Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sebastian was atavistic as he thrust his spear threw the slim, it only gave him (not this) 5 exp but it got his to the next level. As he looked around at the floor of the tower he grinned deeply at the armored bandit that came at him, an excellent test dummy for his new move. At the bandit muttered a set line for everytime they find you, his sheild glew a light yellow as he bashed into the foe and sent him flying to the wall.

"heh, shield smash may just become my new signature move, it practically made you useless" he said an he closed in on the bandit who was trying to get up. He quickly thrust threw it's stomach and gain (again pay attention) 35 exp. Sebastian looked back at the stairs, he had about 6 more levels to clear in this tower alone, then he had the dungeon, 2 more towers and the armory to clear. The castle wasn't to hard of a place to clear, but he sure was wasting time, he could have been looking for a guild to let him in or finding another group to merge with to take on the level's boss. Still he walked up to the next floor and again he jabbed at the foes. It had been a week since they were trapped and he had yet to join one of the guilds trying to free them. He became a tank to do just that and had yet to even try, he was ashamed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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Sylvus glanced around, watching the bandits around him wander around the fortress as he rested his back against the gray brick walls, arms crossed. When one of them saw him, it gripped its dagger with both its hands and charged straight at him. The silver-haired knight pulled down the item menu at a modest pace, selected one of the items and lifted his hands over his head, as if holding a sword. A wire frame materialized within his hands, turning into his signature greatsword, and slammed into the ground with a crash, slicing the bandit into two. As the bandit shattered into tiny bits of data, Sylvus sighed to himself.
He was still somewhat shaken by the entire "death game" announcement by the man named Akihiko. "God.. damnit.." he whispered to himself, holding the sword tighter than before as flashbacks of the towering cloaked figure appeared and disappeared. To think that 100 floors were to be cleared in order to go back to his original life.. it was just too hard to take in, even for someone as jaded as him.
Sylvus shook his head a few times, then faced the other bandit monsters in the corridor beyond, who were blissfully unaware of the tragedies that were going to occur just because of a simple game. I'll just have to start with you people, then..! he exclaimed to himself in his mind, before charging straight at them, sword blazing behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Venira hid in the shadows watching the knights and warriors take the agro of the bandits on the same floor, her sneak skill was astounding she was quite and quick like a assassin skilled rouge should be. her purple eyes glanced out as she passed other players before making her way back, her motto was "strike first, strike fast, strike hard" its has not been to long since the game started and when all hell broke loose at the Town of Beginnings she knew playing smart was going to be her savoir. she quickly moved from shadow to shadow back stabbing any bandits who are dumb enough to not be in a pack, picking 1 or 2 of them off at once with her back stabs before sinking back into the shadows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sebastian sighed as he reached the top of the tower, he was breathing heavily as the opponent at the top had a hundred times the fight in him than the bandits. As he began to climb back down he began to think over the fact that his body was just sitting there, unconscious as if the soul was sucked out. His parents were very superstitious and would probably be throwing salt around the room or burning sage all over the house. He was glad they had yet to take the nerve gear off but was also a bit reluctant to keep fighting. The fact that he was playing a tank meant that he was to soak up all the damage, though he wasn't all to concerned about dying, as he truly continued on the the knight class know this may happen, but what concerned him was the rest of his party. Though he wasn't with them now he had many friends who he would grind with or would do some dungeon crawling together. If he wasn't good enough there fate was not a good one, he practically had there life in his hands, as they weren't exactly the best players around. He sighed as he kicked open the door to the next tower, at least the murder of mindless npc's would calm him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Avetty was climbing the stairs of a tower two at a time. Her red hair flying out behind her as she ran. She had taken a lot of damage on the last floor but the small girl was still (surprisingly) alive. She wondered what her grandparents were doing at the moment. She knew they never cared for her. They just took her in for the money they would get off of her living with them until she graduated. Being in this 'death game' was almost like what she did in real life just to get the money to buy games. I guess I don't have to worry about stealing anything anytime soon. She thought to herself as she drew her sword and took down the bandit with quick grace and precision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(I was never here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

((Forget it))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Kane twirled one of his arrows between his fingers as his last bandit opponent charged at him. He had been picking off the bandits on the floor from a distance with his bow for a while now. The bandits were too slow to catch up to him, and if they did they rarely got a good hit on him which was blessing. One bandit was starting to charge at him while he was distracted by his thoughts and he cursed himself for leaving such an obvious opening. A sharp howl pierced his ears garnering his and the bandits attention. Without warning a gray wolf lunged directly at the bandit tearing into it with its claws and teeth not giving it a snowballs chance in hell of getting in a counterattack. With the bandit dead and the experience gained, Kane laughed.

