Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Evie sighed softly as questioning Lucas ran cold before glancing over at Lars. "How long have you two been doing this?" She inquired, no longer in the dark about the horrible truth. Demons were real, able to possess people and even now forced into them. All of it felt like a bad dream.

"What about Partway? What happened to him?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"A few years," Lars said as he began leading her back to the world above ground. "Isaac was the one who brought this one in. Him and Lucas. He doesn't typically come to these things; he mostly handles the exorcisms with Lucas."

When they were back in the church, Lars locked the door of the basement once more. "I was unfortunate enough to be introduced to this stuff when I was young. If everyone knew the truth, we'd have a shot at stopping the people doing this."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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"You keep it hidden because it would cause mass hysteria and a witch hunt." Evie realized, looking at him. "If everyone in New York knew, they'd either panic or go looking for danger. No matter what, the people causing this win, especially if there's people on the hunt to stop them."

She sighed softly, running her hands over her hair. "I don't know what I'm going to tell Joe about this. He'll either believe me or fire me on the spot. Either way, I know some of the truth now."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"I, for one, believe this is a story that needs to be told," Lars said. "The people behind this thrive on secrecy; shoving them into the public would cause panic, yes, but ultimately, they would finally be destroyed." One could get the feeling that Lars was very much a 'for the greater good' kind of guy.

He looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "You just witness a real, live demon being destroyed, and you're worried about your boss?" He said, assuming that was who she was talking about. He gave a soft chuckle. Lars led her back through the graveyard, but stopped short when they reached the gate. "I can't go any further. Have a good rest of your night." He saw her off and headed back inside.

On her car, tucked under the windshield wiper, was a folded piece of paper. Upon further inspection, it had writing on the inside. Scrolled in a very elegant cursive:

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Evie looked at him, clearly he'd never met Joe before. She sighed softly as she followed him back out of the church and through the graveyard. "If you think telling this story and shedding light on the ones who are doing this is the right thing, then I'll make sure it gets out. Josh's death wasn't Lucas' fault. I'm sure he tried everything to make sure that poor boy wouldn't get hurt." She said before bidding him goodnight and heading to her car.

She blinked upon reading the note, looking around for whoever could have left it. No one else was around unless...but why would Lucas tell her to leave it alone? Especially with lives in danger? She glanced at the note again before getting into the car and heading home.

Once home, Evie showered and changed before looking back over her evidence, the mystery note now added to it all. She listened again to the tapes before giving up on trying to understand the garbled voice. With a yawn she headed to bed and was soon out cold.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"What the hell were you thinking, Lars?!" Upon finding out about the witness to their demon killing last night, Isaac had driven up to the church to berate Lars. The priest was standing in the middle of his modest living quarters: a former classroom in an older section of the church turned into a studio apartment. It was neat, clean, and very plain. The furniture was mix-matched, leading one to believe that most of it was donated from different people. Plants lined the window sill, which sunlight was shining through. Isaac Partway had invited himself in while Lars was having toast and coffee for breakfast.

"People deserve to know the kind of danger their in," Lars said, "You wouldn't act, so I did."

"Lucas has been working his ass off, the last thing he needs if the media harassing him!"

"He's a grown man. He can handle himself."

"You're such a-" Isaac cut himself off before he went too far insulting one of the few allies he had. He was red in the face, his fists clenched.

"You should get in touch with that woman. If she gets exclusive rights to the story, you won't have to worry about the media. I'm sure she won't mind keeping your address and private lives our of the lime light."

Isaac gritted his teeth, and forced himself to breath slowly. "When this blows up in our faces, you are cleaning it up," He said, pointing an accusing finger at the priest.

Her cellphone rang. The number was unknown. When she answered it, an unfamiliar man's voice spoke to her. "We need to talk," Isaac said.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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The night had been restless for Evie as her mind wondered replaying everything over. The voice on the tapes, the fact demons were real, seeing one in the flesh getting exorcised, and Lucas. His eyes kept appearing in her dreams, eyes which didn't belong to any time whatsoever. Eyes which saw only hatred and fear towards the face of their owner. Eyes so full of mistrust towards outsiders like her.

