Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t know what happened or what was going to go on, all that he knew was he was under water with the back of his head pointing straight down to the floor in under the weight of his horns. So much had happened to spark up his nerves and send him raging pretty fast, but as he blankly stared into the upside-down dark depths he barely responded, looking as if he had simply grown tired of trying. There really was barely a point in getting up again if he was able to float around like this, not even a care in the world. Slowly moving his paw to his face as if only realising she had let go he stared at it. She had managed to cut him with those teeth of hers and while it didn’t hurt it still managed to bleed slightly. Feeling pretty lost in his mind he simply slowly rolled over under the water, moving so he could hopefully push himself out of the water; however, as he gave one last look into the lake he noticed a black figure move immediately for him, snatching him in its jaws by the arm and dragged him further into the lake with barely any retaliation from Viral himself.

Kai thought it would be funny to see Kabocha picking up the job of a cleaner or something equally as low as his attitude, especially when he completely deserved that kind of job after what he put people through. He really had no idea how to talk to normal people or think through any sort of plan for the future that might secure him happiness in the end of it all. His parents could easily cut off his money and that was how he treated it, but that didn’t bother him just now when he could get lots of food with all this money. “She’s a seller, not a trader. She sells food for money”, he sighed, finding it hard to believe that Kabocha thought she was someone who traded random goods for food, “She’s got to pay the bills too which might include supporting her weird alien kids. She can’t do any of that if she’s left trying to find someone who would trade shiny strange metal with her”. Kabocha was pretty stupid in that regards, seeing how he had no idea how money even worked. “It’s not the women who have thin skins…they can just see through you like a sheet of ice”, he sighed, shaking his head, “The girlfriends you had were after your money and you know that. You know I won’t believe you on that until you actually manage to woo a female again in front of me without jingling your money in their face like you’re offering them booze”.

Shu wasn’t really too bothered about finding Haku, especially when he was a meanie first and a person later. He was not someone who would so easily get lost anyway considering he had a scouter too and could easily just call out or navigate his way back to the ship. Feeling more concerned for his friend he looked around with a confused expression, feeling worried that his friend wasn’t actually going to come out after calling out to him like this. He wasn’t sure why his friend would want to keep hiding if their game was over, not unless he had fallen asleep somehow and was instead struggling to wake up again. That was highly doubtful, especially when T’charrl had only just got back to his home world and was probably still excited to get to walk around on it again. Looking around quickly he soon looked to Takeshi, bouncing on the branch, “Ooh! Maybe I should say it louder so you can’t pretend?” he questioned him before smiling, giving a giggle as he quickly jumped forward through the trees again. While it was funny to tease Takeshi they still had to try and gather everyone. Looking around he frowned when he spotted Haku, tilting his head at him before looking away again, trying to see if he could see any traces of T’charrl. Maybe T’charrl was heavy on this planet too, maybe he left footprints; however, he did notice this planet made him feel so light all the time so maybe that wouldn’t be the case. Frowning a little he looked back to Takeshi. “But there’s so many smells! I’m not great at doing that when I’m hungry and in the forest”, he sighed, looking around at the trees, “Maybe Friend went back to ship because you took so long?”

T’charrl didn’t know how to make L’esta leave, unable to work out what he might be afraid of to get him to go away and retreat. There was very little he could do when it came to a man like him and it definitely showed off his rank and why he had it, but being unable to decide whether he was supposed to retreat made him question whether that was the right call for him. He was too confident that he could stand up to him and that made T’charrl scared, knowing he could easily get killed because he couldn’t attack his family’s friend. Trying to scare him off through stature alone did not help at all, instead it caused him to pull out his weapon and hold it ready. Feeling compelled to try and get him to leave he kept his stance, hissing at him in a threatening manner. “I’m not going to hurt anyone…is that how you treat the unknown??” Trying to keep up the threatening stance there must’ve been something he said because L’esta moved forward, his eyes going to his foot quickly, holding his breath for a moment. Through a slip of the tongue he accidentally used his own knowledge of L’esta, something that was very easy to do when he was so flustered. Looking to the side quickly he took a step back, dropping down onto fours again and hissing, raising his claws. “I can’t go to the Queen…and you won’t ever understand why! Do you know what she would do to me?? Begone! Leave me alone! Take your weapon and go! I am not your enemy!!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi was so done with the water, she was soaked and miserable. Viral could play around all he wanted on his own; the land was dry and she was going to stay right here until he was done. Hardly minding that her clothes were being covered in sand she gave herself a shaking to try and dry herself off, and the backs of her hands a lick to boot. What a bother, she'd just been trying to play and now she was dripping and miserable. Frustrated she couldn't find a way to manage to dry herself entirely she looked back out over the lake, wondering where Viral was. He'd been under for a while now and he was a cat; cats weren't typically known for being aquatic. Cocking her head to the side curiously she kept her eyes trained on the water, searching for any sign of her friend. A moment of silence and then movement caught her eye; fins rose up out of the water traveling in Viral's direction and vanished again. Tensing up she stared at where she thought the Beastman was, letting out a soft growl when she saw the spines again. Whatever that thing was it must have hurt Viral, it was the only conclusion Yumi could come to. Getting a sudden bristling fury over that she put aside her disdain of the water and rushed back in, splashing as she charged ahead to try and get at her friend.

"Ha! See, you said it too! Their kids are weird!" Kabocha retorted, missing the point of Kai's lecture entirely, "You were talking down to Choi and I for saying things, but you just did too! Not so high and mighty now are you?" Hmph, have some double standards. And if this lady they were going to see really did need to pay bills she'd take the metal regardless, everything had some value. Whether it was of high or low value was another matter entirely, and given their currency was foreign it was impossible for her to be certain. He couldn't wait to see the look on the stall owner's face when they returned; a small fortune in hand was probably going to make her really regret not taking up their offer before. "Not true, and you know that! Sure, some of them were definitely after my money, I'm not an idiot. As soon as I stopped buying them things or taking them places they buggered off. Remember that one girl though? The one with the red hair that I dated a while back? She and I got along great by ourselves! But Takeshi had to be all depressed and mopey all the time and she didn't want to come around anymore!" The one girl who actually liked him for him and she was chased away by one of his moron friends. Sniffing annoyed Kabocha glanced over at Kai, smiling slightly as he shrugged his shoulders and held out the bag of coins. "Hey, everyone likes someone for some reason, money's one of them. And I got what I wanted out of those girls so I don't much care," he added, chuckling to himself, "Tell you what; take the money, I changed my mind. You can handle it."

It was sort of nice they had found Haku; abandoning him out here in the forests would be a scummy move indeed. Still, they really wanted to find T'charrl as he was the one in danger out here. Until their friend changed back to his old self he was at risk wandering around outside. Takeshi frowned to himself as he looked about the area, struggling to decide on which direction he wanted to head. "I doubt he went back. And besides... He's got the scouter, don't you think he would check before just going back?" Oh jeez, nothing had happened to him, had it? The only reason he could imagine T'charrl not checking in was something had him tied up, perhaps literally. They really needed to find their friend now, just to make certain nothing had actually gone wrong. Reaching up and turning on his scouter Takeshi slowly began moving again, heading to the left this time from where they had met Haku. "T'charrl...? Hey, can you hear me...?" he spoke, looking back at the others a bit concerned before straight again, "The game's over, why don't you tell us where you are and we'll come get you?"

Regardless of whether or not L'esta was actually unnerved he wouldn't budge; protecting the city was of the utmost priority. Just because this person was a Kaesstrian didn't absolve them of any suspicion and it certainly did not get them out of this situation. Until he was personally satisfied this one wouldn't cause any harm he simply could not allow them to leave. "The unknown could mean a threat, so in that case yes, this is how I treat the unknown," the Captain retorted, staring down T'charrl sternly. Steadfast as he was in his convictions a curious slip of the tongue made him take pause; how was this person aware of the fact he had scouts? Far as anyone could tell it was just the two of them out here, but this person had correctly assumed there were other men with him. So they must know him to a certain extent otherwise that was a really lucky guess. Watching the large Kaesstrian get down on his knees the Captain stepped forward again, keeping his sword now pointed at T'charrl. "The Queen may imprison you for causing unrest, and there will be questioning, but do not mistake Her Majesty for some kind of brute. She'll treat you with justice and do you no wrong. If you will not speak with me then perhaps you will speak with her." What a frustrating person this was, they were not listening to reason at all! Shaking his head in annoyance L'esta lowered his sword, pointing at T'charrl as he shouted, "If you are not my enemy then cooperate! You have done nothing to prove that fact! Come with me and perhaps I will start to trust what you have to say!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had no idea what was dragging him away but he was disappearing fairly rapidly into the depths completely out of control. His arm had been snatched and as he flowed backwards through the water all he managed to do was stare at the fading light of the surface before his eyes slowly made their way back to the creature. So there was something in these waters, he wasn’t just assuming it, but what he hadn’t counted on was it seeing him as prey. Not having the focus to fight it off all he could do was try and slide his arm out of its jaws, pulling at it as he was dragged down. Managing to release the creature’s grip it quickly grabbed onto his leg in retaliation, determined not to let him get away. He was still feeling too disorientated to retaliate properly but he was able to get a good look at it, its dark nasty looking face with large eyes and teeth made it look like a giant salamander with massive glasses on. Finding it hard to justify any reason to not retaliate he soon threw his fist down at its nose when it wouldn’t let go of him, its jaws almost releasing his leg if only to try and snatch at his arm as his bleeding was the only thing driving it to attack.

