Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sapphire Room
Arthur kept looking around for his outfit. 'Hiyeahnicetomeetyoutoo." He finally found it and loved it the mask was a fancy mask and the suit was stunning. he tried it on and loved it. it was pretty fancy for what it was, and he never really had any clothes like that before. He noticed tiny details like a four leaf clover here, and a rainbow there, like little pins on his jacket. He was ready to head out when he forgot. He had a bottle of whiskey in his suitcase. In order to make the party more interesting, he took several good swigs of it, feeling a little buzz. he walked off to the grand hall, staggering, his speech slightly slurred.

Grand hall
Arthur reached the grand hall and looked up to it. "Well it certainly lives up to it's name." he muttered. It was huge, almost beautiful. He walked in and it was abuzz with voices. people were all around and the voices were like a great wave of noise. He looked around the hall. Too much for him. He looked around for a lady he fancied and sauntered
off, hoping to find that lady.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grand Hall

Oh Shit She has a Dog. flew through his head like a bullet. Although he didn't necessarily fear dogs, it looked like he startled them quite a bit. More so then he had wanted to, that is for sure. However, looks like he was safe. The dog was't going to tear out his throat just yet, actually he had already began to find the dog rather cute. But he would have found it mute cuter if it didn't plan on tearing his stomach out of his body, and he did not come here to play with dogs! Oh no, he came hear to become educated on the school, and hang out in the hall! He hid his desires to talk to the dog in the most pathetic of voices his body could muster and instead focused on the girl who'm he had originally randomly focused on.

Although she didn't know much about the masquerade(nothing at all), she was able to prevent her pet from ending tonight's dance for him prematurely. He replied to the girl with, "Oh, alright. So I take it im not the only one out of the loop? Would you happen to know anyone who might know about this?" Now that he knew that at least one of the freshman was as clueless as he was, he became a little bit less nervous about the whole event. A small chirp rang through his mind though, Perhaps that should make me more nervous? Although he found that unlikely, although this was a strange event. It's not like they planned on finding out what freshman were suitable to leave by gladiatorial combat or anything! However the thought of that actually gave him a little bit of a grin, despite knowing he would probably be one of the combatants to be slain first. He may not be out of shape, but his knowledge on how to use just about any weapon known to man was limited. He could probably do more harm to himself than anyone else if given a blade.

His inability to take in context clues once again slowed him down, for just now he was realizing she was speaking a language that wasn't english! Does she speak German? Although he didn't know much about European languages, he couldn't help but feel that was what it was. A small feeling of pride washed over him as he believed to discover the language of the girl on his first mental attempt! He 'knew' that his guess was correct and that made his grin a tad' bit bigger.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia Malikov
Grand Hall

She’d nod gently as she’d cast a glance around the room when he asked the probably rhetorical question of being the only one in the loop. As for the second question she herself could have asked the same, “Sorry, I have no idea” she tried to spot who seemed new and who seemed different, but, they were all the same, the masks didn't help. She herself peered back to the boy who’d startled her and eventually extended a hand “Ace” she smiled the slightest. Dark lips curled in a barely noticeable gesture of kindness, and her eyes trying to seem relaxed. Her dress sat comfortingly about her torso outlining the seemingly fit form the girl kept; she was a runner not a dancer so she dreaded anything to come. As it went down her frame, the mix of red and black fabrics spread off into layers crumpled only in some places, this was to create a look of rippled layers and seeming elegance.

Spotting another enter the large doorway she’d watch for a moment as he eagerly made his way into the crowd, no doubt probably eyeing up all the ladies in dresses baring skin. She almost seemed to grin wider at the idea of him being rejected by a fair few, this wasn't the kindest thought, but, it was seemingly amusing. That is if it wasn't for the fact she’d go over if it happened and offer tender words.

After people seemed to stop paying heed to the canine and herself she’d return her attention to the male that’d obviously needed some form of answers. She remained quiet herself until he himself may have given a name; if he didn't then she’d probably start back to a corner with no body crowding it. She wasn't the most comfortable with so many about at this point and simply glanced around now and then at movements while trying to focus upon the other ahead.

Koshmarik on the other hand remained where he was, head as high as it could be, sharply pointed ears erected forward as he’d look around the room, there were people here he didn't trust and it was obvious as he’d huff lightly. The huff was of uncertainty, if they bore any more than a mere distrust and more a threat he’d get louder if he had to. Behind him his stumped tail sat stiffly raised, he’d forgotten already about the fast moving stranger and lost himself into his own distractions.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Grand Hall<

“Arthur, why? Why Arthur?” A ghostly voice resounded almost ricocheting off each decorative gold wall panel. A woman wearing a ghoulish white skull mask in his direct line of sight stood peering either at the tipsy blond male or through him. Either way, he would not be able to pin point the exact location or individual the ghostly voice came from. The mysterious tone resembled a haunted whisper surrounding every which way instead of in just one dimension. Indiscernible it was, from one area to the next. How odd--that no one else seemed to hear the cry. Could he be hearing things or did this voice actually exist? Since swinging back a few gulps of whiskey it could very well be in his head but no other person paid attention to it regardless.
>Near Grand Hall entrance<

Meanwhile a brute of a man wearing a similar skull mask but in black strolled toward the exit. A woman next to him donned a full face disguise that only revealed two jade eyes. She intertwined her arm around the hefty male. They were laughing about nothing in particular but the warm interaction quickly stopped when the giant thwacked straight into Niko. The entrance-way was wide enough across and able to fit a small crowd through at the same time so this bump was more likely than not, on purpose. The woman rudely chuckled in amusement, and proceeded to walk away while the burly man in a pitch tux refused to falter. He did not speak a word but stood like an unflinching statue waiting for Niko’s reaction.
>Outside Men's dormitory<

Two lone girls were standing right outside the Men’s dormitory puffing on potent cigarettes and most likely waiting on some male friends. The creek of a door opening grabbed the prissy women's attention, and they smiled warmly until realizing the unfamiliar man was not who they were expecting. Both snooty ladies eyed Tyler’s expensive black and silver ensemble in awkward silence until one in a cheap pink gown finally spoke up. “Seems like the old bat of a Headmistress will let anyone into this Academy now.” Her bitter words were loud enough for the blue eyed freshman to hear.

“His parents must be rich, why don’t you go ask Lilly? You like rich men.” The other snickered while exhaling swirling smoke.