She jolted awake when her phone rang, grabbing it as her eyes glanced at the number. Strange, perhaps someone calling her by mistake. "Hello?" Her voice croaked out as she rubbed her eyes. The voice she didn't recognize at all; a little gruff, serious, and a little older than Lars. It couldn't have been Lucas, he apparently never said anything. "I'm sorry, who is this?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"This is Isaac Partway. Meet me at the cafe on the corner of Waterford and Oak street at 2." With that, he hung up. It seemed, like his business partner, Isaac wasn't particularly sociable. Or, maybe it was just because he was pissed at having his hand forced. Whatever the reason for the curt phone call, when 2 o'clock rolled around, Mr. Partway was sat in his car, idling by the curb.

He was watching people walking towards the door of the cafe, looking for someone fitting Evie's description. When he saw her, he rolled down the window and hollered. "Evie! Over here." He leaned over to unlatch and throw open the passenger door of the car. This screamed 'stranger danger' everywhere. But, having already gone down into a literal dungeon with a strange man, an immortal, and an actual demon, why start being cautious now?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Issac Partway? Cafe at two? Evie's mind finally processed what was said before realizing he hung up before she could inquire anything else. She blinked as she stared at her phone before shaking her head. Ever since she agreed to this story things had gotten strange. But maybe that's what she needed, a little strangeness.

Evie looked around as two drew closer, unsure of what Isaac looked like. Upon hearing her name and seeing the car she was a little hesitant but overcame it. She had dealt with dangerous things so why stop there? "Mr. Partway?" She asked after she sat down.
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"In the flesh," Isaac said, almost begrudgingly. He began to drive. "I heard about what Lars showed you, and I don't particularly agree with his reasoning. However," He paused. "Seeing as the cat's out of the bag now, I guess we may as well do some damage control." He was heading out of the city and into an older suburb.

"If you're going to report on this, then I want to ensure that the privacy of everyone involved is maintained. I don't want to see my house on the 5 o'clock news. Or the church, for that matter." The houses in this neighborhood were a little on the run down side. The one they pulled into the driveway of was no different. It's lawn was mowed and neat, but the paint was peeling and the driveway was black with mildew.

Isaac stepped out of the car. "More importantly, while I may agree to this, there is one other person you have to convince." His keys jangled as he unlocked the front door. "Lucas is incredibly stubborn, and I have no intention of arguing with him." The house was quaint enough inside. It was fairly organized, if not terribly outdated. He walked her down a wood paneled hallway, and stopped at what looked like a, you guessed it, basement door.

"I won't agree to any interviews or documentaries until Lucas agrees as well. I told him you'd be stopping by to pay him a visit. Good luck." He opened the basement door and motioned towards the steps. Down below the stairwell led into a hall, which then lead into a large, open basement room. It was dimly lit by a single light bulb. Soft music was wafting from down below, from the unmistakable sound of a record player. The song was Louis Armstrong's La Vie En Rose. The tonal difference between the sweet song and the stark, concrete walls was baffling.

Isaac didn't come down with her. When she descended, it was only her and Lucas to sort out their differences. Lucas's dwelling consisted of the cement floored room with no windows. He had a twin bed pushed against one wall, the basement bathroom in all of it's green tiled glory, and several mismatched tables and odds and ends furniture here and there. It such a strange living space.

Lucas sat in a swivel chair, which he spun in to face the woman as she came down. He tugged his scarf up to further cover his face, and didn't make eye contact. It was very clear that he didn't enjoy his safe space being invaded. The record player, sitting on a table with a couple of books, popped and crackled softly as the music played.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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"Of course I'll keep everyone anonymous, I'm not like most reporters who don't care at all." She said as they entered the neighborhood, taking note of how different it was from hers and deciding to stay close to Isaac. She listened to his words before finding herself staring into the basement where music softly played.

She mustered up her courage and descend down towards the mysterious man she only saw once in the flesh. Her heartbeat quickened a little as she drew closer before finally arriving, taking in the mismatched room before seeing Lucas. "Wait, I'm not afraid. You don't have to hide from me." She said, keeping her voice calm as she kept her distance wanting him to be comfortable around her.

