Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias waits 4 seconds, then shakes his head no.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Mithias feels a blade appear, behind him, before being pulled into his back.
"Shame, I wanted you to see reason..." Ozzy growls, before darting over, and kicking Mithias, launching him backwards, blade still in his back, about where his right kidney should be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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The instant Mithias sensed something behind him, he made a reflexive sweeping parry behind him with his left blade, just catching the tip of Ozzy's magic sword and diverting it from its target. Mithias was a master of dual wielding swords and needn't even look behind him to make attacks there. Surprisingly, he managed to parry the backstab, but Ozzy's kick knocked him back quite a distance.

A red flicker of light in his left eye, Mithias moved so fast he practically blinked and reappeared in front of Ozzy. One sword seared with flame and the other, glowed with a dreadful purple light, deadly to the soul. He slashed the flame sword at Ozzy's head, mentally preparing to rip the soul of his best friend's evil brother with his left hand weapon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Ozzy grabs the flame blade, but he dodges the soul devouring blade, it barely scraping the fabric of his suit, before Ozzy's hand grabs Mithias's wrist on his left arm, and with one simple clenching of his hand, disconnects that hand from Mithias's arm.
"Looks like my under handed attack disarmed you." Ozzy says, and no one laughs.

"I get it!"
"Shut up Guldo."

With that short exchange, Ozzy once again kicks Mithias away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias cries out more out of anger than pain as his left wrist is crushed and torn from his arm. His left sword fell to the ground, its light going out, and he is once again kicked back, but does not fall. Ozzy was incredibly strong, able to overpower Mithias easily and damage the vampire's body, despite its exceptional durability and healing. As he is forced back, he slashes against Ozzy, making an ineffective cut while Ozzy is unaffected by the flames.

Undaunted, Mithias switches his right sword from fire-imbued to soul-eating and holds his ground with a bit of caution. He unexpectedly changes his attack from heat-increasing to heat-sapping and causes Ozzy's neck to freeze into a solid block of ice. Ozzy might actually suffocate, if he can't get out of Mithia's constant freeze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Summoning one of his demon blades, Ozzy presses it to his own throat, the smell of burning flesh hitting Mithias's nose, as Ozzy lets out a demented chuckle. "That all you got?" He asks, before appearing to vanish, only to be behind Mithias. "Because I'm getting board."
With that, Mithias finds his legs snapped by a powerful kick, them being taken off at the knees, before being launched into the distance, only to get kicked into the air by Ozzy, who is moving extremely fast, and then, getting the boot brought down on him, sending him plummetting though the floors of hell, all the way to the third circle, which has Mithias land in a pile of sharp gold spikes, his head barely not getting shishkabob.
Ozzy slowly floats down to poor Mithias.
"You going to give those crystals up?" He asks, with a sadistic grin. "Or, do I get to enjoy this more..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias dodged and attacked in a blur of speed, but Ozzy just seemed to be able to disappear and reappear wherever he wanted. Mithias made cuts at head, arm, leg, feet, anything and everything to bite into Ozzy's soul, but the demonic lord of hell was too powerful here. Finally, Mithias had his legs taken out from under him which set him up to be launched into the air and pounded down to the third level. His pyrokinetic power was doing him no good, and his strength and speed were just not enough. He crashed onto a bed of gold spikes that impaled through his body, pinning him face down in a growing pool of blood. Mithias struggled. "No... You fiend." But there was nothing he could do to stop Ozzy from simply taking the soul fragments out of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ozzy grins, and plunges his hand into Mithias's chest, grabbing a hold of his very soul.
"Hmm..not that...." He says, before he starts to almost comically rummage though Mithias, slowly, but surely, finding the soul shards.
"AH!" He says, pulling them out, and grinning. "Now, mister all high and mighty, where is your Bob now?" Ozzy asks, grinning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Raven was getting more confused about the silly argument the Corests were having as it went by. One thing she knew for sure though was the fact that Mithias had lied although she couldn't figure out why. Being lied to so many times by her father made her able to tell when someone wasn't being honest. She noticed that no one had realised that she was there so she decided to come out of hiding, she walked out of the shadows and gave her opinion of the situation even though she knew that they probably wouldn't want it," All of this arguing isn't going to help anyone, what would help is if you actually do something about whatever you are fighting over.

Raven watched as Ozzy and Mithias started to fight and backed off. She wasn't about to get killed, at least that's what she told herself before she used her shadow walking powers to try and snatch the shaRDS off of Ozzy so that she could get them back to Mithias.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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"No guarantees." I say

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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As Ozzy grabs hold of the gems, he feels something much like Lightning arc up his spine. Each gem glows brightly, as they begin sinking into his skin. Ozzy can feel Bob's transmutive powers flowing through him, tearing apart his body from the inside out, as the gems themselves start fusing themselves to his soul. An image of Bob stands in front of him, smiling brightly. "I am nobody's Bob. But perhaps I can be your Bob. Forever. Because you're the moron that thought holding the source of my power and invoking my name was the BRIGHTEST of ideas." His smile seems to only grow more, as Ozzy fights off Bob's magical attacks.

