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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo watched her leave and said "strange girl, she was pretty though" Leo then shut the window and sat in the chair. Leo thought to himself "what are they planning."

Apollo and all the other harvest teams went to the surface at once and began to harvest energy. Apollo said "be quick we don't want to deal with warriors tonight."

Leo suddenly heard a knock at the door and he said "come in."
A elite warrior by the name of Alexander came in and said "come with me the Commander wishes to speak with you." Leo stood up and said "lead the way sir"
Then Alex lead Leo to the chamber the Commander was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria was walking through the marketplace, all the stalls closing now when a hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her. she let out a startled gasp and conjured a flame in the other hand before she looked to see it was Old Hattie.
"Hattie? you scared me half to death!" Alluria said, extinguishing the flame.
"you should be scared" Hattie whispered.
"Hattie? what's wrong?" Alluria asked, putting a hand out towards Baxter to calm him, as he had started to growl.
"i too can get places i shouldn't Alluria and i heard what that warrior said, you are in grave danger Alluria"
Alluria tried to think of someway to calm the old woman down before she gave herself a heart attack, so she said "they'd have to catch me first Hattie" then smiled.
but that only seemed to upset her more "don't you understand how important this is?!"
"Hattie, let go" Alluria said in a demanding voice.
the woman only then seemed to realized she was still holding the woman's wrist and that her grip had been getting tighter. she let go, Alluria pulled her slightly red hand to her chest.
"i'm gonna be fine Hattie, they don't even know i exist, at the most through gossip, and they aren't likely to hear gallean gossip, now go calm down Hattie, i'll see you tomorrow"
"i hope we'll see each tomorrow" Hattie muttered before turning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo walked up to the table that showed a map of the area around his village and the surrounding villages. The General said "come stand over here son" Leo nodded and walked over and stood next to the General. The General said "watch this map it shows our early warning system on the night they attacked your village." The map then was shown going through the hours and about a few minutes before the attack all the villages surrounding it had alarms going off.
The General said "They sent out their harvesters to distract us while they took out your village." Then He shook his head "They are somehow learning where our elite warriors are and how to either avoid them or over power them. George was our 7th eite warrior we've lost this week." Leo looked at the General and said "7th?"
The General sighed and said "recently the Macrobians have been taking out our elite warriors one by one and we have been trying to keep that from the public for some time, but this one was a whole different story." The General clenched his hand "they are now using our warriors as a energy source."
Leo said "we have to find a way to get to their base so we can destory their breeders, then we can cripple them."

Apollo was on a hill watching the Harvesters and the other Macrobians. From his spot he could see other groups all over the place. A flying Macrobian landed behind Apollo and kneeled saying "Master, we have news from our spies"
Apollo said "don't call me Master, I am a soldier just like you"
The flying Macrobian said "yes sire, now the news from the spies is that rumors are going around about a Gallean that can use magic with out the Goddess Cells given to elite Warriors."
Apollo said "report that to Julius as soon as you can"
The flying Macrobian said "yes sire" then he flew off.
Apollo then gave a signal and the harvesters all began to go back into the pores and return to base.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria got home quickly and just sat at her dinner table.
her mind was racing, what if Hattie was right? what if the Macrobians did hear about her? or even found out where she was? not only could she not escape she would put the entire town in danger.
she crossed her arms on the table in front of her and laid her head on them, ignoring Baxter's whines, asking what was wrong.
she didn't know what to do, she could survive out in the world on her own but if she goes anywhere she'd put everyone there in danger.
and if she left the Macrobians might not know she left and attack hearthrown anyway.

she stood up and headed upstairs, leaving the basket, that still held the ingredients for dinner, on the table. she crawled into her bed and looked at Baxter, normally he wasn't allowed in her bed because he was so big but ... she had to admit to herself that she was scared.
she called Baxter into the bed, he seemed to realize what that meant and carefully fit himself into the bed in such a way that there was still room for her.
but she didn't get any sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Apollo walked into the meeting room where the other high ranked Class As were with Julius. Julius looked up and said "why did you call for a meeting Apollo"
Apollo said "one of our spies found something that I think would be important for you to hear." Apollo then waved the flying Macrobian in who walked in and kneeled before Julius. "sire I have learned through our spies that there is a Gallean that can use magic without the aid of Goddess cells."
Julius said "where is this Gallean"
The flying Macrobian said "she is in Hearthrown sire"
The other class As began to talk. One said "Hearthrown, the most fortified city of the Galleans, we'd never get in, let alone get her."
Another Class A said "what if we use some of our moles to bring her outside the city."
The scientist Class A said "she would be suspicious of random people coming up to her, we need her to leave the city on her own, without any push otherwise she will be prepared." The scientist then said "keep and eye on her and study her, we should find out how powerful she is before we catch her, or we may not be prepared for what comes."
The flying Macrobian bowed and left.
Apollo said "we should focus on our maine mission which is to get teh portal working so that our brothers at home can reinforce us."
A Class A leader said "yes, but this new Gallean could pose a threat to us, plus she may be powerful enought to get the portal running."
Julius then said "I need to think this over, everyone except Apollo and Cilas (the scientist) leave."
All the others left. Julius then said "as my two most trusted soldiers what are your opinions."
Cilas said "It could be a rumor, but it's better to look into this."
Apollo said "we need a way to find her and learn about her up close."
cilas said "Apollo, have you ever thought about using your likness of their kind to your advantage."
Apollo said "what do you mean"
Cilas said "If we could make some slight changes to you, you would be a pretty convincing Gallean."

