Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

What destroyed us? Because it might fit with what I have for the Collectives downfall already
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Extra-Universal Threat of Great Power

I was thinking Reapers but on steroids.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Good that fits well

Basically, the Collective got stuck in an endless war, inter universal stuff, specifically in their slipspace, which js vitally important to them. This resulted in the Secondary Universal Cataclysm Disaster when the Triarii attempted to use a new piece of technology. This resulted in insanely dangerous storms in the Secondary Universe, thus rendering transport through the slip space to the other galaxies implausible. The Collective was unable to remove these Storms, which are estimated to end in approximately half a million years time. This also resulted in a new solar phenomenon known as 'Tears'. These tears are relatively rare but extremely dangerous when they appear, a literally hole in the fabric of space time as the barriers between the Primary and Secondary universe collapse and sections of the secondary universe leak through. In the Milky Way (and likely several other parts of the universe) these tears are relatively harmless due to the lack of anything that will leak through. Thus all that happens in these tears are the laws of physics being replaced by the other universes laws. These tears are also minor on size, most barely the size of Jupiter. These tears, having little energy flowing through them, usually close themselves after a shirt time
In many other parts of the universe however, it is a different story. The tears crack open and the storms leqk through from the other universe, forcing the crack wider as they do. These are larger, some being many light years in size. It is estimated that these will only close once the associated storms have cleared up. There is no accurate way of telling how much damage has been done in the other galaxies as a result of these tears.
With a collapse of their intergalactic capabilities, the Collective could not defend its extra galactic holdings, and as the tears leaked Storms through it became implausible even to brave the long trek across the gaps between galaxies, lest entire fleets be consumed. These tears weakened not just the barrier between the primary and secondary universes, but other universes as well, and this allowed for the arrival of more extra universal entities, and the Collective was locked in a losing battle for many, many years. Tens of millennia passed before the threat finally passed, and what was left of the Collective, drastically reduced in size, man power etcetera, stood upon an island of corpses in a sea of blood. Although crushed, they had held. The audio file of the Greater Good prevails played through the streets for the first time in living memory... But there was no celebration, no joy. Everywhere one looked they would see death, they would see decay. Many had known only war, and it was branded the single most horrific war in Collective History.
For the cycle following, an Umbrae Populus song, dium'zul, dominated much of the requested audio files.
Excerpt: "Dweade a doi e'tol, no'l Card'aid bachk er soli'on rro nod ywr, mi dium ond zai, hurl'wym er pam gollais aid... "
Translated "Tell me you shall not come back, love since you have fell away, I have only the darkest of shadows now, no summer for my souls desire..."
Followed closely by perhaps the oddest trend in Collective history, a Saeva Simius song.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

duck55223 said
Im going to say no.The point of the sequel is that the new civs have to discover what happened by finding remnants of the old civs and defeat what destroyed the old civs. If the supremes survive it breaks the point. That and this sequel would occur 1000s of years after the current RP so all civs would have ample time to re research space tech.

The Supremes don't hand everything on a silver platter. Think before you speak: they come with these great technologies, and only really used it to try and preserve. They aren't interested in controlling, and if they wanted to control, they could give everything they want their pet nations to know on a silver platter. Don't assume when you don't have enough information to have a good idea about what's going on. It's getting aggravating with you looking at a sign, and saying that its meaning is totally wrong, without taking a look around, so to speak.

And I agree with Darkwolf. No more magic, no more gods or goddesses. Just psionics and the like. Science fiction, not fantasy. The whole super-op thing is getting aggravating. The Supremes' power is from psionics, not some magic that is given by some oh-so-great being that is far, far too biased.

I would say that spaceships and the like are much harder to make. A fleet of one thousand is a very, very large number. Smaller ships and smaller fleets. It'll make record-keeping much easier, as well as keep it more realistic, instead of a dozen superfleets against a single little regular fleet. Carriers, Frigates, Cruisers, and Destroyers should be the main 'types' of ships:

Carriers provide fighters and bombers, which can be vital in a battle, since they can destroy turrets, weapons, and other ships, even a capital ship,

Frigates provide fighter/bomber support, as well as having some kind of powerful [but slow] kinetic or energy weapon that can be intercepted, but can be destructive to other capital ships,

a Cruiser would be like a Frigate, except with a somewhat less powerful but much faster and accurate anti-capital ship weapon, but slower and more heavily armed, being a target and a force to be feared in the fighter/bomber world

and Destroyers, with heavy weapons for anti-capital ship use, or orbital weapons and the like.

That way, it'd be easier to keep everything to the point. Sure, have individual classes with different attributes and the like, but just find a common system to classify them into. It'll be easier. Another thing would be to have 2 distinctions: Regular forces, and a much, much smaller, "Elite" group. I am taking inspiration from the game "Strike Suit Zero." Most of the enemies will be regular forces, but in important places or at an important target, one might find the "Elites", and in the case of Strike Suit Zero, the "Black Fleet."

