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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heyitsjiwon said
Ryuu then turned to Hana and said "Well, both of our jobs are now really about to start. Tell me while we wait for the dignitaries and diplomats to arrive. What did you think about the heir to the Boar Clan?" Although it seems like it, Ryuu was not just spending this moment to simply create conversation. This was the first of Hana's tests. Ryuu was a person who could not trust someone until he learned about how a person thinks or usually acts. Therefore, Ryuu was going to pay close attention to how Hana was going to answer to this seemingly casual question.

"He was honest my lord." Said Hana, eyes firmly locked on the paper in front of her as she was rapidly writing down a summary of the transaction and meeting. "And I do not say that lightly sire. I felt he was telling you no falsehoods about himself and what he desired to achieve here, an unusual thing to see for a person wise to the ways of merchants such as I, but I felt it was so. But such traits do not make a good noble, let alone a man of the Boar clan or its heir, and one can understand why the heir to the clan was sent to learn from us, when you have become quite a leader regardless of isolation. I think there is much you can teach him my lord, and not just fighting. He is someone worth keeping an eye on, if only to gain a better appreciation of who he really is. I cannot say anything more besides that until we may meet again."

Hana gently blew upon the ink on the paper to dry it, before holding it up to show her lord she had wrote an abbreviated transcript of the meeting for his future reference, mostly several points on what Kitsune asked for and offered. With another transaction entry marking the acquisition of the medicine and an approximated value of silver below the recording, once again in a double-entry with notations along the sides. She then set the paper aside and removed another piece to prepare to record the next meeting, before gesturing to a maid to get more paper. This was going to take a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

ruronihs said
"As for why I invited you here, I'm not entirely sure. For the past decade or so, my presence has been unknown, so perhaps the prospect of being able to speak openly with at least one other person was alluring. Or perhaps I did not want to wake up one day to find a talisman on my head. Either way, you must admit it is much simpler this way. With your sight you would have found me eventually. At least this way you can be at ease knowing that the youkai lurking in your home means you no harm, and I can be at ease knowing that my gardening won't be upset by a need to hide from you. What a shame it would be if I neglected a flower simply because you were standing near it!" He gave another soft laugh as he gently stroked a bud, as if coaxing it to bloom. "Ah, but that is only my side of the story. Surely you have one of your own. You came to me of your own free will, and quite off-guard. Was there something that you wished to achieve in speaking with me, or was it simply a whim like mine?"

"I knew that, though hidden, there was a strong spiritual presence on the grounds, but I had not been able to locate the source due to my duties at the shrine. You also responded to me in a positive way when I made my presence known," Kanaka explained. "I...I am glad that you mean no harm. My main reason for seeking out Hakurou-dono and yourself was to ascertain any spiritual threats that may be posed to Ryuunosuke-oniisama. Even better than finding no threats, would be if I were able to enlist help, spiritual allies, who would support the Wolf Clan. Yet my own ineptitude has resulted in my brother losing face in front of Hakurou-dono. I wanted desperately to help, to be useful, but if my presence is an inconvenience and will spoil my brother's reputation, maybe it would be better if I wasn't here." Kanaka tugged at her own sleeve and looked wistfully away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Junkojuro cocked his head slightly as Kanaka spoke, noting how tentative and uncertain her speech was. Her body language was so timid that if his next words were harsh he was almost certain that he could convince her to leave for good. She wanted help from the spirits, yet she was afraid to ask for it; she poured out her feelings to a stranger as if asking for advice, yet she phrased her plea so that it wouldn't burden him. Skilled priestess or not, Kanaka was still a young girl. "I would not worry too much about whatever incident may have occurred in there," Junkojuro said, speaking in a reassuring tone, deciding that he would rather not send her off. "We youkai are not as fickle as humans. We have long lives and our minds are slow to change, so I find it difficult to believe that a single unfortunate exchange of words would have any lasting effect on the Hakurou clan's disposition towards yours. Perhaps if your brother had not lost face because of you, some other catalyst may have set the events in motion; sometimes such things are simply fate..."

Then, Junkojuro closed his eyes and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool morning air. How ought he respond to her subtle, delicate request for aid? Certainly he was not ready to declare his loyalty to the Mitsumine clan yet, but perhaps there was merit to be found in this timid guardian standing before him. Meek, though she was, it certainly took courage to confront a powerful spirit that she knew nothing about, and to do so without hesitation. "I have helped this family in the past," he said after a long pause, his eyelids slowly gliding open. If Kanaka wanted to be of use to her brother, then perhaps he ought to test her now; one could learn quite a bit about the merit of a man by the company he keeps. A sly grin crossed his face, and then he turned his back to the girl.

