Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl certainly didn’t know if he could last on this world, but being on a completely new planet was still one of the best things for him to experience. The environment here was fierce and it did make him wonder if they had come to this place on the hottest season of the year. He didn’t have any real way to cool himself down, but he did try to mentally adapt and not think about it too much. Looking up into the sky, he frowned a little before looking to Takeshi, “Lizards? I’m not sure we have such a thing on my home planet”, he spoke, trying to think about it. There were many different species of creatures on his planet, some that he hadn’t encountered on another planet yet, but there was a lot of different lifeforms out there so he couldn’t be too short-sighted. Staring down at the sand as he tried to think of it as something else, he frowned as he continued to try to walk, “And if we went at night…? Would it be different?”

T’charrl was pretty worried about the ends of his wings at this point, hoping they were in the sheet enough to keep them from shredding. It was a problem when they were pretty large and he was unable to lift them all the way up to avoid everything, meaning they were definitely going to hurt when he got back to the ship. Frowning a little at the thought, he looked to Takeshi when he explained the reason for the damage, “Stop him? You two fight a lot around people…?” he asked, looking a little concerned, “Did anyone get hurt? Maybe they’ll still want to help you, but uhh, so long as it was for a good cause…I mean, was he a bad guy once or were you?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Lizards are... How to put this... They're green and brown usually, and they have scales, which is like hard skin. They've got tails too, and sharp teeth. Er... No that's not right.." Takeshi frowned as he rubbed at his head, trying to think how best to describe a lizard. "You'll understand when you see these people, it's kinda hard to put into words." Another reminder of just how much they had to teach T'charrl, and Shu for that matter. As of late there had been plenty of reason to educate both of them but the simple issue was there just wasn't time for it. Maybe once everything had settled down they could see about getting Shu and T'charrl all caught up, not until then though. Glancing back at his friend Takeshi smiled slightly, giving a shake of his head. "If it's like deserts at home it gets really cold, you won't want to be out here then either. Best we can do is tough it out and get to town, its a little nicer in the buildings and shade. Plus there's the water. Though... You don't like water."

Being beaten on by the wind was possibly worse than the heat they were in. While the wind sort of cooled them off it also blasted them with sand, probably soiling their cloaks and definitely causing some discomfort. Last time they were here it hadn't been nearly this difficult to travel, it was probably a sandstorm or something. Just their luck to come here during a storm. Having Viral brought up made Takeshi grin sheepishly, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Well... I guess Viral and I do kinda fight a lot, now that I think about it. We always have," he admitted, "I like fighting him though. He's strong and I don't feel like I've ever really beaten him, you know? So when I finally do it'll be a big thing for me." He couldn't fight Viral right now, he wasn't strong enough to fight. Takeshi wouldn't have anything less than the Beastman's best when they fought either, otherwise it was a pretty hollow match even if he won. T'charrl's question was a bit of a puzzling one only because it could go both ways. "When we fought here I guess he was the bad guy, if you put it that way. I've been the bad guy too though, so take that for what it's worth." He basically grew up the bad guy, and he'd certainly done his fair share of unsavory things even since meeting Shu and the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl did want to learn, but he was a little nervous that he was not going to have a very good time with these aliens. What made him overly nervous was whether they would be nice to him or treat him like a monster, or maybe even a walking meal. Shu and Takeshi didn’t have any problem, they were known by these guys, but he still couldn’t help but feel worried. Keeping close to them should help and hopefully he would find shade soon only for T’charrl to frown when Takeshi called him out on the water, “I don’t mind water! Just…not deep water…and how heavy I get…a-and when it’s salty…” he spoke, eventually mumbling, “I’m okay with washing…” He didn’t like being made out to be a coward, especially when he was supposed to be the brave Prince taking over from his mother one day. It wouldn’t be fair on his people if he wasn’t brave, giving them nobody to look up to.

The sand blowing was definitely making T’charrl feel uncomfortable, his skin just not designed to withstand this kind of battering. He was definitely hurting and his eyes were finding it hard to keep open. Frowning as he tried to keep up, he looked to Takeshi as he admitted to his rivalry. He hadn’t seen them fight before, at least nothing beyond shouting at each other and getting pretty close to punching one another. Frowning a little, he looked down at the moving sand before slightly looking back to the ship, “Were you all bad guys then? Or just you and Viral? I mean…I should really know who I’m fighting with and I feel like I barely know anything”. It was a little unsettling, but he couldn’t possibly think he was fighting for the bad guys; then again, he barely knew what this King they were fighting against had done. He definitely was trying to not think about it, hoping he might have guessed right and they weren’t bad guys anymore, “Uhh, who are we looking for, anyway? I mean, what do they look like? Apart from being what you described, that is…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Sure, you don't mind water at all. You sure seemed to love it on Earth," Takeshi teased, smiling back at T'charrl. Kind of ironic he was making fun of the very person he was usually afraid of, he'd probably get a nice karma slap in the face later for doing this. One good thing about the desert then, no water for their friend to worry about. Lifting his hands he readjusted the hood on his head carefully, doing his best to block out the sand being blown about. "I would hope you're fine with washing. Ever smell someone who doesn't wash often?" he asked, nodding his head discretely towards Shu. "Took a while but man, it was needed." It had been a bit of a challenge getting the little Saiyan to bathe regularly, it still was. After walking around out here, getting all sandy and sweaty a nice cool shower would probably be in order right away too.

T'charrl wasn't the only person not overly crazy about the wind, Takeshi kind of hated it already too. On one hand it cooled them off and on the other it doused them with sand every time it blew. He wouldn't mind it so much if they weren't being sand blasted every few moments, it might actually be a pleasant walk otherwise. Thankfully the hood on his cloak was rather large, bigger than his head, meaning there was plenty of excess material to pull down to shield himself. T'charrl didn't look so lucky, having more issue keeping himself covered. Poor guy, they hadn't had a cloak near his size so they had to make due with a sheet. Once their friend was back to normal he'd be covered no problem, but obviously he wasn't there just yet. ""What...? No, no. I guess I'm the only one could could even say was ever a bad guy. I mean... Viral wasn't himself, so you can't blame him. I'm the only one that was ever bad. You've seen how I get when I'm mad, imagine me like that all the time and there you go, that was me." Shu had seen the tail end of his bad streak, he'd calmed down considerably even before meeting his brother. It was probably a good thing they had met when they had, otherwise Shu would probably have been in trouble.

