Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Mrs. Baker's shoulder's slumped in relief when she heard that she and her apprentice had gotten a second chance. "Thank you for your leniency Ciel. I will make sure you will not suffer any disrespect from Alex again. I must say that this is the first time I have heard of him acting like this. It's a side of him that I have never seen before..." said the tailor as her mind tried to figure out if there were any hints previously. After Ciel left, the woman was escorted back outside. Upon returning to her shop, she saw Alex working away on Ciel's garment. Grabbing a wooden ruler that was next to her, she thwapped it loudly on the table. "ALEX WINTERS!!!" the woman shouted loudly and angrily. The unexpected crack of the ruler and thunder of her voice made Alex literally jump up from his seat. He had never thought Mrs. Baker to be capable of such anger. Scolding after scolding followed, to which Alex (somewhat grudgingly) agreed. He held no ill will against the old lady and yet there was not much 'motherly' affection either. He just supposed she was his boss and that was it.

It later that Mrs. Baker and a stiff Alex arrived at Phanthomhive manor. Sebastian greeted them and showed them to Ciel's room. Mrs Baker was given a chair to sit on so that she could rest her tired bones. Alex opened his briefcase and took out Ciel's Royal outfit, momentarily smiling at it. He was proud of his work and his heart fluttered at the thought of personally dressing Ciel with it. What a great opportunity for close contact. And yet those feelings were sucked into the void when he noticed the scornful glares of both Sebastian and Mrs. Baker. Alex returned to his overly stiff and stoic composure as he began to dress Ciel with the garment. Several buttons were tweaked to sit at the right angle, a few loose threads tightened exactly to Ciel's measurements and any specks of dust were promptly removed. The whole procedure was done in dead silence with Alex looking more like a mannequin than anything else. Because of Sebastian standing right behind Ciel and the butler's constant glare at the tailor, Alex didn't even get a chance to look into Ciel's eyes.

After the garments was fitted to perfection, Alex stepped back and admired his craftsmanship. The pink haired boy turned back to Mrs. Baker to seek her nod of approval, only to find that Mrs. Baker had fallen asleep in her chair. Alex did not want to wake her, but Sebastian knew that they were already behind schedule. And so the butler quietly walked over to Mrs. Baker, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Mrs. Baker, the fitting is done" said Sebastian. There was a slight pause. "Mrs. Baker...?". Sebastian stepped back and frowned. "Mrs. Baker? Can you hear me?". The butler took off his glove and placed his hand underneath the tailor's nose. "Oh dear. It seems Mrs. Baker has passed away" announced Sebastian unceremoniously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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The time between Ms. Baker's departure and her arrival with Alex had been largely uneventful. With no meetings or paperwork to really speak of it was almost akin to having a day off from duties. Whilst most people would relish such a day Ciel found himself terribly bored, nearly to the point of tears. Some of the servants offered to do something with him, all of their ideas of course being utterly childish and obscene for someone like him to partake in. In a second attempt they offered for him to practice one of his hobbies, upon which he realized he really did not have any. As busy as he tended to be he didn't particularly spend time lazing about or playing games, unless one counted chess of course. That in itself presented another dilemma though; no one in the estate, save for Sebastian was really a challenge. Even old Tanaka wasn't as quick as he used to be, and more often than not the elderly butler lost to him. Having your only decent opponent then be able to be beaten with a simple order took the satisfaction out of that face off, and thus he was left back to square one. To pass the time he opted to read, stealing away to his study to immerse himself in one of literally hundreds of books he'd yet to touch.

Finally the time came when Ms. Baker and Alex arrived, promptly as a matter of fact, for his fitting. Ciel was reluctant to see the apprentice again, but with the gathering tonight drawing ever nearer he didn't have the luxury of protesting it now. Thankfully it seemed he had made a wise call in demanding Ms. Baker and Sebastian sit in on the process though. Not once during the entire time did Alex do anything questionable, acting as professionally as he really should have done in their first meeting. For someone whose skills were doubted that morning he would admit that Alex had done a decent job. It fit properly, the fabric was comfortable and it wasn't too flashy for his tastes. Twisting and turning before the mirror to examine himself the earl reflected with a great deal of reluctance that this outfit may be his favorite now amongst all the others. God forbid he said that, the boy would never let him hear the end of it. When all was said and done he found himself in a deep crimson coat and trousers to match, accentuated by a black undershirt and dark green scarf that was tucked into said shirt. It was a pleasant outfit to look at, and just as comfortable to wear. "Not bad, I suppose." he said, being far more nonchalant than he felt. "For a first job you've done well enough, Alex. I might actually be able to wear this tonight."

