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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Before she was even given a chance to answer, the sweetest voice Kyle ever heard rung out from the top of the stairs. Turning to face towards it Kyle was instantly awestruck. What could only be described as a divine messenger of the gods, stood an incredibly beautiful girl, long violet hair, saucer plate eyes, she was literally a living, breathing porcelain doll. Not just any kind of doll either, dolls couldn't talk, yet this one was and it had the voice of an angel. Kyle wasn't even listening to what she was saying, just the sound of the voice itself. Completely paralyzed, he emitted a sound that could only be described as a prolonged, choking groan as he stared completely dumbstruck.

Despite having curtsied and left, Kyle continued to stare at the same spot she stood in for several more seconds. Slowly it dawned on him that she had gone and he slowly lifted his hand and stared at it before running it through his hair, front to back.

"Is today...even fucking real?"

'... As she says, just down this hallway. If you would follow me?' The monotonous tone of the PDA bringing Kyle back to reality, Fuyuki began walking off in the direction of the classroom.

Kyle slowly began climbing the stairs, still somewhat dumbstruck he spoke to no one in particular, "Uh...yea...class, *ahem* we should uh...we should get going."
The morning bell rings, signalling the official start of the school year. Classes are rudimentary, following the same standard procedure as every other school in Japan, teachers teach, students learn, the occasional hand is raised for the use of a hall pass or a "bathroom break". There are exceptions of course, not every student has to live with just physical debilitations. As the day progresses and the sun rises higher in the sky, the bell strikes again, filling the campus with its rings, signalling that the first classes of the day are done and it is time for lunch. Eager and hungry students quickly fill the halls of Yamaku as they make their way towards the cafeteria to purchase food or to the grounds with specially prepared homemade lunches. Yamaku, as versatile as ever, not only anticipates, but also encourages its students to enjoy the quiet country side and breathe deep of its rich mountain air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quincyhunter


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Insomnia was a bitch Kaitlyn looked at the clock and saw 2:02 staring back at her. It looked like she wasn't going to be receiving any sleep tonight either due to her nerves deciding to attack her if she so much as rubbed the sheets. She crawled out of the bed and made her way into the shower. Kaitlyn proceeded to take a body temperature bath. Taking a bath was more comfortable than being battered by water spraying at high pressure. Having the temperature the same as her body even if she wished she could take a hotter one set her nerves at ease while she took the bath and cleaned up. When she finally got out of the bath and began dressing for bed again she looked at the clock and it was 2:20. After that bath she was feeling rather awake so she found her notebook and crawled into bed again.

Kitten wasn't keeping a journal or a diary that didn't last more than the first four pages or so. She began writing a book. Even if her true dream was to one day be cured of what was wrong with her she knew she needed other hopes. So she wanted to one day be an author.

Power is a curse every bit as a blessing. Those words haunted a young girl who was laying awake looking at the fire burning above her as she was pinned to the floor as the building burned around her. Child you have the power to save yourself merely open your self to it.
“No death is what I deserve after what he did to me. I am nothing more than a dirty pig who should die no one will miss me.” She yelled at the voice that seemed to float from the fire.
You stubborn girl you should never let any person have this control over you. Your life has touch many if you die here you cannot touch any more. That will cause more deaths you are destined to do great things. As the voice finished speaking the fires around the girl seemed to coalesce into a box with a blue burning circle on it.
“How do you know that and who are you?” She yelled. I know what I needed. Everything vanished and the girl was suddenly just laying on a soft bed and a girl about her age was laying next to her. Her hair was a gentle black that seemed to have blue tones. Her eyes fluttered open and she was holding the blanket close to her chest. “Hello?” the new girl asked.
“Hi, Where am I and who are you?.”
“You may simply call me Hecate.” Hecate answered.
“Hecate...My name is Kaitlyn.” Kaitlyn responded.
“Dear you are telling me nothing I don't already know. You are one of my children. You should start embracing the gift I gave you.”

She finally passed out it wasn't a good sleep but it was something to charge the batteries. Her need of energy overrode her ability to feel pain for a period of time. She opened her eyes again and found that the clock said it was 11:20. "Crap." She got out of bed and proceeded to dress carefully for classes. remembering her gloves. She began running she made it into the main school building and was looking for her classroom when her left knee buckled and she hit the ground hard enough to cause a resounding smack which could barely be heard over the sound of her screaming as she rolled on the floor and all of her nerves said that she was in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mariko stared glumly ahead, as the too-good-for-this-sinful-earth girl flounced back to her seat, having resolved the middle hallway crisis as soon as it had started. Princess Tomo had asked her a question, which she'd almost missed. She blinked, before answering "Well no. It's pretty hard to catch someone's name if they never tell it. That's a borderline logical impossibility. And i'm Mariko Matsushita. Most people call me Mariko, if they aren't calling me an idiot." She grinned. "I'd shake hands, but that would just leave us groping around in the dark. Hmm?" She turned her head. Had there always been this many kids in this class? She glanced up, cursed her naivete, and pulled out her phone from her skirt pocket. The dial read 7:59.

