Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral couldn’t have much faith in Vegeta when it seemed he was going to be selective with what he wanted to do with him, usually involving check-ups or experiments. There wasn’t many times when Vegeta just wanted to talk to him or do something other than medical stuff with him. There was little Vegeta wanted to do with him that didn’t involve science and that made him pretty frustrated. Yumi was the only one who wanted to do anything normal with him while he was like this and that probably caused him the most frustration. Coming up to the ship only made him a little depressed knowing he may have to rest up because of some stupid mistake that left him incapacitated. “Anything’s better than being locked up again…” As Yumi descended he watched the ground carefully, feeling relieved once his feet were finally on the ground even with his leg feeling particularly sore. He just needed to get it corrected was all, among having other problems sorted too. “That’s backpedalling on the agreement...I don’t want him knowing something went wrong! He can find out for himself later. I don’t need to continue to be his little experiment if I don’t want to be”. Choi saw no reason why he shouldn’t question what Vegeta was thinking when he decided to never talk to the others. As far as Choi was concerned they were all in this together and even if Vegeta had quite a workload he could at least try to talk to them once in a while instead of being stuck in the most awkward place possible. He didn’t care that he could be found in his lab; it wasn’t as if people always had the confidence to go down there, after all. “The lab? Nobody wants to go in there incase you get all pissed off over being disturbed”, Choi spoke, shaking his head, “You would probably say you’re busy, anyway. Do you even eat? I see the Commander, ehh Viral, more than you and he hates company! Especially after those Narbu messed him up”. Kai didn’t mind Choi and Vegeta talking so long as one of them didn’t start shouting; if one did then he might as well give one of them a slap. Vegeta should at least try and act like the more mature one, especially when he accepted their invitation in an attempt to socialise. If Vegeta decided to leave then Choi would win automatically. He doubted Vegeta wanted that but he wasn’t exactly being mature about this argument either. Looking to the pair for a second he slowly shifted his seat around, looking at the menu Kabocha had. “Hmm man, they sure do love fruit on this planet”, he sighed, scratching his cheek, “Not that I’m complaining. Sweet food is quite the luxury on some planets. Finally some steak that isn’t cooked by me, though. You know how sick you can get of food when you’re surrounded by it all the time? Even when you’re hungry, you make you wish you weren’t because you know it will taste bland”. Shu was giving T’charrl plenty of space, hoping it would make him feel more comfortable if he did try to transform back to his former self. He should be able to now that he could physically see himself, even if it was a much better version of what Takeshi tried before. Taking the painting he slowly pulled it towards himself, staring down at it curiously before taking his eyes up to T’charrl. His friend appeared to be trying to change back once more, the energy glowing inbetween his paws. Smiling happily when he started to glow he ended up having to cover his eyes, squeaking in surprise before giving them a good rub. Not exactly sure what was happening he looked up again, but son his eyes went downwards when he realised T’charrl was down there, his body so much smaller than he had been. He was back to normal again, but he didn’t look very good. “Ah! Friend!” Crawling over to him he looked over him, frowning at how dizzy his friend appeared to be, “It’s okay, Friend! Friend Shu is here for Friend T’charrl”. T’charrl didn’t have the energy to pick himself up after that, especially with this being a first time. He never had done such a thing like that in his life simply because he had no reason to, his largest form not being the same as doing that. Everything around him had gone quiet with some mumblings going on, but other than that it was taking a moment to come together. With eyes barely open he stared outwards, looking a little dead if it wasn’t for his slight movements. As the world slowly came back together he felt particularly numb all over, his chest recovering first as he realised how sore it was to fall over like that. As the cold liquid touched his body he gasped a little, closing his eyes tight before he groaned, his eyes opening slowly once more. “…I…feel so weird…” he spoke lowly, looking to the figures, “Home…? Oh, where’s my arms…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi's brief spell of being locked away had left her plenty averted to being in that situation again; part of her wondered if Viral being made to stay in Vegeta's lab might be reminiscent of that. Surely Vegeta had to have considered that by now, and that it could be adding to their friend's misery. It was an awfully big oversight if not, one that could perhaps ruin the Beastman much more than help. Maybe if it were possible she would ask they move the tests, maybe somewhere in the city. If they could find a bright open building as opposed to a stuffy lab on a ship then that would make things even slightly better. "Sorry, I don't mean to go back on what I said. I just worry about keeping things from him, seeing as we don't know what might help or hurt you," Yumi explained, easing Viral back onto his feet, keeping to his side in case he needed some support. "If it makes you feel any better then here and now I promise not to tell him anything unless you say it's okay first. That doesn't mean I won't suggest you get help still, but at the very least you can feel safe knowing whatever you tell me is our secret." "Rarely do I get pissed, as you put it. When you three attacked Yumi and Viral I suppose I was... Pissed, but otherwise it's a simple annoyance. Like now." Vegeta replied, shaking his head. He didn't understand Choi's line of reasoning nor questioning, finding the other boy was simply agitated and speaking without thought now. Sighing to himself he looked back at his menu, frustrated when he failed to understand so much as a single word on the page. Next matter of business would be to try learning this language, or develop something to translate it for them. Spoken language was easy, the scouters were made for that, but written language still remained out of reach. "So you understand that the Narbu harmed Viral, and yet you ask why I'm working as much as I do, and get out as little as I do?" It really was like Choi wasn't thinking at all. Placing his menu down on the table Vegeta rubbed at his face, seeming a bit tired when he lowered his hand as he looked away. "I'm the only person who can actually help Viral in my father's absence, and if I fail then he could die. I haven't told anyone else this, but his situation could deteriorate if I don't act soon... It could kill him," he explained, his voice not much more than a whisper, "So do you still question why I'm in such a hurry to work? My being out here, looking around the city, it was at Yumi's request I do this. But every second I'm out here meandering about is another second Viral could be closer to dying." Kabocha was getting on fairly well in ignoring Choi and Vegeta; he'd done it plenty whenever the twins had gone back and forth. Besides, now they knew what food awaited them and that was vastly more important than some silly debate. "I mean... They are basically insects, you know that right? What else are they going to eat, hamburgers and fries?" he asked, smirking as he rubbed his stomach, "Those things back on Earth were actually pretty good..." Who knew Earth food could be so darn tasty? Kabocha couldn't remember how much they had gotten in their short time back on Earth; a small fortune was easily spent on food though. As for Kai's complaints he really couldn't sympathize with his friend there. "You're asking me that as though I cook," Kabocha said, shaking his head, "So no, I don't know what it's like. But hey, if it's good for you then that's great man. All the more reason to keep buying food while we're here then." It kind of was just fruit, fruit and more fruit, with a steak or something sprinkled on the side. Not so bad, as fruit could be tasty, but not exactly a ton of variety. Far as he could remember there was no bread, no pasta or any pizza or anything like that... He really missed Earth food. It was a little scary when T'charrl collapsed, but he was in good hands as L'esta rushed to the guy's side. The wound on their friend's back still persisted and probably needed some attention, which thankfully the Captain could give in the form of that gel. Takeshi vaguely remembered stuff like that on their last visit, and recalled it being pretty much the same as the liquid in their healing tanks. It worked super well and already looked to be kicking in though it had just been administered to the wound. Following what Shu had done the older boy smiled with relief, kneeling down and chuckling. "Your arms are where they've always been buddy, they're just smaller now," he mused, "Actually, all of you is smaller. Been a while since we've seen you like this." T'charrl still wasn't totally himself, there were a couple of appendages here and there that weren't there before but otherwise it was darn close. After a bit of resting they should be able to go and see the Queen, and even she wouldn't be able to