Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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The Doctor wasn't in the happiest mood. Hard to blame him for that, when his latest companion had nearly destroyed reality via a temporal paradox, on top of all the other stuff he had to be not happy about. Admittedly, Rose Tyler seemed to have learned her lesson about both crossing your own time stream and causing a paradox by messing with history in major ways, so that was a good thing, but it still didn't change his somber mood.

He entered the TARDIS at a walk, and as the doors closed behind him, he moved to the console, puling levers, twisting wheels, moving rapidly about it though not running. “I want to go somewhere happy,” he said aloud, pointedly ignoring what had just happened. “I haven't had a vacation in years. And that ended with me running from a horde of angry Talaxians. Not a fun experience, getting chased by a horde of angry Talaxians. They've got these sharp claws lined with a poison that gives you an extreme sense of euphoria. Makes their prey stop running cause they're too busy being happy with the world.”

He wasn't sure exactly where they would go, but that was part of the fun, wasn't it. He needed to get away, and this was the best way to do it. Where didn't matter as long as it was away from here. At this point, it was best to ignore what had just happened with Rose and Pete Tyler, and focus on other things, or else he'd get angry and he didn't want that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

She messed up. Big time.

Rose knew she made a mistake but her heart had been in the right place. Sort of. She just wanted to save her dad. She never got a chance to talk to him or figure out what kind of man he really was. Sure, her mum had told her bits here and there but Rose had missed the opportunity to experience having a father first hand. Her mum had dated a few guys on and off but they weren't ever serous contenders in terms of becoming an important of her life. When she suggested seeing her past, she just wanted to forget about facing a Dalek and dealing with Adam who betrayed them, more than once. Rose didn't mean to change anything but when she saw her father, she had hoped it would make sense.

Instead, she acted rashly and endangered the world. In the time though, she was able to talk to her father. While their time together had been short and complicated, she really was grateful to the Doctor. He was upset with her, she understood that. Even so, he did come back to save everyone, and even tried sacrificing himself to fix everything. In the end, it was her father who had to restore time to its proper alignment. The past couldn't be changed so much, but she was with him in his final minutes, which was an event she would never forget. Following the leather clad Time Lord back to the TARDIS, she could still sense he was in a bad mood, despite things as they once were.

He moved swiftly to the center console and mentioned going somewhere happy, he then rambled a bit about the last vacation he took and how it had not gone very well. A small smile crept up to her lips as she felt like things between her and the Doctor would go back to normal soon. The young adult moved over beside him, but still kept her distance. "I second that, a vacation sounds great." She and her mum went on holiday when they had the money, which wasn't often. Surely the vast universe had loads of relaxing destinations for weary travelers. Rose was hoping to come up with a way to make up for what she did, she was really sorry. It seemed the blue box had an idea and with the random destination generated, they were off to someplace else, far away from family drama.

When the TARDIS finally settled down, the girl felt the usual surge of excitement rush through her. Guilt was quickly forgotten about as she glanced back to the Doctor, her smile growing. "I hope they've got a bar, I could use a drink." She laughed a little as she moved over to the door, hurrying down the small ramp. Looking back at the Doctor, Rose pulled the door open and saw they were on a very strange planet. It was a frozen ocean of sorts. She looked down at the ground, not sure if it was supportive or not. The TARDIS was okay though, so the blond carefully stepped out onto the frozen expansion. "Wow..." She looked around and saw a large wave nearby, it was likely fifteen stories high. She spotted some interesting creatures frozen inside the water.

"It's all frozen?" She turned back to the TARDIS. "I've got a sudden massive craving for snow-cones." She said playfully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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A throw of a lever sent the TARDIS into wild motion, spinning and whirling about like a demented merry go round and a revving engine, the Doctor having to cling on for dear life to one of the metal supports as they flew through the Time Vortex, sent off to some random part of space and time where hopefully his desires could be met. After all, she was his baby, and the TARDIS was always good at listening, and getting him places. Not always nice places, but places regardless.

