Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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As Matiu and Thresher sped along the trail, Matiu could just barely hear Tali calling out"Hey Mat' wait for me!", she had called out. He should have expected as much really, nothing could move like Thresher on the ground, even a dense forest like this couldn't slow them down after so many years of training in the thick vegetation of the jungle they grew up in. The rider and dragon slowed their pace, but not by much given the fact that Matiu was starting to get lightheaded from blood loss. "Need any help? I can help patch you up when we get to the camp. It's the least I could do, really." A voice to his left rang out. Matiu swiveled his head to look at Maria, his expression contorting from one of confusion and hostility, then recognition as he remembered her from the academy, "No worries I should be fiiii-", his voice trailed off as a wave of dizziness hit him. Matiu slumped over on Thresher's back having lost consciousness, 'Matiu?' Thresher called out, coming to a screeching halt as he received no response from his rider. The dragon craned his neck back to examine Matiu, concern etched in his face, ' Matiu! Kei te pai koe?? Korero!'. Matiu slumped off of Thresher with a dull thud as he hit the soft,wet dirt. 'MATIU! Ara ake!' Thresher said with a snarl of frustration before nosing at Matiu, willing his rider to get up.

[Im gonna get old doing these translations... Kei te pai koe?: Are you ok? Korero!:Speak! Ara Ake!: Arise!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Tali) I saw them far down by the time I had yelled out. Edan tensed up and I looked over at him. He said "Something's wrong." With out another word we both ran toward them. When we where about a foot away Mat' fell. We ran even faster. We may have been faster in the air but ground was another thing. Even though it was only a foot away it seemed to get farther and farther away.

(Edan) I could feel the pain that was from the battle that had accord. No matter how many battles we had fought. The after effect was always hard to comprehend. I could hear the voices of those that where there, smell the bloodshed, and there was still the voice of some thing dark lingering there separate from the noise that I could hear most of the time. By the time I had pulled my self back to the present. We where there in front of Mat' and Maria and both there dragons standing beside the taking watch. Tali was talking. "Maria, what happened?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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((Reaper, could you allow the GM to decide when something like the wolves running away occurs? He created the event so we'd have something interesting to do. Also, Monsieur, why not simply state a piece of dialog is in whatever language that is, thereby removing the need to include translations? Just a suggestion.))

Kalama was beginning to get comfortable, and hadn't seen Riley depart. He wasn't even aware the boy was gone. He didn't eat any of the rabbits, as having what would have been his share wouldn't even be noticed by his massive body. He glanced up when his fireball was extinguished, but he quickly restored it and didn't think much of it. However, things changed when Riley came running back, chased by what appeared to be lycanthropes. They certainly couldn't be werewolves, as it wasn't even a full moon. As they came into sight, Kalama rose to his feet, fire already welling up in his mouth. Then a blazing inferno of fire erupted in the direction of the creatures, radiating massive amounts of heat. It was easily enough to melt steel in just a few moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After having made sure Riley was okay, though still not inbolving herself personally with the boy and his dragon, Mina mounted Cythraul and sped off into the tree-line. Tension was still in the air and Mina could feel it, though her main priority was in helping those that needed help. She approached the small group surrounding Mat, Cythraul's speed,havjng brought her there in no time.
'He's hurt, where's the wound?' she asked when Cythraul mentioned the scent of blood. Mina slipped off her dragon's back and walked over to Mat. 'We need shelter. We can't stitch this wound or bandage it out in this weather. The ground is too wet, it may cause infections.' she said to the others while looking at Mat's dragon. 'Will you allow us to help him?' she asked the obviously worried dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Matiu remained unresponsive to the people around him, his skin was turning rather pale, giving the tattoos on his torso and arm an even more striking appearance. Thresher meanwhile was plenty responsive to the riders and their dragons, stepping over Matiu with one paw and issuing a vicious snarl to the others as they drew near, however as they began to make it abundantly clear that they were merely there to help, Thresher reluctantly stepped back and lied on the dirt next to his rider. 'You all will have hell to pay if he dies under your care...' he warned before gently nudging at Matiu's face and chirping softly, much like how a mother hawk would tend to its brood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seeing Matiu's dragon lay down next to his rider, Mina picked up the male and looked around. "Cyth, where is any magnetism nearby? A low current can be a sign of a cave." she stated towards her dragon. Cyth's whiskers flicked a bit as she focused on the signs of electric currents and she pointed somewhere east. "That way, about 10 minutes walking distance." she stated. Mina nodded and turned to the other riders that had come to aid Matiu after figuring out he was hurt. 'Do any of you have a med-kit on you? We need to head that way right now.' she pointed with her free hand. 'Bring that med-kit along.' she stated before carrying most of Matiu's weight towards the cave Cyth had pointed out.

