Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solemn
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Solemn The Phantomwise

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

They're making a Mad Max video game, which blows me away. I'm working on a post, was an atypically busy week/weekend, I'll have it in tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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Solemn said
They're making a Mad Max video game, which blows me away. I'm working on a post, was an atypically busy week/weekend, I'll have it in tomorrow.

Its fine, the X-Men RP has never really been that fast. The RP being slow gives me time to think of something to write in-between each post as I don't have set way of doing something but it all leads to the same thing in the end. There are only four of us. I was hoping the two other people who posted an interest would get back to me and that Knighthawk comes back on. I may stick this in my Signature to promote it though last time no one really went for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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The Mad Max video game looks good so far. I'll retain some skepticism however. Like horror movies of late, video games have become more and more PG-13 rated. I can only imagine Mad Maxx, which features some seriously adult themes, is going to be similarly hamstringed. Even the Dead Space series has grown more and more into a shooter. The first installment was quite good at scaring you. The third installment... not so much. They were worried people would get bored... so they amped up the attacks so that they were in every bloody corridor. One of the best ways to spook someone is to keep providing opportunity and trick the audience into thinking something is going to jump out only for nothing to happen. Thus, when it truly does happen, you're thinking that it won't.

I'm truly looking forward to the new Alien: Isolation videogame. There is but one alien in the scenario, and Amanda Ripley, daughter of protagonist from the first movie must somehow evade and escape the facility she's trapped upon. One of the best things about the game is that you don't have a weapon and the alien is- unkillable!

I'm a bit surprised how the entire industry has gone "open world". Then again, as they've discovered. Once you build a bunch of assets for a world you can make almost any game you could possibly want from those assets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

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I like the sound of the Alien game, AVP is weird. I liked the alien mechanics but I hated the other two so the human was just like any other human player and the Predator makes it so easy that you can walk by most things when invisible.

Is it just one alien or are there more that you encounter as you move on? If it is one it will remind me of the first movie though as a whole I enjoyed the series up until the AVP thing happened, though it is not apart of alien in my mind, just some stupid fandom crap that made it to the movies. When two franchises get together there is always some one sided thing going on. I feel the alien itself is better then the predator on many levels, with its technology it is pretty much lame. I also think the idea of three predators taking on hordes of aliens until they die or can't take anymore shows who the writers like more. Ripley herself makes the series itself better then the other. On that note I am trying to start an Alien RP but it seems people would rather do a academy RP like 20 other people are doing....... :/ Sigh That idea is going nuts, I don't think I can hold the number of people interested back anymore.

This is why I think a Marvel Vs DC film or game should never happen as one side will be butt hurt. I would be one of the many butt hurt because I favor Marvel more then DC. The two should never met ever or the world will end. I brought this topic up before and five posts later it goes to shit, I did not start it but I ended it by deleting the topic itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Academy games suck. Why anyone would like to sit in a class instead of adventuring or exploring.

The Alien: Isolation game only has the single alien. It hunts you and your crew and all attempts to kill it fail... just like in the movie. All you have is a motion tracker, a flashlight and your wits... and even then, the flashlight is as much your enemy as it is your friend. The entire idea was to make it feel as much like the first movie as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

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Sounds up my alley, it sounds like Amnesia or Penumbra. I forget which one prevents you from killing anything. I like the horror games where you have to run to survive or where you have something follow you but you can't kill it until the end or at all. I think Fatal Frame is the same but it has been ages since I have played it. I am quite the big aliens fan yet my knowledge on it has become fuzzy. Alien and it sequels has some remember-able lines in it, I would not mind hearing them in the game. I have to keep my eye out for it when it comes out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

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Hey... is it too late to get in on this? The other X-Men RP I'm in is going slow as hell, and I need something to occupy my waiting time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

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CrimsonWarrior55 said
Hey... is it too late to get in on this? The other X-Men RP I'm in is going slow as hell, and I need something to occupy my waiting time.

It is not to late but this RP is rather slow due to the number of people which is four in total at the moment and some of us get a little busy. You can join if you want though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It's fine, so long as it's updated faster than once or twice a week. Since I'm rather really attached my other character, I'm gonna base my new one on him.

