prince Eliezer, it has occurred to me that we still have that option. However, we shall have to wait for my dear brother to return to carry such a plan out."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Raven was not in the orphanage but on top of it and was watching the idiots from the tavern make their way to her old home. Her siblings were all waiting in the shadows ready to strike. But she watched how the guards came and took them away.

“How odd.” Raven said as her sister Amy also known as Scarlet Rose walked up. “Hmmm let me guess you think Mathazar did not plan this.” She asked her sister while she took her scarlet rose mask off.

“YEs dear sister I think that red head maid planned this and she did not discuss it with the second prince.” She said as her brothers came up. “So to safe to say he is mad.”

“But why I would think this would ruin Eliezer’s reputation?” One of her brother asked and Raven turned to look at him.

“Yes but not as simple Eliezer is truly admired in the kingdom especially in the village so who would the people believe ruffians from the tavern that have only caused trouble over a prince who has done nothing but cared.” Raven explained and the all thought and it made sense. “But we should still be an guard.” Raven said as her siblings all nodded.

“Oh before I forget Master wrote to us he got all the children dropped off and is heading back to help out.” Amy said to Raven and she looked at her.

“That good we can use masters help.” She said as she stood. “Come on lets get some sleep I doubt we will see anything else for the rest of the night.” She said to them as they all went off to get some sleep.


When the day finally came for ELiezer to return and Amy was doing Ravens hair. “Amy why must you do this you know I hate these kind of things.” Raven said and Amy sighed.

‘Which is why I am doing it Eliezer is returning today and I think you should at least look a little nicer for when he returns and your hair is full of knots again if your brushed it everyday this would not happen.” Amy said for it was different how they interacted when she first meet Eliezer but after finding out Raven was being targeted she wanted to protect her sister for if it wasn’t for her they all would have died on the streets.

“Now come on lets at least make you a bit cuter for when he returns and I promise no make up I know you really hate that stuff and you do not really need it anyways.” Amy said as she got her hair done and was able to put flowers in her hair and got her in a nicer dress. It was still a villagers dress but it was at least nicer.

“There you are now ready to see your of so special prince.” Amy said as she took Raven in front of the Mirror and Raven could not recognize herself at first for it was so different from what she normally did. SHe use also hoped that ANdy gets Eliezer back safe and sound.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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It was sunrise when a Sorenian convoy entered the Kingdom of Dainia and headed straight for the palace. Eliezer and his companions had a rather uneventful journey back, presumably because any enemies they had did not want to provoke Sorene by attacking a convoy protected by the kingdom's soldiers. Upon reaching the palace, the Sorenian guards were given accommodations so that they could rest before returning to their state, while the Night Owl was offered a carriage by the crown prince to take him wherever he wished to go within Dainia. Eliezer and Hildebrand then entered the palace to be promptly greeted by Robynne.

"Your Highness, Sir Hildebrand," she began with a curtsy before walking down the corridor with the two men as she continued to speak, addressing Eliezer. "Welcome back, Your Highness, it is a relief that you have returned safely. The king and queen shall be available to speak with you this evening, as will Prince Mathazar. Your brother has insisted that you rest while he takes over your duties for today."

"So be it. Were there any significant occurrences within the state during my absence?" Eliezer inquired.

"There was an attempted attack on the village orphanage by a group of Lunarian assassins from Gloomvale, Your Highness. The situation was well handled by Prince Mathazar and our soldiers. The perpetrators have been apprehended and no civilians were harmed."

"Lunarian assassins?" Hildebrand repeated, shocked.

Eliezer was more worried by another part of the report. "The village orphanage? For what reason was this attack attempted?"

"Unfortunately, there has not yet been any available staff to investigate this, Your Highness," she responded.

Hildebrand immediately turned to Eliezer and spoke. "If I may, Your Highness, I wish to be the one to investigate this."

"I am aware of how personal this matter is for you, Sir Hildebrand. I would therefore advise against it," Eliezer pointed out.