deny they had gotten her son back to pretty normal. "Feel alright? Shu and I can find you some fruit if you want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t want to be trapped anywhere anymore. His whole life had been spent inside walls all because of something he couldn’t understand until Vegeta remembered himself. He didn’t know how he would ever make that better, even if they did manage to wish them back to life he just knew he would always look at his creators and be filled with instant dread. To be kept locked away was for his own good and yet he was never going to get over it, all because he had been living for so long with the thought that he was forbidden because of what he is. To be an artificial creature in a world where they had caused nothing but trouble to the Humans was a harsh place to be, but it wasn’t going to be better on any other world. He was alone in this, even if Yumi tried to integrate herself into his world she was always going to have family and friends in her own to substitute for what was lacking in his. He was not designed with enclosed spaces in mind, even if there was certain small spaces he didn’t mind being in like his Enki. “There’s always going to be something that will hurt me, but always being reminded that I am not doing too well makes me hate myself too”, he spoke lowly, focusing more on moving than speaking, “The only things I want him to know are things that he asks about. I’m not being dragged away earlier than I feel I should be just because of something small. I am well aware over how serious my condition is, I just don’t want everything to have to be given a red flag over me…” Choi thought it was pretty simple, what he was saying. There was nothing complicated about spending time with others after using reasonable time for research. It was often the case that the biggest inspirations came from being around family and friends, not by yourself. “Well then when might he had gotten those weird features of his if it wasn’t because of the Narbu? He seemed perfectly fine even with depression before going to that place”, he spoke, raising an eyebrow for a second before looking to Vegeta. This whole conversation started over depression and yet Vegeta hadn’t exactly been spending time with Viral to treat his depression, he knew this from how little the Beastman had actually changed since leaving Earth. Everytime he saw him the guy was hostile and never smiled, not even a toothy grin. Hearing Vegeta’s concern over Viral’s condition killing him certainly made him a little suspicious, narrowing his eyes a little before looking around for any eavesdroppers. “You sure it won’t be the depression that kills him first?” he spoke, raising a finger as if to stop Vegeta from interrupting, “Don’t you think if you had knowledge that you were dying and had depression, it’d be the depression that comes first, wouldn’t it? Shouldn’t you be keeping him company to keep him out of the downward spiral? He does have an awfully large sharp cleaver that you let him carry around…isn’t that dangerous to leave him with? Isn’t there a warrior’s code where you either die in battle or to your own weapon?” Kai didn’t really like referring these aliens to ‘insects’, but that was what they essentially were despite claims otherwise. They were giant bugs and whether they had endoskeletons unlike other bugs was yet to be seen, but he’d definitely rather not know about their innards. “Hmm I didn’t get to try much of Earth’s stuff. Was with my father most of the time looking for a place where we might get a house”, he spoke, scratching his chin, “Maybe once this is all over I’ll go around Earth and try out the food. Probably should ask if that planet has a variety of cultures too”. He didn’t know much about Earth but it sure did have a good climate and some decent housing. It was probably a pretty nice place to be when Earthlings were so close to what Saiyans were, minus the strength, transformation and incredible appetite, of course. “Imagine making a sandwich for yourself and enjoying that, but then you only had the ingredients for that sandwich again. You make that sandwich and you think it’s okay, but then you have to eat it for a week straight. Maybe that’s as close as you’d understand. Food’s great and all and I know I’m a good cook, but having food made for you makes things taste so much better”. T’charrl felt so strange, but what was worse is he was a little confused to how his own limbs worked. They felt like they were in completely different places than before but he was slowly recovering, thankfully. He didn’t know how long it would take but he figured it was only going to be a moment for him to recover, but from what he wasn’t quite familiar with. He was barely realising he managed to change back but he was noticing that he felt weak and brittle. Feeling a little better as the liquid was rubbed into his wound he let out a long sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before looking to Shu, staring at him before his eyes decided to wander up to Takeshi. As Takeshi continued to speak he slowly looked down to his arm, slowly moving it up to see how he had changed. He was most definitely back to normal, or at least as normal as he could get with all the changes he went through previously. It was nothing he couldn’t hide, at least. “Fruit…that should be nice. Please, or take me to fruit…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well... Sorry for bringing it up, really. I just worry about you is all," Yumi replied, smiling sadly, "But hopefully I won't have to for much longer." Really an awful lot of their friend's health was going to rely on Vegeta's ability to help Viral though this. Knowing full well he was tackling the work of someone greater than him it was only natural that he had taken to it so fiercely, and Yumi had practically needed to beg for Vegeta to take this time off. He couldn't just work, some time off from it all may even help him reach a breakthrough. Following to the doors she paused to get it open, letting Viral take the lead inside. "We won't be doing that for much longer, just you wait. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you busy and enjoying yourself until Vegeta can fix this. Just remember you're not facing this all on your own, okay? We're here for you." If he began to think he was on his own in this that could end up spelling real trouble; Yumi was fair convinced he was hanging on now mostly because others around him were so bent on saving him. Maybe she wasn't giving him enough credit, but with how the Beastman acted she didn't see much self-preservation. Viral's condition was simply put a mess; beyond what Vegeta was comfortable with working with. He was making strides to be certain as his father's notes provided great insight, but it was still not quite there yet. His biggest worry was the physical side of the issues, and once his friend had stabilized then he could focus more on the depression. Lowering his gaze somberly for a second he glanced back up at Choi, frowning as he was made to wait and speak. The warrior's code... He knew of it, of course, Viral often made mention of several aspects of it over the years. While it may warrant some kind of concern to leave him with his weapon taking it away may only further increase the depression, so he had decided to let Viral keep it around. "Me be with him...? I don't think you quite understand who you're asking, or what you're asking of me," Vegeta remarked with a frown, "I don't... Do socializing, not very often. Every time I'm with Viral it inevitably turns to a discussion about his condition, or my work towards that, and I won't delude myself into thinking that helps him. Yumi on the other hand... I feel like she's able to help keep him afloat, in a manner of speaking. She's far better off in helping him than I am right now." This conversation was beginning to get awfully tiresome, and it was making Vegeta feel rather poorly of himself to boot. "You have to try Earth food Kai, it's amazing! It's so cheap too, you wouldn't believe how much I could buy for so little." Even compared to Kaesstra food it was a bargain, and he was fair certain they hadn't spent too much here thus far. Getting all excited over the notion of another meal Kabocha looked around for their server, glancing back at Kai again and raising an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that only be a problem if you only had the same ingredients though? I mean, sure, I can see the problem if you've only got the one thing to cook with, but since when is that an issue for us anymore? We've got loads on the ship, we can buy some here even to mix it up and there's tons of choice back on Earth. If you ask me I think someone is just getting lazy," he teased, "Really though, it must suck having to cook all the time. Doing anything all the time would be so boring, know what I mean? Even fighting loses its luster after a bit." This break may be just what they needed then, just something to bridge the gap and give them a reprieve from constant battles. At the very least it would be nice to enjoy something else for a change. This was awesome, T'charrl was back to his old self and he was going to be okay! Guy looked pretty beat up and tired though, they probably should be doing something to help out more. While L'esta had the gel to heal the wound he'd created Takeshi figured they could give a helping hand as well, and what better way then to find some food? Food always made things better, even lousy food sometimes. "How's about you relax for now? We'll go find some fruit for you