At last the ship came to a shuddering stop, and he ran about to check the monitors and make sure they were on an actual planet, with a breathable atmosphere, since those things were somewhat prerequisites to having an enjoying vacation. Well, technically neither were, but given that they needed air to breathe, an atmosphere of said air helped.

As Rose opened the door and stepped out, he moved to join her, after making sure the TARDIS was parked and wouldn't fly away on them. He surveyed the environs, looking on with awe at the huge wave and touched by the cold, though his clothes helped with that. Now this, this was a wonderful sight.

“Amazing, isn't it,” he said, reverent awe in his voice as his head rose to see the top of the wave. “Woman Wept. A planet with a massive continent that looks like a lamenting woman. Waves, hundred of feet high frozen in an instant due to a catastrophic collapse of their sun that turned it into a cold star.”

He stepped further down and began walking, to inspect the nearest ice wave up close. “I've been here once before, never actually got to go on the planet though. It's fantastic.” It was obvious that he was quite taken with the place, just enjoying the sights.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

Places like this were way beyond her imagination. Back home in London, she wouldn't be able to daydream about such places and people. She'd never imagine watching the world explore while trying to stop the last human from making a profit from killing a few esteemed people. Rose wasn't that great with creative writing but when it came to making plans, she liked to think she was getting a little better. And she was doing her best to think before acting, because when she did, it landed her and the Doctor in hot water. And with a new location to explore, she hoped that they didn't have to run so much. It was a very relaxing place.

When the Doctor mentioned the planet was called Woman Wept and that the waves were frozen due to a collapsing sun, she found it hard to believe. The planet was cold, yes, but she couldn't imagine a moment in time where things froze in place. He moved over to another wave and she followed close behind, checking out the various light hues that the waves were capturing. Despite the sun supposedly gone, there was still light which probably had to do with the moon in the distant sky. She nodded in agreement when he mentioned it was fantastic. It truly was.

Even so, it was a bit sad to see a planet paused. It was beautiful but also haunting. Rose was sure that they would still be able to find something to do. "Why don't we stay here for a bit then?" She suggested as she looked down at the frozen waves under her feet. "We could do a little camping, maybe find some land and see if anyone's around." Rose didn't think it would be wise to just poke around and swan off. Woman Wept, while beautiful, was probably an exciting place if you looked hard enough. And something told her that there was a little more to the planet than a frozen ocean and a morose shaped piece of land.

"Not that I'm tryin' to look for trouble or anythin' like that." Rose smiled a little as she ran her fingertips along the smooth curve of one of the frozen waves. It was quite cold but she was used to not seeing a lot of sun for months on end. Rose looked around the area again, it seemed the ocean was endless. If the Doctor hadn't mentioned land, she probably would have believed it all to be ice and nothing else.

"If we do stick around, I will need to get a better jacket." She commented as she put her hands back in her jean pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The Doctor stepped up to the large crested wave, hand running along the cold, chizzled ice, frozen in mid motion by immediate, dramatic climate change. Alien life forms, trapped in the ice so long ago, uncomprehending of what was occurring as their lives were taken in mere moments, instants of time. It was tragic, poetic even, such beauty tinged with unstoppable tragedy. He might be able to change history, alter details, but even he couldn't have prevented this. Now he contemplated going back, to see what this planet had been like before all of this, what their culture, their history was like. But no, not now. maybe some other time. After all, he had all the time in the universe.

He looked back as Rose proposed they stay and look around, maybe enjoy themselves a bit. After all, someone had gone to the trouble of putting the atmosphere back on this planet, so they might as well see who and why. "Now that's an idea," he agreed. "Though, I never go looking for trouble myself, it just has a habit of finding me."

