Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((Which Scene?)) School - Rooftop Mina: Alright then...what was the decision again? School - Door to the Library Thomas: I did tell Hugh to bring Kael, so he'll be here in a instant. Marie: Hugh...What that doofus will do after that? Not that i care though. School - Guild's Tent Music - Keep the Flag Flying Hugh: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Hugh was using his high speeds for a hit&run tactic, quickly jabbing his father while backing away, but, there was one flaw to the plan. Grant: So, this is how much fast you got huh? *dissapears from sight* Hugh: Ah! Grant: But i'm afraid you understimated me boy! He kicks Hugh to another wall again. Hugh: Damn...I don't remember you being this fast... Grant: You never pushed me this far to see this speed ya little brat, don't act like you know me. Hugh: Yeah...I don't know you...i never knew you...BECAUSE YOU WERE NEVER AROUND! Hugh started to power-up. Mana: W-We need to do something. Uni: Yeah but...I'm just trying to find the courage to pull the trigger...something in Hugh's words. Mana: ... Akina: My story... Hugh used the Great Discharge, trying to ram his father, who dodged and grabbed Hugh's leg. The boy freed himself from the grab by using a T-BURST Knuckle. Grant: Heh! Hugh: GRARGH! THUNDER STORM! Lightining bolts started to randomly fall on the field. Grant: Restricting my movements huh? Mana: AH! DODGE! *dodges a falling bolt* Hugh: Yes! Bet even you can't take a bolt! Akina: ...My Story... Hugh's charging of the Aurora Pressure was already complete, he just needed to stall his father a little more using another RKS weapon that he got. Hugh: WIND VOID! He did a wind-slashing kick at his father, who dodged the attack again, but was struck by a lightning bolt. Grant: Urgh. Hugh: LUCK IS ON MY SIDE NOW! AURORA PRESSURE! Using the acumulated power, he shot a powerful thunder beam at Grant. Grant: Very Nice, but... Grant punches the ground, raising a wall of dirt. Not only it shields him, it temporally stops the beam while conducting it's eletricity. Hugh: What the hell? Once the beam destroyed the wall, Grant wasn't there anymore, but behind his son, ready do deal the finishing blow. Hugh noticed fast enough to use another T-BURST Knuckle...however. Akina: I guess that's enough. Aparently instantly appearing between the two, she sent Hugh flying (again) to the same wall he was thrown twice, then she punched Grant, who blocked, but got sent flying as well. Music - Mirage Grant: Whoa! Hugh: Urgh...I barelly saw her! Akina: I know this is a heartwarming family reunion, but you two already had your fun. Now, it's story time. Hugh: .... Grant: .... Grant: I guess you're right missy, i already did what i came here for. Hugh: Wait...this fight isn't over yet... Akina: Hugh, i don't think your body can take another trip to the wall again. Hugh: Tch... Grant: You should do as she said. Hugh: You guys...don't get to tell me...what to do...GRR... He got up and left the school, not bothering in going at the infirmary. Uni: Oh my... Akina: You two did good in not interfering before, they needed their happy time. Masaki: ... Grant: Is the boy okay? Masaki: I am...that fight was just... Grant: Sorry about that display. I believe now it's time to tell that story right? But first, i need a massage, it's been a while since i used that much strenght...that brat really grew up. Uni: ...Sigh... Akina: Okay! Uni: You don't need to... Akina: There'll be no story if he isn't relaxed. Uni: ...Alright...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

