Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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Saeid begins to calm down..and then screams in pain.
"AAAHHH god, fucking, damn it, both my arms..they're broken...ahhh!" He screams, oddly, only now noting his broken limbs. "N-no...I have..no true home. I've...been staying here....in the ruins...." Saeid says, growling in pain. "but...this..is not a home..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Saeid begins to calm down..and then screams in pain.
"AAAHHH god, fucking, damn it, both my arms..they're broken...ahhh!" He screams, oddly, only now noting his broken limbs. "N-no...I have..no true home. I've...been staying here....in the ruins...." Saeid says, growling in pain. "but...this..is not a home..."

"Oh! Forgive me. I wasn't even paying attention." Eclispe puts his weapon in an elbow and opens his hands. "I should have done this first thing." He tries to touch Saied to heal him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Saeid lets out a deep breath. "I don't know how I didn't notice breaking them...must of been the adrenaline..." He says, calming down. He sits down, and using his shirt, begins to clean his weapon. This leaves him with just a hood, which seems to be seperated from the shirt, and a sort of robe pants combo. His chest reveals many, many scars, from blade, bullet, magic, and any sort of other injury one could imagine. He also looks rather well built, for someone who not two weeks ago was falling apart like a wet paper towel. ".....So, why save me, after all the bad things I did?" Saeid asks Eclipse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Eclipse smiled in a parental fashion as he ran his hands over the broken arms. He looked at Saeid's marked face and blinked slowly, white arches framed behind him. Just being around the angel eased sorrow and pain. "Because I see sincerity, innocence, and true spirit. You must believe in yourself, and have faith in the future that you yearn for."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Smiling, Saeid hefted his blade to rest on his shoulder, now clean.
"..Thanks. I needed a pep talk." he says, before looking over at the soldier, silent, and no longer moving. "....Shit. I think he died due to the blood clotting in his broken limbs..." Saeid says. Shrugging, Saeid begins to walk towards the near by desert. "..Well. I think a little journey is needed. Anyone who wants can tag along." Saeid says, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. He ventures forth, into the sandy dunes, ready for most of what life can, and will, throw at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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"Hmmm yes. I was too late to save him. May he rest in heaven. But, I would come with you, for a while. You seem to attract a lot of attention, and I want you to have your chance." Eclipse got up and glanced up at the sunlight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias knocked on the door. ... The undead ghosts and fiends and whatnot Drac had guarding his house didn't bother Mithias much. They had seen him before. He folded his arms and tapped his foot. When was someone going to answer the door?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Slowly, the door creaked open, and Lisa, now covered in bandages after her encounter with the omegans in hell.
"...Mithias? My dad has told me about you..." She says. "You don't look happy..want to come in and have some coffee?" She asks, rather meekly. Being hurt physically always did seem to mess with Lisa's personality a little. Drac could be found sitting in his libary, reading a rather large tome. Eruka would be found in her bed, bandaged, hooked up to several machines, and asleep. Where Drac is sitting, he can see her, over his book with ease.
As Saeid and Eclipse begin to travel the world, the first interesting thing they find is a small stone structure among the desert sands, which Saeid says to explore. However, Eclipse could sense some bad mojo inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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The vampire blinked his golden eyes, not having expected the girl to answer. "Yes, that's me. Lisa is it? Thank you for inviting me in. Are you alright?" He looked around and saw Eurka and Drac. It seemed Bug was nowhere to be found. It was kind of difficult broaching the subject at hand with Drac while his injured and possibly dying family were around him. Mithias couldn't find his tongue. Part of him began to regret that he himself was practically invincible and probably couldn't die. "Drac..." He started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"Mithias. Good to see you." Drac says, looking over at the vampire. Drac's lips had a smile, but Mithias could see the signs of crying in Drac's eyes. Dead eyes, that could still cry. "If you're looking for Bug, he's off on an errand for me...I can give you a inter dimensional communication device, and his number, if it is important." Drac says. Lisa makes a pot of coffee, and gets Mithias a mug. Black, rather weak coffee. "Creamer and sugar are on the counter by the coffee pot....I'm going to go lay down..." Lisa says, as she hobbles off. Drac gulps, subtle, to keep his calm demeanor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Eclipse traversed the desert alongside Saeid. Together, they tried to talk of normal things, just casual conversation. The sun always shone and the birds sang in the trees wherever the winged paladin went. Just as they came upon the strange, lone stone. Eclipse's brow furrowed. "Wait a moment, Saeid. I can feel the vile taint of evil in that stone... malice. Let me investigate it first before you touch it." Cautiously, he got closer, beginning to whisper words of prayer as he raised his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Eclipse's words must of interacted with the stone strangely, for it busts, and cracks, revealing a passage. Though this passage, a blast of old, decay carrying air rushed forth, making Saeid gag, and cough. "It smells like someone died down there..." Saeid says, and by all rights, someone may of. Saeid takes his hood off, using it as an air filter, revealing he had rather nice looking black hair, curly, short, but full of volume. Saeid soldiered into this hole first, and he found a light switch. "..Eclipse. If you come down here, just a warning. It isn't pretty..." Saeid says.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias takes a seat in the kitchen with solemn expression. "Please don't trouble yourself. I can find a mug and such, I am sure. The last thing I want to be is a burden to you right now." He forced a smile at the girl. "I assume you, I am fine. You should rest rather than fuss over an unexpected guest."

