Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Carry On my Wayward Son

Background information : For the longest time after the supernatural hunters of the world was erased, sam and dean died and nothing was left to stop Lucifer from breaking free. Except that lucifer needed a vessel his only true vessel. When that never came he decided to just wing it and destroy the world all around. Till one man and his team decided it was there job to stop this Devil from destroying earth. They are earth's last hope, they are the sons and daughters of God. they are the human hunters.

Roles In the Rp

Head of the group : he makes all the shots and can easily discard a person if he feels they are betraying the group. Is a Archangel’s Vessel(me)

Smart one : a smart individual who knows about killing monsters. They are smart human with a big heart and loving sense of right and wrong. good with a weapon at times but likes to research better,

The Weapons person : the person who keeps tabs on all the weapons and how they work. They often are the ones that make sure everyone has one and can teach newbies how to use these weapons.

The Caretaker : the person who is like the medical part of the group. good at defending people close to the post it holds. The caretaker helps wounds and all.

The Rogue Angel : the rogue angel is part of the group, the angel was sent because one of the people of the group is a vessel for one of the archangels . The angel is quite close to the leader but doesn’t know quite the reason why. Has angelic powers but never harms the group.

The spy : a spy who joins the group and is part of Lucifer’s army. Its a demon as a human wishing to learn all it can about this group and report back to Lucifer as soon as it has enough info. its a new member that they found

Name :
Age :
Race (hunters are human, they could later on host a demon or angel inside their body later on in the rp. The only ones who are not pure humans are Angel and demon)
History (around five sentences or longer please, if a hunter please explain why you joined the group)
Role In the rp
Personality (how do you act ?)
Powers (only angels and demons have powers. Please only have two powers please!)
Weakness (if you have a power you state your weakness here. If human state a flaw or couple flaws that you have)
Weapons (Daggers, Salt pistol or something that helps slay monsters)
Pet (...very few have a pet because their pets would always be in danger)
Picture :
Crush (please state here who you like to have a crush on so i know in the later part of the rp who has a crush on who, so there isn’t nine people fighting for one girl)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ageless, but Sariel's vessel is 21.


Sariel was originally a low ranked angel. She did small time jobs and did as she was told. Until Adam and Eve needed to be removed from Paradise. Her job was to eradicate demons wherever they may pop up. So she did this for thousands of years, unquestioningly destroying lesser demons left and right until she was told to start wiping out humans in Egypt. When she protested the orders to kill humans, she was removed from her post and forced to start from the bottom of the ranks all over again.

She was not allowed to return to Earth after the encounter, and so she served mostly as a guardian for Heaven, defending from incursions that never happened and settling angelic disputes (of which there were even fewer). Naturally, when Lucifer started acting up once more, she was elected to return to the garrisons, to start fighting against demons. The original skirmishes against Lucifer caused more and more casualties, until when Sariel's garrison was sent against a few demons. The ambush left her without a garrison yet again, but her experience with demon tactics ensured her a spot on the front lines.

She found herself working alone, destroying small pockets of lesser demon resistance where she went. When Gabriel started his task force, she was 'volunteered' to aid them as well as keep tabs on Gabriel. While she was told that she was going to be working with humans, she was informed not to grow attached. If the group fell into demon hands or was suspected to be compromised, she was to wash her hands of the humans and return to heaven. Preferably with Gabriel, but if she was unable to retrieve him from the demons, she was supposed to quote, 'do what was necessary'.

Role In the rp:
(Soon to be) Rogue Angel

A very straight forward person with very little of her own willpower, she follows orders to the letter, as she cannot see the spirit. Sariel is interested in human culture and music, often times having been found with books her vessel owned or her vessel's headphones on. She can be a very bland person when you first meet her, as she refuses to answer questions with any personal meaning, like her favorite items or preferences as she has yet to accumulate any. She does, however, like to recount her favorite fight against demons and hellhounds where she only used a butter knife and some holy water.

Once one gets to know her, she can be very loyal and expressive. She has very many opinions about the war and about Lucifer, and most of them conflict with heaven's. However, she'll never breathe a word about them. The last time she did, she was stripped of her rank and effectively punished. Whenever she does speak her mind, she flinches and apologized repeatedly then walks away from the conversation.

-By touching regular water, she turns it into holy water.
-By holding a demon's head, she can exorcise them without harming the vessel.
-She can teleport, but only within her sight line.

-She has to literally touch the water to make it holy (same with exorcising the demons.)
-Sariel can only teleport to places she can at that moment. She can not teleport to California if she is standing in Times Square.
-The letter or the law is not the same as the spirit of the law, but she's only going to understand the letter or the law.