((When Hugh saw his father, I totally imagined Memory of Tears. Also, expect the Lunar Capital to be an enemy and a possible battle against Toyohime. Don't worry, Yorihime will be on the good side.)) School: Rooftop As she asked that, Magio felt like he had to tell her about him before he could speak about the decision he took. Magio: Cookie... he's one of the Three Dragon Generals. They are the strongest of the warriors back home, with him being the leader of them. Magio: Normally, by understanding this he's supposed to be our enemy... but... he betrayed Peach, my sister and enemy. BGM: I'll Face Myself Magio: ... However, he never told her that he did it. And now, there's almost no turning back. Once she descovers it, she'll sent her personal "bodyguards" to come and kill him. Magio started to cry once again, as his hands trembled with anger and utter disappointment. Magio: And that's what I didn't wished for... I don't want him dead! He has been on my side since I was a child... he always treated me so well... and now he does this. He puts his life into danger for some stupid, unreasonable mission of protecting me until my life is over naturally...!! Magio: I... I don't need to be protected!! I can take care of myself!! But how am I going to be able to do that, knowing that it's thanks to me that he's going to throw himself away like trash?! He fell onto his knees once again and looked at the sky. Magio: This is all the gods' fault... they're the ones who threw this burden under him. I feel like going into Heaven and killing all of them, for being so self-centered, ignorant, for turning their eyes to the hearts of people... but I can't. He would never forgive me for doing that... Magio: What... what should I do now...? I want his fate to be changed... I don't want to live everyday, knowing that he will leave me here... School: Door to the Library Lilly: ... Now that I've been thinking about it... where's Giovanni? Necrox: I thought he was coming with us. But I guess he turned to the other side of the corridor... Lilly: He seemed quite curious too... although I do think he's worried with Magio... Necrox: Yeah, no doubt. But I have a feeling that Mina will be able to bring a smile back to that idiot that is our brother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moonlight Castle Rachel: I can't help but feel underestimated all of a sudden. Yukari: Me too. Valkenhayn: They cleary never observed this city long enough. In the Helicopter Music - Picaresque ((Obligatory Music during Prision Break Segments)) Barry: Tch, we didn't get any call from the prision, hope we're not too late. Barry's Cellphone rings, he quickly answers it. Barry: Yes? Mio: We're arriving at the prision shortly. Barry: Good... Mio: How's the situation in there? Barry: Can't tell yet. We're about to fly over the walls. Once the Helicopter did so, it nearly got hit by an MAP Attack. Barry: Whoa, that was Mike's...They are still okay. Barry: I'll be dropping here, tell the others to be careful when approaching the prision. Pilot: Understood. Barry: That goes for you as well Mio. Mio: Roger, over and out. Barry jumps from the helicopter and lands on the ground, ready to fight the fugitives. Leonardo: Yo! Took your sweet time man! Barry: No time to call me on that, concentrate on the fight. Matt: Don't worry, this will end soon. Barry: What do you...oh yeah. (That might work, if it doesn't, we still have the Hollow Mirror Field.) Alright then, let's keep on pressuring until they are subdued. Barry shot slashing energy blades from his hands, Mike continued to shot multi-directional beams, Matt continued to plant bombs while shooting and using Illusions to evade attacks, Leonardo and Jeffrey continued with the close combat. Jeffrey: Answer me little girl! Is this fight really necessary? School - Door to the Library Music - Sea Shrine Thomas: Oh! There he is. Kael: Hello again! Marie: Say Thomas, why we called Kael again? Kael: I'm curious. Thomas: Well, we need people with most deduction skills as possible for this one. Marie: Follow us and you'll know. Kael: Alright. (I wonder if it's about the RKS, if so, then i can share with the others my theory.) School: Classroom C Fael still hasn't left the classroom, more like, he didn't felt like leaving his seat so soon, even if his teacher had cancelled the class. Fael: ... He decided to check his cellphone out, it had a message. Fael: "If you have a time, give me a call." From Hibiki. Hmmm... He dials her number, then waits for her to take the call. Hibiki: Whoa, so early, i only sent that message a minute ago. Fael: Really? My Cellphone is on silent, so i didn't knew, besides, classes are over for today. Hibiki: I see. By the way, i met your cousin today, you never told me you had another one besides Seila. Fael: Is it...No, he already graduated...You must be talking about Drake. Hibiki: Yes! He looks a lot like you. Fael: Well, my uncle looked a lot like my father, so i guess it's natural that we look like siblings somehow. Hibiki: He said that it has been a while since you two have met. Fael: Yes, diferently from Seila, i haven't saw Drake at all since we're kids... Hibiki: Why not? Fael: They still have a grudge with me not assuming my role at the Four Families Group. Hibiki: ... Hibiki: Say, don't you want to come over here? Fael: Well, why not? I want to invite my friends, but they are a little busy. Hibiki: Okay, Tsubasa-san and me will be waiting. Fael: Al-right? Hibiki giggles, then hangs up the phone, Fael was finding it weird that Tsubasa was also waiting. Fael: Wait, does it have something to do with the recent Noise Outbreak? He finally finds courage to get up from his seat, then left the Classroom, he still doesn't know the full story about the "Armors" that both Hibiki and Tsubasa were wearing that day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Moonlight Castle Lisa: How naive coming from the Great Seraph. Then again, she is just a child. Her brother should have taken her place. School: Library Lilly: Let's go. Lilly opened the door as she and Necrox entered the library. It was empty, as always, only with Tokiko cleaing the shelves. Tokiko: Oh, hello. Heading to Etoile Sirius already? Lilly: Yeah. All alone once again? Tokiko: It's not like people come in here. With computers and all this technological stuff, who wants to come and read a book? Necrox: You're right on the spot there. Lilly: ... Is that so? Then, don't ask me to help with your homeworks. Necrox: ... Whatever... Lilly walked towards the door to Etoile Sirius. She used the power of the earth to feel if she was inside. Lilly: She's in. Liebea's here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Spring Zone Streets Hugh: .... (Damn...) ???: Yohoooooooo! Over hereeeeee! Music - Raw Breath of Danger Hugh: Huh? From the top of a lamp post, a twin-tailed girl jumped and landed in front of Hugh, with a deadly smile. Hugh: Wha- ???: You're one of Magio's friend's right? Hugh: That's none of your business!!! ???: Now now, no need to be hostile, i was just asking a question! Hugh: Don't think you can fool me! He tried to punch the girl, but she evaded, whithout removing her feet fron the ground. ???: Whoa! You would hit a girl? Hugh kicked the girl, who just jumped over his leg, higher than his reach, then landed safely on the ground again. ???: Oh well, if you're being hostile because i'm suspicious, you're right. I'm one of Peach's elite soldiers. The Name's Injya. Hugh: So, you came here to eliminate us one by one huh? Couldn't wait until we've beaten all of the RKS right? ???: Well... Hugh: News flash, i won't die until i got my revenge on that old bastard. He delivered a flurry of punches at Injya, who just kept dodging while walking backwards. Injya: (His speed is exepcional, with a little more trainning, he could surpass even Gloria...) She hit a lamp post, so she had to jump over Hugh to dodge another punch, he ended up breaking the post. Injya: (He's quite strong too.) Hugh: Damn... Injya: Um...Why your stance is erratical? Hugh: Shut up! He ran at blinding speeds at Injya, who just simply kicked him in the belly, making Hugh fall in front of her, then, she summoned some kind of shotgun, then pointed it at Hugh's head. Injya: Sigh...While you're strong, all that hotheadness makes you boring, you know? Hugh: Kurgh... Injya: Fighting me while injured...that's suicidal. I could just end you right here. Hugh: Go on then...Isn't that your mission? Injya: Quite eager huh? (Though, it wouldn't be wise to kill him before we capture the triplets...Not only that...i really don't want to...) Fael: Hugh! Music - Kyouchi ni Tatsu Gundam Injya: !!! She blocked Fael's salve of Hi-Seele Launcher, then shot back at him, he blocked, but his wooden sword was flung away by the power of the bullet, but he continued to run at her. She shot again, this time, shattering excalibur, but he could reform it later, he managed to punch Injya in the belly. Injya: Urgh!!! Fael: Haaaaa!!! Reforming his sword, he continued the attack, but then, she took hold of Fael's arm. Fael: Kuh....Grrrr... Injya: I'm no RKS member boy, NO RKS! Then, she kicked Fael, making him fly to a wall. Fael: Gah! Her strenght...is drastically diferent. Hugh: Fael! "Just like her's..." Injya: Her's? Fael: Someone that can't be beaten alone...Someone you don't know... Injya: I see...But man, you did better than your friend, but worf had his flu aparently. Hugh: Tch... Fael: I can still go on. Injya: I dunno, should i stay and beat you up more? Suddenly, she jumped to the ceiling of a nearby house, only to notice that her attack didn't had any weapon. Seila: ... Fael: Seila? Injya: Oh my, i was fooled. Seila: Go away! Injya: Alright, i'll go...i'm not here for you...or those two that just got here too. Ragna: I told you not to run! Mio: Yeah, what's your problem... Seila: Urgh... Ragna: See? Even if you're healed, you're still weak from the beating you took and blood-loss. Seila: ... Mio: Now that you understand, take it easy! Injya: (Um...Didn't they notice me here?) Fael: Seila...what happened? Seila: Some things... Hugh: Heh...Nice to see you again...it seems you took a beating as well. Seila: Not much like you, i'm not seeing you up. Mio: Ow! Burned! Ragna: Urgh, Hey Fael, will you come with us to take this stupid girl back? Fael: Well...I already have something to do. (Besides, didn't he notice that girl up there?) Injya: ...(Not wanting to whore attention buuuut....) Music - Nightmare Fiction She shots at Ragna, who blocks with his sword without looking at her, the weapon surprisingly didn't break. Ragna: This weapon saved my ass a lot, i wouldn't be walking around with it if it wasn't easilly breakable, not if there are guys like Terumi, Jin, the Masked Freak and Nu walking around. Injya: I see...that sword and red coat...you're the one who fought Gloria. Ragna: Huh? He jumps to the same ceiling as she stood. Ragna: So, you're her acquaitance huh? Injya: Huh? What's with that grin? Ragna: Then that means...i can't leave you walking around...BLOOD-SCYTHE! Injya: Oh Crap! Me and my big mouth! She starts to run away, while Ragna runs after her, swing his scythe and nearly hitting her everytime. Injya: Oi! Give me a break, if i try to beat you, Gloria will get miffed because i stole her kill. Ragna: Shut up! Restriction 666 Released... Injya: (Oh shit, he's going to get faster after he unleashes that) Ragna: Dimensional Interference Force field deployed... Injya: (...what do i do? Oh yeah!) Ragna: IDEA Engine Linked... Injya suddenly faces Ragna, only to shot below her, sending her to the air faster than a jump, then she opened a portal. Injya: Couldn't have you entering the princess fortress right now. That's why i needed a safe distance, farewel everyone, this was midly interesting. Ragna: You piece of shit! Injya: Hey! I resent that! (Seriously, i might just give up being nice.) Then, she enters the portal, disappearing, they assumed she really went back to her home world. ((There'll be more Injya in the next post, and it will be awesome.)) School - Rooftop Music - Twilight of Rose Mina: C'mon Magio, don't be like that. If i would take a guess, he left Peach by pretty much the same reasons as you did. Mina: Also, based on what you said, i guess it would be better if everyone fought alongside each other, look for each others backs, this way, not only we're protecting ourselves, but at the same time, honoring his decision to leave the princess. Mina: And let's be frank, since he likes you that much, it was bound to happen sooner or later, not only he wants your safety, but also wants to help to bring the princess back. Mina: How about it? Want to make up with him and promise to watch each others back? Wouldn't be better than to against him?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Spring Zone Streets While Fael and the others were looking around, Reimu had reached their point while searching for something. She was accompanied by Mao, while Laharl, Etna, Flonne and Sicily had left for other districts. Reimu: What the... I think I know that guy. Mao: You think so? Reimu: One of them, at the very least. In the day of the Massacre of the Bloody Grasslands, I saw him at the factory. Maybe he saw her somewhere. Mao: Let's go ask then. Maybe they saw this person you're looking. But as they moved towards the group, an ice was erected right in front of them. It was thick, like it came from an frigid abyss or something. Mao: What the...?! Who did this?! BGM: Soul Eater of the Abyss ???: No, no, no. You can't bother Lady Injya while she is doing her business. Reimu: Oh, so we found it. Come on, Ruri, show yourself!! The Remains of a Former Shikigami Ruri Ruri: Hmmm... this frigid wall is so... frigid!! It's the most astonishing wall you saw, right? Reimu: I never thought you would be so low to become one of Peach's goons... Ruri: Oh, many people agreed with her ideals. The Toadstool Triplets had made ther work already. But of course some of us has another motives. Mao: Such as...? Ruri: Ah, there are many options... I can't tell you all of them. Revenge, for one. Reimu: Oh, so you're still angry that Yukari forgotten you? But I think she did the best choice. I would have Chen a billion times over having you. ((According to her profile in Riverbed Soul Saver, it's possible that Ruri was created by Yukari so she could have a waterproof shikigami.)) Ruri: I don't know who is this Yukari person... I don't remember much of my past either... Ruri: But I'll have the pleasure of sending you to Niflheim myself, Hakurei shrine maiden... The worm shikigami started to shoot her frigid danmaku towards Reimu and Mao. The latter started to move, but Reimu stood still. Reimu: Ugh, I have a name, you know! Damn, how I hate that people doesn't refer me by my name... Mao: What are you waiting for?! Move! Reimu: Two things I hate too. People that tell me what I should do and stupids who doesn't know their place. Reimu started to fly and shoot her amulets back at Ruri's assault. In theory, it was easy for her to defeat her opponent, but Ruri was one powerful shikigami. And since she had no help from Yukari now, she had to be more cautious. Mao: (I think she is a professional, so I won't comment anymore.) School: Rooftop Magio reflected upon hearing her words. What if his way of seeing things was the wicked one? What if Cookie had ulterior reasons for doing that? In any case, Magio had seemed to reach an answer. Magio: ... Yeah, you're right... maybe... that was the answer I should have thought from the beginning. Magio: Thanks, Mina. You really were a big help. Suddenly an orb of light appeared near them. The orb, as it stopped, revealed an angel. BGM: Noble Mind ???: Once again, you are suspecting Cookie. You have not changed. Magio: Garrit? Is that you? Noble Winged Admiral Garrit Garrit: May I ask why are you so surprised? Magio: Well... I didn't expect you would become... this. Garrit: I feel bad when you say it like that... Magio: Sorry... oh, how I could forget. Magio: Mina, this is Garrit. Like Cookie, he's an angel from Heaven and a friend of mine. Garrit: Angel Admiral Garrit at your service. Magio: So, what you came here for? Garrit: Discussions with Cookie. And with you as well. Magio: Oh, it seems... important. What is it about? Garrit: Magio, I would appreciate if you leveled your curiosity down. Classified information is classified and it can only be talked in particular. Your friend here can testify that. Magio: Wait, what are you talking about? Garrit: That too is classified. And it is an information I cannot tell you. Magio: Aww... it's no fun when you hide secrets from me. Garrit: You are no example of being clear, Mr. Shrouded in Many Mysteries. Magio: Ha.. ha.. ha. How funny and mature from you, Admiral. I do hope your pacifism isn't being a stone over your pathway, or that would cause some problems. Garrit: ... You really like to play it hard, you big child. Magio: I'm not a kid!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