"Seems like class is starting now." She said, to the figure on the right. "We've got the snooty guy who taught Math last year, he's kinda strict if you don't get to know him." Mariko paused, turning to face the front.
In the cafeteria, somewhere at the front of the queue, Mariko fiddled with her black bow ribbon. One trailing lace was definitely longer then the other, and the disparity had been itching away at her mind all day. But students really ought not to fidget in class, especially on the first day. Her thick fingers untied the silky black ribbon off, clumsily, before righting the thing properly this time. She pulled on both ends of the ribbon, and breathed out. She stopped halfway, the breath refusing to leave her windpipe. She frantically loosened the tie, allowing herself to breathe normally. And she was back at square one again. She sighed, before picking up a small tray of food and wandering over to an empty pair of seats. She angled herself towards the growing queue, looking out for people she recognized as well as interesting people she didn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 days ago

Junpei actually knew where 2-4 happened to be...but the amount of people talking at a time was hard interject into. This day was unreal, with such odd or plain lively characters...especially someone akin to a living doll dancing on over on graceful feel, so to speak. There was something about her polite, insistently helpful persona that made his heart quicken, but Junpei brushed it off and just continued on. It was probably nothing.
The lunch hour had come. Carrying his bag and his make up kit in one hand yet again, the young man took a moment to decide where he'd prefer to eat today. It was well known that some classrooms were open for students to eat in, so long as they cleaned up after themselves...but...at the same time, Junpei was down to only one juice box left in his bag. There was another whole array of liquid diets stuffs that he needed to stock up on, but for only one juice box to be left...that wasn't going to be enough for lunch. Junpei maintained a good build to match his face proportionately...getting thinnner was just as bad as getting fatter, having a face disproportionate to his body...!

Making a conscious decision, going to the cafeteria for lunch...he bought some of the left over sweet grain porridge from breakfast, a cold bottle of orange juice, an eggy pudding, and a warm soup. Taking his tray, looking around at the tables, Junpei took a seat at an empty table. Setting his tray down, his make up case and school bag, all that was left to do was consume. Picking up his plastic spoon, he stared down at the golden hued soup. Chicken noodle, the server said...!

Brushing a strand of loose hair back, and stirring the murky, thin substance around with the cheap utensil...it seemed more chicken stock and frozen vegetable then chicken. Of course, staring down at it blankly, he didn't mind this for today only. Bring a spoon of 'soup' gently into his mouth, Junpei concluded that though it was edible enough, his usual liquid diet stuffs were sorely missed after this. At least the vegetable pieces were as soft as soaked bread...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shiori stood on campus, eyes practically everywhere they could be. Shiori was waiting on her dear younger brother, whom would be arriving this year and attend Yamaku Academy. That fact alone made her heart soar with happiness. She's missed her younger brother, and now that Yuusuke was going to be attending the school, she would have so many opportunities to catch up and to have fun with him. Yuusuke was her favorite thing in the world. After him, was schoolwork, Internet, and video games. Shiori was an odd girl, because she was such an intelligent person, the poster child for academics. But, she played video games and browsed the Internet. A lot. Meh.

A large smile was plastered across her face as the family car pulled up to the academy and the passenger door opened, revealing what was probably the world's cutest face. Yuusuke-kun. That was what she called out as she waved to him, before going over there as quick as she could, which was quite fast considering she had her leg braces on. Shiori was used to it, though, and didn't mind the clinking of the metal here and there as she moved around. Shiori threw her arms around her brother and gave him a big hug. "I missed you so much, Yuu-kun!"
Yuusuke watched the land move by as he sat in the car, fingers tapping on the seat. He was far from home now, having taken almost an hour long drive across Japan to get to Yamaku Academy. In that hour, he thought to himself about going to Yamaku, seeing his sister again, and meeting others that have disabilities like him. If Shiori was honest, and Yamaku was even half as great as she said, he'd thoroughly enjoy his school years there. Yuusuke smiled as he thought of onee-chan. He had a lot of fun whenever he was around Shiori. They would do almost everything together when they were younger. Homework, video games, eating, bathing, and sometimes sleeping. Yuu loved his sister, a lot, and was really excited to see her again.

After such a long drive, he found himself looking out the window at a large set of buildings. Yamaku Academy. In the middle of his stare, his gaze was caught by a familiar face. Shiori. He stepped out of the car and allowed Shiori to hug him like she always did, wrapping his arms around her waist and smiling. "I missed you, too, Shiori-nee-chan," he said, grinning. After a minute or so, the hug was broken, and both turned to their parents. "Goodbye, Yuusuke, Shiori. Have a lot of fun, and be sure to write home!," their mother said, and after a nod and wave, as well as getting the luggage out, the car left, leaving two happy troopers together.