He stepped back and away towards the TARDIS, gesturing to it before looking out to the blue star on the horizon, the remnant of what had been this system's primary sun. "I think we can stick around for a couple days. And I've got plenty of jackets. " At this point he considered the notion of using the TARDIS to go to the primary continent or just walking as Rose went to get a jacket for herself form the store rooms of clothes that he had aboard. One tended to collect a lot of that stuff over a couple hundred years. Still, if there wasn't land all that close, they should probably take the TARDIS, just so she would be around if they needed it. But that couldn't be detemrined without good old fashioned walking, which he would start to do once Ros ehad rejoined him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Right, you and trouble are best of mates.' Rose teased as they headed back toward the TARDIS. "Great, be right back then." She said as she headed off to go find something a bit cozier to wear. She had brought along some more clothes when she was last at home, checking up on Mickey and everyone else. Traveling around with the Doctor was unpredictable and as such, she needed clothes that could keep up with all the odd places they may find themselves in. She let herself back in using her key and headed past the main room with its dazzling lights and tempting buttons and headed toward the maze of hallways and endless doors. Rose could get utterly lost just trying to find the kitchen or bathroom but the TARDIS seemed kind enough to steer her in the right direction.

Having found her room, she fished through her pack and found a blue wind breaker which was pretty warm and kept out the cold wind. It would do. Rose took off her denim jacket and put on the new one, zipping it up. She took her hair down and brushed it before she put on a fuzzy purple hat. Her ears would be much warmer now. She hurried back through and soon found the exit. After locking the TARDIS back up, she found the Doctor hadn't traveled too far. It seemed to be a silent but unanimous decision that they simply walk and figure out where the land began, or perhaps where the ocean ended.

There was probably an easier way of figuring it out but Rose wasn't put off by some walking. And they could be entertained by the sights all around them. Still, as they walked, Rose wasn't sure if the silence between her and the Doctor was comfortable or awkward. Things just didn't feel right, not quite yet anyway. She did want to thank him, for taking her meet her father but she wasn't sure if that would spark some sort of fight again. Rose didn't like it when they fought. Part of her feared that one day he might finally get too cross with her or deem her more of a hazard than an ally and drop her off back home for good. To distract herself from the worries, she thought about her mother and the Doctor in the church, she supposed they'd never get along in any decade.

Giggling a little, she felt a little better.

For now.

"This place might be some figure skater's dream." She commented. "I suppose it might be too beautiful to really skate through though." She considered. "It's kinda nice, it bein' undisturbed an' all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Rose returned quickly enough, hastening to catch up to the Doctor as he made his way along the frozen water that now served as their ground. It was thick, no cracks, which was understandable if one considered the notion that the entire sea itself had frozen to an incredible depth. Doubtlessly there were still pockets of turbulent water raging in the bottom of the seas, where natural geothermal energy had kept them from freezing, but those were out of sight. There was just the ice, the beautiful crystal waves, and the dancing auras in the sky.

Looking over, he had to admit that Rose certainly looked cozy, while cold bit at his own exposed extremities. It was uncomfortable, but that was being alive, and where was the fun in being comfortable. He knew he wouldn't get frostbite or something silly like that, so he would be fine. The ground was relatively firm beneath his feet, the way it froze preventing any sort of flat, slick surface from arising that could toss him on his behind. His mind was trying to ignore what had happened before, to just focus on the beauty in front of him and the things he had yet to see, but it was hard going at that. You think it'd be easy for a being hundreds of years old to forget stuff, but sadly he didn't get off that easy. Lords of time and all, he could remember everything.

He looked over as Rose mentioned figure skating then. "Well, if it were undisturbed then there wouldn't be any atmosphere cause it would all have frozen. There's people somewhere, for the tourist industry I suppose. We've just got to find them," he replied, wondering just where those people would be,.

Fortunately, it seemed that the people would find them, rather than the other way around. It wasn't obvious at first, shining points in the distance slowly growing closer and closer, but soon they would hear the sound of revving engines, snowmobiles, headed towards them at a decent clip. They resolved into focus, a trio of the snowmobiles headed in their general direction, though it seemed that they hadn't spotted Rose and the Doctor yet.

"See, what did I tell you," he commented triumphantly. "People."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

As if on cue, the quite tranquility was disturbed by the loud sound of engines in the distance. Rose did have any reason to assume they were of the inhospitable sort, so she raised her hand and waved to them, hoping to attract their attention. She didn't think her voice would carry that well, not over the engine either. The three continued towards them but slowed their speed. When they approached, Rose took a step closer to the Doctor and looked to him. She wasn't sure if these people would be human or not. Come to think of it, she had never been to an alien planet before. She had just been going around Earth and then otherwise to space, but never to an actual planet.

