Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dear Ms. Mikado,

After having witnessed your deeds as a Kamen Rider, our organisation would like to request your presence in Tokyo. As you may have heard, incidents involving monster attacks have experienced a sharp increase in recent times. We have reason to believe that a group known as Foundation X is behind this. We believe it would be best, not just for the citizens of Tokyo, but for the world as a whole, if you were to assist in stopping Foundation X's operatives before they achieve their goals here, whatever they may be.

If accommodation in Tokyo is an issue for you, our organisation has arranged several apartments which will be available for you and the other Kamen Riders we have contacted regarding this matter. Enclosed with this letter is a map, marked with the location of the building. We look forward to seeing you.

Yours Sincerely,


Manami read through the letter once more as she stepped off the train. While some people would be suspicious about who had written it, what this organisation was or how they knew the Riders' identities and addresses, she was more focused on another detail. Namely, the fact that she was going to get to meet a bunch of other Riders. Smiling, she placed the piece of paper in the leather satchel hanging at her side and exited the station.

Stepping out of the station, Manami glanced around, looking for any signs that would help her figure out where the apartment building was. She couldn't help but feel a bit relieved that Foundation X had made its move when it had. Wandering around in the rain or summer heat would've been a massive annoyance. As it was, the afternoon was warm and sunny, but not unpleasantly so. After taking a look at her map, she began moving towards the meeting place. If she was reading the map right, it would only be a few streets away.
A couple of blocks back from the newly arrived Rider, something odd was happening. Not as odd as some recent happenings, but still somewhat unusual. A young man with short brown hair made his way down the street, flanked by a short, black-haired woman and a bald man who could easily be mistaken for a shaved gorilla, both dressed in white. The brown-haired man's eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses and he held and ornately carved cane in his left hand, each end designed to resemble a snake's head.

Every few metres, the man stopped and tapped his cane against the pavement or a wall, seemingly listening for something. The combination of the man's unusual behaviour and his associates' clothing served to draw some attention from the people around them. The ape-like man took notice of this, reaching into his pocket to withdraw a small device that resembled a USB stick. The brown haired man reached out to grab his arm, shaking his head slightly. The situation didn't call for that. Not yet at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The note was an important one. It was why Haruko had asked her to go. As much as Haruko wanted to meet other Kamen Riders, she felt wrong about leaving now. And so... That was why Snow was here. However... she had never been outside of her home town, not for as long as she could remember. As such... she was unsure of what to do. Clad in her standard gothic lolita dress, complete with her small hat, Snow stood quietly in the street. There were a lot of people, so she didn't really want to talk. She simply stood silently and stared at the letter for a few moments, before looking up and around. There was an apartment. Yes. An apartment she had to go to. Somewhere. She thought she was going in the right direction at least.

It was warm and sunny. That was good at least. But it was loud. Snow didn't like it when it was loud... she liked being in quiet places where there were books. She could read and not be disturbed by loud noises. But this was important. Haruko asked her to go, so she went. And it was dangerous... so there needed to be every Rider that could be spared. Still, that did not prepare Snow for attempting to find her way to this apartment. No, she simply stood aimlessly in the middle of the walkway, looking plaintively(thought expressionlessly) around in hopes that something would stick out at her. Unbeknownst to the small girl, she was directly between the train station and the apartment. If she went only a little further, she would arrive at her destination. Unfortunately, she had no idea of this and simply found herself hoping that something would come up and indicate where she was meant to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shinji could remember it clearly as if it had happened only yesterday. Occasionally, sometimes he would instinctively move his hand to his chest, feeling the place where, a few months ago he had been slashed right open, with his blood and flesh leaking out into the street as he was left to die by the monster sent by Foundation X. How long had he lived like this? In hiding, worrying about who might ever find out what he had become? How long had he lived as a refugee? A fugitive? A man wanted by the forces of justice who was supposed to protect them?

How long had he been an Orphnoch?

Looking around his apartment, Shinji continued reading the book that the Literature class was supposed to read. No matter what happened to him, he still wanted to live out a normal life as long as he could. So far, he hadn't made a mistake - and by that, he meant that he didn't accidentally go on a rampage, kill anyone or reveal that he was an undead monster to anyone yet. Well, besides Foundation X, but they were an exception. Hearing his stomach growl, Shinji put down his book and headed to the pantry, where he opened a cupboard - only to reveal it was completely empty. Sighing, the young teen who had so recently moved out of his house resigned himself to go shopping, putting on his jacket and heading out the door.

Get to the store, buy some snacks, get home. Shouldn't be too dangerous, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"The hell's a Kamen Rider?" Luke read the letter that was sent to him. It was the same that was sent to the others. However, for the Beat Rider known as Luke Crash, Kamen Rider wasn't the buzz word used to identify armored fighters. No, the buzz word was just simply Armored Riders. Luke could send a letter back to "Y", telling them the correction, but after the exile from his city, he needed something to kill the time... Maybe earn some money along the way that doesn't involve taking a page from Red Hot's book of get-rich-quick schemes. Then again, he wouldn't know how to bring out the Inves unless he transformed, and even then, he only viewed them more as fighters and not as bank robbers.

Besides, seems other Riders were gathering. If no money is to be made, than perhaps he'd get his jollies out of picking a fight or two. Luke was already on his way to his apartment now.
Donuts. Normally Tsubasa wouldn't care for them. But during his time with his mentor, he began to enjoy them. He sat in his apartment eating a baker's dozen he got from the local shop. Shame it wasn't Donut Shop Hungry. Though it seemed that it wasn't the baker that offset the quality of the donuts. Tsubasa looked around. It was the first time he had donuts without Haruto. He sighed and looked at the letter. It was addressed to Haruto, but he had business to attend to, traveling far off to take care of something an old friend requested of him. Haruto never quite said what it was, but the way he talked about it, it seemed a lot of emotion was put into this task. He requested that he go in his place. Tsubasa sighed. He found out why he enjoyed the donuts.

"It's just not the same without ya, Sensei." It was the teacher-student bond he shared with Haruto that made the plain sugar donuts tasty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rei folded the note back up, somehow it had just been at his feet when he woke up, however somebody knew that he was spending the night in an alleyway was beyond him. "But," he said to himself "there are enough strange things in this world," Fortunately, he was already where he was supposed to be, or at least thereabouts. Tokyo was quite the hotspot right now, with monster attacks every day, of all sorts of things he couldn't identify. He had been living in the streets for a while, he fund that using his driver and armor seemed to make his hunger disappear, so he literally got his sustenance from saving people. Now though, he appeared to have a place to live, assuming the note wasn't a trap.

He kept the map open and walked through the streets, doing his best to keep track of his location without hitting anybody. He was about two blocks from the building he was supposed to arrive at, wondering if other Riders would be there. "Perhaps I'll meet somebody with a similar set of powers to mine?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Waldo Mull was positively giddy. He'd been getting crank calls from General Xaviax, Lord of Ventara, Corporal Wilkins with Combat Logistics, and god knows what he was claiming to be or offer this week. But the latest prank had included an address where they could be found, as well as actual documentation that someone owned the building. Somewhere in this building, here in Japan, there was a man asking for a swift kick in the teeth. Or maybe a riot shield to the face. Or to lose his kneecaps. The point was, after so many phone calls at three in the morning, during business hours, and at dinner he was sick of it. He turned the Advent Deck over in his hands and nodded as he headed towards the apartments.
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