Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi was ready to fly off as soon as Shu was on he back, eager to get into that fight. She recognized the three opposing energies, it was the group who had taken her and done this to her. Now though she had help, and come hell or high water she was going to make them pay for what had happened. Feeling the little monkey-boy clamber up onto her back she nearly darted off, instead stopping when he complained about the fruit they'd gotten. Sighing she licked up the basket, handing it off to Shu for him to carry instead of her having to balance it and him. "There, now please just hold on!" With his being unable to fly she had to take it upon herself to get him there, also making it nigh impossible to join the fray without setting him down first. With her own arms wrapped securely around Shu's legs she darted off into the air, flying in the direction of the battle hastily. Between herself, the boys and Vegeta these creeps were going to pay, big time.

Vegeta knew his anger was getting the best of him and clouding his judgment, but he could scarcely care at the moment. He just wanted to hurt one of these kids, badly. In an attempt to put them off balance he tried a false swipe, annoyed with himself as he failed to connect like he wanted. Instead he felt an elbow drive into the side of his head, coughing out a bit of phlegm and blood from the hard hit, staggering in mid-air as well. With an angry growl he lowered himself slightly, gathering a mass of Ki in the palm of his hand quickly and throwing a punch with the other. As an insurance policy if the other boy tried to interfere or if he was blocked he'd shoot the Ki, holding it for the time being.

Takeshi and Kabocha were going back and forth, hitting and blocking one another just about blow for blow. While the former was stronger he wasn't quite as desperate to win as Kabocha was, and so he was scarcely using his full strength. Whether the noble was or not hardly mattered, he was putting up more than enough of a fight. After having a punch narrowly skim his hair Takeshi got a kick right into his side, groaning painfully as it connected and immediately being punched upwards following suit. Being sent skyward he looked down to see Kabocha spiraling after him, forcing himself to stop in mid-air and instead shooting himself directly down at the other boy. When they got close enough Kabocha threw a punch, but the prince pushed the fist to the side and responded with a strong headbutt, wincing himself as he watched Kabocha back off, grasping at his head. Dashing in he slammed an elbow into the other boy's shoulder, knocking him down a few good meters. "You're not going to win idiot, just give up!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was a little saddened by the thought that they’d have to leave the basket behind, even if there were Saiyans and definitely were a danger to the entire planet. It might had been because the basket was a genuine gift to them and something to be treasured, not dumped on the forest floor and left for whatever scavenger to pick up. Frowning as he held onto Yumi, he let out a squeak when she handed him the basket, holding onto it and Yumi with his tail wrapped around her waist, “Yay! I will!” Feeling a little anxious about what was to come, he kept a tight hold of the basket as well as Yumi to make sure he didn’t fall off.

The twins were on top of everything Vegeta did; if one twin missed something then the other would quickly pick up on it. There were reasons the twins had been taken into the combat unit when they were of such low class, it was only through luck that they had been discovered as useful soldiers. Not even changing their expressions as Vegeta was hit successfully, Kai kept on the offensive while Choi was on the defensive. Vegeta’s short temper was fairly amusing, but they couldn’t let it break their concentration otherwise they’d lose their synergy. Noticing the Ki building up, Kai gathered some in his palm himself while Choi blocked the incoming punch and Kai fired at the Ki energy. With that dealt with, Choi went on the offensive this time with Kai changing to defensive as Choi threw out a kick and punch to get Vegeta away from them with Kai speaking up this time, “You’d never understand; you try to think we’re selfish, but you’ve never been in the situation hundreds are in just now, have you?”

Viral watched the pair fight against the Saiyans simply from where he was, his gaze tired but his mind fairly in focus to what was happening. It was hard to sit back and watch while feeling completely useless, only feeling completely discouraged and depressed. He couldn’t do a thing to help any of them, all he could do was watch as Vegeta was viciously beaten and Takeshi was stuck in a fairly even battle that one hit could easily tilt the favour immediately. It was hard to say whether he was ever going to be useful in a battle with enemies that could fly and fire off energy that he had trouble dealing with in the first place, he was just rendered completely inferior. No wonder everyone saw him as daft or a pushover, probably because he was more of a pet than anything now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Not unsurprisingly his attempts to injure either of the twins failed yet again, each attack countered or blocked easily. It was frustrating, but if he hoped to actually get anywhere he needed to reel in his anger. Easier said than done, espcially as he was kicked in the back and moved away, getting chased with a punch to the chin to boot. Gritting his teeth he lifted a hand to wipe at his mouth, glaring at Kai as he tried to chastise Vegeta. "You're not looking for another way either, you're just taking the easy route out!" he snapped, refusing to hear any of their justifications. "Why suffer yourselves when someone can do it for you, right? So long as your family is happy others can pay the price in their place!" If it was their friends or family on the line he was certain these kids would do the exact same thing, it was all a matter of perspective. Looking between the twins Vegeta was faced with the very real posibility that he was in a futile fight here, as he couldn't break through their teamwork on his own. And the only other viable fighter here was in his own battle.

"You might have been our leader before, but I've gotten stronger since then! I know I'm stronger than you now," Kabocha shouted, waving a hand dismissively, "And I'll prove it to you!" Hurrying in and closing the distance he threw a punch that was immediately blocked, trying a kick that had the same result. In turn he dodged a punch that was intended for his head, grabbing Takeshi's arm and throwing him over to try and make him vulnerable. When he turned to attack though he was surprised to see a Ki blast charged, unable to do much more other than block as the shot was fired, being pushed back towards the trees and crashing through the canopy into the ground. He barely managed to push it away, but the force of the attack alone had driven him off a fair bit. Wasting no time Kabocha countered with a blast of his own, flying towards Takeshi simultaneously to apply pressure. Like with the prince's though it was blocked, and ultimately deflected and sent careening into the sky above them. Both boys were deadlocked by the looks of it, which infuriated them both.

This was not what was supposed to be happening right now. Viral should be peacefully resting, and the rest of them enjoying themselves in the mean time. Yet again though their lives were being disrupted by Saiyans, with utterly no disregard for them at all. It was personal this time too, seeing as the ones in question were responsible for what had been done to her. Screeching through the sky at a high speed for a few moments the Beastman finally slowed, if only due to a sizable Ki blast exploding a few dozen meters ahead of them. Uncertain as to whether it was safe or not Yumi lingered for a moment, looking back at Shu to see how he was fairing. Another blast erupted a few seconds later, making her shirk back reflexively. They were either getting serious or testing one another, and for a secon she debated if she was even capable of competing with these boys. Of course she was, what a ridiculous notion that she wouldn't be. She'd have her friends to help too, this time was going to be different.