"We're looking for the one in charge here. I can't remember his name, but he was a little bigger than the others. He had kind of green and yellow scales, and there was a scar on his lip," Takeshi recalled, pointing to his own mouth for emphasis. "I'll know him when we see him, don't worry. There were a few others with him, and a lot more that were hiding, so we'll probably run into a lot of unfamiliar faces." There wasn't much else in the way of description that could be given, it had been a while. Their appearance was pretty vague and he didn't even know what kind of clothing they wore. With the town coming ever closer they were going to find out pretty soon, so it was best they sort things out before getting there. "If they recognize Shu and I we should be fine, you might want to let us talk first though. They were nice enough people... Though that might have been because we were saving them. Even if they're only half as nice this time we should be okay... Probably."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was definitely feeling a little bad over the water thing, but it wasn’t as if it was his fault that water being too deep typically meant the death of him. He wanted to survive and having a fear over deep water was definitely needed for someone like him. If they had the same weakness then they’d be scared of it happening too, but of course not; they were Saiyans, they didn’t have anything to fear. He kind of wished he wasn’t what he was after meeting all these races, feeling pretty useless when he had so many difficulties himself. Already he was being a pain by finding it hard to adapt and control himself and then here was these two having a good time. Frowning a little, he looked to Shu before back to Takeshi, “So that one time was the only time…? How does he keep himself free of parasites?”

Shu was having quite the adventure in the sand, looking back at Takeshi and T’charrl as they talked amongst each other, “Parasites? Who has parasites?” he asked curiously before bouncing a little, “I’ll groom them and eat the parasites! Takeshi doesn’t like me doing that, though”. Letting out a sigh, he was confused by Takeshi mentioning he was a bad guy once, but Shu didn’t see that, “Nu uh! If you were bad guy, then you would not want me to be with you! You would shoo Shu away or hurt Shu, never come back for Shu. Still remember all that time ago, even if Father mess with head a lot…” Shu was well aware of what a bad guy was and how they were supposed to act, but Takeshi hadn’t acted like any of those qualities around him.

T’charrl didn’t know who to believe and was certainly feeling a little nervous, knowing that he might be seen as a bad guy one other time if that was what Takeshi considered to be bad guy material. He was certainly worried, but he probably shouldn’t think about it when he already had a ton on his mind that he wasn’t willing to talk about. Trying to think it through, he shook his head before letting out a sigh, frowning a little, “Umm, maybe talking about that stuff was a bad idea…” he spoke before looking to Takeshi again, “Maybe the scar thing will trigger something for me”. He was certainly not confident with meeting these aliens, especially considering he looked like a monster. Having Takeshi and Shu there certainly helped, but he couldn’t help but guess that they would probably give him funny looks or investigate him like everyone else wanted to, “Hopefully they still are nice people. I don’t really want to have to flee in this sheet or in this weather because they turned out to be not very nice people…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi wasn't going to tease T'charrl too much about his fear, it wouldn't be very nice. Plus it would be just as easy for him or Shu to turn around and tease about his entomophobia. If their friend could at least get wet to shower then they were fine, it was more than Shu usually did. Only with some rather pushy encouragement did the little Saiyan shower regularly, or semi-regularly. How it had never bothered the older boy before was a bit of a mystery, probably because he hadn't known his brother was playing host to bugs. "Nah, Shu showers more often than that. Usually once a day, or every other at least. No way I'm letting him stay dirty from now on, not if we're sharing beds or food, he's gotta be clean." Takeshi looked over at his brother, grinning as he poked his sibling in the head playfully. "Right? Plus you like taking baths because you get to use bubbles, so they're fun yeah?"

Shu's habit of eating bugs never failed to make Takeshi cringe, it absolutely disgusted him. The very thought of something wriggling as you ate it, or it slid down your throat... He had to stop thinking about it otherwise he might gag. "N-No one has parasites, or any kind of bugs! So no bugs for you buddy, sorry!" he said hastily, not wanting to be jumped on and searched. They were going to have to try and get Shu to kick that habit, it really wasn't something people usually did. In the jungle it might be normal, for monkeys sure, but Shu was not in the jungle nor a monkey. He might have been raised by them but that didn't make him one, even if he did resemble them a bit. A nice change of topic for once saw the young Saiyan defending his older brother, or rather reassuring him he wasn't a bad guy. What Shu didn't know was just what Takeshi had done before they met, and the things he'd done even since were far from 'good'. But if his brother didn't see him in a bad light who was he to argue? Smiling gratefully he gave a small nod, rubbing at his nose. "I'd never be mean to you buddy, you know that."

Takeshi was fine with dropping the bad guy conversation, he wasn't very keen on discussing his past anyways. Besides, what mattered most was the present, and right now he thought himself a pretty decent person, all things considered. "I'm telling you, you've got no reason to worry about these people. Sure they might be a bit... Different at first, but they were really nice. And yeah they might check you out, but that's only because they've never seen a Kaesstrian before. Or not one like you I'd bet." T'charrl would be examined even if he was in his normal state, people were just curious like that. The only reason he and Shu hadn't been checked out the first time is Shaharians were used to Saiyans by that point. Extending a hand out Takeshi gave their friend a pat on the back, flashing a thumbs up and smile as well. "Relax, alright? Things are gonna be fine. Shu and I can vouch if they get suspicious or anything, and they'll warm up to you in no time."

The Shaharians were certainly curious about T'charrl alright. No sooner had they entered the town were heads turning, most of the attention focused on the largest member of the trio. Since the wind was still blowing everyone had their hoods on meaning no one probably recognized either of the brothers. Evidently they weren't seen as a threat, immediately at least as no one approached them. It was nice to be here under better conditions this time around, the town had been repaired and actually looked half decent. It was still much too sandy and hot for Takeshi to consider living in, even as a vacation spot, but it was nice to look at. "Alright, we're looking for their leader. Big guy, looks like all of them. Probably going to be in the biggest house or something like that," Normally that wouldn't be too hard to figure out if not for the fact they couldn't read the words on the buildings. It was safe to assume the structures with writing on them were the public buildings, meaning the leader could either be in one of those... Or one of the homes. Hm... This might take a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu definitely didn’t mind being washed and did enjoy splashing around, even if the washing he did recently only consisted of standing under falling water and letting it drain away. If there was one downside to it he would feel cold after, but he didn’t mind it too much when this heat was making him feel pretty thankful that he could cool down in the ship. Letting out a squeal in playful protest, he raised his hands when Takeshi teased him, “I like the bubbles! Yeah! Why do we not have bubbles on the ship…?” he asked, staring up at Takeshi before looking away, “I wish I could find mud, though…lots of mud! Play in the mud! If we find a muddy planet one time, can we go play in it?” Shu definitely wanted to find and see a whole lot that was out there, hoping he might be able to survive long enough to see them all. He really did wonder what was out there and having freedom would be nice; then again, this already felt like freedom since the King had barely bugged them lately if at all.