School - Rooftop Music - Pray - FFT ???: Both of you are oversized children. Mina: Whoa! ???: If you're an Admiral, you should act like one. Mina: You are... Cecilia: Private Cecilia, half-angel currently serving the Multiversal Heaven. Mina: Wait, how can you be half-? Cecilia: I don't exactly remember, i was just told that i nearly died once. Mina: ... Cecilia: I didn't came here to talk about myself, it's only natural that i'd accompany my superior in this task. Mina: You're rather serious...for a Private. Usually they are more...submisive. Cecilia: I rejected promotions offered to me. Mina: What? Cecilia: I didn't came here to talk about myself, it's only natural that i'd accompany my superior in this task. Mina: I know, you already said that. Cecilia: So, when we are starting Admiral Garit? Spring Zone Streets Music - Distant Day's Promise Ragna: That bitch ran away. Hugh: Damn... Fael: Thanks for the save guys. Seila: Well, i wasn't planning on meeting you like this...but you're welcome anyway. Ragna: Anyway, time to take two people to the infirmary. Hugh: I'm fine, really... Mio: Then, why don't you get up? Hugh: That's... Fael: Hugh, you fought your father again right? I saw him at the entrance. Hugh: Guess the cat is out of the bag...yes, i did. Fael: Sigh...I won't stop you to behave like that, but please, kill each other when this is all over okay? If you're injured before a major fight, then who knows what might happen to you. Hugh: .... Fael: Do we have a deal Hugh? Hugh: We do... Fael: Great, now take him Ragna. Ragna: Yes... Too lazy to pick him up, Ragna literally dragged Hugh, who didn't seem to mind, as he couldn't get more injured than that. Seila: It's good to see your expression finally changed. Fael: I get that a lot. Seila: Is Mina behaving well? Fael: Better than you think. Seila: For real? Fael: Yeah, i finally accepted our duel...and lost. Seila: Really? Fael: Yes. We are on good terms now. Seila: That's good to hear... Seila: Well, i have to go now...guess i can stop being anxious. Fael: Hm? Seila: Well, i hate staying injured on the bed, you know that don't you? Fael: Ah, yeah...Get better okay? Seila did a polite bow, then turned around to follow Ragna and Mio, at her pace. Fael: Seila... Fael: It's odd that she didn't pick up on the subject on me reassuming my family responsability...did she stop that? Fael: Anyway, continuing on to Lydian. Multilopolis High Security Prision - Battle at the Gates Barry: Kepp the pressure, i can already hear the sound of the rotor blades. Leonardo: Alright then, I'm on fire now. Need to connect more punches! Jeff: ... Then suddenly, they heard the sound of explosions from outside the prision Matt: Not good... Mike: That's an understatement... Barry: Hey, don't tell me... Music - Nightmare ???: E-XA-CLY! One of the rules in reinforcements is to make sure your oponent never gets them. Somoene shot down Barry, Leonardo and Jeffrey with powerful bullets coming from above, it was Injya at the top of the prision walls Injya: One of the rules of Sneak Attacks says that you should always attack when your oponents are completely focused on their battles or confused. She jumps pretty high at shots at a spot nearby Matt. Injya: Rule of discovering traps, do it before your oponent hides them. Matt: No you don't! Injya: Too late!!! One of them exploded, followed by a chain reacion of other bombs exploding. Matt No! This wasn't the right time to detonate them *gets shot* AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Music - A Left Foot Trapped in a Sensual Seduction Injya: All these bombs looks like there is blue spots on the air, but that's because you didn't cast your illusion spell on me! Mike: Y-You... Injya: If you expect to fight all of us alone now that i defeated your comrades, even if your fighting style revolves around teamwork, i'll ask you...how's your health plan? Mike: BASTARD!!! Injya: APARENTLY IT'S GREAT! She shot Mike multiple times until he fell on the ground, his magic couldn't protect him from more shots. Music - Kira Mike: ARGH...Why? Why are you...aiding these criminals? Injya: Criminals? Nu-Huh! Non-Non! You seem to have got it wrong! Your dedication to protect this city have blinded you to seeing the bigger picture it seems. All i'm seeing are two girls who haven't learned yet the value of other people's lives. Mike: Huh? Injya: See? You didn't understand what i just told you. Jeff: I was trying to understand... Injya: Yes? Jeff: Urgh...I was trying to understand if...this fight was really necessary...that's what i was...asking to this girl... Injya: Oh... **Looks at Ariel** Jeff: I thought it was cruel to arrest them...without understanding them...and trying to...teach them...to walk...on the right...path... Injya: Well, good to see there's some decent people here at least. Injya: Oh, i'm sorry about the helicopters Mister Barry, i'm pretty sure the casualities were only the pilots, as i saw some people jump off them. However, she didn't get a responce from no one, as they all the soldiers fainted. Injya: Oh well... Injya: Now Assiete, Solaria, Lunaria and the little nun, shall we go now?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Realm of Paradox BGM: Aurora of Darkness The door of Peach's throne room opened as Gloria came to her. The maid bowed, but she had a concerned face. Gloria: Lady Peach. Peach: Ah, Gloria. Is something wrong? Gloria: Our search for today is complete. Yet, I came back bearing the unfortunate news that we did not found it yet. Peach: With the Underground Multilopolis active, it's almost impossible to find it, even if it's power is gigantic. Gloria: Also, I came with another unfortunate event. When she tried to eliminate Hugh Maxell Black- Peach: Fael Celest Duarte came with other people and "defeated" Injya. I saw it from here. Gloria: ... Peach walked towards the veranda, open for her to see the scarlet and dark sky that surrounded her new kingdom. She looked at the clouds, while she reminisced about the past. Peach: That monster invasion that happened a long time ago would have finished them off... but Yukari had to meddle and put her finger on where she isn't called. Thanks to her, the last strong member of the Celest family is still alive. Gloria: Also, our Shadow Infestation has been thwarted as well. Our second and only chance to make of Multilopolis a desolate place failed thanks to the Keyblade. Peach: Now that Magio became a Keyblade wielder, I fear for the worst. I planned the same invasion with Xemnas not too much ago, but I fear that when it happens, Magio would have grown too much as a wielder... Gloria: ... Peach looked back at Gloria. She knew how loyal her shikigami was to her, so she changed the topic. Peach: Tomorrow the Spring Festival happens. Did you issued the orders to the Schwarzkreuz? Gloria: Yes. Schirach Fuhler has the preparations for tomorrow ready. Peach: Excellent. I guess that's enough for today. You may rest now, Gloria. Gloria: Yes, my Lady. Gloria left the room. Peach took a black crystal out of nowhere and held it towards the sky. Peach: Rachel, Yukari and all Observers that are watching me. In the end, I'll triumph. Even if I have to awaken the Destroyer of Multiverses... School: Rooftop Garrit: Ah, yes. Thank you for the reminder, Cecilia. Garrit: Let us head to Cookie now. Magio, you lead the way. Magio: Alright. Follow me. Magio left towards the stairway with Garrit following him. Dream Castle: Etoile Sirius, the Enchanted Library Lilly opened the door and they entered Etoile Sirius. She led the others to the center of the library, where she reads her books and where the Teleporter is placed. Lilly: Liebea, are you there? Liebea: Y-Y-Yes, just a moment! I will be heading ther- WAAAAAAAH!! As she was called, Liebea was carrying a pillar of books. It wasn't big, but some of the books were heavy. She eventually fell because she wasn't looking to where she was going. Lilly: Liebea! Liebea: Sorry, this is really hard when Anna is not here. Necrox: And what about the other two? Liebea: I should not ask such thing to them. In any case, did you wanted something? Lilly: We wanted to ask you some questions. Can you sit there? Lilly pointed to the chair that led to her reading table. Liebea did as Lilly asked and then the questioning started. Liebea: So what do you wish to ask? BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls Lilly: Let's start with this. What's the real reason for the RKS to have settled in Multilopolis? Upon hearing her question, Liebed frowned slightly. She started to think on something to say. Liebea: U-Umm... Necrox: Before that... for how long have you been settled here? Was it before or after we Triplets have settled? Liebea: Be-Before... Necrox: Well, so your "Magio is a traitor and we're here to chase him" reason is fluked. Liebea: ... Lilly: I'll ask again. What's the real reason for the RKS to have settled on Multilopolis? Liebea looked to the ground and bited her lower lip. She started to demonstrate that she was nervous, but Necrox kept pressuring. Necrox: C'mon, is it that hard for you to answer a simple question like that? Liebea: It... It is not a simple question. I-I cannot simply give you that answer, that is confidential. Lilly: Liebea, we need you to cooperate. By having those answers, we can join the pieces of the puzzle and eventually come up with something together. Liebea: B-But... If I give that information away... surely I will be... Necrox: We won't let anyone for the RKS do anything to you. Or to Schwer and Luste. Liebea: ... Lilly: Liebea. Please, the answer to my question. Even with the pleading, Liebea stood quiet, without saying a word. Necrox was the first to sigh. Necrox: Alright, does someone have an brilliant idea before I do it my way?