Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan had gotten to school a little later than usual. The reason being? Well there'd been a bit of a problem on the way. It wasn't the kind of problem that most kids dealt with though. No he hadn't forgotten his homework at home or anything like that. No he had to make a detour in order to stop a robbery in progress. It wasn't anything big like a bank heist. Just a little purse snatching. Well... A string of purse snatchings. The dude was light on his feet and was packing some serious fire power. Yeah he was a mutant. "Gonna have to repair the damage the dude did to my suit." He said as he landed behind the school and began to change. He needed to be quick. By his count first period had just began and he wanted to at least be there for half of it. The mutant had the power to shoot fire balls from his palms. Not much, but it could get the job done against ordinary people.

With a small sigh of relief Tristan made his way into the school having changed into his black t-shirt with a red short sleeve button down thrown over it along with a pair of black jeans. He felt pretty comfortable. Everything was just a bit baggy so he didn't really show much off and his black and red sneakers were pretty much perfect. Sometimes he wished he could dress like this to fight, but the spider-suit was comfortable in its own way. Tristan looked around. Everyone was in class. He smiled and ran to his homeroom. He looked in. The teacher had his back to the door and was rambling on. Probably something about science that the rest of the class weren't paying any attention too. With that in mind he quietly opened the door and slid in. There wasn't a sound. No disturbance whatsoever. And yet...

"So nice of you to join us Mr. Parker." The teacher, Mr. Williams said still facing the bored. Wha? How did he? Tristan mentally cursed before facing the teacher. "Sorry Mr. Williams. It won't happen again." Tristan said before rushing to his seat. "Well since you put it like that. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You aren't late anymore and there won't be anymore pop quizzes." Mr. Williams said with a smirk. "But as of right now. Pop Quiz!" He laughed and began to pass out paper. The class groaned and a few of the jocks and cheerleaders among select others glared at Tristan. This was gonna be a long day.
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Abi walked down the hallway, her heels clicking as she walked. The curly blood red hair of hers was down and framed her face perfectly, as always and her sharp emerald eyes were outlined with dark makeup making them stand out even more with the mix of black makeup and red hair. She wore a striped red and white shirt that hung over her shoulder with a fishnet tank top under it and black necklaces of multiple lengths hanging over it. She had red bracelets that were also on her wrists as jewelry pieces. Along with all of that were short jean shorts that had black suspenders connected to it that just hung down the side of her legs. On her legs going all the way to her mid-thighs were black socks that had multiple rips and tears in them. And finally she had her converse boots that had a heel on them. All together her outfit was a perfect display of how she was not one to mess with, the dark makeup, red hair, red lips, and piercing green eyes also helped add to that.

Abi walked into her homeroom and Mr. Williams looked straight at her. "Well look who actual showed up for once, even if the class is half over... Welcome Ms.Abigail Evans." Mr. Williams said smirking. "Don't call me that..." Abi growled giving him an ice cold glare. "It's Abi!" She snapped before walking to the seat far in the back and sitting down. She kicked her feet up and put them on the desk before leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. Mr. Williams just came back and place a detention slip on her desk and walked away before going back to teaching. Abi crumpled the paper up and threw it behind her, slight anger building up inside her but she kept it under control so as to not once again kill everyone in the school. All the students made sure to not look at Abi as she just looked around the class and even Mr. Williams seemed to advert his gaze away from her while teaching. This caused her to smirk as she just sat there waiting for the class to end.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The scene with Abi cause Tristan to chuckle a bit silently. "High school." He muttered under his breath. Soon the class would end, but just before the bell rang Mr. Williams scoffed and handed out some worksheets. "As I said at the beginning of the class you will all be doing a project in teams of two. I have already matched you up in pairs and written them on the top of your worksheets." With that said the bell rang. Mr. Williams was quick to leave as he had another class to teach in about 5 minutes and the rest of the class was quick to scramble out. Two of the jocks took a little extra time to punch Tristan in the arm. "Better not be late again runt." One of them said before they were out the door.

