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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Father Gabriel was the leader of a group of hunters that was truly close to him. He walked toward the impala of the winchesters. He ushered the people inside all except the caretaker who had a car. He touched the hood of the car remembering the hunters and sighed gently. He ushered them inside and gets into the car and started it up. He growled gently as the car had broken down, some stupid demons had cut the fuse line it would take a day to fix it.

"Alright let's go steak out a place to stay" he said and walks around the small town they where in. The leader finds a nice place that was dark and damp but hey it was not the best but it was better. It was a worn down hotel .

"We are staying here till I can fix the car" he said peacefully a smile on his lips. He hated to make them sleep in these kind of areas it was not the best but it was better .

"Salt around the windows and door we know he drill" he said gently and patted their back and got some salt and put it around the window chills upstairs and door of the hallway. He smiles and sat down Ina. Chair and thinks about what the do about the demon hoard that was in the town. There was nine demons and they where strong demons, he couldn't use his powers. He sat down and ran finger through his hair annoyed. He sighed gently thinking. His dog who was loyal till the end barks.

The large white dog with thick fur trotted in gently and sat beside Gabriel watching the group carefully. It wasn't a fool and could smell a rat if it had to. It knew a demon was among them but didn't know who it was or what he wanted. The large dog went off to see the caretaker and walking over the dog gave a deep bark and nuzzled her carefully. He wagged his large tail and licked her face in greeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kyra looked around she didn't care much, she only wanted to find a place and study her books, for the demons at were at this town were strong, Gabriel told them so...
She was with him from the start of this team and even saw how each new person that joined it had their own dark past carrying with them.
Kyra didn't much cared for the fact that there had salt to be placed, protecting the surrounding with a barrier would be much beter...
As Kyra walked towards the lounge, she took of her sunglasses and placed them on one of the tables where she then sat down and placed her books ontop of each other.
She went with her finger across the books as she then took one out and opened it up, it was filled with latin words wich she could easily understand. She studied quite a while to understand latin and now she can r3ad and speak it like without problems.
She went acrosa the words, switching from pages after each minute, trying to remember most of the words that were in it.
All of her books were writen in latin, for it was the languedge wich told the most about sealing, demons and the angels. Some of them even told ancient myths that still weren't proven...
But her mission for now was to find out about the demons, kill them, take samples and seal them back to hell!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sariel didn't like traveling in the car. Mostly because whenever they did it was cramped, crowded, and it broke down on them constantly. Why doesn't Gabriel just let me teleport everyone places? It would be faster. Sariel thought as she left the car. She had always figured the car was sentimental to Gabriel or something for him to have held onto it for so long. As she inspected the run down hotel, she tried to figure out the most likely place humans would hide their salt. If she recalled correctly, the moronic humans didn't understand it was a weapon, so they used it as a condiment.

Why they didn't store it in an armory was beyond Sariel. Salt was especially precious now, with the demons rampaging across America and crossing into other territories. However, as she walked to the kitchen to grab the salt, she noticed that Kyra was reading instead of putting up salt. Sariel would reprimand her later. For now she had to get the salt from the kitchen, or the demons would infiltrate the hotel and they'd be worse off than they were right now. She entered the kitchen and started to pilfer the cupboards for salt. She'd learned that places like this had enormous stores of food which always meant lots of salt as well. She never quite understood why people would want to temporarily sleep in rooms next to other strangers, but it apparently was a human thing.

Sariel located the store of salt and started to pull it out towards the lounge. It was impractical to spread the salt all over the hotel. For now it was best to simply pick a spot and line it with salt. From Krya's relaxed state, it would be the lounge. At least it wasn't as cramped as the car was, but it still smelled. They probably weren't the first to squat here for the night, and most definitely they were not going to be the last.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chase followed behind Sariel and her fellows, Father Gabriel, Xavier and Kyra. She was the only one who had a separate car of her own, a gift from one of her male admirers from her eighteenth birthday and it was a novelty car at that. A Mustang Boss 529, also a gift pitched in by her father. As Chase drove behind them, she stayed a good distance, to watch the back of the beaten up Impala.