Kai let out a groan, rolling his eyes. “Because you’re the one who made fun of them in the first place! If speaking your language doesn’t help then how do you expect me to teach you about the better things in life like manners?” Kabocha really didn’t have much when it came to an ability to learn, but maybe he would soon get it through his thick skull once he saw having manners only brought him good experiences. Maybe if he saw he could get the best quality food by using manners while exchanging the money he might change his attitude towards the woman slightly, but if not then Kai was just going to grab those coins off him and buy the food himself. “You didn’t need to hang around Takeshi if only for going on missions, you know. She probably saw you as the pity party”, he sighed, shaking his head, “You may had gotten one thing out of those girls, but they got more out of you than you could ever get in return”. Finding it hard to believe Kabocha would be able to win those girls back now he sighed lightly, his eyes only drifting slightly when he realised Kabocha was giving up the money again to him. “Hm? If you’re so sure. Don’t you think you should use the woman as practice for getting your way with money once again…”

Maybe playing hide and seek with T’charrl was a bad idea, or rather having him as a hider was a bad idea. If he was a seeker they could had kept an eye on him to make sure he was okay, but now he was somewhere in the unknown and they couldn’t seem to find him. He was worried that his friend had run into trouble like what he was avoiding or was having another nervous breakdown somewhere, but hopefully his friend wasn’t in any of that kind of trouble and was just slightly missing from sight just now. Feeling a little concerned at this point he looked around to try and find some hint that his friend was still out there, giving Takeshi a quick look again when he called out for T’charrl once more, this time through the scouter. As usual there was no word from him, his head tilting as if trying to pick up any possible noises that may be out there. “Is he saying anything? I don’t hear him calling…is only you who can hear if you call on scouter? How do these work?”

T’charrl knew he couldn’t stand his ground for much longer if things were going this far south this quickly, his immediate reaction being the urge to charge through him and hope that would disorientate him enough to allow his escape. He didn’t think he could keep still enough to use his camouflage effectively at this point when he was already on the edge of his nerves and would probably shake or breathe too much to keep hidden. Dropping down he tried to seek mercy, but just as quickly L’esta met his show of mercy with his blade pointing straight at him, his large eyes staring at the point. L’esta was trying to make his mother sound benevolent but he knew she would do more than that if she saw he wasn’t back to normal yet, even the journey he would have to take to get there would reveal him to everyone and ultimately cause everyone to fear him. He could hear Takeshi call out to him but he couldn't do anything about it, not while L'esta was staring him down with a blade and threatening him with action if he tried anything that showed hostility to his own people. Gasping when he was shouted at his fur stood on end, suddenly hissing and throwing his claws down. “Never will you or ANYONE trust a monster!!” Letting out a snarl he unsheathed his own hidden blade in his arm, trying to parry off L’esta’s weapon. If he couldn’t do anything with words to get him to leave then brute force was needed as much as he hated to come to that conclusion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi hadn't a clue why Viral hadn't surfaced yet, but she figured it couldn't be anything good. Something might have gotten to him, or maybe when he fell he hurt himself and couldn't get back up. As it happened the former was the case; spines poking up above the water's surface told her there was something in there. Overcoming her fierce disdain of water awfully quickly she darted back into the lake, splashing a bit awkwardly as she tried to swim over to where Viral had been. Murky as the water might be she could tell soon as she had reached the same point that her friend wasn't there any longer. Where then? Where could he have gone? Hissing angrily Yumi scanned the water for any trace, desperately trying to find where Viral had been taken. She might not have spotted anything had an odd coloration of the water not caught her attention; a pool of dark liquid was gathering at the surface. Swimming deeper she wrinkled her nose in recognizing that it was blood, and grew even more concerned as she recognized it being Viral's. He was under water then...? Being wet was so disgusting, her ears were going to get water logged and it would take hours to clean herself, but she couldn't well leave the Beastman. Inhaling deeply she dove under the water, blindly paddling towards where she hoped her friend might be. "What are you, my mom? Teach me manners? Hmph, maybe I am a bit of an ass, but at least I'm not acting high and mighty, saying I'm going to teach people like I'm someone special," Kabocha retorted, rolling his eyes. In fact he had been doing just that, but only the twins would acknowledge this; he could do no wrong. Even if the twin was trying to blame it on him he was sure Kai saw the children as weird too. It wasn't bad to think that when it was true! Just as they saw Kaesstrian children as odd he was certain Kaesstrians in turn would look at Saiyan babies weirdly. All covered in goopy, disgusting mess and like an over-inflated small person even Kabocha considered their own children to be a bit of an oddity. "No, trust me, I got PLENTY out of those girls. I have money to throw around so I don't care if they ended up taking some or not," Kabocha said, waving a hand dismissively. No longer feeling up to dealing with the woman and her stall the Saiyan handed off their exchanged currency to his friend, smirking when Kai asked about it. "But you looked like you had so much fun with it I couldn't bear to keep you from enjoying yourself." That and he didn't want to speak with her so soon, he was still marginally annoyed. Just spotting T'charrl randomly out in the forests was going to be impossible; hiding was his specialty and he knew the area far better than they did. If they had any hopes of finding their friend they would have to try something else, maybe even use their scouters to pinpoint where he was. Takeshi was hopeful when he turned his on and began speaking that they might get a reply, but after a bit of waiting the line remained utterly silent. Making a sound of discontent he glanced over at Shu, shaking his head as he lowered his hand. "Nothing, he didn't reply. Anyone using it can hear, as long as your tuned to the same signal. I'm willing to bet ours are, so he should have heard us," Takeshi replied, "And you just have to push the button on the side, right by your ear. Try it, I'll keep an eye out for him." Knowing the guy they were looking for he could very well have had a bit of a panic over who knows what. If that was the case, and gods forbid he couldn't handle it, then they may not see their friend for some time. What a rotten thing to happen; get back to Kaesstra only for T'charrl to freak and get lost. Everything about this situation was confusing, from the vaguely familiar, overly-inflated Kaesstrian to that strange static that came through that device. L'esta hadn't even noticed it before, but now that he was seeing it he recognized the tool near immediately. If he wasn't mistaken that was the same device the Saiyans who befriended the Prince had used before during their visit; this revelation only served to confuse the Captain even further. Did those children have something to do with this? Or was it sheer coincidence? He loathed to believe it may just well be coincidence, something was much too strange about everything for it to be just that. Holding the stranger at sword point while trying to suss out what to do next the Captain found his decision being made for him. In sudden surge of anger T'charrl shouted at him before swinging some strange blade at him, forcing L'esta to react. Parrying the arm-blade he was astonished by the force behind it, having to fight to grip onto his sword as he stumbled slightly. So this person was just as strong as he feared, it was best then his men stayed back. "I tried to give you a chance, but you leave me no choice now!" the Captain snapped, raising his sword up high before taking a swing at T'charrl, "For the safety of Kaesstra you must die!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t know how to rid himself of this creature and with it being so dark there was no way he was going to be able to blast it with some solar energy. He’d have to try a different way, some way to try and get it to leave him be and realise he was a lot more ferocious than it thought he was. He was still trying to combat this creature and hit it away, but all it was doing was grabbing at his limbs and trying to pull him into its mouth. Throwing his other arm around he threw his claws at the creature, just wanting to get to the surface now rather than deal with this creature. Throwing down his claws managed to make it recoil but in retaliation it immediately threw its head around with him still in its grasp, pulling him back and forth through the water rapidly. If it was trying to tear his arm off it was certainly going in the right direction but it didn’t mean Viral was going to give up, even if he was getting awfully disorientated. “You acted pretty high and mighty to the woman, so maybe you should apologise for being such a jerk and making her so flustered in the first place”, Kai shrugged, seeing it as not a big deal if he just admitted he caused a problem for himself. There would certainly be a slight issue of finding people who might help them if Kabocha was the one to approach them first, probably ending with them getting in trouble. Oh well, at least he knew his brother was competent enough to talk to people properly, but he probably would’ve freaked out with the money. Being from a poor family it was always a surprise to have control over a lot of money and even going to the teller was a big deal for him. “Yeah…’have’ it, for now”, he spoke, shaking his head, “Who knows how long you’ll have it, then there’s the fact that you’re giving it to me”. He didn’t really get it, but then again Kabocha would probably wreck their chances greatly and make the woman angry. “Well great, shows how much trust you have in me, huh? You just watch how much I get and start thinking about where we’re going to eat it all. There’s plenty of places to go, especially considering they’re flyers and probably have places on the roofs and what not”. Shu never did understand technology, always finding it to be an oddity he might never get used to. He didn’t know if he was supposed to know a lot about his scouter or if he was supposed to let Takeshi do it all for him. The further he stayed away from technology the better, but when it was attached to his head it was probably worth knowing the one tiny bit of information that might help him in the long run. He continued to forget how to use it anyway, but this was probably one of the only times he would have to use it anyway. Frowning when Takeshi told him he heard nothing from T’charrl he looked around again, giving the button a quick press, “Ooh! How to find Friend?” He remembered using the scouter before but also remembered he wasn’t very good with it, but this was also showing how terrible he was at using it when he couldn’t even get an answer either. Sighing a little he looked down, staring at the floor of the forest before looking around again, “Not sure where he might go…I mean, where would he go? Did someone find Friend maybe? Did he find some yummies?” T’charrl had lost his temper with L’esta, even if he was completely aware to whom he was speaking to. He didn’t know how he was supposed to take a sword pointing straight at him like that when he was this tense and this sudden bout of anger showed he was definitely losing it. Throwing down his hidden blade to force the sword away from him he hissed angrily, moving back a few steps he stared down at him in anger and fear. He wanted to flee as fast as he could but in his form he wasn’t very fast, especially compared to a normal Kaesstrian and definitely not against L’esta. He didn’t want to have to hurt him and unfortunately the Captain wasn’t getting frightened either. Staring at him he raised his arm as the Captain made a sudden swing at him, immediately moving to block it with his own blade. “I don’t want to fight you!! You have no idea!” he hissed, moving to try and back off away from him. He couldn’t fight him, it wasn’t even a case of not wanting to but being unable to fight back against a skilled fighter like the Captain. He had only been a scout when he was normal and he was the highest rank apart from his father, giving him no chance to put up a good fight without resulting in him using pure brute strength and his energy to fight back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was becoming increasingly easier to follow Viral's path; the trail of blood in the water may have something to do with that. Even when diluted with the water