Junkojuro gave a quick look to ensure that nobody was around, and then bright blue flame shot up from the ground, engulfing the fox. The spectacle only lasted for a couple of seconds, but once the blanket of foxfire vanished, there was a young girl wearing a Miko outfit standing where Junkojuro just was. The girl turned back around to face Kanaka, and revealed herself to be a perfect copy of the priestess. "If you wish to enlist spiritual allies, then... then I will do this for you." Even the fox's voice was a perfect copy; the tone, the inflection, even that hint of meekness were all present. "I will be Ryuunosuke-oniisama's spiritual guardian. My spiritual sight is better than yours, and I know more about spirits than you do, so I can be a better spiritual guide. I have observed the court for hundreds of years, so I will always know my place and I will never misspeak. I am faster, stronger, and more powerful than you, so I can protect Ryuunosuke-oniisama from any harm better than you. Finally, I will never grow old, so I will be able to watch over Ryuunosuke-oniisama for his entire life. I am ... I am his perfect imouto! There, you are no longer bound by your duties to the Mitsumine family. Just like that, you are free to be who you choose to be..." He ended his speech by giving a little tug on his sleeve, just as Kanaka had a few moments earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm afraid they will be very surprised if you turn up back home, young lady" says Takeshi, scratching the back of his neck as he holds the letter from her elders in his hand, looking it over once again "Apparently, they expect you to remain in our care for more than one season. Needless to say, that won't be a problem on our end at all. My brother made it clear to me before... he told me to treat any of the Hakurou as I would my own blood. Thus, you may remain our guest for as long as you wish. However, if you insist on going back home against the wishes of your elders, I'll feel responsible about it. I'd need to hire a proper escort or take you back to your door myself. After all, they have entrusted you to our care and I couldn't face the memory of my elders or your own family if anything happened to you on the way there"

At this moment, a servant would step through the door, calling Takeshi to Ryuu's side "Hmm, my call... Well, at th very least I know that you plan to stay the night. Feel free to wander around the house at your leisure, though I'll ask you not to interrupt the meetings without asking for permission beforehand"

With that, Takeshi stood up, walking up to the door before looking back for a moment, a small smile upon his lips "Ah, by the way... it was a pleasure to meet you, Hakurou Touka-san. I hope you have a good stay with us"
Soon enough, upon another room a headquarters of sorts was set up for Ryuunosuke and his new friends. Chiyo and Takeshi were already within when Ryuu was made aware of it "Ah, nephew. Come in, come in... we need to think through what we do from now on"

"Ryuunosuke-sama, I'm afraid that we began to move before we received your orders. At the moment, each of the dignitaries awaits on a different waiting room. We do not know which party arrived first, actually... according to Nawabuta they all came at about the same time"

"With such groups, it seems like they've been staying at the village for a couple of days waiting for this moment. It's probable that the moment they saw one of their rivals make preparations to come here, they all dashed to the manor, not wanting to give anyone advantage" mentions Takeshi.

"Indeed, plus, it's a polite time of the day to make visits upon a host" adds Chiyo.

"Anyway, we have a list of the four we ought to meet. We have a delegation from the merchant Horse, one from naval Dragons, one from our allies the Boar and the last party seems to be our own people, Ryuunosuke" says Takeshi, looking up at Ryuu.

"Indeed, it is the elder of the village paying his respects to you Ryuunosuke-sama... as well as a dignitary from Otawa" says Chiyo.

"Otawa being the biggest food supplying city on the Mitsumine Hold, remember Ryuu?" comments Takeshi "They are being quite polite, coming here to speak to you on the very first day of renewed meetings"

"Anyway, yes... those are the four parties currently waiting. My girls and I will try to keep them comfortable though they all seemed quite keen on being met" says Chiyo, bowing her head.