*one timeskip later*

Yuusuke and Shiori both sat at the same lunch table, having received homemade lunch from home. But, their mother didn't make them. Yuusuke did. Yuusuke knew exactly what Shiori liked, as well as what he himself liked. And, he was a pretty good cook, too. It was traditional bento, stuffed with rice, cooked fish, mixed vegetables, and a bun. Shiori absolutely loved it when Yuusuke cooked for her. Most girls liked a man that cooked for them. Even more so if they're a good cook. "Yuu-kun, this is really good!," she exclaimed between bites, smiles all around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


Member Offline since relaunch

When lunch time finally came Kaori was starving as she had missed breakfast. She decided to bring her camera along in case anything caught her fancy and she had somehow ended up in the crowd of second year students on her way to the cafeteria. She was behind a girl who seemed to be having trouble with her ribbon. Kaori had a small panic when the girl almost choked herself with it. Kaori tried to speak up but the words seemed to vanish before she even spoke. For some reason Kaori followed as the girl moved to sit down with her lunch, just as kaori was about to pass her by she felt a tug on her prosthetic leg. She had apparently bumped the girl's chair and could only fall into the next one to avoid toppling over completely. With an ungraceful thud she sat in the next chair, thankfully Kaori had excellent reflexes and managed to keep anything from spilling from her tray. She turned to the girl and gave a nervous smile, "Hello, I'm Mori Kaori, a first year student. It's very nice to meet you Senpai." With that she gave a slight bow. She was almost certain that she had recovered from her mishap gracefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mariko slouched back in her chair and pulled out a bottle of effervescent tablets. She reached for her drink, and paused. Seems like she had a visitor. The girl next to her was small, definitely a first year, and had huge deep purple eyes that matched her hair. It was a tricky combination,but she pulled it off. Or maybe this new girl was hideously ugly and Mariko was too blind to notice, which was an all-too-real possibility. She appeared to have collapsed into the chair, given the audible thud. If there were any spills from her soup, Mariko couldn't see them. The new girl gave a small, quick smile, and said "Hello, I'm Mori Kaori, a first year student. It's very nice to meet you, Senpai." Mariko blinked, smiled, dropped her packet of tablets, and extended a hand. "Mariko Matsushita, Second year. And the pleasure's all mine, Kaori-chan. What brings you to this little corner of the world?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


Member Offline since relaunch

Her eye's lit up at the sound of 'Kaori-chan'. To think that a second year would address her so casually as if they were already friends! She really had stuck the landing! A few moments passed and she realized that Matsushita-Senpai had extended her hand out as if reaching for something. For a second she had no idea what Matsushsita-Senpai was doing and then it clicked. Obviously, Matsushita-Senpai is blind! Kaori remembered hearing somewhere that blind people prefer to feel a persons face so they can get a sense of that persons physical features in order to recognize them better. Surely that's what was going on! Kaori gently took Matsushita-Senpai's hand and guided it to her face so that Matsushita-Senpai could 'see' her face. Placing Matsushita-Senpai's hand on her face she explained, "This is me Matsushita-Senpai. Mori Kaori."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"... As she says, just down this hallway. If you would follow me?"

"Uh...yea...class, *ahem* we should uh...we should get going."

"Good idea," Ami chimed in, monotone as ever. She didn't want to be later than she already was.
Lunch time. Lunch time was always a good time. Lots of people in the cafeteria. To some, that was just more reason not to eat there, but for Amity Cole, crowds were a welcome thing she could put up with all day. More people in a crowd just meant the odds of making a new friend were all the higher. For this reason, Ami always ate in the cafeteria unless she'd previously made arrangements with someone to eat elsewhere. Which actually happened far less than one would expect from her friendly nature. Another thing to know about Ami, however, was she hated cafeteria lines and food. However, she also didn't like to cook. So what else would she do, but buy herself lunches a week at a time in town?

Eating wasn't her favorite part of the day, though. It was because having her sense of taste but not her sense of touch was...awkward. She knew what the food tasted like, but she didn't know where it was in her mouth, how tough it was, and so on. The only thing she knew for sure was the flavor. For this reason, she also avoided hard-to-chew foods like the plague. Today's lunch was abnormally simple, even by Ami's standards. It was because her little puppet show earlier had forced her to just grab one item on the way out. Nothing special, just one of those bagged yakisoba breads from the convenience store, and a bottle of water she got from a vending machine. The way she saw it, worst case scenario, she could just compensate by eating a big dinner.

As she traversed the cafeteria, though, in search of a place to sit, she saw a face. One she recognized. That guy from earlier! When she'd asked about where her classroom was; the tall one! He seemed to be sitting alone. Somebody with as friendly a nature as Ami refused to keep it that way. Trying - and if she could see herself, knowing that she was miserably failing - to put on another smile. Then she sat herself across from the tall guy whose name she didn't pick up earlier. No point letting someone sit alone when they could hang out with someone, right? Extending a hand and double-checking visually to make sure she did, Ami said "We met before class, remember? I'm Amity Cole, but everyone just calls me Ami. Who're you?" If there were any tone to her voice, it would no doubt be a friendly one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tomo sat throughout class with a reasonably alert expression. 'Reasonably' in and of that she of course was blind and sometimes teachers could get a bit disheartened when it looks like the entire class if open-eyed sleeping. The sunlight on her face and back, she was more content at pretending to listen, that actually listening. It was only the first day after all. Mariko Matsushita did seem a bit more cynical than most of the people she interacted with, but at least she wasn't a bully. Aggressive and pessimistic she could handle. Bullies require extra and extensive care. All in all, they were a troublesome lot that she disliked dealing with.