Yumi could pick up the scent well enough and track it, which given her poor eyesight in the murky depths that was good. Kicking her legs harder and harder she tried to catch up to her friend, not at all certain what she might find dragging him away. It had to be strong to get him like this, and probably a predator. Letting out a throaty growl she flexed her hands in anticipation of fighting the creature; it wasn't going to be the most dangerous down here for long. The further in she went the stronger the scent of blood became meaning Viral had to be close. Focusing her eyes as best she could at last the silhouette of the Beastman and his attacker became visible. She could scarcely tell what the creature was here, or how large it may be, but that hardly mattered; regardless of size or what it was Yumi was going to see it dead. Soon enough she was within striking distance and she wasted little time in attacking, reaching out and swiping through the water with her sharpened nails, managing to rake across what must be the tail end of the creature. Before her hand came off she gripped onto it, pulling herself forward and digging her other hand into it as well. If it didn't let go of Viral she would began tearing it apart, or whatever it took to free her friend. "Apologize? Don't be ridiculous, I don't have anything to apologize for. I knew we had good money and she refused me, I don't see how I was at fault there. If anything she'll be apologizing to us after we spend some of this at her stall." Wouldn't she look the fool, having the very boy she denied come back and spend a healthy sum at her place of business. If that didn't make her seem like an idiot for rejecting Kabocha's demand earlier he didn't know what else might. Kai was sounding awfully confident in his own abilities, and for the fun of it he decided to humor his friend. Sure, he could take the money, but he had best be able to put up and actually score them a good meal. Otherwise he would get to enjoy listening to his friend admit that he had been wrong. "Does it matter much where we eat? There were a few tables around the stalls, we can even sit there and relax. Or we can go find a place, whatever, I don't really care either way," Kabocha said, lifting his arms up above his head in a stretch. "Or... If we can find him, track down Vegeta and have him show us around? We've got the money to spend, and I'd bet he knows a bit more of the city than we do. Maybe he can help point out some interesting shops?" Perhaps asking Shu to use his scouter was a bit much; it was a miracle the little guy could get his own shoes on sometimes. Right, so they were basically winging this impromptu search party then, no big deal; how hard could it be to find a lumbering Kaesstrian? Not to be mean but T'charrl was pretty darn big, and so long as he wasn't camouflaged it should be easy spotting him. "Again, you're asking me things I don't know Shu... I won't know any of that until we find him," the older boy said, letting out a sigh, "We just have to keep looking, that's all. Keep listening and looking, we're bound to find something." Their best bet right now was hopefully getting some kind of hint as to where their friend was. Be it actually spotting him, finding some kind of trail or finally hearing from him; they wouldn't be able to find him without a bit of help right now. The chances of actually getting something however had to be slim, and that was certainly a disheartening thought to have. Ducking beneath a branch as they moved along Takeshi very nearly came to a sudden halt when a not so distant clanging sound caught his attention, and he turned his head in the direction only to hear a second sound. That sounded like someone was fighting, or at the very least smacking some metal together; given they were in the middle of a forest he sincerely doubted it was the latter. "Did you two hear that...?" Takeshi asked, finally coming to a stop. There was silence for a moment again, and then a third sound carried their way. It wasn't metal hitting metal but rather a voice, and one that sounded vaguely like a friend of theirs. It couldn't be helped, action had to be taken. The fact that this Kaesstrian was willing to threaten him implied he could threaten innocent civilians as well, and that was not something any self-respecting soldier could allow. Shame it had come down to this; one of them would likely be dead before long and L'esta had no intentions of that person being him. Raising up his sword he brought it down swift and hard, using only a single arm to strike. With a quick reflex T'charrl managed to block it, and the Captain was a bit agitated to find that those odd protrusions were solid enough to stop his weapon. A high class sword no less, one that was forged out of strong metals and tempered to cut almost anything. "If you do not want to fight then you should have submitted earlier!" L'esta snapped, raising his sword again and taking another swing. Once more it smacked into one of the bony-structures and ricocheted off, causing the sword to vibrate slightly in his grip. Frowning in disdain the Captain moved back a bit, reaching into his pouch and withdrawing two throwing knives. If he couldn't strike head on then maybe a bit of ranged combat would work. Figuring his attacks may still be blocked however he stretched his wings to full length before dashing down into the thick fauna on the ground, moving around in it to try and confuse his opponent before attacking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This was a rather unfortunate predicament, especially now that the water was flying everywhere and he couldn’t exactly focus on anything. It was only luck through Viral’s strength that he wasn’t going into berserk mode when this was extremely frustrating in itself. He couldn’t think straight and was just trying to find his mind again, but that was proving to be difficult after he already lost focus. Despite trying to claw the salamander-fish he couldn’t quite manage by himself, his genes working against him in granting no such thing as a motivation to fight against what essentially should’ve been a giant meal to him. Feeling his arm near pop out of its socket there was a sudden force that threw him downwards and an audible screech in the water, the creature letting go of Viral to wipe at its nose with its stubby arms to try and get the attacking Yumi off. Viral, on the other hand, was having a gentle float through the waters as he spun away, not looking all there in the head as he bumped off the bottom of the lake. “You had alien money. That’s not good money to her…more like handing her spiny flowers and insisting they won’t hurt her”, Kai sighed, not exactly feeling patient enough to deal with Kabocha’s stubbornness, “If she apologises to us for not accepting our money, I’m giving you a kick for being a prick and making her uncomfortable. We’re supposed to be making a good impression here, not freaking out the locals and making them believe we’re all jerks”. Even one bad impression could leave a lasting one amongst an entire race and he wasn’t wanting to have to go through the effort of trying to make everything better once again. Kabocha could ruin a lot of things for them if he insisted on being a jerk. “It matters when I don’t particularly like being stared at by a bunch of aliens while I’m eating. Unless you’re into that”, Kai shook his head, looking around at the passerbys before back to Kabocha, frowning a little, “Vegeta? Are you sure about that? He’s probably going to talk about nerd stuff…but if you insist, you can call him while I get the food”. Shu was worried about his friend, thinking they probably shouldn’t had taken their eye off him or kept him close. He didn’t know where he went hiding because he went away first to hide, but even though Haku was probably the last to try and find a place it seemed he had no idea or a care to where T’charrl went. If his friend wasn’t responding on the scouter then something was wrong or he had lost it without realising. It was always hard to tell whether his friend had ears for the scouter to attach to but he might had if it held in place somehow. Feeling a little disheartened by his friend’s absence he looked to Takeshi for advice, hoping he might find something he couldn’t from the trees. Looking around again he sighed, feeling completely unsure right up until there was a strange noise in the forest, something that sounded pretty out of place. Looking to Takeshi quickly before around again he got all anxious, bouncing on the branch a little, “Ooh! Ooh! That sounds like bad stuff…” he muttered, looking around quickly, “But where? Sound bouncing…can’t tell where! Where’s friend??” L’esta really did manage to hit hard despite his enhanced strength, the whole hit feeling completely uncomfortable and undesirable to go through. He wasn’t used to such high powered attacks hitting off his blades yet, he had barely fought at all since changing so many times so this definitely made him feel the difficulties of fighting real opponents. Despite all that, T’charrl’s blade didn’t break and withstood the attack. He needed to think of a way out of this and fast, already he was feeling completely overwhelmed and unable to cause harm to the man simply because he knew him so well. Hissing lowly he backed off a little, watching L’esta decide to go for a different tactic before watching as he suddenly made a dash around, feeling overwhelmed already by the Captain’s actions. It was very easy to confuse a Kaesstrian when you knew how and the Captain definitely did. Looking around at him hastily he almost fell over his feet, trying to keep an eye on him with hope that he could dodge whatever he threw at him. “Stop! You’ll regret this! I’m not threatening with that either!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was hard to say whether Yumi was trying to save Viral or maul the creature that had taken him at this point. Digging her claws into the soft flesh of the animal she pulled herself along, repeating the action several times to try and inflict as much damage as she could. The single thought in her mind at current was to kill what had threatened her friend, and she was going to relentlessly attack until she succeeded. Having managed to at the very least get Viral released she watched him float away, pausing briefly in her assault as a twinge of her normal self surfaced. Something in the back of her mind was screaming at her to go get him and escape, and another part was demanded she finish the creature off. Looking down at the animal angrily she growled throatily when an arm smacked her in the head, forcing her to open up her mouth and inhale some water. Coughing she quickly tried to empty her mouth, finding her supply of air drastically lowered now. It was infuriating as she instantly realized she couldn't possibly stay down and kill the creature; running out of air would only result in both her and Viral becoming fish food. Instead she let go, watched the creature swim before darting over to Viral. It was awkward trying to swim in her current state, doing what was half between a doggy paddle and a breast stroke. Regardless of that she managed to reach him after a moment, and grabbing hold of his shirt she began paddling hard up towards the surface. With powerful kicks the pair broke the surface in short time, with Yumi splashing a bit awkwardly to try and keep them above the surface. Really her ability to swim was pretty abysmal right now, it would be a small miracle if they got to shore. Not to mention the creature was out and about still, who knows what it might be doing. "Oh quit being a drama queen will you? So maybe one lady won't like us, it's not going to make the whole city hate us. Plus come on, she owns a stall! How much influence does someone who runs a roadside shop really have?" Honestly, thinking that this woman was going to end up being their downfall was a bit much. Kabocha was hard pressed to really care if one particular shop owner didn't like him out of potentiall hundreds, especially on a world they may only come to very rarely. If the woman had any sense for business too she'd take their money whether she liked them or not; an asshole's money was just as good as anyone else's. There was a new problem that they were facing now that they had money, and it wasn't so much where they were going to get their food. If what the teller had said was indeed true and they could buy so much then they really needed to find other stores to shop at. The only problem therein was they probably didn't have any semblance of a clue between the three of them where to look. Asking for help from one of their friends may work, and there was only one in the city. "We can just humor him, pretend like we're listening. Besides it won't be as if we're staying with him forever, just until he shows us some stores, that's all." Vegeta was in no short terms delighted with the progress of the Kaesstrians. Everything he had shared with them was being developed into high end yet easily accessible technology, and in due time it would become available to the populace. From public communication networks to interplanetary travel and computer assisted construction, there were a plethora of ideas being invested in. Most of what had been shared came from his own personal projects too, he wasn't quite up to sharing Capsule Corp's