"Hmm... well then, we must see who to speak to first, Ryuu. At the very least, I can delay things for you. As the nominal ruler of the lands until the moment I passed on the title to you, nephew, my words and presence still carry much weight. I can meet with a party on your stead and handle things for quite a while. Thus, the party I meet will be entertained and handled until you finish speaking with the other three. If I had to pick, I'd deal with either Boar or Dragon. I tend to get along with their people a lot more than the merchants of the Horse. As for the people from Otawa... It would be unwise for me to see them. They know our situation a lot better than the foreigners to our land. They know me and instead will be looking forward to meet up with you and nobody else. Still, they are all under your rule, so politically, they may seem like the least risky choice to leave for last"

"Anyway, this is only my counsel, Ryuu. The choice remains yours. I'll meet with anyone you wish me to meet or indeed, if you are not confident holding your own, I'll accompany you in your meetings. I see you have made some new friends, if you invited them to sit with you in this meeting... I'd hear their counsel as well and who you wish to take to each meeting" says Takeshi, keen eyed as she looks upon those sitting before him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

A slow, dull, yet intense pain blossomed in Kanaka's chest, forcing her to grip the lapels of her haori. The thought of being replaced terrified her, but the thought that Junkojuro might do a better job terrified her even more because then her desire to remain by the side of her beloved uncle and brother was a selfish desire, something she wanted more than the success and safety of her brother. She realized that she would always choose to remain, even if it meant that her ineptitude brought the entire clan to ruin. Because leaving her family was the one thing she could never bring herself to do.

"NO!" Kanaka said, more forcefully than she had ever said anything before. "P-please...don't replace me...I...I couldn't stand it." Kanaka realized she was shaking and clenched her fists to steady herself. "I...I may not be as strong, or as smart, or as spiritually gifted as you. I may not be immortal, I may be naive and ignorant..." She looked up at the fox spirit with a sharp, piercing gaze, the hint of tears in the corners of her eyes, "But I will NEVER leave Ryuunosuke-oniisama's side...Teach me!" Kanaka demanded, rather selfishly. "Teach me so that I may be useful. Teach me that I may earn my place next to those I love. In return..." her voice trailed off into a whisper. She took a deep breath, "In return...I'll give you anything that is within my power to give!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke took a moment to think about his options. He then said “My dear Uncle, I am thinking that I should meet with the Boar Clan envoy first considering the fact that we share borders with them. I would like you to entertain the Dragon Clan. With their naval presence, they are practically our neighbors as well, so ignoring them would not be wise. After talking to the Boar Clan, I will talk with the Horse clan, but before all of that I think it would be wise to invite the village elder and the representative from Otawa to have dinner with me, personally. I will essentially be pushing them until last, but because of that I want to guarantee them substantial time to talk and show them that they are important to me. As for my new acquaintances, I will let them decide if they wish to accompany me or not. What does everyone think of my plan and reasoning?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Junkojuro stood silently for several seconds as he absorbed Kanaka's answer, and then began to clap his hands in a slow, steady rhythm. With another flare of foxfire, he changed back into Kojuro-san, and beamed at the priestess with a bright smile. "That was a splendid answer!" he exclaimed, his typically serene exterior broken with ripples of delight. "Those who would accept my offer are the most loathsome people in the world. You, on the other hand, refused it without a flicker of doubt in your heart. Relationships forged by petty things such as talent and obligation are frail and worthless, and such people are bound to betray one another as soon as the relationship ceases to be advantageous." He could plainly see that his test had upset her, and it was good that it had, but perhaps his praise would console her. "You have already earned your place beside the ones you love because you have already learned that which cannot be taught: strength of heart. All those other things are trivial in comparison to what you already possess. Still, if you wish to further your spiritual capabilities, then I would be happy to teach one such as you."

With that, his tone began to relax, dropping down to a register with less gravity. "I suppose we will need a reason for why Mitsumine-sama's little sister is spending so much time with the groundskeeper. Do you play Shogi?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heyitsjiwon said
Ryuunosuke took a moment to think about his options. He then said “My dear Uncle, I am thinking that I should meet with the Boar Clan envoy first considering the fact that we share borders with them. I would like you to entertain the Dragon Clan. With their naval presence, they are practically our neighbors as well, so ignoring them would not be wise. After talking to the Boar Clan, I will talk with the Horse clan, but before all of that I think it would be wise to invite the village elder and the representative from Otawa to have dinner with me, personally. I will essentially be pushing them until last, but because of that I want to guarantee them substantial time to talk and show them that they are important to me. As for my new acquaintances, I will let them decide if they wish to accompany me or not. What does everyone think of my plan and reasoning?”