The bell rung for their lunch break and Tomo let out a pleased sigh. Taking out her white cane, a tell all sign of blindness, yet beholden to a simplistic and almost silly nickname, Tomo made sure she was the last to leave. Ten to fifteen people with white canes all clacking together was not something she wished to get caught in the middle off. Holding her lunch box, wrapped in a pretty decorative cloth, she made her way through the halls toward the cafeteria. It was rather easy to find it, since she could just follow voices of other students who talked about it, seeming to know where they were going. The cafeteria was loud. Uncomfortably loud. It made her ears ring. So instead of staying she bought a can of peach juice and made her way out to the grounds.

Stepping outside was a sigh of relief from the whirlwind of noise she had just exited from. Sunlight… Tomo turned her face up towards the sun and smiled, instantly rejuvenated. Ah, but she couldn't just stand there in front of the door! Moving with a fluid grace, she made her way, cautiously, off the concrete and into the grass. Sitting under the shade of a tree that wasn't too far away, she set aside her white cane and smiled, quiet content with what she had found. Just the right amount of shade and sunlight, with a cool breeze and the smell of countryside mountain air. Perfect for enjoying a nice peaceful lunch.

Untying her lunchbox's cover, she could feel the smooth finished wood of her traditional lunch box. Kitome, her now-former nursemaid and governess, had spent years teaching how to make her own lunch. It had been a messy and very long lesson, but after a while Tomo had learned well. Cooking was just something you had to grow used to. It was difficult, but the challenge, and winning the challenge, was an amazing feeling. Three tiered lunchbox and a can of peach juice. The bottom tier was her rice, steamed and flavored with a slight hint of lemon juice to give it a refreshing zing. Second tier was fish and vegetables, all wrapped in rice paper so it wouldn't get too messy when eating. And the top tier was dessert. An assortment of fresh fruit, lightly sugared, with a few wrapped candies. Not only was she proud of her lunch, but it was wonderful delicious. So she took her time eating it, her chopsticks the matching set kind to go with her traditional and lovely decorated lunchbox.

Oh sure she couldn't see them. But they were engraved so she could feel them. The beauty of well carved antique wood with a lovely dark finish. She could only imagine the kind of colors that were apart of it's design. And as for the organization of her own lunch, she had years of practice. Everything was perfectly placed and well organized. A beautiful if not delicious looking lunch, though Tomo wasn't quiet sure what an non-delishous looking lunch would be. The doll of a girl tilted her head to the side as she took a bite of her meal and grinned at the wonderful bursts of flavor. She moved slowly, her lunch on her lap, both legs primly set under her, her back straight as dark wavy hair fell down her back. Tastes of foods were something she relished in. If seeing people really loved colors, then she was the unseeing girl who loved tastes. Although… sunlight was one of her favorite sensations, next to the smell of rain.

Although it was a bit lonely, outside eating under her small tree, she told herself she had plenty of time to make friends. Placing a cherry in her mouth, she was surprised by the burst of juice it let loose when she bit down. Calmly, she set her chopsticks down and reached out for her handkerchief. Her small slender pale hand only had to pat around a few time in order to locate it. The sweet juice had slipped over her pink mouth and down her chin. How unseemly! She blushed softly at her own embarrassment and quickly patted herself clean before it dripped onto her uniform. She hated to get a stain on. Because once she got a stain, she wouldn't be able to find it again in order to clean it. And she disliked that thought entirely. Very well. She would just have to eat her cherries with her handkerchief ready and with careful bites. Perhaps biting them in half first would...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mariko suddenly found herself awkwardly touching the girl's face. Was this some cultural exchange? Did she want to see her fingerprints, or smell the type of ink she'd been using during class? Was this some kind of ironic facepalm-type thing, that she shouldn't have been so upfront about this entire conversation? Stupid, stupid, stupid, she'd been far too quick and easy, using the -chan honorific like she knew this palm-sniffing little she-demo- What was she saying?

"This is me Matsushita-Senpai. Mori Kaori."