Shu was a little unhappy about being told off for his own habits, seeing as how they kept him clean and he was able to have a snack at the same time. It didn’t seem right to let all these bugs sit in your hair and just expect them to wash out. Takeshi should soon realise that not all bugs can be washed out and being out and about this long was definitely not going to help. Letting out a sigh, he lowered his head a little, “But I like to groom…” Feeling a little saddened, he soon quickly looked back up to Takeshi, tilting his head a little, “Sometimes you can be though! Like not letting me groom you”, he spoke quickly, looking back in front of him, “They make you itchy and not fun…”

T’charrl definitely didn’t like what they were talking about, especially when everyone called him a bug. It was pretty mean for them to think of him like that, even if they tried to justify it by saying he was. Feeling self-conscious, he lowered down a little as his eyes moved towards Takeshi, “I just don’t want them to try and kill me, is all”, he spoke, mumbling, “…Because I’m a big bug…” Just because they were finally in the town didn’t make him feel any better about not being killed immediately; he just really hoped there was shelter somewhere. These people were strange and thankfully not coming after him, but it didn’t hurt to make sure they would stay away from him. Staring at them, he frowned slightly before looking around curiously, “What if we just ask someone? Somebody should know…right? Just need to get out of this heat and sand…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"We might have bubbles on the ship, I haven't exactly looked around," Takeshi answered, shrugging his shoulders before smirking. "Yumi probably has some, girls like that kind of stuff. Maybe you can ask her to borrow her bubbles." If Shu did ask hopefully the little guy had half the presence of mind not to say Takeshi had put him up to it too. Mud bath... He was beginning to think his sibling was missing the point of why you took a bath in the first place. Rolling around in mud didn't sound like it would be all that fun, especially not if they had to wash themselves and their clothes afterwards. "Uh... Maybe we'll play in the mud some time when we get home, or if we find some before then, I guess. Or you can and I'll just watch." Takeshi was all for having fun and letting loose once in a while, but playing around in dirt and mud wasn't quite what he had in mind.

Takeshi wouldn't have nearly as much a dislike for grooming if it didn't involve eating bugs too. Believe him, he was all for being bug free, especially if there were little ones that washing wasn't going to get out. All Shu had to do was toss them aside afterwards, now put them in his mouth. It was even worse by the fact the little guy ate something off of someone's head. Seriously, who ate things off of someone's head? "Groom just... Don't eat what you find. At least not in front of me, please? I don't like it," he said, shuddering slightly. Man, he hated talking about this because it upset Shu too when they couldn't agree on something. They weren't going to like all the same things and he was going to have to learn that. "If you won't eat what you find then you can groom me all you want, how's that? Even... Save what you find for later for all I care, just don't have a snack while you groom me."

Being in town was a bit of a reprieve as the buildings blocked the wind. It was still awfully hot out but at least they weren't being battered anymore. Hopefully once they were inside it would be even better, maybe they could even take off these cloaks. "No one is going to try and kill you T'charrl, trust me. Besides, we're kind of a lot stronger than them, they wouldn't even be able to if they tried." Sure, the Shaharians had fought with them when they were against Viral but they were hardly a deciding factor. They had the courage to fight but not really the power to. Takeshi cringed inwardly hearing their friend make a bug comment, feeling like he was solely responsible for that one. Him and his big mouth, he really ought to learn when to clam up. "Uh yeah, I'll find someone to ask, it can't hurt." he said, nodding before glancing around. There was a man standing outside one of the labelled stores, placing a few items on a small table that he was probably selling. Smiling he walked on over, clearing his throat to get the man's attention.

"Excuse me, we're looking for someone and I was hoping you could help us?" Takeshi asked, folding his hands behind his back. "We're hoping to talk to the one in charge here, we've met him before. Uh... He's a shaman, I think, that's what he called himself. I don't know his name though." Hopefully this one knew where to find the guy, it'd make sense seeing as it was a pretty small settlement. When all he got in turn was a puzzled look the Saiyan frowned, not quite sure why he wasn't given a reply. On a whim he reached up to his scouter and put a finger over the button, grinning sheepishly when he realized he had turned the translator off. Flipping the switch he asked again, getting a reply at last. The man was more than helpful which kind of surprised Takeshi, he wasn't sure how well he'd be recognized wearing this cloak of his. Thanking him for his time the Saiyan went back to the others, flashing a thumbs up. "Found out where he is. That guy says go to the building in the center of the town overlooking the fountain and the shaman is in there. He might be busy though, so we may have to wait a bit."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu just wanted Takeshi to accept him and let him participate in a social activity that generally meant trust. He did hope Takeshi would let him do it again just to feel that trust once more, but if Takeshi was always going to scream whenever he found something he didn’t know if he wanted to do it all that much. Bubbles would probably take his mind off it for a while if there was any on the ship, even rolling around in the mud, but even then he would want to ask Takeshi if he could groom him and maybe he’d want to as well once they were all washed up. Staring up at Takeshi, he frowned slightly before letting out a sigh, “Okayyyyy, I won’t eat them while you’re around”, he sighed, giving his head a quick shake from under his hood, “But I’ll need a wash after this! I’m gonna be all sandy everywhere! It’s going between my toes!”

T’charrl was a little nervous about being in this town, even if it was a new experience for him. It was all down to the fact that he couldn’t see himself being welcomed here if he wasn’t with Takeshi and Shu once the locals recognised them, so it was definitely a little worrying when they could easily act up and try to attack him. He was worried that he might be considered a delicacy to these creatures since he looked the least like them, his way of walking practically reduced to an animal-like posture now that his lower arms were so heavy. It was all the orbs fault that they were so heavy, but he shouldn’t blame that when he just hadn’t tried to be strong enough to walk upright yet. His claws were certainly getting sore, the sand feeling rough and loose at the same time. The aliens staring at him didn’t make him feel any better, especially when he probably looked stupid. Walking around in a bedsheet was pretty embarrassing before, but this was just a little ridiculous.