and come right back with it," the Saiyan explained, turning then to his brother and poking his forehead, "And we're bringing the fruit back to T'charrl, got it? Not eating it squirt." Of course as he said that his own stomach had to growl, a painful reminder they had yet to have lunch themselves just yet. Looking down and narrowing his eyes at his stomach Takeshi grinned sheepishly, getting to his feet and clasping his hands together. "Right! Shu and I will be back soon, you three just stay here and relax, we've got this." Haku would actually prefer to go with the Princes, if only because being stuck with the aliens was a little unsettling. T'charrl looked way different and was tired though so he shouldn't be much a threat, his real concern was this other one. For starters he was huge, almost as big as T'charrl had been before, and to top it off he was dangerous with a sword. Watching as the brothers raced off once more he smiled nervously, turning and looking at the others still with him. Wait a second, they had called T'charrl 'Prince', hadn't they? Was everyone he was going to be associated with royalty or something? Nothing like being reminded of how lowly you were on the pole to pick up your mood. Sulking slightly Haku folded his arms over his chest, shifting his weight around a little before glancing down at T'charrl. He really should try being useful, spitefulness aside, especially if he wanted to try making friends here. "Um... Anything I can do...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral really didn’t want people worrying over him or wondering if he would ever get through this, knowing it was just a ploy to make sure he wasn’t going to go off and end it all. They were always constantly trying to make sure he was alright and he wished they didn’t need to, knowing all it managed to make him feel was like a child. He didn’t care about the pain at this point, especially when he was constantly in pain and struggling to feel normal again. It was too difficult to keep his mind off it, but he didn’t need to give everyone else a hard time or crippling depression all because he wasn’t feeling well. Looking to Yumi before going through the door he sighed, lowering his head. “You may say that, but I find it hard to believe you know what I’m facing”, he spoke calmly, giving her a quick look, “Even I don’t know what it is or what’s coming for me. I’m stuck wondering what’s going to happen to me next. There’s parts of me that I don’t even know what they belong to sticking out of me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if I start forming metal skin or something…” Choi didn’t know why Vegeta was so adamant about making things better for Viral when he barely spent any time with his actual patient that didn’t involve being for medical reasons. He should really be keeping an eye on him if he was trying to treat him and yet he hanged around in the lab all day, not caring that Viral probably hated that place like anyone else who wasn’t a scientist. It wasn’t going to work, but of course Vegeta would never admit it wouldn’t. To leave someone alone with somebody who probably didn’t know how to spot symptoms of depression, even if he did admire Yumi’s efforts to keep everyone happy. Raising an eyebrow when Vegeta could only deny any involvement in social activities he scratched his head. “And you’re giving him his treatment? That’s kind of scary”, Choi said, looking elsewhere, “I mean, if I was receiving treatment but my doctor didn’t talk to me much, I’d be pretty freaked out over what he was doing most of the time. It’s like waiting in a room by yourself and being completely unaware of what’s happening on the other side of the door, yet whatever it is decides whether you live or die”. Kai didn’t know if he’d enjoy cheap food but if Kabocha said it was good then he guessed he would eventually have to try it. He didn’t mind cheap food so long as he didn’t need to cook it. “Well, if I had money then I’d surely try it, but it’s easier to make rather than buy something at this stage”, he spoke calmly, letting out a sigh, “We were even planning on building the house over buying materials for it…” He quite liked the idea of making a house, especially when his family seemed to be good at doing just that. He was not much of a carpenter but he was a cook and figuring out how to make a house was very much the same as making a meal worthy for a King. “It does kind of suck, actually. It’s a lot of time out of my day to get nothing for it, not even a thanks sometimes. Maybe if we were getting paid it wouldn’t feel so laborious…” Shu was getting all excited over T’charrl being normal, but he was still feeling a little sad that he wouldn’t be a mountain of fur for now. At least he could wrap his arms around him now. Seeing him lying on the ground like that made him worry that he was going to feel sore too, but other than the wound on his back he seemed okay, all except how hungry he was. Squeaking, Shu immediately stood up as Takeshi suggested finding fruit, getting all excited up until he was told not to eat the fruit. “Ooh! I get fruit for Friend, but it be lots of fruit too so maybe some left for me!” Spring off he jumped into the trees again, looking back to Takeshi curiously, “C’mon! Swinging through trees now!” T’charrl still couldn’t quite get into his head that he was normal, but then again it didn’t feel any different to having all of that energy built up inside him. He wasn’t going to remain like this forever, he knew he would have to master changing back and hopefully control his changes permanently. It was like a memory that was never going to fade, unlike the one of himself that was forced out by corruption. Looking to Shu and Takeshi for a moment he soon let out a sigh, moving his other arms as if trying to rest to see if they still worked. He had only just gotten used to them being so low down and now they were back in their original places, something that would definitely confuse him later. Keeping fairly quiet his eyes soon shifted to Haku, asking a question that he really didn’t know the answer to. “Uhh, I don’t know. I need to get up…” he spoke, looking to the grass, “I-I need to get ready…to go see my parents…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi was trying her hardest to sympathize with Viral, but he was right, she had no idea what his pain was like. She'd felt pain before, but nothing as long lasting or enduring as what her friend had been experiencing. That was just all the more reason for them to help him though, and all the more reason for her to be here to try and alleviate some of it. Really though... What could she offer? "We should be glad that hasn't happened yet, at least," Yumi said, following Viral inside. "Let's just hope Vegeta's work can keep it from getting any worse. At the very least I'd guess he can help that much." It wasn't much good to debate over what was going to happen, they would just have to wait and see at this point. Closing the door behind them she paused briefly and looked down at herself, frowning as she tried wiping away a few stray pieces of plant stuck to her clothes. "I don't suppose you're going to be all too mad if we get a change of clothes first, will you?" "I talk to him plenty when I see him, but I can't go out of my way to see him. Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?" Vegeta asked, sounding quite exasperated, "I don't have the time to just sit and talk to him, I shouldn't even have the time to be doing this right now. Until I do manage to get him healthier again I don't have the luxury of doing anything but working." Nothing stopped Viral from coming to him, save for his disdain of being in a lab. That was the only place the work could be done at the moment so there wasn't much flexibility on Vegeta's part; the Beastman had to make the conscious decision to come along if he so chose to. Leaning back in his seat Vegeta closed his eyes once more, exhaling a bit unsteadily as he did so. "Viral's life is in my hands, my father is relying on me, Yumi is relying on me... Everyone is relying on my ability to help him, and yet I don't know if I can, at least not entirely." Looking back at Choi somberly he leaned forward, arms crossed on the table as he sighed, "Do you honestly think I don't care? Or that there aren't things I wish I could do differently? This is the only way." It was a bit funny to think that Earth food was the best food Kabocha had in a long while, considering he hadn't been off of Kortal in all that long. Even back home the food was high quality, sure, but a bit bland in retrospect; food from Earth restaurants had all kinds of flavors. The King probably had something similar to that in his meals, but even nobles didn't really dine with him. Rubbing his stomach thoughtfully he finally sorted out what he wanted on the menu, taking a brief pause however to give Kai a funny look. "Wait... You want to build a house? Like... Live on Earth and build a house?" he asked, brows furrowing, "Wow... I didn't know we were actually planning on doing that." It was a nice enough world, and everyone they knew and didn't hate was basically from there, but Kabocha hadn't given much thought as to moving there to live. An idea crossed his mind towards the end and his face lit up, giving Kai a devilish grin as he gestured to himself, "Well how about this: Once I'm rich on Earth I'll employ you to cook for me! That way I know I'm getting good food and you get paid!" Finding fruit ought to be easy, especially if Shu just used his nose to sniff it out. The little guy was practically a dog in that