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dream Castle: Etoile Sirius, the Enchanted Library Music - Cryptic Mood Kael: Or maybe we're asking to the wrong person. Thomas: Really? Kael: Yeah, well... *whispers in Thomas ear* They probably have her brother with them, so we can't risk Liebea saying anything that might risk him...not until Akina finds him. Thomas: Ah *ahem*, well, should we ask Schwer then? Marie: I was thinking on asking Freudia, but i don't know where she is at the moment. Thomas: We could ask Spiritia but... Kael: She would be the first person to blurt out a plan like this, so she probably wasn't told about it. Marie: So, our only option really is just Schwer? Thomas: Well...there's Luste...but i have a feeling something might happen if we ask her something. Kael: Let'saskSchwerthen... Marie: (We really do not want to fall from such a high heights again.) Spring Zone Streets - Frontier between Spring and Summer Music - Story Resolution Fael: Seriously need to learn how to fly... ???: Really? That would be awesome, nobody here on this city knows how to. Fael: Err...you heard that? ???: Yes, but don't worry, it doesn't sound silly at all. Fael: I know... ???: So, were you going to the Summer Area? Can i go with you? Fael: Yeah, sure. Summer Area Streets ???: Err...what's with the frown. Fael: Well, i just remembered that two friends of mine would mock me if they saw us together... ???: They would really get the wrong idea? Fael: Yes, but sometimes, i feel like they do that on purpose. ???: This is an Outrage, i would zap them to death if that happened. Fael: Um...One of them has Thunder powers? ???: And? It's the most difficult type of magic to control, specially when you're overloaed by it, do you think he can handle that much voltage? Fael: Point taken. ???: Anyway, i didn't get your name. Fael: It's Fael. ???: As in... Fael: Yes, Celest Duarte. ???: Oh wow, to meet you of all people here. Fael: Is it that surprising? ???: A little. ???: Anyway, this is where we part. Fael: Already? ???: Yeah, i mean, i'm not going back to school, and it seems you're going at it. Fael: Oh, i see. ???: Well, it was nice to meet the great Fael Celest. Fael: I'm not that great. The unknown girl leaves. Fael: I...forgot to ask her name...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dream Castle: Etoile Sirius, the Enchanted Library In the moment they were leaving, Liebea shouted. Liebea: W-W-Wait!! Lilly: Huh? What is it, Liebea? Liebea: P-Please... do not press her into whatever you wish to know! Necrox: Sorry, but we're not backing down, Liebea. We have the right to know, since this include us as well. Liebea: But... but she will not be able to- Lilly: Liebea, we know how to handle with Schwer. We'll ask nicely and we won't pressure her too much. Liebea: That is not the problem. What you wish to know is something you will not have from her. BGM: Obstans Necrox: Alright, Liebea, I'm getting tired of being pacifist. You better explain yourself or else... *summons Gae Bolg* Liebea: Ah!!! Lilly: Necrox!! Put Gae Bolg away or I'll send all of my grimoires after you!! Necrox: Tch... *makes Gae Bolg disappear* Liebea: I... I am sorry... but I have reasons for not telling you. Your friends can back me up on that. Upon hearing those words, Necrox punched a bookshelf. It was a strong punch, so the shelf itself tilted a little. Necrox: So... in the end, we came here for nothing... Lilly: Well, it seems so... we won't be removing anything from Schwer, Luste is a complete no and we can't force Liebea to tell. Necrox: Fine then. I'm going after Freudia. Liebea: N-Necrox... do you need that answer now? Necrox: ... What do you think? After that answer, Necrox left Etoile Sirius through the door to the Dream Castle's main hall. Lilly looked at the door. Liebea: Lilly... I... Lilly: Don't worry about it. I don't think Freudia will be so collaborative with him. And I don't blame you, because I understood why. Liebea: Thank you. For understanding it. School: Classroom BGM: Hora theae Magio led the others down the stairs and they had reached the corridor. Agni encountered them in the way. Agni: Hey, Magio! Magio: Oh, Agni. Garrit: Agni...? Agni: A-A-Angel Admiral Garrit, sir?! W-What are you doing here?! Garrit: I came to discuss somethings with Cookie. Agni: A-A-Ahh, I see... W-Well, I'll be on my way, then. Magio: OK then. We'll see you later then. But in the moment he was leaving, Agni had his arm held by Garrit. Garrit: You're coming with us, Giovanni. Agni: W-W-Wait, what? W-Why? Garrit: Simply put, I want you to come with us. Agni: B-B-But I swear that I did nothing wrong, sir! Y-You can ask Teacher Cookie and he'll say the same thing. Magio: Garrit, why all the commotion about Agni? I mean, he did nothing wrong. Agni: S-See?! Even Magio can back me up! Garrit: Magio, the reason I'm doing this is because I remembered something to talk with "Agni" as well. Magio: Ohh... why didn't you say so? Garrit: Alright then. Which way shall we go? Magio: Uhh... hey, Agni? Agni: Fine, fine, I know where Teacher Cookie is. Just follow me... Garrit: Good. Then, off we go. Agni: (I can't believe he's still picking on me because I ate the last celestial peach that day. It's his favorites, but I wanted one!) Multilopolis High Security Prison Assiette: Attagirl!! Notw that's my Injya!! Solaria: A-A-All those soldiers... Lunaria: H-How horrible!! BGM: Nighteyes Assiette: Hey, don't pin the blame on us! You two started it! Solaria: But we never planned on doing this, you- Assiette: *appears in front of Solaria* One more word and I'll rip your neck. Solaria: *calls her flame sword* Like if I'm scared of you!! Assiette: Oh, you should have! After all, I'm Lady Peach's right hand! Solaria: Like if I care! Grandma should go to hell! Assiette: Why you little!! BGM: Grey Empty Smile As Assiette and Solaria were going to fight each other, two Blitzstrahl came towards them. Solaria was hit point-blank, while Assiette escaped for a fraction of second. When all of them looked, the little Iris came flying to them in her Iris Capsule. Iris: Now, now, now... you two should stop. Solaria: Guhh... Assiette: Are you crazy?! Why of all people you had to shoot me? Iris: In any case, I have a message from Gloria. She's waiting for you two at the Tower of Ragnarok. Lunaria: Y-You... are... Iris: Just a normal gatekeeper. Hee hee~! Iris flew away back to the Tower of Ragnarok, laughing at them. Assiette grabbed her own hair as she let out her complaints... Assiette: Damnit, why this had to happen with me?! What is this, I became a deposit of bad luck all of a sudden?! First I'm stuck with a stupid rescue mission and now this?! ARRRRRGH!! Solaria and Lunaria: ... Assiette: ... Injya, we're leaving! Assiette dived into the ground and disappeared. Solaria: Lunaria, let's get away! Lunaria: But... the soldiers... Solaria: We don't have time for them now! Let's just go! Solaria grabbed Lunaria and dragged her into the air, leaving Ariel behind. The silence was big... *BGM stops* Ariel: Was it... right? To do this? Ariel: I... I don't know...!! W-W-What should I do?!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Multilopolis High Security Prison Injya: Well, you could always go back to the jail, leave or...something else, there are many things you can do by your own freewill, but of course, the consequences of your actions might affect everything around you. Injya: Try to think on your past actions, and ask yourself if you want to keep doing that. I mean, you got here for a reason. Injya: Well, i gotta go, i'm not allowed to stay here for that long. Injyas opens a dimensional portal and leaves. There was a hole at the main gate. World Crossers Guild - Entrance Music - Algus Seila: Is that....Celica? Ragna: Yeah, you left her worried sick. Seila: .... Ragna: Just look at her miffed face! You're in to a lecture. Celica: SUPER INAZUMA KICK! Celica hits Ragna with a powerful kick that sends him rolling some meters away. Hugh and Mio: WHOA! Ragna: Garh...Argh...Celica, what was that for? Celica: This is no way to transport someone injured. Hugh: Err...I don't really mind. Celica: Why would you even accept such a thing anyway? Hugh: Err...Well...i'm... Celica: There's nothing wrong with your friends carrying you properly. Hugh: Alright...I'll try to be less half-assed next time. Celica: And you Miss Seila, please, don't run off like that again. Seila: Okay... Mio: Who are you, a mother? Ragna: More like an old hag... Dream Castle: Etoile Sirius, the Enchanted Library Kael: Well, guess we'll have to wait till we defeat the next RKS member then... Thomas: I never thought i would say this but, i'm looking foward for our next battle. Kael: Hehe! I'm going back to the tent. Thomas: Oh, then i'm going too. Marie: See if you guys can find Hugh... School - Guild's Tent Grant: And that's all. Akina: I'm moved to tears, to think such things happend in the past of this city... Mana: And we got to hear from someone who was there. Grant: Hahahaha! You're welcome! Uni: I believe some people didn't get to hear everything. Masaki: Um...But there's only us here. Akina: The audience will know eventually. Masaki: Huh? Mana: Where are you going? Akina: Of course, going after Fael. Masaki: What for? Akina: To give him a bear hug! Grant: Pretty sure that boy doesn't like glomps. SPecially the forced ones. Akina: I'll be fine, don't worry! Grant: If you say so... Spring Zone Streets Music - June Mermaid Zana: So, you're enjoying your trip, my dear sister. Amilia: !!! Friday: So that's your sister? Amilia: Y-Yeah... Zana: But i believe you had enough, please come back. Amilia: Okay... Nepgear: Wait... Zana: Don't worry, you shall meet each other at the festival. Amilia: ... Nepgear: Don't make that face Amilia, if your sister wants you to comeback, then it can't be helped right? Amilia: I guess... Friday: It was fun hanging out with you. Amilia: For me too... Suddenly, both girls dissapear right in front of Nepgear and Friday. Nepgear: She couldn't smile... Friday: Uh? Nepgear: You saw that she wasn't smiling. Friday: I guess...i did...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