“None of these freshmen are worth my time Victoria…but since you insist.” Lilly proceeded to lightly tap on Tyler’s shoulder and took a long drag before speaking in a crude manner.

“I am going to go out on a limb here and say you’re new. You must feel so accomplished and your family must be so very proud of you since receiving that acceptance letter. This used to be an exclusive school, mind you but I am not sure that’s the case anymore if they let people like you in. What do you think?” Lilly purposely blew out her cigarette smoke into the 18 year old's face and slightly cocked her head to the side in a challenging gesture. Wondering how far she could push him until he finally snapped, though she expected the seemingly timid creature to slouch down like a wounded pet and scurry away.
>Hallway near the Grand Hall<

Quiet chattering could be heard in one of the many expansive foyers just before the Grand Hall. Three suspicious girls in masquerade attire were whispering about one of the students who would have been a Sophomore this year. The absent girl's picture could be found in the CTS botanical garden along with a memorial quote. An engraved plaque rested near a serene waterfall. This student had been a favorite by pupil and teacher alike in such a little amount of time, and it came as a surprise that of all people, she would be one of the hundreds declared missing.

“I can’t believe she’s gone… just up and vanished? What kind of conclusion is that?” A troubled woman could be heard saying through her anxious nail biting.

“Everyone says she was murdered. Our perfect Patricia.” Snidely remarked the other with teal feathers in her chestnut colored hair; her voice without any remorse.

“Who would have wanted to murder her? That doesn't make any sen—“ The distressed nail biter stopped speaking and both stared straight at Disa. The first girl grabbed the other by the wrist and they quickly sped off in the opposite direction. Only one remained fashioned with a white skull mask in place over an expressionless face. She stood idly by staring at Disa eerily, and been completely uninterested in the two girl’s conversation. In haste, the other two continued to take off down the long winding corridors until the clicking of their satin heels could not be heard.
>Inside Grand Hall<

The woman from before in a beaded hi low dress stopped a little ways from the crimson haired woman and the man in a wild blue mask. Oblivious to all but the sound of her own voice at first. “Damnit, what are all these people doing here?” Terra heatedly murmured under her breath not actually speaking to the duo but rather communicating to herself. Hues the color of a faded star scanned over the fancy crowd still searching for the stray blond in a feathered form fitting gown. What she found, to her amusement, was a regal looking Doberman lying on the cold marbled floor. Terra narrowed smoky eyes to the chocolate tinted canine and then to the woman in either fascination--or distaste.

“So, you’re Acacia.” The savage looking female coldly commented, not saying anything further, and ignoring the male. She expected the ruby garnished Freshman to have a thousand questions like all others had in the past but she would receive no answers until the Headmistress stemmed fourth. This event did not go on like previous masquerade engagements had. Terra never called a student out before or even ventured down the steps to mingle with them in the spacious ball room, being to prideful to do so. Black and white masks roaming about like sharks in an open ocean we rather disquieting to witness. Other higher classmates were crashing the event, making up the majority of the lot and causing minimal chaos. If left unchecked the ball could turn into a slaughter house and it was Terra's responsibility to make sure this did not happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Train>>>>School Entrance>>>>>Sapphire Room>>>>Grand Hall

The trip to CTS was long. The train was filled with other freshmen and they were all buzzing around excited to go to their new school. Dante was the exact opposite. All he wanted was 10 minutes of silence, and he spent most of the silence he did get worrying about his family. He went through every worst case scenario he could think of, and he almost sent himself into a series of panic attacks. He was able to calm himself down near the end of the train ride. They reassured him that they would be fine, and they practically push him onto the train.

Dante made a long sigh and looked out the window. He had received a letter from CTS just a few hours before he left. He hasn’t opened it yet, he hadn’t thought it important enough, but he finally figured he should at least skim through the document before the train pulled up to the school. With a quick slide of the finger, the letter seal was broken. Dante read through the letter and reread it to make sure he hadn’t misread any important details. “A ball, aye? I’ve never been to one of those. I wonder what it would be like.” He spoke to himself in silence. All of the other students became oddly quiet as the train made it’s final stretch onto the school path. The train pulled to a stop and Dante watched as everybody silently filed out of the train. Dante was one of the last people to get off. He didn’t like to fight for a place in line, and he knew he was patient enough to let everyone else out first.

Dante hadn’t been excited this whole trip, but that first step onto the forest pathway, leading to the school, was what did it for him. He spent so much time worrying for his family and loved ones that he had forgotten that he was invited to one of the most prestigious and mysterious schools in the world. He looked around the forest with fascination, but decided that he best hurry and go get dressed for the masquerade. He quickly made his way down the path, masterfully sliding in and out between the other students. He reached the school entrance within a matter of minutes. The school itself was beautiful. The size was stunning and the wildlife surrounding it emphasized it’s beauty even more. Dante shook his head and said, “Not cool Dante. Look at the pretty building later. You’re wasting time.” He picked up the pace as he walked through the school.

He quickly found the Male dormitories and made his way up to Sapphire Room. He quickly opened the door and made his way into the room. He threw his bags onto his designated bed and began to quickly get changed. He was able to find the pre-measured suit and mask. He had trouble putting on the suit, but eventually was able to get everything on correctly. Once he made sure that he looked decent enough, Dante made his way to the Sapphire room door. It was only then that he realized that another person was in the room. He looked over and saw a well built man staring at him. “Oh…hey...I’m Dante. I don’t want to seem rude, but I really want to get to the masquerade on time. So..yea….it was nice to meet you….Bye!!” He said. He opened the door and left as quickly as he arrived.

He quickly made his way through the school and to the Grand Hall entrance. He slowed his pace and took a breather. He walked through the entrance and saw a sea of masks. The excitement in Dante was overwhelming, and he was grinning ear to ear because of it. He began walking around just watching the people. He thought about going and introducing himself to other people, but he figured it was best to see if anybody would approach him first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Ivory Dorms >> Grand Hall -

"Hi. Am Nellia. I like airplanes. I like anywhere that isn't a proper place. I like in-betweens..." was the answer provided by her strange, gown-clad roommate.

Gracie... wasn't quite sure what to make of her, to say the least. Considering that the farthest she usually went in her assessment of other people was determine whether she should bother pretending to be interested into what they were saying or not, that was actually saying quite a lot. Normally, people tended to fit rather neatly into one of two distinct categories: "People who will try to socialize" and "People who won't". Personally, she liked people in the second category much better. She typically got along with them much more easily. Just like her neighbor on the train, he minded his own business, she minded hers, simple. Interacting with people in the first one was much more complicated, first you had to nod, agree, and make approving noises when appropriate, then there would be awkward silence for a while, and only then would they go back to minding their own business. Far too many unnecessary steps, in her opinion, just a very indirect and roundabout way of doing basically the same thing.

