Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Listening to the girl carefully, the werewolf raosed a suspicious eyebrow at the reason about worrying for the townsfolk but decided to accept it. "Mhmm.. yes there are many dangerous creatures who reside in this forest. Chimeras, Minotaurs, Griffons, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres.... and many more sung in songs. And of cohrse the wolf." Zari listed off before tilting her head as this called the wolf beautiful. Indeed this was a strange human girl. Calling a beast beautiful was indeed strange. Sure, wasn't odd when one of those bloodsuckers are off seducing people.

"Of course.... your townsfolk are not safe in there city. The wolf may not come, but there are plenty of creatures who can blend in." she said, almost with a low growl.

At the girl's silent pleas laced within her voice, obviously scared and submissve toward the alpha wolf. The black haired woman chuckled softly. "You may not have a choice to come back if I allow you to live.... decisions... I had not really wanted to kill a pup like you when you walked in... but it was for safety. Though now that you have been bitten.... and you are quite cute, I am unsure. But today, you can return home... after I ask for a name." Zari cooes, her fingers running under the woman's chin to draw her closer, her blue eyes shininh with command. Yes, a name for this odd girl.

It was odd... she really should just dispose of this girl, since she was unsure if she could handle the transformation, but Zari felt that pull of not wanting to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Grace didn’t know all of the rumors that the people sung, then again she did believe in what she couldn’t see. The idea of things being able to blend in was rather bothersome to her. After all what if one of these things that blended in, worked in her castle? Would that mean that not even she and her family were safe. The princess shook her head, not wanting to believe something like that. She wouldn’t believe in such a thing like that, until she saw it with her own eyes. Despite how wrong she was about the wolf.

She listened to the woman chuckle embarrassed by now weak she was sounding right now, she sounded nothing at all like her normal stubborn and confident self. Even though this woman said she wouldn’t have a choice to return if she let her live, Grace was content that she wouldn’t be coming back to the woods anytime soon. Grace let out a sigh of relief when told she could return home tonight. Good she wasn’t going to go home and never ever come back.

Grace opened her eyes as she felt fingers under her chin, her body relaxed almost instantly as her emerald eyes met the other woman’s blue ones, only to quickly pull away from her touch blushing slightly about the fact the woman called her cute and was now touching her. “My name is Grace. May I ask yours?” She answered softly before moving ever so slightly where her back wasn’t against the tree anymore and she could leave. “I don’t figure that you can please get my dagger out of the tree?” She asked her in the same soft voice.

As soon as she got the dagger she came for, she turned and headed to leave the woods and return home while she had the chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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The mysterious woman smiled a bit as she received the name, slightly chuckling at the human's reaction. No wonder Vampires or succubus's have fun seducing humans. They were so fun to tease, especially this particular human girl. Mhmm yes, perhaps this may be a interesting start of a relationship. Only time will tell... After all, they may just have centuries to get to know one another. Zari didn't feel like killing this woman the more she spoke to her after all.

"I am Zari.... Lovely to meet you Grace." Zari introduced, watching as Grace tried moving away from her to head for home before asking for the dagger. Pondering this for a moment, the werewolf looked to the dagger cautiously. She could tell it had silver, but she guessed as long as she didn't cut herself with it, she would be fine.

Smoothly, her good hand grabbed the hilt before easily pulling it out with her superior strength, pulling some of the trees bark with it. Lightly, she scraped the bark off before holding it out to the Princess. With a sly smile, Zari moved closer, placing a soft kiss on the human's nose before pulling away again like it was nothing. To her kind, it was just a show of affection meaning that she liked this girl in a friendly manner.

"Sleep well Grace, don't let the Vampires bite.." she cooed innocently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Zari? The woman’s name was so strange yet pretty at the same time. “It’s lovely to meet you as well Zari.” The Princess said with a happy smile. Grace watched as the werewolf pulled her dagger out of the tree with ease, she had tried to pull the dagger out with no luck twice, and yet it seemed so easy for this woman. “Thank you.” She said reaching out to take it from the woman, before blinking with a confused look as she kissed Grace’s noise. She stared at her for a moment before turning to leave and go home.

