Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

SPARTAN-536 in his Corral Colored Generation 2 ROGUE Armor entered a SOEIV. Being that he was a LT he didn't inform HighCom that he was going planetside with the ODST's - minus a Private First Class "Angel"; He took their SOEIV.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

69 SOEIV DROP-PODS launched beneath the U.N.S.C. MSBS. Vectoring to Earth.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The DROP PODS were hurtling through the Earth's Atmosphere.

I checked the COMMAND ETHERRAY in my Helmet. Being in a Private First Class SOEIV it was broad and open to all 69 PODS initially. Name's scrolled up my VISR with RANKing Order. I spoke in Polish. " This is PitViperHotel L.T. Sebastian. I've come along with You All in Private First Class Angel's SOEIV. "
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

My landing fissured through Chicago's Willis Tower onto Michigan Street, obliterating the Essex Hotel.

I unlocked my Door and it popped off. I balanced out, one foot at a time, landing both in the pit. I swiveled my footing to go around the turf of my fissure to the other side of the SOEIV. There I opened the hatch belonging to PFC Angel's ordnance.

1 FB P-64 Pistol.
3 Bullet Casings.

1 Thompson Sub-Machine-Gun.
1 Strap.
3 Bullet Casings.

1 M7057 Flame-thrower.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drones flew through the building over the fissure as I hopped up it. I burned them p and out, them felling to flame. They kept coming and dying, none escaped scorched, they all burned.
A elite ranger with plasma guns shot from the sky at my back, flaring my shield. I maneuvered into the scourged building for defense, covering myself with urban walls,
I walked backwards, flame-thrower pointed at the open rubbled enclave, turned into a hallway, got to some more halls and passages. A golden elite ranger with two red elite zealots lurked my way.
bBoth reds fired their plasma repeaters, the golden fired its carbine.
I took refuge a few steps behind next to the wall turneval, fireing my flame-thrower to sear awhatever was visible between us.
The walls crumbled to the shots, and inflamed to mine. I saw on my Radar the ranger with the two plasma guns found my position. I swiftly turned and threw the weapon at them. It hit them hard before they fired the guns. I unmagnetized my smg shooting their openings, gashing its head full of bullets. It fell what was left of themself.
I bent low, crouched around, and dove-rolled into the infernal behind me, raising to shoot at a knee position. The golden elite took shield damage, breaking under concussion fire having tried to get closer. The fire blew open it's chest, felling them.
A red lurched through the inferno moments next with an energy sword.
I rose to kick their pelvis armor as it stumbled over their ranger, flailing angsted. I pushed into their region, under their arms, catching them to brace back their reach.
Skull bashing them with my helmet.
Then kicking them again.
I sidestepped the edge of their sword, to spin kick their throat or head next. Dropiing the smg into my left hand to fire it at the alien.
Seeing a plasma grenade on the floor I ignited it before throwing it down the burning passage.

I went to my flame-thrower. Making my VISR arclight the area. I had better area to walk through the flames, seeing all the elites dead.

I made my way down that hall, grabbing the sword and some plasma grenades.

Found an opening of rubble at a stairway up. I ventured out. A Spartan in Green Centurion Armor was out there sitting on top of a pile of dead elite ultras.
My Radar began having GREEN DOts.
I said to the Spartan "Yo can leave, the Polish Providence is secured."
"That's my Armor-" They wanted to say but I intercepted "It's Mercenary not Federal. Heed my say, please, and leave accordingly to my mercy-nary obligation."
"I have a Name, and it's Katelyn. You're using my language as Liberty, I'm going to thus join you."
I shot flames at Her 50FT away.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amazed that She got burned I ran for cover because theses Armors destroy themselves automatically if the Wearer acknowledged death from a Foe through their nervous system integrated neurology anti-piracy ordnance.
She wailed to oblivion the witch she was and burned to a smouldering colonic blast.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A Purple GENERATION 2 Armor Polish Troop approached from a high, shattered, tiered office building. "Polish Army 1st Lieutenant Luke, I saw the explosion. Need a gel-band?"
"Polish Naval Border Guard Lieutenant Grade 2 Sebastian. Just my flame-thrower. It was too heavy to run with. I got an energy sword, you wan-"

Over a divisionary wall a Brown GENERATION 2 E.V.A. Armor Polish Troop soared over incoming to their zone. It had a Flame-Thrower Turret at it's rear, with a Pumpkin colored GENERATION 3 Torchbearer Armored Polish Troop wielding it. The Peach colored GENERATION 2 Vector Armored Polish Troop in the passenger seat fired a bazooka at unseen covenant over the wall's side, coming down.
"Ooowaaaahhhg"!! said those elites, in pieces.
The Torchbearer managed to flame them before the vehicle landed.
The Brown E.V.A. Polish Trooper skidded towards the wall after seeing us LT's in the courtyard. Colliding with a Legionnaire Spartan landing over that very wall, halting to state Rank: "Polish Territorial Defence Force Lieutenant Adam" - then the Peach Vector Armored Polish Trooper said Her's "Polish Coastal Defence Force Sergeant First Class Monika" - then the Pumpkin Torchbearer Armored Polish Trooper "Polish Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sarah!"

