Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eskimolander
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One foot after the other, his legs bounded through the forest. His target just out of reach of his hands. She was a bit faster than him, but no where near as smart. Screams tore threw her body and out her mouth only to be stifled by the surrounding trees. Her energy depleting all the quicker for it, she wasn't familiar with these woods. A painfully obvious fact that she seemed to have omitted when choosing this course. Turning to quick the young blonde stumbled over a fallen log. Shiloh smiled, just a little too widely, for the stumble slowed her just enough to catch up on her. Moving quickly on his feet Shiloh reached out and grabbed the girls shoulder, pinning her to a nearby tree. He leant close to her face, her beauty all the more radiant in the autumn moonlight. He moved his hand up slowly from it's place at her shoulder, cupping her cheek. He stared deeply into her eyes, Shiloh leant forward and kissed her deeply. Despite her pushing at his chest, he firmly attached to her lips, savouring the taste. A few moments later and Shiloh's face was no longer pressed to hers. Instead it hung on her shoulder as held her tightly to him. Breathing small puffs of air against her face, "Babe, I love you. Don't worry," He whispered into her ear. "It all be over soon enough, hun," Shiloh spoke, his free hand slowly making it up to her neck. The blade held within shining brilliantly in the moonlight, he pressed the cold steel softly against her skin, smiling. "It matches your hair," A quick flick of his wrist and the young woman fell to the forest floor, writhing. Shiloh knelt down to her side, and pressed his hand to the oozing-red wound, "I loved you." He sat there, hand firmly in place, sobbing as he watched the light leave her eyes. When her breath finally ceased Shiloh brought his now-bloody hand to rest at his lips, licking at the coppery juice. Once finished, Shiloh rifled through her clothes to a find a fair sized pouch filled with coin and went on his way.

With a jingle at his hip and skip in his step, Shiloh finally madeway into the small village. He perused the few sellers stalls, buying a few cans of preserved strawberries and minced deer. Great amenities for the road. He walked proudly into the local inn and sat at the bar, listening carefully to the local gossip. He sat there for near an hour without hardly a twitch, just listening. A loud clink on the wood of the bar bought his attention, a lager sat in front of him. "On the house, sir," The barkeep sad darkly, wiping down the other end of the bar. Shiloh simply laughed, placing a few coins on the table. At least double what the beer should of cost, "Don't worry about it, man." The older man turned to him a look of bewilderment on his face. He smiled back at Shiloh and started pushing the extra coin back towards the young man. To which the younger stopped mid table, "Coin for chat?" Shiloh prompted grinning. The two men sat for a while longer chatting about this and that. A young woman had apparently gone missing about a week ago in the village over. "How peculiar," Shiloh's expression was blank as he got up from the bar. With a wave of his hand he left to his rentalroom.

The sun sat high in the sky as Shiloh walked through the village. Scoping the people on his way out. He spotted the barkeep from the night before quarreling with his wife at their door, a small girl clung to her skirt. Hands went flying as both parties pointed around ferociously, shouting loudly about money, kids and something-or-other. The other villagers went about as if nothing happened. With a grin on his face he approached the barkeep tenderly. "Sorry to interfere, but I couldn't help but wonder if you two are okay?" The couple just stared at the white-haired boy, unsure if they ought to be angry or confused. Shiloh's attention immediately switched to the little girl, as if just noticing her. He crouched to her level, hardly a foot from the child and her mother. "My, aren't you lovely? I bet you're smart too, I can tell," He stood back up to look at the two adults. "This may come as an odd request, sir, madam. But my name is Shiloh Ezras, I'm a very successful scholar and have been looking for a student to mentor, as of late. And you're daughter seems like a lovely candidate," His mouth turned upwards into reassuring smile, "I assure you that under my care, she'll became brighter than no other and bring you back riches beyond compare," His reached into his money pouch, pulling out nearly 600 pieces of gold, holding it out to them. "If you need further reasoning. Than consider this but the first of many payments. What do you say?" His smile stuck to his face as he waited for the reply from destitute parents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Coming through the back door a slender man entered his bar. Shifting towards the locked front door to allow others to enter. it wasn't long before the casuals had strolled in, and the man took his place behind the bar. It was a slow day. His little bar brought happy drunks the comfort of forgetting their worries and responsibilities. The man was happy in taking part in that. It was a quiet day. That is until a strange man walked in. His white hair, like that of a elderly man, yet this man was young in his years. He watched as the stranger take a seat. The bartender invited to grasp a mug before tilting his body back. Golden liquid ran from a tap and into the mug finishing with a tick layer of light foam. 'On the house" He said with a grin. A tactic that had yet to work, however, he still attempted it. The rest of the day carried on per-usual. A minor bar fight about little nothings that Tom and Adam seems to care so much about that it ended of a chair broken over one's head, and normally it wasn't their own. Cara, a young mother to a fatherless child, proceeding to try and make some money for the night, no matter how many times he had kicked her out. This was his life. It all seemed to quick of a night, too predictable. The morning was just as. He had gone to open up the pub the next day when getting confronted by his wife. They began their spat about the new boy in town, and how her children were working hard to support his careless habits. All the while their youngest clang onto her mothers dress, her black hair, void of all color, bouncing around her head as the massive woman flailed about. Using arm motions and hip swings to express her anger towards the her husband.