Why drive the car of some dead guys anyway?

Chase would never know. All she knew was that Real World by Matchbox 20 was playing idly in the background. She had forgotten up until now that she had never got around to changing her CDs. She didn't mind though, she grew up with this music, she loved this music.

Only what seemed like a few minutes into the drive, the Impala broke down. This happened to far than often and she already knew that the others would be pissed. She sighed, turning over to the side of the road, putting her car in park and getting out. The small town that they were at seemed familiar -- or maybe the heat did. Oh god, the heat. Chase would've liked to complain that hunting was intolerable in the heat, but any hunter knew that they lacked the luxury to complain such a thing.

So, instead of complaining, she silently followed behind the others. True, it would look suspicious for a girl to walk through town carrying her crossbow, so she left it on the passenger side of her car, covered up in a black canvas blanket and on the floor. If they were staying a while, she would come back for it. For now, carrying her pistol and smaller blades were the only option.

They arrived at at a run down hotel. It was damp, dark and what was that putrid smell? She let out a gasp of air in a bit of a theatrical manner and shook her head. She would get over it. Upon following the others inside, she had assumed that she would join to get the salt as well, but it seemed that Sariel had already taken charge on the matter. Instead, Chase was tackled in a friendly manner by Saki. Originally, he had let out a deep bark that had snapped her back from reality, then he went onto to nuzzling her and licking her face in greeting. She rubbed both of her hands simultaneously on both of the dog's sides, "Hey boy, who's a good boy? Saki is, yes he is!" She patted him on the head, "Poor thing is probably having a hard time in this heat. Does Saki want some water? Water?" She repeated in a small voice, the one that people had often used to speak to babies.

She looked around the cramped room, where could she even begin to search for some water to get the pup?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The massive white dog nodded its head at the mention of water. It was a good intelligent dog that was friendly and loyal till the end to its owners. He barked deeply and gets off the girl and ran through the hotel rushing toward the bathroom and did the thing he knew best. He turned on the gusset with his jaws and as the water ran it started to drink it happily. His large tail wagging. He then pushed it to stop and panted gently.

The dog then returned to the group and grumbled gently and laid down beside the caretaker. It growled slightly at the rouge angel it's noise was rather harsh and dark. It then hears Gabriel say no Nd grunted flopping tiredly on the ground and nuzzled the girls hand happily wanting to get petted.

Gabriel was unknown by the angels all beloved he had died long time ago. It was just a name he decided to give his vessel father Gabriel. Not even the most ancient angels knew of his return all they saw was just a regular human male thanks to his bracelet that was on his wrist. It was made of holy energy and godly strength to help in times of need.

Gabriel went to the caretaker "I do believe he might have gotten but by a hound on his scruff" he said showing her the small wound on his dogs scruff. Gabriel never acted like all the other angels he was loving and nice and he helped a lot of times with the group. He showed her where a large bite mark was on saki scruff it was bleeding very slightly but still prone to infection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Caim is his demonic name, no one would know it at this point)
Xavier got out of the Impala and growled that the damned thing had stalled again, they should just pick up another car, this one, other than being the car of some dead hunters, no matter how famous, was due to be scrapped. He walked with the group, scanning around and kept one hand on his sword at all times, the grip felt cool to his touch and he looked at the hotel, mentally saying hell no and just giving a bemused shake of his head walked into the lounge, unfastening the straps holding the sword on his back and resting it on a table. Xavier sighed, He realized the salt was a necessity for them, they needed protection from the demons that inhabited this area. Strong bastards they were, he touched the small pendant on his neck and looked at Chase and smiled