"Right..." Tristan said rubbing his arm slightly before looking at the sheet. "Abi..." He whispered with a slight look of shock and terror on his face. It could have been anyone else. Anyone would have been easier to walk up to and speak with. But he assigned Abi as his partner. He turned his head to see if she was still in the room. He had study hall or in his eyes, and the eyes of Midtown High, a free period. He had no doubt that on her work sheet his name was at the top just as her's was.
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Abi looked at the top of her paper and sighed. She stood up and walked to Tristan. "We will meet today after school in front of the school and decide what to do then. Got it? Good."Abi said before heading to her next class.
(Time Skip?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan was silent for a bit before sighing. "Right." He said as he walked out of the classroom. Things went on pretty well for the rest of the day with him. At least until the last bell of the last period. "Hey Parker what gives?" Vance, the captain of the Football team, asked with an angry look in his eyes. He had Tristan by the collar pinned against a locker. "Hey man. I said results may very when I gave you the answers to your homework." Tristan said with a slight chuckle. "You son of a... All the answered were wrong!" The crowd was gathering and slowly growing chanting the word "Fight!" over and over. Tristan sighed. "Look... Do it or don't. Either way I've got someone to meet and I don't think it's smart to make her wait." He said. He could easily take Vance out, but that might give away his identity. No it was better to just take the little beating and be on his way. Unless a teacher or someone stopped it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi heard the chanting of fight from down the hallway and looked to see the captain of the football team holding Tristan against the locker. Abi was surprisingly smart in school and always had assignments in on time so if she were to get a good grade on this project she needed to actually work with her partner so she knew what to do, anyways Abi hadn''t been in a good fight for awhile. Abi walked through the crowd, the students parting quickly once they saw it was her. "Yo, PeaBrain? Yeah, Vance I'm talking to you. Don't mess with the scrawny geek, he's my science partner and you don't want me to release my wrath on you if I fail do ya?" She asked standing there crossing her arms. Abi was known for taking on guys in fights often so any boy willing to fight had no problem fighting her unless she embarrassed them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan looked down with a sigh. "Oh man..." And now a girl was fighting his battle for. Granted it was the toughest girl in school as far as he knew who was capable of kicking the collective asses of most of the jocks, but that didn't make him feel better. "Oh great... One freak protectin another." Vance said as he turned to face Abi while tossing Tristan to the floor. "Listen I don't have time to wrestle with a chick so you can have the little twerp and I'll get him later." Vance said before turning to leave with the rest of the jocks and cheerleaders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Excuse me! Who are you calling a freak you big footed gorilla man?!" Abi exclaimed walking up to him and pulling him back to the circle and glaring at the other jocks and at the bitchy cheerleaders. "I don't care much about anything but having a giant freak call ME a freak does not pass in my book so I leave you with two options Vanessa!" She began purposely calling him a girls name, "You either fight me or I beat the living day lights out of you. Your choice... Vanessa." Abi finished stressing the girl name she now called him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Look you little..." Vance looked beyond angry. He stopped himself though. He didn't have time for this crap anymore. Wailing on Parker was one thing, but it was a whole other thing to actually get a fight. He had to go to practice. And besides Parker was g... "Parker's gone!" He shouted angrily. The small crowd looked around. He was gone. The only sound for a few seconds was a few police sirens and the sound was getting quieter by the second.
"And here's an excuse to do something to blow off a little steam." Tristan, or better yet, Spider-man said as he swung away from the school. He didn't like that he'd had to use a little webbing to patch up a small hole in the side of the suit, but he didn't think it would matter. Especially not when he was kicking the ass of who or whatever was causing trouble.

(If you want you can be up Vance and then leave or something. And be mad at him later x3)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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The anger that had built up inside of her and she began to get angrier. Her body, she knew began to radiate gamma and she ran out only after she punched Vance in the stomach on the way. Abi began to build up speed and was soon enveloped in a green glow shortly after exiting the school. After it disappeared she was in her villainess costume. Around her, her body gave off a slight green glow and so did her eyes as she ran threw the city, just pushing any cars out of her way as she headed for the Stark Industry Labs in the city. She left a wake of damaged cars in her path as she had pushed and thrown things and cars out of her way. She eventually made it to the building and she just slammed through the glass front door. Pieces of glass impaled into Abi but she removed them and she slowly regenerated the wounded area. The guards in the front saw her and knew exactly who she was. A button was pressed and an alarm went off in the building. "CODE M! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!" A voice yelled over the intercom.

