Since long before anyone could remember, there had always been a war. Yes, there have been ma.y wars within history, yet little did they know that their wars were influenced by the long war between Assassins and Templars. Two sides so similar, yet so different. Having the same goals, but different ways to accomplish it. Be it by freedom, or be it by order, they wished for peace.

But blood is continued to be shed, and violence wrecking havoc amongst the simple people. The Assassins fought for freedom, and they had some successful accomplishments. First the great Altair, then Ezio... Now it was the time in the New World, the American Revolution later generations would call it. Once again, the Assassins and Templars fighting one another in their own beliefs and influencing the Patriots and the British from the shadows.

There was one Assassin, hidden amongst the city of New York, the highly populated city of Templars andLoyalists. She stood out fairly well for she had tan skin and tanned skin. Her face smooth and her hair a short black. A slightly round nose and her body curved and toned, standing six feet. She could pass as a man if she dressed the part, but for now she wore a dress in a simple little diner. Serving Red Coats and regular men food and drink. Quietly observing them and their conversations. Quite a few would laugh at her, because of her color and because she had Savage blood within her. Still, she ignored and continued on.