Her experience with other life forms was then, limited to say the least.

But she made friends with most of the aliens she met when the Earth exploded, way way in the future. The three got off their snowmobiles and the one in front pulled off their helmet. It was a woman, or so Rose assumed. She had a webbed face and scale skin but the scales were so small, they were almost unnoticeable. Her skin was tinted light blue and for all instances, she looked like a human, had hands and fingers and everything. The main difference was the fish or reptilian aspect. "Hi there." Rose gave a bit of a wave. "We're not trespassing or anything, are we?" She asked, wanting to make sure.

The last thing she wanted was to somehow screw up again.

"Not at all." The woman said and gestured to the two aliens behind her who also removed their helmets. Another girl and then a boy. "We're just searching the area for a lost girl, a mother back at the resort has lost her and we wanted to make sure she wasn't out here." She explained and looked to Rose and the Doctor. "I'm Mylkeen, I'm with the local security. You two here for vacation? You're a bit far from the resort." She said.

"Yeah sorry." Rose said, frowning. She looked around but didn't think a girl would be missing in such a vast area,a nd if she was, it was likely that the girl wouldn't be able to last very long in the frozen ocean. "Is there anything we can do to help?" She asked.

"No no, let's head back. You two can catch a ride with Zaxk," She gestured to the male. "and Haquel." She gestured to her other female coworker. What Mylkeen didn't mention, was that it had been the fourth child to go missing within the past two months. No one was sure why. A lot of superstition and lore were at the center of the rumors, though it was still had to say if it was someone or just bad luck.

"Great, thanks." Rose glanced to the Doctor and gave a shrug. If they needed to go back to the TARDIS, they could probably snag another snowmobile. The blond almost went to go get behind Zaxk but then just headed for Haquel and sat down behind her. Haquel put her helmet back on and Rose put her arms around the girl, she smelled a bit like seaweed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The Doctor waited patiently as the vehicles approached. well, to be more precise he walked towards them and waved, hoping to attract their attention, while Rose did the same. That seemed to work, and soon the snowmobiles were nearing them at a reduced speed, seemingly intent on meeting them and finding out who they were. He noticed Rose drawing nearer to him but didn't shy, instead standing tall and waiting with a grin on his face at the opportunity to meet new people, new life forms, even if they ended up being evil.

The three got off their vehicles and stepped forward, the one in front removing her helmet to reveal a webbed face and scaled skin, indicating somewhat that she was a reptilian based life form, yet that would be a strange thing to find on an ice planet, given their predisposition for warmth. Then again, he had seen weirder things. He let Rose speak as he thought back to try and identify the species, her getting confirmation that they weren't in a restricted area, which was good, and that there was a resort near here, which was good as well.

Now, the news of the missing girl was a bit intriguing. Not that a person going missing amongst a galaxy was that weird, but the Doctor had a sense for when things weren't all they seemed, and now it was tingling. "Pleasure to meet you Mykleen," he interjected. "I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion Rose Tyler." Introductions made, he moved along with the group, getting on the snowmobile behind Zaxk, as indicated. The machine was built tough, to take the vibrations and rough treatment it got on the ice, but it was comfortable enough. The lack of a helmet would probably be a hindrance though. "So what does local security do here anyway," he asked from behind Zaxk. "I can't imagine there are many things that need to be protected against on a dead ice planet, especially if they felt it was safe enough to put a resort on it and rebuild the atmosphere form scratch."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

Rose was hopeful that the resort would be a bit warmer. She wasn't sure what to expect, anything in her head was surely far off the mark. She was learning to go with everything and hope that they weren't going to land in hot water, as it was something they often did when traveling around. "Not much to be honest." The man replied to the Doctor's inquiry. "We just patrol the area and make sure everything is in order. As you'd expect, not a lot goes on here, if there is any crime, it's often petty." He shrugged a little as the horizon began to take shape in front of them.