regard, if the dog was only trained to sniff out anything sweet growing on trees or bushes. Even being told not to eat any Shu was more than happy to go, though Takeshi fully expected his brother to try eating a bit anyways; if he did that was fine, he didn't much care so long as they got something back to their friend. Watching his sibling leap into the tree the older boy smirked, rolling his eyes before jumping up after him. Grabbing onto the branch he swung beneath Shu and propelled himself forward, laughing as he got off to an early, and probably short lived lead. "Come on, we've got fruit to find!" Haku was left all on his own with the Kaesstrians and he hadn't a single clue as what to do with himself. He didn't do too well around those he didn't know; T'charrl and him were hardly on good terms and he had no clue who the big one was. Shifting around uncomfortably for a moment he figured he should try helping out as well seeing as everyone else was doing it, though he had no clue what he could do to help. "Your parents, huh...? That will be nice," he mumbled, moving over and squatting down, easing one of T'charrl's arms over his shoulder. There was a slight shiver as the hair on the Kaesstrian brushed against his neck but otherwise Haku was fine with this, certainly not freaking out as Takeshi might. Getting T'charrl to his feet with the help of L'esta he watched the bigger alien move off for a moment, frowning confused and glancing at the other boy. "Uh... So who is he...? Seems to know all of you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t wish pain like this to be on anyone other than his enemies or himself, finding the very thought of anybody he knew to go through this to be as excruciatingly painful as the condition itself. It was his burden to bear and he was going to go through it without others falling under the same affliction. “I’m not entirely sure what he could possibly do, all I know is he’s the only one who can do it here”, he spoke lowly, “These things usually take months to develop while this has taken weeks to get progressively worse. I don’t know how long my genes have been breaking down, but turning into an amalgamation like this was never something I thought to be possible”. Hoping the doctor wasn’t all that far if only to get some medicine from he soon stared at Yumi as she expressed a desire to change. Staring at her in annoyance he soon looked away, sighing lightly. “Fine…I’ll just stay here, bleeding and in pain while you go and get the dirt out of your underwear. It shouldn’t take too long, I’m sure…” Choi thought Vegeta’s excuses were weak, but it wasn’t as if the guy came up with a good excuse to not talk to people before. He wouldn’t even call for anyone for a brief chat or maybe a sandwich with the guy he was supposed to be helping, if Viral even ate sandwiches, of course. It was just as curious as to whether Viral even ate that much, at least he barely saw him eat anything. “Yet you don’t ask him to come down and talk while you’re working. I thought therapy involved a lot of talking too”, he spoke, not really getting why someone who was supposed to be helping someone feel better wasn’t even willing to call them down for a talk. Folding his arms he looked away for a moment before back to Vegeta, giving him a questioning look to whether he was certain he knew the cure. He certainly sounded doubtful and that was never good, especially when he was giving his utmost faith that he would get his friend cured. “You know the only way doesn’t have to be theory but could just be talking it over? Don’t bad things happen when the other gets all stressed? I don’t know what you think you’ll accomplish, but you’re not your father just like I’m not mine. Shouldn’t you look for an apprentice or someone that can help you with all this so you can break some time? Not spending time with the afflicted person is like letting a clocked sink fester as you try to figure out how to clean it, the sink getting worse and worse until you have to replace the pipes! Do you get it?” Kai had spent a long time trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life and letting his father settle while also having a place he could live in made him feel fairly accomplished. He would still want to travel and fight, but to have a place to call home was just the best to him and even Choi thought it was an amazing idea. Neither of them ever had a home beyond the slave quarters so actually owning a place where you were far enough from people to feel comfort but close enough for social activities made him feel pretty good about himself. “Uhhh, ‘we’? You can live on any planet you want, man”, he spoke, feeling confused as if Kabocha was planning on living in the basement, “Doesn’t have to be Earth, just that place was pretty cosy when we visited compared to other planets. Humans practically look the same as Saiyans”. He could fit right in if people ignored the tail, but then again he didn’t see it as any real problem when some of the Humans there were animal-like too. Getting a little lost in his own fantasy he barely realised what Kabocha had said, giving him a confused look. “What? Work for you? Are you even sure you’ll become rich on Earth like this place? I’m not sure the Earthlings are going to care for Saiyan money that much”. Shu knew he had this finding fruit thing in the bag when there was so many in these woods, even if he hadn’t taken notice of them while he was playing. He wasn’t focused on finding fruit when he was playing around, he was quite happy fleeing from Takeshi and playing around that way instead of getting distracted by fruit. He needed to get back into the mind-set of finding fruit, looking all over for any that might be particularly appetising. Jumping along the branches he squeaked when Takeshi decided to overtake him, feeling confused for a moment before he giggled. “We’re not playing, silly! Finding fruit is hunting!” Bouncing higher up the branches he sniffed around for a quick moment, driven by his own desire for fruit before he suddenly leaped right at a tree, throwing out his feet and kicking at it upon impact. As the tree shook violently Shu immediately jumped around it, catching the fruit that began to fall from it with each bounce. They were not too big but not too small either as he caught what he could, the other fruit falling to the ground. “Ooh! Ooh! Fruit falling! Yummy yum!” T’charrl would be quite happy to get some energy in him right now, especially when he was quite weak and on the verge of sleeping. He was worried that if he fell asleep then he would just change back, especially when apparently the last time he changed back he was unconscious. Just letting the liquid do its work on his back he did try moving around, maybe give Haku something to do too by asking to get up since he wanted to help somehow. Looking to him he gasped as Haku decided to lift him up by a pretty awkward place, his eyes going to him before up to L’esta who decided to help as well. Giving a little smile to him his eyes soon went back to Haku, confused for a moment before realising what he was asking. “Uhh, this is Captain L’esta…second in command of our army”, he spoke with a sigh, lowering his head, “They met him last time they were here. He protects my people…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Vegeta did say he can do the work faster than that though, and we both know he's not one to bother sweetening things. If he said he'll have it done soon then he meant it, so we can just keep hoping he's done with it before long." There was not much more that they could do at the moment but wait, everything was in Vegeta's hands now. Yumi supposed she could help keep Viral busy as not to let him sink into a rut, and give him medicine when need be; other than those two things she was hard pressed to think of what more of a role she could play. Glancing down at her still drenched clothes she absentmindedly made a request to go and change, her face immediately turning red when Viral pointed out how obviously stupid that was of her. "S-Sorry! Dumb idea, forget I said anything," Yumi said quickly, waving her hands dismissively before smiling, "Spoke without thinking, my mistake. The doctor is nearby, let's go ahead and get to him, okay?" Well, he was close-ish, given that his office was closer than Vegeta's, but not by much. Luckily for them it was on the side of the ship they had entered on, and he should be there unless he was taking a break or wandering about. Much as Vegeta was annoyed with Choi he had to admit the other boy had a fair point; speaking with Viral may in fact help things. Not just as his doctor necessarily either but a friend, something he often proclaimed to be yet showed very little effort in proving as of late. Right or wrong however it still was not easy to do, and convincing Viral to come and sit in the lab simply for a chat was probably as easy as pulling teeth with tweezers. Hearing what more Choi had to say he was quiet for a moment, staring down at the table in thought. After a few seconds more of silence Vegeta let out a short, bitter laugh as he looked back, smiling slightly. "An apprentice? Do you have any idea how complex genetic therapy is? Or dealing with injuries at the molecular level? Do you know how to properly grow stem-cell and then replicate them before injecting them into a patient?" Letting out a sigh Vegeta rubbed at his head, wondering what was taking their waiter so long so they could drop this conversation. "I can try and spend time with Viral, though I sincerely doubt he'll take to it. As for an