The Legionnaire Spartan cringed getting up behind them "That'll take more to remedy this Sydney". I walked towards Her finishing my intital SMG bullets on Her. Killing Her.

Adam said "That was a Hospitaller revel>"
Luke said "Hoplites I say".

A Silver GENERATION 3 Firefall ODST Armored Polish Troop had jetpacked-tackled a Goblin Spartan through some upper levels of the office building, crashing through glass into the courtyard pavement. "Goblin down. Achilles millennial inbound!"

Monika "Whatever hoshposh, the Achilles aught to be the Hostile! Assert Komando Squad BAttle Reports!" We all braced ourselves to cover each other's flanks straightening our reticles to not shoot at shadows till affirmative results, ignoring the tussled fight.
Sarah didnt ignore it, She kept a steady aim at the Goblin Heretic. So I commanded Monika to vacate the vehicle while moving forward some to where Sarah wouldn't twist to shoot, then said to Adam to knee in front of the vehicle. Luke said Himself He'd strafe into the Squad clockwise.

"Sergeant, vacate the vehicle, guarding that side. LT knee at the front of your vehicle. I'm taking the rear."
"I'll cover the aft side" Said 1st LT Luke strafing with their BR55 Battle Rifle closer.
When Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sarah didnt say Her say the Firefall ODST Armored Polish Troop trusted in our formation to pounce off the GoblinSpartan, having the Brown E.V.A. Armored Polished LT Adam the the Goblin Spartan with his MSBS Assault Rifle with bullets. The Pumpkin Torchbearer Armored Polish Petty Officer shot flames at them, too, but the Goblin Spartan evaded the attacks, withdrawing into the office building with a backflip.

The Firefall ODST Armored Polish Trooper somersaulted to stand, unveiling a Shotgun. They pumped it free of a used bullet casing then they jolted up onto the adjacent wall everything seemed to come from, seeking affirmation. They bellowed "It was one covenant patrol, no resistance incoming. Achilles not present." -He landed to our ground side, their Back to the wall. "Polish Army Mechanised Brigade Warrant Officer Grade 3 Daniel. Good on our Military knowing how to Republic our Command Signals. We have private communications, they can only Paragon. Killing these two Separatists may be the only millennials next.

After that moment 1st LT Luke and Sgt First Class Monika saw the Achilles Spartan, they fired towards the sky at them, but the Achilles Spartan survived the haze of bullets, stomping the Flame-Rover, ejecting the Petty Officer flipping forward into an Oak Tree canopy. I lanced my energy sword through the Achilles Spartan's heart whilst the Flame-Rover was mid-flip beyond them, through their Back.
The Brown E.V.A. Polish LT swivelled to blast them with bullets during those moments.
The Flame-Rover crashed behind Him.

The Goblin Spartan appeared with my Flame-Thrower "Don't move! I, Force Colonel Abbigail, of the U.N.S.C. decla-" the sword was now through Her throat. I gashed it out of the Achilles Spartan shadowy.
She fell to Her knees, struggling for breath.
I ginited a plasma grenade and stuck it to Her helmet from where I was. Her head exploded like an energy drink soda pop can.

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class landed with two M7S SMGs in Her hands.
I said in my GENERATION 2 Rogue Armor "1st Lieutenant Luke you have the Squad."
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I, and the Other Troopers, followed 1st LT Luke up the office building to an Operations Command, lead from Navy Captain Claudia, a GENERATION 2 Monarch colored Hazop Armored Polish Troop.
The Command had ODST Soldiers charting transparent maps among a holo-terrain showing the Bridges near the Trump Building.
Other ODST Armored Troops, and a Pilot Armored Troop stood guard with Railguns.
A Black colored GENERATION 1 Grenadier Armored Polish Troop with a Sniper Rilfe communed us "Polish Army Special Forces Lt. Major David. Welcome to Barbie Bravo. The other Bases are Tech Deck Dudes Whiskey at the Illinois University and Hot Wheels Tango at the Polish Consulate. Please, Officers only, this way to the Captain."