As they approached land, it appeared there was a light weight transparent dome over most of the widespread resort. Most of the land wasn't covered though. There were all sorts of people and species walking around, some were with groups, while others seemed to be on their own. "As you can see, we offer rustic and luxurious accommodations for our guests." Mylkeen said. "As well as tours, equipment and everything else." They slowed down and soon came to a stop in front of a small cabin on the edge of the ocean, in front of the actual land. "If you two need any help getting around, ask anyone with one of these."

She then pointed to her badge on her attire before she got off her snowmobile. Rose nodded and got off, thanking Haquel. Rose glanced to the Doctor, not sure what they could do now. They could, in theory just wander around, maybe grab a bite to eat. Though they had found the resort, she still would prefer just camping away from all the ruckus. But it wasn't like they were in a rush to do anything, after all, they had a time machine. "I guess we could poke around a bit." She smiled to the Doctor as she headed up to check out the area some more.

"You think they've got any tea?" She asked him.

It seemed her craving for snow cones had been replaced by hot tea. Nothing wrong with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The wind whipped past as they drove towards the resort, providing a bracing cold that sent the Doctor's leather jacket flapping in the wind. Not that he minded, since he'd been a lot colder places, but it was just the thing to wake you up. And with the speeds involved and the huge slopes made by the ice, it certainly seemed like fun,.He'd have to look into getting one of these things and seeing how fast it could go, at least once. "sounds pretty easy then," he replied as he settled back while watching the landscape go by.

Soon they approached their destination, a transparent dome housing much of the widespread resort coming into view. While it wasn't needed to old an atmosphere in, the Doctor could guess that this place had nasty snowstorms, so it as probably there to protect from those. There were all sorts of people and species, each one eye catching in it's own way. Many he knew, some he didn't, Soon though, they came to a stop at a cabin near the ocean and in front of the actual land. He got off and nodded to Mylkeen. "We'll be sure to do that," he replied to the helpful security officer, waving as she and her compatriots departed, leaving the two of them standing there.

The Doctor followed alongside Rose as they moved into the resort to explore a bit, through the bustling crowds of people and aliens. "I'd certainly hope so," he replied to her question of tea. "Tea's a sign of real civilization. Did you know, tea has incited at least fourteen different wars in the universe? Honest., I'm not joking."

Looking around, he pointed to what appeared to be an open air cafe. "And I bet we can get some right there." walking over to the cafe, which was partially inhabited but not filled, he found an Erosan working the counter. Not quite a surprise, considering the cosmopolitan nature of this place. And then he saw the prices and glanced back at Rose. "Well, I don't have any money with me." He patted down his pockets just to make sure. Well, there was always plan B.

He pulled out his psychic paper and walked up to the counter, putting on a grin and displaying it. "Inspector Smith," he said happily. "Me and my associate Inspector Rose are on official business here, and we were wondering if we could avail you of a cup or two of tea."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

At the Doctor's mention of tea having a role in war, her jaw dropped and she gave him a look. "What? Really?" She asked him. He said he wasn't joking. Rose didn't have a reason to doubt him but it seemed so ludicrous. Either way, she was happy to hang on to that piece of knowledge. It was interesting to say the least. A cafe was pointed out and she headed with him to check it out. A hot drink and a bite to eat sounded fantastic to the blond human. Once they entered, she found herself starting to warm up a bit more, which was a relief as well as a comfort.

They headed towards the counter to see what they could get but then the Doctor mentioned his lack of money. "Don't look at me." She told him with a bit of a pout. He was an awful date sometimes. She would have joked about it aloud but she was still uncertain if they were back to that point yet. So Rose licked her lips and thought about how to help fix the tiny problem in front of them. It seemed the Doctor took out a bit of paper, his usual psychic paper and gave her and himself a role to play.

"Ello." Rose waved when he mentioned that she and him were inspectors and would need some tea. The creature nodded and went to making preparations. In the mean time, they were told to sit down and make themselves comfortable. That worked well enough for Rose. She headed over and sat down. Behind the counter, the Erosan finished making a pot of tea and headed over, putting it down between Rose and the Doctor. Teacups and a small tray of finger foods from various cultures and planets were also placed down on the table.