How was that relevant? she thought. Was it a pun? Some relevant play on words? Your name has pine trees in, here i am being prickly? A referance? Something she'd have missed if she wasn't camped in front of the television day in, day out, looking desperately for the next new thing pop-culture would shove into your face, quite literally in Miss Mori's case? Mori? Was that it? It was italian, or something? Was this something the italians did? Had she misheard? Was she, in fact, one of the original natives to the islands of New Zealand, famous for their brutality? A Maori? Was this a Maori greeting custom? Mariko wrenched her hand away and brought it close to her chest, cupping it like a wounded bird. She blinked, took in a few deep breaths, and tried to calm herself down. She never could handle social situations well, and even though she liked to think that she could handle the strange or paranormal, had nothing prepared to anything remotely close to this level of sheer rainbow-patterned elephantine awkwarness. Mariko swiveled around to her food, and picked up her bottle of tablets, offhandedly. Her right hand was still curled up under her collarbone, scared to come out. She dropped a pill into her cup of water, which fizzed and gurgled and slowly turned the water into orange-coloured scum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch.
Orson Welles

Lunch, what would one do without the set time that was lunch. For most people it was a reprieve to rejuvenate and recollect oneself during the midst of a long day. With as early as the 1580s, fields men, and those working since before even the birds had awoken would take a small meal to keep one's self able to perform the labor required to run a household and acquire substance for life. Ueda himself preferred to compare himself to one one of those urban factory workers of the 19th century, that were the first to venture forth in the grand journey that would one day become the modern lunch that we know it. One small thing that humanity has to thank for the industrial complex for its creation. Some might say that the foundation of lunch may even outweigh the negatives. For global warming, the abuse of human beings, nuclear proliferation, and the general progress towards the end of life on earth was all worth it for the creation of the time that would been known as Lunch. For where would humanity be without Lunch?

Ueda did not know the answer to this question, nor did he seem worth it to invest the time into creation one of many possible doomsday scenarios surrounding it. For instead he preferred to focus on the things that were clearly known to the world and not hidden behind the smoke and hazy possibility of "What Ifs". And what he knew was that lunch was a sacred time to not be tainted by deep thought, and thinking beyond what was barely needed to survive. It was a students time, to escape from the overbearing pressure of trying to be perfect in every class, to just pass the class, or to just awake during what seemed like an endless amount of useless exposition. And so he left room 3-04 with no more thoughts of angular velocity or the political structure of the Kamakura period. Instead his thoughts drifted mainly to anything else really. Though nothing in particular for the most part, giving small bits of attention to any thought that drifted into his mind, but not with the length required for a lasting psychological or thought provoking impact.

He sat down at table with the simple katsu-sando, he had acquired from the ravenous war zone of scavengers, ne'er-do-wells, and casualties of war one would expect from the lunch line. He was dragged along to sit a table, of a loose association of ladies and gentlemen that Mr. Nobuyuki could venture as far as calling them friends For friends were something, Ueda had no trouble of gathering it seemed. He could think of why, really for he never went out of his way to try and be friends. But people found him friendly and helpful, "Not an ass" was a favorite. So he sat at the table and followed social cues and norms, when it was applicable to do so, as if also following a script that was tiring and bland. He laughed when he should of laughed, smiled, and even added in his own thoughts as his friends talking about the new year, and ideas in a jumble of excitement and life. Though he was dragged back into active discussion when one of his friends Hideo tapped him on his shoulder as he looked off in the distance looking contemplating nothing much.

"Hey Nobuyuki-senpai, look outside the window." Ueda titled his head puzzled for a moment before nodding and looking out towards the nearest window. Outside he saw a girl, a face that seemed unfamiliar to him. She was sitting under a tree all by herself, sitting proper looking comparable to a pristine Renaissance statue in terms of form and general presentation of one's self.

"Yes, there is a girl sitting outside eating lunch. Is there anything special about it? Does she secretly murder small children or something?" He asked Hiedo

"Her name is Mizukimura Tomohina."

"Mizukimura.... you don't mean. Mizukimura... like the CEO?" Ueda asked remember seeing the name on the The Asahi Shimbun."

"Exactly! Apparently Hideo is in her class, and she acts like the perfect image of a 19th century Yamato Nadeshiko. It just seems so odd."

"Well... I don't know, people choose how to represent themselves it is not like you get to tell me, to not walk with a cane and just let my legs collapse." Ueda responded.

"Sure, whatever but imagine the money that is backing behind her. Imagine her house and her life...." But by this point Ueda was not listening he was thinking to himself as he looked out the window. And before he knew it, or was able to actually accept it his brain had already made a decision.

"I'm going to go talk to her." He declared as he began to stand.

"What?! Dude you can't just go over there and go talk to her." Hideo said shaking his head, putting a hand to his shoulder gently to try and prevent him from moving.

"And why do you say this, my friend?" Ueda asked raising an eyebrow as he grabbed his cane.

"Because! She is a girl that probably has like 10 Maids and a helicopter at home! And you, you are..." Hideo explained fumbling around with his words.

"I'm a what? A degenerate, aloof, son of a poor inn owner, who does not give a care in the world, and only claim to fame is that I'm friendly and help people with their life issues?"

"I was not going to use such harsh words... I was just going to say different."

"Of course you were. Well I'm going to go anyway. Because nobody deserves to be all alone at lunch on the first day of school. That is just cruel." Ueda declared.