Code Mutant huh? Let me guess? You called in for S.H.E.I.L.D. and more specifically... The Hulk. To come take care of me since we are one in the same." Rad Girl chuckled. "Well good luck with that..." Rad Girl's body began to radiate off more gamma radiation people began to feel woozy so they ran out quickly, 'too late... they had most likely gotten Radiation Poisoning' Abi said smirking as she ran down the stairs towards where she needed to be. By now the police, US Government, S.W.A.T. team, and S.H.I.E.L.D. had most likely been informed of her attack especially Iron Man and Bruce Banner. Abi didn't mind and was soon on the bottom level punching wholes through metal barriers separating her from the gamma experimentation area. She was to steal all information and all contained gamma particles to take it back so H.Y.D.R.A. could run more experiments and strengthen Rad Girl. Rad reached the main barrier and began punching it, this barrier was stronger than the others so she knew it would slow her down, but she tried to hurry he best that she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

It hadn't been long since Tristan had reached the scene of the crime in progress he'd originally gone to stop. A hostage situation. Three armed men and a small family of three. One mother, a little boy and a little girl. It was pretty easy for Tristan to disarm the men and take them down. He was a little rough on them, but that was how he blew off steam. And one of them had a gun to a little girl's head. A LITTLE GIRL?! And when all was said and done the family was safe and happy and he even got a kiss on the cheek from the little girl "Alright. You be good now Cindy. Don't give your mom too much to worry about. And Billy keep 'em safe and stay brave just like you were." He said as he swung off. What could he say? He was a people person.

"Alright. Now I can go home." He said with a smirk before he heard an alarm. Stark industries. "I guess not." He said as he swung into the building. People were leaving. Probably scared of whatever had the power to break in her and leave the trail of destruction he was following. When he finally arrived he was sitting a wall. "Yo Red!" He called out to the... Girl? "You know you could always go to the complaint department if you have a problem. What happened? Your new Stark Phone break or something?" He said looking at her as he crawled along the ceiling keeping his eyes on her. For any normal person this was dangerous. But being who he was and having the blood of his father in his veins he kind of had a radiation thing going on. Sure if wasn't like too much of the stuff was good for him, but it wouldn't kill him. Probably wouldn't even make him sick unless he actually took a bit of radiation into his body.

(So like does she have a mask? It'll be bad if he looks at her face and is like "Abi?" o.o lol And will she eventually not poison the people around her? Cause if her powers come with giving radiation poisoning to those around her then even if she turns good it won't matter... She'll kill people around her...)
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(It's a secret but lets just say it has to do with a modification by H.Y.D.R.A. oh and just imagine her with a black mask like the incredibles have)
Rad Girl punched through the metal door and ripped a small piece of it with quite some effort and strain but she then used it and spun throwing it at Tristan before climbing through the small hole and running up to the main area. She got on the computer and sent all files quickly to H.Y.D.R.A. luckily the computer had no security measures so it made it easier. Then she deleted all of it and stole some small bits of gamma radiation samples and put it in a pocket on her thigh she soon rushed back out of the hole. Luckily she knew he couldn't follow because it was a really small hole and she knew he'd just wait because it was the only exit for her but that didn't make her any less prepared because she summoned past anger to fuel her powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Spidey was quick to leap out of the way moving from the ceiling to the floor. "Woah." He said before moving to the side so when the thing fell it wouldn't squash him. She was strong. Seriously strong. And she was quick. by the time he knew what happened she was on her way out and had rubble falling to block his escape. She was out and he was stuck. The view of her leaving wasn't too bad though. "Dammit Spidey get your head out of the gutter." He mumbled to himself as he began to try and move rubble and break through the exit so he could follow. Something told him that he wasn't gonna be catching up to her today. "And what's worse is I gotta deal with the she-devil school girl tomorrow." He said with a sigh.
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Rad Girl smirked as she walked out of the building but unfortunately for her, there stood two people you don't want to mess with.. "Well if it isn't the green monster and the tin man..." She said smirking.
"Well my name is actually Iron Man you know or Tony Stark, play boy, billionaire, philanthropist... And I believe that you have something that belongs to my company. So if you could hand over the gamma and surrender peacefully I won't release my pet green thing over here on you." Tony Stark spoke holding his metal clad hand out while he received a glare and growl from the Hulk. "How bout no." Rad said as she bent down and used her strength to jump over them before she took off running. The two superheroes pursuing after her, catching up quickly.
"Pick up here yet?" Rad spoke into a communicator. "Yes, continue straight then jump and you will be able to grab onto the ladder hanging out of the jet to return you to the HQ." A voice answered. She did as told and when she reached the ladder she looked back to see the two superheroes had stopped pursuing knowing that the jet would speed away if they tried to pursue.
After some time they had returned to H.Y.D.R.A. HQ and the gamma had been passed over to the head scientist. Abi sat in a chair as the daily testing and enhancing of gamma in her body began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