"I have no reason to argue with my lord on the order he wishes to meet his guests, they should respect your wishes on this day." Said Hana, maintaining her position near but not too close to Ryuu with her red book still in hand. "But I would urge you to treat the meeting with the Horse clan with respect, we have need of their trade. Your invitation for dinner with the elder and representative of Otawa is a also a wise move, but I urge you to also consider how others may feel slighted by the lack of a similar invitation should they catch wind of it. Your thinking is sound and yours to decide, but for every action there is a reaction to consider.

Should my lord desire it, I would gladly lend any experience and knowledge I have to your service in these meetings. If nothing more than a ready scribe to record all your dealings with clarity." Hana openly fiddled with her preferred stylus to emphasize the point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke nodded and said "Noted, Hana. I do try my best to avoid any unnecessary hostility, but if they feel slighted for giving priority or special attention to my own people, then may the gods help them. Also, I would not mind it if you do accompany me in my meetings. After all, I would be grateful for any reasonable advice that I receive." He then looked at Chiyo and said "Chiyo-san, it appears that we will proceed with the meetings in that order. Will you please see to it so that we may begin the meetings as soon as possible? I don't want them to be sitting there, and being too bored. Oh, and please see to it that the elder and the representative from Otawa are informed that they are invited to dinner with me and that they should make themselves comfortable here in the mean time." Ryuu then looked at his uncle and said "I will trust the envoy from the dragon clan to you. I will come as soon as possible once I speak to the Horse Clan dignitary."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Kanaka blinked the tears away as relief flooded over her. She had been afraid that Junkojuro truly planned to take her place. "Your words are too kind, far more than I deser..." Kanaka thought about it for a moment. If she dismissed his praise, it could mean that she took his words lightly. She needed to trust his wisdom. "...I hope I can live up to your expectations, and be a student that you can be proud of," she finished.

"I haven't played Shogi before, though I've seen Takeshi-ojisama play. I'd be willing to learn it though. It may help me overcome the difficulty I have understanding people. But what will you have in return for being my teacher?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanaka was an admirable girl, already displaying ambition tempered with humility; Junkojuro was certain that she had the potential to achieve great things if Fate would bless her with longevity. But she was still very much like other mortals in several ways. "Why must everything be a transaction?" Junkojuro said with a chuckle, his tone still light and friendly. "In return for being your teacher, I will have a student. If this must be a transaction, it will be a simple as that. Besides, I am afraid that I would not be qualified to accept any form of payment for my tutoring. You see, I have never taught a mortal before, so this will be a learning experience for both of us." He smiled brightly through his admission of ignorance. "Neither have I witnessed the ways in which priests teach their disciples since my kind is not welcome within their walls. So, Kanaka-san, I hope that I can live up to your expectations as well, and be a teacher that you will never turn away from." Now Junkojuro could say he was friends with two members of the Mitsumine clan: Takeshi and Kanaka. If the young lord's family had rubbed off on his character at all, then this would be a generation to remember.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It shall be done, Ryuunosuke-sama" says Chiyo, all smiles as she stands up and goes off to do what she does best.

"Good luck then, nephew. The Red Boar should treat you well, though I hope the meeting with the Horse ain't too boring" says Takeshi with a grin, as he takes hold of a bottle of sake to bring with him to the meeting with the Dragons.

As Ryuunosuke walked to his meeting with the representatives of the Boar Clan, he would notice a few unknown people scattered around the mansion. By their clothes, the common retainers of some of the people he would be meeting today, watching his gardens, chatting with guards or serving staff.

Then, in he went to meet with the Boar Clan representative. Sitting on the floor was a large, broad shouldered man, with long shaggy black hair and an abundant red beard. He must have been on his forties, some lines to his face, though his features and expression indicated a booming and cheerful man. Both of his arms were thick as the trunk of a young tree. His clothes were finely made though a little worn, red like the man's beard. The person before Ryuunosuke was Hatamoto Haruo, the Red Boar, Kitsune's uncle and brother to the Clan Head himself.

"Ah, he came, he came! Ryuu-kun, we meet again, ha ha!" says the large man as he rises to his feet, showing off his full height of near 2 meters. Thinking not of protocol, the man walks towards Ryuunosuke, extending one big strong hand to clasp it with him... and should he take it, bring him into a big hug and then pat his back "Man, did you grow up... No way you'd remember me, but I've met you before I did. Though at the time you were still a lil thing being held in Mizuho's embrace... yes, yes I see some of her in your eyes, Ryuu. Grown up to be quite a man, no? Hmm, though I think you can still grow a bit more..." says Haruo, patting his own broad chest "Gotta eat up tons, son! What has Takeshi been feeding you? Heard he's been on a spiritual vibe recently, hope he hasn't been feeding you nothing but bamboo shoots and vegetables. A man ought to eat meat and tons of it! Ehehe, if you come visit us we'll be sure to cook up a whole pork just for you!"

