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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

On an empty wall covered by a large Piece of dark gray slate a levitating piece of chalk begins to write.





The Chalk vanishes as quickly as it appears


Bosk grins when the chalk's work is done and orders another double stout with Prime Rib, rice an carrots.
"The thing about the Lonely Inn is that you gotta gage your actions an desires" he says absent mindedly as he waits his order
"I've been here for the Copper a Tankard fest, Dragon Steak 1 silver and the Beraillin Heiress rescue, that fetched me 1,000 gold reward an a couple of interesting magical items. Yes you never know what that dam alert board will come up with next. Have to admit that I'm beginning to lean towards that Jammer Job"


Esmeralda sighs as she notes the loss of the caravan as she had been expecting a visit from an interesting young woman who was traveling with it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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"This place sounds rather interesting. I am an adventurer and a warrior. i go on quests and dangerous adventures of many different types. I recently finished a quest where I and my previous comrades slayed the wicked dragon of Nagabal and defeated his hordes. we were celebrated as heroes by the people of the kingdom tormented by the evil beast. after i am done relaxing and resting, i will once again go on the journey of seeking new adventures and quests worthy of my strength and sword" Aethelred told the dwarf as began eating. it had been a while since he had talked about his adventures with a person, and we glad that it was someone who had helped him find the Inn.

"So why are you here Bosk?are you on an adventure as well?" Aethelred asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Grimacing, Assallya Kressair watched the melee unfold. Taking an arrow to her gut had taken much of the fight out of her. It wasn't the first time she'd been hit with an arrow. By the nine hells, if she died here it wouldn't be the first time. What she couldn't understand was how the warriors seemed to get used to the sensation and charged about with a dozen quarrels in their charred, dragon toasted hides. Certainly, she would heal, her secreted ring of regeneration would see to that so she wasn't afraid but by Cyric's black heart, it still hurt. Clutching her wound with slender fingers, Assallya steadied the shaft. She knew what she was supposed to do, snap off the shaft so that if she had to move it wouldn't tear at the wound. Knowing that... and doing that were too far separate things.

Both heroes were well surrounded, crushed between the initial group and the reinforcements. She considered a number of options, most of them illusions. Laying atop her bench, she cast another spell, this one quite different than the paralyzed attackers the heroes had cut down. This time, off in the distance a thick wedge, seemingly made of stone, cut through the soft earth leaving a long furrow of churned soil. It wasn't real but everyone feared the power of the bulette, the dreaded land shark!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The man named Aethelred asked Bosk why he was at the Lonely Inn which brought from the Dwarf a hardy chuckle
"Fine food, fine company and the tote board yonder. says Bosk pointing towards the dark gray slate on the wall.
"It is the board of adventures an fine dining, what more could a man ask?

In the Distance could be heard the sound of thunder but rather than an approaching storm of the elements this thunder flew the Banners of Hamilcar.
20 horse light lance swept ahead of 4 heavy knights followed by 30 mounted archers.
They quickly began rolling up the irregular troops that had assailed the Caravan. The Enemy began to take flight before the 50+ who had appeared their ill gotten booty an captives dropped so they could escape the onslaught.
The goblins around Assallya angry that they must escape without her turn and fire their bows at nearly point blank range intending to kill her.
Between her and her foes the air shimmers as the arrows encounter a shield.

A beautiful young human Sorceress appears beside the wounded Assallya who quotes a simple magical command that causes the lovely necklace around her dove white throat to erupt and fire 5 magic Missiles at the Murdering Goblins

"Hello, I do hope you don't mind my intrusion? I am Cassandra LeMont of Farland she says as cheerfully as if they'd just met at the stalls of some Bazzar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Not to much I suppose. what exactly is the tote board?" Aethelred asked, curious to learn more about it. he took another sip of his mead and a bite of his salted pork. the food truly was masterpiece of taste. it was as good as the food that the king of Dornvail had at the feast hosted in their honor after killing the dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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As Traben stalked his way towards the fight, more fighters appeared seemingly from nothing. One moment, the elf he had saved was surrounded by goblins, and the next a sorceress blasted them all with arcane energy. At the use of magic, the wolves following Traben growled low, but didn't slow any. Traben himself was only a few yards from the kingsroad now, the battle-turned-massacre on the other side of the wagon he was approaching.