And everything should be much harder to upgrade. Easier to scrap a ship rather than replace the armor, hull, weapons, and power source with newer versions, and to reset and repair, as well as give some more upgrades to, the wiring and electronics to make it compatible, as well as the programming and the like that would be needed.

A thousand ships per planet is much too much. I look not into the size, but rather quality. Keeping a small, easy-to-maintain and easy-to-mobilize fleet is much easier than having dozens of fleets on standby. Having massive fleets show up within minutes, hours, or even days of a distress call at any world would be ridiculous: that would be very expensive to maintain. You have to locate the signal, check to make sure that the signal isn't from a faulty device, check to make sure of whether or not the area it originates is your space, check to make sure that, if it is a planet, satellite, or station, that it's responding, and that there are people actively responding. And then if there is nothing, you have to recall soldiers, get their gear and power up ships, enter coordinates in all ships, communicate clearly to ensure that no one accidentally comes out of lightspeed to just cut their friends in half, and then launch, and the gain their bearings once they do so, re-establish communication, establish communications with any possible ships, stations, or satellites, locate all ships, stations, or satellites, determine whether or not they are friendly, neutral, unknown, or hostile, and then arm weapons, prep pilots, and send out information and orders to all the ships participating, and then launch weapons, fighters, bombers, and organize plans, and etc etc

Really, it's ridiculous how everyone just pops up and immediately knows everything and knows what to do and knows who is who. Myself included, I'm not leaving myself out on this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Well, with a huge number reduction we will hopefully see proper battle posts, so there's a chance for our elite units to stand out and perform elite actions, while uber units such as the Assembly walkers will actually be powerful and when one is seen it'll be more like marines having to fight with a scarab from halo than a god emperor having to swat a fly

As for ship types, I see no problem with that a Collective vessels are already organised into type. We should use real life classes, like you suggested, and for capital ships, designations like battle cruiser or super carrier. Then we have to specify our fleets and their ship types, so we dont end up with generic evil fleet one vs generic good fleet two

Also, given the smaller number of planets, war would be a risk vs reward situation, and more emphasis would be on invading and conquering to acquire new space and resources than the current destroy as much as you can scenario
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

By the way, I suspect the collective and any other such survivor races will end up doing some very controversial things. For example those refugees are a huge drain on supplies... A drain which likely can't be supported...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

I actually didn't mention anything about the Supremes handing technology. I just said I didn't like the idea of the supremes surviving and remaining there. Your saying I said things i never said to try to make me look like a idiot for no reason in particular, just more of your superiority complex Rogue.

Also he said he didn't like the idea of gods existing. I have a better set of rules this time around to help balance magic in the sequel.

Also stop making that suggestion Rogue, you already tried suggesting that in the MCF thread and nobody wanted to do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Its not nessercairly about gods existing, there's god like entities in many sci fi series, its the large number and scale of interferences that keep cropping up and inconsistency in their behavioir that's troubling
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

darkwolf687 said
Its not nessercairly about gods existing, there's god like entities in many sci fi series, its the large number and scale of interferences that keep cropping up and inconsistency in their behavioir that's troubling

Which I have planned to fix in the sequel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can he please stop calling me Rogue?
And the idea is actually a good one. You just don't like Rogue, whom I appear to also be, even though I'm not.

And the Supremes are barely connected to all the other races. Something bad pops up, and they'll disappear to a place that would take the races of the Milky Way millions of years to find, and then reappear later to see what happened. They aren't bound to the galactic cluster like the rest of the empires do; they're mobile, nomads. And they can easily just whisk themselves away at the sign of a very powerful foe.

And it'd be nice if the god stuff was a bit more behind-the-scenes. Like how Rogue's "The Goddess" simply showed a few people the downfall of the Sanctum, rather than Duck's Faust constantly interacting with people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

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darkwolf687 said
Well, with a huge number reduction we will hopefully see proper battle posts, so there's a chance for our elite units to stand out and perform elite actions, while uber units such as the Assembly walkers will actually be powerful and when one is seen it'll be more like marines having to fight with a scarab from halo than a god emperor having to swat a flyAs for ship types, I see no problem with that a Collective vessels are already organised into type. We should use real life classes, like you suggested, and for capital ships, designations like battle cruiser or super carrier. Then we have to specify our fleets and their ship types, so we dont end up with generic evil fleet one vs generic good fleet twoAlso, given the smaller number of planets, war would be a risk vs reward situation, and more emphasis would be on invading and conquering to acquire new space and resources than the current destroy as much as you can scenario

And duck, this is proof.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

I have been saying to reduce ship numbers Rogue. What I meant was that people wouldn't like your classification system because they already have there own they like to use. Your forcing them to use a system that they do not want to use to classify there ships with when they have there own way of doing it. Plus that and everybody already has mainly regular forces them some specialized or elite units.