World Crossers Guild Seraph: Kicking him like that isn't the best way to help as well. Seraph came to the entrance to see the turmoil. Seraph: *sigh*... In any case, I have something for both of you. He took two bottles out of his pocket. The liquid inside of them shined green. Seraph: It's a medicine bottle that was made by Reisen's master. She gave to me before she left. Summer Area: Scarlet Devil Mansion BGM: Golden sneer The battle took hours to stop, but Remilia and Corin managed to stop Flandre and put her back in the basement. They sat at the veranda while looking at the sunset's final moments. Corin: Ugh, I am really tired... Remilia: I'm sorry. I never knew that Flan would do such a thing. Corin: Let it be. In any case, I have quite some news today. Remilia: What news, Corin? Corin: She didn't spoke out loud yet, but the Winter District has its "Guardian" as well... Remilia: So who was the religious brat that took it? Corin: Suwako Moriya. Should we talk to Yukari now? Remilia: Let her be. Not to mention, she's with Rachel Alucard. Both must have took knowledge of this already. Corin: Seriously, I do not think this will end well. Now we have yet another one to join the Religious War... Remilia: Hmm... Sakuya. Upon hearing her name, Sakuya appeared with a plate filled with snacks and a teapot. She placed the cups, filled them with tea and put the snacks. Sakuya: Yes, milady? Remilia: I have a little task for you. Go after Suwako in the Winter District and talk with her. Sakuya: Oh, so the news had been spreading already? Remilia: Those religious leaders are nothing but troublemakers... I never thought that Reimu was going to do such thing. Declaring a Religious War like that... Does she really think that the authorities won't know? Corin: Even if they know, what they will do? Those 3 are getting popular in their Zones, so the people will be easily induced into this. After all, the excuse of spreading religion into the unbelievers is used somehow, even though this method is so old and unused and unreasonable. A fight between those figures will be most pleasuring for those who follow religions like crazy bulldogs after their bone. Remilia: Well, off you go, Sakuya. Sakuya: Yes, milady. Please excuse me. Sakuya vanished. Remilia looked at the sun. Remilia: I wonder how much this beautiful scenery will last... Corin: Enjoy it as you can. After all, this is just the beginning of what can be a bloody script...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celest Gold Mansion Music - Wutai Lyna: Wow, this is your house? Drake: Yes, it's quite similar to Jasper's and Mina's Houses actually. You see, my father like's stuff like this. Lyna: Amazing... Drake: Anyway, i'll take on from here. Lyna: Why? Drake: Well...not everyone can't exactly enter... Lyna: More restrictions i presume? Drake: Nooooot exactly...it's more like precautions...but, yeah, it's kinda like a restriction. Lyna: I see, then, see you at the festival. Drake: I'll be there! Drake entered with the man, leaving Lyna gazing at the front gates with a blank look. Then, some kind of Limousine stopped behind her. Music - Tension ???: Oh my, what brings you here my dear sis. Lyna: !!! ???: Are you starting to turn like our disobedient brother all of a sudden. Lyna: No! You got that wrong. ???: You seriously thought that you wouldn't be watched by myself? Papa would scold me for not being a responsable older sister. Lyna: ... ???: You're not allowed to make that face, enter the car now. Lyna: Right... She relutanctly enters the car, and then, it leaves the place. Lyna: ... ???: I'll let it pass this time. Lyna: You of all people saying that? ???: I still have faith that you'll walk the right path. Lyna: ... Summer Lydian School Music - Card Shop Fael: I'm here...wow! It's bigger than i remember...i guess? Nicholas: Wow! Now this is a sight you don't see everyday. Fael: Who me? Evilkruss: I want to know that as well. Nicholas: Well...yeah. You must be Fael huh? Fael: Y-Yeah, you are? Nicholas: I'm Nicholas Platinum, everyone just don't shut up about you. Fael: That would be nice if they did actually... Fael: So, you said you are from the Platinum Familly huh? I heard they develop some quite powerful ice magic. Evilkruss: Woo! Chilly! Nicholas: You got that right, and i'm their youngest member. Fael: I see. Nicholas: By the way, there's someone that looks a lot like you that studies here. Fael: Who? (Wait, don't tell me...) Nicholas: Drake Celest Gold. Fael: ... Evilkruss: That triggered something in him. Nicholas: Oops, probably shouldn't have mentioned it...i heard that the main family aren't in goods terms with the branching one. Fael: I'll be fine guys... Evilkruss: For real? Fael: Yes...now i must go, someone is waiting me. Akina: WAIT! Fael: What? Music - Meru Akina suddenly appears through a portal, lunges at Fael, but she ended up kicked in the belly instead. Akina: Gah! Such reflexes... *falls on the ground* Fael: Ah! Akina, i didn't knew it was you. You came so fast i reacted like that. Akina: I'll...be fine... (Guess surprise glomps don't exactly work.) Nicholas: What the...what's with the twin-tailed girl? Akina: *quickly gets up* AkinaByakkonicetomeetyou! Evilkruss: That's too fast... Akina: Oh my, we got a demon in here. Evilkruss: Heheh! Fael: Is he yours Nicholas? Nicholas: Just call me Nick, and no, he's from another guy, we're just hanging around. Fael: (I see, so i'm not the only one in a quest then...) Evilkruss: You might run into my master into the school if you're lucky, he's still there. Fael: Okay, see you another time guys. Fael enter's the school. Nicholas: I wonder what is his business here. Akina: I do too...i mean, WAIT FOR ME FAEL!!! Evilkruss: Is she some kind of stalker or what?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Summer Zone: Beach BGM: Source of the Starry River, Dragon of the Grass-Mowing Sword ((I know I used this with Azure, but now I'm using it with the orginal owner of the theme.)) In the sands of the beach, Byakuren has fighting a suspicious person. This person was searching for something. But due to circumstances, the monk didn't accepted that so easily and engaged. Byakuren: You are definitely strange, so I must not let this continue. The Reproachful Hydra Yamata no Yato Yato: (Oh, darn it. Caught while I was only searching.) Byakuren: I will ask once again. What do you wish on a place like this? Yato: Oh, come on. I've just heard that Kusanagi is lying somewhere in this place. Can't a snake search places without being attacked? Byakuren: Snake...? Kusanagi?! Are you possibly...?! Yato: I was. But my heads were chopped off and I want them back. Byakuren: And the reason you want Kusanagi is...!! Yato: Attagirl! Ah, I love when I don't have to explain what I want. Yato: But now, less talk and more danmaku, got it? I'm feeling good vibes today!! Byakuren: I will never let you pass! You shall never see the ocean!! Yato: *cackle**cackle**cackle*!! We'll see about that!! Yato shot green sphere danmaku near Byakuren. They stopped and transformed itself as musical notes and knife-trailing beams. Byakuren: ...!! That was almost! Yato: So, felt like giving up? Byakuren: Why, I never! This is only the beginning of our skirmish! Autumn Place: Abandoned Factory Quarters BGM: Strawberry Crisis ???: You're interrupting me. Care to move along? Miko: Explain yourself. Why are you accessing this off-limits area? ???: Hmm... I have permission from an acquaintance. That acquaintance being the mayor himself. Since you have no official control of this Zone, religious leader, I shall ask for you to leave. Miko: Why should I believe on that? Only if the mayor tells me personally, I will accept your indulgation. ???: ... Strawberry Cross. A energized red cross appeared right next to Miko. She evaded it by a hair. Miko: That feeling. This magic... it is not real. Explain yourself! Who are you, stranger?! Fantasy Legend Yumemi Okazaki Yumemi: Yumemi Okazaki, acquaintance to Baron Cid Crimson, the mayor of Multilopolis. I once again ask that you step aside or else I will relentlessly assault you. Miko: If that is a challenge, I accept it. Come, fake magician! Miko started to shoot orbs of light at Yumemi. The scientist decided to stay at the ground. Yumemi: Oh, a spread and random shooting pattern. My, this really is efficient. Not against me, of course. She just aimed at Miko with her hand and another Strawberry Cross appeared, hitting the hermit. Miko: Gah... that was a lucky one! Yumemi: Are you sure you wish to continue? Miko: Hah! Your attacks will not stop me! Yumemi: I see. Then, I will change my attack course from "peaceful shooting" to "ill-mannered barrage". Please take all cautions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Summer Lydian School: Entrance Nicholas: Well, aside for entering through the gates, i don't know. Summer Lydian School: Corridors Fael: Well, from here, i don't know where to go...the layout, plus the size of the corridors are completelly diferent. Akina: Whoa! It's completelly diferent indeed. Fael: Akina, sorry if i'm sounding rude but, what are you doing here again? Akina: Oh, well, i just heard a story Mr. Grant told me. Music - Order that must be protected Fael: About this city's past huh? Akina: Yeah... Fael: I see. Akina: I-I... Fael: What is it? Akina: It must been hard right? Fael: I don't want to talk about it now... Akina: Then, at least listen to this...no matter how much you have to lose, how much you have to suffer, keep a smile on your face. Fael: Akina... Akina: I...don't want you to end like my senpai...so please... Fael: ... Flashback Fael: Gah...M-Miss Rachel...you're too close... Rachel: This is serious. Rachel: No matter how much you lose, no matter how much suffering you have to bear, you will still be you. Fael: ... Amano: You should try to be a little more cheerful bro! And to learn how to take lossess...if i lost everything and endured it, i'm sure you can as well. Hibiki: So Promise me one thing, be sure to keep smiling even if i'm away! Got it? End of Flashback Fael: (All of these promises....) He puts his hand on her head, then wipes away her tears, with a smile on his face. Fael: Akina...thank you. Akina: You're...welcome... Fael: If you want, you can follow me arou- Suddenly, he remembers Injya. Fael: On second thought, guess you can stick around as much as possible. Akina: Err... Fael: I mean...um... Fael: Be my bodyguard, it's something you have to do if you want me to be your guide. Akina: Oh, now i get it! Alright, i'll protect you until you say so. Akina: So, where to Mr. President? Music - Planning to get the treasure Fael: I don't know... Akina: You don't know? Fael: Where i was supposed to go again? Maybe i should phone call Hibiki for directions. Akina: Friend of yours? Fael: Yeah, just a moment... He started to dial her number. Celest Gold Mansion ???: Let me get this straight, a man fainted in front of you and your friend. Drake: *Nods* ???: And he said something about being hungry. Drake: *Nods* ???: And then your friend suggested that instead of taking him to the hospital, that we would bring him here. Drake: *Nods* ???: And you actually agreed with the idea and now here we are. Drake: *Nods* ???: I'll ask you one thing... ???: ARE YOU INSANE MY BROTHER! Drake: No. ???: Sigh...do you even know who this person is? Drake: Um... ???: Have some common sense please, a man with a military uniform wouldn't walk around starving. Drake: Well...you never know! ???: Anyway...where are my meatbuns? Drake: He ate it, together with your dinner. ???: What? Music - War Start ???2: That was delicious. ???: ... Drake: Sorry about it Big Bro! See? He was actually pretty hungry, it wasn't a trick or anything. ???: Sigh...I'm Bernard Celest Gold, you are? ???2: Sorry, but all information about me is classfied. Bernard: You eat our food, and this is how you thank us? ???2: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you. I deeply apologize for the trouble i caused. I'll leave if that's your desire. Bernard: Afraid i can't do that. Drake: C'mon brother, it was just the meal you eat everyday, it's not like it's going to lack or something. Bernard: I think i remember seeing your face in some report...you're that soldier that was discovered near the Artic Ocean huh? I believe you go by the name of Akatsuki. Akatsuki: You're well informed i see. Bernard: It's not that you commited any crime or anything...but i must ask you why are you avoiding us? I mean, you evaded three of our best elite agents (Seila, Mina and Jerry.), it must be pretty important to just stay classified. Akatsuki: I believe that is quite obvious if you know most of my background information. Bernard: The Blitz Motor... Drake: Blitz-what? Akatsuki: If my mission fails, destroy every one of them, including my own. Bernard: I see... Still, i can't let you go. Drake: But brother... Bernard: He still has to pay for the food he ate. Drake: Ah... Akatsuki: Hehehe...Very well, i promise such thing won't happen again. Servant: Young Master, is this alright? He's being chased by... Bernard: I know that, but, even if the secret police means well, we just can't trust on everyone yet, he'll stay here for some time. Servant: Understood. Drake: Brother... Bernard: Diferently from our cousin, we make the right descisions. Drake: Not this again... Bernard: It's the truth Drake, he doesn't want to assume his destined duty, and thus, is powerless to do take the right decisions. Drake: (You're wrong...He isn't like that.) World Crossers Guild - Entrance BGM: Comedy Ragna: Not to sound rude Seraph, but we have a healer. Celica: Here Hugh, drink this, say AAAAA! Hugh: Do not want... Ragna: Err... Celica: Mister Seraph was kind enough to handle us this, we better use it well. Ragna: Well, it's not that, i thought that you were more eager to do so yourself... Ragna: Actually, nevermind (It's better if she rests as much as possible.), Hugh, drink it. Hugh: Why me? I believe Seila needs it... Seila: What i need is just to rest until tomorrow, you needs it more than me, since you can't get up. Mio: Yeah, since you are so laid-back like this, Ragna had to drag you around, since you can't get up. Ragna: Exactly, so stop being stuborn and drink the medicine, since you can't get up. Hugh: ... Celica: Hu- Hugh: Fine, i'll drink the god damn thing, "since i can't get up." Celica: But i wasn't going to say tha- Hugh then, starts to chug down the medicine bottle. Hugh: Well...that wasn't so bad...at least the fact that it tastes like nothing relieves me somehow. Ragna: (Whatever, you're disapointed because it doesn't taste good.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Outside of Multilopolis BGM: Girl's Sealing Bluff ???: Look, we reached it! This is the place you saw on your dreams, right? ??? 2: Yes, it is. At least, on the dream I had last 2 nights... ???: And who's the person that you talked last night? ??? 2: It was a little girl... I think her name was Polaris... ???: Then let's go after her. ??? 2: But to where we shall head? ???: We'll find somewhere to stay first. Come on, let's go. The two girls entered into the place supposed to be on the center of the Multiverse, looking for the girl named Polaris. From behind a tree, sipping her tea for the last time, Lisa looked at the sun one more time before disappearing. School: Classroom E Agni took the four of them to Classroom E, where he saw Cookie for the last time. When they reached there, the seemingly wingless angel was in his desk, examining some tomes. Agni: Excuse me, Teacher Cookie... Cookie: Oh, you two. And who's behind you? Garrit: Hello, old friend. Cookie: Garrit. How much has it passed? Garrit: I would love to reminisce, but I came to deliver news. We... lost Kusanagi. Cookie: What the... how is someone able to lose something important like that?! Do you know what it means to lose Kusanagi, Garrit?! Garrit: W-Well, that means... Cookie: I don't want any interference on our business here, but you must send angels from Heaven down here for this search! Did you heard me?! Garrit: *gulp* Y-Y-Yes, sir!! Cookie: That's not the right answer!! Act like an admiral!! Garrit: D-Don't worry, we'll send a search party once we head back! Cookie lowered his head down in frustration. That meant that Yamata no Yato is somewhere lying into Multilopolis, searching for Kusanagi. If she were to find it, that meant the resurrection of Yamata-no-Orochi. Cookie: To be dragged into this... isn't there someone who can help us right now? Garrit: That's where you enter, Giovanni. Agni: What? Why me? Garrit: Because you're a fallen angel, you're the only one who can surpass the border that hides a certain world. You're going there to inform them about Kusanagi. Agni: Alright, so where I'm going? Garrit: R'lyeh. Hidden in the oceans of the Summer Area. Cookie and Agni: What?! Magio: But you can't! If he breaks the border, then the ocean will engulf that entire district! Cookie: Garrit, I'm totally against this! We can't involve demons in the work of angels! Garrit: But I see no option. Giovanni is the only one who can do this. Agni: ... Just because I'm a fallen angel, you're treating me on the same way as Cthulhu. I'm not finding it fair. Magio: Agni, you're not going into R'lyeh. We made an accord with Momohime, Tarumi and Himemiko, saying that we would leave them alone. And there's the risk of the ocean engulfing the Summer Area. Cookie: *sigh*... What an idea you had, you know. Magio: Hey, Cookie. Is Heaven that extremist when it comes to resolving problems? Cookie: Sometimes. Garrit: ... Cookie closed his eyes and thought once again. Since he is the angel who charged himself with the task of looking upon the earth, he managed to reach an answer. Cookie: Garrit, it was fun seeing you again, but I must ask you to leave. Garrit: What? But- Cookie: Our consensus is that... what Heaven has to do, you all will resolve. We want to be left out of this problem with Kusanagi. Agni: Yeah. We have our hands full over here. Garrit: ... I see. Very well, then. Cecilia, I'll wait you in Heaven. Garrit became an orb of light and left through the open windows. Magio: Was that the right thing to do...? Cookie: Obviously... not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