Behind her, the woman said something about vampires, causing her to stop and turn around. “There are no such…..” Grace stopped herself though, yesterday she was saying the same thing about the beast, and it was clearly real. Honestly it might be a good thing that she didn’t believe in vampires; after all she was just told the bite she had gotten from the beast might mean something more than a scar. The fact that vampires were real might just push her off the edge. Grace shook her head as she cleared her throat. “Good night Zari.” She said instead emerald eyes scanning the woman’s body once more with a smile as she turned to leave the woods.

Quickly Grace made her way out of the woods, before quietly walking near the edge of the forest until at the outer part of the wall. Looking back at the forest for a moment, she squeezed through one of the cracks. As she moved around the front of the castle she stopped at the sight of her father waiting for her, arms crossed as he stared sternly at her.

“Grace where have you ran off to?” He asked sternly as his eyes shifted down to the sliver dagger which held to her side by the bejeweled hilt. “Did you return to the woods after I told you it would not be tolerated?” He added angrily. Grace frowned putting the dagger in its sheath as her father showed his anger, his voice was loud to her and the light breeze seemed to echo slightly. Grace kept her eyes on the ground, after being near Zari the want to fight with her father was surpassed.

“I am giving you a guard to keep you out of the forest, if I cannot.” A rather tall black haired and fit man stepped beside the King bowing to Grace with a smile. However there was something about the man seemed…..off to her, she felt uncomfortable in front of him. As she knew there was no way to get her father to change his mind, Grace pushed her way past her father to go to bed. That night her dreams centered around Zari and herself. It was enough to make Grace blush all throughout the day when she thought about it. The thoughts only made the pull of going back to forest so much worse, but she was strong enough to keep herself from going in the day, at least for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Watching as the human left, the dark haired woman's form changed to a more black fur covered form that had her remaining on two legs. Her fluffy tail wagging slowly as her blue eyes watched the direction the human went. Her ears perked as she listened to the dimming sound of footsteps. Once again, the wolf was all alone in this dark forest. Before, such a thing she wouldn't have thought too deeply on, but currently she felt a little hollow inside. Yet eager. Perhaps suspecting, or hoping the human would return.

No, Grace would certainly returned. Sure, the human had been afraid, but Zari could already see the wolf blood slowly taking over. And the call of the woods would eventually bring her back. With a excited yip, the werewolf headed back home to her den. Grace was a strange human, unlike many she had met before... But perhaps that is why Zari was so interested.

Throughout the day, she either napped or patrolled in her full wolf form. Her arm fully healed and ready to defend her territory from trespassers. Luckily, there was none. Although Zari had never had a desire to enter the city, Zari was a little curious how Grace would react to such a thing. Perhaps later tonight, if Grace comes... The werewolf could follow. It be at least proper to investigate a possible new packmates home after all.

As the sun slowly fell, Zari found herself waiting once more by the wounded tree, the bear pelt by her side as her tall black form watched patiently.
Back at the castle, Rose was chuckling at the new bodyguard her sister received. "My dear Grace, you are quite fortunate to get such a handsome man to watch you. Perhaps I should start doing mischief as well if it means I get someone like him as my protector. You must agree.... You've been red in the face nearly all day." the red haired green dress woman spoke as she walked with her sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Grace laughed at Rose’s words about her bodyguard, she hadn’t even really noticed him all day other than out of the corner of her eye. It was odd how quiet he was, she had to listen quietly for his footsteps, as he seemed to barely make them. “You find Ethan attractive Rose? You don’t find him…..unsettling in a way?” She asked her sister before her glaze went back to the man behind them. As soon as he noticed her glaze, a wide smile crossed his face.

Though she quickly looked away sure that his eyes had changed color when he noticed her looking at him. “Father did not put him to keep me safe sister, he did so to take my freedom.” She told Rose growling slightly in anger, being taking a deep breath to calm herself. Today she felt on edge more than usual, it seemed like she was angry every time she thought of now badly she wanted to leave. “Please take him though.” She added her tone seeming light again as she laughed.