A voice catch the ear of all three. The parents of the girl turned their attention towards the man who had began to interfere with their problems. Ebullio hid behind her mother, only to have half her face pop back out as the man began talking to her. Her mother, not all too impressed with the white haired stranger was about the open her wide mouth and curse him out for stealing from her dim-witted husband the night prior, yet the strangers voice beat her own. Unimpressed, but content in taking in his words. When he mentioned his background and interest in taking her away from them, the woman didn't know what to say. Ebullio was her daughter, but as of yet it was hard to provide for all her children. "She is a very good girl, and I..." Painfully her words trailed off. The woman contemplated it more when the stranger pulled out the sag of coins. "She could make that? Bring that home?" She asked looking down at her girl, and bends down. "You will be better off with him. You won't go hungry, and have many of the things we will never." She said as her voice fades to a whisper. Then standing, she looks towards the man. "I-if you can make something better for her than this. Then and only then will I give her to you. " She added fighting tears, as she began bringing the girl closer to the man, not breaking her glaze from the white haired stranger .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eskimolander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shiloh grinned widely at the sallow faced woman, placing the coins in bony hand folding her fingers overtop. "You won't regret this. I promise your daughter will make tenfold what you have there." He turned to shake the bar keeps hand, thanking him as well. Turning back around Shiloh grabbed the little girls hand "Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you sweetheart." He tugged the reluctant child away from the tear-filled parents and out the village. No sooner than they reached the treeline did Shiloh shrug off his heavy pack. Putting on the girls shoulders, at least 20lbs of goods inside of it, and continued walking. "Come, little one. Don't fall behind!" He laughed back at her, skipping through the woods. It was always where Shiloh felt the most himself.

The two walked through the woods for a good several hours before finally stopping. A small clearing, no more than few feet at each end. Well practiced Shiloh had set up a small leanto in a matter of minutes and began laying rocks in a circle. Few minutes more and Shiloh sat flat on his bum staring at the pile of logs and kindling. Suddenly his gaze darted to the young girl with ragefull eyes. "Well?! What are you standing about for?! Light it!" The girl jumped at his sudden outburst. Her shoulders cracked quietly under the wait of the cans. Quickly putting the sack on the ground, she rifled through the pockets until she found a match book. She had never used one before, but she'd seen her mother do it enough times to figure it out. Running over to the pit, she lit the brush and watched as it quickly roared into a fair sized fire. A small smile creeped to her lips, quietly proud of her actions. Shiloh turned to her, his expression changed from it's severe state into a very kind smile. "Thank you, sweetheart. You did a good job, Eva." He pulled the abandoned bag over to himself and pulled out on of the cans of strawberries. He popped it open, the sweet aroma billowing around the small clearing. Shiloh dipped his finger in and sampled it. He pulled cups and spoons out of the bag, pouring the strawberry mixture into both. One of which was at least twice as full as the other. Shiloh held the fuller one out to the girl. "Here, take it." He smiled sincerely at her, "It's really good, I promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerusEbullio
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VerusEbullio Truth of the Bubble