"Yeah this is paradise right?" He scoffs and let's go of the amulet feeling the familiar weight fall back onto his chest. He took off his leather jacket, the only luxury item he had at this moment, and set it on one of the cleaner chairs. His tee fitting decently on his frame as he surveyed the lounge and checked out the window. He knew he could use some refreshment and looked at the others. "We should see if they have anything salvageable here, bottled water or anything of the like." His Celtic accent faint as he didn't talk above a loud whisper but there, "Anybody else volunteering to go with me?" he asks the same smartass smirk on his face they've come to know that came with his swagger, and mannerisms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kyra studies the books, she yawns for a moment, the things that were writen in them... She read them a thousand times... And she can speak the words perfectly...
As she closes the book she was reading, she stands up, putting every single book back in the pouches on her belt, she then stretches herself as she starts to look around...
It almost feels like ages since she took a good shower... Perhaps this hotel still has some hot water left...
As she thinks about that, she walks upstairs, towards where the showers are. As she turns one of them on, she notices that the shower becomes hot... YES! Finally a good shower!
She slowly takes of her clothes, as she then steps under the warm shower, wich she missed for so long... She slowly washes her hair underneath the water, as she then relaxes for a bit... She was going with the team for ages as it seemed... And somehow she felt like they weren't getting any closer... Almost like they were walking in circles...
As she finishs her shower, she picks up one of the last towels that kind of seemed useable, and dries herself off... Once dried, she puts back her clothes on and walks back downstairs, to find some food, if there is any left atleast...


Lance stepped out of the car as he glanced at the hotel, how long has it been since he truelly flew trough the skies? And truelly felt the wind trough his hair.... Somehow it seemed as it has been to long since he truelly felt enjoyment from simple things... And now he has to keep an eye on this team to see if they are truelly worthy of being slayers of demons...
As Lance walks towards the hotel, he noticed the strange smell in the air... Demons were all around this town, and it seemed like the leader of this group, Father Gabriel knew about this, for somehow it seemed like the car always crashes when demons are nearby...
Lance slowly walks inside as he glances around, salt was already placed upon the windows and doors, so this would seem like there wasn't much left to do but relax and enjoy the small break... For soon they would start hunting and this would mean that there wasn't much time to relax anymore...
As Lance walked towards the lobby, he made himself fall into one of the couches that were standing in the lobby, as he sat down, he wrapped his hand around the whip that was attached to his belt, it would be easier to grab it for if demons were nearby, sencing the presence of these hunters.
But for now, Lance's objective was to get to know these hunters even beter, before the true war would start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gabriel watched the group as he sat on a couch and mediated. A small clap of thunder echoed through the air and made the world shudder. Gabriel smiles peacefully as he didn't notice it but each flash of lightning his wings where able to be seen. Massive large golden four wings that towered over the room. He said nothing opening his eyes he walked off his wings retracted into his back. He kept walking to the large outer porch and sat there. Lance would feel the presences of a very powerful angel among the humans something lance wasn't an archangel. Gabriel watched the rain pour thinking to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xavier sighed and chuckled "Alright then I'm gonna go looking for supplies in here." He says grabbing his sword and restrapping it on, he steps over the salt circle, mentally flinching and kept walking like nothing happened. He walked down the hall, yawning a bit and walked down the stairs into the apartments kitchen. He started raiding, pantries, refrigerators, and storage spaces. He found a few cases of water, luckily some ice, as this hotels electric must be coming froma generator, sadly no food was really salvageable and the only ones that were, was junk food. He leans against a wall and shakes his head "We're all going to get fat if we aren't careful." He jokes to himself, he finds some bags and boxes, loads them up with the stuff and starts carrying it back. He moves his shoulder and taps the door with his sword, "Hey got a decent bit of foodstuffs and two cases of water." He says waiting for someone to open the door. He shook his head again smiling, he was thoroughly amused with how this all has turned out so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Father Gabriel had walked off and that had left Chase to treat Saki. She briefly wondered what had happened to the dog's scruff, but it's not like he would be able to give an answer. "This will sting for only a second, okay?" She was on her knees and had a rag in her hand, the stench of rubbing alcohol was strong. She lightly pressed down on the dog's wound, beginning to rub the alcohol over the injury. Cleaning it out was the best way to avoid infection, after all.

