Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bird
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Bird Your Friendly Neighborhood / Know-it-all

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The little boy was disappointed with the curt reply. He took the rabbits and thanked her, then watched Mina and Cythraul walk away. His shoulders drooped a little when he turned away. "Ignore them." Dynamis was suddenly at Riley's side, and he nudged the boy with his snout.

Riley sighed and patted the white dragon's nose. "I know, I know. It's just that everyone seems so guarded. How will we trust each other, let alone go to war together, if no one is willing to communicate?"

Playfully, Dynamis responded, "And you've got to be the least threatening of them all. Now, go cook."

Riley smiled, his mood already lifted. "Okay." He said aloud. He walked over to Kalamadea's fire ball to prepare the rabbits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The mission Tali was sent on took a little longer than expected. She was hoping to go out with the group. Even though she was just a few days late she had hoped it would be good bonding time. Edan was fast so it should not be to hard to catch up with them. Tali let go of the reigns stretching her arms out and feeling the wind through her pink hair. She leaned forward on Eden's broad neck and hugged tightly looking a crossed the bright fields. "No sign of them yet." Tali said aloud with a deep sigh. "They must have gotten farther then I though." "Do you have any sent of them Edan?" "Not yet" Edan bent this neck back and forth scanning the scenery.

They had flown for hours and Tali had fallen asleep. Riding always made her sleepy. The clouds started to get darker and small drops of rain fell from the clouds, the drops speed up and woke Tali. "Sorry friend." Tali said half asleep " Edan said nothing but she could feel him smile and she smiled back.

As we both looked down we said the same thing ""TRACKS!!"" The rain had made a caravan's tracks very visible. Without even having to think we lowered closer to the ground. The rain pouring now. We both ran following the tracks. Looking at each other exchanging the same though. First one to find them gets to sleep first.
It was dark now and I saw a fire lit. Looking over at Edan he walk to match stride now. I smiled as I ran. As we where a foot away we decide with a glance to stay where we where. Edan loved to observe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A small ways away from the others, Matiu and Thresher where scraping away a patch of grass from under a tree, 'I do not know why we needed to stop. This storm is mild compared to the ones on isle virdis. The mainlanders really are a sad lot aren't they?' Thresher's voice rang in Matiu's head, absolutely dripping with contempt, "Thresh, you gotta remember that they aren't used to the same things as us. Not to mention the other dragons need to fly, they might get zapped by a bolt of lightening." Matiu verbally responded before patting the dragon on the side.

The pair had no intention of actually setting up a camp, the tree that they had chosen managed to block out a sufficient portion of the rain, and with Thresher's peculiar combination of feathers and scales, they could easily huddle up together for warmth. Thresher looked at the other dragons and snorted, 'I still don't like having to wait Matiu.' he thought irritably before lying down on the patch of dirt that had been dug out. Matiu simply shook his head and chuckled, "We've got to get along if we want to complete our goal. Think about it, the sooner this is over, the sooner we can return to the jungles of isle virdis.". The idea of going home soon seemed to placate Thresher enough that he lowered his head onto his massive paws with nothing more than an annoyed snort. Matiu chuckled once more and sat on the dirt and leaned back onto Thresher's side to watch the others. They seemed like a decent enough bunch, but he wasn't going out of his way to speak unless spoken to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" She yelled through heavy pants as she raced across the landscape, Elián at her back. If you didn't sleep in, you wouldn't be running right now. He scoffed her. She shook her head and kept running.

Now really isn't the time to be scolding me, Elián. She told him telepathically.

I personally think it's a good a time as any, Maria. Someone has to tell you.

Yeah, well I think we have more pressing matters to attend to. Like, where we are!

She felt the dragon skid to a halt behind her. You don't know where we are going, yet you are the one leading? She turned to see him looking at her, a brow raised. "Well, I was in such a hurry I figured we'd just... figure it out along the way." The rain was starting to pour now, drenching the poor Sand Dragon. He looked more annoyed with Maria than he had in a long time. She gave him an awkward apologetic smile. "I'll share some of my berries with you when we find them?" She said, bribing him. He shook his massive head and walked over to her. Sometimes I wonder about you. He let out a small snort and then shivered. I think it's best we find cover, and quickly. I don't know how much longer I can stand this cold frigged rain. She glared at him. "I know your a Sand Dragon, but still. It's not even that cold!" She yelled, walking over toward the trees. It was then that she saw the group and a smile grew on her lips. Yes but, I must maintain my he- Oh. You... found them.

