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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 13 days ago

Nobody had any interest in the beastly hulk standing nearby, too busy beating the crap out of eachother, and the poor mage were pretty much dead meat at this point, so he simply decided to slaughter whoever was closest: at least, he wouldn't be much of a target for long range attacks this way.

Unsheating his sword and parting his feet, Rauchnaut turned towards the gunner hiding nearby, crouching behind a boulder. He were about to dart towards his newfound enemy, knees already bent and back slightly hunched, but suddenly, another challenger appeared out thin air, materializing in the shadows. Rauchnaut paused for a moment - and then pounced at them both. In one low, skidding jump, he would reach his prey, stopping within a few feet, and then sweep down at them with a clockwise cleave, aiming to hit the blade wielder first, and only then, his initial target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Bombey? Who even says that? His fist clenched tight as the power continued to build, arcs of current starting to climb his arm now, and when the grenade appeared in the flying man's hand, Arty opened his own and let fly before he could toss it. A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade, though Arty himself was nearly immune to the damage of those effects, and he was curious to see how it might affect the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Aureo heard the man drawing the sword from the bag and even if he hadn't he would have herd the enormous beast lunging forward. Diving to the side Aureo rolled and came up on his feet sprinting through the trees again. As he came to the main tree he ducked behind it and began charging his TK energy again. His vision modes glaring he watched the others muttering to himself "come on just a little more time".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

That strange pyromancer must have put great stock into his staff, believing that it could yield the swing of Overlord's blade. And for a scarce moment, it seemed that it would prove to be an obstacle , though that moment's hopefulness was soon dashed by the collision of the near-indestructible staff with the completely indestructible sword. As any one with a brain can imagine, the staff gave way under the might of the sword. Splintering it and making way for Overlord's infernal might to strike upon its weilder.

Once the sword broke through the staff, there would be very few moments for the fire mage to defend himself against the assault. The still burning blade slammed into Steve's midriff at full force,rending his flesh asunder and splintering his lowermost rib. That would be the least of his concerns, however, as the sword continued cleaving through his body. It hacked through his stomach and through every organ in its way, striking into his spinal column and burning the wound closed. His spine split apart, and so did the rest of his body, letting his lower half drop away.

Overlord released the blade with his right hand just before it went all the way through his foe's body, keeping his left hand on the handle. Just before the sword finished its journey, he grasped Steve's throat with his hand and lifted upwards. Hoisting his unavoidably dead foe's torso into the air, and staring straight at him. "Alright, so I would assume that is two down? Electric fellow, you killed the other boy, right?" In a calm tone, as though he wasn't holding his dying foe in his hand. The flames from his sword extinguished shortly after it came to rest.

Just to be totally clear here, this is why I wrote it this way:
Derpestein said
If it failed, he'd be cut in half.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Steve's final moments of consciousness were blurry and time seemed to slow. Pain in his side, fire, cut in half. Steve had finally been defeated for the second time, after that bloody water Mage. He managed two final words before dying.

"Good game..." and with that, his body burnt itself and fell to the ground out of the Overlords grip in various amounts of ash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

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Max spun on the spot and raised digan to block, placing his palm on the side of the blade and pulling shadows along his body for support to take the strikes impact. Sparks flying as the two blades met With the hit blocked he quickly used his tail to draw geth from his bag, the small blade catching the sun as he lined it up, using his tail to thrust the small blade repeatedly towards the brutes chest, hoping to hit even just once, knowing that even that would be a death sentence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He gets disintegrated by the lighting ,in his ashes is a letter that reads:

"Well ya got me ,so bye"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 13 days ago



Two loud sounds happened, tearing up the battlefield with resonating vibrations pulsing through the air. The first was a mighty clash of swords, Rauchnaut dumping the kinetic energy of short minigun burst straight into the shadow runner's arm, and the second were a lightning bolt of far greater power assaulting the very skies that gave birth to its kin since ancient times. In other words, while Max took quite the punishment, somebody else had just been royaly fucked.

Yet the rampaging roars and flashes of lightning actualy managed to do some good as well: Rauchnaut got a pretty good view of the blade that his sneaky little friend were about to thrust deep into his chest! Actualy, the lightning bolt still brought only death and destruction, since he would see it either way, the cocky bastard nearly waving it in front of his damn face. Seriously, while Max were pulling it out of his bag, Rauchnaut had plenty of time; enough to turn him to fine paste with a roundhouse kick - that actualy being exactly what the demon did. Shuffling his left foot, which were his leading one, closer to Max, he spun around, bringing his torso away from the lizard, along with his sword, and instead, offering his boot, which would be moving towards its target's ribcage at breakneck speeds. Several dozen pounds of technological beauty and carbon beef would collide with the petty organic form of life, denying it a dominiant position in this battle's food chain by sqeezing out the lungs and heart out of it, along with shredding all the muscle with shards of broken ribs.

That, of course, would happen if Max were too slow to react to this attack, unable to move out of it's way. If he had the guts to dodge this speeding freight train of a kick, Rauchnaut would have to find another way to annihilate him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Arty picked up the note and chuckled as he read it. At least the guy had a sense of humor.