"I'm Evangeline. Evangeline Williams. You can call me Evie, though." She spoke as if talking to a new friend.
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As she approached, he shrunk down into his coat like a scared turtle, glaring at her over the top of his scarf. He couldn't call her Evie; he couldn't call her anything. Because he couldn't talk.

Lucas made no move to initiate any sort of friendliness. He simply sat in his swivel chair, shoulders hunched, arms crossed, and glared at the intruder.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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"Look, I understand if you don't trust me and I get it. You were always hurt in the past by those who didn't understand you because of what you did and because you were different. I won't publish the article if that's what you want, but more people are going to end up possessed if we don't bring whoever's doing this into the light. I don't want anyone else to end up like that thing from last night...or Josh." She said, her voice trailing off as she looked away from him.

"In all honesty, I don't think most people would believe the story anyway. They'd figure it's just a giant hoax while we know the truth. I don't blame them. If someone told me I'd be seeing you destroy a demon I'd think they'd lost it. But after last night...I'm not a naive girl anymore."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Mentioning the boy's name seemed to be have been the absolutely wrong thing to do. Lucas was suddenly on his feet, angry. He kicked his chair over onto the ground and stormed away, slamming and locking himself into the bathroom. His outburst was so sudden that it was startling.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Evie admittedly flinched upon his rage, staying still in hopes of not becoming the target of his anger. She knew she struck a nerve she didn't mean to hit with him. She waited a little, the record soon ending its songs before sighing softly. "I'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't mean to bring any bad memories back. I...I only want to help. Clearly you're refusing it and I respect that. I wish you luck as you continue fighting these demons, both Hell and personal." She said before heading back upstairs to Isaac.

"I don't think he's in a listening mood right now. I...brought up Josh and he got upset. It's best I just leave." She explained to him. She felt horrible leaving him in such a bad mood, but she wasn't going to overstay her welcome...even though there wasn't one to begin with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Isaac was reclined on the couch, reading. He looked over the top on his book. "I'm surprised you lasted that long," he said dryly. He flipped a page. "Well, good on you for trying. Come back anytime."

He seemed almost...smug? He had known this would happen. He knew she would give up upon meeting the stubborn enigma that was his housemate.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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Perhaps it was his smug tone or the air about him that radiated a sense of not caring, but it was the final piece which broke the calm, kind demeanor Evie had earlier. "What the hell is wrong with you?! There are people out there getting taken off the streets, forced to become hosts for demons, and all you can say is good on me for trying and come again? This is the one chance to end all that but you'd rather ignore it just like the other mindless drones in the world!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know what happened the night that poor boy died, but I'm not going to let it happen again. I sure as hell know you and Lucas don't want that either." She added before storming off, the front door slamming behind her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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He quirked an eyebrow up, wondering what kind of hornet crawled up her ass. He was content to handle the situation as he'd been doing: in private.

The next couple days were radio silence. It seemed Mr. Partway had no intention of continuing contact, and Lucas certainly didn't. Should she decide to return to the house, she would find an envelope taped to the door with her name on it. The letter inside read:


My mother is sick. I've gone to Florida to visit and take care of her. The key is under the mat if you want to try again. Lucas doesn't respond well to being pushed, it just makes him push back harder. He's a sucker for an offering, though. I'd suggest a record; Louis Armstrong is his favorite. It may take a few tries, but he'll come around eventually.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


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After the third day, Evie had found the note Isaac left behind for her. She looked at the closed door before heading back to her car. She knew of a few record stores which hopefully had some Louis Armstrong. She just hoped by being kind and giving him a record would work over time.

She came back later in the day as the sun was setting, entering the house. Not wanting to sneak up on him or cause him any panic, she decided to announce herself. "Lucas? It's Evie. I just wanted to give you something and I'll leave you be." She said, placing the record where he'd find it should he come out of his part of the house.

She continued this over the week, appearing every other day to leave him a record. She arrived today with a new one, entering the house and headed towards the basement door before knocking. "Lucas? It's me again. I was wondering if I could come downstairs to give you something. You can knock once for yes and twice for no." She said, knowing it would help him communicate.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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A face poked around the corner to look up at her. The dim lighting casted odd shadows on the man's strange features. His scarf was down, but he quickly pulled it up and ducked away.

There was a pause, then a single knock against the concrete wall.
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