apprentice... Impossible. I ask for help and I do so within the capabilities of those around me. Simply put none of you could do the work I do." "Hey now, don't get me wrong dude, I don't hate the idea of living on Earth. I just didn't know that was a plan we had going, that's all," Kabocha said with a shrug, "I don't know about building a home either, but settling down there doesn't seem too bad. Food is good, it's a nice planet, and there were some really nice chicks in the city. I bet within a week of settling down we could all score ourselves some dates!" That would be rather funny if the three of them managed to get a girl in such a short time, especially when native Takeshi was flying solo completely. Maybe they should try being good friends and give him some pointers... Or just sit by and watch him flounder, which was kind of funny. "Of course I'm sure! My dad might seem like a moron but he's got good business sense, he'll find a way to make us money. My mom... Well, she'll find something. Plus I'm sure there's ways to make cash there that we don't even know about yet." Just then noticing that someone had come up to the table Kabocha near snapped at them, pausing when he saw it was the waiter. Grinning excitably he turned to Kai, waving him on impatiently, "Go on, order will you?" Takeshi figured they would have to go a ways to find some fruit so he vaulted off immediately, expecting Shu to follow suit. When he looked back however his little brother had only gone part way before jumping up and disappearing into a tree. Just what in the world was the kid up to? Watching confused as Shu went then and kicked the tree itself the older boy's eyes widened seeing fruit essentially rain down, his sibling getting quite a lot already. Not to be outdone and feeling shown up a bit Takeshi looked around, trying to piece together how Shu had managed that. Hm... He must have actually sniffed fruit out, which means he should be able to do it too! Closing his eyes he took a few wafts of the air, a bit confused when he did smell fruit but wasn't sure if it was just what Shu was holding. Turning his head Takeshi spotted one tree where he swore there was some, making a straight jump at it and kicking it right in the center; sure enough his efforts were rewarded much in the same way as Shu's were, only his fruits were a bit different. Spiky was a good way to label these, they were basically really prickly pineapples. As soon as he'd caught his first one his eyes teared up slightly, and soon his arms were full and a few knocked on him as well. Refusing to vocalize that he'd been hurt even marginally Takeshi looked over at Shu, smirking with tears in the corners of his eyes. "Ha... I can do it too!" he said weakly, wincing as another fell and poked him right on the head. "Stupid prickly fruits with your dumb spikes and... Gah!" Haku felt a bit awkward helping like this, but figured he might as well try to be useful. It was a touch uncomfortable though, especially when he found out just who the other alien was. Hearing the word Captain struck a particularly sore chord with him if only because he was rather used to being abused by his superiors. Sure, L'esta wasn't really his superior here, but that didn't mean he was getting off free. Smiling uneasily Haku nodded to himself, easing T'charrl to his feet. "Wow... Uh... Nice to meet you, sir," he said stiffly, averting his gaze awkwardly. If he wasn't mistaken he thought the man started laughing at him then, though it was an odd sound so it was a bit tough to tell really. "Relax boy, I'm not going to harm you," L'esta joked as he noticed how edgy Haku was. "And L'esta is fine, only my subordinates address me as sir. I suppose I should thank you for helping the Prince out as well." Of course if he knew the circumstances of their meeting then the Captain would be saying anything but thanks; the Saiyan would probably be running for his life if he knew. Bliss is ignorance however and for the time being they would get along just fine. Smiling with relief at seeing T'charrl able to stand even slightly the Captain looked back in the way they had come, wondering if he should call his men over or not. "Once you've rested I'm going to call my men, is that alright Prince? I intend to escort you back under protection, just to be safe. While I did say most people will be glad of your return there are still pockets of General Garesh' loyalists, and we need to keep them from you now that you've returned."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral let out a groan, sighing lightly. “He says he can work faster, but I don’t see how he could given circumstances. It only takes so long for someone to create a cure like that…” He didn’t have much hope when it came to genetics behaving themselves, but really he wasn’t going to let it get to him. He couldn’t hold a grudge against Vegeta for being slow, but he could certainly be angry that nothing was done to prevent this from ever happening. They all had so much faith that he would be in once piece after some gene therapy without actually checking the genes themselves to see if they had repaired and unfortunately they had become so much worse than before. When Yumi asked if she could be excused to go and change her clothes he could only feel surprise that she’d ever suggest such a thing, especially when they were both soaked anyway and he had a place to be. Letting out a sigh when she too realised it was silly he looked down to the floor, hoping he was not going to end up collapsing because he got too annoyed. “What’s so bad about being wet for a while, anyway? I have to be and I probably shouldn’t be when getting checked by the doctor…” Choi didn’t see anything wrong with what he said, especially when he had seen so many people come and go with depression in his lifetime. It was common in the kitchens, especially when the King thought your meal was average and didn’t even finish it. Even if those things were minor it still made one depressed as they lost both their reputation and didn’t get them anywhere. There were other cases where some warriors would go mad because of isolation, turning them into mindless killing machines when out on the battlefield and with the Beastman having PTSD he’d surely turn into one someday if Vegeta wasn’t careful. If he cared for his friend he’d talk to him a lot more and not endanger all of them. Feeling confused when Vegeta made an excuse over a possible apprentice he scratched his cheek. “If you thought I wanted to be your apprentice then you’re mental. I’m not interested in getting to know people on a molecular level”, he snickered, “I’m talking about hiring someone! Build someone from the ground up. Hate to break it to you but you’re not the smartest guy there is. There’s probably loads of aliens who want to work in the field of genetics and science”. “Well it’s my family’s plan. I don’t know about your plan but if you want to live there too then whatever”, Kai shrugged, seeing it as no big deal, “I don’t know if I’d bother with girl hunting in the cities, though. They seemed a little weak to me. Could be some real warriors out there to bag and have amazing kids with”. He didn’t care so much about looks over power and if he could bag a powerful Human then they both could bring glory to their families. He was very much a traditionalist Saiyan when it came to potential mates with his focus being on power and creating an amazing clan even if they were part Human. He had seen what happens when a Saiyan is part-Human and he saw no reason to not go after that kind of opportunity. Raising an eyebrow as Kabocha tried to make plans for his parents he soon turned his head when he realised a waiter was there, curious to why they were when Kabocha already ordered food. “Hm? Alright. Howabout we get some of the best alcohol to offer here? I could use a strong drink”. Shu was pretty good at this fruit finding business when there was hungry, finding it most easy to sniff out and find for himself even if this was all for his friend. He didn’t want to steal from his friend’s pile but it was awfully tempting to just grab one of the strange fruits for himself and eat it. He could wait until he got some really nice food from T’charrl in return. Giggling as he made a quick turn he watched Takeshi curiously, he was interesting in his attempt but also quite the idiot, making Shu giggle out loud when one last fruit dropped on his head. “You silly! Why you catch pricklies? You silly with catching!” Bouncing over to Takeshi he picked up the fallen fruit with his tail. Squeaking as he bounced on his feet a few times he soon bounced away again, getting all excited over a few fruit. “Ooh! This enough? Maybe spare too? Maybe he won’t eat it all!” T’charrl probably shouldn’t had tried to stand, especially when he was not able to fully focus on the floor beneath his feet. He was pretty unstable on his feet which was never good, plus he wasn’t very good at balancing in his ‘new’ form of his. It wasn’t even new: he had spent years just as he was and yet after such a long time of having a different structure all the time he found it rather difficult to get used to standing. He felt terribly weakened, but hopefully Takeshi and Shu won’t be long with that food. Keeping a lean towards L’esta he was concerned about Haku talking to him, wondering if he would give him respect. Feeling a little thankful that L’esta took it fairly well he let out a sigh, lowering his head slightly before looking up to L’esta again. He was afraid there would still be loyalists out there but of course there would be, especially when he had done