"Thank you." Rose smiled gratefully to the Erosan who then went back to work. Rose poured her some tea and then did the same for the Doctor. Once that was done, she took her tea in both her hands and brought it up to her lips. It had the color of light butterscotch but smelled earthy with hints of sweetness. "This place doesn't seem like a lot of trouble goes on." She commented and finally took a cautious sip, not wanting to burn her tongue.

To her surprise, the temperature was absolutely perfect.

So she took another, bigger, drink and set the cup back down on its saucer and picked out an interesting looking tart which what she assumed had some sort of fruit on top. Rose took a bite and looked around at all the other people enjoying themselves. Rose didn't think a lot of crime would occur in a nice low key resort. Then again, she was still getting used to being out in space, she didn't know nearly as much as the Doctor did. "Tea's lovely though, really hits the spot." She smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The Doctor walked over and sat down at a small circular table, across from Rose, relaxing with a leg sticking out as he rested his right hand on the surface of the table itself, giving off all the impression in the world that he was relaxed and enjoying himself. Which he was. After all, there hadn't been any running or screaming or general panic, so he had the time to enjoy himself and just watch, observe, do what he did best. The tea quickly arrived, as well as some food, and the Doctor was comfortable enough letting Rose pour him some before doing the same for herself.

He lifted his tea cup as well, humming at the taste of the soft colored liquid as he drank it in slow sips. Absolute perfect temperature, fine taste, it was stuff like this he didn't have a chance to appreciate during the War. Fortunately, actually drinking the beverage was enough to distract him from going down memory lane. "Of course,' he replied as he lowered his cup. "Don't want anything crazy happening at a resort. It's bad for business."

He sighed in appreciation as he placed his cup back down, eyes scanning the crowds. "I agree," he replied to her comment on the state of the tea, before giving them both refills from the pot that rested between them. He then picked up one of the tarts, quickly snapping it down. "The food isn't too bad either."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

When the Doctor mentioned that trouble would be bad for business, she couldn't help but smile a little bit more. It would be bad for business, yes, but other things as well. Though she knew him well enough by now to pick up on his dry sense of humor. Though looking at them from the outside, Rose wasn't sure how much they really knew about one another. It made her a bit sad to think that they could still be considered strangers, just bumbling around in the TARDIS, killing time without really getting to know one another. Of course the fight back in time was still flashing in the back of her mind and Rose considered the idea that the Doctor still might be mad at her and want his space.

He came back, yeah, but it was to save the day, not because they made up. And when they did, it was sort of rushed. The Doctor said something but she didn't quite catch it. He then poured some more tea for them which was what helped her snap out of her troublesome thoughts. She berated herself internally for spacing out so much. She needed to soak up the culture and enjoy herself a little more, she knew that. Rose gave a nod when he mentioned the food wasn't bad either. "Yeah." Was all she could say. She took another few deep sips from her cup and looked around, trying to push her feelings back to normal.

The girl had been through so much. She'd seen a Dalek and almost ended up ruining that. Then there was the meeting with Charles Dickens and even the Slitheen who wanted to take over the world. If she felt a bit worn out, she couldn't imagine how the Doctor was faring. "You know, if you wanted to go and get a massage or do whatever it is Time Lords do to relax, I can hang out here or walk around." She commented as she picked out a small sandwich that looked safe enough to eat. It tasted a bit like chicken salad but she highly doubted that it was chicken. Either way, she was happy to have something to nibble on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

At this point, the Doctor was pointedly avoiding trying to think about what had occurred between him and Rose. Sure, she'd made mistakes, like many of his companions were wan to do, and some of them not exactly small to boot, she had provided some anchor as it were, keeping him from killing the last Dalek back on Earth, and that was something he had to be grateful for. It was a reminder that he could be someone else, that he was still the Doctor, and not the him that had fought the Time War.

He looked up as Rose mentioned getting a massage or doing whatever Time Lords did to relax. Now that was an idea, if he had heard one. "Well, I think I'll skip out on the meditation, never really my thing," he said with something of a chuckle. "I don't suppose you know how to play 4D chess? No, didn't think so." He gave it a tad more consideration before nodding. "Actually, a massage does sound good. Might be just what I need."