"I am certain that I am capable of keeping myself together, Your Highness, I promise this."

Eliezer paused for a second to consider. "Very well, I shall grant you this and trust you to perform this duty. All the best, Sir Hildebrand."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Later that morning, a small carriage from the palace made its way down to the village orphanage, just as it did before the crown prince left for Sorene. Eliezer was again greeted by the surrounding villagers, who were now more curious with his connection to the orphanage. A few who had spotted Raven hugging the prince the last time he had come had a rather clear idea of what was going on, but as they only knew her as the woman who ran the orphanage and not some deadly assassin, they assumed that all was fine, albeit finding the relationship the prince had with Raven to be interesting itself.

Things were less elaborate this time, with the purpose of Eliezer's trip to the orphanage this time being to ensure that everything was alright. After being told that the orphanage had been targeted, he was mainly concerned about Raven and how she was doing. Had the assassins from Gloomvale found out that this village woman was his lady and wanted to attack her home just to spite him? Or even worse, did they already know that she was the one who had been protecting him? Perhaps he could get some answers if he spoke to Raven right now.

He alighted from his carriage with two guards, returned the greetings of several villagers and made his way to the front door of the orphanage. He nodded to one of the guards, who stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Hildebrand walked down the stairs to the row of cells where Raven's attackers were kept, glaring daggers at each one of them. The one in the closest cell saw that he bore a knight's crest, and smirked before speaking.

"To what do we owe this visit from a respected knight of Dainia?"

Hildebrand turned his focus to the man who had spoken and narrowed his eyes. "If you must know, to the murder of my brother. Is it not sufficient that we leave you people be down at Gloomvale? You plan an attack in the village, on an establishment housing children. For what cause did you commit this dishonorable act? Answer me this!"

The man nodded. "It's about time somebody asked this. Do feel free to travel down to the orphanage yourself, Sir, you shall find that there are no children there, not anymore. That village woman who runs the orphanage, the one Prince Eliezer is currently seeing, are you aware of who she really is? Why don't you ask your beloved crown prince if he knows? Ask him all about her, and think about what his true intentions are."

"Who do you say she is?" Hildebrand asked cautiously.

"Only one of the most dangerous killers to hail from Lunar. Yes, a lowlife assassin, just like the rest of us."

Hildebrand stared at him in stunned silence as he recalled Eliezer's words just after their convoy was attacked on the way to Sorene.

"She is... an ally."

It could not be... The prince could not be so reckless and irresponsible, could he? It was true that she wanted to keep him alive, but what if it was only until they were married? Was it her plan to then stage an 'accident' and take Dainia for herself? He had to find out what was really going on between Eliezer and this 'Moon Raven', for the sake of Dainia. Without another word, the knight marched back upstairs and waited anxiously for the prince to return.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Andy was glad to be back home and had kindly denied the carriage and soon disappeared in the shadows heading to the tavern to get a drink and returned to Ravens place and was even shocked how different she looked because of Amy.

Raven had heard the knock on her door but Amy went to answer it for safety reasons and when she saw the night and Eliezer she smile. “Raven dear your Prince Charming is here for you.” She said making Raven blush dark red and she hid. “AMY DO NOT DO THAT YOU JUST EMBARRASSED HER!!” Scott said trying to get her out from hiding. “Oopsie.” Amy said cutely not caring. “Please come in your majesty.” Amy said and let the knights and the prince in.

“Raven come on stop acting like a little kid.” Scott said trying to pull her from around the corner but she resisted. “Raven come on you look cute he will like it.” Scott said as Andy walked down stairs and sighed a bit rubbing his eyes.

“Amy what did you do this time?” Andy asked annoyed but Amy glared at him.
“Nothing I did her hair and put her in a nice simple cute dress to great her prince in I may have though embarrassed her a little before Eliezer came in.” Amy said with her arms crossed. “Amy even when you act nice you still try to torture her some way shape or form.” Andy said as he went around the corner having Scott let go and he whispered to Raven basically encouraging her telling her she looks beautiful and not to be embarrassed.

