Originally made by Vulkan, who gave me permission to rerun it.

Greetings! Should you receive this message, it means that you have been selected from many a skilled individual across the Terminus Systems, for an operation that I, Saris Fen, plan to put together.

You have seen the Terminus Systems, the horrendous mess that they have become since the end of the reaper war. My, when Commander Shepard turned those bastards into scrap, I honestly expected things to improve around here. Instead, they have only gotten worse. Plenty of veterans of that war have turned pirates, probably due to the fact they don't have anything to shoot anymore. The damned hegemony (no offense intended to any Batarians this has been sent to) continues their slavery habit. Not even losing Khar'Shan and fighting alongside every race in the galaxy can make them kick that...

I'm getting off-topic, to put it bluntly, I plan to do something about all this. Myself, you, and many other extremely skilled individuals will roam the terminus systems, bringing justice to anyone to attempts to exploit the innocent.

If you don't want to fight for justice, fair enough. You can fight for the astronomical sum I plan to pay you when this is finished. I care not for your background, race, ideals, only that you are willing to do this job.

Should you wish to join this endeavor, in exactly three weeks from receiving this message, please make your way to docking bay 26 on Omega, in the upper section.

I eagerly await your answer. I sincerely hope you make the right choice.

Saris Fen- CEO of Fen Futuristics

Mass Effect Seraphim is an RP revolving around a group of individuals, hired by a incredibly wealthy Volus to bring peace to the terminus systems, by any means necessary. It is set six years after Mass Effect's 3 story, with the ending being a slight modification of the destroy ending (which will be explained below)

Though the RP will start on Omega, the team will get a ship, and travel all across the terminus systems, ranging from Illium to Rannoch, and maybe even a few places outside the systems, including places even Shepard never went.

Though you can't use any canon characters (obviously) they can be in your character backstory if you so wish. Otherwise, I want to leave character creation as open as I possibly can, with almost any race or abilities (within canon) being allowed, though some of the more...powerful, ones will need a good explanation. They would also need a good reason to be part of this group, even if that reason is just "Get Paid or die trying"

I have a story line and antagonistic characters in mind, but i am open to suggestions, and characters can have their own sub-plots if they so wish. Id like the RP to go a certain direction, but i don't really mind players being independent if they like.