He rose from his seat then, leaving the tea and food behind. "Now then, try to not get in trouble while I'm gone, and come find me if you do." He walked away then, to go find that massage parlour. There had to be one here right? It was an up class resort far as he could tell, so he would probably find it by looking. Because Gods forbid that he ask for directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

Considering all the chaos wrapped in that mind of his, Rose didn't think meditation would come very easy to the Doctor, though she wasn't one to partake in it either. He mentioned 4D chess and she shook her head. She couldn't even play plain old ordinary chess. She shook her head a little and he decided a massage would be alright. He got up and looked to her, telling her to not get into trouble while he was gone and if she did, to find him. As much as she wanted to make a retort, that she wouldn't get into trouble and that she didn't always need his help to fix everything, she held her tongue and let him go off, a little crestfallen.

Left alone, she slouched back in her seat. She hoped this would be more beneficial for him, that when they were reunited once again, she wouldn't feel like he still hated her or something. The blond took another drink of tea and got up. If she was without company, she found no use in sitting around. Rose figured she could do some exploring of her own and see if she could do something for the Doctor. The blond human headed out of the cafe and looked around. Yep, no Doctor in sight. She really was on her own. She began to think about what he might like. Guys were so hard to shop for, and the Doctor wasn't even human!

After some walking around, she found a bustling market place that seemed to sell food and trinkets. Rose didn't have any money but she figured she could try bartering. After looking at some booths, she came across some books but she hadn't really ventured into the Doctor's library so she wasn't sure what he had and didn't have. Rose went back to searching and was about to call it quits when she spotted a green alien selling some weird tech gadgets. "What are these?" She held up a small ear piece.


"Like walkie talkies? That sort?" She asked.

"What?" It seemed her question didn't translate very well.

"Um nevermind...how do they work?" She asked again. It seemed they were pretty basic and allowed the wearer to communicate with anyone in the same galaxy so as long as they didn't go into another one, the people, up to ten, could stay in touch. It seemed useful to Rose, and the Doctor might like not losing track of Rose. Though personally, it also gave her some reassurance. And right now, she could use some. Still, she wasn't sure if the Doctor would appreciate it or not, or if she could even get two sets. She decided to try and get them, maybe the gesture would be good enough. Rose ended up having to trade her earrings, for them but she was still optimistic as she headed off to do some more exploring, her new items tucked away in her pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

No 4D chess (which was only a past time that Time Lords partook in, for reasons one could easily guess), and no meditation, the Doctor went off to go find that massage of his. He weaved through the smallish crowds that littered the area of the resort, headed towards a spa or anything that indicated a spa, such as a signpost (helpfully translated by the Tardis). He was soon on his way, slipping in and through with next to no difficulty, as was his specialty. Besides, no one was running in terror or screaming in panic, so it was all fine.

To be honest, his mind was already filled with enough depressing thoughts that he didn't need to add to them by dwelling too much on what Rose had done. Yeah, it was bad, and wrecking time was never a good thing, and she was lucky he hadn't thrown her out for that. But again, she seemed like she felt bad about it, and she had kept him from murdering the last Dalek, and all that other stuff that he was too busy to remember right now, so he decided that he would focus on his massage and the accumulated hundreds of years of stress he had to work out.

He soon found it, a simple structure of light pastel browns and blues, separated from the general commons by a gate and an entrance way, all set up to look very hospitable. The Doctor stepped through and up to the person working up front, the attendant who didn't seem all too busy. "Hello there," he said with a smile. "I'm the Doctor, and I was staying at this very fine hotel and thinking that I could use a massage. Think you could oblige?"

The attendant hadn't been all that interested, but perked to attention as he approached and began speaking. "Alright. ID please." A quick flash of psychic paper, and he wa sin. "Now then, and special medical conditions or other difficulties we should be worried about?"

The Doctor shook his head as the attendant stepped away from her desk. "Well, I've got two hearts, but other than that I'm about as regular as any other humanoid out there."