Soon Andy walked out holding Ravens hand as she walked out still blushing wearing her new dress and hair acessories. Raven looked extremely nervous for how she looked for one it was her sister that dressed her and two she was not used to dressing up like this.

“There see sis that was not hard and you look amazing ain’t that right Prince Eliezer.” Andy said to the prince giving a look basically trying to get hi to say something to her before she runs off again and even he would not be able to find her.

Allister was about to go down to talk to the assassin when he heard Sir Hildebrand talk to the assassin and he glared for those assassins new nothing for they almost killed the heir to Lunar. But worst off tell the knight who he knew just lost his brother to lunar assassin would quick to judge her. Once Hildebrand left he walked in and glared at the people of Lunar and most recognized him right away. “I know the looks on your faces and your recognize me which is a good thing now then.” He said with a smile before he reached in a the cell with one closest to the bars and grabbed him by the throat. “Care to explain why you fools attacked my niece and the missing heir to the throne of lunar.” He said making all the men go wide eye.

“The missing heir....” they said and whispered as the one assassin chocked. “Yes my the missing heir if you had succeeded in the deed I would have you all executed but seeing as Mathazar did not wanted to create waves yet be greatly you all been spared.” He said as he released the one assassin that coughed hard.

“But if she truly is the heir then what is she doing here?” One of them said. “Why is she not back in Lunar where she belongs.” Allister looked at the man.

“Due to the info I gathered Moon Raven has no knowledge of her birth right in her bloodline her father and mother must of decided to keep it a secret to protect her but unfortunately the raid that was sent in the hunt for Prince Aster ,may he Rest In Peace, she managed to survive and fled with the rest of the refugees from the forest where I am sure most of you resided from and did the one thing you all had to do once you arrived her and had no one help you....you did what you could do to survive so did she that is why she is the most deadly assassin she took the opportunity to survive and run full steam ahead.” Allister explained and looked at them.

“Now I fear she is in grave danger for she is a target by Mathazar for she brother the assassin codes never get close to your target and the big one never fall in love with your target she choose to follow her heart and turned her back on Mathazar to be with Eliezer which is why she is protecting him and now I need you all to help me to protect her and the King of Lunar for he is going to make is way to this kingdom to collect her and I fear the king of this kingdom will cause trouble once he arrives and Mathazars plans.” Allister said and looked at them. “So one Lunarian to another will you help me protect the princess?” He asked and all the Lunar assassins looked at each other before looking at Allister and got down on one knee bowing. “We will anything to protect the princess.” They all said at once.

“Good.” Was all Allister said and gave them all Keys. “Sneak out around midnight when the guards are light and hide in the shadows keep an eye on her and do not repeat any of this information that I have given you understood.” Allister said and the nodded and Allister gave them the key and left the dungeon.

Allister then came across Hildebrand and walked up to him. “Sir Hildebrand may I have a word with you and Princes Eliezer as soon as he returns there is some matters I wish to speak to you both about Raven something you would even find interesting my dear knight.” Allister said as he walked by him. “Especially before you relay the info that you learned from the Lunarin assassins.” He said as he walked to his Office. “And that is not a request it is an order.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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An attractive young woman answered the door and let them in. Eliezer thought that she looked familiar, but said nothing of it and simply nodded to her in thanks while bidding her a "Good day," as he entered with his guards. Inside, the prince was met with an unexpected sight - there were no children to be seen, unlike the last time he had visited. Instead, the establishment seemed to be occupied only by young adults, ones who were currently behaving like the children that were here before. Eliezer was confused by the entire situation and wondered what all the fuss was about as he awkwardly stood there waiting for the group to sort things out. He glanced at both his guards, who seemed just as puzzled as he was.