In this particular instance, however, she wasn't quite sure what the young woman was saying. Was she making some sort of joke? Some sort of cultural reference she didn't get perhaps? Was she supposed to smile? Or maybe she was mocking her, as people were sometimes wont to do, in which case she definitely shouldn't smile. Actually, come to think of it, maybe she was teasing her? No, that couldn't be right, her lips weren't really curved upward like they were supposed to. She seemed... excited? Nervous? Happy? Sad? Was she being sarcastic? Or maybe she was just socially anxious? She'd heard that socially anxious people sometimes said weird things when they didn't know what to say. She mentally shrugged the questions out of her consciousness. It didn't really matter, as long as she could get the obligatory social interactions out of the way so she could unpack and go back to reading.

"There is a ball tonight." her interlocutor continued, taking a hesitant towards her. "We have to dress up and wear masks and look ravishing. Ravishing is a nice word, I like it. Let's go together, I am a bit afraid of the corridors, some of them get you lost and I'd really hate to be late."

Great... Just what she didn't want to hear. She now found herself with the obligation to attend the ball, which she quite definitely did not want to do. Sure, she could probably have just politely declined, and if it were just some random stranger she were talking to, she probably would have. However, this was the person she would be trapped sharing a dorm with for the next few months, and it wouldn't really be "proper" to refuse such a direct invitation. She had learned many foster families ago that it paid to act nice for the people you would be living with for extended periods of time sometimes.

In her opinion, the whole ordeal sounded like just one big, uncomfortable moment. First of all, she had just arrived here, didn't even have the time to unpack, categorize her library and get settled... And somehow, she was now supposed to go spend a few hours in a loud, crowded room with a bunch of people she did not know. She would have greatly preferred if the administration had given them at least a day to get situated before thrusting this burden upon them. She didn't like it when she didn't have time to settle into new situations. Secondly, she found the way that they had already picked their attires for them a little presumptuous and unsettling. She wasn't sure why, she just didn't like the thought of wearing some fancy, impractical costume someone else had chosen for her. Thirdly, it promised to be a loud, crowded social event, full of dancing people and music, and she had a pronounced dislike for loud, crowded social events, dancing, music and interacting with other people in general...

She hoped that her outfit fit her, at least, as she had ordered her school uniform with skirts that were several sizes longer than they were initially meant to be. She didn't really like the length of the ones in the standard uniform, and had intended to tailor them to her measurements herself once she received them. Come to think of it, however, that might just provide her with an excuse not to go. She couldn't be blamed if her dress didn't fit her, could she? With that in mind, she responded:

"Sure. Just give me a moment to prepare myself. I have just arrived. I will join you in the main room when I am done. It should not take too long."

After heading back to her room, she found that, unfortunately, the dress they had chosen for her was sadly the correct size. Well that was inconvenient. Oh well. At least they hadn't given her one of those ridiculously elaborate ones like she had seen other students wearing on the way to the dorm. As far as costumes were considered, she would even go as far as to admit that they couldn't have picked a better fit for her. It was a surprisingly sensible, long sleeved, ankle length grey dress, which came with a pair of very high heeled white sandals and a simple, unembellished traditional white theater mask with a neutral expression on its face. Best of all, however, the dress was long, opaque, and covered most of her body, which meant that she could wear some of her regular clothes underneath it unnoticed. That way, not only would she feel less exposed, but she could always take it off later if it made her uncomfortable. A bit improper, but she didn't really care at that point. Also, proper or not, there was no way she was wearing those shoes. They were just an ankle break waiting to happen. No, she was sticking with her usual black flats, regardless of what anyone else might say, thank you very much.

She got dressed quickly, thinking of possible ways she could excuse herself from the masquerade as she did so. The mask, while it didn't have any mouth holes, was unexpectedly comfortable, and, though it muffled her speech slightly, didn't really impede her breathing to any significant degree. The dress was thankfully simple to put on, and it took her no longer than a minute or two to tie it up at the front over her regular clothing. Checking herself in one of the room's many mirrors, she noted with satisfaction that she couldn't see the plain jeans and tee shirt that she was wearing underneath. Good. She hesitated a little bit, then picked up a worn out, modestly sized black purse from her luggage. Despite being slightly larger than the ones people usually took at these sorts of events, it probably wouldn't be too noticeable, and would give her the capacity to carry things. She quickly added a few items into it, then headed back to the main room, where her dorm mate was waiting for her.

Although she wasn't very adept at reading other people's expressions, she was fairly sure that she could literally see her red haired new companion shimmer with excitement as they headed for the hall. Because of her little impromptu tour of the school grounds while looking for her dorm, she had a fairly good idea of where it was, and they arrived there without too much trouble. It appeared that fair number of people had already arrived, and were already beginning to mingle with one another. They were all dressed in appropriately silly costumes and masks, although admittedly some were more extravagant than others. She began to wander around the crowd, hoping to lose Nellia quickly in it so she could return to her room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia Malikov
Grand Hall

Koshmarik raised from his laying position, Acacia apparently too busy looking at the masked stranger ahead of her didn't notice this change. As the stranger approached he’d lower his head, it was visible that his neck, shoulders and hips were in an even line now. He seemingly emitted a light rumble that lasted a few seconds. It was a warning of distance. His paws firmly splayed where they were, chest heaving to a fro with each breath, ears twitching partially though remaining glued on the feminine figure before him. He’d keep amber eyes not moving from her movements as he made little of his own movements other than a step forward.
Acacia eventually looked down to her left where Koshmarik was facing off in a different direction. Ignoring the words previously from the person so near speaking to herself, she lightly stepped with the clack, clack of her heels in her movements. Pale ice orbs glancing towards the figure ahead of her, dark onyx hair sat loosely over her shoulders, the dark dress that surrounded her form was elegant, but, her appearance drew Acacia’s eyes up to her face. The piercing silvery blue hues caught hers as she’d raise her sights.

Upon hearing the woman speak she’d nodded partially, “How can I help you?” is all she’d asked, the tone light and kind yet sprinkled with the naturally heavy accent, she didn't know who she was, but, from the looks of it she was probably more powerful than anyone else currently surrounding her. Even after speaking her gaze didn't budge, she was too busy looking at the unnatural looking eyes, they were like stars trapped in small orbs.