Seeking the goblin he had slain, Traben wordlessly retrieved his arrow, wiping the blood staining the tip off in the grass. For a few moments, his gaze passed between the injured elf and the newly arrived sorceress. His weapons had returned to his hips as the goblins had died, and his hands were currently occupied by the heads of two of the wolves. They pressed close to his legs, on edge in the presence of one who worked unnatural magics. While not sharing the same hostility, Traben himself was no fan of the arcane.

"It seems you are fortunate," he said in the direction of the injured elf, "but that arrow needs to be removed. If you would permit me, I will help you with it. And if you could help me help her," Traben said to the sorceress, "it should go even easier."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Sealing away a bitter retort at Cassandra's jovial greeting, Assallya did her best to smile and achieved something akin to a lopsided grimace that looked almost alien on her lovely heart shaped face. Pursing her berry stained black lips against the pain she raised one hand with two fingers extended in a loose salute to the young lady magician standing five feet below in her silver white raiment. No, Assallya was definitely not looking forward to shimmying down the brass pole on the side of the vardo.

"I'm good," she replied, fingers curling towards the crooked shaft with the crumpled black raven's feathers. The courtesan suddenly found herself wondering how such a crude shaft could fly true. "Just a little bleeding out. Nothing serious."

Assallya almost chuckled. The rippling of her stomach was pure fire and robbed her of laughter and humour both. Instead all the managed was an anguished groan.

Quickly dispelling the image of the bulette, a rather easy feat considering she was scarcely concentrating upon it anyways, the courtesan looked over the column. Yes, decidedly more professional. More likely a duke or marquis' men rather than the borderlord baron that had sent men to escort the caravan. A shame that. It would have been amusing to see how hero and brigand alike react to the false threat. Still, she would not complain at being rescued, particularly if one of their number was a priest or cleric and willing to mend wounds.

When the archer offered his aid. Assallya was quite relieved and allowed her golden haired head to roll backwards to rest against a sack containing a cheese wheel. She really was hoping that he would climb up atop the vardo.

"Fortunate?" she said to herself.

"By every god of light," she answered him, "I would greatly appreciate your aid."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Bosk looked at Aethelred when he asked what the Tote Board was and pointed at the Dark gray slate board on the wall
"There is the tote board. It is there to announce the Inn's specials and adventuring possibilities for those who enter this lovely establishment.
I'm thinking about checking out the Spelljammer trapped in the Ice atop the mountain as I'm an expert climber
answers Bosk as a nymph sets down his order before him


Cassandra smiled seeing the Ranger and his wolves arrive and offer his aid to the annoyed elf woman..
When Traben asked her to aid him Cassandra briefly sighed as she cast her dark eyes towards Sir Kane who'd mounted his steed and even now was joining in pursuit.
"I'd be happy to help good sir but must confess to being a bit out of my element when it comes to healing wounds she says in a sweet voice
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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As the sorceress proclaimed her inexperience with wounds, Traben rolled his eyes. With a whispered word in the elven tongue to placate his wolves, he started up the side of the wagon. Reaching the top, he pulls a small bag that had been slung across his back off, setting it next to the wounded woman. From it he pulled some linen bandages and a small ceramic jar, to be placed on the wood of the wagon, at the ready.

"Fortunate, because I was nearby with my bow, and this woman decided to save your life. This is going to hurt, a lot. First thing first, though, I need you on your side. Forgive me," he says as he rolls the woman onto her side. "Goblins usually use barbed or serrated arrows. I'm going to have to push at least the head the rest of the through to remove it. Bite down on this." Reaching into his bag again, he draws out a simple strip of leather, worn with tooth marks. Passing it to the woman, he wasted no time in grasping the protruding end of the arrow. Once he was sure she was as ready as she was going to get, he placed his free hand at her hip to brace her and plied his strength against it, his face set in a determined grimace.