School - Clasroom E Music - Premonition (Alter Memory) Cecilia: Have a nice trip admiral. Cecilia: My lords, if you don't mind, i'll explore the city for the day. Don't worry, i'll stay as low profile as possible. She left the room, only to nearly bump into both Kael and Thomas. Kael: (An angel?) Cecilia: (This smell, he is not from this world. In fact, this whole city reeks of diferent smells.) Thomas: Um... Cecilia: Don't mind me, i'm just a passerby. Kael: Alright then. Summer Lydian School - Front of the Secret Elevator Hibiki: Whoops, my phone is ringing...i thought i told Miku to not worry. Tsubasa: Maybe its him. Hibiki: Fael? Why would he? I mean...he was already coming here anyway. Tsubasa: As far as i know, he never set foot to this place once. Hibiki: R-Really? Tsubasa: Just answer the phone. Hibiki: O-Okay...Hello? Fael: BIKKI!!!! WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? Hibiki: Ehehehehehehe... Tsubasa: Told you so. Hibiki: Just stay there, i'm going to fetch you, this place is big and it easier to get lost when you first come here. Fael: Okay, i'll be waiting, oh, do you mind a guest? Her name is Akina. Hibiki: Well... Fael: Don't worry, she's here just for guard duty. She doesn't have to know. Hibiki: Okay, see you in a bit. *phone call ends* Prision Gates Music - Prelude to Ruin Struglling to walk thanks to the helicopter crashing, Mio went towards towards the prision gates, it had a hole on it. However, she lost her balance and fell, only to be picked up by someone. Mio: Urgh... ???: *gasp* Miss Mio, are you alright? Without strenght to lift her head, Mio wasked who was the one who got her. Mio: You're... Karina: It's me, Karina Platinum. Mio: I...see...how are...the others...? Karina: I haven't checked the prision proper, but if you're refering your unit, they are alive, except for the pilots. Mio: ... Karina: We're going in and request help to carry everyone to the infirmary, then, send them to a proper hospital. Mio: I see...thank you Karina... Karina: You're welcome... Both girls enter the prision, only to see a familiar face, Mio knew who he was, Karina only saw his face on the reports, but heard tales about him, about the man who rebelled against his own comrades, in search for the one who would tame him, one strong enough to recover his faith on his allies. Karina: A-Alan Flare! Alan: This is rather deplorable sight, don't you think? Mio Kouno Akari. Mio: Just...stay...silent... Karina: Please don't force yourself Mio, i'll do the talking for you. Karina: (To think everyone would lose...) Karina: So...What are you doing out of your jail? Legendary Prisioner of Mayhem! Alan: I was just dousing the flames the fugitives ended up causing, and putting some mongrels back to their cells. Karina: I see... Alan: But then, it occurred to me, does this current generation has someone enough to stop me? Karina: H-Hey! Don't even start... Alan: After Hisao's death, no one ever challenged me ever again, i spent all these years in prision, waiting for the one who would keep me in this godforsaken place. And seeing how such strong people like The Prision Wardens lost this... Mio: Ka-Karina... Karina: I know...so it means, you want to rampage once more. Alan: That's right. And my first target will be Hisao's Son. Karina: Oh, you mean him? I'm sorry, he cuts his ties with the Four Families Group. Alan: I see...that is a pity... Karina: It is not...he has his own reasons for doing so. And i totally respect that, i won't be any of these unreasonable authorities who tries to coerce him to come back, they just can't understand. Mio: ... Karina: The Secret Police is not the place for him to be, it is in his friends side, his familly, for the future his own father created. He is protecting all that in his own way. Karina: If that's not living to his father's legacy, then i don't know what it is. Alan: That was actually profound, i'm impressed, you show a great deal of understanding...but that doesn't change the fact i'm still going after him. Karina: Not if i have a say in this. Karina puts Mio close to the wall, then covers the girl with a jacket, the one Karina herself was wearing. Music - When Life Comes Karina: I'll be the one who will stop you here. Alan: I'm looking foward to it, since you delivered such amazing speech, hopefully, you have the power to back it up! Karina: My power and my words aren't supposed to be used together. My power is to fight, that's all. Alan: Enough talk, the wait is killing me! Spark Blaster! Alan's hands create two shining orbs or concentrated heat, then he shot at Karina, aparently, she didn't hate time to dodge due to how fast they were, and was hit. Alan: There's more where did these came from. He didn't wait for the smoke to clear out, he blasted more explosive heat orbs at Karina's location, however, when he made another hand movement. Alan: I-It's frozen...Kuh! He dodged a spear slash, then, used his free arm to launch another orb, but Karina dodged it and threw the spear at his other arm, freezing it as well. Alan: Making weapons out of ice and using them as freezing spells...And on top of that, they cancel my Spark Blaster. Karina: That's right, you won't be able to fire those projectiles again, you might as well just fight with your frozen limbs. Alan: Ha, if you know me, you should know that it takes more than this. The ice of his arms melted, as he was using a constant increasing heat instead of instantly creating one, then, he swinged his arm to creat some sort of flame wall, blockign Karina's vision of him. Karina: (Tch, i have to react fast on this one...) Then, Alan passed though said fire wall instead of attacking from above or from the sides, surprising Karina with a punch in the stomach, a knee blow that sent her to te air, then, he finished the combo with a meteor move, sending her towards the ground. She also got stomped with the force of his fall. Karina: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! Mio: Ka...Karina... Alan: Heh, you should be feeling something else, yes, my foot is buring your skin, in the same way i thawed by arms, this way, you won't be able to counter freeze me. Karina: Urgh... Alan: And that's not all, i won't give you time to react. The man then, planned to keep punching Karina in the face until she either fainted or died, but his fist stopped in the first blow, her head didn't budge an inch. Karina: This is far from over! She repelled Alan away with a burst of energy, which surprinsingly had frozen is feet, but they thawed out almost immidietaly, Karina got of the ground, and summoned a sword instead of a spear, then lunged at Alan. He, summoned a blade of flames out of his arm, and they started to sword fight, Cold vs Heat, Flames vs Ice, Fire vs Blizzard, a Chaotic and Grueling Battle has just Broken out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