She knew there was something rather different about this situation she didn't know whether to trust, though she didn't seem to move away even though she felt like it.
As Koshmarik watched the pair’s interactions he’d remain where he was, he wasn't as drawn in by appearance’s … then again, he was a dog after all. He allowed a fleshy pink ribbon to emerge from the dark cavern baring ivory white daggers. It slid up and over his nose leaving the sheen of a glisten upon it before running down he prickled upper lip on the left. He attempted to take another step forward, loose leash allowing him to do so as the velvet panels of his nasal cavities drew in and out capturing the scents coating the seemingly cold human. As he done so he’d step back shoulder drawing in line with Acacia’s leg as he’d lower his head again.

There was something wrong with this confrontation and he wasn't sure what it was, she was different. He remained silent bar the second sounding of a light rumble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grand Hall™

So, she really doesn't know anything, does she? He gave out a deep sigh and was trouble by this. Did the school really tell no one what was going on? Did they have experience with these kinds of actions? Perhaps they knew it was better to tell the students nothing. All the while, every answer he thought of still added to his nervousness about it. But his sense returned swiftly and painlessly. It was an old and prosperous school. They were sure to know what they were doing! All but a sliver of fear left Lance as he gazed upon his new 'companion', not that she was giving off any friendly vibes.

Lance, however, ignored her for the little bit he could and focused on Ace. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but Ace, my name is Lance. I think I gave you a fright back there and I am terribly sorry if I did, it was not my intention at all." Lance tried to be swift and speedy. Although he enunciated every word relatively well, he still could have spent a second more to actually say everything without it being rushed. However, he wanted to be fast so he wouldn't interrupt the Terra if she had anything to say to Ace. Lance quickly took a step back, and began to eavesdrop. Both with his ears, and his eyes.

He set his sight upon Terra and began to 'scout' her. She gave off a large atmosphere that emanated Authority and confidence. When she had first spoken Lance was under the impression that she had as much ignorance in herself as both he and Ace did. Now that he looked at her though, his eyes began to believe differently. He couldn't help but start to think she knew what she was doing and had a plan, and that her plan was everything but crooked. She gave Lance a bit of a fright, not that he would tell her that.

As he watched from the sidelines, Lance wanted to stay relatively close to Ace. Although he knew it might be better if he wandered off to find a new compatriot to spend his time with at the ball, he couldn't help but stay here. His 'courage' needed to recharge after the stunt he pulled earlier, and relaxing next to the only person in the room that he had actually talked to was his best bet at pulling himself together. However, relaxing might not have been as easy as he had thought, especially as he began to notice that the environment was becoming a little bit more chaotic than he was comfortable with. Wow, those cage-like masks are pretty abundant, do they mean something? I thought that the school picked out each student's mask individually. Now that he didn't have to spend as much time on the girl in front of him, his mind was finally able to spend some of it's fuel on the students around him.

Oh, I think I get it! They must be the students who aren't freshman!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Liam Fleming
Sapphire room >>> entrance to dorm

A snort left Liam's nose at his roommates greeting, before he rushed at the door. He turned back to his room, gazing at the tuxedo and mask on his bed. He didn't overly want to go to this thing. He let out a small sigh, before slowly dragging on his tuxedo, leaving off his mask. He glanced at one of his bags, an internal debate going on within him. He opened it, grabbing a bottle of beer. It was cool, thank the sky for insulation. He opened it, taking a large drink of it, quickly finishing off the bottle. He sat it down, desperately wanting to drink more but knowing he had a limited supply. He stepped out of his room, closing the door tightly. Just in time to see his last dorm mate rush in. He heard a quick hello, before he was once again left alone. If these people remained to behave like this there was going to be a struggle.

He walked out of the room, trudging down the stairs. He looked around more this time, eyeing the things around him, especially the lower levels. He walked outside, spotting two girls tormenting a guy, who appeared to be about 18, 19 ish. He shook his head and approached them and said," now, leave the poor guy be. I mean, he can't be too bad. If they let bitches like you in before this I'd say they went uphill from your year." He looked at them, his eyes cold and hard. He wasn't fond of others picking on others and wouldn't hesitate to dish it out to them.

The 22 year old man felt slightly out of place among the typical 18 and 19 year olds that are freshman. He was more of the age of the juniors and seniors then his own freshman group. It was strange, to say the least. He wondered why that was that way. He might never now, for if he were to guess little was understood of how exactly this school was run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Grand Hall<

Pressed words abruptly expelled from a man in a clean alabaster tux. The same man purposely overlooked by vividly callous oculars. Tenacity shown even through such loud clothing placed upon him, and she could no longer evade his presence…perhaps he would have rather she had. His swift interruption was able to gather one of the woman’s most intimidating stares, and she did not look the slightest bit pleased. Luckily enough she able to learn of his name without first asking of it--not desiring these newcomers to actually think she truly cared.

Guardian would not come to mind when thinking of such an inhospitable woman but she had no choice in the matter. The unfortunate ones who began to manifest, as a rare few did at this school, would be her responsibility no matter what personality traits they encompass. Training would be a relentless process and she genuinely hoped no poor soul would have to prepare—especially at such a dangerous year.

When Lance departed by taking a step back, Terra could fully concentrate on the matter at hand, and allowed Acacia's canine companion to investigate herself by sniffing. “How can I help you?” the heavily pierced woman with a thick Russian accent could be heard saying. Terra’s hues flickered in slight satisfaction at the tone and question from the amiable Freshman. “How can she help me?” The unknown girl thought privately. In hindsight, if the Freshman only knew. It was such an ironically unexpected inquiry that a light impish smirk formed on Terra’s crimson stained lips. Silvery orbs glanced up at a large clock behind Acacia, and then back to the vibrant multi-language girl.

“You cannot.” She finally stated candidly.

Although the answer seemed grim the woman remained unnervingly calm, and cast a sideways glance to the man who could be seen clearly eavesdropping. Gleaming heels turned to backtrack but stopped for a moment peering over a bare plum tribal tattooed shoulder at the man in white. “Did no one ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” Crassly she pronounced with a slight smirk though not waiting for a response. The gown trailed behind as she ascended the right side of the ivory double staircase. It was almost time for the headmistress to make her appearance and greet the baffled beings.
>Grand Hall<

Gingerly a small hand placed itself on Dante’s shoulder from someone behind him. “You look like you’re waiting for someone.” An ethereal voice politely remarked as the mysterious woman clad in a fitted feather dress and mask held out a palm facing up to the man. A maroon pocket piece could be found sitting in her hand. It must have fallen out sometime during his entrance but the fact she had found the owner amidst all the bodies was quite the coincidence.