"Thanks boy I promise I'll be more careful next time." The wolf gave an an exasperated howl at his carelessness before returning to his side. The wolf had been his constant companion since he left the Town of Beginnings and was actually the first monster he had ever fought. He had simply taken to calling it Wolf and it didn't really seem to mind it.and it was probably the only reason he had made it this far, and despite it being virtual he had come to respect it as his friend.

"Lets go on, yeah?" Wolf barked in approval
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Venira continued to follow the shadows and bandits picking them off one at a time like predator lioness picking off the weak links of the heard until she found a rest area, she slipped out of the shadows and into the lighted room and stretched before sliding her back down a wall and sitting on the floor "lets see what I got so far" with a flick of her hand she pulled up her menu and scrolled though her new items "crap,crap,potion,crap,jewel,crap,crap,crap.....whole alotta nothing...heavy hitting players get all the good stuff" she sighed pulling out a loaf of bread from her inventory she pulled down the mask like fabric over her face and started having a quick munch when she started thinking of home she thought of her family going to the movies or special events for people in their class and she smiled but then she remember why she was even playing SAO, the yelling....the fighting....and her smile turned sour and her purple eyes scanned the safe room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hermijouji


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A grey sword cut Lind's arm. The blue thin bar, called the HP bar, at the top left corner of his field of vision shrunk by 5%. He focused his vision to the opponent, a blue thin line appeared above its head with its name, bandit, written above it. "This one's aggressive." He pulled his sword behind him fully unsheathed as he dashed toward the opponent. After he got closer he quickly shifted his sword from two handed grip to his right hand then swiftly swung his blade horizontally to the opponents plated chest. The edge of the blade made contact with the opponent, the attack penetrated through the opponent's armor, orange sparks were produced by the contact. The blue bar over the opponent's head shrunk by 73%, remaining only 27%.

The bandit attempted for a counter attack, he shifted his sword over his head and thrust it toward Lind. But Lind was already expecting that attack, a blue blinding light shone on the edge of his sword, he swiftly raised his sword over his head to parry the bandit's attack. The opponent's sword blew back over its head by the impact, making him defenseless, Lind took the opportunity to make his counter attack, he quickly jabbed his blade through the bandit's chest armored, the tip of the sword penetrated through the armor. The hp bar above the bandit's head disappeared without even a single dot left, at the same time, its body fell on unconscious and after awhile, it broke like a glass.

A purple rectangle appeared in front of Lind's face, showing the loots and experience points he gained from the battle.

Lind let out a deep sigh of disappointment. "This game never entertained me. It's way too easy." He sheathed back the his sword after closing the puple tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Kane pulled back on his drawstring as he moved swiftly around his targets. Wolf served as his tank, attacking the bandits and keep their attention off of him. Kane was now in an excellent strafing position right behind the bandits. His arrow and drawstring glowed red as he prepared to let loose his skill. "Shatter Shot!" The arrow fired and split into three individual projectiles making contact with the three in one fluid motion. Two of them exploded into the usual exp, and loot. But one managed to hold on to a small sliver of hp. Without any delay he drew and fired another arrow finishing of his last target.

While slaughtering bandits was fun and all he had been doing it for a good while. Fortunately something else caught his eye . The footprints he saw were very well hidden and whoever had made them possessed a very high Sneak skill if not for his own high Tracking skill he would've been just as clueless of them as anything else. While he didn't know who or what had made them he figured whatever had gone this way was better than blindly hunting down bandits. Without much of a second thought he followed the track with Wolf following close behind leading the two of them to a safe area. The area practically empty but he thought he had made out the figure of another person. Caution be damned he waved his hands in the air with a goofy grin on his face. "Hey there!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Suki had been traveling through the area, when she had heard sounds of fighting. Kimba, her beast partner, pricked his ears up at the sounds, and she knelt, running her fingers through his fur. Kimba was essentially just a pup, Suki have found and bonded with him mere weeks ago. She wasn't too sure what he was-he seemed to be a cross between a horse (or a unicorn, since he had a horn!), a wolf, or leopard, and something the could fly. She didn't particularly care, he was loyal, and had helped save her life a few times.

She whispered softly in his ear, "quite. We don't know whats going on" She stood up straight, hand on her sword, her dagger in easy reach as well. Kimba padded forward silently, and Suki followed.