T’charrl probably could do with trying to chill out if he thought so himself, feeling panicky as if worrying over making a speech at dinner. Sooner or later he would be able to change forms and return to his normal state, but first he needed to grow stronger and master his abilities. However he’d do that before they fought the King, he had no idea, but considering the fact that they were on the first of only a few planets made him feel pressed for time. He was definitely going to have to belt up and get moving with it, otherwise he was going to let his friends down and they’d never get their wish. Letting out a groan as he realised his schedule, he quickly looked up again with a gasp when Takeshi returned, his quest to find out answers to where the shaman might be concluded, “Fountain? So they do have water?” he questioned Takeshi, not quite sure whether he was looking for an answer or not, “Oh, uhh…I mean, o-okay. If there’s shade then I’ll be okay with waiting, I think”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The three of them were probably all going to need a wash after this, the sand was really a pain here. It might not be so bad if the wind weren't blowing it around, Takeshi had grains in places he didn't even want to talk about. It was probably a good thing he left his sword back on the ship as well, he had been warned by Viral that the abrasive winds could damage the blade, and being out here he'd believe it. It was a wonder the screens on the scouters weren't getting scratched to hell, they must have been made of some pretty durable material. One thing was pretty nice about all of this though, the fact they were here now without having to worry about fighting someone. It had been a long time since they went to a planet and hadn't expected some kind of battle, and while he loved to fight Takeshi couldn't say he minded the lull in action. Shaharia was a nice place when you got past the heat, wind, sand and all that, and the town being repaired showed what a pleasant world it really was.

Reaching the town didn't do them a lot of good if they couldn't find the shaman, so to that end Takeshi went about asking for his location. Surprisingly enough the first person they asked had an answer, hopefully the right one. Since they had nothing else to go on he'd take it, and if it was wrong they could just ask someone else. Thanking the guy for his help he returned to his brother and friend, sharing what he'd learned with them. "Yeah, there is water on this world. Just not a ton of it," he pointed out, looking at T'charrl with a small smirk. It was a desert, sure, but that didn't mean there was no water at all, this world wasn't that arid. "There are trees around here, just not nearly as many as there are back on your home... Or ours I guess. I mean look." Even nearby there were two or three palm-like trees sprouting up out of the ground, their leaves a bit paler than normal but still plenty healthy. "I bet there's some around the shaman's place, you can relax under there while we talk to the guy if you want. Or look around a bit, whatever you want." T'charrl certainly didn't have to bore himself while they asked for help, he could even come if he wanted to.

"Alright then, let's go find us that shaman!" The town center, he vaguely remembered where that was from their first visit. Considering where they came in it should be just up ahead through these buildings, maybe. Takeshi wasn't always the best with directions despite liking to think so, evident by his and Shu's escapades in Kaesstra's cities. Nevertheless he promptly took the lead and began walking down the main road again, the trio passing by numerous shops and residents along the way. It was so much livelier than the last time they had come here, it was awesome to see the town in all its glory. They weren't here to look around though so he wasn't going to get sidetracked, they had to find the center and the man in question. "What do you think Shu... Are they going to recognize us...?" Takeshi asked, glancing over at his brother with a grin. "Maybe we should take our hoods off. Who knows? We might be heroes or something here now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was a little worried that his wings had already suffered a great deal of damage just from that little journey, but he didn’t want to look back at them just incase he fell over and looked like an idiot. It would have been better if they waited for the storm to pass before traversing the surface, but of course they were all in a rush to jump into a battle he didn’t understand himself. He was extremely worried over his own abilities, but he couldn’t question that quite yet. Maybe he’ll ask about it soon, but who knew if Takeshi was willing to listen or to try to understand his predicament. It was probably an awkward time while the sand was blowing everywhere and the heat was baring down on them, but the most they could do while they wait was try and chat.

Looking to Takeshi when he slightly teased him about the water, he let out a sigh and looked around, seeing the trees dotted around here and there. They sure did look inviting to sit against and cool down, but right now they needed to get to the centre of town and find this shaman, “Uhhh, you’d rather I wasn’t there with you?” he asked, a bit curious about his options, “Isn’t it a little risky for me to wander about by myself? I’m not even the same shape as these people. Well I mean, you’re not the same as they are…but close enough. You’ve also been here before and my kind have never been off the planet”. He was certainly concerned and hoped he might find some sort of sanctuary while being able to admire the place, especially considering how different it was. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be here, but he was certainly afraid of being hunted and killed because he looked different.

Shu didn’t really understand T’charrl’s problem or concerns, but then again he didn’t see anything wrong in the way anyone looked so long as they weren’t trying to kill him. He trusted T’charrl to not kill any of them and he was nice too so he had nothing to fear, unlike Takeshi who seemed to be scared of even T’charrl. Finding Takeshi’s fears amusing, he looked to him and smiled a little before around at the town, “Maybe! Maybe they’ll know me because hair seems to be rare here”, he spoke quickly, looking to T’charrl, “Friend makes it not so rare, though! You all fluffy and soft!” Feeling a little hesitant over removing his hood, he slowly pulled it off and shook his head, letting out a sneeze as the sand flew everywhere too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi figured T'charrl might want to be under one of the trees for now, just to get out of the sun. He'd probably be sitting under one right now if they didn't have places to be, staying out in the sun even with the cloak on was a real pain. "If you want to come in then feel free, I don't mind either way." T'charrl had a fair point, he was unfamiliar with this place and could very well end up getting lost. While he didn't think the Shaharians wouldn't do anything to him they couldn't be certain, their time with these aliens had been pretty brief after all. He couldn't know for sure whether or not they would be nice to the Kaesstrian. So far they had, but then again he and Shu were around, they probably knew better. They'd bring T'charrl with them then if it'd help him relax more, Takeshi would be more than fine with that.