The thought of her face being red caused it to redden yet again as she shook her head smirking. “Ethan isn’t who has my face flushed, I have someone much more interesting and attractive stuck on my mind. And thanks to father, I will likely be able to see them again tonight as I had planned.” She said with a bit of a pout.
Back in the woods a white wisp flew over Zari’s body hidden by the tree, looking down at her with her head on her hands the small blue haired fairy watched her quietly from high up in the tree. “I don’t think your girl is coming tonight love.” She said to the werewolf before laughing quietly knowing the wolf couldn’t reach her this high. “Pretty little wolfy likely scared her away.” She added singingly before laughing again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Rose simply chuckled in mild surprise. "Yes, to protect you from your own mischief. Really, you could of just asked one of the guards to fetch the dagger. Unless, you were visiting this mysterious man of yours?" the elder sister smirked! her emerald gaze sparkling curiosity. Looking at the bodyguard as she thought of someone even more attractive, indeed, her sister was quite lucky. Perhaps a Prince? Or a mysterious diamond in the rough? Mhm it seemed her sister was able to find such interesting people. Much too bad indeed since she usually wastes them.

"Dear sister, are you having a little secret affair? How oddly romantic of you. Much too bad you managed to worry Father so, your dream boy must be waiting outside in the cold for you for your secret meeting. At least, that is how love stories go, no? Tsk tsk.... And I would have loved to see such the man who has caught your eye. It is quite the feet." she smiled innocently. She had always been a romantic, and always wanted the best of the best in love interests.

If this mysterious man had lived in the castle, Rose herself would have payed a... 'Visit.'
The black wolf's ears perked as she heard a voice speak to her. Looking up, she growled a little as she saw the little blue fair. Snorting, the werewolf slowly stood on all four and glared a bit. "She'll come back eventually... The wolfs blood is in her now so she won't have much of a choice. What are you doing here, fairy?" she barked with a mild grumble

Fairies weren't exactly dangerous to her, but they were annoying little things. Didn't have much meal value and were too quick and flew too high to even bother trying to catch them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Grace smiled widely looking at her elder sister, knowing her sister well enough that she might be able to use the fact that her sister might not be the most pleasant, but she was a romantic. “I was with the one who holds my eye and that was who got my dagger for me sister.” She said faking a sad voice. The wolf part of her knew that if she played her cards right she could find a way for her sister to distract her guard when she wanted to return to the woods. Rather the Princess wanted to admit it, she knew that soon the change would have to happen, she needed a scape goat.

“It’s rather sad isn’t it? I finally find someone who I care for, and father would not approve. I’m sure he will not wait for me and I shall be loveless forever.” Grace finished with the same mocked sadness she used on her father and sisters to get her way at times. Letting out a sigh as she got to her door, Grace turned to Rose giving her a half-hearted smile. “Good night sister.” She said before hugging her sister and closing the door behind her.

Locking the door so the guard could not get in, Grace smiled happily for some reason she had enjoyed lying to Rose. It wasn’t as if Rose hadn’t lied to her before, she was unpleasant to her all of the time and clearly had been trying to find out who Grace liked to take them away. Not that she thought Zari would like Rose in the first place, but in an odd way she didn’t want to share the idea of her wolf friend with anyone. Sighing happily Grace grabbed the book on her side table, getting into bed to read before going to bed.
The blue fairy smiled widely looking at the wolf, moving to where she could dangle her tiny feet from the limb she sat on. “Awe was the wittle wolfy lonely? You had to make wittle miss ginger into a wolfy too?” She asked before covering her mouth letting out a childish giggle. Clearly she was enjoying tensing the wolf because she couldn’t reach her.

The fairy’s light blue wings twitched slightly when asked what she wanted. “You know wolfy if you weally wanted to know what your ginger was doing? I’d make a wittle deal with you.” She told Zari before quickly flying down and flicking her noise, making sure she moved to quickly for the wolf to eat her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Rose blinked a little as her little sister a bit more out of turn. Mhmm, how in this world had this mysterious boy caught Grace's heart? Perhaps a wizard? Mhmm... Such a interesting aspect indeed. The elder princess felt a little bit sad for such a tragic romance. Harsh indeed, even for her little sister. After all, Rose was generally unpleasant, but she did have some love for her siblings and Father. Though she did give Grace a hard time since their interests were pretty much opposite of one another.

"Good night, little sister." Rose spoke before smiling sweetly to Ethan. "And goodnight to you Lord Ethan." she cooed before heading off to her room with a soft hum.
Rolling her blue eyes at the fairy's words before glaring as the white speck giggled like a squealing chipmunk. "Hmph, it's not like I meant to make her into one. That Minotaur distracted me from finishing her off before she ran away." she defended with a bit of a huff. It was partly true but partly not, since she probably should have finished her off much faster if she didn't hesitate. Plus, the fairy wasn't far off, but be damned if she would admit it to such a annoying firefly.