Now that he was dressed there was the small matter of payment. Low and behold however it looked as if the old crow had fallen asleep during the dressing, how bothersome. When Alex didn't look to be making a move to fix it Ciel looked to his butler, gesturing for him to get on with it. While Sebastian approached the tailor the earl looked over to the other boy, giving him a curious stare. How peculiar that he was actually fit to be a tailor, perhaps even more so than a master like Ms. Baker ever was. His work was exceptional, and part of him pondered if it wasn't even his work at all. "Passed away...?" The Phantomhive boy almost didn't hear his butler, turning to look over in disbelief. Frowning he walked across the room, placing two fingers on her neck for a pulse and finding none. She had been fine just a moment ago, and arguably healthy for someone her age this morning. It wasn't right then that she should suddenly die, unless there was an external cause for it. Glancing at the clock to his right and making note of the time they didn't have the opportunity to do anything respectful for the woman, he had an appointment to keep. "Sebastian, go set her in the furnace and cremate her. After that we'll be off, I refuse to be late for this." Watching as the woman was wrapped in sheets the earl remained as he was until the butler left, his gaze once more turning to Alex.

"You... " he began, walking over and looking up at the taller boy accusingly. "What did you do to her? She showed no signs of being near her time this morning, and now she suddenly dies here, in my home? Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious to you?" It wasn't unheard of, he supposed, to have the elderly abruptly die. But even then signs were made, people were able to see it coming beforehand to some degree. This had seemingly happened in only a few moments, which begged the question of what caused it. Perhaps... He mused, cremation wasn't the best option. Holding Alex in an angry glance for a moment longer Ciel went to the door, opening it and poking his head out. "Sebastian! Come back here! I've changed my mind!" he called, knowing the butler would hear him. While leaning out his clothes stretched slightly, and in particular so did the seat of his pants, accentuating his backside rather well. As promptly as the demon had left he soon returned, still bearing the deceased woman in her makeshift wrapping. "Find somewhere away from the others to keep her. I want to bring her to the Undertaker and have him give her a look over when we're done tonight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Obeying Ciel's orders, Sebastian quietly took away Mrs. Baker's body, treating it only as a sack of meat. Alex however, was still stunned at the announcement of her death. "It can't be..." he said silently to himself. The tailor dreaded what would happened next. Surely all fingers would point to him and Scotland Yard would be called in. What defence would a newly bought slave have against murder? Alex just stood there, unable to move. To add to all of this he was shocked at how quick Ciel was to order the cremation of the body. It just felt cold and cruel, even though she was dead. "You're just going to cremate her like this?" Alex asked, although it seemed that Ciel was in no mood for discussion. He was an Earl after all. All the previous joys that Alex had of seeing Ciel in his outfit (or even better, just a towel) was now gone, replaced by dread. And sure enough Ciel turned to him and accused him of causing Mrs. Baker's death. Yet with Mrs. Baker dying in this manor, wouldn't Ciel be thought of as the murderer? Perhaps that was the reason why he wanted that body to be cremated so quickly. An Earl like him could do what he wanted without being questioned.

"I did nothing" Alex stated as firmly as he could in response to Ciel's accusation. "Do you think it would be in my plans to let her die at the estate of an Earl such as you?" questioned Alex back in retaliation. Deep within the recesses of his own mind, Alex tried to figure out what had actually happened. Could it be him? Alex still had his mission to complete where he had to place the cursed object in the manor, but he didn't expect Mrs. Baker to die. Perhaps that object had an effect on her? Was that how it worked?

Sebastian returned with the corpse slumped over his shoulders. "I will store the body in the wine cellar, my Lord" said the butler before he turned to Alex. "And it seems our culprit is feeling uneasy. To Scotland Yard with you then..." said Sebastian simply with the intention of restraining Alex. However, Alex had already put things into motion, reaching into his pocket and drawing out his circus dagger. Seeing the clueless Meh-Rin pass by the corridor, Alex nabbed her and held the weapon to her throat.

"You won't be calling Scotland Yard, butler" said Alex as he glared at Sebastian. The maid was frozen in place, confused and unable to even utter a squeak.