"You three need to leave, now! I'm not going to say it a second time!" Takeshi screamed, taking his eyes off of Kabocha briefly to look at the twins. "We won't let you take anyone, you're only wasting your time. I made a promise to you, but if you try hurting my friends then I say to hell with it, you're in the same boat as my father!" Not getting a chance to continue as Kabocha came at him for an attack he cursed under his breath, meeting fist with fist and knee with knee. They were being ridiculous, there wasn't any chance that they'd get either Viral or Yumi. Grappling with the other Saiyan he continued trying to get the upper hand, baffled as to how he wasn't overpowering his old squadmate. In the midst of their struggle matters were made even worse as two powers began approaching. Normally Takeshi would be glad to see them, but in the current situation neither Shu nor Yumi had any place here. Now he had to worry about both them and Viral too.

Diving right into the fight wasn't going to work, not while she was playing taxi. Without saying a word to either of her friends or even giving the Saiyans a glance she flew past everyone, landing before Viral and giving him a sad smile. "Hi..." she said gently, a bit upset to see him clearly exhausted. Now wasn't the time for doting on her friend though, there were far more pressing matters to see to. Sliding Shu down off of her back she looked at the little Saiyan tenderly, giving his head a gentle rub as she leaned over, coming eye to eye. "Listen to me Shu, this is important. Please keep Viral safe for me? I'm going to help your brother and Vegeta, and he's still recovering, so keep them away." Giving the monkey-boy a kiss on the forehead as thanks she immediately went back into the air, driving right on my Takeshi and taking a spot at Vegeta's side instead. Seeing the twins was rekindling her discontent towards them, her lip curling bag to reveal elongated canines threateningly. "Good... You didn't kill either of them yet..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Choi had felt that he had given Vegeta a good beating, but if this was going to continue then he'd probably have to kill him to get passed and Takeshi would definitely not like that. Beating up Vegeta was all fine and good, but there were other concerns such as retrieving their catch and getting back before suspicions were raised. With Vegeta trying to guilt trip his way into victory, Choi moved forward almost losing his stance, "You think this is for ourselves?? This has always been about family...it's always family!" Choi shouted in rebuttle, aiming to give Vegeta a right chewing out, "You think we like being seen as the freaks of the Saiyan race just because we're twins?? Both of us would be the first to go...and our father! Just because he's our father...he'd have to go in too!"

Kai gave Choi a quick push backwards, keeping his guard up all the same but making sure Choi doesn't end up rambling about a future they were determined not to have, "We're not from a privilaged family like other Saiyan warriors, we came from the kitchens...the slaves", he spoke, keeping his fists out in front of him, "The threat of death and beatings is constant, even for the children who work in it! Is it wrong to want to keep our father out of the threat of pain or death by fighting for the King? So long as we work, he doesn't suffer! Do you know what suffering is, you who lives such a privilaged and free life? Will we be saved, or will only suffering be our future while we have to watch our father be beaten and humiliated for spawning a couple of freaks?"

Before the fight had even started for Viral, he had already lost. Watching the Saiyans all have their little party up in the air just made him feel useless, he just wanted to leave before he was hurt ending with all of them worrying over their 'frail little Beastman'. Before he could even make a move to get out of there, however, Yumi and Shu were soon dropping in at the worst time possible. Yumi really didn't need to be here and bringing the child wasn't going to make things any better, "Yumi! What are you- I don't need-...Yumi!" He was just being ignored as she flew off into the fray, something none of them needed right now. She shouldn't had been here, all she was doing was handing herself over to the Saiyans in the easiest way possible for them, "Damnit Yumi! The hell are you doing?!"

Shu didn't know how he would be able to help other than keeping Viral safe like Yumi told him and possibly firing off shots if things got bad. Looking to Viral, he gave him a little smile before looking down to his basket. Maybe there was something he could do to make Viral a little happier, he just seemed to be down in the dumps ever since getting all sick. Looking away for a moment before back to him, he slowly moved closer to the Beastman, showing him the basket, "Don't be sad, Mister Viral, they'll deal with the Saiyans! I brought a shiny and fruit, do you like fruit...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The little brawl they were having was quickly devolving into a simple shouting contest, everyone wanting to tear one another apart verbally. Oddly enough that was getting to Vegeta more than the actual fighting had been. These kids were going on about protecting their families, but they had no idea about what his life was. They were lucky, even if they didn't know it. After the twins gave their piece Vegeta started to laugh bitterly, covering his eyes with one hand as he reeled back slightly. "You're doing this all for your father...?" he asked, calming enough to look back at Kai and Choi, a hollow grin on his face. "Well that's sweet of you. I however don't have the same luxury, mine is dead. As is my mother." Becoming a bit somber at saying it he slumped slightly, feeling tired for some reason. "And all I've got are my friends now. At home I run a worldwide company, I hardly ever have any time. Priviliged, is having no family and no time to myself privileged? Is that free? You've got a brother, each of you, and a father still. Without my friends, who YOU are trying to steal, I'm alone. So don't you talk to me like I don't know how shitty life can be, because I DO know!"

"Enough of the sob stories already! No one's here to listen to a bleeding heart." Yumi shouted, getting a rather surprised look from both Vegeta and Takeshi. Her mind was set on one thing, and that was hurting the two boys in front of her. It had only been a week in Saiyan custody, but that week had been utterly miserable and painful. She wanted to make them feel even a fraction of that, whatever she could do. Glaring over at a crestfallen Vegeta she pointed furiously at the twins, gritting her teeth. "Fight them! Help me beat them already, quit your pissing contest!" It was unlike her to be this vicious or vindictive, but she couldn't help it right now. Something inside her was screaming to get out, and it was driving her mental, she had to lash out at something. When all her friend did was hang his head she looked instead to Takeshi, balling her hands into fists. "Well, are you going stand there gawking or help me out?!"

"Yumi... You need to stop..." Takeshi answered, looking just as dejected as Vegeta. This wasn't like her, he'd never seen her get this righteously furious before. The utter look of anger on her face was unsettling, it was like she was an entirely different person. Rather than indulge her desire for revenge he found himself quickly losing the desire to fight, opting to try and compromise again. If they went at one another like this than no one was going to win ultimately, and who knows, someone even might end up seriously hurt, or worse. Moving towards Yumi he watched her take a stance as if expecting to fight, instead placing himself in front of her with his arms stretched out to the sides, giving her a sad look. "They're not worth getting this angry over. Come on, just settle down..." Takeshi pleaded. He owed it to both his friends and to his former squad to stop them from fighting, since both had to ultimately be saved. Seeing that she wasn't backing down he got ready to block any attacks, but was surprised when something else happened.