Upon arrival there was indeed a small cave, a little dent in the wall, but large enough to shelter them from rain. "Cyth, sanitize the place a bit. That spot there.' she pointed. Her dragon let out a beam of electricity to heat up the floor and kill most of the bacteria. Mina placed her hooded coat on the ground and placed Matiu on top of it before looking back to see where the other's were with the med-kit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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Maria nodded curtly as Mina came to their aid. It'd taken her a moment, but she finally realized that yes, she did know this rider. Mat... Then again how could one forget someone that had such a distinct appearance. She motioned to Mina as the put her hand over her bag, the med-kit inside. It wasn't much. Just a few herbs, bandages, string and needle to stitch with and the makings for a sling. She walked with the group, staying behind Mina and Mat. She moved her head to this side, giving Elián a quick command to follow her. He stood back up and began to follow the group, sulking all the way.

I don't see why we have to help him. It's his dragon's fault for letting him get hurt.

Now you know that's not true. It's a partnership, not a bodyguard service. Plus, we're a group. We need to take care of each other. If it were you hurt, I'd be thankful for any help I could get. His only response was a small gruff. Maria sighed. His pride would get in the way a lot, wouldn't it? She shook her head.

When they arrived at the cave, Mina gave her dragon a command to sanitize the place and Maria chuckled. Well, at least with the variety, we can get stuff done together. I mean, face it Elián. You couldn't have done that. Again, another gruff response. She glared at him, her arms crossed. Don't hold a grudge against me, now. I only want what's right for the both of us, okay? We're meant to help people, aren't we?

You are. I am meant to fight. What good is my breath for this man? I cannot do anything but sit idly by.

Is that why you're upset? Because that could be me? Silence. Her eyes grew wide, anger coursing through her. "You idiot!" She yelled, facing him, her eyes stern. I don't care if you can't help me in that way, I just need to know that you're there for me. That's all that matters. You can fight for me, can't you? Well, I can heal for you. So stop being such a child. You're older than this. He let out a longer sigh and pushed his head against her body.