“I was waiting for someone too.” The petite but tall woman angelically smiled while placing the decorative material back into his chest piece’s pocket before he could retrieve it. Large azure eyes flinted around the room shying away from the man’s covered face after tucking the unique square back into place. She seemed sweet and appeared elegant though a bit eccentric. However, she caught sight of something that made her visibly tense and excused herself from the stylish Freshman.

“I will see you again.” Her sentence a fact not so much a question but the encounter was brief, over before it even began as she brushed past him in a hurry outside the Grand Hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tendo
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Tendo Lurking, always.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ivory >>> Grand Hall

«Sure. Just give me a moment to prepare myself. I have just arrived. I will join you in the main room when I am done. It should not take too long.»

Did I scare her away? At least she didn't refuse to come along. Nellia thought as she checked herself in the mirror once more. She stared into her green eyes and felt once more as if she was looking at herself, but at the same moment something unfamiliar too, something deep down which was hiding still.

After a few minutes however, Nellia's new acquaintance was ready to go and moments later they were on their way to the Grand Hall where the ball was taking place. She did her best to remain silent, a behavior which Gracie seemed to share as she didn't say a word either. It was quite maddening for her to remain quiet for that long but since that seemingly suited her new roommate, she felt that it was too soon to annoy the person she'd share Ivory with and focused on her increasing excitement over the coming celebration.

Soon, they reached the Hall with Nellia awestruck over how easily Gracie had found the place however she soon lost sight of her as she wandered off and the crowd got in the way.

«That one is also unlike the others.» she whispered to herself, breaking her almost unbearable silence as Gracie had given her many new thoughts to accommodate in her already crowded head. «She is so... so... turtle! Yep, she's a turtle. Or turtl...ish. Actually that's better, turtlish. Turtles are the definition of calmness and neutrality. I ain't aware of an angry turtle or a depressed one. And she's the same, didn't smile one bit. She's...grey. Not black and not white. She lives right in the middle. Or she's a robot sent- Oh look! A doggy!»

As soon as she caught a glimpse of the animal, she immediately made her way towards the small group of people around it, not noticing those with the creepy looking masks who made up a big percentage of the continuously growing crowd.

«Hello!» she exclaimed before crouching in front of the dog while maintaining a bit of a distance. She knew that she didn't like someone touching her without a reason and she didn't consider it any different for the tall doberman.
«Are these your humans, canine friend?» she asked before flashing the dog a wide smile.
«Am Nellia and I don't consider myself turtlish in case you wondered.» she continued as she stood up and faced the others. Should have adressed them before the doggie. she thought, recognizing her mistake although it is uncertain whether she would have acted differently if she had the chance. «And by turtlish I mean am not a robot and neither do I act like it.»

She didn't make any sense, she knew that much. She never made any sense to anyone except herself and sometimes even her very thoughts sounded strange and bizarre.

Perhaps she was right afterall...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grand Hall
Arthur shook his head. He must have been going crazy, hearing voices from nowhere and everywhere. He kept on wandering around trying to make friends with all the attendees. "Hey there." No response. "Hey the name is Arthur, nice to meet you." Again no response. It was as if none of them were listening to him. In a huff he gave up trying to meet any new friends. "Guess i'm roughing it alone this year." He looked up to see there stood several people who had different masks from the rest. The one that stood out to him was the one with the weird mask. "I'm about to make me some friends" Arthur said, swaggering over to where the small gathering was.

"Hey there laddy. I know I shouldn't call you laddy you look older than me but I can't help it you look like such a nice guy. Yuh wanna be friends?" Arthur looked down after probably surprising the man. "Ooh it's a little doggy. I love dogs. He seems so friendly." Arthur went down to pet it and jumped back when it nipped at him. "Mean little bugger isn't he? Grrr. Grrr. Ruff." He imitated the dog in an attempt to befriend it. Despite looking like a complete idiot, he loved animals. He turned back around to the man and continued his monotonous speech. "Anyhoo the name's arthur but ye can call me arty." Every second that Arthur spoke, his accent got thicker and thicker. He paid no attention to the ladies and awaited the man's answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hallway — Grand Hall

Past the chatter and the talking, Disa could feel a heavy tension within the hallway. It hung like smoke and made her question her decision on coming. Trying to ignore the feeling in the room she focused her attention ahead on long hallway heavily crowded with other students. Wearing dazzling masks and clothing a sudden thought came to head, I wonder if the school provided for them too?’ With some difficulty thanks to her heels, her small form moved through the crowd as everyone gathered in groups or headed into the Grand Hall. “...Just up and vanished? What kind of conclusion is that?” The conversation quickly caught her intention, and while it hadn’t been her intention to eavesdrop Disa found herself interested in the conversation beside her. “Everyone says she was murdered. Our perfect Patricia.

Murder?’ Her throat went dry, and a terrified look came into her eyes as Gwen quickly came to mind. “Who would have wanted to murder her? That doesn't make any sen—“ Immediately regretting her decision to look up at the two girls, their eyes made contact and before she could apologize for listening in, the two ran off. Turning back, she watched the two make their way down the hall before disappearing around the corner. “Sorry..” Her words trailed off as she slowly turned around to continue her way to the Grand Hall. It was only then that her eyes locked with another. Cold eyes bore into her, causing goosebumps to cover her skin and a chill to run down her spine. Licking her dry lips as an uneasy feeling filled her chest, Disa gave a hesitant nod to the other girl before quickly heading into the Grand Hall.