She turned around abruptly and stuck her tongue out at Elián. "See! I told you it would work out." She told him and then began walking closer to the group. They looked like they were beginning to set up camp. She chuckled. Perfect timing then, eh? She thought, not really even meaning for Elián to hear. So you say... Elián told her with a small drawl and then walked over to one of the bigger trees to find shelter. There were many dragons here. He knew there would be but he still didn't like it. They were close to her, they were close to him. He didn't like it. He wanted to be back at the academy, training like they should be, away from everyone else.

Maria watched Elián walked over to a large tree, eyeing the others with unmasked suspicion. Calm down. No one's here to hurt you, silly. He huffed and set his head on the ground with a loud thumb, content to stay within his own personal space. She rolled her eyes and then looked around to find her... victim. After all, she needed to start getting to know her companions. They'd be fighting together. You can't have a team without knowing them, it just makes for better chemistry. She shook her head and decided to just introduce herself to the entire group. "I don't know if we've already done introductions but... Hi! I'm Maria Jaya." She told them and then motioned towards Elián. "And that is Elián, my companion. It's nice to meet all of you!" She continued with a bright, warm smile She looked around at everyone, looking for some acknowledgement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tali & Edan watched as a girl stood up. "What is she saying Edan?" As his ears where better than hers. "She introduced herself." "Her name is Maira Jaya ... Her Dragon Elián." Edan breath was hot in Tali's ear as he whispered. As they waited for the next person to say something no one moved or even said some thing. She looked around the camp. Every one was a distance way from each other no one was smiling. The air was tense. It broke Tali's heart. They where going into battle. How where they going to survive this if they cloud not even get along. Tali lowered her head and Edan put his dragon like arm around her. She looked up and smiled I know why the commander wanted me to come here. "To unite them!" Edan laughed "If anyone can do it you can." Tali smiled with her eyes, fire shining from them. "I have an idea!"

I ran matching Tail's speed with ease. She did not say what she had in mind but I could always read her like a book. We had not been united long but it came so easy for us to know what the other was thinking with no words or thoughts. I was not sure if her plan would work and I know she sensed it. But I had faith in her. We reached a higher part of the camp. Tali whispered in my ear "Blow out the camp fire." I nodded. With one deep breath it was dark, screams filled the camp. Tali looked over at me and I relit the fire. They where huddled together some of them guarding the others especially the dragons protecting there companions. It had worked they where closer together than before. It may have been only physically but it had come about naturally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Matiu didn't know what to make of what had just occurred. One moment, another rider and her dragon had appeared, and the next, the camp fire had blown out seemingly on its own. Mat and Thresher had leapt up immediately, the rider brandishing a sword with a wicked series of serrations nearing the base, and the dragon looking around snarling with the spikes on his tail standing out. When the fire relit, Matiu looked to Thresher as if to inquire what had happened, however the dragon only stared at a spot to the north east. 'Enemy troops?' Matiu inquired mentally- 'I am not quite sure. The rain makes it hard to get a proper scent. Whatever the case, theres more than one in that direction'. Matiu's expression contorted into a mask of excitement at the prospect of a foe, 'We will track them down. Snuff em' out before they know what hits them.' he mused as he slid onto the saddle strapped to Thresher's back. The pair moved silently away from the others, their dark forms obscured to near invisibility thanks to the dark clouds and pouring rain. Whatever had blown out the fire was in for a very nasty shock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Edan gave me a pleased look and then we both let out a laugh.
"Pretty good right?"
Edan smirked.
"i did all the work."
"Yes you did old friend." "forgive me." I bowed as I spoke. He smiled and laid down. "You get first watch." 'I, I captain." I saluted him and took of my large pack then went to Edan unstrapping his even larger pack. I pulled out a large sling shot & tied my pack of handmade ammo around my waist scanning the area. Every one seemed to be on high alert down at the camp. But it would help them to grow as a Fleet.

