Designation: Silver
Gender: female
Age: unknown
Type: shadow spirit (?)

Appearance: A human woman, about 5'6 with short brown hair and silver eyes. Generally clothed in black. When not in her human guise, her teeth are sharper than strictly human and her nails lengthen into claws.

Superhuman strenth
Shadow manipulation and dark fog, used to attack and obscure
Short range teleportation through deep shadows
Energy drain

Known facts:
~Silver has been bound in the past, and carrys frayed marks of previous bindings in her spiritual makeup, interfering with binding attempts.
~An abandoned library seems to be a base of power, and her territory centers around it.
~She keeps the area clear of most monsters.
~Does not seem to need hearts to survive; thought to take and eat them as a power move

~Silver eats souls as well as hearts.
~Likes stories
~Will do favors in exchange for souls and sometimes stories, but only the most desperate will seek her out as she is capricious and as likely to kill the person as to help them
~Something in the library keeps her death from being permanent, and she returns after days or months, depending on injuries done her.
~Children in desperate need will be saved by a woman with silver eyes.

Recent Issues:
~Rash of deaths with hearts missing, going back most of a year
~Recent spate of people who claim to be confronted by a silver eyed woman that tears something from their minds before leaving them unconscious where they lie.