"Well its your own funeral man." Hideo muttered under his breath.

Ueda smiled shaking his head as he walked towards the doors leading to the outside world, at a slow pace, his cane tapping against the ground gently. He pushed the doors to the outside realm open and stepped outside. And oh so suddenly he was greeted by the cool air and the sun shining down behind him. He looked up and let out a grateful sigh to get out of the cafeteria and be able to hear himself for a moment. He then directed himself towards the girl sitting under the tree, eating cherries in quiet reserved silence. He saw the white cane, next to her and immediately realized why she was at the school little that it mattered. He then decided that he had to go charge into the unknown sooner or later.

He walked up to her leaning against his cane, as he leaned on his cane underneath the shadow of the tree. He let out a sigh as he looked up at the sky and did what he did best, he just began to talk and probably in not the best form did not even bother introducing himself. “You know I was going to ask you why somebody would sit outside alone. But know that I’m out here, I realized it isn't really being alone. You have the company of the birds, the trees, the insects, the sky, the wind. It’s actually nice isn’t it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Studying hadn't exactly been Kyle's favorite thing to do in life, but despite a life revolving around fighting, he still had to learn. Now having actually gone through just part one of the classroom experience, Kyle had come to realize....it was just as boring. Except this wasn't just any kind of boring, it was on a whole new level. Kyle wasn't the only one being bored to death by the ramblings of an intellectual madman, but an entire classroom of kids was suffering the same experience. Sure there would be that one smart kid, the one who is always eager to learn, but even they knew that they were dying a little on the inside.

Regardless, it wasn't time to think about class, Kyle's stomach was growling up a storm, it was time to eat. Having finally surpassed the throng of people making their way to the cafeteria, Kyle managed to claim some food and the disappointment of school life set in deeper. Never in his life had he been subjected to such...slop. Sure he wasn't exactly a high class kid, he grew up on the streets and not every meal was perfect, but for a school he was literally paying thousands of dollars out of pocket for, they should maybe use some of that to get some better grub. In the middle of his musings, a hand placed firmly over his face, he was interrupted by a new presence.

Looking up he saw that girl from earlier, the one with the super intense and almost terrifying smile. Kyle wasn't exactly sure whether to be scared or not, but he was unable to make any reaction before she spoke, jutting out her right hand in the manner of a handshake.

"We met before class, remember? I'm Amity Cole, but everyone just calls me Ami. Who're you?"

Kyle blinked twice, just twice. He looked down at the girls hand, then towards his missing limb, then back at her hand. He gave somewhat of a sly grin to nothing in particular, "of course she did," he thought. He looked back at the girl's face, that emotionless mouth, those blank eyes, her monotone voice. She was everything that could ever be defined as creepy, a real living breathing robot...but. Despite not showing any emotion, she was still a human being (at least until someone proved otherwise), and someone who deserved to be treated as such. Looking back down at her hand, he decided not to inform her of her faux pas and extended his left hand, taking her right hand in his, he firmly, but gently gripped it and shook it up and down.

He cracked a smile at her and said, "Looks like somebody's been studying up on their western culture, how did you know an american would be here?" He chuckled a bit then said, "My name is Kyle Parker, its a pleasure to meet you Ms. Ami."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tomo head the door open, even from the distance she sat away from it. It was just that nice and quiet out. Well, beside all the sounds of nature. Slowly feet and the sound of cane came closer to her. She kept eating, wondering if she might be sitting near a path to some place people enjoyed going to during lunch. But she could feel the person get closer, even blocking out the sunlight at one point. The warmth of another human standing just by her made her tilt her head slightly in curiosity. Ah, perhaps she was being bothersome sitting where she was? But then she heard the gentle shuffle of clothing and a very male sigh. It was deep and trailed off as if he were relieved by something. Her unseeing lavender eyes stared forwards, but in his general direction. Politely she stopped eating, hands folded in her lap, head tilted as if listening intently.

“You know I was going to ask you why somebody would sit outside alone. But know that I’m out here, I realized it isn't really being alone. You have the company of the birds, the trees, the insects, the sky, the wind. It’s actually nice isn’t it?"

Tomo smiled her in her gentle way. He did not name himself, but he did seem to wish to talk. Although not used to such casual talking, she thought it nice that someone might be so kind as show some small interest in her. It wasn't as though she meant to be alone. It was just habit, really. That and she enjoyed more serene settings, especially compared to the crude din of the cafeteria. How anyone was able to even think in there was amazing to her.