projects just quite yet. Not that the Kaesstrians would have the foggiest idea of what Capsule Corp even was. Upon their next visit he was fair certain they would be seeing a peoples embracing a whole new area of tech, and that in of itself had him excited. Engrossed in tech as he was Vegeta became a touch annoyed when his scouter went off courtesy of Kabocha, not being particularly inclined to being bothered during his free time. Listening in to what the other boy had to say he slouched slightly, already having decided to do as asked though he loathed to do it. "Very well... You three just wait where you are, I'll come to you," he replied, closing the line before letting out a sigh. It was his vacation too, why did he have to give a tour to those three? Takeshi was becoming quite concerned about T'charrl's absence and could tell he wasn't the only one. Shu was visibly upset and nervous, and even Haku looked to be a tad bothered. The guy knew how to use the scouter, if he was lost or had gotten separated then nothing should keep him from answer. Yet they had tried reaching him and there was no response, so something must have happened. What in the world could have T'charrl so busy that he couldn't answer his friends though? The older boy feared they had just gotten their answer when he heard the distinct sound of metal clanging against something; out in the middle of the forest there wasn't an awful lot of metal. Something was going on then, and jumping to a conclusion his first concern was that T'charrl was somehow involved. It didn't help pinpointing the noise when Shu started having a little fit, to which Takeshi had to shush him before listening again. It was delayed, but eventually there was another sound, this time of what he guessed was a tree groaning as it fell. Turning in the direction of the sound he began flying quickly, worried that someone or something may be trying to hurt their friend. "Come on guys!" It was perhaps only because he was armed that this stranger was not attacking him, otherwise it could be a massacre. L'esta was very concerned what may happen should this Kaesstrian get away from him, he needed to stop them from going any further. Having learned that striking up close was nigh pointless he opted for a different strategy, darting away and using the foliage around them as cover while he circled about. Swordplay was scarcely the only thing in his repertoire; a Captain such as himself was trained in many ways of combat. The least of which was using thrown weapons to keep an enemy at bay, and when combined with striking from cover it was a lethal combination. "The only thing I'll regret is if you're allowed to harm any innocents!" the Captain retorted, stopping shortly thereafter. Crouched in a thick assortment of bushes he prepared to throw the knives, aiming directly for one of the Kaesstrian's wings to try and prevent him from escaping. Just as his arm had cocked back to toss them however L'esta froze, picking up a scent on the wind that concerned him. It wasn't Kaesstrian, yet again it had that odd sense of familiarity to it. Just what in the world was going on here? Perhaps he should wait to strike, see what was coming and perhaps eliminate both at once if they were each a danger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was not able to focus at all even when he tried, as if something got on his nerves so much that it managed to short-circuit something in his brain. He needed to focus and get out of there before something happened to Yumi, especially when she couldn’t last as long as he could underwater. Trying to find focus he reached out for balance as he spun through the water, bouncing off the lake bed instead of catching any sort of balance whatsoever. He didn’t know what was going on, his mind couldn’t find focus and there was no way he was finding the right reactionary time to get back up there; however, as his mind tried to focus it was Yumi who grabbed hold of him and pulled him up to the surface. Gasping when the light shone on his face he soon coughed into the water, feeling a little disorientated and slightly blinded by the sudden shine of the light in his clouded vision. The creature below hadn’t appeared again yet, but below them the black shape moved around, its dorsal fin looking like it was trying to cut off Yumi’s grip to Viral as it moved around rapidly. It was only smelling Viral right now and it didn’t seem to want to give up on a meal. It was trying to bump Yumi away from him, especially when she was the main threat right now and Viral was as good as pudding. “About as much influence as anyone who owns a popular stall in the middle of a popular city with people surrounding us?” Kai didn’t see how Kabocha could possibly not think that they might have the whole world looking straight at them. They were completely different to what the Kaesstrians were and of course they were going to catch their attention. Who knew how well they could hear and how quickly gossip spread but if they ruined things for the others nobody was going to be happy with them. With the invitation for Vegeta to join them he couldn’t see any way he might insult anybody if he was around to tell Kabocha off, just too bad he was often talking about nerdy things none of them could understand. “Fine. You wait here and call him, I’ll get the food ready with Choi”. He would need an extra pair of hands to carry the food, especially if he was getting as much as he thought they might need. Walking on up to the stall with his brother he looked around as he waited for the person in front to finish, giving the money in the bag a staring at before realising it was his turn. Looking to his brother quickly he soon looked back to the woman, raising his money pouch up into view. “Hello Miss. I’m back with money you can use and still looking for that food. Do you have anything for me, my brother and a couple of friends that’ll keep us going for a long time?” Shu didn’t want T’charrl to get hurt or find him hurt when they finally arrived. It was fairly worrying that their friend might’ve fallen into trouble and hearing that in the distance meant he had definitely found it somehow. Shu would be happy when they finally found their friend, but there was always going to be that worry that he wasn’t going to be in top condition when they finally found him. Looking to Takeshi for answers but quickly got a fright instead, his head spinning in the direction of the loud noise. It wasn’t too far away but they still had to hurry, especially when it sounded like fighting was going on. Turning around immediately he jumped through the trees as Takeshi flew with him, trying to hurry without needing to fly through a pretty dangerous place when he wasn’t great at it in the first place. “Hurry, hurry! Friend! He needs help, yes!” T’charrl needed to pick himself up from all of this and get away from here, especially when it seemed like a lost cause to try and fight against someone he knew with his life on the line. The Captain saw him as nothing more than a large threat and it greatly hurt his self-confidence. Falling over was a pretty big deal for him considering his size and body proportions. Picking himself up he looked around to L’esta again, hearing how he wasn’t taking his concerns as little more than threats. Losing sight of L’esta there was a moment where he knew he was going to die by his hand, but even if the way to prevent such a fate was to call out who he was he just couldn’t reveal such a thing. Quickly turning around he tried to catch sight of him, panicking briefly before a sharp pain coursed through his body, causing him to pull back slightly and dig his claws into the ground. He thought he had control over this, he couldn’t be doing this now, especially when it was L’esta he was defending his life again. Trying hard to fight off his energy spiking he shook his head and scratched at his size, his eyes soon glowing in quite the threatening manner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi hadn't the ability to swim right now, much less with someone in tow. It was a miracle in of itself that she was afloat at the moment; even more so that she was able to keep a grip on Viral. Their problems had hardly ceased however as they were some distance from shore and it didn't appear as though they were going to be left alone yet. Even as she flailed to keep them above the surface she caught glimpse of a shadow beneath them which was undoubtedly the creature she had just attacked. Her worries were confirmed seconds later when it swam into them in an attempt to knock Viral away. Growling angrily Yumi pulled her friend along as she kicked her legs, awkwardly trying to get them back to the safety of the shore. While doing so her head began to feel a touch funny; it was the same sensation as when you stood up too fast and became lightheaded as a result. Swaying slightly she had to tread water to recollect herself, and in doing so ended up getting hit in the side by the animal. Wincing as she was spun around painfully her head snapped to the side as her eyes darted around, having no idea what just happened. Why was she out so deep? And what was she holding onto? Looking over in surprise at seeing Viral she then gasped softly, noticing both the blood and the silhouette at once. Crap, were they being attacked? Pulling Viral tightly against her side she began swimming hard towards safety, glancing back occasionally over her shoulder uncertainly. Where was it, she couldn't see it now. It was a fair busy day at the stall, much to the woman's delight. She was having a good bit of sales and her mood had improved considerably since that rude alien boy earlier. Most customers were polite and patient, and more importantly they had currency in which they could actually spend. Sure, she enjoyed being sociable and happy towards others, but this was a business and she hoped to make money. How else was she to raise children? Bowing gratefully to a man as he had purchased a bushel of fresh fruit she stored away her funds in a safe box, picking her head up only to see one of the boys from earlier. Ah but he was the nicer one as she recalled, and certainly easier to deal with. On top of that he had money with him too, and a sizable pouch at that. Eying the bag for a second she smiled happily, giving a nod of her head before stepping aside so the shelves were clear to view. "I might! I have plenty of fresh fruits, as well as some dishes prepared with them!" she said proudly, gesturing to the far end from her, "And we're trying some new foods too, made from some fish and steaks we've caught. They've been dried and salted lightly, but we haven't had many of them sell just yet." Not good, not good. Either those sounds were coming from some Kaesstrians fighting or their friend had run into a bit of trouble. Given his less than ideal state it would be awfully bad if someone stumbled across T'charrl; he may not be able to keep himself from hurting them if threatened. If he ended up doing half of what was done back on Earth then it was a safe bet someone could end up dead. Darting off in the direction of the noises and followed close by Shu and Haku they tried to close in on the sounds, only able to pinpoint them by the occasional noises. Up ahead through the trees Takeshi thought he could see something, though it was hard with the canopy being a bit thick. Weaving through some trees and drawing nearer it began to become clear however; a rather large Kaesstrian was sat in between a bunch of trees and bushes not looking at all pleased. That and he was looking around as though something were there, meaning he was likely being attacked. No doubt about it, that had to be T'charrl. "Shu, up ahead, is that him?" he asked, narrowing his eyes slightly to try and see better. "We've got to help him!" Blast it all, those scents were getting closer and closer. L'esta was much too concerned with the now angered Kaesstrian before him to try and place their scents; he would have to deal with one problem before the other could begin. With the throwing knives in his hand he watched warily as the stranger began acting odd, uncertain as to what was going on. When he saw an odd light however the Captain felt prompted to act as he associated the unusual sight with what had happened with the General before. Perhaps this was one of that bastard's subordinates, maybe they were trying to attack the city in revenge. Seeing little use in using such small weapons as his thrown knives he sheathed them again, taking out his sword instead. Gripping it hard in one hand he took a breath before lunging out from the bushes, twisting his body so he could make a wide, sweeping cut against T'charrl when he got close enough. Vegeta was quite bothered by having to tend to the others, all he wanted to do was go and enjoy some of the sights. Now and again he was able to catch a glimpse of the new vehicles scooting about; a new development for their people as far as he could tell. A bit curious why a people's capable of flight would need cars, but maybe it was more of a convenience and luxury than a necessity. After all he drove, and Yumi did as well, albeit in a slightly terrifying manner. There was no way of knowing just what else the city had gotten since their last visit and he really wanted to investigate a bit more. Katas had been generous enough in sharing their