World Crossers Guild: Entrance

Seraph: Well, glad I was able to help. I'm still waiting the medicine I asked, but she gave me this one in case something happens.

School: Classroom E

Magio: ... Hey, Cookie.

Cookie: Don't worry. I'm not mad at you. I have to apologize as well.

Magio: Just... promise me that you won't die until the very end.

Cookie: Are you sure you want me to do more promises?

Magio: This one will be that last.

Cookie: Then... I promise.

With that, Cookie hugged Magio for a while. After he let go, he grabbed his things, waved to Magio and Agni and left.

Magio: Well, I have to get going. My duty calls me.

Agni: Can you please not go the Dream Realm today? We have to discuss about tomorrow.
Magio: Duties are duties and I can't help but do them. If you want, you can come to it and we'll discuss there.

Agni: Are you sure of that? What if another one of those Ranked Nightmares come at us?

Magio: Don't worry. I did a search a little earlier and only minor Nightmares will be coming today. I don't discard the possibility of a surprise attack, of course.

Agni: That's what I'm talking about. Being caught on emergencies is the worst.

Magio: Agni, as much as I want to, I can't. I'm the Dream Sprite.

Agni: It's just toniiiiiiiight...
Magio: No. I'm sorry.

Agni: Hrrrrrgh... fine, fine, I'll go to the Dream Realm...

Magio: Oh, OK then. If the others have something to discuss, talk to them and say that you'll meet me in the Realm.

Magio left. Agni sighed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Multilopolis High Security Prision

Music - Ark

Karina: Urgh...

They repelled each other with intense strenght, leaving a crater that was both frozen and burned.

Alan: You're doing pretty well!

Karina: Flatery...won't get you nowhere...ICE NEEDLE!

She started to shoot huge icicles at Alan, who was exploding them with his Spark Blaster, but...

Alan: (I can't destroy them completety, plus, they are getting closer and closer...if that's the case.)


He created two huge ball of heat, throwing one ahead to destroy the icicles with ease and one overhead, both spheres clashes together, creating a huge explosion.

Alan: So, what's next...

Without waiting for the smoke to clear up, Karina descended, hiding an enoumous spear of ice, Alan knew what that meant.

Alan: A Mass scale freezing spell!!!

Karina: HAAAAAA!!!

She jumped out of it and kicked the Spear at Alan, he didn't had time to channel another Pyroclams and his Spark Blaster wouldn't help him.

Alan: In this case...

Alan takes a defensive stance, and the is encased in a huge glacier, but Karina knew it wasn't going to hold him for long.

Karina: This has to be the last attack... *extend both of her arms and summons another ice blade.* Ryusenka!

A fronzen air circle briefly appeared in front of her, the ground was getting more and more like snow, she dashed foward with all her speed, with the intention of impaling Alan, then, he breaks free from the spell.


Aparently, they hit each other, Karina's arm suffered severe burn, making her scream in pain and knee while clutching her arm, while Alan had pretty much a slash wound on his whole arm.

Alan: You have the potential...i'll give you that. So let's this be my parting gift. HEAT INFERNO!


Both blast each other with waves of Heat and cold, even though her attack was able to win against heat inferno, that was Karina's limit.

Karina: No...i can't let...it end...here...

She falls on the ground, without strenght to get up again, Alan just stood there. He didn't do anything to kill her.

Alan: If you're still hearing me, i'll stay low profile until Autumn, when the time comes, i'll go after Celest's Son, think you'll be strong enough by the time you'll meet again?

Karina: That's a dumb...question...

Alan: Heh...

Despite his condition, Alan made a quick escape. Karina was able to get up, but she couldn't fight anymore. She slowly walked at Mio's direction.

Music - Rimelight

Karina: Sorry...I blew it...

Mio: ...I won't complain, i failed as well...

Karina: If we can trust his words...he won't act until Autumn.

Mio: I see...Barry will go balistic once he hears the news.

Karina: Yeah...

Mio: By the way, why don't you take a seat? And also...

She gives back Karina's jacket.

Mio: You need this more than me.

Karina: Thanks...it's dangerous when i run out of power, i might not be able to resist my own ice magic.

Mio: Really?

Karina: Yes...

Mio: Oh...

Karina: You see, there's a reason i wasn't going to school that much during my trainning.

Mio: I heard that you got recruited to the Secret Police earlier than your brother thanks to your talents.

Karina: It's more than that, i needed to keep my powers in check, and learn how to control it.

Karina: And look what i can do now?

Mio: Yeah, you nearly defeated the most dangerous criminal this city ever had.

Karina: I heard tales that he kept increasing his strenght even in jail, so i didn't knew i was going to do that good.

Mio: He did that, but maybe he wasn't at full power because the cell he was contained had the Anti-Power System, so he probably didn't recover everything.

Karina: ...So i guess that's why he asked me if i could get strong until Autumn.

Mio: And knowing his standarts, he won't accept people teaming up against him...it has to be only one per time.

Karina: He thinks this is all a game to him...
Mio: I guess some people react diferently for being...too strong. That's the path he choose, once a man who helped the city to a man who wants to fight someone stronger than him...

Karina: ...

Mio: I guess we can stop this now...we'll suceed next time.

Karina: Yes...

Mio: Are you sleepy?

Karina: You can say that. And in such a convenient time...it's getting dark...

Mio: Then, go to sleep. Don't worry, i'll be here.

Karina: Thanks...

She yawns, then closes her eyes for some seconds, then falls into sleep.

Summer Lydian School

Music - Story Resolution York

Hibiki: I'm here!

Akina: So, you're Hibiki!

Hibiki: And you must be Akina, it's nice to meet Fael's bodyguard.

Hibiki: I didn't think he needed one.

Fael: Trust me, this time i do.

Fael: Thinks are getting complicated as time passes.

Akina: Besides, Fael already saw how i fight, so he trusts my strenght.

Hibiki: I see.

Fael: So, where too Bikki?

Hibiki: This way, although, you should make sure nobody is watching.

Fael: Um...Actually...

Akina: Nobody is watching! I'm sure of it!

Hibiki: Okay, then follow me.

Fael: But Akina....

Akina: Let them follow us, once we get closer to this place, i'll just suddenly shout, "Sorry, only Authorized people can go through here!"

Fael: Well, why not just say it now?

Akina: Trust me, it's more fun this way!

Fael: Whatever you say...

Hibiki: What are you guys waiting for?

Fael: Okay, coming!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

((I started my own arc for explaining why the Toadstools came in Multilopolis.))

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