He saw that one of Raven's companions had to literally pull her out to see him, which was even more strange. She was usually enthusiastic about meeting with him, and he found her confidence to be a distinctive part of her personality. This time, however, she was anxious, and she was acting as if she did not want to see him. The woman who had opened the door mentioned something about Raven's dress and hair, but what did that have to do with her behavior? He had been worried enough after hearing the report about the attack on the orphanage, but seeing her like this now added even more to it.

At the prompt of her companion, Eliezer gazed at her and nodded. He held his hand out to her, offering for her to take it. He would go about this cautiously, considering that she did not seem as if she wanted to be close to him at this moment, whatever the reason for it might be.

"Amazing? As always," he responded, before addressing Raven. "It has been a week, my lady. Why do you avoid me? What happened here? Where are the children?"

Hildebrand did not think much of crossing paths with Allister in the corridor. It was normal for the staff of the palace to pass one another as they go about they daily duties. However, he raised an eyebrow when Allister spoke, slightly surprised that the butler had something to say to him. It was rare for the two to exchange words in spite of working at the same place. So, the older man had heard him speaking with the Lunarian assassins. The knight wondered what part Allister had in this whole situation, but he figured that he would soon find out. The butler's manner of speech was blunt, but Hildebrand was too caught off guard to even be the slightest bit offended.

"Very well, Mister Cornell," was all he managed, as Allister vanished into the room.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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“Oh dear sister is just embarrassed because I convinced her to wear something cuter and do her hair cutely then her normal look.” Amy said with a giggle and Raven glared and Scott elbowed his sister Amy.

“Sorry Eliezer I was trying a new look and I guess I got a little nervous at how you would like it compared to my normal attire and look.” Raven explained to him showing she just wanted to look nicer for him. “And the kids I sent them away a few days ago our brother Andrew and his wife Liza live a few kingdoms away and they said they knew some people willing to adopt some of the children and those who are old enough to work to help them get jobs since I was actually having no luck here.” Raven admitted for that part was true when she was figuring out where to take the kids for safety reasons and her brother wrote back how he could help.

“So our master came one night and took the kids to Kovaia where Andrew resides.” Raven finished explaining.

“Good thing too if the guards did not catch those assassins the kids would have been in danger but we could of handle them.” Scott explained and Amy elbowed him back. “Do not talk to much you idiot.” Amy said to him.

“Both of you be quiet.” Andy said for he was still exhausted from all the traveling. “We contacted you fools to help keep an eye on Raven not fight with each other.” Andy said and Raven elbowed him hard in the stomach and glared at him.

“As Andy said I contacted our siblings that were willing to come I have not felt safe for the past few days even before I sent the kids to Kovaia I felt like I have been watched for the whole week.” Raven explained to Eliezer.

“She is right we all have felt it so we been budding up with her every time she has been needing to go out and on one leaves her home alone.” Amy explained in a serious tone both Scott and a few other siblings nodded.

“But I have missed you Eliezer and I am glad that you are safe now after what happened to you.” Raven said to him as Andy yawned and Raven sent him a look saying thanks. “Andy go to bed you are tired.” She said and Andy groaned. “I will have AMy drag you to bed if I have too.” Raven said and ANdy freaked and ran to bed.

“Yeash drag the fool by the leg one time up the stairs and he is scared for life.” Amy said as she went to the kitchen to get something to drink and her other siblings scattered giving their sister privacy. Raven sighed a bit before looking back at Eliezer. “Sorry about that my siblings can be a handful.” She said and looked at him before finally giving a hug for she was just glad he was back alive.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Eliezer was relieved when Raven finally spoke and explained the situation. He listened intently to anyone who contributed to filling him in about what had taken place. It all made sense, considering that there really had been an attempted attack on the orphanage. On another note, Raven seemed concerned about the way she currently looked, with her sister highlighting the fact even more. As most of the women he interacted with were either dressed in noble attire or servant uniforms, Raven's manner of dress was always refreshing to him. He thought it appropriate to comment on her appearance, with all the attention brought to it, and did so when everyone else had dispersed. He also believed that he was getting used to her hugs.