latest works, and while not exceptionally outstanding by technological standards they were nevertheless interesting. These people had a bright future, he could feel it, and he yearned to see where they might be a few months from now. Though not one usually to boast Vegeta did find himself getting a bit of a big head when he considered he had helped usher in this change for the planet. Hm, perhaps he could find a way to extend Capsule Corporation to other planets, beginning here. It was a bit of a travel to be sure but the possibilities of extending his company's prowess to other worlds had so many possibilities within itself, and the doors it could open were near limitless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral needed to get his head together, but it was fairly difficult when so much had happened to him emotionally already, the problem with recovery being all of that was screwing with his senses. It was hard having absolutely zero focus and trying to find it after such difficulties including trying to move his body, especially after being flailed about by a giant fish monster. Trying to catch his breath as well as his senses only for them to be knocked by the creature’s force as it swam through the water, his tail nearly getting caught in its torrent and throwing off both Yumi and Viral. He didn’t know why he was finding it so hard to concentrate, the answer could’ve easily been because of the water. It had been a long since he had been near any water and going back to it while in this condition was throwing him off completely. He was fine until he got attacked by Yumi; that was when everything slowly fell apart for him. The creature was still determined to make Viral its prey as it swam around again, the smell of blood from him was definitely too strong to resist. Going deeper down when trying to separate them didn’t work the creature soon took quite a dive only to suddenly twist around and immediately swim up, trying to charge into the pair by diving straight out at them. Kai was fairly certain he could get a good bit of food from this woman if he picked carefully, finding it to be a pretty good deal to have this much choice and not have to cook it himself. Choi probably felt the same way, seeing how they both had to cook a lot while on the ship. Holding out the money for the Kaesstrian he smiled a little, his eyes looking to Choi quickly before back again, this time going to the food. There was so much to choose from, but hearing that there was some meat too made him feel curious. It looked like jerky and probably tasted like it too, definitely something to try out. “Hmm well, we’ll take a fair bunch of both the fish and steaks then, also a bunch of your dishes you’ve prepared. We’re having a friend come and meet us soon”, he spoke, looking into the money pouch before back to her, “I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to pay you, so I’m just going to pretend I know and throw money at you until it’s enough to pay for the food, okay? Make sure we get a fair bit of that meat you have. Maybe you looking like you’ve sold a lot will have people buying more”. T’charrl thought he had control after all this time, throughout their entire travel he had only changed when he metamorphed but he knew what this meant when he felt like this. His energy was recognising that he was in danger, even if his mind didn’t want to attack L’esta. All this trying to find control had got him nowhere and now he was trying to find it simply to prevent him from killing L’esta. Trying hard to find the control he needed against this fearful response he took hold of his head, trying to cover his eyes momentarily but was soon having to turn to L’esta as he made an appearance and was indeed taking the most aggressive approach possible. Turning around to try and use his own blade the Captain proved to be too quick, his body taking a fair slice across the abdomen and chest as he let out a yelp in response. Backing off a few steps he was soon left shaking, a claw going to cover his wound before his glowing eyes immediately became vicious and strong, his toothy snarl soon showing itself before he threw his claws down before L’esta as his body gradually started growing larger quickly and much more vicious. Shu didn’t know how T’charrl had managed to wander this far. Maybe he got chased and they didn’t even know it. He was struggling to understand who would want to attack their friend, but then again there was a lot of people out there who cared more for appearance while he had no care on the matter. Their dislike over appearance confused him greatly, but maybe others found him scary because of his big teeth and claws. Racing through the trees to get to his friend he glanced down at Takeshi, not doubting what he was saying at all. “Uh huh! Friend! Help friend!” He needed to get there quickly, they couldn’t let their friend get killed. Nobody was at fault here and he knew that, but he still felt the need to treat it like an unfortunate situation because they decided to play around and not watch him. Seeing the figure up ahead move straight ahead he heard a strange but pained noise, gasping in response. “Ah! Friend!” Racing even faster through the trees he made one last leap, trying to tackle the smaller yet still larger Kaesstrian, “Leave friend!!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There was a whole brief period where Yumi wasn't even sure what happened; being out in the middle of the water as she was now came out of nowhere. She would worry about how it had happened later though, for the time being she had to focus on getting them away. It wasn't easy, swimming with one arm while dragging a bleeding Viral behind her, and the creature wasn't making it any easier. Whatever it was it was big, that much she could tell from the silhouette alone. Persistent too; swimming in a straight line was making them more or less a sitting duck. Damn, how was she going to fix this one? Looking behind them and not seeing it she grew worried and kept swimming, hoping to beat the animal to the shoreline. For a brief moment there it seemed like they were fine, right up until she felt a strong current rising up beneath her. Looking down below them she let out a gasp at the creature rising up, not seeing them being able to swim out of the way in time. In a slight panic the only thing she could think to do was lower her hand and quickly amass Ki, blasting downwards at the creature to try and deter it. Whether it hit or not didn't much matter as her attack had an unexpected side effect. Their weightlessness in water combined with the slightly excessive force she put into her attack knocked them up in the air, the backblast of her attack sending them soaring out of the water and some ways away. To their luck though it was towards the shore, and upon landing again they were in shallow enough water that one could kneel and be plenty above it. Grabbing hold of Viral carefully as they landed she hit the ground first with him smacking down on top of her, inciting a groan. Were they finally clear of that thing? Though today had been busy there was still plenty in the stall, and hopefully these boys would be interested in some of it. While a Kaesstrian's diet mainly consisted of fruits they did like to have a little meat now and again, and she had a feeling her new customers felt much the same way. There wasn't much of it, but if they wanted to take it all she wouldn't fuss. Waiting patiently for the boy to make his selection, blinking owlishly when he picked a little bit of everything. That was more than anyone ever bought at once, was he sure? Well far be it from her to tell him otherwise, that was a really good sale if he was serious. With a bright smile she went about getting it all together, putting the meals into small containers and the fruits into bags; the meats would go into small plastic containers as well. "If you're willing to buy it all I've given you almost half my stock of steaks and filets, and a few bags of fruit too. If that's fine with you it comes out to about 50 Doma. Those will be the bigger coins, if you've got any in there." Oh this was wonderful, she was going to bring home such a nice amount of money tonight! It was looking like an evening out with the kids tonight, joy! Vegeta had come down from his self-appreciating fairly quickly, mostly due to one realization; Where were the others anyways? He'd spoken briefly with Kabocha and had agreed to meet them but no one had designated a spot. What a bother, he could end up wandering around for hours if he didn't have an exact location. Ah, but he was forgetting something about the scouters he had designed. Smiling to himself he reached up and flicked a small switch on the back of the earpiece, watching as a transparent screen appeared just over his left eye. Rather than permanently have a visor attached to the scouter he had developed a way for a holographic one to appear with a simple press of a button, and it had functions aside from just looking nifty. Using the same button one would to communicate he pressed it a few times instead, watching as the display on the eyepiece changed, eventually stopping on a tracker. A bar appeared on the display then and a faint beeping noise began as the scouter tried to pinpoint other devices nearby, at least ones that were in use. Sure enough after a moment three dots appeared not far from where he was, just down the road a ways even and a few blocks away. Shouldn't be long then. This was not good, this was so not good. The sounds of fighting had brought them here and now they found T'charrl, and even from a distance it was easy to see he was riled up. Who in the world would attack him like this? Sure he wasn't immediately recognizable but he was a Kaesstrian, it wasn't like he was some space invader. Who even would be dumb enough to attack him when he was like this anyways; T'charrl was enough of a match for a Saiyan right now, let alone one of his own people. Trying their hardest to get to their friend they also had to be careful, the person who had made T'charrl this way could still be around. Takeshi couldn't see anyone though and he was hopeful things would remain that way, but as it tended to happen his hopeful wishing only made things worse. In the blink of an eye someone burst forth from the bushes and struck their friend, and that was all the prompt Shu needed. Bounding off even faster than before the little guy rushed on ahead and went directly after the attacker, managing to knock him over with little issue. Right, so that left him and Haku to contend with T'charrl then? Looking back at Haku he nodded his head towards Shu, figuring his brother might want some back-up before going towards their friend. Jumping down from a tree Takeshi stood a bit of ways from T'charrl just in case, looking at him concerned as he slowly held up his hands. "T'charrl... Relax, we're here now. You're going to be just fine." L'esta was flustered that he hadn't done any real damage with his attack, aside from a small gash. Hardly lethal, and really with some bandaging it wouldn't even inhibit movement or anything. It was those other people, their encroaching presence had thrown him off. Now he found himself in a dire situation as he had just landed back on his feet and no sooner found himself under attack. Not by the Kaesstrian, but by someone else entirely. At first he hadn't the foggiest idea of what hit him, all he knew was it had been fast and quite strong. Falling to the ground and losing his sword he grunted painfully, trying to get whoever was attacking him off as he looked up. As his eyes met the face of his assailant he immediately stopped, his brain failing to process what he saw initially. "Wait... You're that boy...! Shu!" he said, sounding rather stunned and confused. Why was he back? He had left with the Prince, had he not? If so then they should be back, but why protect this person? Noticing a second Saiyan boy land, one unfamiliar to him, the Captain could barely form any coherent speech as he tried to wrap his mind around what was happening. Then just to add icing to the cake he froze when he heard Takeshi speaking, his eyes going over to the boy and the hulking Kaesstrian. "P-Prince T'charrl...? You mean... THAT is our Prince?