After Lisa left, Mithias looked to Drac. "I would like to see Bug, eventually, but I certainly wouldn't take him from his family. In fact, if there is anything I can do for you, please ask me." He tapped a few fingers on his mug. "You know I find myself forgetting what it is to feel pain and to fear death. Loss is something I can still feel, but how can I know how another person feels it?" It was a good start to a hard conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Eclipse's words must of interacted with the stone strangely, for it busts, and cracks, revealing a passage. Though this passage, a blast of old, decay carrying air rushed forth, making Saeid gag, and cough. "It smells like someone died down there..." Saeid says, and by all rights, someone may of. Saeid takes his hood off, using it as an air filter, revealing he had rather nice looking black hair, curly, short, but full of volume. Saeid soldiered into this hole first, and he found a light switch. "..Eclipse. If you come down here, just a warning. It isn't pretty..." Saeid says.

The angel smacked his forehead as Saeid tottered off into the cave of evil. "Ah! Human! Didn't I just tell you there was evil down there?? Ugh." Eclipse followed him, keeping his guard up. He sniffed and wrinkled his nose. "Oh this is quite potent. Surely some corpse needs proper burial..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"......I feel loss far different than most people. I don't age...if I loose them, I won't see them again for a very long..long time....and even then, so many people seek to send them into oblivion...." Drac says, gripping his tome's sides so tightly, the leather covering stretches in his grip. "....What do you wish to talk about, if you bring that up first thing..?" He asks, growing rather..serious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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As he entered the cave, the sight there may shock him.... In cages, lining the walls, are corpses of..children. Old, mummified corpses that fresh air hasn't touched in hundreds of years. From the look of them, they weren't students from the DWMA, but rather..some sort of failed experiments. Saeid is hunched over a desk, looking over some books. "...this...woman. I swear, if I ever find her, I will reduce her to a pound of pulp!" Saeid says, getting rather angry. Along the walls are symbols of snakes, and scorpions. Soon, one corpse in particular seems strange. Where as the other corpses were lined against the walls, this one was bound to a chair with strange ribbons, with odd markings on them. Her hair was still attached to her skeletal corpse...braided in a manner that made it look similar to a scorpion stinger. Slowly, venturing closer, Saeid seems to enter a trance, as he moves to untie the corpse from the large oak chair it seems bound to....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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"......I feel loss far different than most people. I don't age...if I loose them, I won't see them again for a very long..long time....and even then, so many people seek to send them into oblivion...." Drac says, gripping his tome's sides so tightly, the leather covering stretches in his grip. "....What do you wish to talk about, if you bring that up first thing..?" He asks, growing rather..serious.

"I don't know... I came here to talk about... Well, how far is too far to go to protect one's loved ones, Drac. You killed a girl. Yes, she may have been headed down a dark road, but that dark road is always there. Someone is always going to wind up on it, but they still have the chance to get off, and to possibly avoid that road altogether. And why would you think she was going to come after your family anyway? Was there no other, reasonable way to go about it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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As he entered the cave, the sight there may shock him.... In cages, lining the walls, are corpses of..children. Old, mummified corpses that fresh air hasn't touched in hundreds of years. From the look of them, they weren't students from the DWMA, but rather..some sort of failed experiments. Saeid is hunched over a desk, looking over some books. "...this...woman. I swear, if I ever find her, I will reduce her to a pound of pulp!" Saeid says, getting rather angry. Along the walls are symbols of snakes, and scorpions. Soon, one corpse in particular seems strange. Where as the other corpses were lined against the walls, this one was bound to a chair with strange ribbons, with odd markings on them. Her hair was still attached to her skeletal corpse...braided in a manner that made it look similar to a scorpion stinger. Slowly, venturing closer, Saeid seems to enter a trance, as he moves to untie the corpse from the large oak chair it seems bound to....

Eclipse gasped softly. "By all that is holy. Such unrest." He walked in and lifted his hands, as if holding he hands of many children, ghosts who came up to him. He seemed to look around at them, distracted as he looked them over while Saeid got close to the dead girl in the chair.

"Snakes and scorpions. These are the symbols of their captors. 'Witches,' they are telling me. Saeid? Saeid??" Eclipse turned around to see the man entranced, but it was too late, he had already pulled off the ribbons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"...Her father went after me once. I barely managed to fend him off...the fight took 30 days. He said he foresaw me killing his daughter...Ironic, how that came true so far later..." Drac says. "If he was deranged enough to attack me, she could easily end up thinking the same thing. I won that fight via sheer dumb luck..I wouldn't win another one. I made sure I wouldn't have to." with that, Drac puts his book down. "....I will do anything to keep my family safe. I will kill anyone who would dare to harm them. Kill..not destroy. I won't desecrate their souls..that's to far for anyone to go. Even my son doesn't do such things without good reason..." Drac says, looking at Mithias. "If I knew you were going to hurt them, I'd send you to the afterlife without a second thought. I would send Creed, Kishin, Asura, Maka..all of them to the other side if that is what it took. My family is worth more to me than life itself...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

With one mighty yank, Saeid tears the ribbons to bits, the corpse beginning to shake as scorpions from every nook and cranny begin to pour into it, flesh becoming plump, blood flowing, and eyes regrowing in their sockets. Soon, a young girl is sitting in the chair, stretching, and laughing. "What year is it?" She asks, rather lax, despite the fact most of the children's spirits would become exceptionally afraid, swirling about in a mass panic. Saeid slowly comes to his realization of what happened, and he leaps backwards, ending up on his rump. "GAH!" He yelps, rather surprised at the resurrection. "Oh please, don't act like that's uncommon...." The girl says, coyly, grinning. Saeid slowly rises to his feet, blade at the ready.
"..Ok, I take it you're the side kick I read about?" Saeid says..and the girl frowns, not liking being called that. "..Side kick? I was the main attraction you dolt." She growls, her pupils becoming pink and purple yin-yang symbols. "...Ok, sorry. I see where I was wrong..." Saeid says, and she still seems a tad angry.
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