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ebullio wanted to pull her tiny hand away from the mans grip. Now leaving her home with the white haired stranger, unsure of what lay ahead of her. Would she ever see her home again? His voice mimics gentle, maybe even caring, and like the adolescent child she is, she believes him. If mommy and pa were so willing to give her to him, it must be safe. She felt his hand leave her as her thoughts focused on her siblings and her life, then, thud. A pack was slipped over her shoulders. The straps clinging around her, attempting to will her backwards towards the ground. Ebullio stumbled, her figure now off balance by the sudden increase in weight. "Wahh!" She blurted out, falling on her backside. Gravity had won the battle this time. Her unusual purple eyes peering up just in time to see Shiloh disappear behind a tree, telling her to keep up to him. Ebullio scrambled to her feet and went as fast as her legs to could her back to his side.
"Sir, where are we going?" Ebullio asked, but no reply came to her. Looking down at the ground, she kicked a small twig that lay in front of her, took a few more steps before asking again. Ebullio repeated this routine a couple more times before they had reached the clearing. Standing as upright as a the child could with the 20lb pack weighting her down, she observed the clearing. It was small, a good, decent small, perfect. The girl had been to busy letting her eyes wonder around the rim of the canopy when Shiloh had called to her. His sudden rise in volume made her jump as she dropped the pack and ran over. Her knees wobbled slightly as she knelt down to start the fire.
'I can do it' She thought. It was one of the many thoughts rushing over her mind as she struck the match along the box. It was to her surprise when the small stick sparked and caught a flame. Just like mommy, she put the match brush into the fire pit and watched the fire take its first breath. Her victory was a silent one. Only allowing a proud smile run across her lips. The scent of strawberries quickly turned her attention off of her victory, and she ran over and took the cup from Shiloh.
"Thank you sir" She said as she took her first bite from the cup. One bite quickly turned into two, then three, then four. Until the cup was empty. Ebullio leaned back with a full belly, near the warmth of the fire and passed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eskimolander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shiloh rose stiffly the next morning, his shoulders and neck cracking several times in the process. He poked the dimming embers of the fire boredly. Mornings seemed to always go this way. He had sat there for what felt like hours, itching to leave but not quite ready to move. Snagging his foot on the handle of his sack Shiloh pulled it close enough to grab. Flipping up the cover he peered inside. There wasn't much, some leftover strawberries, preserved meat and a small sewing kit complete with ribbons. Shiloh tapped his fingers against the needle, contemplatively, stopping to shake his head. "'Nother time, I think," He spoke quietly placing the pack back down. Finally managing to stand and face the day, Shiloh stamped out the remaining sparks and sauntered over to the small, shivering figure on the otherside of the clearing.

Shiloh stood staring at the pitiful mass. It was no surprised she shivered. Autumn was crisp in the air and winter fast approached. Shiloh stopped being bothered by the cold years ago, but this was only the childs first night. Her first night away from the warmth of a cozy hearth and mothers embrace. The young mans face contorted disgustingly. With a swift kick to the little body he began, "Get up you lazy good-for-nothing!" Storming over to the discarded knapsack, he threw it in her direction narrowly missing her. "Can't believe I paid 600 pieces for this! THIS! The sun has nearly reached it's height and this thing still snores!" His voice echoed throw the trees, his sudden anger made all-to-apparent. "No wonder your parents gave you so easy! Who would want a burden such as you! Let's go! NOW" He shouted one last time before leaving the clearing, opposite of whence they came. Expecting the child would follow, with no place else to go. Children were often good for that if nothing else, he noted. With good luck, she would remember the bag as well.

And of course, Shiloh was right. The girl did eventually catch albeit at least a near hour later, bag in tow. He was no fool though, the man thought well enough ahead to leave an obvious path to where he had left. Much like the day before the two walked on for hours upon hours without rest, food or even drink. It was Shilohs way and he be damned if something as foolish as a child were to change it. As the sun had nearly finished it's descent making way for the unforgivable cold of night, they pair had finally reached their destination. A rather large town, for the area at least. However a normal bustling marketplace was now dwindled to little more than whores and black-sales. Standing amidst the sounds and smells of people finishing dinner and sending little ones to sleep, Shiloh's eyes scanned the area. Pulling the same girl to him, Shiloh took the offensive pack from her, shouldering it himself. With a gentle grab of her hand, Shiloh moved towards a large building complete with many windows. Quite obviously an inn.

Stepping inside Shiloh made short of work of approaching the Master of the house. "Excuse me sir, I wonder if my sister and I can get a room?" His voice was pleasant and kind, as though he was part saint, perhaps. "Depends. Have ye 16 silver?" The Masters voice was harsh and cold. Shiloh quickly pulled out about 10 gold pieces, holding it out to the man. "Is this enough sir?" The greedy man quickly ripped the money from the boys hand, a small nod of affirmation. He led the young patrons up to his highest level room, also apparently the nicest. Equipped with it's own stove and bathing tub. Shiloh waved the man away, making over to the large in-floor stove. Lighting up a fire, he pulled the large metal basin above it. It was intelligently line with a thick linen to prevent burning, and filled to the brim with water. Flopping down on the soft, only bed in the room Shiloh pointed at the girl, "Why don't you wash up, hon? We don't get treats like this often, better take advantage." His voice was sincere and kind, despite his frequent explosions, even people close to him oft fell victim to his normally sweet-self.
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