Once the head of the arrow was visible, he quickly snapped the other end off as close to the woman's skin as he dared. Moving his now free hand to the other end of the arrow, he drew it out smoothly. As quickly as he could he pressed bandaging to the exit wound and let the woman back down on her back. More bandaging followed on the entrance wound, and he applied pressure with one hand.

"And now we wait for the bleeding to stop, unless there's a healer among these men. I have a poultice that will help with healing, but it is nothing against a druid's or cleric's magic." Traben wiped a bead of sweat away from his temple with his free hand, waiting patiently and finally taking the time to look at the woman's face, examining her features.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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As Traben's hands moved about Assallya's body, he couldn't help but notice that there was very little of her that he could not see. Her arms and legs were shrouded in a loose black fish-netting sewn into a slender brassiere and a thong. He didn't have to cut away any material, not with her midriff bared. The arrow had impacted only an inch from her navel, a navel with an oval of polished obsidian within. She whimpered as he worked. She was not one for experiencing gratuitous pain. Little did she know that he could simply have cut the arrowhead free with a hot knife instead of pushing it through the other half of her body or she would have been cursing up a storm.

"Oh, set fire to Lolth's webs," Assallya complained, "I am going to partake of the dream weed heavily this eve."

She had a pair of healing potions inside the wagon, but she wasn't going to waste the coin on such. Her ring of regenration would have her healed in a few hours. She may be complaining and whining... but money was money. She could put up with the pain for a short while if she simply had to.

"You have my thanks ranger," she said, gazing up at him with her azure blue eyes from an porcelain skinned face that was far paler than it usually was.

She had kohl brushed eyelids and her eyes were rimmed thickly, making them look larger than they were and her body was covered in inexpensive, flashy, jewelry. A half dozen anklets and bracelets adorned her limbs, as well as a number of rings on fingers and toes. Her hair had been arranged neatly, held in place by lacquered wooden sticks topped with brass spheres but half of it had managed to pull itself loose and had tumbled over one slender shoulder in a disheveled manner that made her look both more attractive and vulnerable simultaneously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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"Consider yourself quite welcome, and please, call me Traben," he said, his own emerald eyes flashing to meet the woman's. Now that the difficult part was out of the way, he took the time to notice the body he worked on. She was certainly shapely, and almost may as well have been nude. Having run with druids in the past that wore less, this bothered him little. There was no harm in letting the woman think her outfit was having the desired effect, so he turned his head and let a smirk for behind a curtain of shoulder-length dark hair, not quite hidden. Besides, if she was putting it on display so freely, who was he not to appreciate it.

"Sorceress, would you happen to know of any healers in this group?" he asked the other woman, "Or anywhere we could find one?" His own skill with medical treatments was not so good that he could be completely confident in just bandaging up the wound. He doubted the hurt woman would protest about his thoroughness in that either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"why would you want to search for a spelljammer? are you planning to encounter evil sorcerers on your journey?" Aethelred questioned. he was curious to know what the dwarf wanted with something that he guessed was an item that countered magic. if it was something more than just a simple counter to magic then Aethelred may have possibly asked to join Bosk in his quest. he took another sip of his mead and was right now very happy be resting in a nice Inn with excellent cooking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Bosk nearly spits out his stout as he begin a half choking hearty laugh, nearly.
Once he gathers himself he says chortling "A Spelljammer is a ship that flies, it flies between the worlds. It can fly between the spheres and navigate the "the Flow" by use of Helm or Artifact furnace.
When I was a young grub of perhaps 90 I encounter a downed Jammer talked with it's crew of their adventures. They offered me a berth and being young and lacking self confidence I turned them down, it is a regret I now think I shall rectify.