a lot for the richer folk and more war-driven people. “O-Of course…that’ll be fine. Is Mother and Father at the palace or elsewhere? Remember my picture…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi couldn't quite argue with Viral one way or another on the cure; length of time, difficulty, those were all aspects of the treatment she was completely unaware of. She did wonder of course but it was more her place to help keep Viral occupied and at least moderately okay while the cure was being developed. If it was taking a little longer than expected there had to be a reason for it, whether there was a snag in the work or Vegeta was actually stumped. Either way the only thing anyone could do right now was wait and hope it worked out, they really didn't have any alternatives in mind. Maybe they should, and if they were to find others it ought to be up to her and the rest of their friends as Vegeta had plenty enough to worry about. "You're right, sorry for asking, bad timing," Yumi apologized sheepishly, "I'm sure there's something in there for you to change into, a robe or something. It's not ideal but it's better than being wet, right? Plus while he's doing your check-up I can go get both of us a change of clothes! That way once we're all done we can just go right back out, no waiting around." "Psychology does not go to the molecular level..." Vegeta grumbled, narrowing his eyes at Choi again. He was hard pressed to discern whether the other boy was actually this daft, or if he was doing it simply to bother him. "I'm well aware my expertise in some areas is lacking, but same can be said for any expert. I have a mastery of machinery and have only begun to work both with psychology and genetics, I'm not expecting myself to know it all just yet. That being said... Let's pretend I go with your hypothetical situation. Say I get an apprentice, and one who is willing to learn, how will they know how to work with Viral? That in of itself is a massive undertaking, and is something I can do only because of my father's extensive notes coupled with my own experience. And whether I take willingness to learn into account or not I don't suppose you have an idea where I might find such a person? The only race that was conceivably a potential student thus far would be residents from Uuonoe, which would mean traveling back there just to search." An awful lot of doubling back, especially if it could end up being a moot trip. The idea on paper wasn't bad however, Vegeta would grant that much. "Huh? Strong mates? Why, we're strong enough and we're only going to get stronger!" Kabocha replied, nodding to himself before grinning, "Any human girl will do, so we might as well get ourselves a real pretty one, right? You know the kind..." Leaning in closer he winked at Kai, making his hands move around as though touching something. "I'm talking curves, big breasts, the works! If you're going to be spending your life with someone then they should be nice to look at, don't you think? The kids will get power just from being Saiyan-born, so I don't see the point in hunting down some strong woman when any will work." Of course his idea of "any" was quite different from what the word implied as he was basically looking for the best of the best. He'd always dated for looks and had enjoyed himself, even if it hadn't always ended well. Surely though he could find that one girl who wasn't totally crazy or a nasty person and had the looks. The way Shu had gone about gathering fruit had seemed simple enough, so much so that Takeshi felt he should replicate it. Why bother picking through the trees meticulously when he could just kick one and get his bounty? Whether by sheer luck, or lack thereof or poor choosing he had managed to find fruit aplenty, but fruit that was quite spiny. Thankfully the spines weren't all that bad, not much more really than accidentally brushing up against a thorn bush, but it was quite annoying. Wincing as a final fruit fell on his head the older boy winced and kicked one of the fallen fruits away, looking over at his brother and sticking his tongue out. "How else do I catch fruit? With my mouth?" Takeshi asked, watching his little brother promptly gather up what he had missed. With a roll of his eyes the pair were already on their way back, Shu sounding awfully hopeful about getting some fruit for himself. "Don't get too hopeful, T'charrl could be really hungry buddy. Besides we're probably going to eat with his family soon so no rush, you know?" T'charrl sure was much easier to handle like this, and it made Haku feel loads better about training too. Just because he was smaller now didn't mean the alien would pack any less of a punch, but at the very least he wasn't near as intimidating. Plus if his powers were under control too there was no longer a risk of T'charrl going nuts either. It was a welcome sight too that this Captain wasn't going to be someone who would treat him like trash either; Saiyan Elites were infamous for being cruel to their underlings, even Saiyan children. While the Captain went off for a moment he took a look around, frowning at the idea of these 'loyalists' wandering around. Even on a vacation there was threat of being attacked, great. At least back on Earth he had managed to relax for a while, only the occasional disagreement with some of the humans being the only bumps in his peaceful time there. Hm... Maybe they could go back. How odd, a Saiyan that had about much backbone as a newborn Kaesstrian. After having met the likes of the Princes and their friends L'esta didn't know quite what to make of Haku, only that he was amused by it. Every single person who had been with Shu and Takeshi prior were warriors in the truest sense, and here this boy was being afraid simply because he was a stranger. "Your mother is at the palace, yes. She's overseeing affairs in both cities as of late, making sure supplies are brought in and parts of the Upper City which were ruined by the tree's sprouting are being repaired. Last I heard your father was interrogating that blasted General we defeated before, and he should be returning to the palace shortly after that." It was the hope of many that the General might reveal who his supporters were, some of whom still had yet to be named, but thus far he'd been markedly quiet. That was the issue with trying to break such a high ranking official, they may well sooner die than speak. "Of course, Prince T'charrl, I wouldn't forget it," L'esta added, picking up the item in question and placing it into his pouch. "Your friends should be back here soon, and we can go immediately to the palace if you'd so like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral needed to find this doctor and get checked out if only for the opportunity to go back outside and bask in as much sunshine as possible. He needed to get his energy back and recover, not feeling that he should be venturing too far after all that. He was not terribly well right now, he was fairly light-headed and struggling to focus on where he was, but then again he had lost a lot of blood even if it was just through his nose. He had experienced these nosebleeds before and often they were a lot worse resulting in his body shutting down. He didn’t know how to care about everything starting to go on the fritz, at least not anymore. He couldn’t care about what was happening to him anymore, just that it was basically the norm now. “I don’t want to wear a robe. I’m fine like this”, he sighed, looking down at himself, “Are you sure I should waste time getting changed when the sun will dry me off? I don’t care if I’m wet, cold or whatever. Do you even know what you want to do after I’m done with this…? He might not let me go if he’s as paranoid as Vegeta when dealing with me”. Vegeta really wasn’t getting any of it, only thinking that biology was where it mattered; sure, the problems that the Beastman was going through was biological, but psychology wasn’t something he was able to understand because it didn’t involve molecules. Even when Choi was completely uneducated in those fields he still knew the basics while Vegeta completely overlooked them. Feeling confused over Vegeta’s claims of education he raised an eyebrow, leaning forward a little. “Wait. You only just started with psychology and genetics yet claim you know how to work with the guy because you studied notes?” he asked up, raising an eyebrow before scratching his cheek, “You know the King was able to find out most of what you know within a year, right? Those rebels were still working for the King by the time your friend was on the field under the control of the King, you know. Whatabout that woman in with the rebels? She’s had more experience with genetics than you have…heh! You could probably be her apprentice considering what she’s worked with!” Kai couldn’t agree with Kabocha, especially when he sounded so desperate just for a girl with that attitude. There was always going to be loads of pretty girls, but there was very few who were warriors and Kai wasn’t going to be the one to let someone like that go. “You really want a pretty girl? Do you really want your children to be burdened with a mother who would probably be too afraid to let them fight in anything? There would be no glory in any of that!” Kai really couldn’t care for looks when it came to strength and if he was going to have a strong family he was going to have to look for someone who was as keen on fighting as he was. What Kabocha wanted sounded like a stay-at-home wife who would just look after the kids and not let them do anything he considered fun. “What