"It certainly is an interesting twist to village apparel. Your sister does have quite the gift," he pointed out, before pulling out a dagger and presenting it to her. "This slipped my mind earlier this morning. It belongs to the Night Owl, please return it to him for me. He left it with us while we were in Sorene, rather, he nearly hit my knight in the face with it after a comment was made expressing his distrust for the Moon Raven."

He shook his head at the memory. "You are loved by your companions, my lady, you have done well for yourself and you should be proud. However, it is apparent that the decision you have made to keep seeing me has not been well received by many who used to respect you. It is highly likely that the attempted attack on your home was a result of more knowing that you wish to protect me. I cannot help but find myself responsible for this... inconvenience, that you have been caused. Is what we have now, truly worth what has happened? I fear that we may not be able to move on without things getting worse for the both of us."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven was glad her siblings left the room and smiled at Eleuzer.”Yeah me and Amy can but heads and still have a grudge against her but she has proven when I need her help or stuff like this I can count on her for this is her passion and forte in this stuff.” She said with a small smile and looked at him when he pulled the dagger out. “Of course he did that I will have a hard talk to him about that.” Raven said annoyed a bit at Andy for she had told him to behave while he was there. “I do apologize about that behavior but forgive him his loyalty is strong.” She explained to him but when she brought up the attack and how it will be hard for them to keep moving forward.

“I have no clue why but as I told you before I felt like I have been watched and followed lately and from what my siblings have gathered a girl that goes by the name “Red Robin” and has it out for me and I do not know why for I do not know anyone that goes by that name not even in the assassin world.” Raven explained to him. “For all Inknow false rumors could of been spread in the tavern but I have no clue why Lunar assassins have it out for me either I am not even from Lunar I resides in a forest village with my parents.” Fornshe had been informed it was lunar assassins and it only showed truly she has no clue about her true orgines.”Eliezer we already been through so much from meeting, to being with each other and learning about each other, also now people not accepting my choice to love you instead to hate you.” She said finally admiring that she does love him. “And I don’t want to give this up.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Oh, do not fault the Night Owl for it, my lady. Although I do not approve of such an action, I admire how protective he is of you," Eliezer responded. "Our ways are not the same, but I believe that his heart is in the right place, and his services during our time together are greatly appreciated."

The new information that Raven brought up about her current situation with the other assassins only put more questions in his head. This 'Red Robin' seemed to be the one heading the assassins in targeting Raven. It would be natural to assume that she was a Lunarian herself, but one could never know for sure before finding out her motive. Might she have also been the one who had sent the group of Lunarian assassins to wipe his convoy out during his journey to Sorene?

"I shall aid you in the investigation of this 'Red Robin'. It is my responsibility to know of anyone targeting my lady and to bring them to justice. One thing I know of is that the patrons of Gloomvale are aware that you used to despise the royal family of Dainia. They therefore most likely saw you as an ally because of this. Being with me would make you a traitor in their eyes, which is why I would not fault you if you had wished to stop seeing me for the sake of your reputation and safety."

After saying this, he paused for a moment to let what she had said about still wanting to carry on with this relationship really sink in. She appreciated him, in a way that not even his people or his family did. He did receive love from them, but her love was different. What was it that was making her want to stay with him in spite of everything? He was unsure if he understood it even now, but it felt extremely pleasant. Her words made his feel warm on the inside, and he welcomed this, although such a feeling was unfamiliar, and deep down, he thought that he did not deserve this.

He stepped closer to her, reaching up to gently run his fingers down the side of her face. "Do pardon the silence, my lady. I merely wonder what I have done to deserve the love of such a selfless, compassionate woman such as yourself."

His fingers traced their way to the bottom of her face, cupping her chin. He tilted her head up to face him directly, and he gazed at her lips before looking her in the eyes. Part of him did question if what he was about to do next was appropriate, but at this moment, it simply felt right.

"May I?"
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