It had been hours, the camp had simmered down. Just as I thought all was well and was about to shut my eyes. I heard a crack in the bushes. I looked over at where I had heard the sound and could not see anything. I quickly grabbed the scythe that was tied to Edan's pouch and said with aloud voice "I will not let you harm these children." "You would not be the first to lose a head."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Might wanna be careful about trying to control the actions of the group as a whole and the passage of time Sezir. Such actions are usually reserved for the GM. Just a heads up)

From the shadows Matiu and Thresher, having circled around the camp to get behind the newcomers, eyed Tali and Edan with a combination of curiosity and aggression; Curiosity being Mat's emotion, where as Thresher's was pure aggression towards the new dragon. There was a brief conversation between the Isle Virdis rider and his dragon, 'Strike to kill?, 'No. For now we'll leave it at disarming them. They seem to be with us, but we can't be too sure.'. As Tali issued her threat the corners of Matiu's mouth curved upwards in a smirk, 'A threat for us eh? Thresher, it's time to go and say hi.', there was a soft growl from Thresher before the dragon bursted from his hiding spot and charged towards the two. While Thresher wasn't able to fly with his short wings, he was still far from helpless, when the dragon began to run after prey or begin his assault, nothing could ever hope to match his speed. Matiu leapt from his dragon and tackled Tali just as Thresher plowed into Edan with a vicious screeching sound, "You picked the wrong group to try and get the jump on." he hissed, reverting to his native tongue with the last word. The rider quickly slid his blade under Tali's throat, the razor sharp edge threatening to cut with the slightest motion, "Who are you? Were you the one that blew out our fire? Don't lie to me, or else kia tangohia e tohu i te atua." he warned.

[translation: kia tangohia e tohu i te atua - May the gods take pity]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bird
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Bird Your Friendly Neighborhood / Know-it-all

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was a great deal of commotion in their little camp at this point. Riley was busy preparing their meal while Dynamis looked over his shoulder. The boy looked up as someone entered the camp. She cheerfully introduced herself as Maria Jaya, her dragon Elian.
"Finally!" Riley exclaimed, "A happy person." He shot Maria a welcoming smile, his head tilted slightly in a cute, boyish way.

Dynamis snorted distastefully. "Kiss up."

Suddenly, the fire was snuffed out. There was a sudden stir of movement and a few startled shouts. Riley was more annoyed then frightened. Couldn't they see he was trying to cook? The fire was only out for a few seconds when it relit. When the light returned, Riley noticed Dynamis' reaction. The dragon had his teeth bared, chest puffed out, and a fierce look in his eyes. His gaze shifted to the boy, and he asked telepathically, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, buddy. You worry to much." Riley stood up as he spoke. He looked around the camp at the others. Someone must've thought that putting the fire out would be a funny joke, but it seemed to put everyone on edge.

It had been several hours, and Riley had dozed off. He lay between Dynamis' front legs, nuzzled up against his warm chest. Although his scales were hard, they were smooth and not at all uncomfortable. The boy always slept better with his dragon then in a bed, anyway.

The rabbits didn't go very far, but it was enough to give everyone a few bites. For Riley, it was just enough to make him even more hungry. He stirred when his stomach growled. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking at his dragon sleepily. "How long have I been asleep?" He asked through their mental link.

"A little under two hours." Dynamis replied, "I like you more when you're sleeping. You're quite."

"Yeah, yeah, I haven't heard that one before. You're worst then Keith." Riley yawned and crawled out of his warm cubby. "I gotta pee. I'll be right back." He told his dragon.

"I'll go with you."

"I'm a big boy, I can handle it." Riley grumbled, leaving before his dragon could complain. He snuck past his brother, sure he would be scolded for leaving on his own, and walked deeper into the woods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Maria watched the group. A small boy turned his head and smiled at her warmly. She shot him a quick smile back, happy to have someone greet her and well,, want her here. Most thought she was annoying... She shook her head. She walked over to the boy and noticed he was cooking something, rabbits? She tilted her head about to ask when the fire was suddenly blown out. She blinked.

Some wind... She thought slowly, scanning the area. "That was no wind... She heard Elián tell her, a rigidness in his tone. When the fire was lit once again, she looked over at him. He was standing now, snarling in a particular direction. She sighed and shook her head. Don't worry about it. If 'it' really does come after us, we'll be prepared. Trust me. She told him telepathically, a faint smile on her lips as she looked over at him. He snorted and then with a determined glare directed at Maria sat down with a loud thump, a cloud of dust and leaves floating around him. She shook her head and went to go sit next to him to wait on the food. It didn't look like much... She sighed and when it was finished and offered to her, she shook her head. Leave it for the others. She'd be fine. She felt Elián shift under her but paid no mind to him. He was probably upset that she was putting the others before her again but... she didn't care. Even if they all hated her, she'd still do that for them. It was in her nature.

She sat for a long time, watching everyone as they did their own things. Some slept, while others waited, watching and some went to investigate the commotion from earlier. Maria sighed and leaned her head back against Elián.

I'm bored and I can't sleep.

You haven't even tried...

I don't need to. You know sleep never comes easily to me.