Angel sword, a decent sized water gun, and a salt gun.

None. If she'd have any, it would be likely that she'd outlive it.

Whoever's up for it, but she's not interested in sex whatsoever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haha get the demon spy and rogue angel together that would be funny (and cliched I know) Anyway hope you all like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Um Gabriel was told by Heaven to help stop lucifer so most likely not going against heave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

RainDash said
This was the first time she started to question orders, but she was immediately assigned to monitor Father Gabriel and his group.

She's there as insurance. Since Gabriel has a history of going against orders and junk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Actually Gabriel never went against gods will. gabriel left heaven and God never asked him to come back. Gabriel if anything did what he had to do to make everything play out as normal as it was so post to in till God gave him back his life and told him to stop lucifer. wich Gabriel shall do in some veryy strange way XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay. It was just I never figured the angels being okay with Gabriel (one of their stronger angels) just up and leaving. I still think it makes sense to have someone watching him, mostly to keep tabs on the group's activities. Plus, angels are jerks so 'kill everyone if you tell them their orders and they refuse to follow along' would be a valid order. I mean, when you have general out with the troops, you'd wanna know what's going on and have someone dependable dispense orders to the 'lower ranks' and if they disagreed, just wash your hands of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I wish to join
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gabriel was never against god or heaven. He was against the war
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I am well aware of that. Heaven probably wouldn't want him going AWOL again, is all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pisces | February 23rd | INFJ

Full Name
Chase E. Colt





A girl born and raised in the small sliver of Republican New Jersey. Her "biological father" (referred to as "Sperm Donor") went to California shortly after she was born and never returned. She and her older sister (her elder by two years) were raised by their single mother until she was three, when a man would become her stepfather or as she fondly referred to him as "Dad/Daddy/Old Man". Her parents ended up splitting when she was fourteen and to everyone's surprise, she stayed with her dad over her biological mother. She has since then, grown to hate her mother and has chose to avoid her after graduating high school.

One of the reasons that Chase chose to stay with her father was due to the fact that he would not treat her like a girl and instead, would take her hunting with a crossbow or on weekend camping trips to the Kittatinny Mountains. He even bought her a crossbow for her sixteenth birthday with her initials engraved in it. The second reason that Chase chose to stay with him is because he was the only one who believed her not to be crazy when she briefly predicted events through dreams. This would only grow as time grew on and it happens to be due to the fact that she and her father are Indigo Children, but not even that, Indigo Warriors. Indigo Warriors are often children who are born with intuitive abilities (as well as some traits such as ADHD, which is actually exceedingly common) and that their abilities might even grow to supernatural or paranormal levels, often sent to protect another breed of "children"; Crystal Children. And hence began their mutual interest in the supernatural.

The two created a two-man team and were occasionally joined by Chase's older sister and were only able to complete a few jobs involving ghosts, the Jersey Devil and once before, a vampire. Shortly after, Chase decided to leave that part of her life behind in order to attend college in Atlanta, Georgia, where she was accepted by Emory University for a course in writing. Now only seeing her Dad on holidays or her sister when she was in the New York neighborhood, she thought that she could leave that chapter of her life behind . . .

Except for the fact that she was wrong. Very wrong. As her dreams grew stronger, she began to seek out others like her out of immense fear of the world being in danger. She ended up drifting until she found a partner to work with, a fellow and much more experienced hunter than she was. That only lasted for four months until said partner was killed. She doesn't talk about it.

After drifting for a while longer and almost resorting to asking her father for help, she had run into Gabriel and his group by chance. She has been with them for eight months and despite her long membership, still considers herself a bit of an outcast or newbie. Despite this fact, she still cares for them dearly, acting extremely motherly to the group.

At first, a quiet and reserved girl. Due to her social anxiety, she can be seen as stand-offish or extremely shy, some people are surprised to discover that she even has a working voice box. But she warms up to people rather quickly (depending on their aura or impressions) and often has the problem of hating herself for doing it. In all honesty, she hates trusting other people and while it is literally in her nature to care about everyone she comes across, she tries her best to hide her vulnerabilities. This is quite a problem, considering it is quite obvious and she is extremely emotional fragile. Not only that, but she is also extremely sensitive and prone to worrying, and often worries that she is hindering the others. Despite, this, however, most people enjoy getting to know her. She can be a little whiny at times, but her sweetness often makes up for it. She can be naive, closely led and is extremely oblivious. She can be quite playful and flirtatious as well. Her actions are often dictated by her emotions, which can be either good or bad, and while she heavily believes in her morals and beliefs (and will do anything to defend them), she also believes in bending the rules when the situation calls for her. She has beef with authority and has an extremely rebellious nature.