Bosk grins at his new companion then shovels his mouth full of prime rib.
After draining his stout he looks at Aethelred saying We'll be needing at least one or even better two Mages as they are the source of the Jammer's power. Oh and not to worry as the Helm only temporarily drains them and they need only memorize their spells anew to be refreshed.
By my father's beard even here on our world the use we could put a jammer towards is astounding.

Bosk's eyes seem to glow with an inner light as he looks at the tote board
"A Jammer's Helm is worth a fortune even should the hull be a waste. If I remember it can be mounted to the deck of a ship if the ship is sturdy and that ship might fly the Last he utters almost as a whisper.



Cassandra hears the Ranger ask if she knows of a nearby healer and blushes as she turns her thoughts from Sir Kane.
Yes I know of a healer, she is the Lady of the Lonely Inn.
I could show you how to get there as it isn't to far away
she says with a defeated sigh
It isn't that she doesn't care if the elf woman is healed or not but to be so close to the beautiful Sir Kane only to loose him has ruined her mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ivan Eskile a Mage of small worth and good skill sat mulling over his future after being refused by Gleniss El'Sardi an elven maid whom he'd courted now 15 long years.

"Ivan I do love you so but our's are two worlds so differing that you must see should never accept our love. My parents have arranged a marriage for me I daren't refuse should my house lose face for my reluctance.
You are a handsome man Ivan and could if willing find in great store many a maid willing to wed were you free of me.
I shall never forget you Ivan and do hope an pray we shall still be friends"
she had said at their parting.
"Friends" he thought and laughed not for humor but the absurd pain he felt.
Sighing he was about to consider swearing off women forever and perhaps even join an order of celibates when a raven haired beauty sat down next to him and leaned against his shoulder.
"A broken heart is the price often asked by the goddess of love" she whispers before licking his ear with her strangely rough tongue.
"Please excuse me miss but I have no need of paid company" Ivan says pushing her gently away
"I didn't ask of you monies and nor did I offer to warm your heart this night. No I merely said the goddess of love demands painful pay for her service".says the Beautiful raven haired woman.
"Then please give my thanks to the Lady of the Gentle Sky for her gifts" says Ivan
The unnamed beauty giggles an says "Astralia is not the Goddess I serve but Ishtar, worry not though for my Mistress shall Whisper your name to Astralia if you wish"
No I came because fate has chosen you Ivan Starhand, you bare the mark of prophecy"
she says causing Ivan to become aware that she somehow has taken his left hand and opened it palm up and examines a red mark that appears to be a 9 pointed star
He jerks his hand away causing her to pout a moment before she smiles an says "3x3 is their number and the seal of holy covenant bore by he who shall free them
Ivan blinks hearing from this stranger a quote that has haunted him since birth
"And where is she who's love shall free he who holds the seal, where are the hands that will break the chains and the sword that will defend them all?
I've heard all this before and never has it show any logic or proof for the trouble I've known because of it
his heart still broken lashes out and behind his violet colored eyes a storm of wild magic threatens to escape.
"Your day is near Ivan Starhand and complain all you wish for your fate was writ when the world was new.
Around you will assemble heros and in legend you will be remembered.
I came to take you to that plce where all shall begin, where she who'll be you love when you shall become a constellation among the stars

He looks at the raven beauty an asks "Why now?"
She giggles and answers "Why not now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aethelred listened closely to what the dwarf was telling him, and he liked what he heard. So the Spelljammer was the name of a magical ship and that they were incredibly rare to come across. it sounded like an excellent adventure, and Aethelred replied to Bosk saying, "The ship sounds incredible, if you do not mind i would like to accompany you in your mission to find a spelljammer and join its crew. i have been curious to know what worlds exist beyond this one."

