Welcome ladies and gents! This is A Funny and Clever Name for a Superhero RP! What the general idea with this is that it's a more comedy and slice of life superhero RP, focusing on the characters balancing their superhero/super villain lives with their normal everyday lives, with a little bit of hopefully funny stuff thrown in ever now and then. Yes there will still be your superhero vs super villain conflicts and all of that good stuff as well. For more info and all that good stuff I recommend you join the discord.

A Funny and Clever Name for a Superhero RP

Right so this caped crusade will primarily be taking place in a fictional city called Rustsotne (see more in the discord). The world itself is sort of a "real world" kinda thing, as in all the stuff that has happened in this world like Ironman movies or Superman comic books are all here in this setting. Basically this just means you can make pop culture references IC! Also means you can get sued by comic book companies if you rip off their stuff, so be careful about that.

Another thing about this setting is the fact that it has a bit of everything. And by that I mean you can get powers in many different ways. You could be a magical girl alien time traveling dragon demon if you really wanted too though sorting out the lore behind something like that would be an Oof. But options like that are here. BUT! That doesn't mean you're going to be some super ultra powerful god who just dumpsters everything. The upper limits of super powered beings in this universe is quite low, blowing up a three floor apartment building is considered the top tier power level here. PC's are going to be heavily steered away from have power that great to avoid everyone just having powers that let them level buildings so they can all beat one another.


  • Be polite. We're all friends here so please keep things civil.
  • If your characters are gunna bang, fade to black and take that sauce to the PMs.
  • There will be a one week posting deadline as to avoid you slowing down other players a bunch. If you are unable to make said deadline then please try and communicate this to the GMs.
  • Not auto hits or god mode shenanigans.
  • No meta gaming.
  • Post character sheets in the OOC tab first! Only once they are approved can you move them to the character tab.

Character sheets

We'll be doing things a little different here with character sheets. Personality and history sections? Nope, that stuff is for you and the GMs to know, if people want to find out things about your character they're going to have to learn that stuff in character. You'll be learning and meeting these characters just as much as your PC will be.