"They're lizards, they're not supposed to be hairy Shu. At least I've never seen a hairy lizard before. Maybe there is one somewhere..." That was kind of a funny image to think about, a hairy lizard. Maybe one with a ridiculous hairdo and a bunch of tufts of fur all over themselves, like what Shu has. It was a little odd on him but it would be a million times more so if a lizard had it. Since the wind wasn't nearly as bad in the town Takeshi followed his brother's lead, pulling down his hood and running a hand through his hair to knock any grains out. "T'charrl's hairy because he's a Kaesstrian, all of them were like that. You're hairy because... I don't know. Most Saiyans weren't as hairy as you, though some were pretty close. I've actually wondered if-" Just as he was finishing that thought Shu sneezed, kicking up a fair bit of sand that just so happened to hit Takeshi in the face. For a second he went silent, blinking curiously before reaching up and wiping at his cheek. Feeling a little dampness he gagged, using his cloak to hastily wipe at his face. "Ew, ew ew ew! SHU!" he shouted, whimpering as he wiped his face on his sleeve then. "Gross!"

Being sneezed on, not exactly what Takeshi wanted for himself today. At least it was Shu and not one of the random aliens, gods only know what might be up their noses. Once he had thoroughly scrubbed down his face with the cloak the Saiyan realized they had reached the town center. Either that or there was another grand fountain in town, which seemed pretty unlikely. An assortment of buildings circled the stone paths surrounding the fountain, and a rather large one sat at the head of the grouping. That had to be the Shaman's place alright, there wasn't any building nearly as large as that one anywhere else. Either that was it or someone had been yanking their chain. "Well, looks like we found the guy!" Takeshi said, grinning as he pointed at the building. "The man we want is inside of there, let's go find him!" Feeling a bit confident now that his and Shu's faces were visible he walked right up to the front doors, throwing them open and stepping inside, looking around the fairly filled room in surprise before smiling bashfully. "Uh... Hi."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu gave his nose a quick wipe, giving Takeshi a smile when he freaked out. He didn’t see why it was anything gross, but then again he didn’t know where he had sneezed to. Giggling away, he bounced a little on his feet before dusting the sand out of his hair, “I’m hairy-hairy! All dusty and itchy! Maybe I’m just hairy before you, keep away nasty bugs!” He didn’t know why he was and had questioned it a lot, but no answer meant he was going to end up struggling for an answer in the end and probably shouldn’t think about it a lot. It was certainly a pain when he was in a sandy environment and sand tended to stick around in hair by quite a bit. He certainly didn’t feel embarrassed on a planet like this when he did look around and everyone was different from him, making him feel not at all different. Maybe Yumi would want to help him remove the hair if it became a bother, but that could wait until they had free time to think about hair and possible removal.

T’charrl didn’t know what to think of that, especially when he didn’t know what Shu just did. It was like a forced spit or something, yet couldn’t be stopped at the same time. Tilting his head a little as Takeshi cleaned himself up, he looked away again and gave his own snout a wipe, “That looked dangerous…” Feeling a little curious over what this shaman looked like at this point, he really did feel the need to give it a go and go with them rather than stay outside. Going indoors usually meant shade and even if he did feel nervous about these aliens he was still going to enter the same building as them. Walking along with them was certainly helping, especially when the aliens weren’t looking at him too much and his great big form walking around town. Slowly looking behind himself, he gasped when Takeshi suddenly exclaimed.

If this was the house then he was in luck because he was roasting, not to mention his feet and wings felt like they were burning something nasty. Letting out a sigh, he walked on up with Shu and Takeshi, looking between the pair, “Uhh, shouldn’t we not walk right in?” he spoke up but immediately Takeshi pushed open the doors, T’charrl lifting his claws up to shelter his eyes before noticing there was a whole load of aliens in the room all at once, his eyes scanning them all before he lowered his head quickly. Well this was embarrassing, probably not good either, “Uhhh, Takeshi…? What do we do…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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Whatever reason Shu was that hairy for Takeshi was just glad he didn't have it too. Sure he had body hair, but not in mats like his brother did. He couldn't imagine having all of that, it must be so itchy. Not to mention having to clean all of that hair constantly, it would take him so long to make sure it was all clean. The Saiyan felt like Shu's last words were a jab at him, making fun of his phobia of insects again. He'd have said something in rebuttal if the young boy didn't promptly sneeze afterward, managing to give Takeshi a bit of a germy shower. Groaning quite loudly the older boy went about wiping himself down in a bit of a panic, repeatedly muttering "Ew" in the process. Once he was finished he shot Shu a dirty look, sticking out his tongue before letting his cloak drop back down. "Cover your nose if you're gonna sneeze next time Shu," he chided, lifting his arm and pressing his nose to the inside of his elbow, "Like this, got it? Don't be sneezing on people, it's bad."

"Sneezing, dangerous? Nah, it's not dangerous. Well unless you're really sick or something, then I guess other people can get sick too," he mumbled, rubbing at his head thoughtfully. "Probably could get a lot of people sick by sneezing on them, that would be gross. Even if they don't get sick from it... Gross." Hm, they didn't really have time to be chattering about sneezing, they had work to do darn it. By some good graces it looked like they found the shaman's place too, either that or someone had a really big house. There was only one way to find out and that was to go inside. In his ever tactful nature Takeshi walked right up to the doors, grinning before throwing them open, expecting to find the man they were looking for behind the walls. Instead they were shown a large, open room with several cushions on the floor, a mass of Shaharians knelt down on them, each one looking back at the trio curiously. At the head of the room was an older one of their kind, assuming so anyways since his skin was leathery and wrinkled. Well... Was this the right place?

"How the heck should I know...? I thought this was the place!" Takeshi whispered back, looking back at T'charrl accusingly as if it were somehow his fault. Turning back to the still baffled aliens he smiled nervously, putting his hands up to show he wasn't a threat as he laughed uneasily. "Uh... We're looking for your leader, a shaman... Or something. I don't suppose you know where he is...?" he asked, looking around at everyone as he spoke. There was an awkward silence after his question and he made another check on his scouter, double checking to see if the translator was turned on. It was, so they should have understood him there. So were they in the totally wrong place then? "He's uh... Well he looks like all of you, except he's kinda big. And uh... Sandy... Colored, kinda. And he's got this scar on his lip," he explained desperately, gesturing to his own lips. Again, just silence. A few of the lizardmen exchanged looks but other than that no one said anything. Getting slightly annoyed now Takeshi closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose before giving a strained smile. "He's your leader, you know him. Come on, where is this guy anyways?"