Yumi was hardly paying any mind to Takeshi's pleas, her eyes still trained on Kai and Choi beyond him. Despite his protests she tried to move ahead and go after the twins, though was blocked off yet again. Looking up from the chest before her she saw Vegeta floating before her, giving her the same sad look that her other friend had. Growling she tried to move around him, livid when he followed her. "Get out of my way Vegeta! I need to do this!" she screamed, shaking from her pent up anger. He didn't say anything, only giving her that same sorry look as before. Why couldn't they just let her have this? These two were so content with fighting on their own, but now that she wanted to become involved it was wrong? Moving to strike Vegeta away Yumi stopped as she felt wetness on her cheeks, blinking in confusion for a moment before reaching up, feeling tears streaming out. Why was she crying over this? Looking at her dampened fingertips uncertainly she let out a soft gasp when Vegeta wrapped his arms around her, freezing as her arms hung limply at her sides. The fire was still in her, but it was slowly starting to dwindle down. "Why can't I do this...?" she mumbled, closing her eyes and halting the flow of tears fitfully, "Why can't I get even with them?"

"Because it's not what you want," Vegeta explained gently, giving a sad smile. He had realized something, even in the midst of his own ranting. These kids had no choice, they were being made to do this. If any of them were in the same situation he was positive they'd endanger a stranger in order to protect the ones they loved. And the quip about the twin's father, that was jealousy on his part. Vegeta wasn't alone though, not really, as he had an extended family that more than filled the void. A big part of that family was in his arms right now, looking rather lost and confused with herself. "You don't want revenge on them... You want to get to the king, we all do. And that's what we're going to do, yeah?" The brother's father was the one to blame for all of this, everyone else was in service due to fear of him. Cut the head off the snake and the rest follows, that was how they'd have to resolve this. Glancing over his shoulder at Kai and Choi before turning to Kabocha his expression hardened a bit, finally focusing on his friend in his arms once more. "Think we can talk now, guys?"

Kabocha gave Yumi a funny look, thinking the girl was a proper mental case for freaking out like that. Sure, things were a bit heated, but holy hell did she have to go off like that? Realizing he had been left hanging there in the air by himself the noble moved back towards the twins, looking at their former leader and his friends uncertainly. Vegeta and Takeshi both looked to want a truce now, competely disregarding the fact that such a thing was incredibly unlikely. They couldn't give up, their families were on the line if they failed. With the odds stacked against them now, it being a potential 4 on three, he knew better than to push their luck. "Dammit...! We're so dead..." Kabocha grumbled, crossing his arms and glaring at the group before them. "We don't have much of a choice guys... Fine, we'll talk." Worst case scenario coming to fruition the Saiyan had resigned himself to at least try this, lowering himself down to the ground as the rest of the group did the same. "Kai, Choi, let's go! We've got a deal to make."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had only given the basket a quick look before he shook his head, pushing it away. While it was a little bit of a draw to see what the ‘shiny’ was, the thought of food still made him feel sick to his stomach. His mind was too focused on what was going on above him, his doubts to whether he was able to continue on with this humiliation. As the fight was gradually turning into an argument, his eyes going to the twins and Vegeta before his mind slowly sank into a depression again when Vegeta interjected and the guilt suddenly kicked in again when it seriously should never do such a thing. He should had been strong enough to withstand it, but it was still him who killed his creators and that just happened to be Vegeta’s parents. It was obvious that Vegeta was still feeling the sting from that no matter how much he insisted that he was over it, not to mention apparently his life had been absolutely terrible too. So much for what Vegeta told him, knowing that he was truly a disappointment deep in heart to his creator’s family just made him feel even worse. There was nothing he could do to redeem himself, his hand moving to Shu’s head as if making an attempt to distract him from what was going on up above.

Shu didn’t know what to make of Viral’s reaction and just looked into his basket, wondering if there was something in there the Beastman really didn’t like. It was probably a good thing that Viral didn’t want anything from it, fruit might be a little too distracting to eat while there was something important going on up above him. Tilting his head a little, he looked up towards the fighters as if wondering why there was nothing really happening before Viral suddenly placed his giant paw on his head, covering his view until he dropped his head, “Huh…? What’s going on? Mister Viral?” he asked out, making a grab at his paw and trying to gently lift it up, “I can’t see what’s happening…what’s going on?” Looking at Viral through his claws, he could almost smell the sadness that was emanating from him through a hardened glare away. He looked like he was trying to be tough on the outside but was hurting a lot on the inside, his curiosity being lead to whether Viral really tried hard to hide his emotions or there was a lot of belief riding on people like him not having any and he was trying to fit that myth.

Kai had tried to explain their situation, but it didn’t seem as if their opponent was having any of that even when he knew they had no choice. The guy was just bitter to the extreme and when the girl interjected it seriously didn’t help them any further when she was being just as aggressive. It was who they were supposed to capture, it was odd that she would come straight up to their faces and demand that they’d shut up with the intent to try and kill them. She didn’t think she could do much to them, but it would make it difficult if they were forced to fight separately. Watching both of them cautiously, he gave a little side glance to Choi before to Yumi, frowning a little at her reaction. He didn’t know how he was supposed to attack now, his eyes going to Takeshi as he interjected in the verbal beating they were receiving.

Choi was feeling a bit conflicted, it was getting harder to fight back when there was so much going on that was just hurting right now. There was so much guilt tripping and making them feel inferior, it was just getting to be a bit much with Choi wanting to finish them all off as quickly as possible with the girl being captured. Feeling confused as everything just started to turn and the guy who was previously mocking them for caring for their father. He didn’t even know why the girl was crying now, he didn’t kill anyone so there was nothing to cry over yet. Looking between all of them feeling fairly confused, Vegeta was sure enough the guy who wanted to stop and talk about it all. Choi didn’t really know if he wanted to do that, his eyes going to Kai to try and find some answers. They were dead if they didn’t return with their target, even if that only meant they were going to be dead in mind as they were turned into zombies. Completely disorientated by what was going on, he kept his guard up right until Kabocha decided to cut in with his own decision. It sounded like they had no choice, they couldn’t do this without Kabocha. Letting out a sigh, Choi gave one last glance to Kai before they both began to lower themselves to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was nice to have the fighting stopped before anyone was really injured. Takeshi looked between the two parties, both his friends and his former squad, wondering just how this was going to work. Both needed something out of this, two totally conflicting things that could not possibly work. Somehow they had to compromise on this or find a new solution entirely, easier said than done. Sighing to himself once everyone was settled on the ground he folded his arms across his chest, looking down at his feet with his brow pulled together. "Right... I guess now we talk..." he mumbled, mouth twisting at the corner in thought. There had to be a way to help his squad with their issue. The biggest driving force in their dilemma was their families being held captive. If that could somehow be struck from the equation then there would be no need for this mission of theirs, and no reason to swear loyalty to his damned father any longer.