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t have much in the way of his own senses right now and was naturally finding it a lot harder than it needed to be. If he could just focus for one minute he might be able to get them both to shore in no time at all. Endangering Yumi’s life wasn’t on his agenda for things he wanted to do today, or any day for that matter. Feeling fairly useless he did try to raise his claws and attempt to swim backwards, but just as he managed to raise a claw there was a fair bit of noise from below, his eyes glancing down momentarily to see the black figure move towards them. Barely given a chance to react he moved his head to see Yumi reacting first, his eyes on the Ki build up before she fired. That was an instant bad idea, Viral knew that the moment he saw the Ki and sure enough it delivered some force and threw the pair up into the air. Viral was completely useless in the air and knew he had to come down sometime, simply trying to twist himself around in the air but to no success. Soon enough, the flying through the air was halted rather suddenly as he finally fell back to the shallows, not without landing on Yumi first, however. Landing like a sack of potatoes he came crashing down into the shallows, winded by the drop. The creature had been deterred from jumping out at them the moment the blast exploded, disappearing from sight even after they landed. There was some silence for a brief few moments, the waters appearing fairly calm after the blast before there was a sudden blast of water, the creature surfacing with a screech before landing on its little arms, its large head swinging and jaws snapping as it tried to find the pair. It didn’t appear to want to come out onto the shallows, the rest of its body still submerged. With Yumi and Viral out of its desirable reach it let out a hiss, its large salamander-like head slowly swaying before it eventually turned towards the water again, disappearing into the darkness. Kai would feel a lot more for this money if it was his, but right now he couldn’t care all that much when he was not the owner of it. She would certainly be happy enough accepting their money, but honesty was definitely going to be a factor if they were going to return again. He liked honest people and this woman certainly seemed honest despite her being a strange alien from a hidden planet. Watching her carefully as she packed away the food he smiled a little, feeling quite happy to be getting a good meal out of her stock. “Hmmm…half? Good. That’d be grand”, he spoke, looking down to the money again as she gave him the answers he needed, smiling as he pulled out the larger coins and analysed them, “Hmmm…there’s an awful lot of these in here…whatever, keep the change”, he smiled, finding 50 Doma as well as a little extra, “Are your kind familiar with tips?” Choi was fair excited to finally get food. He loved food no matter what it was or what it looked like, especially when he didn’t have to make it himself. Watching her pack all the food he couldn’t help but rub his hands together in delight, standing on his toes slightly as he watched carefully. She certainly had a lot of nice, strange looking food, but that was definitely what brought appeal in the first place. He liked strange things so that was completely fine to him. Holding out his hands to take the food he gave a quick glance to Kai. “You know, if you’re ever like this when we’re rich I might just have to punch you before you give it all away”. T’charrl had no control over himself, he lost all sense he had before and was about to try and kill L’esta for dare threatening his existence. Being forced into a change to overpower and crush him into the ground he was very quickly increasing in size, his large eyes staring down fiercely at his opponent. Lifting up a large paw to crush L’esta where he stood the small Kaesstrian soon disappeared from his spot, hissing angrily as he looked to see what was happening before his eyes turned to Takeshi. He kept his claws raised in confusion, feeling full of fury yet resisting throwing them down. Haku was here as well, but off to the other side with L’esta was Shu who was having a fair wrestle even though L’esta despite the guy being bigger than him. Pulling back his claws he reared up and snarled at Takeshi, feeling furious that he would even stand in his way despite knowing who he was. Shu didn’t want anything to happen to his friend and ended up pouncing as hard as he could, overpowering L’esta and knocking him down with a hard thump. There wasn’t much he could do to stop T’charrl, but maybe halting L’esta would help. Squealing at him to stop once he collided he flailed his fists as if expecting a retaliation but when none came he looked down at his target. He knew this guy and it seemed L’esta did too, especially when he spoke his name. Looking down at him he looked around as if half-expecting he jumped on the wrong person. “Ooh! You?” he squeaked, looking to T’charrl before quickly looking back to him, throwing his hands up again and waving them in front of L’esta as if trying to block his view in a rather poor way, “No! I mean yes! I mean…no lookie at him! You’ve scared him!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, perhaps firing Ki off had been a slightly bad idea. Not only had the blast thrown them up into the air but now Yumi found herself smacking down into the ground with Viral landing on top of her for good measure. Not the most graceful of escapes but at the very least they should be safe now. Coughing up a bit of water that had gotten in her lungs Yumi lifted up her head, trying to find out where the creature was. There was nothing for a good moment and then it surfaced; she hadn't realized quite how big it was until then. Just the head came up but even that was pretty big, she could guess how massive it must be altogether. Prepared to blast away again if need be she waited for a few tense seconds, watching as the animal eventually turned around and returned back to the depths. Even then she didn't fully relax, waiting just in case it was trying to pull a fast one on them. Only when she was completely sure everything was okay did she breath a lengthy sigh of relief, her attention immediately going to Viral. Pushing herself up into a sitting position Yumi kept one arm around her friend for support, frowning seeing the bleeding wounds. "We've got to get you back to the ship... Or at least out of the water," she mumbled, fighting to get up to her feet. Trying to keep weight off of Viral's injuries she lifted him up alongside herself, trudging slowly back to the shore. "I can try bandaging those, but there's not a lot I can do right now, sorry." The woman was absolutely beside herself with joy right now, she hadn't made a sale quite this big before. In fact it was probably half a day's regular earnings that she just made right then, who wouldn't be happy about that? Smiling brightly up at Kai she bowed again, accepting the money graciously. There appeared to be a bit extra though, and it puzzled her when the Saiyan asked about tips. "Uh... No, I'm afraid not. What is this 'tips' you're asking about...?" Was that a custom of their people? Odd, from what she knew of Saiyans, limited as her knowledge might be they were anything but benevolent benefactors, and yet these boys had just given her quite a lot of money. "It's an extra thank you for your service," Kabocha interjected, forcing a small smile to try and appear a little friendlier than before, "And for the food, I guess. So... Yeah, thanks." The stall owner didn't appear quite as appeased when he said something; in fact she looked rather skeptical and uncertain. Eyebrow twitching in annoyance Kabocha turned away and gave a soft huff, refusing to try again if his efforts were just going to be shot down immediately. He did turn back though but only to look at Kai, frowning as he eyed the coin pouch. "Hey, remember whose money you're handing out there dude. If you want to give them one or two whatever they're called then fine, but don't go throwing it around. I'd kind of like to have some left for myself if it's all the same." It was fair obvious when Vegeta began to approach the marketplace; crowds were aplenty and he saw people carrying all sorts of goods back and forth. Judging by his scouter he should be seeing the others awfully soon as well, though he was finding that it was acting a bit funny for some reason. An unforseen glitch perhaps, he would have to look into that back at the ship. Turning off the digital display since it was essentially moot he began scanning the crowd for familiar faces, and before long he managed to find the people he was looking for. They were buying from one of the stalls by the looks of it, and Choi had all sorts of goods in his arms which no doubt they would be eating here shortly. How had they managed to purchase all of it, he wondered? Smiling slightly he folded his hands behind his back, stopping a little ways away from the twins and Kabocha just to watch. Sounded like they were really eager to get to their meal, which somewhat begged the question as to why he was dragged out here. "So... Are you going to be sharing some of that with me?" Vegeta asked, looking at the containers in Choi's hands. Oh this was all sorts of bad. T'charrl was huge now and obviously in a fit, dealing with him was going to be a nightmare. How were you supposed to bring down someone who was going on a bit of a rampage? Shu wasn't easy to deal with and that was his brother, he knew a bit more what made the little guy tick. Takeshi was beside himself in dealing with T'charrl though; talking him down likely wouldn't work and he couldn't quite bring himself to try hugging the guy. Standing his ground while being snarled at the Saiyan looked up, refusing to back down even if he certainly didn't want to be there. "Everything's fine, you've got to calm down now," Takeshi urged, trying to keep his tone calm as not to cheese off T'charrl more. If this was anything like Shu he had to be extra careful how he spoke and moved, otherwise it might be taken the wrong way. Putting his hands up defensively he kept to where he was, smiling uncertainly. "Just take a deep breath and relax, okay?" Just what in the world was going on here? First he was attacked by Shu, and now he was being told that the person he was fighting was none other than the Prince? But that didn't make any sense, it looked nothing like T'charrl! The Saiyans had no reason to lie to him though, and indeed it would make sense that this person with the Saiyans was their Prince, even if it looked nothing like him. Utterly baffled the Captain tried getting another glimpse at T'charrl, distracted when Shu began waving his hands in his face. "I scared him...? Well... How was I to know that was him?" In his defense it looked nothing like the Prince, surely he couldn't be at fault there? No, he should have been able to put two and two together; recognizing the scents of the people who had been approaching he might have been able to guess who the giant Kaesstrian was. Now he had gone and injured T'charrl though, that was something Eslaria was not going to take lightly. "We must help him then! How do we stop this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral raised a paw momentarily when the creature decided to surface, shielding his face by only a little before grunting as it decided to disappear. The creature was totally blind when out of the water and if this thing existed then there must’ve been more, maybe a whole underground system existed; however, right now he couldn’t care about that other than his urge to swim through them which had to disappear. Trying to think through the fog as he was soon picked up by Yumi, his mind soon clearing as he was brought back to his feet; however, very quickly his headache was returning and completely wrecking his mind. Grunting in pain he lifted up his paw to hold his head, feeling awfully sore very quickly. He could focus a lot better than before since moving back to his feet, the whole experience underwater feeling too surreal for him now. “…What? The ship…? No…” he mumbled, not fully focused but at least he was able to move his feet, “I’ll heal…I’m fine! Wouldn’t have happened at all if you just…” Kai gave Choi an annoyed look before looking back to the woman, letting out a sigh. It wasn’t as if he was going to be generous throughout the whole of their lives and of course he’d be a little more careful with it; he thought this woman deserved it, however, and was willing to give her a little extra. “Uhhh, what he said”, he sighed, pointing back to Kabocha, “Decided to talk now?” Seems he decided to swallow his pride and giving her a little break, but it shouldn’t change too much once they walked away from all of this. “Yeah yeah yeah. You have enough in here so a few extra won’t make a difference. You’ll have tons left by the end of it”. Unless they were planning on buying a lot of junk they were going to have a lot of money left over. Having Choi help with the carrying of everything he gave a little sigh as he handed over the money, feeling just a little bit lighter despite there being lots of money left. Choi was fine with carrying the food, seeing how he hadn’t been doing much anyway. The others had done their part; Kabocha getting the money, Kai getting it exchanged and now he could carry the food. He was alright with such a task, it was just like lifting weights. Making sure he had everything balanced he turned around, almost getting a fright when he spotted a familiar in amongst the crowd, staring at him before looking down at the containers. “Oh! Uhh, yes? Of course! We got food for you too, you know”, he spoke, not entirely certain whether Vegeta was being grumpy, demanding or whether that was just the way he said hello, “It’s not like we’d invite you over and deny you food…” T’charrl couldn’t attack Takeshi even if he tried, his instinct telling him he was something in his way rather than his enemy that was threatening with his life. Instead of wildly attacking he seemed to have it under control, his main problem being he had lost his senses in with his need to survive and attack the one threatening him. He was hurting, even if the attack hadn’t been deep enough to strike any organs but it was still a fair gash he had. The wound hadn’t vanished with his change with bandages really needing to be a thing for him when he changed back. For now, the wound he gained definitely