Hidden 8 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by threetoads
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This is the first time I'm posting one of these so I apologise if I miss something that's generally expected to be present. I'm always happy to answer and clarify if need be though.

I'm primarily interested in writing in and creating an original Cyberpunk or Sci-Fi setting. I don't really have a particular limit or preference regarding themes, I just wanna write interesting plots with someone and be able to discuss details and ideas OOC.

I should say I'm not particularly interested in faceclaims or writing up character sheets. This is meant to be more of a collaborative story and while we are of course in control of our respective characters, basically everything in between is fair game and so I trust whoever I write with without needlessly second guessing whether what they wrote is consistent with an image or a character sheet. Maybe I'm not explaining that super well but I do hope it makes sense. Or maybe this is the norm here anyway and I've just been led astray by the few ICs I've read.

A little about me, I'm a guy in my 20s and from Europe. I work most days but I make an active effort to be able to respond at least once a day and while I prefer for my writing partner to be able to do the same I'm also aware that things just do not work out that way and writing under that kind of pressure is the worst kind of writing so honestly communication is all I ask for. I would prefer to write with a female partner but really it's more about matching vibes and writing styles so please don't feel discouraged.

I don't have a minimum on how much needs to be written per response since that's again the wrong kind of pressure for good writing to happen, that's the kind of thing that we can iron out if I haven't already discouraged everyone from responding to this anyway.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. If you do PM me please try to indicate in some way that you've actually read the post, getting a message that literally just says 'Do you want to RP?' makes it seem like I'm being messaged by a spambot.
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Made a slight edit to emphasize wanting to write something original vs. just fandom stuff.

Also a bump I suppose.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

A bump?
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Edited because I realised I'm more interested in writing some original stuff as opposed to something fandom-based. At least currently. Still looking for someone to write with!
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I am curious, did you have any particular story in mind? Or a vague idea of what you were thinking? A preference in the setting, aside from it being Cyberpunk and Sci-Fi? Modern? Fantasy? Or is that something that you would like to flesh out with whoever you wind up writing with?
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I am curious, did you have any particular story in mind? Or a vague idea of what you were thinking? A preference in the setting, aside from it being Cyberpunk and Sci-Fi? Modern? Fantasy? Or is that something that you would like to flesh out with whoever you wind up writing with?

I have some ideas yeah but ideally I'd like to flesh it out with whoever I write with as opposed to forcing my ideas through.

Happy to post some...General musings if that would help though.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 7 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Eveekitten>

I have some ideas yeah but ideally I'd like to flesh it out with whoever I write with as opposed to forcing my ideas through.

Happy to post some...General musings if that would help though.

I am quite interested in your musings, please, I often find I get my best ideas if somebody spitballs something for me to bounce off of ^.^
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by threetoads>

I am quite interested in your musings, please, I often find I get my best ideas if somebody spitballs something for me to bounce off of ^.^

Added some to my original post! They really are 'general' though.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by threetoads
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Is it possible that my target audience is literally just...Me?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by threetoads
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