Okay. Her eyes soften and she placed her hand on his forehead before turning back to Mina. "Alright. Let's get started then, shall we?" She asked with a cheerful smile. When Mina placed Mat down, Maria began to inspect his wounds, trying to see what needed to be done. When she was finished, she pulled open her pouch and began pulling out herbs and bandages and the string and needle to stitch him back up. He had a few gashes, but only one or two of them really needed stitches. She searched around her bag and found a wash cloth. Turning to Mina, she held it out to her. "Think you could find some clean water to dip this in? I need to clean his wounds or else they'll get infected." After giving the rag to Mina, Maria went back to her bag and pulled out a small bowl. She placed several herbs inside and began mixing them. "Don't worry Mat, and Thresher. I'm making something that'll take the sting away. Okay?" She told them with a gentle, calm voice, a soft smile ever-present on her lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina nodded when the other rider, named Maria if she recalled correctly, approached with a med-kit and suggested they get started. Upon hearing the request for water she nodded somewhat and slipped out of the cave with Cythraul. Upon returning she had a small bowl of water and some of Cythraul's scales. She handed the wet cloth to Maria and grinded the scales to a powder, dropping it into the bowl of water and mixing it up to a grey paste. 'Put this on the wound when you're done. It'll keep the wound closed and speed up the healing, though not by much.' she stated. 'It will numb the pain slightly as well.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Matiu didn't respond to the words of the others in his unconscious state, however he did let out a small grunt of pain as Thresher nudged him into a more comfortable position. The dragon looked up from his rider and let out a low growl once he sniffed the paste made from Cythraul 'Whatever this concoction is had better work if I'm to tolerate the scent of another dragon on Matiu.' he hissed irritably. Thresher was not enjoying himself at all, between the confined space and the scent of other dragon's so close, ignoring his basic instincts was driving him to the brink and beyond, Matiu didn't know it yet, but once he was fully healed, he would have hell to pay from Thresher for landing the duo in this predicament.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Maria looked up at Mina, her eyes away from her bowl, but her hands still moving the herbs around. "I'm not so sure mixing two thing would be good. I don't know what properties you're dragon's scales have and how they would react to what I'm already making for him..." She said, her brow furrowed. She sighed and smiled sweetly. "Let me see what I can do." She told Mina and then took the paste from her, setting it down in front of her, between herself and Mat. She turned and grabbed the wet cloth and was about to start dabbing it on Mat's wound when she noticed how cold it was. She eyed it carefully. How was she going to warm it up? She could use Elián's breath, but that's too much sand, it would only hurt him.

She sat for a moment before a thought came to her. With a quick smile and a sharp eye, she grabbed her bag and dumped everything out. Several items fell out of the bag, most of the medical supplies, some of them things she'd forgotten she'd even put in there, like little trinkets. She'd have to sort that later. She stood, with the bag in her hand and placed the wet cloth inside. She noticed Tali, standing nearby, watching. "If you want to go help, go ahead. I've got some herbs made up and a few supplies out so that I can stitch him up. All he really needs is for someone to be close by. Why don't you try go over to him and talking? I'll bet Thresher wouldn't mind the company either. Let him know it'll be okay." She told the other female and clutched the bag. She closed it tightly and walked over to Elián. [b]"Hey, would you mind heating this bag up for me?" She asked, looking up at him. His head was inside the cave, watching over everyone. His eyes narrowed at her but then she felt him soften up.

Sure. Just come out here. I don't want to hurt anyone inside. She walked out, following Elián as they walked a few paces away from the cave. She placed the bag down and then stepped away.

"Just don't burn the bag okay? I like that bag."

I'll try my best, ma'am.

"Oh, don't you use that tone with me. I'm asking nicely." She exclaimed and then watched as he rolled his eyes. He bent down and blew a small puff of air at the bag. A good bit of sand came out, floating around softly. She sighed and then walked over to pick up the bag. She was used to this by now, so the heat of the bag didn't bother her. She could feel Elián following her back slowly. Thanks...

Mmm... She set the bag down and sat down with it. With a quick hand, she pulled the bag open and pulled out the cloth. It was warm, but not enough so that it would be dry. "Perfect." She mumbled, a smile on her face. She took the cloth and with ease, began dabbing at Mat's wounds. After a few moments, when she thought the wound was sufficiently clean, she got back up and took out a small needle. It also needed to be sanitized. She walked back over to Elián motioning to him to follow her again. He rolled his eyes again but followed.

He was, believe it or not, happy to be of use rather than sitting over there useless. Maybe if Maria were to be in trouble he wouldn't be so useless after all. She set the needle down and waited for Elián to blow on it. Sand spurted out of his nostrils. While she waited, she stuck her hands in the cold water of the nearby river and cleaned her hands. She picked up the needle, using her clothes so that she wouldn't burn herself and then made her way back to Mat.

