Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena was surprised when Leo kissed her back, but didn't break the kiss just yet. Instead she cuddled up closer against him and wrapped her arms around him. The moment she had kissed him, Helena didn't expected Leo to feel the same and kiss her back, but yet he did, and to Helena, the kiss was one of the most beautiful things they had ever shared.

Eventually Helena had to break the kiss to catch her breath. She looked at Leo with a smile on her face, but didn't say anything, simply being at loss of words. Though she was sure that the kiss had meant more than a million words ever would, no matter how sweet and poetic the words would be. So instead of saying anything she just sat there next to him, not planning to leave him at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leno looked at Helena, a smile on his face then the gears in his head had started turning. If he got to close to Helena he knew They would use him against her to get to her they would use him. Of course he wouldn't allow that, he wouldn't dare let Helena get captured just because of him no matter how much his feelings were telling him otherwise.

"Helena I know you probably don't want to hear this, but if I get to close to you They will use that against you I don't want that I know how you feel about me and I feel the same way. But I just can't get that close to you they will use it against you they will use me to get to you." Leo knew he was right in a way, but that lump in his throat wouldn't go away he couldn't say anything more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Leo's words brought tears to Helena's eyes. Finally she had all her feelings clear and answered, only to hear it wasn't possible. Like earlier that day, he was being so close to her, yet just out of reach, but this time not just in her thoughts, but for real. The kiss, which was only a few seconds into the past, had given her the most wonderful feeling in the world, but now, she felt more horrible than ever before.

"But when this is over... When they're caught we can, right? When everything is safe, can we get close to each other?" She asked hopefully, looking at Leo. Of course it was going to be horrible to know how they both felt and not being able to share those feelings together, but if it wouldn't be that way forever, that she would only have to wait, than it would at least be a little less worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo nodded, "once there dealt with yes we can Helena I can promise you that at least." He touched her cheek, "I'm just sorry we can't show our feelings together or be together I just wish we could, but that would mean putting you in danger and no way am I doing that to you."

Later that night they said it was o.j. for him to go, he walked by Helena side. He called a friend of his to grab histruck and drive it over to the hospital. "Thanks man I owe you," as his buddy tossed the keys to him. "Its no problem Leo just make sure you don't end up here again." Leo nodded as he slid into the drivers seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena got into the passenger's seat and fastened her seatbelt. After being shot at earlier that day and Leo actually getting hit, she genuinely cared about her safety, and Leo's as well. For a short moment, she leaned over to him and placed a quick, soft kiss on his cheek. "I hate that we have to wait, but if what you're saying is true and we will be able to be together once everything is taken care of, than I believe you, and I'll wait. I'd wait my whole life for you, if I have to." She said.

Maybe she shouldn't had given him that kiss on his cheek, but how much bad could a kiss on the cheek be? It wasn't just a thing lovers did, family and friends did too, sometimes. A kiss like that might be special for them, but didn't look like anything special at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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The corner of Leo's mouth twitched, when she kissed his cheek and said those words to him. "I know you would Helena and I would to hopefully my boss will keep me stationed here in town once this is all over, but so far haven't had a place to call home." He ss I'd in a soft voice, he got the truck onto the main road heading back to her place or there's or whatever people wanted to call it.

It would be a little bit of a long drive, since her father had wanted to live on the south side of town and the only hospital was on the north side. It would take at least an hour for them to get there, the highway lights passed over them as he looked at the road. "I don't know how long this will take to get rid of them or get them into jail or whatever, but I made you a promise and I will keep that even if it means quitting the job that I have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena looked at Leo and nodded. She still knew what he had promised her earlier that day. That he would be her friend, not her bodyguard. She felt happy to know that the kiss hadn't changed his mind about that, considering it too dangerous to even be her friend. But still, she couldn't help the fact that she quietly wished they could treat each other as more than just friends, but instead sharing the feelings they had towards each other.

Looking out of the car window, Helena sighed softly. Those people in the other cars probably had it easy. Or at least not as bad as she and Leo had it. They weren't the target of a gang and needed no protection from a bodyguard that was an old friend, only to find themselves falling in love, while not be able to express their love.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo casted a glance at Helena before looking back at the road, his mind was wired right now working through options in his mind he didn't want to think about it right now. Still his mind had other thoughts and put it up front and center, he was gripping the wheel tight that his knuckles turned white that's how much he worried about this wouldn't go right.

He swallowed, still he said nothing stuck in his own thoughts for once. He was more of a guy who talked than stayed quiet. Still this whole assignment made him nervous it was nothing he ever did before he never waited for the other guys to make the move first. That's what made this whole assignment hard for him, because he usually made the first move not them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena knew very well what would happen if things would go wrong. Either she or Leo would die, or both of them. Still, she refused to accept that was an option. She didn't want either of them to die at all, it was the worst thing that could happen. And if he were to die, Helena didn't believe she'd be able to get over it.

"Leo, we'll be fine. I promise." She said, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder, knowing the same thing bothered his mind by how he was acting. She wanted to believe her own words badly and tried go convince herself just as much as Leo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo let out a sigh, he nodded he really wanted to believe those words but it was hard to do so. Not many cars were out on the highway at this kind of time with how late it was. He didn't mind being on the road this late, he did it when he couldn't sleep or just to think it had always helped him think when he was on the road at night.