Once she stepped through those doors, the atmosphere changed almost immediately. ‘The hell was that about?’ Leaning against the wall beside the door, Disa rubbed at her arms as she tried to calm her nerves. Taking in the scene before her, she watched as everyone seemed to gather and talk amongst each other. It was a lively scene in the Grand Hall, one that the girl was used to. Looking over the crowd her eyebrows knitted together as she noticed something odd about a few of the students. Each mask that was worn was unique and different in every way, but Disa noticed a few students wearing the same mask. ‘One, two.. three.’ Scarlet orbs darted about the room, but thanks to the crowd and her height she couldn’t find anymore. Leaning back against the wall as she let out a sigh and went back to people watching, ‘Maybe I’m just being paranoid..’ She thought to herself. There was something definitely going on, although the blonde wasn’t too sure if it was smart sticking her nose around again. The last time she did, someone ended up paying the price.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruugard


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Outside Male Dorms

Tyler stepped out of the dormitory expecting to be met with a breath of fresh air, but was instead assaulted with the acrid odor he had come to expect of the inner cities he often slept in. A brief flash of cold nights and even colder concrete flooded his thoughts, as well as a hint of surprise at how quickly he had gotten used to clean air that the smell of tobacco smoke would affect him so, even if brief. The source of the smoke, two women he guessed were slightly older than him but still attended the school eyed him critically. For a moment, he decided that he would simply ignore them and continue on his way, even taking several several steps to do so. But then one spoke.

“Seems like the old bat of a Headmistress will let anyone into this Academy now.” The words were bitter, almost as if they were spit at him, and despite himself, Tyler’s ears warmed. His steps away from the building faltered and then stopped as the second girl spoke. “His parents must be rich, why don’t you go ask, Lilly? You like rich men.” she snickered, but Tyler kept his back turned, clenching his teeth slightly before wondering why he hadn’t just kept on moving. The other, presumably Lilly, spoke again. “None of these freshmen are worth my time, Victoria… but since you insist.” Not soon after the words left her mouth, Tyler felt a sharp tap on his shoulder.

Reluctantly, he turned, finding the same critical gaze from both women as he had seen not seconds before. He tried matching it, and Lilly spoke again, this time directly addressing him. “I am going to go out on a limb here and say you’re new. You must feel so accomplished and your family must be so very proud of you since receiving that acceptance letter. This used to be an exclusive school, mind you but I am not sure that’s the case anymore if they let people like you in. What do you think?” She purposefully blew smoke in his face, but he held his breath, watching Lilly with a guarded expression as she tilted her head, challenging him. The statement actually shocked Tyler into momentary speechlessness. He had never even heard of this school, let alone had known that it had been very exclusive, and he was suddenly overcome with a brief glimpse of depressed confusion before hardening his expression further and returning his thoughts to the situation at hand.

“Yes,” he responded in a rather flat tone, “I am new. No, my family is not proud. I don’t even think they know if I’m alive or not, let alone that I am at a school of all places.” He paused, taking a moment to inspect the girls as they had him, pursing his lips and feigning exaggerated disappointment. “You say this place used to be exclusive…” His eyes met Lilly’s “Was that much before your time here? Or did you receive a similarly unwanted comment from someone when you were a freshman?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia Malikov
Grand Hall

Stood seemingly stiff as she’d listen to the feminine figure ahead of her, pale eyes looking her over as she’d waited for a reply to her simple question. “ You cannot. ” is all she got in response, her head tilting slightly as she’d seemingly look behind her when the glance of the stranger cast to Lance. “Did no one ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” an obnoxiously sounding tone emerged with the words from the woman and she’d look back in her direction as she’d begin to head off without waiting for a response. Her body relaxed slightly to the eye, a simple sigh of relief emerged when the woman headed up the stairs.
The light rumble below Acacia’s sights emerged as Koshmarik raised his head high; ears anchored forwards and docked tail raised high. His chest puffed heavily with his breathing as he’d stand firmly by the girl in the blood red gowns side. Dark amber eyes set on the person ahead of him who’d suddenly dropped to his level and began to babble on “ Hello! – Are these your humans, canine friend? ” words he seemingly didn’t understand, yet she continued “ Am Nellia and I don’t consider myself turtlish in case you wondered. ”.

Fur bristled on his back and neck like that of a hedgehog he’d let the tan lining of his lip wrinkle, ivory whites baring as he’d watch her. When she suddenly stood his eyes followed closely. This was until another of different gender “Ooh it’s a little doggy. I love dogs. He seems so friendly. ” was all he’d heard as he turned to set his sights upon a hand elongating to touch him. Without even a small warning he’d try to grab at the fingers his vocals growing louder as he’d huff and dew back his flues further. All his k-9’s bared as he tried to warn the humans to back off.

Mean little bugger isn't he? Grrr. Grrr. Ruff. ” the man continued his unusual words and at the mimicking tones he’d snap at the air with the heavily pointed maw full of daggers. Almost like thunder as they smashed together with seemingly great force, he’d pull at the leash slightly, accompanying the clashing jaws a bulky bark emitted echoing through the seemingly crowded hall. He grew anxious and unnerved by the number of forms surrounding his human and was beginning to show it.
Acacia had looked down as a person of yet again feminine silhouette, the elegant long white gown crumpled over her legs as she’d crouched in front of Koshmarik without first confronting she herself. Her face fully covered as she spoke lightly and introduced herself to the unnerved dog and without seemingly great interest in those around till she’d finished speaking and rose again. As soon as she focused on the lot Acacia reached to lightly touch the canines head with the light voice emerging herself “Do you mind taking a step back miss, he’s not too people friendly.” The Russian accent clung like always it coated the words like icing on a cupcake; the soothing tone caught the Dobermans attention for only a brief period.

This was before a male approached Lance and suddenly dropped as the woman had to see the dog except after intruding himself to the other man. Koshmariks fur bristled heavily in defensiveness and he’d emitted the constant growling tones that warned people, to keep distance, but a hand reached out and the dog couldn't hold himself back from trying to grab them. Suddenly turning Acacia grabbed at the chains around the canines neck to hold him back as he snapped again at the air with a deep reverberating bark. She couldn't even get out words as she’d begin to head off to a secluded corner if possible. Eyes on the man the canine had tried to get at and the others in reaching distance.

Her heels clacked lightly with her movements and her gown almost tripping her as she’d stumble with a heels point catching its base. She only just managed to catch herself as she removed the canine from the situation as far as she could and lowered herself to a kneeling position. Both hands grabbing around his neck as she tried to get him to focus on her while she spoke softly in a foreign language. “Tishe, sosredotochit’sya seychas Koshmarki, sosredotochit’sya …. Vizhu, vy khorosho seychas, nikto vas ne tronet.” She rubbed around his neck towards his ears lightly as she spoke, the words supple in articulation and densely caked as always with her home intonation.