The General said "we are still trying to find a way to get a Gallean down thought pore without dying from the envirement, let alone find their base."
Leo said "I just wish we could find out how much they know."
The General said "They know more than they should which worries me"
Leo said "why"
The General leaned close and whispered "because that must mean that they have people on the inside."
Leo whispered back "Galleans? siding with the Macrobians?"
The Generals said "it's the only way they could know this much, it's not like one of them could just change itself to look like one of us and walk into the city."
Leo said "true."
(oh the irony)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria after a while simply laying in bed she pushed Baxter off the bed and got up.
she headed downstairs and started making dinner.
Baxter looked at her questioningly.
"what?" Alluria asked "i'm hungry"
'and' she thought 'if i'm busy making dinner i might be able to calm down a little'
she took as long as she could to make dinner without ruining it.
and finally she gave Baxter a rather large bowl of Alluria's signature stew, then got herself a bowl.
watching the wolf she thought, as she had many times, that he was a surprisingly clean eater, getting almost none of on the floor around him.
her mind started floating to the problem at hand again.
what could she do to protect everyone?
staying wasn't really a good idea, neither was leaving, getting caught by the macrobians would only make them stronger.
she had no idea what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Apollo followed Cilas down to his sector where there were a bunch of projects going on. One was trying to see if macrobians could be fused with goddess cells, stolen from the Galleans. Another bay was attempting to fuse Gallean and Macrobian blood. Another bay was trying to make Macrobians ugrade class faster. The final bay was huge and had a partially constructed Portal device.
Apollo said "that's pretty impressive."
Cilas said "why thank you, it's my own design" Cilas said "soon our goddess's army will march throough it to conqur this planet and finally defeat those Galleans"
Cilas said "now follow me" Cilas walked into a small room full of books. "what are these" Apollo asked as he entered the room. Cilas replied "these are book, documents stolen from the Gallean library in Hearthrown" Cilas began to rumage through them. "we thought these would help us defeat the Galleans but they gave us something to fear."
Apollo tensed up "what do you mean something to fear."
Cilas pulled a scroll out and opened it up and said "this scroll holds the final words the goddess said to the last priest of the galleans, it speaks of her return, she is too be born like a Gallean and she will use her powers to make them a new earth."
Apollo said "do you think that the girl from these rumors could be the goddess."
Cilas said "If she is then we will have to capture her quickly before she gets to full power."
(you don't have to be the goddess, I'm just using this as a plot point.)

Leo was then taken back to his hotel room and he sat there thinking "what are we going to do, we have no idea what the Macrobians are planning and we don't know if our own people are helping them with this goal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(oh dude i will totally be the goddess ;) we can just drag it out so it takes forever and a day for her to become goddess though, for drama
my brother suggested that my girl shouldn't be but that the goddess should have been reincarnated as like a ferret or something, that might be funny)

Alluria walked back out into the city, considering all the countless people around her.
she muttered to herself "i don't know what to do"

Baxter was lagging behind her, disturbed by the fact that Alluria was not sharing her concerns with him.
she was obviously upset about something but she wasn't talking which was odd, and worrying to the wolf.
he let out a quiet bark, to get her attention.
she turned "what is it Baxter?"
he gave her a look that very much said 'what's wrong?'
"not now Baxter" she said "i'm preoccupied"
and he reached out and clamped a hand on her dress.
"Baxter this is ridiculous, let go"
his loaded look said 'not until you tell me what's wrong'
"fine Baxter" she leaned down "i'm a danger to everyone here"
he tilted his head in confusion, the fabric falling from his mouth.
"i'm special, that makes me dangerous, if the macrobians learn i exist no one here is safe, the guards and the politicians like to think the town impregnable but it's not Baxter, and sooner or later the macrobians will find out i'm here and come for me, i might be able to fight off a small force but with what i learned from that man, which is too complicated to explain right now, i can't stand up against the force they'd send after me, i'm confused Baxter, i don't know what to do"
the wolf laid his head on her knee, looking up at her, he was confused too and she could tell "come on, let's find something less depressing to while the time away, yeah?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Apollo was layed down on a table they had made with his Macrobian arm outstretched. Cilas said "you know even though we can grow back limbs that doesn't mean that it isn't painful."
Apollo said "I know but I'm willing to do anything for us to succeed even if it means going through torture."
Cilas shrugged and then began to saw the claw off at the elbow.
Apollo closed his eyes and focused on what his mission was to try and get through the pain.