"I enjoy it as well," her voice was soft and kind, not demanding anything from the voice that addressed her. Instead she was as Tomo always was with people on first meeting them. Patient, gentle and kind. Even for her delicate form, she held a kind of confidence and maturity. "It is relaxing, especially when it is so nice and sunny out." The wind brushed by, catching a few strands of her long dark hair. Once the cool breeze had past, she tucked the stray locks over her ear. "I apologize, but I am quiet the person who worries," she smiled in an apologetic way, "I am not sitting in a burdensome spot, am I? Perhaps this is your seat? Shall I move?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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Kaori's new friend seemed confused and increasingly uncomfortable as the moments went by. Had she done something wrong? She was certain that Matsushita-Senpai had gotten a good feel of her face. Kaori needed to recover from a mishap once again and once again the answer came in a flash! Of course! I'll give her a compliment! That will ease the awkwardness! Kaori watched Matsushita-Senpai for a moment as she fixed herself some kind of drink, noting that her coordination was quite excellent as if she could tell where each thing was without even touching them. Not only was she truly impressed but it was the perfect compliment! A confident smile gleamed at her new friend as she spoke. "Matsushita-Senpai you seem really well coordinated! It's amazing how well you've adapted to blindness."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Matsushita-Senpai you seem really well coordinated!" The wierdo girl exclaimed, all too loudly. Mariko flinched. " It's amazing how well you've adapted to blindness."

Mariko raised an eyebrow. Blind? She wasn't blind, yet. She could still see. Even if she had the organic equivalent of dead pixels clouding her vision. Or that her brain had essentially squeezing her eyeballs since before she was born, causing them both to deform like balloons under pressure. She could see. Not well, admittedly, but she could see. She'd spent months is surgery to attest to the fact. So what gives? Had she dropped something? Ignored something? Failed to shove her face properly? Did blind people touch faces? It could be possible, she reasoned. Especially someone like Tomo from class who was completely batty, it might be a thing. Had that been the reason? This girl wanted her to feel her face?

"I ain't blind." She stuttered. "I can, uh, see. Not well, I'll admit, but i can see you. " She took a sip of vitamin water. "And this swill, too, And the table, and stuff. See it. With my eyes. That work. Why did you think i couldn't?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Looks like somebody's been studying up on their western culture, how did you know an american would be here? My name is Kyle Parker, its a pleasure to meet you Ms. Ami."

"Just Ami is fine," the girl said, returning her hands to her lunch. Her small lunch. She didn't mind though, it was fine. She would eat this, then when classes ended for the day she would eat some more until it all added up to what her lunch would have otherwise been. Then she'd eat dinner normally later. Ami still blamed herself a little for how she wound up shorted, though. First day mishaps, she supposed. Everybody gets those. She'd just have to make sure it didn't happen again. Opening her bread, she took her first bite, chewed for a while, then swallowed before opening her mouth again. Even if her upcoming remark were to have a tone, it probably wouldn't sound much different. "I didn't do any studies, though. My father was also American you know; how many Japanese people do you know whose last name is Cole? I'm pretty sure he said that him and mom agreed to name me after my father's sister. I don't know; I never met anyone on his side. What brings an American all the way out here, though?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Just Ami is fine," the girl said.

Kyle guessed things in Japan weren't as formal as he had previously pictured, though honestly he once had the predetermination that all Japanese people walked in mech suits with samurai swords strapped to their belts. Childish and stereotypical sure, but he was 8 then. Ami took a bite of her bread, chewing carefully with that same monotonous look, was she even tasting it? She had to be if she was chewing it so methodically.

After swallowing she continued, "I didn't do any studies, though. My father was also American you know; how many Japanese people do you know whose last name is Cole?"

Damn, she had gotten him there, but in all honesty how many Japanese people did he even know? Aside from the girl he flew down the stairs, the mannequin, the girl in front of him and the one at the top of the stairs (which he wasn't entirely sure if that actually happened or not), he didn't know too many people at all. All he could really do was shrug and grin, "My mistake I guess (yea a huge one, dumbass)" The fact that she hadn't turned and walked off in disgust clearly didn't mean that, but he felt the need to reprimand himself for his own damn stupidity, how could he have honestly missed that?

"What brings an American all the way out here, though?"

Wasn't that the million dollar question? He basically left on a whim, a way to get away from that disappointing glare he received from his own father, to get away from the crushing despair of having a lifelong goal suddenly ripped from his life. That night in the arena he lost more than his arm, he lost his chance at a real life, he lost time he could have spent doing something else, he lost a piece of his soul. He came here because...

Exhaling softly, he started with a bright grin on his face, "Well, for starters, the only reason I got in here was because of this," he pointed at the tied sleeve where his right arm used to be, "but I guess I'm out here because...well its really the only school for disabled kids to figure things out...I suppose that's what I'm doing right now isn't it? Figuring things out?" He scratched is head, a bit of a goofy smile on his face. Internally though he was pissed at himself, lying through the skin of his teeth like that, so he could, what, save his pride? There was some truth to his words, but it was only half true and that was just as bad as lying. Worse yet, it was to a girl who was only trying to be friendly. Even if she didn't show it emotionally, her words seemed sincere enough, and only a real asshole would be sick enough to put up an act like this.