It took Tristan a little while to actually get out. And when he did Ironman and Hulk were just arriving. "Oh sweet. Did you guys get her?" He asked calmly. Hulk grunted. "What do you think kid?" He asked in his low gruff voice. "Woah you can talk?" Spidey asked a little dumbfounded. "Yeah people react like that a lot." Stark said calmly. "You see a string of events allowed Bruce and the Hulk to come to a sort of understand...." Tony was stopped when Hulk swatted him away like a sort of pesky fly. "Look. The how and why isn't important. I can talk. I'm me. Deal with it kid." He said with a snarl. "Come on big guy. I didn't mean anything bad by it. I was just caught of guard." Tristan said patting the Hulk on the arm. "Well... Since it looks like you two have a lot of work to do I'm gonna be on my way. Okay?" Spidey said before jumping up and swinging away. "Doesn't seem like there's much difference between him and his pops." Hulk commented as Tony rejoined him. "Yeah... Noted... So I guess we'll save the history lesson for another time then?" Stark asked. "I guess." Hulk sighed before walking into the wreckage of the building. They had some work to do.
Tristan got home a few hours later. "I'm home." He called out as he shut the door behind him now back in his civvies. "Dinner's on the table. Your father's in his lab." Mary Jane said as she kissed him on the cheek. With that she went to go to her room. She like the rest of her family had been having somewhat of a long day. Tristan smiled. He could always be happy at home. He walked into the kitchena nd sat down to eat. He was kind of late. It was 10:00. Still his mom kept his food warm and it was good. "Tomorrow's Friday... and I get to see her... great." He sighed remembering the project.
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After vigorous testing for what seemed like forever she was finally allowed to sleep. They only had her going to school because they knew that one of the superheroes had a child there, so that was why she had to go. Eventually she fell asleep, mentally preparing for tomorrow, because friday brought either tons of training or tons of experiments in the weekends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

After a fairly normal night at home Tristan would fall asleep and then awake in his bed. "Looks like it's time for school." With a loud sigh he got ready and packed up his book bag. Thanks to Mary Jane and Peter his costume was all fixed up and he was on his way to school. He smiled shot a web line. Yeah no costume. Just clothes. With hulk and Ironman back in town he didn't really need to worry. Besides. He didn't think there would be much trouble. And there wasn't. It was kind of a quiet day. It made him more worried than the busy days. This meant something bad was definitely going to happen. That's how it always was.
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Abi woke up and was slightly sore from the testing and injuries that had healed yesterday. Yes she had regeneration but she still got sore from the injuries she obtained. Abi got dressed. Abi changed into black ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots, a dark, emerald green tank top, and a black cropped leather jacket. Again her makeup was dark with red lipstick but instead of having her hair down, it was pulled into a high pony tail with her bangs down and curled to frame her face along with her hair in the pony tail curled. She arrived on time to school and went in class early only because of the project in science. She tapped the desk with her fingernail while chewing gum and waited for Tristan to get there so they could start. In her pocket was her glasses, which she only needed when reading of course. She was annoyed she had to wear them but it was that or fail so it was obvious on her priorities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

When Tristan got to the school he took a deep breath. Another day of high school. Yeah. Every Teenager's dream. He thought with a slight chuckle as he entered. He ran his fingers through his somewhat spiky messy hair. He wasn't trying to impress anybody so how he looked wasn't an issue, but he didn't want anyone to have OTHER things to make fun of. He adjusted his glasses and his outfit. A white t-shirt with a green button down thrown over coupled with a pair of old looking jeans. The outfit wasn't quite as baggy as usual, but it did resemble his usual attire so it was fine. Though maybe wearing similar outfits seemed like a bit much to some. Still it solidified his nerdy look and behavior so it was fine. Now he just needed to get through the day. And the second he walked into class and saw Abi he knew his first obstacle was ready. "Look who it is. My knight in shining armor." He said in a somewhat sarcastic tone referring to the incident that took place yesterday. It was kind of embarrassing for a normal guy. He was taking into consideration the Parker life and not the Spidey life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Whatever, I needed a fight anyway so it could have been any other nerd." Abi said. "Now let's get to work. Never have I failed before and I am not starting with this project." Abi said slightly annoyed as she pulled out her glasses and put them on as she read over the project instructions carefully.
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