"They need to pay for what they did to me..." Yumi mumbled, managing to keep her voice from breaking. Tears had stopped, though her cheeks were still wet and glistening from those that had already fallen. She had to get some of this out, but with no outlet available she could only hope it would dissipate after a while. Still feeling Vegeta's arms around her she stepped out of them carefully, managing a weak smile as she nodded gratefully to him, wiping her cheeks and eyes with the heels of her hands. "Thank you... I needed that." Looking away towards Takeshi and the other Saiyans she became a bit bothered once more, but keeping it together this time she walked to the elder brother's side, shaking off Vegeta trying to stop her as she came face to face with her former captors. "I'm not forgiving you guys, just so that's clear..." Yumi stated, holding her head up while staring them down steadily. "But... If my friends want to do this another way then I'll let them, just don't expect me to be sympathetic towards you."

"Don't worry Yumi, they don't need your sympathy," Takeshi piped in, looking at his friend sternly before softening up slightly with a small smile. "Please let me handle this? You don't know what we've talked about before, and you don't understand the situation, aside from wanting to get back at them. You'll get yours when we reach Kortal eventually, but until then you've got to let it go." Letting that sit for a moment he watched the conflicted and torn look onn Yumi's face for a moment, knowing full well how she felt. If he had been wronged like this he'd be in the same boat. Hell, even now knowing that she had been made to suffer too had him a bit angry, but their blame was misplaced if put on his squad. They were collaborators, sure, but by force, not by choice. When no qualms from the Beastman came up he smiled slightly, nodding his head and looking at the trio before him. "All right... First I need to know what's going on at home. How is my father handling the war with the rebels, do you know?"

"Of course we know, it's basically all you hear about when in the palace," Kabocha explained, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "From what I understand your old man is confident that he can still win easily, but that attack on his base has him riled up. And even better yet is your little rebel friends have sparked something of a frenzy in the galaxy." Seeing the puzzled look on both Takeshi's and the others faces he smirked, raising an eyebrow in question. "You hadn't heard? Other races are catching wind of the rebellion making some dents now, and other places are sprouting up to do the same. 'Course they won't be nearly as effective, but now Yamate has all these little bits of trouble to deal with. Last we spoke to him he was pretty pissed. So to answer your question he's deploying people to deal with the uprisings, but it's getting to be a bigger and bigger problem."

Takeshi had no idea about other groups taking up arms, and he was pretty sure Korian hadn't a clue either, at least not when they last spoke. Hearing that his father was scrambling to keep his stolen empire together was satisfying, but also just what they needed. Smiling he looked over towards Shu, going to his brother's side and looking to Viral as well. "Guys... Did you hear that? Sounds like the king is having problems, which means Kortal ought to be hurting for manpower right about now..."
"Takeshi? What are you thinking? We can't go to the Saiyan world. Even with people missing it's still a suicide mission." Vegeta didn't like where this was heading. If a proposed attack on the Saiyan home planet just to free these kids' families was to happen they'd need way more man power than they had. "I guess it's a good thing that the Saiyan's are a little flustered, but how does that help us?"

"Because, it means that father will be busy with something else to worry about a few cooks and some second-rate noble." Giving Kabocha a look to keep him quiet the older boy smiled thoughtfully, grabbing his brother's hand and tapping his nose to get his undivided attention. "Shu... Think real carefully, okay? We need to get their parents out of the palace, quickly and without putting ourselves in danger. Who is someone we know that can do that for us?" It had to be someone who was strong enough to defend themselves in case of danger, and someone who could certainly keep the others safe. Also, it had to be someone already dead. "I'll give you a hint..." Takeshi whispered, chuckling as he poked his sibling's stomach, "He's your idol."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The twins had managed to settle themselves on the ground, watching the others as they began to land as well. There was a problem with trusting Yumi mainly, she could easily blast them in the face once their guard is down. It wasn’t as if she was the quickest to declare a ceasefire out of the lot of them, she probably wanted to give them a good blast before they were sent on their way to their doom. They had come so close to capturing Viral and something had alerted the others, they hadn’t raised their power enough for detection so something must had gone wrong. With that in mind, they were both going to keep their guard up and make sure they were not going to have their faces blasted off just because a certain big-ears hadn’t calmed down; it wasn’t as if they were the ones who gave her those ears, it was probably an improvement too considering she probably looked better with them.

While Takeshi and Kabocha spoke, Choi looked around in vague disappointment that he hadn’t really been able to fight properly for that cheap shot to his face. Sighing a little as he looked around, he was alerted to the fact that the kid was actually here as well just sitting around with the Beastman no less. Giving him a good staring at, he slowly moved away from his general direction and towards Kai. He still remembered how that kid acted when they were on the mission and to see him up and around was quite worrying, his current state not exactly giving him any clue to whether he’d transform like he did before. Having such an unstable kid around was pretty scary, especially when he still turned into a rather hairy mini-Oozaru without the burden of size as a disadvantage.

Kai didn’t know what to make of what was going on, the whole thing was dodgy in itself and what Kabocha and Takeshi was discussing sounded increasingly worrying. The very thought of any interest towards the King was definitely a big negative to any plan, they shouldn’t even try to do anything out of the ordinary if they wanted to live. Looking between the pair before to his brother, he made a side glance to what he was possibly staring at before he simply looked away again, rubbing his chest. The fact that Takeshi was now approaching the child in regards to any plans being made had him feeling a little nervous, it wouldn’t be good on the kid either if the plan was to throw him into the palace and expect him to wreak havoc while they tried to get their parents out and who knew to where they’d even put their parents after they had them out.

Shu slowly moved Viral’s hand off his head when things were a little more slack, practically giving Viral his paw back with only a slight glance from Viral in return. Things were rather worrying right now, but Shu was trying to be positive all the same. As Takeshi approached him, he tilted his head a little, giving him a good staring at with a pair of clueless eyes as he tried to give hints to what his plan was. Looking around slowly, he scratched his head as he tried to suss out the plan, but he didn’t have a clue to who they could ask to get their families out. It was bad enough that he didn’t even know the palace nevermind planning how to navigate through it or know someone who might be able to themselves. Trying to think through it carefully, he scratched his head before letting out a squeak when Takeshi poked him, rubbing his stomach in solemn thought before he almost hiccupped his words, “Ooh! Mister Goku??” he asked out, bouncing a little on his spot, “But he’s dead and far away! How do you get someone who’s dead and far away to do something? Would he even want to do something like that? I thought he wasn’t allowed to fight battles for us…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"You're right, Goku can't fight for us, but who said he would have to fight?" Takeshi smiled as he held up a finger to keep Shu silent, wanting to get his thoughts out before they were derailed again. "Our father knows who Goku is and what he's done. So does everyone else I would bet. Do you really think anyone would want to fight him? Especially if he can't die, that'd be crazy. And with his instant transmission he could get their parents out before anyone even knew what was going on." To him it seemed like a foolproof plan. Goku would be the only one who could feasibly make it out alive with the king so close, and he was the only one strong enough to protect the parents, at least until they were somewhere safe. It was kind of an underhanded move, but Takeshi was positive that if he brought up saving people then the since-passed Saiyan wouldn't possibly be able to refuse. "What do you think? Sound like a good plan guys?"