"See? All done." She dropped the rag beside her and stood up. She would have liked to bandage the dog, but it would've been painful for him when she went to pull the bandage off . . . she cringed at the thought of pulling off fur. That's when the thunder echoed and Chase, caught off guard, jumped a little. She looked around, her heart pounding, a sheepish look on her face. Luckily, nobody had seen her . . well, nobody except Saki.

She looked back at the dog, "Good boy."

She sighed to herself, a slight nervous laugh escaped her lips as she tilted the door open for Xavier, "I thought I heard somebody out there," she said with a slight smile, looking at the load in his hands, "Need help with that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He smiled "Sure, the box is the lightest load, it's mostly snack foods, some are healthier but anything really good that was down there was...well... not good anymore." He chuckles and hands her the box, keeping the two cases of water he walks in behind Chase. "I can't believe there was stuff down there, one of the fridges though was on the fritz so nothing in it was salvageable, and the walk in freezer was turned off, I think someone had used it as a safe-room, there was a cot among other living area items in there..." he looked away feigning regret "I searched a little for the previous occupant on my way back, I found him dead, claw marks and the like, no sign of the demon though, but with the way the markings were it definitely just seemed like a lesser one." He sets the water down on the table, grabbing one and sitting in the chair with his leather coat. He looked out the window, idly fiddling with his necklace again "I like thunder and lightning storms, it's something about them. It's like a symphony playing, the rain the is all the instruments building up to the crescendo then, well you know." He says chuckling, almost to emphasis his point another lightning cracked and thunder roared. He chuckled "I miss orchestras and symphonies. Well most of the finer things in life I miss, the cost for it all not so much." He chuckles again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kyra walked trough the kitchen, she noticed that there wasn't any food left that was eatable... She sighs and grabs some salt from the counter, wich was used to mark the doors and windows for our stay in this hotel.
Kyra placed the salt in her backpocket and walked towards the stairs, as she noticed the others came back from their scavanging, she just glanced back at the stairs, she didn't wanted any company for the time being... It was something she always had at the start of a new place where they would work from...
As she ascended the stairs, she tought about a saw, wich would be handy for if she was attacked, she walked back, into the cellar and as she saw the toolrack, she grabbed one of the good looking saws from the rack, and walked back upstairs, towards the roof where she was headed.
As she reached the roof, she glanced around, no demons... Thank god... She sat down in the middle of the roof, in the beam of the moonlight, as she placed salt around here, and placed the saw next to her.
As she closed her eyes, she placed her hands together, as most did when they would start to pray. But instead, Kyra started to sing, her voice sounded like one of an angel, but she was a mere humanbeing... It filled the entire town wich they were in, but the song itself was ment for Father Almighty, for it was her prayer towards him...

{Please visiualize her when you listen to the song ^^}
As she finishes her prayer, she smiles for a short time, she enjoyed to sing, and yet hated it to be watched... She never truelly enjoyed others hearing her as they saw her singing, she loved to sing more when she was alone, and they would just hear it...


As Lance glanced around, he sensed something weard once the lightning struck, he noticed an angel, a strong one indeed... But at the same time a dark smell filled Lance's nose, the smell of a demon... Was it possible?! A demon amongst them?!
As Lance glanced towards Father Gabriel, he just saw a glance of what seemed like wings... Lance rubbed his eyes, and glanced at Father Gabriel again, but there were no wings at all... Perhaps it was just his imagination?
As the scavangersteam returned Lance just smiled, and just as he wanted to stand up to prepare some food for the group, a voice was heard trough the entire hotel...
A pure voice... Filled with light... And yet a dark tainted aura was sensed within it... Only those who were angels or demons could feel this... Mere humans only could feel the light coming from this song... And Lance knew it was a prayer towards their Father...
But who was missing in their team? As Lance glanced trough the group, he was already again distracted by the fact that food had to be cooked... But his mission came first!
In a mere second, Lance grabbed out a small notebook, wich was holding all the information about this party, but no human could truelly read it, because it was written in the ancient languedge of the angels... Evokian...
Only those who were truelly gifted with the ancient languedge and knew how to read it, would be able to even descipher just a small part of it, for Lance played it smart, and placed allot of words all around the paper, just to make sure no one would truelly be able to understand it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chase nodded, accepting the box from Xavier and giving him a bit of a smile. In all honesty, Xavier kind of weirded her out. Not really in a bad way, per say, but like Father Gabriel, he didn't talk too much about himself. And if he did, it was usually kind of odd. He also gave this dark vibe, but that was generally pretty normal for Hunters. They all had their fair share of trauma. Chase still remembered her first encounter with a ghost . . . nearly sent her screaming.