This, of course, functions as an enormous distraction. Who wouldn't be distracted? Alice, seeing Ozzy attacking and wounding her ally, could not stand still. Her right arm seems to multiply in size, transforming into an enormous steel fist laced with hulklike muscles. A fist the size of a small house smashed down on Ozzy with immense force, the impact shaking the ground as he was driven into it. When her arm returned to it's normal size, Ozzy seemed to have been smashed into his own person crater. She turns around then, marching at Eruka. "You, you are his parent, yes? Then discipline your child, lest he learn his humility from strangers. If you truly approve of his actions, regardless of his motives, then you aren't worth the children you claim to parent over, and I will personally find them a more capable mother, do you hear me?"

With those words, Alice turns away, fully aware that Ozzy had not yet been defeated. "Now, I am going to go fight this Bob, and attempt to save your husband, despite what I have seen of you so far. Any who are willing to fight by my side are welcome to come with me." A long tentacled arm pulls Mithias from the spikes, attempting not to cause any further damage to him. Mithias, being a vampire, was luckily able to survive such injuries, although Alice still made sure to check with a glance whether he was still moving. "Now, we shall move to Tsubasa, where this Bob was last seen. We will ask for his daughter's assistance, and then proceed to use her to draw out Bob. If he is willing to cease his evil ways, then he will be allowed to live. If not, I will personally kill him."

She let nobody interrupt her, speaking straight over them if they tried. And her body language clearly showed she was fed up with the discussions and arguing. She was a warrior, not a scholar, and used to instant action. She would happily risk her life to save these people, but she refused to stand and talk while lives were at stake.

Ozzy, meanwhile, would find himself at the bottom of a crater, no longer being attacked. Bob's gems were on the ground next to him, whispering to one another. One of them, the green one, seemed to have created legs out of it's mystical potential, and was quietly sneaking away. The red one was whispering it's encouragement, while the blue one was naming types of pie.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@kishin asura
I find little time to make a remark, before the monster summoned by Vantias knocks me for a loop, into the distance, only for me to fly backwards, aiming to deck it in the face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ozzy groans, as he leans up, before spotting the running shards, before grabbing them all once more, growling, as he summoned a large glass jar with odd symbols carved into it, that he drops the shards into.

Eruka just sorta runs away, hiding behind Bug, cowering.

"Ok, that jar is meant to hold evil spirits, I do hope it can hold these fuckers..." He huffs out, short on breath..before he floats over to Alice. "I'll make one thing clear here, you try something like that again, you won't live long enough to see Bob dead, understand me? I could of had a chance to pull Bob here, you stupid bitch, but I lost my chance with you pulling your little punch...." Ozzy growls at her, obviously quite angry, before letting out a sigh. "Now, that is out of the way...Let's go." He says, motioning for Alice to open the portal.
Raven would see her chance to get the shards, when they were placed into the strange jar, and left with one of Ozzy's demons, the short, fat demon Ozzy had called Guldo. He say, keeping the jar beside him as he began to eat some sort of sandwich, which smelled a lot like burnt ham, and spicy mustard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias staggers a bit, healing, but subdued. "I will come with you Alice. I won't get in your way." He re-summoned his soul sword and cut open another portal. "To where Bob was last seen."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ozzy, Eruka, Lisa, and Bug, all three head though this portal, Lisa zipping though it with a big grin, leading the Corests to getting an expression like that something bad was going to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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As Mithias held the portal open, he spied across the flames of hell the jar that Guldo now guarded. He looked intensely at Raven and gave the slightest, most secretive nod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

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Raven, seeing Mithias' slight nod, knew what she had to do. Using her powers she morphed back into the shadows and started towards the demon called Guldo which had been left to guard the crystals. She watched the demon eat some sort of sandwich that she really didn't want to know the contents of thanks to the peculiar smell that was coming off of it. She slowly but surely slid to the jar containing the crystals, always watching the demon out of the corner of her eyes just in case.

When Raven was two meters away from the jar and demon she stopped to make sure that what she was about to do had a reasonable possibility of succeeding. Then she sped to the jar and grabbed it and went through the portal, still in shadow form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Guldo, noting the jar vanishing as he was eating, leaps up, noting as he could feel it leave though the portal, so the fat, stubby demon runs forwards, diving though the portal, ending up face planting into the snow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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((Due to events that shall not be named, I am retiring from hcl, to go off and start a new thread. All of my characters are now null to the plot, and you all can somehow salvage the wreckage. Sayonara suckers. *Picks up bags, and leaves. I then return, sporting a Hawaiian shirt, and shorts* I'm back from retirement))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias closes the portal behind them and walks out onto the familiar dark ice of Talredor. Alice, Ozzy, Raven, and Eruka, Bug, and Lisa... Then Guldo flops out onto the ice at the last moment. The vampire heaves an irritated sigh at Guldo, but at least Raven had to jar of gems for the moment. He walked past the demon, deciding not to try to cut its head off, and approached Alice. "Wait. I may hve jsut taken a few hits to the head, but we're not going to find Bob out here. I do know where he would be." Mithias gives a knowing look to Bug, et al. Bob would be at his coffee lounge.
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