Despite her massive concern for others, she has quite a cynical nature and can be surprisingly sadistic (almost scarily so) and can be sarcastic, witty and with a dry sense of humor. She tends to act without thinking and is prone to regretting her actions at later dates.She likes to think she is tactical, but isn't and prefers to be on the battlefield, protecting others and prefers blunt force. She can be quite persuasive and stubborn when dealing with others. She has a belief that people always choose their fate and believes it is extremely important to be in control of your own environment. She is clumsy and hates being the center of attention. She hates the idea of love and it is generally assumed that she is afraid of it and that is most likely because she loves her own independence, considering she has a very independent nature.

Weaknesses & Fears
Deathly afraid of flying and has a fierce fear of small spaces. Like most mortals, she also has a fear of dying. Due to a weak immune system, she is also afraid of sickness and disease, being a huge Germaphobe. She is quite a compassionate individual and while it can be said that she is weak for everyone in the group (which is very much the truth), there is no better person for her enemies to take hostage than her father. Due to her social anxiety, she is unable to get verbal information from locals (she is "training" to get better at this). She absolutely hates using shotguns and thinks of them as "dirty" and "peasantry", but being a hunter and all, it isn't much of an option (will only use a Tactical Shotgun for some reason).

Always has her trusty crossbow with her. Has a blade in her left boot and another one around her waist. She has a pistol loaded with silver bullets on her left side. Wears a cross and anti-possession ring and has a flask of holy water, as well as a note for exorcist spells (this usually takes a try or two, she sucks at Latin) and chalk for quick minute devil traps. In the back of her car, she has a sniper rifle, a tactical shotgun, and a machete.

Always wanted one to bring with her, but hasn't due to the warnings. She treats Saki like her own pet.

Drives a Mustang Boss 429. Can be seen below:

Doesn't say.

Learn To Fly - Foo Fighters (this is like, fitting for this entire Roleplay)

She is considered a "rookie" in the field of hunting, but mediocre in the field of medicine. She never took any courses for it, but she can at least stitch people up, patch their wounds, give them painkillers and attempt to nurture them back to health. She has mentioned that her favorite genres of music are alternative, rock, and alternative rock. She loves to read. Her favorite band is Matchbox 20 and her favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. She loves Godzilla movies (and is always praying that Godzilla doesn't happen to exist). She was atheistic before being pulled into the hunter world where she confirmed her religion as Spiritualist. She sucks at Latin, but can speak brief Spanish. She loves animals and often, treats them better than people. She has a deep love for zombies and is only slightly disappointed she hasn't had a chance to kill one yet (this also hints that she has a very small grasp on this wonderful thing called "reality").
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I hope she isn't terrible. This is my first Roleplay out of Free. Let me know if I need to edit anything!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That's a wonderful profile. Hey mind if she and Gabriel get a bit of a love dove?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's good? Oh thank god, my mind was blanking out while writing it.

And love dove?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It happens to everyone. So could our characters tango a bit in love.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hmm. That could be very interesting. She hasn't quite told anyone who her crush was after all.

Sure, we can experiment with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name : Kyra Sanders

Age : 21
Race: Human

Kyra wasn't always a bitch who yelled at everyone who didn't knew her explanations, or who just looked at her the wrong way.
She became like this because of her past, her parents were killed by demons, and she saw how they got brutally slaughtered infront of her eyes, before they wanted to mate with Kyra. From this point she only went forward, studied each demon she could find information from and even tried to take samples of the lesser demons that she killed on her own.
But after a few months, Kyra ran across Gabriel who then invited her to join his group, ever since she never left Gabriel's side and fought to seal Lucifer once more.

Role In the rp: Smart One

Kyra is someone who always knows everything beter...
If it comes down to demons, she knows everything about them. How they hide in plain sight, how they can be defeated and how to seal them once more into hell.
Kyra also isn't a girl who you would want against you, for she can be one hell of a bitch, wich she moslty is being hated for, because Kyra always says what is on her mind, and she always tells the trueth to anyone, angel, demon or human, she doesn't care.


Kyra hates it when someone else knows it beter than her, she also isn't that fast, she lacks condition because she smoked, and because of that she is always at the back of the group when they have to run.


Kyra always carry's four pouches with books in them around her belt, for she thinks that knowledge is the best weapon against any enemy.

Crush: No one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Archangel

Gabriel Archangel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

accepted my friend ^_^
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