She followed him into the kitchen as he described a horror story experience. "Well, whatever it was, I hope it still isn't here," she dropped the food on the table and proceeded to dust her hands off. The box was probably sitting there for a little while at least. "Maybe you should tell Kyra, she'd be likely to identify it. Then we can counter it and all," she gave a bit of a rueful smile, catching Xavier staring out the window.

She listened to him speak. The regret in his voice. . yet, he feigned to be so joyful all the time. Yep. Still human.

She leaned against the counter, "Yeah. I like storms too. Well, except for in the summertime. Usually Dad and I would camping and the storms would. . conflict with our plans. We got stuck in a storm once. Man, that's a story to remember."

Chase wondered how her father was doing.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He nodded to her "Yeah getting stuck isn't so hot." He says pulling his legs up and standing on the fire escape. I'm gonna grab Kyra hopefully she'll come down and get something to eat." He says shrugging and walking up the stairs, he sees her on the roof, and walks over. He smiles at her

"Hey miss, we were able to get some food, and the equipment downstairs still works, so we can actually cook something. Oh and I found I guy dead not too long ago, the slashes on his chest and face were old, but i scouted around a little before coming back, whatever killed him is no doubt long gone.

" He hands her his jacket "So you aren't completely drenched either." He says shrugging and giving it to her. He gives her a wink and a smile "I bet you're as hungry as I am anyway as hungry as all of us are no doubt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Father Gabriel sighed gently as the lightning kept striking down. he gets up from the small porch and walks out into the rain, his head low looking through. His dog barked deeply and pawed at the door angrily barking and yapped at the door. Gabriel kept walking till he got onto another roof and mutters.

"O pater, et ego hinc me audis auxilium petere. Nescio quo hinc ad. Est, sed etiam omnia quae pulchra multitudinis curam unusquisque enim in me rogatus. sed quia id quod fit in auxilium meum adventum vestrum semper pater omnipotens. Sed dic mihi quid faciam " (go translate it)

Everyone could see something amazing though happen the sky spllit open and glowing ambers of flames flew around the city. It lashed through the hotel and it started to swirl around Gabriel on the roof and the people could hear a very powerful but careing voice enter the world of them. A voice that make even the mightest of angels fall to their knees in fear. As God spoke.

"My children of all, my last hope let not your hearts be troubled or be afraid of what hell might have instore. If you fight for heaven you will be in heaven when you pass from this life. Come my children and look to your leader, he shall help you. I have sent Gabriel to aid you for he is my will and my power. He shall never leave you astray" the voice echoed through everyone's ears and hearts. they would feel something in their will to get stronger and their hearts turn pure except that of the demon.