She sat down and with a calm air about her, began to prepare the needle and stitching thread. She looked up at Thresher when she was done. "It's going to hurt. He might scream. I don't want you to freak out. It needs to be done. If only for these two gashes." With that, she began to suture his wounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Thresher snorted dismissively at Maria's warning about Matiu, 'He's no stranger to pain.' he grumbled before flicking his tail at an old scar that trailed from Matiu's third rib and up to his chest, marring part of the tattoo, 'I gave him that when we first met. I had stalked him to his camp, scored a blow with one of my claws before leaving him to bleed out. The crazy bastard cauterized it with hot ash from the fire he'd made earlier and started tracking me. T'was the only reason he didn't bleed out then.' Thresher stated with a bit of pride for his rider, and a hint of annoyance that something had survived his wrath. Thresher eyed the new set of horizontal scars opposite to the original vertical one, 'Another set of scars to begin a new chapter. In his culture, the body is but a blank book, and the tattoos and scars are the words waiting to be added, waiting to be read aloud with pride.'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina looked at Maria emotionless as she accepted her bowl of paste. 'Relax, it has no other effects that can collide with the herbs you are using. It simply covers the wound and somewhat speeds up the healing by stimulating the muscle and flesh with small shocks. It tickles and itches a bit, but nothing more.' she stated. She went to wash her hands a bit outside, brushing over Cythraul's scales before making her way back to Matiu and the others. 'Hold his hand there, if you'd like.' she said to Tali as she took Matiu's other hand in hers. If he awakened from his unconscious state he would probably be in a massive amount of pain, even if the paste she created numbed some of his nerves. She glanced at Thresher and gave him a somewhat sharp look. 'If you care about your rider like I see you do, you'll accept any help he can get.' she stated with a stern tone of voice towards the dragon. 'Set aside your pride for a moment.' she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tali silently followed Maria, Mina and there dragons. No one even seemed to notice her presence. Which was understandable because of the circumstance. Tali jumped on top of Edan's back as they head to the cave.

(Tali) I watched as Mina and Maria prepared the room and mixed stuff. I sighed to my self with relief that they where there because at the academy I failed all the medical classes.
They continued there rituals as I sat and watched. It was almost as if it was unreal. I had seen battles but, was never there when someone was hurt. It was hard to comprehend. But I knew it was harder on Edan, He was more spiritual close to things like that. As I sat atop him a gave him a hug.

(Edan) Tali was on the ground down by Mat'. Mina had left to clean up and when she came back she keeled beside Mat' She told Tali "Hold his hand there, If you'd like." If He will be in massive pain when he wakes." Tali looked at her in hesitation.

(OOC Sorry kinda short but I thought that would be a good stopping point)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bird
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Riley's voice faltered as Mina spoke to him. He could hear her speak to him, but he couldn't make out what she said. He mumbled, saying he would be okay, and she moved on.

Riley fell to his knees, and instantly, Dynamis was in front of him. The white dragon's eyes glittered with rage as he stared the boy in the face. 'Where were you? What happened?' The dragon snarled fiercely at a rustle in the bushes, smoke billowing from his nostrils. The creatures had retreated for now, but a few of them still lingered around the camp. Dynamis' green eyes fixed back n his young rider, and was slightly startled by what he saw.

Riley looked up at his dragon, his cheeks wet with tears. His green eyes were glassy and pick, his pain evident on his face. His vision spun and he could hear his pulse in his ears. He had four long cuts across his shoulders where the canine creature had racked him with it's claws. The wound burned like fire, beyond anything the boy had felt like before. “They're in my head,” Riley's voice broke when he spoke, “They're so loud, Dynamis. They won't go away.”

Riley's young mind wasn't used to the exposure. The other riders would have experienced more telepathic communication, and therefore the creatures were unable to invade their minds. The boy felt violated. He could feel them sift through his thoughts, toying with his emotions and searching his memories. The hoarse voices still echoed in his head, replacing his thoughts with their own.

Dynamis growled deep in his throat, as if he could ward off the voices. He grabbed the front of Riley's shirt, lifting him back to his feet, and half dragged him into the center of the camp. When they were the furthest they were going to from the edges of the camp, Dynamis curled protectively around his rider. The only thing that kept him on the ground was the fear that the boy was to weak to hold on if he were on his back, and he didn't want to hurt him more by carrying him in his talons.