Leo said "I wish that girl had told me why she was afraid of them finding out about her, maybe I could have helped her." Leo got up and began to pace "now what would they be working on so furiously that they would need to attack in such a force." Leo said "the amount of energy they are taken could run 40 breeders but the breeders can only breed class E to Class D macrobians nothing powerful."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria wandered aimlessly through the town and found herself yet again under the warrior's window.
she decided to see if he was there so she gently floated up to the window and peeped up over the windowsill. he was pacing, he was also saying something about 'breeders' but she couldn't quite make out what.
he seemed pre-occupied so Alluria dropped gently back to the ground and started walking away.
though it occurred to her she might want to inform him, or someone of the danger she posed, she kept walking, not sure what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo looked out his window and saw her walking away. He quickly yelled to the girl "hey Alluria wait, I need to talk to you"

Apollo was now wearing clothes from a dead Gallean that the Macrobian had captured and his claw arm was gone replaced with a bandaged stub that ended at his elbow. Cilas then said "you look believable now, but we need to find a Gallean name we can give you, because Apollo will be a dead give away." Apollo thought for a minute and said "I'll be called Alexander." Cilas said "yes that's good, now let's find the best place for you to get to the surface."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria stopped when she heard him call out,
she turned back and walked slowly back towards him, when she was under the window she asked "yes? what do you need to talk about?"
Baxter trailed after Alluria looking suspiciously at the guy, he had seen him multiple times and he had a sneaking suspicious he had something to do with what Alluria believed about herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo said "it's not safe to talk about out in the open like this come up into the room"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria started to rise but then doubted herself for a minute. she shook her head to clear her doubts and rose the wind around her so she could rise to his window.
Alluria gently sat on the window and looked at him, hoping it would occur to him what she just did meant. she gently and slowly brought her legs into the room and stepped down onto his floor, "what did you want to talk about?" she gestured to a nearby chair "do you mind if i sit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo was still shocked a bit about how she rose from the ground, He then shook his head and said "yeah sure you can sit." Leo then said "well I called you here because I think you need to stay in the town." Leo said "These macrobians are looking for those who have magic, because the Goddess cells I think help them with their mission."

Apollo was now with a small group of macrobians. Apollo said "alright, remember you have to look like you're attacking me " The macrobians nodded their head. Apollo then began to limp as fast as he could toward the gates of Hearthrown with the macrobians chasing after him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria coughed slightly "you don't really have to worry about that" she looked up at him "i was never infused with the goddess cells, i don't know how or why, but ... i can use magic without it, i do agree though that leaving may not be a very good idea" she clears her throat, "i'll be safe, is there anything else you wanted to talk about? or perhaps know?"

Baxter was laying down beneath the window, a little annoyed he was being left out, but he understood that he was much too big for Alluria to get up there.
as he was laying he thought he sensed something, it was much the same thing he had sensed the first time he met Alluria, Macrobians, he rose, Alluria was currently safe in the above-ground room, he would make sure it stayed that way. he bolted down the street, heading for the gate, when he got there he didn't even stop, the guards barely got the gates open before he sped past. he saw the man approaching and could barely see the macrobians following him, he prepared to attack, continuing to move towards the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

Leo was shocked to hear that she was not infused with a goddess cell. But then a look of realization and fear washed over his face. "we need to find somewhere for you and your furry friend to hide. If they knew about you they would want to take your energy more than a elite warrior."

Apollo looked up to see Baxter runing at them. Apollo was confused thats not a Gallean, but it came out of the town. While he was thinking that he felt pain shoot up his leg, he had forgotten that they had wounded him before he began to run to make it look convincing. Apollo fell to the ground, He tried to get up but had troube because he only had one and a half arms. He began to crawl to try and keep distance between him and the marcorbians so they didn't have to stop. Apollo then yelled "help me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alluria nodded "i know that, you have any ideas where? i certainly don't," she shuffled awkwardly "and Baxter can handle himself, though i'd prefer him to be safe as well"

Baxter jumped over the man, stopping behind him and growling at the macrobians approaching, warning them not to approach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago

The macrobians turned and ran off, knowing that continuing to charge would ruin the plan. Apollo sighed and said "Thank you noble Beast" Apollo stood up slowly and then said "your master should give you extra food tonight for your bravery." Apollo then began to limp toward the city.

(Leo) Leo said "well I do know of a place that not alot of people know about that is hidden in the city, it could fit both you and baxter comfortably."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Baxter was confused when the macrobians simply turned and left, apparently he was scarier then he thought.
the man behind him stood up "Thank you noble Beast, your master should give you extra food tonight for your bravery."
Baxter stood up straight, quite proud of himself, not only was he scary he was noble. the man was limping terribly so Baxter approached him and leaned against him in such a way as to take some of the weight off the man's leg but still be able to walk.

Alluria stood up "really? thank you" she approached Leo "this is very kind of you, i have to say however, we can't go into hiding just yet, if the macrobians knew i was in town but i suddenly disappeared, they would know something was up, if i make it look as if i'm going to leave and then disappear, it would look like i left, and they would believe it" she smiles "thank you again for this"
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