Kabocha listened closely to the hair-brained scheme, it sounding more ludicrous by the second. Sure he knew who Goku was, as did the twins probably, but how was he supposed to help them? "How in the hell do you even get in touch with a dead person? Aren't they, you know, dead?" Dead was as far gone as you could get, that was it. For all he knew there wasn't a single way he could think of to get in touch with someone deceased. Clearly the princes knew something he didn't, though even with their confidence the whole plan seemed insane. "Let me get this straight, you want us to trust our parent's lives to some dead guy who may or may not be willing to help? And just where are we going to send them?"

"Goku will help us, I know he will," Takeshi answered firmly. He had before in the past after all, so why wouldn't he now? Before it had just been Earth that was in jeopardy, now it was the entire galaxy, certainly that couldn't have gone unnoticed. It was a little worrying that Goku hadn't done anything yet himself, but maybe that was because he needed an invitation of sorts to come back. It had to work, as there was no other feasible way for it to. "There is one problem though..." Takeshi mumbled, cupping his chin as he looked up into the sky puzzled. "How the heck to we talk to him out here...? And where would we even bring them after they're saved...? Here maybe?"

"Here sounds like a good idea as any." Vegeta spoke up, looking to the trio a bit sternly. "Don't get the wrong idea guys, I'm opting to help out so we can get on with more important things. But think about it..." he paused, looking to his friends this time. "This world doesn't seem to be one that the Saiyans are after, and it's big enough to hide people. I'm willing to bet that the people in the city would be willing to take in a few more if we asked. I mean, they put us up after all didn't they?"

Yumi cringed slightly at hearing Vegeta's plan, if only because of what she knew. Looking at her friend she sighed, giving a shake of her head. "The city won't work... Trust me. Shu and I know a place that we can find help, but we'd have to see to settling this civil war first. After we do that I bet we can get them a safe place to live for the time being." The Beastman looked to the twins and Kabocha disdainfully, folding her arms across her chest. "You're just soldiers after all, so think you can help finish a war?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu really did want to see Goku again, but even if it was going to be for a few moments he still didn’t know how they were going to do that. Contacting Goku had been a bit of a chance encounter and he could barely remember how they managed to get a hold of the guy in the first place, feeling a little lost in that aspect. He would like to meet the guy again for a little longer than a few moments, but he was dead so that might be a little difficult anyway. Listening to what Takeshi had to say and looking to Vegeta when he added his own quick thought too, he smiled a little before Yumi interjected, almost putting down the idea but instead just thought they’d go with a different one altogether. The city they were just at would be a lot better, if a little darker but that shouldn’t be a problem if the war they had going on would be over eventually. Giving his head a little scratch he looked away, smiling a little at the thought of doing good in a rather unique way.

The twins didn’t look too impressed, but they had heard of Goku if only as part of the staff’s stories amongst each other. It was something they weren’t allowed to talk about, but they still did in encouragement to try and keep their spirits up. The plan sounded pretty stupid, they didn’t know that you could talk to the dead and certainly didn’t know what happened after you died either. Looking between each other for a second before back to Takeshi, Kai gave him a suspicious stare while Choi looked to Yumi, giving her a frown when she spoke up, “What? That’d be unfair, don’t you think?” Choi spoke up, folding his arms, “We’re way stronger than these people are! It wouldn’t feel right to hit around weaklings who can’t put up a fair fight, you know…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi groaned in detest towards Choi, rolling her eyes before giving him an incredulous look. "We know that, we're not ACTUALLY going to fight them," she stated, "Not all of them anyways." T'charrl had mentioned something that had her gears turning, something about a 'corrupt one'. That person was in the city, whoever it was, and by the sounds of it the one responsible for all of this. In order for them to end this war shy of wiping out the offending military they had to find the sole person responsible for it all and bring them down. The others had no idea about the other people though, so first she'd need to fill them in.

"We know this already, but there's a battle going on between the two people here; those who live above ground and those who live underground. So far we've only met those above ground and had their side of the story. Shu and I ran into someone from below ground earlier, literally, and got to meet some of the people from there. They had a totally different story for us." It was a regular nature vs technology dispute, one wanting to expand and the other wanting to preserve. It seemed silly to expand on a world like this, even in the city they had gone to there was plenty of living space. "T'charrl, the one we found, told us about this 'corrupt one', someone in the city who is pulling the strings in this civil war. I'm thinking if we find who that is and take them down then this whole fight will stop." Far easier said than done, certainly. No one knew who this person was, not even the people who had told them about it in the first place.

"It's got to be someone in power... Yeah? Someone who can use leverage to make things happen." With utterly no knowledge of how these people operated it was going to be awfully difficult to pinpoint who that might be. So far they'd met maybe a handful of such individuals, some of which only had been encountered by Yumi and Shu. Considering that the ones the latter had met were asking for the war to end it was either not them, or a terribly clever ruse to throw them off, which was doubtful. Frowning to himself Vegeta rubbed at his head, trying to think this through carefully. "Who would benefit from this? The military is fighting sure, but they're having to spend a lot and lose men to do it I'd imagine, so they're not getting anything. I doubt it'd be a civilian, so that leaves whatever political people they might have..."

Takeshi was having a tought time thinking of it as well, unable to pin it on anyone himself. The only person he'd really met thus far was the General and some of his men, and while not his favorite person he didn't seem to be a war monger. It was a little biased in his concern anyways, he hated militaries. "We're going to have to do some digging I guess, ask around..." he mumbled, frowning at the thought. Not his strong suit, but they'd have to do it in this case. Looking at the former squad before his friends he sighed to himself, tapping a foot. "Crap... I was supposed to be doing something for the General too. Finding the other people and beating them. Not that I planned to go through with it..." They'd need to dance a thin line while doing this, otherwise they could tip someone off or take down the wrong person.

"Looks like we're going back to the city then... But what do we do about them?" Vegeta asked, gesturing to the twins and noble boy.
"We're right here you know!" Kabocha shouted, bothered by being referred to so indifferently.

"We know you are dimwit, the whole world can hear you shouting," Yumi snapped, still really wanting to at least hit that one.