Also just because you say you aren't Rogue doesn't mean you aren't Rogue.

As for the god stuff in the grand scale of things Faust still has only interacted with a few people. Again, and like Rogue, you make up things that aren't true about others to make them look bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

1) Not forcing. Just asking to label. I can see creativity, I'm just asking that it's classified in a simple, common system, like in economics. In the galactic community, everyone has their own currency. However, currency A may be worth 3 Inter-galactic Credits, while Currency B is worth half an Inter-Galactic Credit. Same thing. You can have all the different types of ships you want, I just want it to have something in parenthesis that helps someone identify it as a certain ship, whether it be carrier, cruiser, multirole or something else. And with how you guys are roleplaying, it's generally "Send our massive fleet of elites, they are de baaassshht at everything."

There aren't any outdated fleets, since everything appears to be instantly updated when the technology comes out

There aren't any aging fleets, since everything appears to be eternal unless it's blown u p

And there aren't any malfunctioning fleets, since everything appears to work exactly as its meant to, especially with new ships.

2) In that case, you must be Rogue. he grew smart, and you wanted out, so he switched to your place so that he wouldn't be suspected, and began naming someone else as Rogue that he had talked to so that no one would think of him as Rogue. Very smart, you Rogue.

3) Not really. You did a lot of interfering. You were messing with Restukuu or whoever, you were at many meetings, you were always talking in peoples' heads as if they didn't know anything. I didn't say Faust was running through Draconian cities with Mr. Tinkles [the cat] and blowing everything up with magical happy energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nevermind, shush, and stop accusing me of being Rogue. I'm not Rogue, nor will it change anything. You already heard Keyguy, so it's not like dwelling on it will make anything better. Past is past, get over it. Stuff happens.
And my idea is a good one. A common classification would be useful. I'm not saying they have to classify EVERYTHING, I'm just saying the big stuff. Fighters and bombers and the like will just have to be labelled by their names and purpose: If they are meant to attack other fighters, then they would be an Interceptor. If they are multipurpose, then they are fighter. If they are meant to take down the big capital ships, then they'd be bomber. Regardless of whether or not they are built around a big energy cannon or are just carrying a bunch of primitive nukes.

I'm not saying that people have regulations. I'm just asking for someone to take a sticker, write the type that fits best, and stick it on the hood. Not to change everything to be a certain way.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago


2)I never wanted out and that mskes no sense what so ever

3)Restukuu was different case where she would have caused problems for Faust when she finally ascended to god hood. Also talking into someone's mind is subtle manipulation
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

1) k

2) Exactly. Rogue WANTED out, and he liked forcing people, and blowing everything up. My people run away before any forces even show up, hide in a sort of safe zone, and are cowardly unless they feel that they must fight. Quite different.

3) Faust didn't do anything anyways. If you wanted subtle manipulation, try a bodyguard-diplomat with more subtleness, and if you're using an omnipresent extradimensional being, such as Faust and the Goddess, then actually have them with power, not just squeak out of power at the sight of a biological creature gone godly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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No, talking to someone is direct. Slightly influencing their emotions is subtle. As for the Gods issue, they have been labeled as extra-dimensional beings who have placed themselves as Gods/Goddesses in multiple cultures, so they can still be in but with limited interference. As for the ship classification, I agree with Wilson, but you can still have your own classes as long as you compare them (Like my Attack Ship, which is basically a light frigate).

Also, I like the inter-universal tear disaster to destroy most of our empires. There could still be some tears, and perhaps even a small storm or two. That would certainly make things interesting. Anyways, I'm going on a three-day field trip and I may or may not have time to post, but if I do, I will be sure to keep up with things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I was thinking of thought influence [like nudging thoughts to a certain direction]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And with the 'storms'

Perhaps there can be what are labelled 'Ion Storms', which is yes, Command and Conquer, that show up any time there is large space movement. For example, a shipyard in orbit will have to send the newly-built ships elsewhere to prevent the 'Ion Static' from building up, connecting to other ships, and making a storm. This makes the problem of prolonged conflicts: Short battles will be priority, and wreckage or ships that are too slow will be picked up by scavengers and salvagers after the storm passes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

WilsonTurner said
And with the 'storms'Perhaps there can be what are labelled 'Ion Storms', which is yes, Command and Conquer, that show up any time there is large space movement. For example, a shipyard in orbit will have to send the newly-built ships elsewhere to prevent the 'Ion Static' from building up, connecting to other ships, and making a storm. This makes the problem of prolonged conflicts: Short battles will be priority, and wreckage or ships that are too slow will be picked up by scavengers and salvagers after the storm passes.

The storms are only in the secondary universe and Darkwolf even said the tears weren't major in the MWG.
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