She lost focus on those in the room and entered her own world with the canine staring point blank at her if anyone tried to speak to her she may have snapped out of what seemed like a trance or maybe she'd continue to lightly speak only to him and not notice those near.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grand Hall

Dante was slightly startled when he felt the hand on his shoulder. He was paying so much attention to the other masks in the room that he wasn’t expecting someone to approach him from behind. He turned to greet the stranger, but before he even had the time to utter a single word, the maroon pocket piece was in his pocket and the tall blonde had run off somewhere. He stood there for a few moments and then chuckled a little bit. “That was quick.” He said to himself. He turned back around to face the never ending sea of masks, and watched as everyone enjoyed themselves.

Everyones masks were just so extravagant. He stood there in awe of everyone, but he soon found that some of the masks were being repeated. “That’s odd,” He said with a curious look on his face, “Weren’t everyone's masks supposed to be specifically designed for the wearer?” He sat there for a minute pondering this conundrum, but it slowly dawned on him that the people wearing the repeated masks were most likely his seniors. His brow furrowed as he began to wonder why older students, like them, would crash the freshman orientation ball. He then realized it was exactly that, a ball. An event to have fun and let loose. He began to walk around the border of the Grand Hall studying all of the older students. They all seemed off to him, but he soon shook the feeling off. It was a ball. Older students must crash these types of events all the time. Your just over thinking things Dante. Maybe you should find something else to focus on. He thought to himself.

He then saw a small group of people gathering around what looked to be a dog of some sorts. Dante’s interests were peaked. He had never seen a dog allowed on school grounds before. He wasn’t aware that CTS allowed pets on their campus. All of the schools he had attended before had a strict “no pet” policy. Of course, those schools didn’t house their students in an isolated location in the middle of the forest where the only realistic way out was a train ride back to the city. He was still surprised to see the dog though. “Sis would love it here.” He said to himself. His sister had three pet dogs that she cared for very much. She even teased Dante about how she loved the dogs more than him, but she always said it in such a joking manner that he knew she was just joshing around. After a few moments of reminiscing about his family he left back in the city

Dante decided not to engage the group. There were enough people there already, and he was afraid that the dog might react poorly if too many people surrounded him. He, instead of walking up to the group, strolled over towards the exit of the Grand Hall. His eyes were drawn to a young, blonde maiden by the door, rubbing her arms. She seemed troubled by something. Dante slowly approached the young blonde. Once he was close enough he smiled and said, “Hi! Are you OK miss? You seemed to be troubled by something.” He leaned against the wall a couple feet away from her and crossed his arms. He made himself comfortable and waited for the young maiden to answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grand Hall

Acacia had left the scene, this had caught Lance quite a bit off guard. He didn't expect this little development! Now he was alone with Ms. Coldhearted and the new guy, Arty he called himself. Well, it was certainly ballsy of the new guy to introduce himself to the group in such a manner! Even if he was only really talking to the dog and Lance. However, either way, this gave him Lance's admiration. He was very much welcomed to the little circle!

"Nice to meet you Arty, the name's Lance." The accent put off Lance a little bit, but as long as he was understandable things should be alright. Heh, wish I had an accent like that he thought to himself. This Arty guy seemed alright! He didn't recognize the name though, so chances are he wasn't going to be sharing dorms with him. Oh well, it looked like it would require some more waiting until Lance's dorm-mates would be revealed to him.

All the while, Terra's comment made Lance feel extremely uneasy. 'It's not polite to stare', Well it certainly isn't polite to steal my new pal either. You're probably why she left anyway! After that little burst of inside-rage, his brain turned it down a few notches and he was almost as calm as usual. However he made sure to avoid looking at Terra. Not that this would be a challenge, however, now that Arthur was here to talk to!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>Outside Male Dorms<

It took a little while before Raven emerged from inside the regal building but she continued fourth in haste. Gliding with eerie grace down wide stone steps to the outside courtyard illuminated by Tourinzin meaning night overseer in Euthenian, and also one of the largest of the numerous moons. Small steps were quick as if dead set on reaching a certain destination—not glancing back. Harsh words of students discussing a heated topic caught her attention along the way, and she could not help but become involved.

Terra would have shot these bickering children the evil eye and they would have scurried like roaches from the light but Raven had no cruel appeal to her--quite the opposite really, and not one intimidating bone in her body. While inching closer the scene seemed to intensify as two women stood aggressively nearly snarling at these two males, for reasons unknown to her. One bought up a finger and pointed the sharp digit toward the man in the mask with shiny red and silver colors. No doubt the peeved Junior was about to shout words contradictory to the sophisticated lady she appeared to be.

“How dar—“

“Excuse me.” Lightly interrupted the lengthy haired platinum blond. “I believe there is a strict no bullying policy you signed…you’re not Freshmen after all—and that’s the only reason you’re acting this way toward them, right?” It took all the courage she could muster within to speak up but the reaction was not ideal unfortunately.

Both hostile women dressed in full styled masquerade attire flung eyes to one another before bursting out in pompous laughter. Even the ugliness which resided in them could not be covered no matter how glamorous their exterior. Raven uncomfortably fiddled with black polish painted on her long tidy nails. Her feathered frock and seemingly lowly status did not scare them away. They knew exactly who this heroic loner was and felt gratified that she intervened, how adorably unorthodox of Raven they probably thought in spite.

“Odessa, is that you? Easy to say something when you’re unrecognizable isn’t it?” Chimed Victoria who proceeded to close in on the pale girl.

“Forget them, a waste as always.” Sneered Lilly before both stalked off leaving the three in the aftermath.

“They are trying to assert their dominance, I guess…Apologizes. You probably shouldn’t have worn such flashy outfits, makes you easier to spot.” Raven had a rather difficult time looking either newcomer in the face. She appeared so docile as if years of being belittled or neglected had withered away her spirit or self-esteem. These men wore chic tuxes and could be easily signaled out from how rich they appeared while Raven could almost blend into the background.

“I am Raven--by the way, only my nemeses call me Odessa…aren’t you two going to be late? The doors will be locking soon.” Lightly she nibbled on the edge of her thumbnail most likely in nervous habit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruugard


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Outside Male Dorms

"Now, leave the poor guy be. I mean, he can't be too bad. If they let bitches like you in before this I'd say they went uphill from your year." Tyler turned, surprised that someone actually came to his “rescue”, though he hardly felt that the situation called for such. Still, he was grateful for the backup. The guy who spoke looked several years older than him, and was wearing a simple black and red tuxedo with a black and red mask, which almost seemed to amplify the cold stare he was shooting at the girls.