"How foolish" Sebastian mused. "A maid in the house of an Earl is as expendable as this morning's tea leaves. You should have done that on my Lord instead"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Obeying Ciel's orders, Sebastian quietly took away Mrs. Baker's body, treating it only as a sack of meat. Alex however, was still stunned at the announcement of her death. "It can't be..." he said silently to himself. The tailor dreaded what would happened next. Surely all fingers would point to him and Scotland Yard would be called in. What defence would a newly bought slave have against murder? Alex just stood there, unable to move. To add to all of this he was shocked at how quick Ciel was to order the cremation of the body. It just felt cold and cruel, even though she was dead. "You're just going to cremate her like this?" Alex asked, although it seemed that Ciel was in no mood for discussion. He was an Earl after all. All the previous joys that Alex had of seeing Ciel in his outfit (or even better, just a towel) was now gone, replaced by dread. And sure enough Ciel turned to him and accused him of causing Mrs. Baker's death. Yet with Mrs. Baker dying in this manor, wouldn't Ciel be thought of as the murderer? Perhaps that was the reason why he wanted that body to be cremated so quickly. An Earl like him could do what he wanted without being questioned.

"I did nothing" Alex stated as firmly as he could in response to Ciel's accusation. "Do you think it would be in my plans to let her die at the estate of an Earl such as you?" questioned Alex back in retaliation. Deep within the recesses of his own mind, Alex tried to figure out what had actually happened. Could it be him? Alex still had his mission to complete where he had to place the cursed object in the manor, but he didn't expect Mrs. Baker to die. Perhaps that object had an effect on her? Was that how it worked?

Sebastian returned with the corpse slumped over his shoulders. "I will store the body in the wine cellar, my Lord" said the butler before he turned to Alex. "And it seems our culprit is feeling uneasy. To Scotland Yard with you then..." said Sebastian simply with the intention of restraining Alex. However, Alex had already put things into motion, reaching behind him and drawing out his circus dagger. Seeing the clueless Meh-Rin pass by the corridor, Alex nabbed her and held the weapon to her throat.

"You won't be calling Scotland Yard, butler" said Alex as he glared at Sebastian. The maid was frozen in place, confused and unable to even utter a squeak.

"How foolish" Sebastian mused. "A maid in the house of an Earl is as expendable as this morning's tea leaves. You should have done that on my Lord instead"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well of course I'm going to cremate her." Ciel replied, looking at Alex a bit surprised. "What else would I do with a dead body? I'll certainly not have it rotting in my estate, and bringing it back into town would cause complications." That was his mindset initially anyways. It was still rather shocking that the woman had up and died like that, even in her old age. She'd been showing signs of her years to be certain but relatively speaking she looked to be fairly healthy, so for her to drop dead was unusual. What was equally unusual, the earl reflected was how she dropped like that after being alone with Alex. It was certainly a suspicious predicament, and not one that he was about to overlook. In the mindset the tailor was guilty Ciel wasted little time in confronting him, getting the expected defensive response. "I don't even know what your plans are!" the young Phantomhive snapped, putting his hands on his hips. "You molest me this morning and now bring a woman to die in my house by night. If there is some 'plan' then I must congratulate you, because at the moment whatever it may be is well over my head." This was NOT something he needed to be dealing with at the moment, not with bigger and far more important events taking place.

Sebastian came at his master's call, still carrying the recently deceased like a sack of potatoes. In a revelation Ciel opted to keep the woman, figuring it best to find a cause of death before condemning Alex, if only for his own curiosity. For someone who argued his innocence it sure seemed as though the tailor was quick to take things to a brash turn. In a deft movement he withdrew a knife from his belt, taking the utterly oblivious Meh-Rin hostage in the blink of an eye. Yet again Alex's behavior confused the earl, and even to some degree amused him. Sebastian seemed to be entertained as well, or at least as close to being entertained as a demon could be. As the butler spoke to Alex he went over to the night stand, pulling out the bottom drawer and through a stack of clothing withdrew a pistol, already primed to fire. Turning around Ciel held it at arms length, aiming directly at Alex's head.