The roof of the building was where we 3 LTs met Navy Captain Claudia. She had a Spartan Laser at Her shoulder. Without interest turning She said "Polish Air Special Forces Captain Claudia. Watch this."
The Laser hummed to power, beaming at a Covenant Lich in the horizon. "This Laser is purging them with that beam already. May have even gone through to the other side, now." She fully squeezed the trigger, warranting the Laser Beam at it's full power. The Lich Ship was devastated. Had it been shot elsewhere upon it it would of been destroyed. Captain Claudia knew where it's core was. She lowered the Laser - "You've seen the Plan why we are on land?"
"Negative, Captain. I was only quartered. You, Sebastian"?
I Said "I was in the SOEIV Hanger, using it to get to the Galley, when the kklaxons blared yellow, letting in our Troopers to drop. Figured I'd come instead of a PFC, Lady."

Captain Claudia started "They have our A.I. at the Trump Building and other areas. They're being made to watch porn. This is a Resque Mission."

Both I and Adam had our neural operator armor systems go mute and disable communications explicitly. The thoughts to get them online was thick pndering, that we didn't have time to laugh ourselves amused at what the Captain had said.
Adam's was farthest - His armor started malfunctioning, sparks began imploding machinations so much that He tried laughing bodily, hands patting theighs, staring hunched at the roof's complex pavement.
That's when I inexplicably had perverse thoughts margining that I acknowledged that His armor could detonate, but wouldn't because this became of psychedelia not hysteria.
He tried to hastily straighten, ti was perfunctory, but he took his helmet off and threw it.
That's when my armor began to convulse to detonate, but I knew better, so it just kept me permanently muted.
I took my helmet off and held it in my left hand. "PitViperHotel requesting intelligence" I said smoothly with a grin.

The Captain told the Mission incrediously to us "The A.I. has been forced to watch porn. It couldn't avoid attesting itself with sardonicism. They captured the highest ranking officer with a comedic sexual Name because of that; Rear Admiral Hon LonXiong, Commander of the Space Hospital "U.N.S.C. Bliss". Then, they started poaching the next, and the next. Hooking up them to cyber-suits. Those suits were specially made for sexuadelic inducements of sensuality.
They have a sex organ transparent dome like an inflatable swimming toy for the male attached to it. The entire thing otherwise, like for the women, is skintight and block eye light. Air is brought in and breathing is mastered.

... There is no saving the A.I.... they're who are the psyche of the suits."

Adam spoke first "We'll go without helmets."
The Captain "Just you LT. Sebastian. Those malfunctions are hot wires, Lt. Adam." Ordered the Navy Captain, and furthered "You will go in just as One. You are our first Komando from this Base.
Till KIA we can't allow Avengers."
In unison I and Adam said "Understood."
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

After Operations Intelligence getting to the Trump Building was absolutely easy.
Except for the invisible Aliens, I killed one there was an 80% chance another was near there that would enrage causing a patrol to merge into a firefight.
They didn't climb buildings, though. 2nd, 3rd Level, I could have whatever like donuts and milk.

The few Streets remaining to the Trump Building echoed English American Sexual urges- apprently anything played was sexuality, and it changed infrequently. The lighting was flashing as strobes, regardless that it was Daylight, and vapor was blown into the streets everywhere, the wind galed it out near the 6th-9th Levels. There was nothing in sight of a way of entry.
I began to cross a Bridge there.
Killing invisibles was to be simply a fun start figuring it out.
The covenant were dead all over the Bridge when I got to my new killzone. The elites were sword dancing I saw. It must of slew all these former aliens. One'd get close to their raving quest to lie liking the music, I'd punch it's face, it'd not be dancing but flurrying-
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

AND the elite started saying "FUCK" - I presume they tried to steal it from the A.I. as their own language to survive the cultural experience for evangilism. From the slaughtered aliens I presume it's even advancing.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Fucker shant hearthen grog!"
"Shite on my face!"
"Pussy galore, devils food donut assASSiNation!"- I was beginning to conceive these sentences are thee reapers not just killers of those aliens before.
But they were raving. The vapor was so good I could sleuth away from the glaring battle, leaving them to their flurrying. It almost felt boring escaping, with no glow of my own to satiate intuitively. Then I stumbled upon a Gauss Cannon.
I heaved it up, spotting the glowing iconoclasts, shooting them. It charged blasts for a few seconds before beaming them dead, that was all they had to get to me.
They died instantly to my Cannon.
Some fo the red elites hurtled phrases before their deaths. It invigorated all aliens to do so. White elites, gold elites, blue elites, gray elites, purple elites, flying elites, drones, hunters, grunts, brutes, jackals, - all had something to say-
"Cum dumpsternizzle"
"Fucking A"
"Bitches and whores"
"Cum my wanksters"
"Cunt cunt cunt"
"Twatshocker"- a bunch of Banshess spliced in an approach. The blew up in seconds, like 7 at first, then I had to maneuver about to kil their seraphs.
A prophet busted out of the wall, a Pink GENERATION 2 Ranger Armored Woman slaying them, it's hoverchair being smashed to bits - onto a phantom, then they roled off it. Separately my Armor incured itself to find flipmusic to my awesome intake of the scene. I chose Rocket From The Crypt's "Venom Venom" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byO7ZMO5VRg, then trebled my music themely out of my Armor.