Once they got back to her place, he made sure Helena was inside, before he went up to his room and collapsed on the bed. He wasn't out just yet, he had enough time to take off his shirt before he drifted off to sleep. Other scars covered his torso that he had gotten over the years of working for the FBI.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena got to her bed right away, having been in her nightgown all the time and therefor having no need to change her clothing first. She lied awake for an hour, before she finally accepted the fact that she wasn't going to get any more sleep that night. She got out of her bed and walked over to the wall that was almost entirely covered in photos she had made.

She looked at the pictures quietly. There were so many pictures with her and Leo in them together, or just Leo himself or only Helena, the other taking the picture. They were always smiling, or at least they looked happy and carefree, not having to worry about anything. What a difference was that from how things were at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo woke up after a few hours, he knew he wouldn't get anymore sleep after waking up again. He pulled out hisphone, laying there as he looked at the home screen of his phone it was the photo of him sitting on a table with Helena in his lap. He remembered that day quite well, they were going to find a place to hang out and they had stopped at a park to eat.

Leo smiled as that memory came to thought, they were carefree back then and Helena had more friends because of him. He really never told his friends who her father was and they had treated her like she had been part of them for years, now he was wondering what had happened to them ever since he had moved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena took one of the pictures of the wall, the one with her and Leo together on the beach. It was taken at the same day as when Leo had fallen off his surfboard because he kept looking at her, the memory he had brought up earlier today when she had been upset. They were both laughing in the picture, sitting close to each other and both of them drying in the sun after they had been in the sea. It was her favourite picture.

She smiled as she looked at the picture, their friends had been there too that day, the only friends who ever treated her normal. But now they were all busy and she could hardly ever see them. They had always said that Leo and Helena would be the perfect couple, but until tonight, Helena had never truly understood her feelings. If she had only known how she actually felt about Leo years ago...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo had set his phone down, and got to his feet. He silently walked over to Helen's room, he didn't mind he wassshirtless, it just felt natural to him if he was. He was leaning against the door frame, looking at Helena a smile on his face, he studied her features while he got the chance. It wasn't just how she looked on the outside, but on the inside.

That kind heart, she would do anything for him in a heartbeat. Still he just watched her, she hadn't noticed his presence yet, but he really didn't care he stood there quietly enjoying the moment for now till she would finally notice him. He noticed the picture she was holding, his mouth twitched as if to smile but he held it in check for once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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After a while, Helena looked up from the picture and noticed Leo standing in the door. "Hey." She greeted him softly,a smile growing onto been face as she looked at her friend. She didn't mind,seeing him shirtless at all. After all the sleepovers and times they had gone swimming together, she had gotten used to see him shirtless, just like how he had seen her wearing bikinis and her pajama. So in her eyes, there was nothing she should be embarrassed of.

"Why don't you come over here?" She asked, still looking at him. He was much farther away than he had to be right now, and there,was absolutely no need for that. She wanted to have him close to her, to just talk it br with him instead of being alone. Being with him was so much better than being alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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A smile appeared on his face, Leo walked closer. Now only a few feet away from her, then he saw clearly the picture in her hand. He almost forgot about the old photo of them Helena on top of him from tripping over one of there friends feet. He smiled as he pulled out that photo and looked at it before handing it to her.

"I still remember that day that john had tripped you and you fill on top of me," he rubbed the back of his head "and I also remember you were stumbling over your words when you were on top of me." He smiled at the words, "yah still wish I knew my feelings clearly back than they had always said we would be a cute couple but I was never sure of myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena smiled, cuddling up against Leo. "Yeah me too. They always kept saying how cute we looked together, but I never realised how I really felt about you back then." She said, looking at they pictures for a moment. Then pictures were just perfect, more than words could describe. In the background of the picture where she was lying on top of him, after she tripped, she could see their friend laughing.

Looking at them she smiled a little. It had been so long since she'd seen them because they had all been so busy with college... But now they had vacation, so how busy could they be? "Say, why don't we call them tomorrow and do something fun with together with them again? It's been so since they had time, but I'm sure they got time now. And they'll just love to hear you got back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Leo smiled chuckling a little, "yah that would be great I already suspect I'll get a hard time from the guys by then, but still be nice to see them." He thought for a moment, "there's a lake not far out of town no one knows about I found it on the way back into town."

He knew by going to the lake would make Helena happy along with the others, he wouldn't be surprised if he got thrown in by them for being gone for so long and not telling them where he was going. Still it would be fun to meet up with the guys while Helena talked with Jackie and June with what's been going on and all that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Helena chuckled,. "Well in that case you better be ready to get wet tomorrow." She said. Knowing their friends, he would definitely be pushed into the water, and Helena herself too, possibly. Or they'd push her against Leo, or do anything to try to make the two of them a couple. Not that they still needed the help of their friends with that, at least not anymore. It would just be a matter of being patient until everything was over and they were safe again.

She quietly wondered if they should tell their friends. Not that she was the daughter of a famous actor. No, although they hadn't known from the beginning, she had eventually told them, and they treated her normal. She guessed they could also just tell them that Leo had to be her bodyguard, but she wasn't sure if they could also tell how they felt about each other right now. Of course the others would be relieved they had finally figured it out, but would they also understand why they couldn't be together now? They were great friends, but she figured it was a difficult thing to understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leo laughed, "of course most likely I'll react and throw them in the water my reflex skills have increased since I have been gone for the most part." Of course there friends would probably, try stuff to get them to kiss or something of that sort. Of course Leo couldn't always resist kissing Helena at times, it was always when his patience was running thin.

There friends would probably, have some fun for awhile then him and john would probably wrestle in the water for the most part getting everyone wet in the process. Hey old habits with friends would never be broken he had already tried that a dozen times never really worked.
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