Said girls in question seemed to morph from mocking to downright murderous at his comment, and Lilly immediately switched her focus to him, raising an accusing finger and jabbing it at him. “How dare-“ she started to hiss, before being interrupted by yet another voice. “Excuse me.” Tyler turned again at the quiet voice, finding this time a blonde girl only seeming a year or two older than him. “I believe there is a strict no bullying policy you signed… you’re not Freshmen after all—and that’s the only reason you’re acting this way toward them, right?” Her voice wavered a bit, giving away her lack of confidence, and the other girls picked up on it almost immediately, bursting into a wicked laughter. The blonde girl fiddled with her fingers.

“Odessa is that you?” Victoria laughed, “Easy to say something you’re unrecognizable, isn’t it?” She briefly closed in on the girl, as if to include her in the group ridicule before Lilly finally seemed to cave. “Forget them, a waste as always.” She sneered, signaling their exit before the two walked off. Tyler sighed in relief, glad that the confrontation was over, and looked towards the ‘Odessa’ girl. She refused to look neither him nor the other guy in the face, but spoke more towards the ground or the air around them. “They are trying to assert their dominance, I guess…Apologizes. You probably shouldn’t have worn such flashy outfits, makes you easier to spot.” The way she held herself vaguely reminded Tyler of a rabbit or a doe – if you moved too quickly or spoke too loudly, she might just run off.

” I am Raven--by the way, only my nemeses call me Odessa…” She continued, ”Aren’t you two going to be late? The doors will be locking soon.” Tyler pursed his lips, nodding. “Thanks,” he looked over at the other guy, “To both of you, I guess. I’m Tyler” he sighed, looking in the general direction of the impending ball, “And yeah, we should probably all head to the Grand Hall, before it’s too late.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillium


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karin Amsel | Forest > Garnet room > Corridors

A monotonous, almost mechanical voice announced that they’d arrived at their destination as the bullet train slid to a smooth, near silent stop. “I guess this is it.” A tremor of nervousness tinged the pleasantly feminine voice. Karin Amsel unfolded her slender frame out of the seat and stretched languidly. The long train ride, which had been quite boring as she was the only passenger, had left her feeling a tad cramped. Due to her home town being quite far away she’d missed the first one with the rest of the students and had been forced to spend hours by herself, staring out the window at an unappealing view of swamps, swamps and more swamps. Eager to get going, the girl picked up her bags and stepped out onto the footpath.

Eyes of an unnaturally beautiful golden hue widened in surprise at the sight before her. The train let out smack into the middle of a forest straight out of a Grimm’s fairytale. Tall trees towered on either side of the narrow path, their branches weaving an intricate canopy overhead and managing to almost block out the night sky. Wisps of fog swirled around in the distance, occasionally pierced by rays of moonlight. The planet’s many moons which served as a beautiful natural light had somehow taken on a sinister feel as it filtered through the branches and cast a myriad of twisted shadows. Karin took a hesitant step forward, unease crawling up her skin like the skittering legs of an insect. An involuntary shiver danced down her spine as a sudden breeze brought along the cold and sounds of rustling leaves. She wasn’t a jumpy person and she considered herself somewhat brave. But the eerily silent forest had managed to set every one of her nerves on edge and was playing havoc with her mind. Gritting her teeth and pulling her jacket closer she pushed on forward, ignoring the ominous crunch of dead leaves crushed under her shoes.

After what seemed like a lifetime, she finally arrived at the massive stone arches – which to her seemed like the bones of a long dead civilization, ravaged by time and nature. The entire structure held an eerie beauty which seemed to draw her in even as the fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up in alarm. Stop it, Karin. Don’t let your imagination go into overdrive. Sure, it seems like the setting for a horror movie right now but maybe it’ll appear more normal in daylight. Besides even if this was a horror movie, you’d survive. Probably. It’s always the big boobed blonde who dies first and you’re a brunette. Somehow that little internal monologue didn’t fill her with reassurance. Taking a sharp breath through her nose to calm herself, Karin marched forward hurriedly.
“Finally.” A relieved sigh escaped her lips as she shut the large, ornate door behind her and leaned against it. After more than a couple minutes of wandering around the deserted hallways she’d managed to find her assigned dorm – the Garnet Room. The suite certainly lived up to its name as everything from the tasteful furniture to the opulent decorations was done in shades of red. Spying her name on one of the doors, she made her way over to it and run her fingers over the cold metal nameplate before pushing the door open and stepping inside. The red theme continued in the large bedroom and attached bathroom as well. It appeared that the institute spared no expense when it came to furnishing. Karin sat down on the bed and took out the invitation she’d received along with her acceptance letter and papers.

“A masquerade ball.” She murmured thoughtfully while running the tip on one finger over the stiff paper.

The freshman orientation was to be a ball, something she was pretty sure wasn’t a part of any other colleges. The school would be providing their attire for the evening and while she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she couldn’t help but feel that it was strange. For one thing, how was the institute affording to pay for it all? Shoving those uneasy thoughts to the back of her mind to mull over later, she got up and read the invitation again. A pang of remorse knifed through her as she realized that she’d missed the ball. Her train had arrived too late and the doors would’ve closed by now. Still, she was curious to see what they’d picked out for her to wear. Half dreading that they’d have dressed her in poison green or canary yellow, she pulled open the intricately carved door of the wardrobe.

A long silver dress made of shimmering material surprised her instead of what she was dreading. She reached out hesitantly as if it were an illusion that could shatter any moment. A small smile lit her face as her hands ran over the soft material and carefully took the dress out. “I wonder how it looks on me.” She wondered aloud. Unsurprisingly, she soon found herself slipping out of her clothes and pulling on the dress. It fit her like a glove, the silky material molding itself to her curves perfectly. Karin held the matching silver mask up to her face and looked in the mirror. She looked every bit the beautiful Cinderella ready for the ball. Except this Cinderella had missed her chance and the doors had closed. The girl’s earlier excitement whooshed out of her, making her feel not unlike a deflated Soufflé. That is, is if soufflés were capable of emotions.

“Well, at least I look pretty.” It was an obvious attempt to console herself, even if it was true. The sense of being all dressed up with nowhere to go had her feeling a little disappointed. “Maybe I could just explore this place.” Deciding that it was an excellent idea, she headed out after forgoing elaborate makeup for a quick wash of her face and running her fingers through her long, inky mane. She tied her mask in place and slipped her feet into a pair of high heeled shoes provided by the ever so thoughtful CTS staff. And so began her adventure – which in other words meant ‘wandering aimlessly through the corridors.’
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