"Haruo-sama, you're not respecting protocol... and you're not letting Mitsumine-sama speak" says one of Haruo's retainers, with an expression that shows that he has to correct his lord's behavior quite a lot.

"Oh come on, Nabuta, we're practically family in here! Hmmmg but yes, yes, ought to let him practice his graces" says Haruo, winking one eye before sitting back on the floor "Well then... Hatamoto Haruo, of the Hatamoto Clan, rulers of Saita. Here to make a visitation upon Ryunosuke of the Mitsumine. A pleasure to meet you upon your dwelling, young Lord"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke was a bit taken back by the friendliness of Haruo-san, who claimed to be a family friend. Although it was very possible that he was a family friend, Ryuu could not help but remind himself that a friend of his parents does not translate to a friend of his. He may be the son of Daichi, but he is not Daichi. Ryuunosuke was his own person. Therefore, he could not easily accept and trust this person as a close friend. Ryuu put on a cordial smile and said "It is an honor to be able to host a friend of my parents, Hatamoto-san. I welcome you to the Wolf's Den. I hope your journey was not too difficult. However, I have always been told that the men of the Boar Clan are hearty and sturdy as pine trees. It appears that was an understatement. In fact, perhaps I should ask if you enjoyed your hike?" in an attempt to continue the friendly and light hearted ambiance by making a small joke.

"But yes, I am doing well here and a large part of it is due to my uncle's care. He has taken up more spiritual pursuits such as meditation, but I assure you that he has seen to my well being more many years." Ryuu said. He then took a close look at Haruo. The man was indubitably as close to a giant as Ryuunosuke had ever seen. If Haruo was a representation of the average male in the Boar Clan, then it would certainly be terrifying to be on the receiving end of a charge. Ryuu could not help but also remember what the heir apparent of the Boar Clan said of his people. They respected physical strength and the ability to fight. In fact, it was painfully obvious that this respect for physical strength was embedded deeply within their culture. The journey to gain respect among his people would be hard for the heir of the Boar Clan.

Ryuunosuke snapped himself out of his brief reverie and said "Now then Hatamoto-san, is there anything that you would like to discuss more in detail? I am sure that there are many things that you may want to ask or talk about now that I am before you after all these years."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruo's eyes inspected Ryuu carefully as he spoke, the man shifting his posture a little in response to it "Indeed, indeed, while coming to see the young wolf is more than reason enough for the trip, there's no reason not to take the chance on speaking of more serious matters"

"And in this I ask, when do you plan to take hold of these lands, Ryuu? With Takeshi holed up in here, the old men in your capital seem to think they run your holdings. Needless to say, they know their coin well, but that's hardly all a ruler must consider" Says the Red Boar, growing intense "Takeshi, you ought to man Saida fort at your borders. The Tigers are moving, these twelve years have only made them recover and grow stronger from the wars your father fought to force them back. You need a strong presence at your borders if we are to move hard and fast if those kittens should even show their faces"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke nodded with his eyes never breaking contact with Haruo's. The mood had definitely turned more serious than before. Thus, Ryuu solemnly responded "I understand your concern Haruo-san. It appears that you are very well aware of the situation that I face. The branch family in the capital has certainly stepped a bit too far out of line. Therefore, my first step as the new leader of the Wolf Clan is to consolidate my power. See who is still loyal, and see who is threatening the stability of the nation. Then, I plan to have provocateurs stomped out, but that does not have to be through military might. In the end, I must secure the loyalty and trust of my people. I plan to wage a war of hearts and minds rather than a war of swords and bows within my nation. The people will be the ones who ultimately root out anyone who seeks to profit from my uncle's reclusiveness. Then, under a unified banner, we will then reclaim Fort Saida and settle it to establish a clear buffer and signal that the Wolf Clan has not lost any of its power. Rather, this will be a symbol that the Wolf Clan is more united and stronger than ever."