"I guess they come back to the city with us? We'll need more feet on the ground to get to more people, and they're basically stuck here until everything is settled." Not anyone seemed thrilled with the forced colaboration, but again what choice did they have? Now that their agreement and plan of action were settled Takeshi went to Viral, kneeling down before him. "I know you're going to hate my asking this, but can you stay at the house with Yumi? She needs someone capable with those three driving her mad to keep her settled, and I can't think of anyone better for it than you. If you don't want to of course I can ask Vegeta."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The twins didn’t have much to say on the matter, it wasn’t something they were experts in and they didn’t even know what the people on this planet looked like. It wasn’t something they should had been concerned in either, everything was just starting to collapse on them now. Whether they were going to be free or not was just another question, they had to try and trust Takeshi considering he promised them what felt like a long time ago. Kabocha seemed pretty confident, but he was always like that even when he was afraid of what might happen. If this all went according to plan then everything was going to be great for all of them, but one wrong move and they might as well be dead. It could cost them their father’s life, Kabocha could lose his parents too. They were in a tough spot, but Kai and Choi both tried to keep on a brave face while allowing two who wanted to kill them and their former team leader make all the decisions for them.

Viral didn’t want to do anything at all right now; he just wanted to be away from all of them. He wanted so much right now, everything that they took for granted. It was all feeling so far away from him right now, everything being taken away from him right up to his dignity. It was like a prison, except his bounds were invisible and not so easily broken. Keeping his attention diverted away from the others, his eyes barely moving when Takeshi came on over to talk to him. It wasn’t as if he had much of a choice to go back to the house, it was the only place he could go back to anyway. Letting out a groan, he shifted himself slightly to look away from him completely, “…Fine. It’s not like I can be anywhere else, after all”, he spoke, sounding a little bitter, “Vegeta would do a crap job; he couldn’t even watch out for me after everyone decided to leave”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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Takeshi didn't know what the new bit of resentment was between Vegeta and Viral, but decided not to press it. Sighing softly he lifted a hand and rubbed at his head, looking at his friend uncertainly. "I know Yumi will appreciate it. And we all do too, seriously. There's no knowing if these guys came with anyone, so we've got to keep both her and you safe. Better to have strength in numbers, yeah?" Offering a small smile the Saiyan reached over, patting his friend's shoulder in a kind gesture. "And for what it's worth, I'm glad you're okay." Pushing himself up to his feet Takeshi went to Yumi to talk to her, frowning as she went right by him without a word to Viral instead.

"I heard what you were talking about, thanks for asking me." Yumi said flatly, kneeling before Viral. In front of him she became a bit more of herself again, smiling faintly as she offered him a hand. "Come on, we'll walk back to the house. We got some fruit from the others too that you've got to try, it's delicious." Snatching the basket in question up she looked over her shoulder at Shu, biting her lip before reaching into the basket and tossing his piece of fruit to him. "Might as well eat it now, you guys are probably going to be busy and you don't want it to go bad."

"All right guys, we should probably get started as soon as we can. The quicker this gets figured out the sooner we can get everyone to safety." With Viral and Yumi heading home that left six of them to work on their invesitagtion; Kai and Choi, himself and Shu, and Vegeta and Kabocha. The best way to do this then was to break into pairs, but that last group was a little disconcerting. Looking between the two lone members a timid smile crossed Takeshi's lips, getting puzzled looks from each parties. "What do you two think about working together? If we want to be efficient we ought to do groups, and you two are the only ones without someone to team up with."

Vegeta made no secret of his dislike for that idea, groaning audibly at the prospect and giving Takeshi an incredulous look. "I'm already helping out someone who hurt my friend, now you expect me to team up with them?" he asked in surprise and disgust.

"They really aren't bad guys Vegeta, honest!" Takeshi replied, smiling a bit as he waved his hands dismissively. "They were following orders, I'm sure they're sorry about what happened."

"Yeah, I'm sorry if this doesn't work..." Kabocha grumbled, earning a miffed look from his former leader. Huffing he placed his hands on his hips, scuffing the toe of his boot into the dirt for a silent moment. This whole situation was less than ideal, but on the slim margin of chance it did work they would feasibly be free. Finally relenting he looked up at Vegeta, extending a hand to the other boy stiffly. "All right, I guess we've got no choice really. If it means getting my mom and dad out safely I'll do it."

"And if it means keeping my friends safe then fine, but don't expect us to get along." Vegeta added, more to Takeshi as he shook Kabocha's hand. Letting it go he sighed, giving the elder brother a curious look. "So before we run off, mind explaining exactly what's going on? What's the deal with these people anwyays?"

Takeshi thought about that for a moment, biting his lip trying to recall what they'd been told. Really all he had to go off of was what the General had told him, plus idle chatter from soldiers, and that was a pretty one sided view of it. In a small epiphany he looked to Shu hopefully, figuring his brother could fill in some blanks. "Can you tell everyone what you and Yumi learned? We need to know exactly what the situation is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Viral was just going to go along with it, grumbling when Takeshi patted his shoulder as his mind wandered a bit; now, it was just the walk to the house left to do. The walk was just going to end up being the walk of shame for him, at least having been captured after wandering off. At least he wasn’t getting chastised for it, they probably didn’t even know that he ran off and just figured that they brought him here from the house. Looking to Yumi as she offered him her hand, he grabbed hold of it and slowly pulled himself up. He didn’t much like the sound of eating fruit, even if Yumi claimed it was delicious, “I’d rather not have any, thanks…” he grumbled, his hand going to his head. He just wanted to seclude himself when he got back, an act of shame for failing so badly. Retreating back to his temporary den was the only way to go for now, he’d be fine enough being left to figure out just where he was wanting to go with his life.

Shu felt a little sad that Yumi was heading off instead of sticking around, all the while she was taking the basket of fruit with her. Just as he was beginning to wonder whether the fruit would be gone before he got back to the house, he was soon met with the offer of one of the fruit before she could leave with all of it. Letting out a happy enough squeal when she tossed him one, he caught it and immediately gave it a sniff, “Mmmm yummy! Thanks! See you soon I hope…”

With Viral and Yumi heading off, Shu immediately began to eat the fruit all the while savouring it, his interest in the fruit more than the actual discussion. He didn’t mind the fact that the Saiyans were still here after the talk they had, he had more attention put towards the fruit instead. Moving around to sit near where Takeshi was, he munched on the fruit quite happily throughout their discussion, trying to savour it more than anything. He knew Takeshi would know what he was doing, he would be able to get a recap from him or just follow him along anyway.

While the twins were just going to have to listen to what was being said, but Kai didn’t exactly know how either of them were supposed to work together. It wasn’t a problem with working with his brother by default, it was more due to the fact that they had only just arrived on the planet and weren’t exactly going to be accepted by the citizens on the planet if they were to ever going to run into them. Watching Kabocha’s reaction to what Takeshi said before back to Vegeta, Kai smirked a little at the thought of those two working together. That should be amusing, it was probably not a very good idea but at least they weren’t going to be allowed to beat each other up in the meantime.