The Shaman was, in fact, in the building. He was out of the room, simply put, taking care of... Business. What the trio had walked in on was a town meeting of sorts, and they had been in recess anyways while their effectual mayor was out. It was customary not to speak in Servas' absence during these meetings, anything that needed to be said could either be said during the discussions or afterwards, otherwise it wasn't important. So the reason no one replied was because of that. As soon as the familiar Shaharian entered the room though a few of the aliens called out to him, gesturing to the trio at the door. Curious, Servas glanced across the room seeing the two smaller figures and the much larger one, not entirely sure what to make of it. When he saw the faces of the smaller two gears clicked in his head, and a big, toothy grin crossed his face. "Friends! Good Saiyans have returned! Not expected you, this is nice surprise!" he called, hurrying across the room, his white robes dragging behind him. "Welcome, welcome! Glad to see again, been a while!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t get why Takeshi was so bothered by it, but if he didn’t like it then he’d do whatever he wanted. Finding it amusing that he was so bothered by it, he giggled and held his arm up against his nose, “I’ll do it! I don’t do that often!” He was pretty amused that Takeshi was put off by so much, but then again he didn’t find it too unusual that Takeshi didn’t like anything he did. Giving his face a wipe, he shook his head before seeing all the people inside the building, curious as to why they were there. It was certainly a strange sight to see so many of them sitting around in one place compared to before when they were on the streets fighting and offering them fruit. That would be nice to have, but he didn’t see any in the room apart from all the aliens looking pretty clueless. Tilting his head, he looked up to Takeshi before back to the aliens, smiling a little.

T’charrl didn’t know what to make of all the aliens, his eyes surveying them just incase they might look angry. It was hard to tell if they were feeling any emotion right now, absolutely everyone remaining silent as Takeshi tried to tell them what was going on and who they were but they didn’t appear to be reacting at all. Frowning a little, he sank behind the pair hoping that it wasn’t because of him that they were so hesitant. He could step away if they were nervous of him, but he really didn’t know what they were feeling right now, “Do they…know who you are…?” he asked up, frowning slightly before letting out a sudden gasp when the Shaman finally returned and all the aliens were finally reacting.

The alien certainly seemed to be friendly when he finally recognised the pair, but T’charrl still kept behind Takeshi and Shu with his head low. Shu didn’t know why T’charrl was scared, but then again the guy seemed nervous around anything and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t acted that way when he first met them. Looking back to the Shaman, Shu bounced on his toes as he greeted them, smiling happily, “Friend! Hi! We came back here! Takeshi knows why”, he spoke quickly, looking to his brother before back to the Shaman, “Can we come in? It’s really hot and sandy!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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Takeshi thought they might well have the wrong building for a moment the way everyone was just staring at them. He didn't recognize anyone in the room so it was a safe chance they could be worried he and the others were a returning Saiyan force, which would be bad. If they attacked then there went the hopes of getting some help pretty quickly, and they'd have to high tail it back to the ship to avoid getting shot or something. "I kinda hoped they would, but I guess not," he remarked, shrugging his shoulders. No sooner than he had said that did a familiar face enter the room, making the older boy sigh with relief. The guy wore a nice set of robes as opposed to his battle garb before but Takeshi could recognize the shaman regardless, and the alien looked happy to see them. Sending a smile Servas' way he raised a hand in greeting, feeling a bit awkward now that the entire room was watching them intently. Why did they have to have an audience for this, couldn't they talk in private? "Hehe... Uh... Yeah, hi there Servas. It's been a while huh?" Wow, was this guy as cheery last time? Probably not all things considered, but the alien definitely had an air of enthusiasm around him. Takeshi couldn't help but wonder if watching paint dry was enthralling for Servas.

There hadn't been any word of impending visitors nor had their radars picked up anything, so Servas was certainly surprised that these three had shown up. Neglecting the fact that their radar technology was vastly outdated and they had no way to even learn of their arrival before hand he still wondered why they hadn't at least put a call through to one of their stations. Did these three know they had such technology? Last time the two Saiyans were here their town was a veritable warzone, so it might be a safe bet they didn't. "Come in, come in! Staying out in sandstorm can't be nice, wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable," Servas answered, smiling at the trio as he ushered them inside. Shutting the door securely behind them the shaman noticed the off look on Takeshi's face, glancing at the rest of his kin in the room before laughing knowingly, it coming across as a soft hissing noise. "Friends, please leave us. We talk in private for now and continue sermons later, I promise. Come back in an hour, okay?" To that a murmur rose and everyone did as they were told, rising to their feet and making way to the door. Servas made it a point to bow and dismiss every single member who was leaving, wearing that smile the whole time. For someone who was war-tested he was an awfully positive guy. Once alone Servas walked to the front of the room, kneeling down on his own cushion on the slightly elevated floor and motioning for the others to come closer. "Talk friends, talk. Tell what you're here for, I'm curious. I want to hear."

Takeshi kept a polite smile as the people were leaving, but as soon as the last one exited he frowned and let out a sigh. He'd gotten a bit better at being around people since this all began, but awkward situations like that were still hellish for him. One on one conversations were one thing, he loathed having to address groups like that. So it was a welcome relief when the entire assembly was dismissed in favor of a more personal meeting. Nodding his head appreciatively the Saiyan walked along to the front of the room, mimicking what Servas had done and kneeling down on one of the foremost cushions carefully. Eh, they were pretty soft but it felt weird doing this, he wondered how much time they spent in this place. Probably way too much by his standard, good thing he didn't have to do this. "Since you wanna know I guess I'll just get right to the point. We're here to ask for your help, pretty much. Korian and Sayomi, the rebels that is, are almost ready to fight our father, the King. They need a little more help though and so we're going to all of our friends to ask on their behalf. If you've got any troops you can spare it would be greatly appreciated." It kind of felt a little rude coming right out and asking, but the shaman was fairly adamant about hearing them out. Watching as Servas seemed to ponder the request for a moment Takeshi smiled when their host did, feeling fairly optimistic that they were going to get what they came for.