And so, the dragon resorted to remaining grounded. Riley buried his face in the dragon's side, attempting to hide his moment of weakness from his companions.

Dynamis glared at anyone who passed near them, dragon or rider, as if daring them to come closer. He would wait long enough for Riley to recover, and then he would move on, regardless if the others were ready or not. Somewhere in his mind, Dynamis knew his rider needed some sort of help, but his pride refused to let another human touch him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Thresher snorted once more and stood, 'Hmph." was the only sound he made before pacing around the cave. Matiu meanwhile remained unconscious to the world, he had begun dreaming about his home as he lie on the stone floor. In Matiu's dream it was about four years ago, and a beautiful day on Isle Virdis: the sun shone bright, bathing the island in warmth and light, around this time of year the trees would bear their flowers and early fruits, turning the lush jungle into a mosaic of colors and scents, the birds, equally as bright as the flowers, flitted among the trees and chirped out their songs happily, the sea around the island was like something out of a postcard, a breathtaking shade of light blue, and was clear enough to see the sea floor from the land. Yes, it truly was a beautiful day, but that wasn't what Matiu was worried about today, no, right now he was more concerned about the quarry standing before him and Thresher [who at the time was not much bigger than a grizzly bear], a massive hydra-like creature.

Matiu smiled as he brandished his spear, "You try to keep the heads busy by using your speed to disorient it, i'll go for its heart.", 'Don't tell ME how to fight whelp! Thresher hissed in response before lunging at the beast with a snarl. Matiu sighed, but followed suit, screaming like a mad man as he lunged forward with the spear, hoping that perhaps he'd score a blow. The hydra retaliated, swatting away Matiu with one of its five heads while simultaneously spewing acidic saliva at Thresher. Matiu landed face first into the white sand as Thresher danced around the volley of corrosive liquids, only to find himself plowing into his rider when Matiu got up and started spitting out sand. 'You're in the way boy!' Thresher snarled with disgust, "Well how about you be more mindful of your surroundings you ass?!" Matiu retorted with indignation. The pair's spat was quickly ended when a pair of long, serpent like heads slammed into them with a screech. The pair were sent sprawling once again, only this time, the hydra followed up with yet another stream of acid from all five heads. Matiu yelped and rolled about the way, just barely managing to avoid being melted down to the bone. Thresher however, lacked the luck of his rider, and found himself with a heavily burned rear leg; a result of a failed dodge. The dragon roared in rage and pain, a wound like this was practically a death sentence in the wild. The hydra coiled four of its heads around Thresher, pinning him so that the middle head could deal the finishing blow. Just as the hydra leaned forward to scour its victim in acid, the beast reared up and screeched in pain as Matiu buried his spear just behind its arm, merely a few inches from its heart. Thresher was dropped as the heads flailed, Matiu meanwhile found himself on the business end of a tail lash from the hydra, the impact cracking two ribs. Thresher slowly rose to his three functioning legs just in time to watch the hydra wrap Matiu up using one of its heads and begin to crush the boy. Matiu coughed as he felt his already injured ribs splinter under the pressure, "Do it...this is an honorable way to go!" he hissed before spitting at one of the heads near him. This spurred Thresher into action, the dragon eyed the spear stuck in the hydra and crouched, his muscles bunching like springs before launching the dragon forward. Thresher's paw connected with the spear, driving the weapon forward and through the hydra' heart. The creature gave one final screech, releasing Matiu from its grip before dropping to the ground itself. Thresher limped over to his rider and glared down at the boy, 'Are you not afraid of death whelp?', he inquired, panting a bit. Matiu smiled despite his pain, "Not...if I go out...in combat..." he wheezed. Thresher snorted and helped his rider to his feet, wincing as he had to step down on his back leg for balance, 'You're an idiot...an idiot with guts...but still an idiot Matiu...' he muttered as the pair began to limp their way back to their village, "I'll take that as a compliment Thresh...".

Back in the conscious world, a smile crept onto Matiu's face as he recalled the fond memory of his and Thresher's first kill as a team.
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