he hoped that the dwarf wouldn't mind him joining in on his journey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The dwarf chuckles then looks at Aethelred
"Certainly, never refuse the offer of a steady hand.
We will need to find two perhaps three Mages for it is as I said by their power that most fly by though I did hear that some are vampiric and drain life force and if this be that type we'll destroy it.
We need also ask our hostess what she might require for her information and any aid she could offer
the last Bosk says with a grin as he looks young Aethelred up and down
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Assallya nodded. Traven's attentions were appreciated. She too had a supply of poultices amongst her possessions. One of the advantages to living in a wagon. She possessed a surprising amount of odds and ends which adventurers found useful. Most adventurers scorned her vardo wagon when they first encountered it, Then she pulled out her pots, pans, spices and started cooking. Adventurers that travelled with her did not suffer hard tack and smoked jerky and if one of them were skilled in acquiring game then so much the better.

"Thank you noble Traben," Assallya assured him, despite him seemingly having his hand pressed up so hard against her back she would likely see it's silhouette.

Pressing her own hand against her sternum she nestled into him, placing her shoulder beneath his. She could use someone like Traben to fetch and watch over her while she convalesced, even if that was only about a day or so- and then she saw him. Distantly, she spied Kane, the armoured cavalier and his near spotless armour. How could the silver steel reflect the sun's rays so radiantly after engaging in battle. Already she found herself imagining the man that lay beneath the shell, urging him silently with her eyes to remove his helm.

"Yes... " Then she remembered to grunt in pain so that Traben wouldn't notice the sentence trailing off. "This Inn does sound good," she repeated the lady sorceress, while double checking Traven's gaze before looking at the mounted knight again, She had to be careful. He could be a half orc under there for all she knew. "It does sound good."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aethelred smiled at his new comrade, he liked dwarfs, unlike elves, dwarfs knew how to celebrate with great laughter and mirth. He wondered what type of request that the owner of this Inn would ask of them. No matter, whatever it was, Aethelred would be prepared to do it, he was used to hard work and challenges. But he still asked Bosk curiously, "So what type of thing would she ask from us in return for information that she might have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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"Then we head for the inn," Traben says with a smile as the elf women begins to cozen up to him. Taking his hand from the front of her body, he opens the ceramic pot, dipping his fingers in. They come out coated in a thick green substance that smells faintly of wet grass. He applies this poultice to both the entrance and exit wounds. Then, wiping the excess plant matter on the fabric behind his knees, he picks up a rolled bandage of clean linen.

Holding one end of the bandage in place just below her hand, Traben begins to wrap the bandage over the woman's wounds with deliberate slowness, passing the rolled end from hand to hand. He does this leaned forward slightly, his shoulder supporting the woman's but leaving his hands free to pass between them. The only glance he spares from the form in front of him is down to his wolves, which remain on alert, studying the others who had fought for the caravan and the many dead that littered the ground. One, the smallest, tugged at something on one of the goblin corpses, eventually working free something made of bone to chew on.

"You never did tell me your name," he mentions as he ties off the bandage at the woman's back. "I typically prefer to know at least that much of those I keep from bleeding to death, though I doubt your wound was that dire. But if we are going to be traveling together, you may as well give me that much more to think on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ugh... wolves. Why couldn't the man enjoy a good cluster of housecats. Assallya, despite being an elf, despised all things of the forest. She couldn't stand tripping over roots, the bugs, the wildlife and the horrible smells of rotting plant matter! That only served to remind her of swamps. Okay, so there was something worse than forests and jungles. Why couldn't these northern people live in a nice good desert?

"Oh forgive me," the elven courtesan said as Traben wrapped her lithe figure in bandages, "I am Assallya Kressair, bard, dancer, sorceress and purveyor of fine quality charms and potions. I'd courtesy... but..."

It was her human name. Her elven name she rarely used. Assa'Alliyeh Kressanthair was a pretentious name and she hated the elvish peoples, she hated being reminded of them. The elves hadn't treated her very well and saw her as a false elf or an uncivilized cousin from afar simply because she didn't know the appropriate rights and customs.

The young elf gestured towards the wagon they were perched atop and finished the gesture with four fingers pointed in the direction of her wound.
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