Ears perking at the at the suggestion of a deal, the wolf mildly tried snapping at the fairy when she came near with her powerful jaws, but obviously missed when the fairy quickly flew away. Her blue gaze narrowing, her fluffy tail flicked though slowly moved side to side as she watched the fairy suspiciously.

"What sort of deal would you want with me?" Zari asked suspiciously yet slightly curious. She didn't doubt the fairy could do it, they were quite magical. Yet she was unsure what such a creature would want with a more physically based mythical creature? It's not like Zari actively hunted fairies, nor were they really in too much danger unless their natural predators come looking for them. Humans were usually at bay due to Zari's or any other bigger creatures attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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After reading a few chapters Grace put her book away and started to get ready for bed, going to her vanity the Princess took down her long red hair. Looking at herself in the mirror for a few seconds, she frowned reaching up to the bandage on her neck. The bite no longer even hurt nor even felt like it was there, the tape on the bandage however felt like it was pulling on her soft skin. Gently she pulled the bandage off to look at what she thought would be a gruesome scene, surely the bite from the wolf trying to rib out her throat would still look bloody and mangled.

What she didn’t figure she would see was her skin perfectly soft and healed, the only sign of the bite from the night before was the light pink scars that matched a bite mark. Such a thing did not match the redness of the bandage from her bleeding earlier. Gently she rubbed her hand over the mark in shock, feeling the scar, before pulling herself away from the mirror and laying down on her bed.

She would have to bandage the scar up again in the morning to keep her father from worrying, but for the night she would leave it off. With a sigh Grace pulled one of her pillows over her head. Now that it was calm and quiet, the sound of whimpering repeated over and over again in her head. She wanted to go back to the woods! She wanted to go to see Zari! If it wasn’t for that damn bodyguard she would be there right now instead of trying to sleep. Grace let out a quiet whine rolling over again.
The fairy grinned widely as the wolf defended herself and blaming the Minotaur for what happened with the girl, knowing that she clearly was getting to her. It was so fun teasing the big grounded creatures that couldn’t reach her. After all what fun was there in being quick if she couldn’t tease the others creatures.

The fairy laughed as the wolf tried to bite her, watching the wolf’s reaction to her suggestion of a deal. Fairies loved making deals, because even though they had magic, there were things even they couldn’t do being so tiny. The fairy clapped her hands together happily as the wolf asked what the deal was she wanted. “Oh yay! A deal with the wolfy!” She squeaked happily before finally being as serious as possible for her.

“It’s really simple wolfy. I lately lost one of the humans I had captured and she got away back to her home. It made it impossible for me to return to my tree. So…if the wolfy lets me have one of her trees for a little while, where I’ll be safe. Sapphire will give the wolfy a way to talk to miss ginger!” The fairy explained cheerfully, before watching the wolf think about her deal before quickly adding her promise to keep away from the humans while she was in Zari’s woods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Eyes narrowing as she silently listened to the Fairy's offer, Zari snorted as she pondered this for a moment. Honestly, she didn't know why Fairy's captured humans but she didn't know too much about them other than they weren't really a threat toward her. Most humans try to capture them, though usually fail. The price seemed reasonable enough. Fairies were fast, but there was those in the woods who could catch them. Witches were ones that used them for ingredients for potions. Spirits and demons were another that found them a delicacy. Without at least some hiding spot to rest, they would last long with those sorts of enemies around and Zari was pretty talented in fending them off.

"I guess that's sounds reasonable enough. Fine then, you can safely pick any of my trees. Don't just cause too much mischief and leave the humans be. They already are bewildered as it is. So what's this idea of yours, Fairy?" the werewolf agreed, her tail flicking from side to side. Slightly cautious of this fairy but also a little curious and excited to see the human girl, Grace, again.

The girl probably was trapped in her home or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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When Zari agreed to the fairies deal, she smiled and danced around a little bit out of happiness that she would be save here. Zari was rather well known even in the magical world, and that this was her forest, it was the reason the fairy needed to make the deal with her. She quickly stopped dancing when Zari said to keep the mischief down, that wasn’t something that was easy for fairies. She slowly nodded, unsure if that was possible but she would try.