Name: Ayame "Aya" Denzan

Code Name: Discharge

Age: 23

Gender: Female


Powers: Classed as an Alpha 3 mutant, Aya Denzan possesses electrokinesis, or the ability to generate, manipulate, or become electricity. This can be as arcs, blasts, pulses, waves, beams, balls, etc. Note: Aya's electrical attacks range in power from being flicked to punching fist-sized craters in solid concrete, however the voltage never raises higher than very nasty static shocks (not enough to stun like a tazer, but enough to leave a burn). This is a subconscious block. Without it even she isn't sure what would happen. But she can taze your ass by making skin-to-skin contact, dropping the target like a twitchy sack of potatoes, and in extreme cases can act as a defibrillator. As a side-effect, her relfexes are slightly higher than normal, and she heals faster. Not Wolverine fast, but minor wounds are gone in about an hour and normally fatal injuries tend to just leave scars. Aya can hover by emitting small pulses under her body, but she can't move from that position very much unless she turns into electricity and "teleports" (she's just moving very fast) up to 30 feet in a straight line as long as she can see her destination (don't wanna run into a wall). However, she can't change her flight path unless she turns solid first. So semi-flight is possible, but difficult to control. However she CAN travel through things that have a current (like power lines) al a Electro. Also due to her ability of shifting into electricity and back to solid, her mind is in constant flux, giving her some degree of protection against psionic attacks, but not enough to heavily rely on. Just enough to prevent surprise attacks. Lastly, Aya can absorb electricty from outside sources to re-charge her energy reserves.
Weaknesses - Water. Just straight up water. Shorts out her powers and in large quantities (lakes, oceans, rivers) can turn them against herself, possibly even killing her. Oddly enough, however rain is just fine. She sparks a little, but it's nothing lethal or even dangerous. It just tingles a bit. Anything that won't conduct electricity is capable of knocking her out of her electric state.

Personality: Remember that bit about her mind being in constant flux? Yeah, that has a side effect. She's a little... unstable... kinda... cuckoo. Yeah, cuckoo. She's ridiculously shy around strangers, but once she opens up...? She's constantly happy (even when she shouldn't be) and can get hyper-active when she's excited. But with a little provocation she can switch to downright furious. Or even worse. Emotionless. At this point, just run. To find out what she's really feeling, look into her eyes. They always speak the truth. Oh, yeah, she's also a lesbian with a massive crush on X-23.

History: Aya's earliest memories of her past start from when she 15. She woke up in a hospital, and in her panic used her mutant powers to escape through a nearby current, not that she had any clue what the hell was going on. With no clue where she was or even who she was, aside from her name, she ran. Eventually she figured out she was in Columbus, Ohio. Doing whatever was required to survive she wandered the city, quickly finding out she was some kinda monster and that monsters were to be feared. She fled the city, and while hitchhiking on the freeway, she was kidnapped. She was sold off at an auction to some... sleazy men. Forced into making... "special" videos, as well as mutant snuff films, Aya quickly learned how to use her powers in vicious ways. Anything to stay alive. But after being forced to kill a fellow... well, slave, really, who happened to be her girlfriend, Aya lost control of her powers and decimated the facility she was trapped in, seemingly killing everyone. She was horrified and ran as far as she could, ending up in New York. When confronted by some muggers, she discovered that her powers were no where near the levels they once were. But her ecstasy didn't last as she was arrested by nearby cops who saw her using her power. But, she didn't have to sit long. Not long after her arrest, a man came to visit her, named Charles. He invited her to come to his school for mutants, where she would be safe and could learn to use her powers for the greater good. At first suspicious, Charles proved he was a mutant as well, and asked her to just try it. She didn't have to stay if she didn't want to. Able to tell he was sincere, Aya agreed, deciding to take a chance. And it was the best decision of her life. Not only did she feel at home for the first time in 7 years, but she received grief consoling from Professor Xavier to help her finally come to terms with all the shit she had been through. And... she met the most GORGEOUS woman she'd ever seen in her life. Not that Aya stood a chance, but hot damn! Laura was beautiful! And strong. And sexy. And the attitude... it's a bit of a turn-on.

Howzat? Anything I need to change? Need more weakness?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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I am interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zagan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

posted again, and i dont know who is playing storm but i thought i would leave it at that just in case you dont want things to be so easy :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solemn
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Solemn The Phantomwise

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I didn't see any problem with the CS myself, but if she's wearing shoes with rubber soles does that mean she can't shift into an electric state?

If you're interested, Silver, go ahead and put a sheet up.

I'm gonna assume MC is posting for Storm for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Or standing on concrete... or on sand or grass? Also, Voltage isn't a measure of electrical power, it's how fast the electricity is moving. He other half is amperage. Multiply the two and you get Power, with a capitol P, expressed in watts. The higher the voltage, the further the electricity can jump.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solemn
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Solemn The Phantomwise

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I love it when you get all science-y.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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It's a writing thing. I do plenty of research and then I play the bastard and try to poke holes in my own works. Once you've made yourself cry you know you're good at critiquing yourself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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Assallya said
Or standing on concrete... or on sand or grass? Also, Voltage isn't a measure of electrical power, it's how fast the electricity is moving. He other half is amperage. Multiply the two and you get Power, with a capitol P, expressed in watts. The higher the voltage, the further the electricity can jump.