"You sincerely expect to negotiate by taking one of my servants as hostage?" Ciel asked, smiling ruefully. With a small chuckle he shook his head, taking a small few steps forward, eyes locking on Alex. "Kill her if you must, she already has agreed to die for my sake. However... If you kill her you are then stealing from me my property. I have absolutely no mercy towards anyone who thinks they can steal what's mine and get away with it." Lifting his thumb he pulled back the hammer on the pistol, letting his index finger rest idly on the trigger. Almost uncaring he looked at the clock once more, frowning at it getting ever closer to being time to depart. "Let's not waste any more time with this. Let her go, you're coming with us. Even if you do cut her then what? Either I'll shoot you or Sebastian will tear you down where you stand, it's a moot effort. Give up and face the charges against you, you just might survive then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Alex gritted his teeth, taking one step back. Oh yes, he had thought of taking Ciel hostage - it would have been a much more viable option, but in the end he didn't. Alex didn't exactly want to end up on Ciel's bad side by threatening his life. The tailor scoffed at his own thoughts just then. Wasn't he aleady in Ciel's bad books? The Earl now seemed to have a hate of him and was also going to turn him into the authorities. What a way to go. Was this going to be his last night as a free man?

No. This can't be. Alex was not going to let it end this way. That butler looked as if he was going to attack any minute. And Ciel... Ciel was pointing a gun at his head, ready to shoot. Alex's hand trembled as he realised the predicament he was in. Was there another way out? There had to be! Ah yes, the maid! He could kick the maid in Ciel's direction and make a run for it! Surely the butler couldn't keep up whilst carrying the dead Mrs. Baker. Or at least he had to put the corpse down. But how good was Ciel's aim? Ciel's stare showed that he was steadfast and determined. A shot to anywhere of Alex's body would spell death by infection. A slow an painful death. Alex flinched. The top half of his body wanted to run, but it felt as if his legs were bolted to the ground by some unknown force. It was his gut feeling stopped him from moving.

Reluctantly and stiffly, he moved his dagger away from Meh-Rin's neck. The maid quickly ran from his grasp to the safest place in the world - behind Sebastian's back. "Oh my gosh Sebastian~! You saaaved meee!" cooed the maid as she hugged the butler from behind with a blush. Yay. An opportunity to hug Sebastian! That was when she noticed the wrinkled pair of legs dangling from Sebastian's back. The maid blinked and stared at it. Meh-rin then fell as Sebastian stepped forward to apprehend Alex by grasping his neck. So that the tailor would not get away, he strangled Alex with just the right amount of force to make the tailor fall unconscious. Alex struggled and kicked, but could do nothing as he was single-handledly raised into the air by Sebastian. Soon after, Alex's hands fell to his side as he stopped moving. The butler turned to Ciel. "What should we do with this one, my Lord?" asked Sebastian. However, it seemed that Alex was only pretending to faint. He came from the circus - little tricks like these were commonplace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ciel didn't care how smooth a talker Alex may be, or whatever mysterious effects that the tailor might have on him. Meh-Rin was his and his alone, and he certainly wasn't going to lose her to some pseudo-tailor. The barrel of the gun was aimed directly between the other boy's eyes, unwavering in its path. Should he attempt to pull anything the earl was not going to hesitate to fire, if even necessary. Should his death be the ultimate course then Sebastian just as well could kill him before any bullet could. Like a cornered animal he slowly relented to his face, finally releasing the maid back into their care. That was all the case that the demon needed, immediately stepping forward and grabbing hold of Alex's throat, nearly throttling him to make him pass out. Satisfied that the situation was diffused Ciel finally lowered his firearm, smirking as he placed it on top of the night stand. What a shame, he hadn't gotten to shoot anyone. Perhaps, he mused, someone might be stupid enough to cross him during the event tonight. It had been a fair while since a criminal had crossed his path, and he was growing impatient in times of peace. Ah well, perhaps that was for the best, it meant he was serving the Queen as best he could.

"What should we do with him indeed..." Ciel mumbled, frowning to himself. Killing the boy still seemed pleasant, and yet there was a small voice nagging away in the back of his mind that refused to let him do that. He had to be punished for the murder though, it was obvious that he had done it. No one else had come in contact with her besides himself and Sebastian, and the latter would only have killed on his orders, or if Ms. Baker were a threat. The young earl stepped up to Sebastian and Alex, glancing up at the boy curiously. What a troublesome person, such a pain to deal with. In an infuriating moment he felt that similar sensation while glancing upon the tailor, his eyes locking on Alex's face for perhaps a second longer than necessary. Hiding it behind a ruse he reached up and grabbed the boy's jaw, making him look down to see if he was truly out cold, yet also stealing a glimpse. "I think perhaps bringing him to the event tonight would be best. Keep him restrained in the carriage until the evening is done, and we can deal with him afterwards. I don't want to dilly dally any longer Sebastian, we're almost running late." With a casual glance in Meh-Rin's direction he offered a faint smile, feigning his gratefulness that she was safe before leaving the room. "I'll be in the carriage, deposit that sack and then bring him down." After tonight there was going to be a fair bit of questioning and interrogation, and after answers were given then Alex's fate would be decided.