When asked what her idea was, Sapphire smiled widely rubbing her hands together. “Well wolfy said Sapphire had to leave the humans alone. So…she will send wolfy too where miss ginger is.” Sapphire said brightly, her voice excited it wasn’t very often that she got to use her magic on a werewolf. She was really looking forward to it, though she needed the wolf for her deal so of course she when have to set a time limit before the wolf came back to the forest.

“Wolfy will have to turn human again like last night, and it will make the wolfy a bit dizzy. And Sapphire will bring wolfy back before morning, because wolfy will keep her safe.” The fairy explained quickly before waiting for the werewolf to shift before continuing to explain, once she changed and covered herself the fairy continued. “Okay had all wolfy has to do is close eyes and think about being with miss ginger, and Sapphire will send you to her.” Fairy explained before working her magic and sending Zari to the dimly lit bedroom of Grace. Who was laying in bed trying to force herself to get some sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Listening to the directions, Zari slowly nodded as she transformed back into human, muttering a little at how it was possible humans lived without fur as she covered herself with her bear fur. Her blue eyes watched the fairy and grunted a bit. "I hope you know what your doing Fairy.." she muttered as she closed her eyes. This better not be a trick, the Fairy would pay if it was. Then again, the Fairy needed her for protection from her predators so it was doubtful the a little magical creature would break a deal. Well, Fairies don't really break deals... Just perhaps bend them a little when they want to.

Following the Fairy's instructions, the werewolf imagined being with Grace. Figuring the human girl was sleeping in bed in her warm room. The very thought of the cute girl in bed making it hard to resist the temptation to have her tail and ears reappear to move them happily. Still she thought hard, before a sudden dizziness hit her. Almost groaning, she sniffed the air to find it a bit unfamiliar but was stained with the familiar scent of Grace. Opening her blue eyes, she blinked as she stood in a dark elegant human room. Eyes glowing in the darkness, she looked to the bed to see a sleeping form.

Grinning, the human form werewolf mentally howled in victory. The Fairy actually did it! Now she could be here until morning! Mhmm she had always wondered what it was like in the castle. Sure, she had visited villages and even the city but never a castle. It was rare she moved among the human territory since it was dangerous.

Grinning softly, she silently moved closer to the bed, keeping quiet since she could smell a guard.... Though there was a bad scent in the air.... She recognized it but she couldn't remember what it was from. Leaning over the still form, Zari grinned moved her lips close to the human ear.

"Grace, awake my little human..." she cooed gently her right hand moving up, her fingers brushing along the beautiful red hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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The fairy laughed softly at the wolf’s words about knowing what she was doing. She needed the wolf to keep her safe, she wouldn’t chance getting her lost, it was the reason she was bring her back in the morning. “Don’t worry wolfy. How do you think fairies steal things so easily. I’ve done this before.” She told the werewolf softly before working her magic on her.
Feeling fingers along her hair, before the words registered in her tired yet awake mind. Grace quickly pulled away from Zari. Her eyes wide as a soft growl escaped her lips, and she covered the scar on her neck with her hand. How did someone get into her room? She locked the door to make sure no one could. When she realized that the dark haired woman who was standing over her bed was Zari.

Grace rubbed her eyes frowning softly her body sinking into the bed again, as a whine came out to the alpha wolf. “Za…Zari? What are you doing here? How did you get past my father’s guard?” She asked almost hopeful that Zari would have a way for her to get out of the castle.

Tucking the dark purple satin sheets around her body to cover herself, Grace smiled up at Zari. She moved to the edge of her bed so she could be close enough to the woman again. Though she still stayed sunk down into the bed being submissive, even though this was her home Zari was still her alpha, and Grace didn’t even bother fighting it this time. “I’m sorry, my father caught me sneaking back in with the dagger. He put a guard on me.” She added sadly before patting the bed beside her, hoping Zari would sit or lay beside her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Zari grinned at Grace's startled reaction, playfully growling back before chuckling as the human relaxed as she sunk into the bed. "Well, I had a little magical help. So I came to visit you in your own home until morning. Quite a nice place." she mused before taking the offer and lying down beside the red haired woman. Her fingers resuming playing with the beautiful red hair. Still, she sniffed the air a bit and growled slightly.

"I don't care for the smell of your guard standing behind the door..... You best be cautious around him." The black haired woman spoke, her glowing blue gaze glaring toward the door before gently cupping the woman's face. Grace was more submissive now, it wouldn't be long for the transformation.