Gabriel was kneeling his head down he now held a sword in his hands like that of a knight. The hunters now could see massive white and wolden wings flutter behind him. it was Archangel Gabriel, god had sent them a becon of hope and joy. It was time to be a true tream and stop the devil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kyra opened her eyes as the voice came nearby, she glanced at Xavier... As he plaved his jacket on her, she grabbed it and threw it back at him.
"I can take care of myself, and a bit of rain won't kill me"
As she stood up, she glanced at another roof, seeing Father Gabriel... or rather, Archangel Gabriel, his wings were finally revealing himself to the others...
She glanced back at Xavier and smiled "Quite logical that the lesser demon was gone, the upper demons ussually control them, making them hunt for the souls they want."
She walked passed Xavier going down, she didn't much care about the food, nor the company for now...
What she did care about was talking to Father Gabriel for now, as she came downstairs, she glanced towards the group, walked passed them, and went outside.
Her hand was close to her books she carried with her, as she walked to the building Father Gabriel was on, she entered it and walked upstairs.
She glanced at Father Gabriel and smiled for a second, as she then walked next to him and sat down.
"Now that we know who you truelly are, I would like a chat with you"
Kyra's voice was serious, for what she was about to ask... could even bring the entire group in danger...
And even her soul would be at risk, but she didn't cared that much about it. The only thing she cared about was her revenge towards the demons!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gabriel golden blue eyes opened slowly and looking over got up putting the sword away in a sheath and looked at her "ask away any questions you may have or concerns" he said his voice was that of fifty men . His wings retracted into his back painlessly. His eyes fixed on her but soon his appearnce shifted back to that of Father gabriel eyes soft and kind. Gabriel didn't see this group as for revange group and thats what the demons wanted to use that motive against them all.

"i ask that you not ask for revange on the demons , That is what they will use against you and everyone if you try to get even by playing just as alow as they are they will win" He said wisely his voice was calm and gentle but it held a sharp note to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyra grinned, she knew he would have been able to sense it, but she didn't care... Her vengeance was what kept her going, it was what made her already sacrifice a part of her soul for the powers she found in her books... But what she was about to ask would probably scare Father Gabriel...
"I want to summon Lilith..."
As she stood up, her eyes were filled with flames, her vengeance wad what would make her strong and what would make her be able to control Lilith once she gave her body.
"I know you've saved me that day Father Gabriel, but... I am useless towards this team for now, I only know information about demons I've encountered and from what is written within the books. If I summon Lilith and give her permission to enter my body, I will be able to indentify each demon by just glancing at them, and even I will be able to be usefull to this team!"
Her voice was filled with commitment, this was something she truelly wanted to do, for the sake of her revenge and for the sake of this team. But if she wasn't able to control Lilith, she would be an danger towards the team, and she would gladly take her own life...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chase watched as Xavier left and her eye caught the snowball of a dog, Saki. Upon noticing that the dog was barking angrily and freaking out, she was about to give him affection, maybe calm him down . . and that's when she got rather dizzy. Grabbing the corner of the counter for some support, she was lucky to have not found herself stumbling backwards. That was when the message was sent to her, both in her heart and then echoed in her head. Reopening her eyes, she took in a sharp breath of air and the feeling was gone. Now, she felt herself quite stronger and much more . . blessed. It was the oddest thing.

Father Gabriel was more than he seemed. At the same time though, Chase didn't feel caught off guard or very surprised. She had suspected it from the start, admittedly. That's when she saw Kyra walk past her and glared. It made Chase's heart stop for a moment and she didn't like the feeling much. So instead of hesitating, she followed Kyra outside, with just enough time to see Gabriel's wings retach. Neither seemed to notice Chase right around and she was too awestruck to say anything.

Instead, she listened to their conversation, only butting in when she had heard enough.

Summon Lilith?!

Clearly, someone was a little further than "crazy". Chase found herself cutting into the conversation, voicing her thoughts: "Summon Lilith? Kyra, that's crazy-talk! You'll get yourself killed and that's not something that I have the ability to patch up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gabriel nodded with chase "i agree with chase on this one. You will not be summoning lilith. its maddness she is the oldest demon that can destory a humans heart and soul and take it over. I would hate have to kill you because you though you could take on a soulless creature" the archangel said hois voice was sharp and soft at the same time. it was a father like . His eyes looking at her coldly but deeply into her soul. he knew she wouldn't be able to contain the archdemon.
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