"Nope, cannot spare any troops!" Servas said, still smiling as Takeshi slouched down dejectedly. "We can help though, we can! Have medicines, and tools, they can help. Not as good as troops, I know, but they'll do some good!" The medicines he spoke of where all natural remedies of course, nothing like what the Saiyans had in those tanks of theirs. They would treat all sorts of illnesses, from colds and fevers to infections and viruses, things that could very well occur out in battle. It helped that for their time occupying Shaharia the Saiyans had actually invested a lot of research into their medicinal studies, meaning the potency of natural remedies was now stronger and even easier to make than before. "Sorry no troops, but we're busy, you see. Busy fighting insurrection, my friends. Some kin not so happy without Saiyans, some benefited from their rule. Now that they're gone they are angry, so we have to deal with them. Understand, I hope? Give medicine and tools, but no troops, so sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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It was certainly intimidating seeing all these aliens in one spot staring silently, but luckily for them the Shaman was there and everything quickly picked up. T’charrl didn’t know what to make of the alien or how they acted, but when it came to being invited in he was pretty hasty about it and squeezed in from behind the pair to get out of the sand. It was certainly a lot better now that he was out of it, but he was feeling sore after that so standing around wasn’t all that comfortable. He would have to put up with it for now, seeing as how they’ll be heading back out in it soon anyway. Giving his feet a quick wipe on the floor, he let out a sigh before looking to Takeshi as he got familiar with the man. It was certainly a lot better in the building than it was outside, but he didn’t know if it was a positive thing when he still had to keep the sheet on or it may never sit on him properly again. He could lift the hood back a little, but that was about it when his back was just keeping it perfect on him without it blowing up with the wind.

As the people left for now to give them some room, he looked to them curiously before to Takeshi and Shu, tilting his head a little, “I’ll uhh…just let you do the talking”. He knew what they needed, but he didn’t think the man would give them anything in return if a complete stranger started talking asking them for reinforcements. The look of this place told him the Saiyans were probably here, given the apparent reputation they had with these planets. He was there to observe and if Takeshi wanted him to speak then he was not going to have much of a good chance when it came to trying to convince a stranger when he looked like that. Watching the alien, he walked over with the brothers but upon seeing how they were kneeling he couldn’t help but feel concerned that he wouldn’t be able to do the same thing. Staring at them curiously, he slowly lowered himself to the floor, only managing to sit with his legs out in front of him after slipping from the sides. His kind just weren’t built for that with this large a thigh gap, feeling concerned that he was just being rude now with the way he sat.

Shu was certainly relieved that he was allowed to sit down, simply sitting with his legs crossed over without much of a care. His feet were a little sore and covered in sand still, giving them a wipe while Takeshi spoke to their friend. It was very uncomfortable trying to walk on a surface that constantly shifted, especially when it went through his toes a lot and made him uncomfortable. Letting out a sigh, he shifted a little in his seat, tilting his head a little when they were instead refused. He didn’t think he would have his people doing something important right now, but if that was going to be their rejection notice then they would just have to accept it. Staring at Servas, he tilted his head a little at the excuse, shifting forward, “Fighting? What’s that? Why would they not be happy…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Servas would have loved to given these boys what they needed, he and his people owed them a great debt. Had they come on any other day he would have detached a group of soldiers without second thought at their behest, the Shaharians were indebted to the Princes after all. With the recent tumult that came with Saiyan separatists though they couldn't afford to send away a single man, not while there was danger at home. "Some of our people happy with Saiyans, you see. They get wealth and power when Saiyans here, things they didn't have before. With Saiyans gone that disappears, but some not want that. Some cling to what they had, and try to restore things to how they were. Not happy with going back to lives, want to keep things the way they were." The fact anyone could relish what terrible lives their race had been subjected to was incredibly disheartening. For the first time since arriving the trio would see Servas' smile fade, being replaced by a somber frown as he looked down at the floor. "Many people suffered, and will suffer if they continue. Have to stop them for peace, but don't want to. I want no more hurt, no more blood, but will be hard if they don't listen to reason. That is why no soldiers, too busy."

Man, what a pain in the ass that was. Freed from Saiyans only to have a few lunatics go and try keeping the old ways alive. The fact people were so selfish to try and do that pissed Takeshi off, there was no excusing that kind of behavior. Gritting his teeth angrily he balled his hands into fists in his lap, looking at Servas determined. "Tell you what, let us take care of these guys for you. No way are we going to let some dirtbags get away with hurting someone like that. You and your people suffered enough already, the last thing you need is to be fighting each other." They had just finished this sort of thing on Kaesstra, it annoyed him there too. There was no good reason for people to be fighting one another, people that were of the same race who by every right should be peaceful. With Saiyans it was another matter, by nature they were going to fight. Maybe the other races were the same too, maybe he couldn't use that as an excuse. Whatever the reason it made Takeshi angry and he wanted to deal with it. "You don't have to give us the soldiers if you don't have them, that's fine. But let us deal with these creeps while we're here. Just tell us what you want us to do and we'll do it." Prolonging their stay on the planet might not be ideal, considering the harsh climate. He had every intent on getting this done as quickly as possible though, they still had a schedule to keep after all.

Though he already knew the Princes to be helpful, Servas hadn't expected this kind of offer. By the sounds of it they had their own agenda to keep, and yet here was a gift in the form of aid for their own problems. Yet again he found himself rather happy, euphoric even to know there were people like this out there. It might have been Takeshi who spoke but he knew the others agreed with the sentiment, and to them he bowed his head to the floor politely, something rather big in their society considering his position. "Thanks, so many thanks. I don't know how to repay, you've done so much for us. Medicine is meager, but we'll always welcome you here. You and friends, all of you." With the prowess of these three he was hopeful this issue would be resolved very quickly. Daresay, he even figured by the end of the day, if he could be so bold. "We don't want death, even if people are bad. No, bring to prison, stand trial, sentenced to cells, that's how we want to do this. Reaching them not easy for us, in another city. Most of city supports, as many troops as we have, hard to reach leaders. You can though, strong enough. If you grab leaders, bring them here, other cities gather for trial and sentence. All will be happy again for us, I hope."

"So you want to drag their scaly butts back here for a trial? That's easy, we'll have it done before the sun goes down," Takeshi said, grinning as he gestured to himself with his thumb. "Just point us in the direction of the city and we'll go get your man."