had an influence on his anger, his eyes staring down at Takeshi as he tried to see through the rage. Taking a step back when Takeshi raised his hands he snarled when he hit a tree, his head swinging around to look at it before his eyes rested on Takeshi again, his breathing quickening. Shu didn’t want anything to happen to his friend and hopefully blocking L’esta from seeing him at all would help, but that was going do nothing at all considering he had little hands and L’esta was an adult. Frowning when he gave a quick look back he hoped his friend was going to be okay, feeling sad that his friend would have to be brought to the point where he would change. “Friend T’charrl is always the same! How you not see?” he questioned him, trying to make sure L’esta couldn’t get moving by throwing his hands down again, “Friend always moves same way he always do! How you no see? How you no? He didn’t want anyone seeing him, though!” His friend had almost had a panic attack over the thought of being seen so this might’ve made it a lot worse with L’esta being the culprit, even if he didn’t mean to run into him. Looking back to L’esta he frowned at his question, looking back to his friend quickly. “Stop this? He needs to find himself again!” he squeaked, not entirely sure how they would do that, “We were hoping to change him all the way back by finding missing piece he was looking for in his mind! He can’t remember what he looks like…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi was all sorts of sore and shaken from that ordeal, but at least they had gotten away. Whatever that creature was she was quite grateful it was incapable of coming up on land; she wasn't going to stick around to see whether it actually could or not. Taking the briefest of moments to catch her breath she slowly got to her feet, easing Viral up alongside her and holding him for support. Both of them were soaked, he was bleeding and she at the very least had a bit of bruising. Not exactly how she pictued a pleasant swim in a lake. Maybe they should head on back to the ship just to be safe. The doctor would be able to look after Viral for a little, at least until they could get in touch with Vegeta. Voicing this idea however got a quick refusal on the Beastman's part, he had no desire to do such a thing. Confused when it sounded like she was being blamed Yumi looked over at her friend, frowning as she stopped just at the shoreline. "If I just what...? I tried saving you," she replied, really not seeing how it could be her fault. Letting out a sigh she shook her head, trudging up onto the sandy shores as they moved back towards the forest. Once they were off the sandy beach and back into grass she finally stopped, easing Viral down into a sitting position before shaking off a bit. "It doesn't matter, we're safe now. I guess we wait to dry off then?" Kabocha was inclined to agree with Choi for the most part; handing out their money casually was going to make them broke awfully quick. Sure, he could always "borrow" more from his father, but take enough and the man was sure to notice. They really needed to conserve what they had, at least until they had means of getting more. It should be fair easy enough to get some of their family's funds even off of Kortal, so long as they could find someone willing to deal with turncoats. "I'd better. I may want to go shopping around and I'll need cash for it," he said, gesturing to the coin purse. Letting the twins gather up their food Kabocha turned to walk away, pausing in his step when he saw Vegeta approaching in the crowd. Oh wonderful, this guy was always such a hoot to be around. Smiling he waved a little in greeting, his eyes narrowing and hand dropping when the other Saiyan walked right by him. "It was a rhetorical question, Choi, I know you're sharing some with me," Vegeta said dully, placing his hand on his hip, "I would certainly hope you wouldn't refuse me though." Albeit if he needed something to eat he could always go back to see Katas, the man had offered him a meal as a show of gratitude. While an intellectual and certainly an intriguing man Katas was a little... Eccentric for his liking. Very vibrant, in more ways than one; not exactly your typical business tycoon. To that end he somewhat preferred the simpler company of these three, they were far easier to deal with. From the looks of the food they had themselves plenty of fruit as well as some jerk of some sorts, that should prove to be interesting. Looking over at Kai as he figured him to be the more reasonable choice for discussion he waved the other boy over, cocking his head to the side in question. "So where are we going? I was asked to direct you three around, I don't suppose you've an actual destination in mind?" Jeez, what the heck had L'esta done to piss of T'charrl so much? Probably that gash on his back, he would guess that had a small part to do with it. Okay, so injuries aside was he just stressed? Thus far words were more or less a wasted effort on the guy; hugging him was probably out of the question as well. Looking past T'charrl at the Captain for a moment he wondered if he might be able to help some. Then again considering he was the cause of this it may be best to leave him out entirely. Turning back to their friend then Takeshi smiled nervously, keeping his hands where T'charrl could see them. "Come on now buddy, I'm your friend, remember? I'm here to help you, and so are the others," he explained, taking a small step forward, "Tell you what... How's about I take a look at your back first, okay? I can help patch that up, you know. Then we'll work on settling down some." Just in case his words really were falling on deaf ears he gestured for the Kaesstrian to turn around, then pointing with a thumb to his back and hoping to convey his point. Even for an alien the way in which Shu spoke was utterly confusing; everyone else the young Saiyan was with spoke coherently. "I... What? He looks nothing like he did before! How can you say he looks the same?" L'esta asked, shaking his head baffled, "He's normally an image of his father! But this... I can't even begin to think of what this is." In hopes of preventing T'charrl from becoming more aggressive the Captain made sure to keep his tone low, never having it rise above a harsh whisper. Honestly, the Captain of the Queen's guard being chastised by a child, it was a little humiliating, friend of the royal family or not. Find himself again? So was that the issue then, that T'charrl didn't even know what he looked like? This was troublesome then, L'esta wasn't sure what he could do to help in that regard. Not initially, but after a quiet moment's contemplation his face lit up with an idea, looking up at Shu. "Wait...! I can return back to the city, fetch a painting of him and his family. That would bring back his memory, wouldn't it? I can be quick about it too, five minutes at most!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral’s arms were pretty sore and he had a pain in his leg, but other than that he would physically recover eventually. He didn’t need much in the way of recovery time, but hopefully he wasn’t going to be limping along all the way back to the ship. He had such a bad headache too, his need for his pills being pretty high but his desire to go back to the ship being near nil. Yumi could go if she wanted to but he didn’t; he preferred to be outside and away from the ship and have some freedom, at least for now. Yumi was not even sure what she had done by the sounds of it too, finding her lack of awareness to be completely frustrating. Grunting when he was finally sat down he continued to hold his head, feeling dizzy. “Doesn’t matter? That…whatever it was, wouldn’t had come out at all if you didn’t draw blood! Just…forget it…” It was certainly frustrating to have to be subjected to that kind of humiliation, but what made him feel even worse was he was instead mesmerised by the water and trying to keep his mind together so he wouldn’t lose it. Wiping at his face briefly he drew his paw away, frowning when he realised his nose was bleeding again. He didn’t need all these problems coming at the same time, but he was definitely being told that he should be going back to take his medicine. “What are you going to buy? Souvenirs? Weapons you can’t use? Clothes you can’t wear?” Kai questioned Kabocha, curious to what he meant by ‘shop around’. He shouldn’t need to be too concerned with what he might buy with his own money, but he was curious to what kind of things he might get if he got the chance while on their break. “You know, I don’t have a clue about the things you can get on this planet that isn’t food”. Taking enough food he did take notice of Vegeta, but something told him he already knew he was there; then again, that was probably because Choi was talking to him and him being sub-consciously aware of these things his brother observed was always pretty normal. Walking up to the pair he gave a glance at Kabocha he smirked a little when he was instead completely ignored, his attention soon being taken to Vegeta when a question was instead directed to him. Looking to Kabocha quickly he sighed, his attention going back to Vegeta. “Hmm well, we were wanting to find a place to feast on this food, maybe even see some sights you might know that’s not the giant tree when we’re done”, he spoke, glancing off in its direction, “Seen enough of that to know what it’s like, seeing how we were there when it popped up…” T’charrl was ready to try and leave if this was how things were going to be, but having L’esta to the side was definitely not helping a whole lot. His inner beast wanted to crush him for what he did, but his conscience told him no and now to weigh out that desire Takeshi was also trying to tell him no too. He felt fairly confused and disorientated to which direction he was supposed to go, becoming stuck between wanting to defend himself and wanting to get over his problem. Getting all caught up in his fears and anger he snarled and looked around desperately, his breathing fairly rapid as Takeshi continued to talk to him and try to win him over. Finding it hard to focus he did eventually look down at him, snarling angrily before it turned into a groan as he eventually shifted his paws as he moved to the ground. It was rather submissive of him but his senses appeared to be coming back to him, gradually. Shu did hope Takeshi could handle T’charrl, especially when he was so afraid of bugs to the point of fainting. Luckily T’charrl didn’t seem to be changing drastically like he did before, but he was still pretty big and ferocious looking. “How you not see what he’s really like? He’s always moved like Friend T’charrl, spoke like Friend T’charrl; he is Friend T’charrl!” He was a little frustrated with the guy, especially when he hurt his friend both by making him change and attacking him. Their friend must’ve been completely stressed out to end up like this and it was hurtful seeing him like this, but he believed they could bring his friend down if this guy gave him a break from all the negative energy. Even with the noise T’charrl was making Shu didn’t like L’esta’s attitude towards T’charrl’s form. “This happen because he saved city. He didn’t want to become it…”Feeling a little sad at this point he frowned as he stared down at L’esta, feeling confused about his latest suggestion. He didn’t know what a painting was exactly, but if it was of T’charrl then it must help possibly. Looking to T’charrl he frowned at seeing how stressed and scared he was, soon looking back and slowly climbing off L’esta. “If you’re quick…a-and do come back! Don’t tell his parents! They’ll be mad!