She used her listening skill to exted what she could here. Suki had trained so that she was more of a support character, being able to provided the necessary things that a player would need to survive here, rather than someone that focused on fighting. She could fight, her brothers had taught her hand to hand, and she was becoming more skilled with her weapons, but she preferred to be support. Of course, she either needed a guild, or needed a party to play with. Neither of which she had at the moment. Not that this mattered right now. She had been aiming to fight bandits, and bandits were easy to fight after a while.

"Hey there!" she was thrown out of her thoughts at this voice, and froze, thinking she had been seen. But no, the person seemed to be looking somewhere else. She hadn't realised she had come onto a rest area, but shrugged, Kimba let out his strange growl, and she saw the wolf. Another beast Tamer? She didn't know.

"U'm..." She said, "I don't know if you were talking to me, but..." Moving forward into the safe area, she laid a hand on Kimba's head, careful of his horn. She suddenly tripped, over what she didn't know. Blushing, she quickly stood, "Um. Hi"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Venria looked up from the loaf of bread she was eating seeing 4 others In the room now 2 players and their beasts she gave them both a nod her purple eyes looking up from her purple hair "greetings...." She said politely all of that upper class training in her real life never left, and she was not a fan of formal but it was in her "welcome to the safe zone" she gave them a half smile then piled off another chunk of bread and eating it.

Normally she would have jumped right back into the shadows and left quickly but the safe zone had no shadows and there was no risk of being attacked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kaiden quickly sweeped the floor with his flurry of speed and tornado of chakrams, suprisngly he only used two.. they where obviously blinding with speed.
called upon his Imbedded Soul, he liked having some company when fighting bandits and sorts of enemies, anything alike.

Kaiden also kept his weapons on sight, he was famous for using two Unique Weapon style inside the game, who thought'd he'd get that far?
Some people think he's just a myth, that he couldnt use unique weapons and have a beast, he'd have to be cheating, but infact he wasn't he found it embedded inside the game, maybe they needed to have someone like him.... still didnt make things easy for Kaiden, he wasn't really defensive, he relied in blinding speed and his soul companion.

Kaiden, entered the safe zone, noticing a few people.. he didn't expect it... how foolish.

"Er, so... what's crackalackin, my fellow beta testers!" Kaiden said while everyone gawped at his dragon like beast and his Chakrams and Scythe.

Kaiden thought to himself, how long has it been since he's been able to be a show off...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hermijouji


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Lind sat on a large mossy rock to take a little rest. He put his right index finger and thumb together, and pulled downwards, the main menu window opened. Using his right index finger, he navigated through the main menu and pressed the quest menu to check the status of the quest he's currently taking. He opened the tab of the quest he's currently taking, and and its status showed that it was already complete, "Kill Boar 20/20". He didn't realized, until that moment, that he was already done on the quest. He got up and giggled, feeling ridiculed, as he closed the main menu window and made his way to the safe area to safely take a rest and check the drops he got from the battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Avetty cleared the floor of the tower she was on and walked into the safe room. She froze when she saw the group. "Um hi..." She said her blue eyes wide at the site of all the people. She knew she should find a guild or party but she preferred to be alone with her thoughts so she tried to avoid people the best she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kaiden was a tad bit, bored.. but he didn't want to fight yet.

He noticed a girl walk in, she obviously wanted to avoid people, but she at least needed someone to talk to, right?
He started walking over to her and he eventually said "Hey they're new girl"

She too was suprised to see "that guy" who everyone thought was a myth, it started to get irratating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Hi there person." Avetty said crossing her arms
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Well, seems like you don't want the chit chat, but your attitude seems awfully familliar, hmm anyways I was kinda bored.. you seemed interesting so I came to say Hi and be friendly, my names Kaiden.. please tell me why people where dropping there jaws at me, I honestly don't understand.. it's irratating"

Kaiden knew full well.. having two unique skills wasnt normal. He was just trying to make conversation
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

the safe zone that she sat alone in to eat was, was getting more and more in it, but and the more people the more risk and the more nervous she got, she put down the bread loaf she was eating and pulled back up her mask that covered her mouth and continued to sit on the floor now watching everyone, pulling up her menu she spawned her pair of chain connected sickles and laid them in front of her, this was not a threat but more of a marking of territory she was there first and although everyone was welcomed to be there in her mind, she did not want trouble when she left the safe zone. her purple eyes went from person to person all player icons were green, so none of them were PKers...or at least got their hands dirty.
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