Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Haunted Panda
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Haunted Panda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex Wight was down on his luck. That was all. Lost his job, got kicked out of his apartment and now he was living out of a trash can in the commercial district of Portland -- but it was just a rough patch. He'd pull through, just as soon as he got a job and saved a little money.

Or at least, that's what he told himself. He'd spent a week on the streets, trying to find odd jobs to help him pay for a new place to live, but try as he might... Two months of rent in Portland Oregon was expensive, and nobody was willing to give him a chance. He was well and truly out of luck, and might have been doomed to a life on the street... but only a week after being kicked out is about the time the world -- the WHOLE world -- was turned on its head.

Seemingly overnight, on March 3rd, 2025, cards appeared all across the world. They were found inside houses, hidden inside old shoe boxes, stuck to the back of vending machines, even stuck in the ceiling tiles of some buildings. Sleek black cards made of shiny cardstock that might have been overlooked, if not for the dull glow they emitted, or the shiny flashing borders along their edges.

For Alex, he found the card just lying there, sitting inside the makeshift shelter he'd built for himself under one of Portland's bridges, conspicuously placed atop his bedding. When he touched it, he -- along with thousands of others across the world -- became a part of a mysterious game to determine the fate of the world.

I'm looking for someone to play a young woman, created and summoned into existence the moment Alex touched that card. Maybe she comes from another world. Maybe she was created specifically for this 'Game' that Alex and others like him have been forced into. Whatever the case, she is now Alex's personal companion.

Despite the fact that she was effectively just born, your character is not powerless. For all intents and purposes, your character is superhuman. Exactly what makes her superhuman is largely up to you, and will have an effect on how the story will progress going forward! She might have superhuman strength, speed, durability. Maybe she has a combination of all of those things, or her superhuman abilities are something less physical and something approaching psychic or magical abilities

Your character may not be entirely human -- but should at least be humanoid. Things like elves, goblins, androids, ghosts, etc. are perfectly fine, as well as generic animal-girls with the cute ears and tails and stuff. What I'd like to avoid is 'taur' type characters like centaurs, mermaids, driders, etc... and also anything that could reasonably be considered a 'furry'

There are others in the world just like you, and just like Alex. People in control of one -- or more -- cards that may or may not represent other superpowered people like yourself. The details of how the cards work, how many there are, and how the 'game' is played is something that we'll have to talk about in PMs! Hopefully that kind of thing sounds interesting to you.

In the title I mentioned harem elements -- This is mostly optional. The idea was that Alex might get his hands on other cards going forward, and thus summon other girls to fight alongside him. Understandably, this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so we could come up with other ways extra cards could be used. Maybe the cards don't summon people at all, but your character was specifically made to be a kind of focus for the effects of the cards, each of which give your character another ability or equipment or something to that effect. There are other ways we can do this if the harem idea doesn't sit well with you!

On the subject of smut... Adult themes are not only acceptable -- they're essentially required. That said, I'm not looking for an RP that's going to devolve into nothing but smut. I want to keep things mostly story oriented... Let's try to shoot for a 70:30 story to smut ratio, for all intents and purposes. I'm not looking for anything particularly kinky, so most adult stuff will probably be pretty vanilla -- we can talk more about that in PMs as well!

If you're interested, or even just have questions, let me know and I'll try to get back to you ASAP!
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