Well, it's not like there's anything to do.

We could go find a lake and go swimming... sing a little bit. You know, just relax. It's not like we're doing anything right now anyway.

She felt him huff and then watched as he picked his head up and brought it to hers. I suppose... that could be nice. She chuckled ad stood up.

Then let's get going, silly. She walked past him, heading for nowhere in particular, Elián following silently behind her.

Do you even know where you're going?

Do I ever? She chuckled and looked back at him. He shook his head and she turned back. The rain was beginning to let off and Maria could see the faint image of tiny stars between the dark night's clouds. She smiled and looked up as she walked.

You should watch where you're going.

I'm fine. You're such a worrywart. She turned to face him, walking backwards. Besides, there's like.. nothing for miles except trees and it's not like I can't avoid those.

Yeah, okay... He lifted a brow and then as Maria was stepping back, her foot hit... nothing. She fell backwards and found herself sitting at the mouth of a river.

Don't. Say. Anything. She watched as the large dragon's body shook as he let out a hearty chuckle. He kept his mouth closed and walked over to a small clearing near the river to sit down. She let out a long breath and stood. "I guess I'm swimming in my clothes..." She said. "But still..." Some of her clothes were still mostly dry. She took off what she could and set it on a tree branch. She was still wearing her undergarments. The rest she hung up on the tree branch to dry. She turned and ran, jumping into the cold water. It shocked her at first but eventually she got used to it. She grinned at Elián and after a few moments of calm, began to sing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tali (just in case)
I had been hit to the ground faster than I could react. Normally I would have not hesitated but something had stopped me. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped. There was a knife on my neck but that was not surprised me. I had seen him before at the school before my mission.

(Hope this is okay)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Matiu glared down at his captor as he impatiently waited for a response, "Well? Do you intent to answer me or n-", the words died in his throat as he got a better look at the person pinned beneath him. Of all the people he'd managed to get the drop on, it was a teacher from the academy! "Ah...whakarerea noatia iho ahau" Matiu muttered in shocked apology, slipping back into his native tongue briefly as he removed the blade and got off of Tali. Despite his rider's behavior Thresher was less willing to release his quarry; the smaller dragon had pinned Edan down with his teeth lightly clasped on the Edan's shoulder, just waiting to break the skin and deliver a fatal dose of venom, 'They're with us Thresh. Tuku atu ia ia' Mat's voice rang out into his dragon's head. Thresher let out a deep hiss and let go of Edan, 'Ko ia te tino waimarie.' he muttered in response to hearing the Virdisian language.

With Thresher called off, Matiu helped Talisman up, then went from apologetic to aggravated within seconds, "Just what were you doing skulking around out here? I almost beheaded you! And lord only knows what he was about to do to your dragon!" he snapped to the teacher.

(Translation time once more kiddies~ whakarerea noatia iho ahau: Forgive me. Tuku atu ia ia: Release him. Ko ia te tino waimarie: He got very lucky.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bird
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Bird Your Friendly Neighborhood / Know-it-all

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Riley had kind of lied to his dragon. His real reason for venturing into the woods was his unquenchable curiosity, and Dynamis' bulk would scare away wildlife Riley hoped to see.

Even from deep within the trees, Riley could tell the storm was starting to die off. Though an occasional drop of icy water still escaped the leafy cover and found its way into the collar of his shirt. Further into the woods, the tree trunks became thicker. A free breeze stirred his hair. The air smelled clean and fresh after the long downpour.

As he walked, Riley began to hear a sound like gurgling water. After a few more paces, he heard something else, too. Was that...... music?

He was so focused on the sound, he almost walked into an oak. Just to be safe, he stopped walking to listen. The sound was faint, and mixed in with the sound of running water, but he could definitely make out the sound of singing. He couldn't quite make out all the lyrics, but it seemed like a sad song.
The words were soft, and not unkind, but told a story of hurting.

Riley listened for a little while. When he decided to move on, he altered his course so he wasn't headed straight for the singer. The last thing he wanted was to stumble upon one of his party trying to take a bath in the river. Plus, the voice was definitely female, and that would be even worse.

The boy hadn't heard any music in a while. The song must have triggered something in his memories, because he caught himself humming a song his mother used to sing to him and his brother when they were little. He didn't remember the words, but he remembered how soothing and sweet it was. He sung it to Dynamis when he first hatched, but could not for the life of him find the lyrics.

He stopped abruptly, punching his first into his palm as he remembered a verse.

”Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day; Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away.” He murmured. Riley jumped when he heard a loud snarl. He automatically backed up against a tick tree and reached for his bow. He cursed his stupidity when he realized he left it in Dynamis' pack. Instead, he came up with his dagger. He held the weapon with the point angled toward where the sound came from. Although he was never as good at swordplay as his big brother, he could hold his own, and the dagger felt completely natural in his hands.

The bushes to his left quivered and he heard another growl. It was softer this time, but somehow more threatening. Riley's stance remained facing forward, resisting the urge to turn toward the sound and expose his back. With the tree directly behind him, he protected his blind spot.

He had never tried it from this distance, but he reached out for Dynamis through their mental link. ”I need you!”

The brush stirred again, this time from his right. Then he heard something the would give him nightmares. The snarls had turned into a soft, gravelly laugh. After the first, others joined in, each more horrible then the last.

Riley winced when he felt a sharp pain in his head, followed by a chilling voice in his mind. “Hello, little boy.”

The boy gasped, one hand releasing the dagger and gripping his forehead. He looked around him frantically, the pain starting to elevate his fear. His heartbeat pounding in his ears, accompanied by the sound of more sneering laughter.

”Whats the matter, little boy?”
“Does it hurt, little boy?”
“Let us help you.”
“Are you hungry, too, little boy?”
“......little boy....... little boy...... are you scared, little boy?”

The pain increased the more they spoke, many voices filling his head. He tried to reach for his dragon, but he couldn't focus. The pain spread from his head down his spine, ripping through his mind and body like flames. Now in a frantic state, he struggled to keep a hold on his weapon. His hands were shaking, and he looked around wildly. He saw brief glimpses of scarred, fury muzzles and unnaturally large teeth. The dark voices continued to circle in his mind, echoing a chant. They were wild, crazed, hungry.

“SHUT UP!” Riley screeched, panic and pain taking over. One of the creatures leap from the brush. It resembled a canine, but had eyes that held a fierce intelligence. Riley moved quickly, and the creature's teeth and claws tore into the tree he had been using for cover. He took off running, back the way he had come. Everything felt like it was moving painfully slow, the pain starting to blur his vision. There wasn't enough room in his twelve year old mind for so many voices.

He heard his pursuers crashing through the woods behind him. By the sound of it, there were a lot of them. He didn't dare look back, instead keeping his head down as he ran. He fell forward as a set of claws raked across his shoulders, and screamed out in pain. He quickly regained himself and clambered to his feet, setting off again. A gray body blurred past in front of him, making him skid and trip again. Once again, he got up and continued running.

Riley didn't need much more evidence. They clearly had no problem keeping up. They were playing with him. It wasn't terribly far until camp now. He caught sight of the river, and steered to avoid it. He definitely didn't need to try and fight the things waist deep in water.

He was thirty paces from camp before he was able to get through to Dynamis. His mind was in such a state of disarray that he could not express an actual thought to his dragon. It wasn't necessary, because as soon as the connection was made, Dynamis could read all of Riley's pain and fear.

Dynamis let out an enraged roar, alerting the entire woods, just before Riley crashed into the clearing that was their camp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Before Matiu had the chance to further chastise Tali for sneaking around, a deafening roar that made the hairs on his neck stand on end erupted from the camp, 'That sounded like one of the others. Looks like we might be seeing combat a bit early.'. The rider leapt onto his dragon's back, sparing a second to tell Tali that the discussion of her sneaking around was far from over before taking off. Thresher let out a particularly hateful screech as the scent of the canine creatures filled his nostrils, his normally sleek feathers bristled, the spikes that covered his tail stood on end, something about this new sent made the dragon's blood boil even more than the scent of another dragon. "Circle around the camp before we go in Thresh. I want to make sure that if there's an enemy it doesn't have friends waiting in the shadows" Matiu audibly commanded.

Thresher was all too happy to comply, quickly altering his course so that he and his rider darted between the trees. As the dragon ran, Matiu's eyes, long since trained to be able to withstand the wind wiping into them at such speeds, darted every which way while looking for anything out of place. The darkness left from the storm would do nothing to impede the seasoned hunter and warrior; a blur, a sudden ripple in a puddle, even so much as a small shift in the foliage would be all it took to catch his attention, then he could begin his assault.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina had been trying to take a little nap with Cythraul, but kept her eyes open. She had listened to the song that suddenly sounded, even heard Riley move away from the camp.
What she certainly heard was Riley crashing back into the camp and Dynamis roaring furiously.