Ryuunosuke then took a moment, and continued "Although, I must express some concern as well. My plan requires time, which the Tiger Clan could potentially not provide. It is very possible that in the midst of my attempt to consolidate the Wolf Clan's power that the Tiger will strike. I do not doubt that my people will be able to rally together to push the Tiger back, but the losses will be significant. On the other hand though, I believe that there are others who may want to maintain the current balance of power. If push comes to shove, these people, I believe, can be convinced to pressure the Tiger Clan from launching a significant attack. I also think that, perhaps, a catalyst that can unify my people is a war against the Tiger Clan. The future is impossible to predict, but I am ready to face the infinite choices that I must make and the challenges that await me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh boy, we really need to get you out of this house, Ryuu" says Haruo bringing his hand to his temples "You speak like a poet or prose straight out of a scroll"

"However, you seem to have the right idea of things, I'm glad Takeshi managed to raise someone bold. Anyway, a direct attack to you would be the worst thing the Tiger could do right now. Your family is one of warriors, something the old men in the capital cannot claim. Should a direct confrontation arise from outside, you'll get your power handed out to you. As for us, I'm glad to hear you'll support us as your father did. Get your time to prepare Ryuu and recover your strength. We Boars can weather out the storm should it come to us"

"However... there is another issue I must speak off. My nephew, Kitsune? He arrived at your home, did he not?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke could not help but simply nod in response to Haruo-san's question. Ryuu did not want to lie about Hatamoto-san's arrival since the Boar Clan likely knew. Rather, Haruo-san was likely trying to find out or get something in regards to the issue. Thus, Ryuunosuke continued to say "Indeed, he came and asked to remain here so that he could continue to learn and grow stronger. He seemed quite determined to better himself and took his responsibilities as the heir to the Boar Clan. Therefore, I allowed him to stay here until he felt that he was strong enough to be able to lead the Boar Clan. Although, I must admit that he seemed to be fixated on the fact that strength meant martial prowess and the ability to fight with sword and bow. Although, it is understandable why he does have such a fixation considering the Boar Clan's history. What is it that you would like in regards to him? I must admit that I do not like meddling in the affairs of families, so I can not guarantee anything. However, I will consider any reasonable requests."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

ruronihs said
"Why must everything be a transaction?" Junkojuro said with a chuckle, his tone still light and friendly. "In return for being your teacher, I will have a student. If this must be a transaction, it will be a simple as that. Besides, I am afraid that I would not be qualified to accept any form of payment for my tutoring. You see, I have never taught a mortal before, so this will be a learning experience for both of us." He smiled brightly through his admission of ignorance. "Neither have I witnessed the ways in which priests teach their disciples since my kind is not welcome within their walls. So, Kanaka-san, I hope that I can live up to your expectations as well, and be a teacher that you will never turn away from."

"I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but the general belief is that Youkai are dangerous and self-serving, and that to engage with one is to make a deal," Kanaka said, "Though the way I see, it's self-projection, we humans are selfish and greedy, and seek to profit from every encounter, even with that which we do not understand, and place the guilt on the spirits. Isn't this the case between the two of us? I came to you seeking help and ultimately, power, and you reciprocate with genuine concern and sincere interest. If nothing else, making a transaction may perhaps alleviate me of the shame and guilt of my one-sided avarice. However, if you insist, I will accept your graciousness with humility."

"I will never turn away from you. I hope to learn as much as I can, and I hope that in turn, there will be something that you can learn from me, though I cannot promise or boast of such a possibility. And if there is ever anything you need or wish for, I will do everything in my power to provide it." Kanaka looked back towards the main hall. "Perhaps I should be getting back. It is likely that Ryuunosuke has begun seeing the envoys, and without a doubt, some of them are waiting to be seen. As the sister of the Clan Leader, I probably have a responsibility to entertain the guests while they wait."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm glad he found with such a resolve and vigor, young Ryuunosuke. However, if he is still the boy that left our halls, I'm afraid to say that for the sake of the Boar Clan, he will not be named our heir. There is more to ruling than being the strongest man around, certainly.. but a soft man cannot bear the weight of the leading the Boar. Not our people. I do hope that, in your care, he may find another calling in life... to be happy if he may. Perhaps he can be useful to our people and you in another capacity. But the Kitsune I knew, will never, be the man with the strength to lead our clan, as much as it pains me to say it" says the red Boar with a certain level of finality.

"Now, if the next time I see him he truly obtains the strength needed... if he truly is another man, then we may reconsider"
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