"How are you feeling? Fever? Pain?" she asked with soft concern! bringing her face so close their noses were about touching. Zari didn't. Really mind the close contact, she wasn't one to get embarrassed or anything easily. After all, she was wearing but a cloak to cover herself in this form.

Gazing at the human softly, she continued to stroke the red hair, pulling the human closer a little forcibly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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“Oh…..” Grace said almost disappointed that it had been magic that brought the raven haired woman here, meaning she hadn’t simple found a way in that Grace had not. “…I’m glad you’re here, though it’s a shame I cannot you the rest of the castle.” She quickly added with a smile playing on her lips realizing it might have sounded as if she didn’t want Zari to be here. When Zari laid down beside her and started to play with her hair again, the princess let out a soft sigh closing her tired emerald eyes.

Though they opened again hearing the growl coming from Zari the princesses emerald gaze quietly following Zari’s towards the door as she talked about the guard outside. She nodded her head in understanding what she was being told. “I’ve been trying to stay as far from him as I can. No one will listen that something’s wrong with him.” She told the werewolf as she cupped her face.

With Zari finally close to her the whimpering in Grace’s mind had quieted, though it was still there. The wolf blood in her knew that the transformation was happening very soon and she needed to get to the woods, the woman lying beside her knew that it would be soon, the only one that was still clueless, was Grace. She didn’t really mind being so close to Zari either when she pulled her face close, though the closeness made her think of her dreams again, thus making her blush bright red.

“I’m….feeling okay, I’m not in pain or anything. I haven’t been able to think straight all day, and I keep hearing whimpering” Zari pulled her closer forcibly before she finished, and she blinked now being so close to the woman’s face. Grace place her cheek against Zari’s for a moment before looking into the blue eyes again. “You’re face feels the same as mine, so I don’t have a fever.” She continued softly, not knowing that her face should have been hot to her, instead of being the same temperature as her. With her face so close, looking at the woman for a moment, Grace leaned forward letting her lips brush Zari’s with a soft almost innocent kiss before smiling about stealing a kiss and trying to pull away from her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Zari listened to Grace's words as she continued playing with the beautiful red hair. Fingers gingerly combing through the strands. She wasn't sure why she was doing it, probably because it was a pretty shade of color. Yes, that was most likely it. It was like a pretty flame lighting up the darkness, a strong source of the humans scent. Well, one of them at least. A smile crossed the werewolf's lips as she saw Grace blush as she cupped her face, wondering what she was thinking about.

How adorable this pup was.

Thoughtfully, her blue gaze narrowed as she listened to the description of what Grace was experiencing. "The whimpers mean you wish you come to the forest. Run free. Though I'm not sure about the other problem... What was on your mind today? Sweet dreams or a nightmare last night?" Zari asked before feeling her own cheeks burn a little as Grace pressed her cheek against her own. Affectionate one now Mhmm..?

"Mhmm well that means your temperature is higher... Though probably not from fever exactly.. My body heat is warmer then normal humans." she explained, a soft grin crossing her lips as she thought how the transformation was going smoothly so far. That was good, since she didn't want this human girl to be in pain like some experienced.

Having been lost in her thoughts, she was a bit caught off guard when something soft brushed against her lips. Her blue eyes snapped open as she felt Grace give her such a gentle sweet kiss. Zari opened her mouth a little in surprise as Grace pulled away, before it turned into a soft devious grin.

"Mhm I thought females weren't suppose to do that to one another.... Not that I'm complaining but remember, wolves can be dangerous little lamb." The black haired woman cooed before playfully growling, pulling the human closer and pressing their lips together. It wasn't as soft, but passionate and even a little bit rough as her fangs gingerly nibbled on those delicious lips. It was still brief and soon the werewolf pulled away with a confident smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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The fact that the whimpering had been her wanting to go back to the forest made some sense. Though she had wanted to do many things before, there was no whimpering than. Why was she doing it now? The brush on Graces face darkened, and spread to the upper part of her chest when Zari asked what was on her mind today. “I…I had sweet dreams last night.” She answered truthfully though she did stutter as she answered, it wasn’t because it was a lie, but because she wasn’t used to having such dreams.