I shot that phatntom. It exploded into the street, killing what covenant below. I kept firing as I sidewinded to the prophet. When within stomping turf it gasped "pedophile".
I used my Cannon to crush it to death. Green blood splattering the vicinity.

I picked up the Ranger, She was immobile. Seemed She broke her leg, or strained it during the tumult. "Polish Naval Border Guard LT 2nd Grade Sebastian, Lady." I answered.
In both my arms, off the ground, She said looking behind me as She squeezed a trigger in Her hand, eradicating bombs in the Trump Building, blowing it to smithereens, "Polish Navy LT. Commander Nicole - She sidled Her helmt to aim at my face asset position- Nicole."

"Hostages?" I asked.
Walking from what acrid was ashing down, plaguing the vapor to acid mist She answered "They've been seured to a Ship near the higher floors. When there were hgiher floors."
What about the A.I.?"
"Confiscates. Which reminds me, turn to the prophet corpse, that one by chance took our 'Siren'."

When there I layed her down next to the dead body. She rummaged her side, I mine. "'Siren',huh? We should break it." I wondered to her.
"Only Field rnaks Major plus can." was her say.
I found it, showed her, and crushed it; "No jabberwocky."
The theme music ended.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pt Vpr SktBrdr
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Pt Vpr SktBrdr I'm the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The ODSTs under our Command were remanded to their UNSC, Polska having avenged our Diplomacy we were reconnoitered off Earth to our Nebula.
Upon hearing of my mission statement to Captain Claudia that LT. Major Ranked me to Captain It reminded me of the War Games Academy I graduated from when a LT. Poland and Planet Illinois regimed to create that Military Academy, where I earned my Rogue skill.
It was a splendid Academy of Illinoisan English American Ancestry attained Nobility from the Kingdom of Poland when Kolonizing Planets. I had entered after reaching Gunnery Sergeant on Polska (Poland) against Separatists. This Academy prepared me for Insurrectionists.
There at the Academy I had conquered separatist David Lukaszuk from attaining Apprentice promoting me to Lieutenant thanks to General-Commander Piwo Dobrzyn, and insurrectionist Mark Pabst from attaining Cadet. Graduating me to a LT GRADE 2.

I established a Squadron from the UNSC MSBS of Polish Eagle Frigates to pick us Troopers up off Earth.
Polish Border Guard 1st LT Mimi in Her GENERATION 1 yellow Hazop Armor and Designated Marksman Rifle was rallying our ODSTs to remain at the Consulate Office whilst the Polish Eagles were arriving.
She got on my Eagle first, then Polish Navy LT. Commander Nicole in Her Pink Ranger Armor.
I stood near the Entry to the Eagle making a count of Troopers that made it to the Base.

Polish Border Guard 1st Sergeant Shinetta in GENERATION 1 sandgrass fields colored Military Police Armor with a Squad Automatic Weapon.
Polish Marshall Guard LT Phillip in GENERATION 2 ice colored Enforcer Armor with Grenade Launcher.
Polish Air Force LT GRADE 3 Peter in GENERATION 2 grass colored Operator Armor with Rocket Launcher.
Polish Navy Border Guard Mate Catherine in GENRATION 3 black coral bone colored Mirage Armor with Assault Rifle.
Polish Territorial Defence Force Special Forces Captain Ella in GENERATION 2 sizzling coral Warrior Armor with MSBS Assault Rifle.
Polish Army Gunnery Sergeant Mathew in GENERATION 3 orchid colored Hazmat Armor with Browning.

After Him I closed entry and that was that mission.
For the next 3 years I was stationed on the Corvette Dreadnought "PL Corona Szczerbiec". I attained Staff Captain thanks to that Ship's Captain Polish Special Forces Strike Commander Pit Viper.

On the DATE 02|06|2007 I was promoted to Rank Major GRADE 3; So, I changed my Rogue Armor Helm VERDANT VISR with the PRIMEVAL VISR, changed the Helm to GENERATION 2, my Body Armor to the Interceptor Armor, and gave myself a Pecan coloring.

After a solo mission stealing a covenant stealth ship, using it to attack multiple covenant vessals, with space ejections to EVA their flagship to crash land onto the Planet GROM I was further Ranked to Field Major for the duration of the Halo Wars for Polska.
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