Okay. I eliminated that bit about touching things. She also wears specially designed clothing that won't knock her out of her electric state. Which I'm gonna call her "Arc Form" even if it's wrong because electrified state is just weird whereas arc form sounds awesome! Also what does need to be lowered so she can't kill. I looked around and got a lot of "it depends on the person and circumstance" stuff. But seeing as this is an RP with superheroes, I figure a little suspension of disbelief is required. But I want to at least be scientifically accurate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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One thing I learned while researching "arc fire", my own electricity person, is that comic book electricity people are bloody impossible. Electricity is always drawn towards negatively charged objects, most often of which is the ground. Unless carried by a gas, a tether or a laser beam electricity always turns towards the ground or large chunks of metal.

Then again, Superman and other bricks can't lift half of the things they do. You can't lift a building or a supertanker. They'd collapse under their own weight! Thus, all bricks must be telekinetic? A good example is hulk trying to stop a train with his bare hands. The limiting factor is the friction caused by the surface area of his feet on the ground. I did the math years ago (and I'm ashamed I can't do it anymore) and it was several kilometers. Needless to say, here's hoping the bridge isn't out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hence Required Secondary Powers.

Directly from tvtropes

"Okay, so you've got one of those people who's got a "Special Power". But even if you supposedly only have the one ability, if you're going to actually use it for anything, Fridge Logic demands that you have myriad other passive powers in order to make it work the way it usually does. This is sometimes directly referred to and explained, and sometimes not.
Related to Fan Wank, this encompasses all of the powers that aren't explicitly stated that would make a power function like it does in the work in question. Often, these powers would be useless outside of allowing the main power to work, but some could have use beyond that.
This only covers if the power in question is not explicitly defined. While Cyclops from the X-Men doesn't hurt his own eyelids with his Eye Beams every time he shuts his eyes, this is defined as an explicit ability of his (and his brother).
All these tropes are especially good targets for subversion or aversion, because the absence or malfunction of a superhero's Required Secondary Powers creates a dramatically useful limit on their primary powers. A slight lack of these may oftentimes cause a Logical Weakness. Compare Lethal Harmless Powers. Also, many accusations of Misapplied Phlebotinum rely on the assumption that the characters or factions in question have the RSPs needed to pull out all the theoretical potential.
Warning: Exploration of this Trope may result in brain breakage. But you probably have something to counter that, right?"


"Implicitly acknowledged with the Marvel Comics "Decimation" arc, where several mutants keep their primary powers but lose the secondaries. Mutants with fire abilities are no longer immune to their own flames and incinerate themselves, a dragon-like mutant falls out of the sky because his mass can't stay airborne under normal physics even with the wings, a fishlike mutant drowns because his gills can't extract enough oxygen from the water to support a human body, and so forth."


"The Flash's powers are an all inclusive package called the Speed Force but parts of it come and go for the purposes of a given story. For example, his seeming ability to slow down his required super-perception has been pointed out a few times. In the Justice League episode "Only a Dream", for instance, the villain Doctor Destiny tormented superheroes with various nightmares; the Flash dreamt that he was unable to slow down, and perceived everything around him as motionless. The idea of a Flash unable to slow down his perception was also eloquently expanded upon by Jim's Big Ego in this song.
Alternate Company Equivalent Quicksilver explicitly doesn't have this: while he can slow down his perception as he speeds up, his default is still faster than human normal. It's described as the reason that he's so cranky: everyone else is moving at a snail's pace.
Flash doesn't always have this ability. In one comic he spent a subjective week watching a movie with his wife.
This would be really painful, given that persistence of vision wouldn't work, and so you wouldn't even be able to perceive the motion in the movie properly. It would be like watching a slideshow of someone's vacation pictures.
Or rather like watching a procession of phosphorous dots or pixels cover the screen one at a time, possibly building up to a coherent picture at the end. For every single frame of the movie.
At least one comic has explained this as being subconscious. When he is bored he tends to zone out and activate his speed without meaning to. This means that a conversation with his father in law, or a trip to the opera, can take forever."

So basically, Aya's elecricty would go were she tells it to, or it at least loses it's attraction to other materials. So come on. Give me a break here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Are you british, by the way?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zagan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I am :)
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