A few moments later and the trio was on their way, set in the horse drawn carriage heading to the Queen's home. Ciel rode in the back per usual, though had a guest with him in the form of an unmoving Alex. Try as he might as they rode his gaze kept settling on the boy, occasionally slipping to parts of him besides his face. This was insane, why was he so fascinated by the tailor when he was so adamant to hate him? Sniffing indignantly the earl hesitated for a moment, picking himself up and moving next to Alex, his face flushing slightly. Just once he'd let curiosity propel him forward, and then be done with it. Looking at the boy to his side once more he bit his lip, reaching down and taking one of Alex's hands in his own. For a moment he simply looked at it, running the pad of his thumb over the knuckles and back of the boy's hand. It was surprisingly soft, he'd admit, and cool to the touch. Taking a look at the windows as if he expected the demon to be spying Ciel smiled nervously, lifting said hand and holding it against his cheeks. Again he blushed, this time though a deeper red. It felt... Nice... Carefully separating Alex's fingers he let them brush across his face, even going as far to have the thumb brush lightly across his lips... And then he pushed the hand away. What in the hell was he doing? Looking at the tailor abashed he turned his head away, beet red as he shifted in his sight. What was getting into him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Alex remained still the whole time, having been trained well in playing dead. He listened to the sounds and voices around him, wondering what was going to happen next. Were they going to hand him over to Scotland Yard? What was Scotland Yard going to do with him? If he was charged with murder... then he would be hanged in public. Chills ran through Alex's spine at that thought.

Sebastian spoke. "A personal interrogation, my Lord? I suppose that's right. Scotland Yard wouldn't be able to achieve anything" commented Sebastian. Alex almost wanted to break his act and jump for joy when he heard that. Well at least until he thought of the ways Ciel could interrogate him. Earls did have a reputation of being able to do nasty and terrible things as they pleased. Sigh.. at least it wasn't the Yard.

Meh-rin then seemed to make nervous noises, pointing towards the pair of stiff feet that hanged off Sebastian. 'Deposit the sack?' What did that mean? Certainly it wasn't a...? The charismatic butler turned around pacing towards the blubbering maid. Leaning down so that he was face level with her, Sebastian placed a finger on his lips. "Shhh..." went the butler before he gave her a wink and a smile. Sebastian then left the area, leaving Meh-Rin to stand in the hallway, blushing.

Alex felt that his feet were bound and he was placed in the carriage. It seemed they were taking him to the event. But why? Surely they weren't going to downright hand him over to the authorities?! What about the interrogation? Alex would rather have that over anything else. Then again... now would be the perfect time to escape. His hands weren't tied (supposedly to avoid raising suspicion). All he had to do was break free of whatever was around his foot and leap out through the window! It was now or never! 3... 2...

Alex's countdown was stopped when he felt Ciel moving to sit next to him. The tailor remained perfectly still, thinking the boy wanted to inspect him to see if he was really unconscious. Then in an unexpected move, Alex felt Ciel's hands on him and then soon his hands was gently stroking Ciel's face. The tailor relaxed, liking the softness of the younger boy. What's more, it seemed that the boy liked him too. This was not the touch of an enemy or a cruel Earl - it was one of affection. Ciel's touch seemed to say that he didn't want him to be handed over to the Yard. Ciel's exterior might be cold, but inside he was warm and supple. Ciel's hand then left his. Alex opened his eyes to find that Ciel was looking away, embarrased perhaps. Well, now was the time to show Ciel what it was like to be loved. And how good it could feel.

Alex grinned as he reached out with both hands, cupping Ciel's face in them. He turned the boy around, letting Ciel see his hungry gaze for the slightest of moments before he pulled the boy towards him and kissed him passionately. Alex's kiss was a strong one that lingered fully over Ciel's soft lips. Alex didn't care what the boy would do to him - he just wanted to show that he felt what Ciel was feeling and that it was possible between them. The tailor shifted on the seat so that his broad chest was now pressed against Ciel's. One of his hands moved so that it was now cradling Ciel's head. The other hand moved down the side of Ciel's chest towards his nether region, slipping into the part between his legs. "You like this don't you? Do you want more?" whispered Alex as his lips momentarily left Ciel's. Alex's hand massaged that area and then gave it a soft squeeze as his lips returned to meet Ciel's...
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