"Two hearts, alright." He was led by the attendant to another room, closed with an opening in the ceiling, incense candles burning nearby, and one of those massage tables sitting in the middle of the room. All efforts had been made so that the room exuded calm and relaxation, with even the sound of trickling water from one of those nearby fountains.

"Your masseur will be with you shortly," the attendant said, leaving the Doctor in the room and closing the door behind him. In preparation, he shed his leather jacket, leaving only the low cut purple shirt on as he sat to wait. This was going to be...interesting, to say the least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 11 days ago

There was little time to worry about buyers remorse as Rose focused on the other stalls in the market. She had to barter a pair of earrings to get the small communicators, they weren't that dear to her, but she still hoped it would be enough to bury the metaphorical hatchet. Rose just wanted to save her father, was that a big crime? Well apparently it was and she did act without thinking and she resolved to not be so reckless anymore, as it put a lot of people in danger. She wanted to be a useful companion. not one that just made trouble for the Doctor. As she slowed down, someone offered her a sample of an odd looking meat skewer. Knowing better than to ask what it was, she just accepted it politely.

It tasted like chicken, sort of.

After thanking the alien behind the stall, she kept walking. While she had something to help the habit of them ended up separated, she still felt a little weird. She knew he hadn't totally forgiven her and she wasn't sure what else she could do besides offer up some blood or something crazy like that. Since the rest of the market wasn't very eye catching, she decided to check out other parts of the area. In the back of her mind, she found herself more interested in going back out to the frozen ocean again. It was very pretty, though freezing. Part of the reason Rose was hitting a mental roadblock, was because she didn't know a whole lot about the Doctor to begin with.

That wasn't right.

She knew there was a war and that he was the last of his kind. She also knew the war had gone wrong and that he ran off to save himself. She also knew that he liked helping people and that he was very particular about who he traveled with. He made that point clear when they dropped Adam off and Rose figured she had insulted the Doctor a bit when she abused her role. She didn't mean to. She didn't know something awful like giant monsters attacking people would happen. But it was all fixed, though she and the Doctor didn't talk about it because they were in a hurry to put everything right. The blond human wandered back toward the shore, or what would be the shore if the water wasn't frozen in place.

She wondered what she could to prove that she wasn't a stupid ape like he thought she was. They both said some stupid hurtful things and this trip was meant to be fun. And yet they were on their own as usual, though it was her suggestion that he go off. Rose took a seat and looked around, the horizon was broken up by tall towering frozen waves rushing toward the land. She played with the white sand under her and traced circles in it. If there was ever a bad mood in the room, her mother would always suggest tea but they had that and it didn't very little. Rose wondered if she should try cooking something. She wasn't the best, but she wasn't the worst either. But she didn't know what he liked, that was a problem.

Still somewhat determined, she decided to push forward with a plan. She got up and hurried to the resort and asked around until she found the spa which had hues of brown and blue. "Hi um I'm looking for a bloke with a leather jacket, blue eyes, sort of tall." She said to the woman. "Can you give him a message for me?" She asked the attendant. The scrap of paper Rose gave said, "Gone back to the TARDIS, meet me when you're done. Don't be too late or I'll get worried! - Rose" The girl then headed back to the area where she could snag a snow mobile. She found one she could use and headed back towards the TARDIS. Once back, she let herself inside and headed off to the library.

Once she found it, she started looking for any cookbooks that stood out to her.

Nothing on food from where he was from, but she found one that looked like it was used a lot so she took a gamble and brought it with her to the kitchen. She wasn't too surprised to learn the handy dandy TARDIS was well stocked with food from many cultures and planets. She ended up making something from Blini-Gaar as it had a good recipe for a fruit pie and from her digging around, it could be comparable to a peach/cherry pie of sorts which couldn't be bad. After she put it in the oven, she headed off to figure out where the Doctor kept his camping supplies. The TARDIS was being cooperative and soon she found one of the rooms had what she needed. She pulled out the tent and sleeping bags and was happy to note they seemed capable of dealing with the cold so she headed outside to set up camp while the pie baked.
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