As Shu finished off his fruit and tossed away the core, he gasped a little when he realised he was supposed to be talking about the city underground and what happened this afternoon. Staring at Takeshi cautiously, he frowned a little before nodding, giving his fingers a lick, “Umm…well, the city captured a Prince from this underground city near here. He was stuck in there for a long time from what I heard him say”, he sighed, giving a little nod, “The city has a palace too, and a Queen…a really scary Queen…she’s in charge of the huge place! It’s really pretty and has a really pretty tree that’s keeping their city alive. It’s really neat, but they think the other city want to take over their city, so that’s a bad thing…and some ‘corrupt one’ the Prince spoke of too, I don’t know who they are, but they sound really scary…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The General had told them all they were at war over energy, and thus far that's what they had been going on. Taking over a city to that end seemed odd, but maybe there was something in there that they needed. Regardless of the reasoning behind it that certainly painted the ones above ground in a lousier light, but it still didn't point them in the right direction. "A corrupt one, huh...?" Takeshi mused, still with absolutely no clue himself as to who that may be. Whoever it was obviously was causing all of this, that was the only certainty. Sighing to himself the elder prince stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking to the twins. "Okay, we'll split up here. If anyone stops you tell them you're with me, helping in the efforts to put down the enemy. I called you in for help, that's what we're sticking to. When you're done we've got a home on the western side of the city, a wooden house tucked in between the edge of the forest and a storage building. We'll see you then." Gesturing for Shu to follow along with a nod of his head, padding off into the thicket.

"This is ridiculous... I can't believe we're working with them," Yumi spat, tossing a glare over her shoulder in the twins direction. She and Viral were already out of sight by now, but that didn't stop her from loathing that trio. The fact they'd served with Takeshi was hardly a reassurance, if anything that made it worse. Even if it had been on someone else's orders too they had carried it out, that they were unquestionably guilty of. She wasn't going to beat them to a pulp now, but she sure as hell was going to hate them for it. Sighing bitterly the Beastman looked at Viral, frowning slightly seeing how dirty he was from laying on the ground. "When is the last time your clothes were cleaned...?" She couldn't think of the last time really, it had been ages. "When we get back how about we find you a change and I clean them for you? I don't want to have to think about those imbeciles any more than I need to."

"One city, that we know of, and hundreds if not thousands of people to check up on... Damn it all..." Takeshi mumbled, exhaling and lifting a hand to rub his forehead. They got into some odd situations, but this was going to be the most tedious and infuriating by far. They were fighters, not dang detectives. It might be nicer if a proper fight was waiting for them at the end of this all, but if it was a Kaesstrian then they were far too weak to raise a hand against. Jailing someone just seemed anti-climatic to a struggle, but if that's how it had to end then so be it. "Hey Shu, I've been meaning to ask you..." he started, droning off briefly. Looking at his brother he gave him an uncertain glance for a second, biting his lip and itching at his nose idly. "I know you don't like to talk about it, but I've been concerned, with Viral being down and all... Is there anything that you want to talk about that's been bothering you at all? About your time with father, anything?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The twins kept their eyes focused on Shu, Choi a little more so than his brother. He was still fairly nervous about being close to that little monster; just because he spoke didn't mean he was actually not going to change into a ravenous monkey. The whole conflict sounded so simple too, it was probably really that simple and yet there was no way to blast through the people like they were paper. Oh well, Choi wouldn't want to do that anyway considering fighting a weaker opponent wasn't a fun fight at all. With the plan in hand and everything being sorted, they'd have to just rely on being able to see what might happen in the end and find this house and hopefully not the wrong one.

Viral wasn't having a very fun time walking, his legs were like jelly and his head was swimming so much after being knocked around. He might as well be underwater at this point, it would probably be more relaxing than this. He was still trying, at least, and hopefully he wouldn't end up collapsing either because that'd be embarassing. Continuing on with his silent walk through the forest with Yumi, he kept his eyes diverted as she spoke ill of the Saiyans. He didn't feel it was appropriate, he also had problems with loyalty at one point and at least these guys were conscious over what they were doing and not mentally controlled like he had been previously. Keeping his mind to himself, he only gave Yumi a quick look before down at his clothes, only to let out a sigh in return, "These are my new clothes you gave me after I changed back", he spoke, letting out a sigh, "Since when did you care about how I looked? Or is this just some weird human ritual to forget someone exists..."

Shu headed on after Takeshi, walking along side him while bouncing a few times. He didn't know what they were supposed to do, he did want to protect the people he met but there was a lot of innocent people in the city too who needed protecting. It was all a big muddle, but he was just going to go along with it and hopefully find out who was the corrupt one. Maybe the Prince would like to fight against the corrupt one and bring justice, but that all depended on whether the guy was actually strong enough to fight against them considering he was captured before. Letting out a sigh and looking up to the trees, he squeaked a little when Takeshi suddenly spoke up again, this time asking about a pretty sensitive subject. Frowning, he pressed his fingers together, his eyes diverted away, "I still have nightmares about it a lot and sometimes I feel really sick when I'm hungry which won't go away until I eat", he sighed, giving his head a shake, "I feel really lonely when I'm by myself...but I feel better when I'm with you or Yumi. It's really hard to forget, I still get really scared a lot for no reason...but everyone's different, right? I mean, not everyone who went through the same thing has the same bad memories, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I'm just trying to find a way to keep myself from killing someone," Yumi said a bit sharply, forcing a smile. "If you don't want me touching your clothes then fine, I won't. Just figured I'd offer since they got a bit dirty." So that distraction was out the window, ah well. There'd be something around the house she could do, maybe even cook again if Viral was hungry. This entire task she'd been handed, of staying home, just seemed piss poor to her from the start. She was perfectly capable and knew exactly what was going on, so why couldn't she help? Groaning in discontent she struck out at the nearest thing, an unfortunate fallen log which she kicked clean through, sending the two halves off in separate directions. They had best be quick about this investigation of theirs, she didn't want to have to play maid all day while waiting.

"Yeah... Everyone is different..." Three people he considered close now had undergone some kind of changes with his father, all three of which were around him right now. Yumi was furious and vindictive over what had been done to her, Viral didn't seem quite himself, and now he was completely aware of how his sibling had been faring. With Shu in particular he had no idea that it was so bad, as they'd never really spoken about it, and for good reason. Takeshi stopped in his tracks after a moment, looking down at the ground somberly before his brother. With no prompt he stepped forward and hugged the younger boy, holding Shu against him and smiling sadly. "Listen... You know you can talk to me right...?" Takeshi asked, glancing down at the little Saiyan. "If you have nightmares or start to feel bad then let me know, I'll try to help." He didn't want Shu becoming vindictive like Yumi was, or falling into a rut as Viral had. His little brother was hyperactive, friendly and just overall nice to be around, and he wanted to keep it that way.