Standing, he glanced around at the remaining fighters and caught sight of one ducking behind the tree just after the mage's body burned to ash. Poor guy. Getting cut in half was not a pleasant way to go. Not that Arty would know... Anyway, back to the bloke cowering behind the tree. Nobody else seemed to be interested in him at the moment, though skeletor over there had just freed up and might decide he wanted a shot. Best to get there first.

In furtherance of that goal, Arty tossed off a low-power bolt of lightning, not enough to do serious damage but enough to get his attention, and arced it around the tree to hopefully strike him in the center of his chest. "Hey! You there behind the tree! The party's out here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The lightning hit his chest straight on. It didn't damage his systems but it did make him realize that others had noticed his presence. Still charging his power he stepped around the tree looking Arty straight in the face. He reviewed his tactical readout of the man as he spoke his helmet changing his voice "Yeah sorry about that im a bit of a wall flower but if you wanna dance then come and get some!" he finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

Electrical fellow had decided to ignore Overlord as well, boy, these assassins were really starting to get on his nerves. Incompetence is one thing, but being rude and ignoring the target for the sake of your pride is just hurtful. With a flick of his wrist he threw the remaining ash from his incindiary target off his hand and to the ground, what a pity, he had hoped to use the blood from his foes to create some mud. But at this point, three foes died and no blood was spilled. Save for a sheen of blood that now coated his sword, but that wouldn't be significant enough for mud arts.

Damn shame, really. One fellow's death was swift and brutal, and that fellow had ignored him in just the same way as sparky here. Too bad.

Putting both hands on his weapon again, he withdrew the tip of his blade from the dirt and raised it upwards. Aligning the sword with his eyes, allowing him to see just past it to Arthur. "Well, good fellow. Rest in peace." Those words were muttered, very likely to be heard by Greystroke, but still barely above a whisper. Overlord twisted himself and placed the blade in prime thrusting position just below his left arm. The blade turned parallel to the ground and the undead began a charge towards Arthur.

Though it would take a moment to actually reach Arthur, Overlord didn't opt to make the mistake of letting out a primal roar at him. The only noises that his electric target would hear would be the clattering of his armor against his bones, which is admittedly a noticeable sound.

This charge would result in a Overlord's blade being thrust through Arthur's back and out of his chest, spearing him on his blade and followed by a grizzly twist. Should it land, of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

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Max twisted in the same direction as the larger man and lept directly away from the kick, flicking his tail in the hopes of either running it along the larger man's leg or bury it deep in his knee. with a quick roll on the ground he turned while now laying his side on the ground outside the large mans reach, his tail moved back behind him with geth still held tight, digan slid back into his bag during the roll and his bow back in his hand. Drawing it quickly he fired it off a few timed, aiming the three arrows for the joints in the large mans elbows and the leg still on the ground. Still not quite sure if he connected with the smaller blade geth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 13 days ago

The lizard lad had dodged, scurrying backwards to put himself out of the kick's range, but Rauchnaut already had a follow up attack in the working. Relaxing his body, he let the kick's momentum plummet him towards the ground, the airborne limb landing to grant him steady footing again; but not even for a fraction of a second did the demon stay still, continuing the wild counter-clockwise spin with his now free left leg, bringing it forth and covering the distance Max had put between them, while cleaving the sword downwards in a diagonal slash, even more power behind this than his first strike.

The opponent's counter simple glaced of the insde of his thigh, meeting armor too tough for it to bite in. His whole body slung with a hasty fevor, the demon's strike would connect before Max had a chance to let all of the arrows out, only one hitting Rauchnaut in the forearm, ricocheting off its rapidly moving target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In a short distance from the main conflict, a small rift opened up in the fabric of space-time. A man in a mask and metal gloves was thrown through, tumbling through the air, and yet still somehow landing on his feet. Gaining his bearings, he peered around his new surroundings, the sound of combat not too far away. He froze. Thoughts raced through his mind on what had just happened to him, where he could be, and what on earth his next move would be. The words "kill or die" rang through his skull as he imagined what possible horrors may be on the other end of the clearing. Within less than half a second, he unfroze with a calm mind. With softened steps, he made his way through the trees to the battle royale he dreaded to join.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Clunk, clunk, clunk...

Arty turned at the sound, and to his very great surprise found that skeletor was charging him from behind, sword raised to chest level. How in the blazes he'd gotten behind him even though he'd been able to see him a moment before when he'd cut the Mage in half was entirely beyond him, but it seems the universe was fickle today. Everybody kept disappearing and jumping about like this was some kind of mass temporal flux instead of a fight. It was annoying.