Grace tried to keep her glaze from falling on Zari for a little after answering, as if looking at her would be enough for the dark haired woman to know it was her that she had dreamed of. She pressed her cheek against the wolfs cheek to check her temperature, and hers matched. Though hearing Zari say that she was actually a warmer temperature than normal humans made the princess frown.

Sure she was a weird person, she refused to believe anything she didn’t see, and the idea of being ‘prober’ and boring never seemed to stick with her. But in all other senses, she was a perfectly normal person. Wasn’t she? “But….but I a normal human Zari in the sense. If you are warmer, than I do have a fever, maybe I’m sick and I should go to the doctor in the morning.” She worried out loud to Zari, her neck shouldn’t have healed so quickly and how she was hearing things. Surely something was wrong with her.

Grace smiled seeing the reaction from Zari when she kissed her, technically women weren’t supposed to kiss each other. If a kiss was to be given, it was supposed to be between a woman and a man, that was prober. But if Grace actually did find a man worth kissing, she would be married, there was a reason no man had caught her eye yet. She shrugged a little in response to Zari pointing it out, it had already happened and she wasn’t really ashamed of it.

When Zari kissed her, Grace smiled as her lips moved with hers. It ended almost too quickly, but the princess smiled happily at Zari. Sighing softly Grace laid her head back on the pillow, moving where she was basically cuddled to the werewolf’s body. “It might have been my dreams that keep me from thinking straight. I…I had dreams that I was in the forest cuddled up to you.” She admitted softly to Zari closing her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Smiling at Grace's reaction and blushing face, the werewolf gently brushed her thumb against the humans soft cheek. At her concerns on her 'situation' Zari simply sighed thoughtfully. Pondering if she should explain that soon she would no longer be human. Still, as Grace voiced her worries the werewolf gingerly pressed their lips together once more, chuckling as Grace shyly explained her sweet little dreams.

"No doctor can help you my dear..... Tell me do you know what happens when a werewolf bites a regular human? I'm sure many rumors have been whispered among your people." Zari questioned as she pulled Grace closer in a warm embrace.

Soon that dream may become a reality. The growing wolf wanted to be closer to its own kind, it's alpha while running free in the woods and killing prey. Indeed, she would have to get Grace out of here soon before the werewolf inside started to become overwhelm with hunger. Zari highly doubted she wanted to be responsible in devouring her own family in their own home. The difficult part was getting her out though, and being a little Princess, her father probably wouldn't let her go so easily.

A soft sigh escaped the black haired woman's lips. "You happened to come to my home on a bright full moon... And when I bit you and let you live... Well, your turning into a werewolf my dear. I'm sure you've noticed at least the small changes that has been occurring. Yes?" she whispered into her ear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace thought about Zari’s question, thinking before biting her own lip for a moment. Truth be told, the rumors always sounded foolish to her. She had always thought of them as ways to scare children off from the woods, from strangers that seemed to interested in you, or to get them to close their windows so ‘fairies’ couldn’t get in and steal you away.

“I honestly don’t know what they say about being bit by a werewolf. I never listened to them; they were about things I couldn’t see. And if you can’t see it, than I couldn’t see how it was real. That…that’s why I went to the woods, to prove you weren’t real.” She admitted her foolishness to the werewolf as she happily accepted the embrace from the other woman.

Grace had thought she had gotten lucky because Zari didn’t kill her either time in the woods. She didn’t realize that she was now cursed, that the werewolf had turned her, nor that she was no longer human.

Zari quietly explained the truth to her, it was a good thing really, because when Grace turned at least she would know what was happening. Though right now, the thought pissed the princess off. A deep angry growl escaped her lips as she struggled against her body to push away from Zari. “What!?” She asked the dark haired woman angrily. “You’re the reason I keep lying and wanting to fight with my family? The reason I keep hearing whimpering, and feel so weak. Because you what…turned me into something else!” She continued her tone rising ever so slightly.

Grace wanted to slap Zari, to raise her hand and slap the woman who did this to her, and the fact that the wolf was adding to her anger didn’t help. She let out another growl rising a hand slightly, before the growling in her head became so loud it hurt. The growing wolf was protecting her alpha from herself, and unstead of slapping Zari. Grace put her hand over her ears, whimpering quietly in pain, pulling her knees up to her chest and tears rolling down her cheeks. “It hurts Zari! Please, please making it stop growling!” She pleaded with a shaking pain filled voice.
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