It took only a moment for Mina to get on her feet, Cythraul curled around her and sparking furiously to defend her rider. "Filthy canines." Cythraul hissed as she picked up the scent. They both neared Riley and Mina looked at him. 'You okay?' she asked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The roar sent my adrenaline pumping, Mat' ran and mounted his dragon. He looked back and said "ThIs discussion of your sneaking around is not over!" and took off before I could respond. I ran to Edan, he gave me a worried look. I smiled & grabbed the sling shot and scythe that had fallen to the floor not sure what to expect but, knowing there was intimate danger. I strapped both are packs on and we headed in the direction of where Mat' had gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Past everyones ears, and picked up by the dragons would be the whishing sound of arrows. They seemed to be coming from the tree tops, flying in all directions at the attacking wolven beasts. The remaining wolves howled in pain, arrows sticking out of their bodies before they began to depart. One Wolf remained though, with arrows sticking out of its back and went to attack the girl, Mina, as her back was turned to the last of the wolves.
A man in a dark hooded cloak dropped down from the tree tops, standing between the girl whom had been talking to Riley, pulling twin daggers from his side. The Wolf snarled and barrelled into the hooded man, who fell into the brush and away from the children and dragons. The sound of the wolfs cry was heard, unseen from everyone else.

The hooded man walked back into the camp, holding the decapitated head of the wolf in his hand. He went to the fire that had gone out and tossed the wolves head into the pit before taking a seat. The head just moved the debris of the fire to spark it, and a small flame began; burning the hair of the wolves head. He sat, staring into the fire wordlessly. His cloak had become soaked in blood and he kept his hood up, concealing his face. He stood with his back straight, alert.

Meanwhile from his back pocket a small dragon emerged, peaking its tiny red head out before scurrying like a lizard out of the pouch and into the fire. The fire licked at the scales on its red body but it remained unharmed. It bit into the flesh of the wolves head and tore back with massive effort, knawing on what it could. The hooded man remained immobile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Matiu and Thresher's assumptions had been right; There had been a few of the canine beasts waiting in the wings to attack the group, no doubt to act like a second wave. It didn't take long for Matiu and Thresher to quash the group, Thresher's massive jaws and lethal tail had made quick work of a good portion of the beasts, Matiu had a tougher time however, the creatures were fast, not to mention strong, truly they were worthy opponents. In the end though the result was just the same, Matiu hacked and slashed his way through the creatures left by Thresher, though not without receiving his fair share of injuries. The rider suffered from several cuts and bruises, the worst being a series of claw marks along his rib cage. 'Are you alright Matiu?' Thresher inquired as Matiu leaned onto him, "Psh...you did worst to me when we first met. Now come on. We need to get back to the others." Matiu retorted as he climbed onto Thresher's back, wincing as he did so. Thresher snorted and began running back, making good speed, but be careful to find the smoothest path so as not to further injure Matiu. Speaking of Matiu, despite him brushing off Thresher's concern, he was actually a bit worse than he'd let on; the scratches along his ribs were somewhat deep and bleeding quite badly. Needless to say, he'd need patching up upon returning to the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Tali) I had caught up to Mat' as we came closer to the ground I could see all the carnage. It did not look good. I was not sure if it was completely over so I kept on high alert. Edan was in battle stances. I as I got closer I saw Mat'. "Hey, Mat' wait for me!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Maria perked her head up at the sounds around her. Snarls, and deep irritating voices. Her brows furrowed and she looked over to see Elián, still laying down but with raised scales. She could tell he was tense.

You heard that too?

Unfortunately. But I think it's headed in the other direction.

The other direction is the camp, you dolt! She splashed the water, angry at Elián for just laying there and began making her way to shore.

The others have it under control, I'm sure. The group has plenty of dragons to fight. He lifted his head and was now staring at her rather lazily. Besides, you don't need to get into any frays just now. See, listen. He turned his head towards the camp. I can hear the forest calming down.

Maria got up on shore, ignoring Elián and began to get dressed. The last thing to get put back on was her small medical pouch. I'm glad I brought this... She put her hand over the pouch and then ran for the camp. Before she was able to even enter the camp, however, she came across a dragon with it's rider on it's back as they made their way back to the camp. The rider looked like an island native and the dragon more like a bat, bird thing. She noticed patches of red stains on his clothing and then dark red on his stomach. "Need any help? I can help patch you up when we get to the camp. It's the least I could do, really." She asked, more like pleaded. She could feel Elián behind her scowling in another direction. He always hated when she was kind to others. Jealous old man. He snorted at her but kept his eyes averted.
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