The blade was still six feet away when Arty first saw it, and he wasted no time in getting himself gone (while also keeping tabs on the fellow behind the tree, since he could actually sense him without looking). Or rather, getting his opponent gone. Anchoring himself to the ground, Arty reached out with his power and seized the air around him, throwing it toward the undead warrior at over 300 miles per hour. A gale force wind if ever there was one, and more than enough to launch the charging warrior across the field of battle, and incidentally straight toward another fellow who'd just arrived on the scene (QuietThinker).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

extending his palm towards the now flying overlord Aureo released the TK energy hurtling it at the man. With nowhere to dodge the impact should strike him head on and rip him to pieces. Lowering his hand he aims his revolver at the electric one. "now where were we?" he asks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

A wall of wind slammed into his body, blowing the Overlord off of his feet and into the air. This was certainly unfortunate, usually his armor weighs more than enough to keep him firmly planted on the ground. This must have been at least as strong as a Hurricanes' eye wall, or maybe even a tornado. Whatever the strength was, it didn't really matter, it was sufficient enough to be a problem.

As he flipped through the air, he noticed that there was in fact a second projectile being sent his way. "Bother." Was all he managed to get out before it slammed into his chest. Punching a jagged and messy hole through his armor, crushing his ribcage and what remained of his internal organs. A putrid brown sludge leaked out through his armor and onto the ground, soaking the earth in his filthy rotted body and blood.

Quickly meeting them on the ground, the Overlord writhed and howled. Pain was still quite noticeable, but, not enough to kill him. (Admittedly, the only reason I chose to let him survive was because you wrote it vaguely. Rather than specifically targeting his head. Remember. He's both a Lich and a Zombie.)

The Overlord's body was convulsing on the ground, stewing in his own pain and frustrations. "You know! I'm growing increasingly angry at your incompetence! I now have to feel this pain! Do you understand just how painful it is to reconstruct a skeletal structure!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

Max rolled out of the way again, barely managing to get clear of the larger mans attack before quickly jumping to his feet. Changing tactic again he let the bow vanish and put away geth. Kneeling and placing a hand on the ground he drew shina and lith with his other, stabbing shina into the ground and holding lith behind himself. Waiting for the big man to attack again while pulling energy from the ground and pouring it into an energy net.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 13 days ago

Chaining in one attack after another, Rauchnaut finaly got his enemy to dodge his sword, not parry, allowing to slip in swiftly a sly follow up attack. Bulat's tip burried itself into the ground, even his beastly might not enough to immeditely halt the swing's momentum, and as the demon bolted, catching up on Max, it left a deep blew up the soil, leaving a deep gash and surfacing roots. Faster than the lizard, Rauchnaut would be within range and ready to strike before it got the chance to gain steady footing, and by that time, the blade's edge would already just a few inches away from its thigh: pushing off, not only did he dash forawrds, but he also created a spinning motion, throwing it into a clockwise cleave. Morever, his arms brought the blade upwards, from the ground towards his opponent's leg, and this, combined with the initial power, would give this false edge strike enough force to throw Max to the ground and snap femur bone, if not cut the leg off completely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A sudden and strong wind rustled through the leaves, in the direction of the fiercest fighting. He braced himself against it, and then heard what sounded like a sonic boom. Which was odd.

Movement in his peripheral vision caused his world to slow down. He turned his vision onto the approaching mass; a great suit of armour clutching a massive sword (which was worrying), spewing some vile liquid was careering directly towards him. His world stopped as he began to take a deep breath.

There was a hole in it's back, a source of the brown goop escaping through the air. The metal plating around the hole was jagged. There was also another stream of the sludge coming from in front of him. He would really like to know what that sludge was, and given by how much of it was leaking into the air, he could guess the wound was recent. And that would mean that there was most likely a guy who could fire bullets the size of his fist, but that was far from the only possibility. And that was backed up by the boom he had heard beforehand. He pondered briefly on how such a gun might operate with such large ammunition, before coming to the conclusion he could not assume that a firearm was involved. That worried him.

It occurred to him that the probable bullet, and resulting sonic boom, was unlikely to have sent him flying so far. It had passed right through him: the majority of the force therefore had gone through his chest and out his back. It was most likely the blast of wind that he felt beforehand. Which means there's someone that can throw what he estimated to be about the weight of a small car through the air with a blast of wind: if it were anything else, he wouldn't have felt the residue of the blast. And if there was someone with that kind of power, the only reason he hadn't broken an arm or a bone was because the trees had dampened the force. He'd be prepared now. He knew some of what he'd be up against.

Once again, Wire's attention was drawn to the warrior that would most likely be his first opponent. His world sped up enough for him to move, and he slowly and precisely, stepped to the left, and held out a hand. His watched the knight slowly slide past him and come to a stop on the ground. Hard. A small blob of sludge was caught on his sizable metal gauntlet. He gave it a sniff. It smelt of decay. His world sped back up to normal speed, and he took a few steps back: he was looking at a dead man. And the dead man was writhing on the ground. His words were startling: "You know! I'm growing increasingly angry at your incompetence! I now have to feel this pain! Do you understand just how painful it is to reconstruct a skeletal structure!?"

Wire took a deep breath. Time stopped again, but not for the purpose of analysis. He was trying to ratiionalise what the hell he was seeing, and failing that, calm himself down. After what felt like a minute, he once again had full control of his wits. Time snapped back to normal, and he raised his gloves and backed back to a tree. He did not want to have anyone sneak up on him, and he damn well didn't want to make the first move on that moving corpse.
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