Servas gave an appreciative nod, picking himself up and smiling at the trio happily. "Yes, the city. West of here, not very far. 100 kilometers about, like ours. City built on peninsula by water, more trees and even grass there, you'll know. Leaders live somewhere in the center, guarded too. Be gentle to troops... I feel that soldiers loyal but not happy with their work, they do not deserve to be punished. Only leaders, we hope moving them will fix problem." If cutting the head off the snake didn't solve this then they would have to possibly use force themselves, but the shaman would prefer avoiding that if at all possibly. These three were strong enough to easily subdue anyone on this planet, of that he was certain. It wouldn't be a matter of if they could do this, but when. "Thanks again, my friends. People owe you much, you're friends to many here."

Directions were all that they needed to get this underway, and soon as Servas had finished speaking Takeshi was on his feet. "Alright then guys, we're going to the city to find us some assholes," he said, grinning as he nodded to himself. They would probably do best to go back to their own ship first, get the shuttle and fly out that way. 100 kilometers was a cake walk for people like them who could fly, but in weather like this it was probably best avoided. "Don't worry Servas, we've got this. You'll get your guilty people soon enough, right guys?" Looking between Shu and T'charrl the older boy took a moment to pause, giving his sibling a curious look. Glancing down the length of Shu's self he looked at his feet, seeing how chaffed and red they were from all the walking. They had been so intent on getting this all done he hadn't even considered how Shu might be doing, feeling a bit bad for that mistake. Smiling sadly he moved to stand in front of his brother, and without any prompt squatted down, linking his arms under Shu's legs and hoisting him up onto his back. Once the little guy was secure Takeshi looked over his shoulder, smirking as he gave his brother a slight bounce. "No more walking for you, looks like your feet need a break," he said, tilting his head and touching his forehead to Shu's. "I'll carry you, alright? All you gotta do is hang on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The stuff the alien was discussing sounded similar to something he feared might happen on his own planet if he wasn’t careful, his family and people possibly being in more trouble than before. There probably wasn’t that much difference in what his people had been doing and what these stray soldiers were doing now, only it sounded like the other way around where the rich wanted to stay rich; his people just wanted to survive and that was the most basic necessity, but these guys wanted to keep their power which they didn’t need. Maybe it would all be better if they realised the Saiyans were evil, but then again he didn’t really know himself and probably wouldn’t sound the least bit convincing. He was certainly confused; he had been told so little but was expected to hate them automatically. It was probably something he shouldn’t think about too much about, especially when it could spell doubt and everyone might get mad at him.

Nodding a little at what Servas was saying, he looked between him and Takeshi after a moment just to feel included. He was already fascinated by the fact he was sitting in front of an alien, but he was supposed to be concentrating more on their discussion and trying to understand it. He was certainly concerned when he wasn’t certain sticking them in a cell would help them any, probably because it meant when they got back out their attitudes wouldn’t change and they would cause trouble once more as rebels. It was an odd problem they were in and he didn’t know how to sort it other than try to talk it out, but that was none of his business. He would just be messing with alien affairs if that was the case, probably not the best of ideas when he was so vulnerable to possible attack. Frowning, he slowly stood up again, feeling a little worried about it sounding so far away while this storm was going on.

Shu didn’t really know what they were talking about, just that fighting was going to happen and he was going to need to do some with his brother and friend. The thought of people being nasty did make him want to fight them and teach them a lesson if only because they were acting bad in his eyes. Trying to get all prepared and up to fighting, he looked up to Takeshi quickly before back down at his feet, trying to get them feeling better before standing, “Uh huh! Get bad people!” he squeaked, rubbing his foot against his leg, “Will we get fruit after this?? I really love fruit”. Feeling all happy, he stared up at Takeshi curiously, tilting his head when he moved around and took him by the legs. Letting out a squeal with his arms raised, his tail wrapping around Takeshi when he was bounced, “No more of the walking?” he repeated, smiling a little, “Okay! My feet do hurt…I’ll hang on!” He did wonder whether T’charrl was okay, especially since he was awfully quiet; then again, it wasn’t as if he could be carried around with ease either if he was hurting. Lowering his head a little, he held onto Takeshi tight, “Bye, Friend! We won’t be too long!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Taking down some Shaharians, now that shouldn't be too hard. Takeshi liked these people and all but he couldn't say they were exactly strong, even remotely so. They had never been shot by those blasters of theirs before but he was willing to bet it was no worse than a Ki blast, and a weak one at that. The job of apprehending one of these people then was a simple one as far as he was concerned, they would be in and out in no time. Shu backed him up on it, and T'charrl probably did as well, even if he didn't have a clue what was going on most likely. "If you want fruit then we'll find you fruit, I bet they'll be happy to give you two some," he answered, smirking as he rose to his feet. "First thing's first though, no more walking for you little buddy, your feet are all banged up." Quite a bit at that, apparently walking in some place as harsh as the desert bare footed was bad for you. Last time they were here he was fair certain they'd forced Shu into wearing boots, and for the best. To lend a hand then he grabbed his brother and hoisted him up, setting the little Saiyan onto his back and slinging his arms under his legs for support. Takeshi would love to lend T'charrl a hand as well but he couldn't really. Not because he was a bug, he was relatively okay with his friend's latest appearance, but he was just so bulky. There was no way he could carry both of them right now. Sending an apologetic smile their friends way he nodded to Servas before heading for the door to leave.

It didn't take long after being in the sandstorm to want to go back inside, but they had a task to do first. A good ways away no less, which was going to be a veritable hell if they had to walk to the other city. Their own ship was much closer, less than a quarter of what they would have to travel otherwise. "I'm thinking we go back to the ship first, get the shuttle and fly that to our target," Takeshi mused, carefully balancing Shu as he freed a hand to pull up his hood. Glancing up at T'charrl he smiled slightly, nodding his head as they began to walk back the way they had come. "How are you holding up out here? It kinda sucks for us, being here, and we can handle this kind of weather. Do you want to stay on the ship when we get back?" There had been a lot of talk on Vegeta's part voicing concern for T'charrl coming to a world like this. The place he was used to, the kind of environment his entire race was accustomed to was practically on the other end of the spectrum compared to this. No one would think any less of him if he opted to stay off of the planet, it was a hard world even for the ones who could make it here. "Maybe while Shu and I take care of these jerks you can get someone to go back to Servas and get the medicine? We're going to get this done whether we get the medicine before or after, hopefully that guy knows that. It's not like we're going to take the stuff and run, you know?"
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