do you even want out of a family? Do you even think that far?” Shu had experience when it came to gathering fruit whereas Takeshi did not, giving him an open advantage over what he wanted when it came to gathering fruit. Takeshi had a lot to learn when it came to catching the fruit and not letting it fall so carelessly like that. Bouncing around as he headed on back he gave Takeshi a quick look, giggling. “With your hands, silly! You don’t have a tail so you’ve got to be quick!” Takeshi really should think before talking when fruit was falling, otherwise he could had avoided that fruit easily. “Aww! I guess so. Friend should watch so he doesn’t get sore tummy!” he squeaked but was only left confused, “Ooh! How do I know if his tummy is in the same place mine is? Aliens are weird!” T’charrl felt pretty awful, probably because he was so light and strangely shaped now despite it all being his normal form. He didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this but he needed to figure it out soon or he was going to be flying the whole way and embarrassing his mother and father with his poor walking skills. Once Shu and Takeshi arrived it should be okay, but he was going to have to work hard to learn how to move before he got home. Keeping his head low as he listened to the Captain he frowned upon hearing that the General was still being dealt with, his hopes that all that nonsense would be over with being all too distant now. “Oh. The tree…the General…I left too much when I left for you all to deal with”, he frowned, shaking his head, “I’m sorry I caused all that damage, but…I didn’t have a choice. Why does the General have to be negotiated with…? I defeated him, the lab is destroyed…what else is there to do with him? If we do go now…can we not go too fast? I need to uhh…learn how to walk again before I can fly…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It came as minor relief that Viral's arm and leg had ceased bleeding, likely having clotted up at this point in time. His nose still bled but the shirt held to his face ought to stifle that some, hopefully at least until they reached the doctor. Yumi was hard pressed to think of how his nose ended up bloodied, unless it was as simple as just getting hit in the face earlier. "Okay, you can stay like that then, I'm sure the doctor can work either way," Yumi replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Casting a curious glance at Viral she put a finger to her chin, silently deliberating for a moment before smiling, "I want to do whatever you want to do! It's your choice, I'm just along for the ride. And I won't let him keep us, we're just here to get you bandaged up and take your medicine, that's all." The doctor wasn't nearly as stubborn as Vegeta in her experience, mostly because the alien almost seemed afraid of her and Viral. Bit weird, but at least they weren't going to be kept. "I used my hands, but they were full!" Takeshi whined, giving Shu a look before lifting up his load of food, "I didn't have any hands left! What else am I supposed to use, my feet?" Shu could, being a little monkey-child and all, but that was a luxury the older boy didn't have. Plus he was a bit more civilized anyways; a basket or some kind of container would be his choice if he could have it his way. Not that it mattered at this point, they had what they came for and should be doubling back to deliver the fruit soon as they could. Jumping out of the tree he was in to Shu, Takeshi smirked amused as his brother became confused, rolling his eyes before jumping on ahead, "We're aliens to him remember, so how do you think he feels? Not fair to call him an alien then is it?" If you wanted to be technical about it even he and Shu were aliens to humans despite Saiyans having been on Earth for some time now. It was like the Namekians, who while were known on Earth were anything but common and certainly still considered alien by near everyone. "No, please don't apologize Prince. You prevented a far greater catastrophe by doing what you did, and I'm sure most of the people see it that way now. Nothing would have been worse than Garesh getting his way." No one died during the battle with the General, and the few injures that were sustained had long since been dealt with. Homes had been destroyed, yes, but already those people had been relocated and repairs were being carried out. In all the battle with the General hadn't been all that bad, and people were grateful for the trouble being brought to a quick end. "The General still has supporters as I said before, so we need to root them out before they can cause harm. In addition to that we are trying to figure out a way to reverse his work, so that we can help you fully return to your former self. Until he shares all of his secrets however I'm afraid we've not had very much luck in that regard."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral just wanted to sit down now, the blood leaving his head a little too much at this point. He didn’t think Yumi realised how much of a problem this was, especially when he usually fainted when this happened. He felt like he was on the verge of fainting but was raring to keep going and keep his mind focused on getting to the doctor so he could be given medicine. Holding out his hand momentarily as if looking for the door his eyes soon drifted towards Yumi again, finding her submissive behaviour to be most unlike her. To do everything he wanted to do would only bore her, especially when he wanted to rest in the sun for a while. He really wanted to do normal things like fight and hunt, but he was proving to be way too unstable for any of that stuff. She was just going along with everything and it was a wonder that she wasn’t pushing him to do stuff she wanted to do. “Are you even enjoying yourself or are you just doing it because of my condition…” he spoke up, frowning before he let out a sigh, “I’d rather you weren’t stuck in one place because of me, you know. I’m not even used to all this crowding! It’s just a bloody nose. No big deal…” Shu giggled, turning to face Takeshi. “You no catch if you can’t catch in first place! Why try to get more than you can catch?” he asked him, tilting his head a little before spinning around again, “You silly! Probably better at catching other things, but not things falling!” Right now there was more important business to think about, especially when it came to elements he couldn’t quite understand. He didn’t know how different aliens were to him and that really confused him. He didn’t know what T’charrl meant when he said his stomach was sore or whatever, but he would still try to help his friend out whatever way he could. “Ooh! What? Really? Ooh! I’m an alien!” he squeaked, finding that to be rather interesting himself, “I don’t know how he feels…I remember him saying he’s an alien before! What would that even mean, though? Is it a good thing to say you are?” T’charrl didn’t know if he could trust L’esta’s words, especially when he hadn’t seen or spoken to the public yet. If there was people out there who didn’t know what happened and were readily going to blame him for it then he was going to be upset even if they tried to stop him from being as such. “But…wouldn’t a lot of them be angry knowing the Prince of those who fought against their army was the one who caused all of this?” he frowned, feeling rather confused, “They might think of it as a forced movement and me establishing territory with that destruction…” He was certainly confused; a lot had happened while he was gone and there was still questions to what was really happening, even if they had been explained before. Sighing, he gave a nod, his eyes looking back around to see if Takeshi and Shu were coming. “He won’t share anything. He wants me to suffer as much as possible. He’s jealous of what I can do and always wanted that power. It would be no wonder if he made some of these people believe they could have that power too…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yumi was perfectly content with doing whatever Viral wanted to, it didn't matter much to her how they spent their time. Her whole reason for being here in the first place was simply just to be with her friend, so the specifics didn't bother her all that much. So long as it wasn't anything that could end up hurting him she was fine with it, and she figured that there would be plenty Viral would be eager to do anyways. "I am really enjoying myself! Hunting was fun, even if I kind of messed it up," Yumi said, "And I can't remember it, but I bet swimming was fun too. But if you don't want to be crowded I can leave, it's your choice." She was technically supposed to stay with Viral but that was hard if he was wanting her to leave. It could do more harm than good, she figured, if he was forced to have company. On the other hand however she kind of thought the loneliness of having no one around would be even worse, so she wasn't super clear on what to do. "Let's get you patched up first, then we can worry about what we're doing, hm?" Being a doctor was a perfectly fine job... If you had patients. The crew on the ship was relatively small and even the warriors weren't coming in, so the doctor wasn't wholly sure what he was supposed to do with himself. Associating with the crew in the cabin was out of the question, they were idiotic and brutish! Same with the engineers, and he couldn't well get on with many of the other members on the ship either. His limited experience with the Princes and their friends had been mixed at best, with some coming across as wholly frustrating to handle and