They had things to do besides stand here and hug, so after a moment Takeshi let go of his brother, giving his hair a gentle ruffle. "Come along then, let's get back to it, hm?" They still had a lot to do, and as nice as this world was they couldn't stay here forever. Patting Shu on the back the older boy continued on towards the city, feeling a little bummed now as opposed to before. A good part of him felt like he hadn't properly been there for Shu, just assuming he was okay as they had pushed on. He had to wonder, was Viral collapsing from the same lack of support? That put the Beastman's misery in an entirely new perspective, and now suddenly he didn't feel nearly as though it was Viral's fault, or lack of motivation to try. Maybe the problem was with the rest of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Viral gave Yumi a suspicious look before he looked away, not exactly too thrilled with the fact that she was obviously very angry still. It wasn’t his fault, it’s not like they had encountered water yet that he could wash himself in nevermind his clothes. Not feeling like he should continue to press on with it, he continued to walk on with her without much of a second thought. He was fine with staying home if it meant looking after Yumi, that was the most he could do when he could barely fight or walk by himself anyway. Distracting himself a little, he was caught off-guard when she suddenly kicked a log, practically decimating it in the process. She might as well had given him a heart attack instead of doing that, it was probably less harmful and would do less damage. Looking back to her, he frowned a little before looking away, letting out a sigh, “You know, if you don’t want to go back to the home…then don’t”, he spoke, shaking his head, “Just because Takeshi told you to go home doesn’t mean you have to, you’re your own person so why not be just that and go and do what you want? It’s not like I can’t look after myself”.

Shu didn’t really know whether he should be talking about it, all it did was spark up some bad memories that he’d rather forget. He was able to do something to forget and that was to think of normal things and have activities with his friends and brother so that was good enough for him, his mind coming up with all sorts of distractions instead. When Takeshi suddenly came to a stop, Shu tilted his head slightly, staring at him curiously before he was brought in for an unexpected hug. He didn’t think talking about that stuff would result in a hug, it was a rather curious thing. Looking up to Takeshi, he frowned a little at first before nodding, his frown turning into a little smile, “I will, I don’t want to have them anymore”, he nodded, wondering just how that is done exactly, “I don’t know how you help something that’s in someone’s head, though”.

Once Takeshi let go of him he lowered his head a little only to bounce on his feet once Takeshi removed his hand from his hair, “Okay! I wonder what we’re going to find…I’ve only seen forests!” He did wonder whether his brother would be accepted into the city if he was to ever visit there again, it would be nice to see them and let the Prince see them again when he was better. He did wonder whether the Prince had any friends for one, the guy was awfully dead set on having them stick around for as long as possible. Shu didn’t think other Princes acted like that, but then again it might had just been what normal ones were like. As he continued on his way with Takeshi, he looked around as if trying to find clues before they had even got there, kind of like how they had just found the Prince in the forest, “What are we looking for, anyway? Are we just going to ask…? How do we do this ‘investigation’ stuff? I don’t know how to, you see…what happened if we found who it was straight away? What do we do then…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi really didn't feel much better after splitting the log in two, having hoped that she would have cooled off by letting some anger out. She was relatively calm compared to a few moments ago, but it was definitely still there and bugging her. Voicing her complaints over the situation she turned her head to glance at Viral, frowning at him. "I know I am my own person Viral, and you also know you're not able to fight right now. Not against two Saiyans." If both of them were wanted still then they were better off together, rather than separated and alone. While Vegeta had one of the Saiyans with him the twins were on their own, and she still scarcely trusted them. If the twins came around they had a far better chance than if they were on their own of evading capture. Inhaling sharply through her nose Yumi then exhaled, managing a weak smile as she saw the house beginning to come into view. "Besides, I want to spend time with you without everyone else crowding, so this works. You can relax and I get to cool off, so I guess it works."

"Dreams or no dreams, just keep in mind I'm willing to help you." He wouldn't chance Shu becoming miserable, he couldn't bear to see the kid that way. After a brief hug the two were back on their way towards the city, though hardly in any sort of hurry. Takeshi wasn't entirely certain what their next plan of action was. Given he knew the ultimate goal, but working towards that was utterly vague. This detective nonsense, he'd never done it before, and he was darn certain that neither had Shu. Voicing his confusion as well Shu asked exactly what was on his mind. "Honestly... I've got no idea," Takeshi admitted, laughing softly as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "We can't really go asking everyone since we might tip somebody off I suppose. So... Well, I guess look around? See what we can find without asking questions. Plus now that I think about it I still need to report to the General, maybe I can find something out by him too." It'd have to be with roundabout questioning, otherwise he might alert the wrong people. Someone as high up as the General likely knew something, even if it was just rumors or idle chatter. "If we find who did it then we bring him to whoever is in charge, I guess. Or... Maybe back to that Queen of yours. I don't know really, since we can't beat them up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral gave Yumi a quick look before letting out a grumble at her words, not exactly pleased that she was being stubborn. If she wanted to go on out and about by herself then she could, he didn’t understand why she had to stick around doing something she obviously didn’t want to do just because someone told her to do it. She was definitely weird, that much was certain, “This is why I don’t understand humans…I’m practically giving you freedom and you don’t accept it”, he grumbled, shaking his head a little, “Those Saiyans wouldn’t even think about taking me without everyone else knowing about it, you already know that”. It was tough trying to figure out how to make her the tiniest bit happy, he really had no idea how he was supposed to without having her moan and groan around the house just because she wasn’t getting out and being able to beat up the Saiyans herself. Looking up to the house as they approached it he gave his head a rub, he stared at her suspiciously before he looked away again, “What now?” he questioned her, feeling a little confused, “Time with me? You’ve had plenty of time with me and everytime you’ve just grown annoyed, I don’t think I could withstand whatever you might dish out because you’re frustrated with the Saiyans…”

Shu didn’t know how he was supposed to help himself when it came to bad memories, he was not at all confident with that since he had been trying to fend them off for so long. He was often left trying to figure out how to get rid of such memories with him trying hard when he was still all locked up, banging his head on the walls when it got too much. Frowning at the thought and giving his head a rub upon remembering it, he let out a sigh before looking up to Takeshi as he too questioned what they should be doing. It really was a curious thing, he didn’t know what they were after or what was being defended exactly. He didn’t feel much energy; it was only the Prince that spoke of energy and that was his own. Giving his head a scratch he bounced forward, looking up to Takeshi curiously, “What did he tell you to do? Did you do it? Would you get in trouble if you didn’t do it? The Queen was really scary but nice…she slapped her son right off the bed he was resting on! But then she gave him a hug, so I guess that was nice”.
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