Kyle wanted to ask her the same question, but after consuming what he could only surmise was something akin to a porridge, he took a look at the girl's lunch before him. Bottled water and some bread...the hell? He looked at her, "that's not all you have for food is it?" He had seen some bread earlier while in line, but the packaging was different, this bread had to of come somewhere else, maybe a store in the town? Regardless it was a pitiable, either the food was so bad here she couldn't stomach it, or it was all the food she could scrounge up for herself, regardless of what reason, it was angering and a terrible reminder of his childhood. He couldn't let her eat just bread.

"I know bread is kind of filling, but you're going to shrivel up if you eat just that," he picked up the orange from his food tray, a savory prize he managed to claim in line, probably one of the only edible things on his tray, but... "Here," he handed her the orange, "I know its not much, but its better than just bread and...its not fun...being hungry so..." he let his gaze drop for a moment, a past memory appearing his mind, his face representing it before looking back at her, a fierce determination in his eyes, "please take it!"

Damn it all if she didn't have this fucking orange!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"It is relaxing, especially when it is so nice and sunny out." The girl replied

Ueda was caught off guard for only a moment, he would of guessed her to be the type that would of not even talked to the strange boy that came up to her to begin talking about the weather. But instead here she was, and so for a moment if only just he felt a pang of guilt for doing, the same thing he had chastised Hideo for moments earlier. Ironically enough judging the same girl, before he had given her a chance. He politely listened to her as she spoke, but Hideo was not lying about one thing. Ueda, admired her ability to present herself with an aura of peace and stature around herself. To him it was an odd mixture as if somebody had taken the Buddha and the Emperor and swapped out a Y chromosome for an X. Even as the wind picked up for a moment, and her hair caught the wind, in the same way that the sail of a ship would. Even in that moment it seemed as if, she was not being effected by nature but the wind itself was being moved by her. In many ways it was the complete opposite, the antithesis to himself. He was the one caught in in the tornado and desperately trying to flap his arms to stay in the air.

"I apologize, but I am quiet the person who worries, I am not sitting in a burdensome spot, am I? Perhaps this is your seat? Shall I move?" She asked him

At this the boy with the cane, give a small smile and let out a deep audible laugh. A laugh that was different the one he used at the lunch table with the loose association of people that he could call his friends. It was instead filled with an odd warmth, that had been absent from Ueda's regular dry sarcastic tone which he used to deliver his tidbits of wisdom to the masses that inevitably came to seek him whether he wanted them to or not. He shook his head as he looked up at the pale blue sky above, the same color as a television set that had no reception. He was trapped in his own thoughts as he wandered about in the maze of his own memories, the last time he actually laughed, was when she. But quickly the labyrinthine walls of his own mind shut him out in self defense, to prevent old memories to take hold, it was just best if he forgot.

"No, not at all! I own that spot as much as the flying birds own the sky, and the ants own the grass." He explained to her in a lackadaisical tone, his thoughts still on a place far away from the present. The sound of the rain hitting hard against the ground, the wind howling and tearing through his throwing him back keeping him away. The lights pouring down from seemingly every angle, as if the heavens were casting their judgement down upon him. The blood sticking to his white shirt as he tried to move, somewhere in the distance ahead, a flickering light illuminating the handle of the cane. Though the only audible sound was his own guttural scream, as the wor-

He shook his head, that door was sealed he had stepped through that arch long ago. His thoughts came back into coherent shapes and ideas, as he came to the conclusion that he was still standing next to Ms. Mizukimura and he had not spoken anything for a very long moment indeed. "Nah your not a blind person that worries, your a person that worries." Ueda stressed the importance of those words, words that students at Yamaku learn very well

"That is okay because, well worrying, is nothing to apologize about really it is a natural human process, that even I'm guilty of from time to time. But I can give some advise on worrying as I see it. In the end its all pretty hopeless, we all have one end destination. So why not instead of worrying, take the punches as they come and free up your time to experience life as it exists in the moment, enjoy the sunshine and the breeze and conversation with strangers. Because that tomorrow may just not come." Ueda continued to explain, as he watched a small red ladybird land upon his hands perched atop the handle of his cane.

"Ah, but that is a bit morbid and depressing isn't it? So I guess there is no real good answer to worrying is there? Whether you worry to your panicking hearts content or not is just a matter of preference. Finally the mystery of life solved by random strangers that go talk to other random strangers on a whim." He declared as his own mind was doing its best to wrap itself around the oddity of the situation it had been thrust into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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A wave of confusion struck her as Matsushita-Senpai explained that she could, in fact, see. She sat still for a moment, dumbstruck. How could she have been so mistaken? For a while she simply stared at Matsushita-Senpai with her face clearly indicating genuine confusion. Finally, a question came to mind. "Why did you want to touch my face then?" A gasp and Kaori covered her mouth as she retreated into her chair. "Are you... a pervert?" Could this be true!? Was her new friend actually a sex fiend!? Kaori's face went red with embarrassment. Had Matsushita-Senpai orchestrated her gestures to give Kaori a false sense of security, thus allowing her to 'cup a feel'? What should I do? Do I run? What if she chases me? I can barely walk with these legs let alone run! What do I do???
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