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi sulked a bit as they sat down, getting the unshakable notion that this was her fault. She honestly didn't know what had happened though; had she hit her head and fell unconscious? That might explain why she and Viral were in the water, but then where did that monster come into play? Maybe it had attacked her, and in coming to her defense the Beastman ended up fighting with it. While that might explain his injuries it didn't tell her why she was uninjured, save for some soreness and maybe a bit of bruising. Looking over at Viral apologetically she lifted a hand and rubbed at her face, giving herself a shake too in an attempt to dry off some. "Sorry, really. Even if I don't know what I'm apologizing for I'm sure I didn't mean for you to get hurt," Yumi offered, looking away and back out over the water. She hadn't missed Viral's nose bleeding and wanted to just try and ignore it, or more to the point not give him further reason to fuss. Worried about even something as little as that though she lifted off her soaked shirt, keeping on her tee beneath that and offering it to Viral. "Don't say anything, just use this to stop the bleeding. And I really think we should go to the ship again, just for a minute. Once you're all checked up we can come right back out." "Hey, you never know what they might have here! Seriously, we got a couple of things from out last visit so what's stopping me from picking something up this time around? I doubt it'll be a weapon, but something just as a little momento, that's all." To be more exact he was going to buy someone so awesome it would make the twins sick with envy. There had to be some interesting alien items found on Kaesstra that was worth taking home with them. If not, well, just more money for food! That was hardly a bad thing, they could eat for weekson what they had. Taking his attention from Kai when Vegeta had at last arrived he tried to greet their friend only to get the cold shoulder in turn; he was the one who called Vegeta here, why was he being ignored?! Narrowing his eyes annoyed Kabocha watched as the new arrival instead began speaking to Kai and Choi, feeling a fair bit annoyed. If he was going to be like that then no way was he getting any food, at least not the food bought with HIS money! Vegeta was betting on this invitation being a complete bust; nothing would compare to enjoying the new technological advances Kaesstra had to offer. Going in with that mindset he was hard pressed to want to be friendly towards Kabocha as he blamed him for being dragged out here. Instead he would ask the twins what they needed, and for the interest of their requests it had best be something good. Hearing out Kai's explanation he remained silent for a moment, at last releasing a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Let me see if I understand correctly... You took me away from Katas, from a tour of the city to see how an entire race has been progressing... All so I can help you find a suitable vista for your late morning brunch?" It wasn't just menial, it was an utter waste of time. Though Vegeta supposed that in truth there really was no business keeping him, and he might still get to examine some breakthroughs while they traveled through the city. Looking at Kai unamused he finally gave a curt nod of his head, glancing towards the tree as well. "Alright, I have a few spots in mind. But do try to remember I hardly took pleasant evening strolls while we were here. Most of what I've seen were rooftop cafes and dining areas. Now obviously we cannot just drop in on any random location, unless you don't mind trespassing. So perhaps we should get a vantage point and see if we can't spot a nearby eating area?" Running and fighting were the two things Takeshi wanted to avoid above all else, but if T'charrl went all crazy then it might come down to one of those. Despite it likely being a moot effort he was making an attempt to talk down their friend from his rampage; aside from talking down he couldn't imagine what more might be done. Trying to do something as simple as a hug would probably be taken as a threat, and if he tried to force T'charrl to relax by restraining him it was only going to lead to a brawl. Holding his breath after taking another shot at it he waited to see what might happen, and when the guy looked to be settling down a little Takeshi could at least smile confidently. "Yeah, that's it... Just take a deep breath and relax, there you go..." he said, easing down T'charrl with his hands. Peering past their friend he watched confused as L'esta appeared to be getting up, quickly looking back at T'charrl to keep him busy. "Can you talk...? If you're calm enough I can try helping with that wound if you want." L'esta had to rectify his mistake, even if he might still end up being punished for his deeds. Regardless of what awaited him once he returned he would do his duty and watch out for the royal family. It wouldn't be easy, sneaking into the castle when he was supposed to be out on a scouting mission. One way or another he would have to though; getting a picture of the Prince could be exactly what was needed to help him. Nodding gratefully when Shu got off of him the Captain slowly got to his feet, fetching and sheathing his sword. "You have my word that no one will hear of this Shu, I swear on my honor. Just please try to stay here so I may find you again," he replied, bowing before turning to leave, "I'll be back as quickly as I can!" Spreading his wings he took off from a standstill, creating a small gust as he shot forward and disappeared almost immediately into the canopy. The entrance to their city wasn't too far off, and the castle a few moments flight from the entrance. The hardest part would be circumventing the guards at the entrance, but aside from that the rest should be easy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was close to shouting at her for what she did, but raising a paw he simply ended up moving it to his head instead. He probably didn’t have the proper mind-set right now and would probably go off his head over it before collapsing and becoming even more useless. That creature was the type to use smell to hunt and obviously it smelled the blood she drew from his hand by biting him. She had no reason to bite him before or to clamber up on him over some little jump. He didn’t even know why she did it, especially when it was her desire to do that whole water thing. Not wanting to have blood pouring down his nose he gave it a quick wipe, grumbling under a sigh. “Just forget it…”Feeling a little lightheaded he tried to take his mind off the subject, deciding to keep to himself and let Yumi keep to herself too, especially when they should be more concerned with bathing in the sun and getting dried up. Keeping his head low his eyes were soon taken back to Yumi, instead ending up staring at her with concern and confusion to what she was doing. There was no need to strip like that in front of him, but soon enough he did take notice to why she was doing it. He must be really light-headed because he was missing a whole lot of points now. Taking the shirt and turning around again he held it to his face, his other paw giving his head a good scratch. “What…? And how am I supposed to get back right now, anyway?? I can’t fly! I can’t just travel there and back for ‘just a minute’…” Kabocha seemed a little moody with everything right now, maybe he’ll give him some of his food if he so desired. He didn’t know why he might be moody when he barely ever wanted to talk to anybody other than his own friends. Whatever, they had plenty of food so it wasn’t going to be an issue when trying to keep him content. If Vegeta could show them somewhere where they could chill out without being watched over all the time then everything should be fine. Vegeta should know some places since he’s probably been around, but looking at his expression he couldn’t help wonder if he was just going to get angry. Raising an eyebrow when it turned out he was just teasing him with that stern look he gave a quick glance around. “If you know anywhere because we have no idea where we’re going to go”, he spoke calmly before glancing back, “Anywhere where we can chill out and get a good view of this place. We’re completely lost here”. T’charrl always found it hard to come down from his angry rampages, knowing it would’ve been impossible without the help of his friends and family. He was destructive and out of control, but thankfully all that could be prevented so long as he had someone with him to bring him back to his senses. His only problem now was he was definitely finding it difficult to change back, especially when the source was right near him. He couldn’t see passed the fact that he made him angry despite it being L’esta, a good family friend and colleague, just that he had tried to kill him. Groaning as he reached the ground he hissed, closing his eyes for a second before looking to Takeshi. His words were a lot clearer this time, he could actually understand what he was saying again and not see him as something blocking his way like a giant invisible barrier. Tilting his head to the side as he lay forward he hissed through his teeth, finding it fairly difficult to think through everything that was going on in his head. “_…Y-Yesss…I…I can’t-…_” he mumbled before letting out a groan, still finding it hard to think straight. Shu thought it might be neat if this guy could help T’charrl find his form again, even if it might be like they once saw when he was unconscious. It was a very strange situation but maybe something he was familiar with from his home might be a good way to go. Watching the Captain carefully he got a little fright when he picked up the sword, only for that to disappear when he sheathed it instead. For a moment he thought he might try and attack his friend again, something that would definitely be a bad idea for both of them. Staring at him he soon gave a little nod, his eyes looking back to his friend T’charrl for a second before back to L’esta. “Ooh! Okay. We won’t move! But if we see you with others then we’ll move”, he said quickly, bouncing on his feet a little, “That would be very bad of you!” Watching as L’esta finally took off he jumped back a little almost in fright when he sped away, fixing up his hair really quickly if only by scruffing it up some more. “Ooohhh, what is painting…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Whether or not Viral wanted to go back was beside the point right now; it was safest they had back and get him checked. Yumi had been given explicit instructions to look into anything that even remotely worried her, and assuming Viral had taken a blow to the head certainly fit that category. For starters she should try to help the bleeding, and the only way she could think of doing that was offer up her long sleeve shirt as a makeshift bandage for now. Handing it off to the Beastman she got to her feet again, going through the steps of wringing herself out as best she could. "I'll fly with you, or are you forgetting I can?" she asked, looking over at her friend, "I know you don't like to, but I just want to be safe. Vegeta said we're close to a breakthrough so it would be really bad if something happened to mess it up." If Viral did end up somehow in worse shape it wouldn't help his mood either; longer recovery times were only going to further dampen his overall attitude. Offering a hand to the Beastman she helped him to his feet, smiling a little as she looked back towards the forests. "We can walk too, I guess. As long as you feel like you're capable of it. There's nothing wrong if you'd rather let me help." Vegeta was a little bent out of shape over being summoned here, but he couldn't be completely bothered. He hadn't eaten very much at all over these past few days as he had been working towards Viral's cure, and as such his stomach was a bit of an empty pit right now. Even alien food was tempting to him at the moment; taking a brief reprieve and enjoying a good meal before getting back to it couldn't be that bad. Asking him for a good location to dine out at was akin to asking Takeshi to repair the ship, it just wasn't something he had very much knowledge of. There were a few spots he had seen to be certain but goodness knows if they were even available or not. "I can certainly find you a place to... Chill out at, there's one not far from here. I suppose follow me then." Rising up off of the street he took a look around himself, minding the occasional Kaesstrian that flew by as he didn't want to cause any problems. Once everyone was in the air he turned and went ahead in the lead, following the road down a ways. It really wasn't that far at all, one could even see the spot from where they had been standing if you knew where to look. The building itself had to have been a restaurant as there were plenty of people dining down on the street level, and a few were on the roof as well. Taking the group to the latter spot Vegeta landed just by the railing, watching the others land as well. "Huh... Not bad, kind of fancy..." Kabocha mused, gazing around as he set foot on the floor. It was simple and yet high class at the same time, judging by the polish of the rock and the decorative furniture. Now this was the sort of thing he was used to, he liked it. The only issue with their choice was higher class establishments had a tendency to be a little picky about their customers; anyone who didn't have the money or other means to get in were often turned away. They probably had the coin for it, but he wasn't sure how someone would feel about them bringing in food from outside. Bah, not his concern, if someone complained he'd throw a few Doma their way and tell them to can it, that usually worked. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation Kabocha grabbed a seat at a four-top near the railing, sitting down and eyeing the packages of food eagerly. "Well come on then, let's get chowing! I'm hungry!" Good! T'charrl could talk again! Not so good was that it was really strained and he sounded like he was just barely keeping it together still. Something more needed to be done and Takeshi was beside himself as to what more he could offer. Smiling slightly he shifted around, giving Haku a look for help and rolling his eyes when all he got was a shrug of the shoulders. That was a lot of help, so now he had to come up with something. Maybe just keep T'charrl talking, sooner or later he was bound to come down on his own, right? Chuckling uncertainly he turned back when he heard a sudden gust of wind, watching puzzled as L'esta took off. Confusing but he couldn't really go chasing the guy down or anything, his friend was the concern right now. "We're getting somewhere, that's good! Just uh... Remember who you are?" Takeshi offered lamely, giving a weak thumbs up anyways, "You know... T'charrl, Prince of the Kaesstrians. Our friend, the little guy who we met and fought the General with, all that."
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