others very complacent. One such person who he particularly did not enjoy working with was Viral, a man whose anger and impatience made being around him quite unsettling. He would do his job as was required of him of course, but that didn't make it easy. Vegeta had made it abundantly clear to only handle wounds within his jurisdiction and to not try anything else; cuts and abrasions, burns, even broken bones, these were the few things that could be done for everyone aboard by his hand alone. Hm? The doors were opening? Finally, a patient and some work to do. Smiling the doctor turned around to greet the person coming in, pausing and looking wide eyed when Yumi and Viral entered. "Oh! Viral! H-Hello!" he stammered loudly, giving a stiff wave, "What brings you here?" "Just... Shut up, I could so catch more if I really tried," Takeshi said defensively, sticking out his tongue at Shu, "I just... Didn't expect that one, it surprised me! So there!" He could so hold more fruit than Shu, his arms were bigger and he had a better idea how to grab them. It just so happened that this time around he'd gotten a hold of some prickly fruits and Shu some smooth ones, so the little guy had a huge advantage. Plus he had his tail, and that was not very fair when they were competing! Correcting the little guy on the idea of alien's the older boy sighed when he realized this was going to be a big conversation now, smiling exasperatedly at Shu. "You're an alien if you're a different race or from a different world, I guess," Takeshi began, furrowing his brow a bit as he thought more about it, "Like how the Shaharians are so different from us, or humans, so to us they're aliens, you know? And being an alien isn't a bad thing is it? We're friends with tons of aliens, so it doesn't matter! That's just what they're called, yeah?" L'esta knew that it would be hard to hear they were still having issue with Garesh, but he couldn't lie to T'charrl. The Prince had every right to know the state of affairs and it would be arguably for his own good that he was informed. The Queen would have undoubtedly told him anyways so it was just a matter of time until he found out. "There was some initial anger, I won't lie, but once everyone learned of what had happened views quickly changed. I don't doubt a few won't harbor ill will towards you still, but the majority of our people see what you did as a blessing in disguise. Somethings have changed as a result of it, more than you could know simply by looking at the three, but I'm not that clear on it all. I believe Katas should be coming around at some point, especially once he learns you've returned, so he can explain it in detail then." Looking out to the trees as he heard a branch bending the Captain spotted out the two brothers on their way back, smiling gratefully for their help. "Power corrupts nearly all men, that's all I can say on the matter. Some people who were promised power may well have reformed and won't be persecuted, but those who still seek it will be brought down swiftly, I promise you that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral still thought it would be better if he wasn’t around someone like Yumi, especially after what happened in the lake. He didn’t know why she decided to do that to him and all it managed to do was make things pretty bad for both of them. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do about that and was quite okay with being by himself, but no way Yumi would ever want to leave him alone and do something she wanted to do. Looking for the door he kept his head low, not entirely able to understand how she couldn’t remember the lake stuff. “We were just there…and still that? It would had been handy if you paid attention…” He was sure Yumi was doing that nonsense on purpose so she wouldn’t get the blame, but he couldn’t care about that right now. Getting a paw on the door panel for the Doctor’s office he push the button forcefully, not wasting any time with this nonsense. Staring at the Doctor who was immediately making a fuss he growled lowly. “What brings me here?? Great question…” he grumbled, slowly entering the room, “I need a check…I need my nose to stop bleeding and I need the medicine I gave you…” Shu giggled at Takeshi, finding it funny whenever he got frustrated. “You silly! You no have a tail to catch too!” Takeshi may be bigger than him but he didn’t have much of a reach when it came to catching goodies. He didn’t have the ability to reach out and grab the fruit if his arms were full. “I don’t think you could keep up with me, though! I’m too good at catching fruit! Maybe you will learn from me someday, though!” Feeling all smug he continued to bounce along, giving the fruit a little sniff as he went. Shu still didn’t really understand how the whole alien thing worked with him and Humans, especially when he and his brother were supposed to be part Human and still lived on Earth. “Ooh! So if you’re different you’re an alien? Friends with lots of aliens! Ooohhh, do you like being called that? I don’t think I have been before…” Feeling a little confused yet at least trying to understand what he was trying to explain he immediately got excited when he saw his friends and Haku again, seeing T’charrl trying his best to stand up now. It was good that his friend had got to that point, especially when it was probably really hard for him. Bouncing on over with his fruit he held it out for his friend to take, smiling happily. “Friend! It so sweet and juicy, I bet!” T’charrl didn’t know how he was going to speak to the public now that he had done all that, but then again he rarely ever did speak to the public anyway because of what he was like as a person. They never really wanted to talk to him, especially when he was considered a weirdo for talking to himself a lot even though he was talking to the dead. He still wasn’t going to have that ability of his go beyond his family’s knowledge. It was still a taboo to his people and not a very respectful one at that. “Katas…I look forward to seeing him again. I want to know what’s happened from his point of view…like how all of our people are doing and not just how they feel…” Feeling a definite confliction in what he expected them to be and what they probably were he couldn’t help but feel like an unknown factor to these people still, especially when they probably only knew him as ‘The Prince’. He should leave all this to his mother for a while, even if she wanted him to take over pretty soon. “I hope the other nations don’t see this as a hostile takeover, though…I mean, the General could have allied nations and he’s simply waiting until they notice and call for an attack on his family”. Different races of Kaesstrian didn’t often mix like they were, even if the ones on the surface were descended from his own. He was very concerned that the other nations didn’t accept this and would forcefully remove his family in a massive coup. With all these worries going on in his head he gasped when he heard Shu, looking to him before smiling. “Oh…thank you, Shu”, he sighed, taking hold of two of the fruit and immediately began to eat them hungrily. He felt absolutely starved, feeling completely awful like he was just going to keel over and die now that he was finally getting nutrition. It felt wonderful to finally get to eat his fruit again, definitely getting that fuzzy feeling all over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It might have been a dumb question but the doctor had blurted it out anyways; Viral's obvious wounds were the answer he was looking for. How in the world had that managed to happen? Yumi looked to be unscathed and yet the Beastman appeared to have been mauled almost, there was probably quite a story behind it. Cringing at the man's hostility he backed up some to give the others room to enter, twisting his hands together nervously. "Y-Yes, nose bleed! And bandages for those wounds, of course!" he stammered, nodding his head before hurrying over to the cabinets. "Take a seat and relax, I'll be right with you!" The medicine for Viral, as with all medicines were locked in a cabinet, one which only himself and Vegeta had a key. A bit moot when most people on the ship could easily break open the container, but they had it nonetheless. Fetching the bottle of Viral's pills the doctor hurriedly got a small package of gauze and some wrappings, carrying it all in his arms as he shuffled over to where Viral was waiting. "Okay then, first thing's first I want to get those gashes covered! Then we'll see to the nose!" he began, pausing as he noticed all the blood soaked on the shirt, "Or... Maybe the nose first. Do you know how it happened?" Takeshi could play the guilt card, remind Shu that he was the reason his older brother no longer had a tail, but decided against it. Not only would it be rather mean to do but it would end up making him feel horrible later, and really it wasn't worth it. "Oh, learn how to catch fruit and stuff? I'm so looking forward to it," he said, smirking as he rolled his eyes. On the long list of things he would like to try learning catching fruit hardly broke the top 50, but he may just entertain Shu and give it a shot. Hell, he was into the whole tree swinging business now so why not try another while he was at it? "Just being different doesn't make you an alien, you know? I mean... It's hard to explain! Saiyans aren't aliens to Saiyans, but we're aliens to humans, even if we're similar. It's all depending on where you're from... I guess." Sheesh, he really didn't have a good way of explaining this, did he? Say anything more and no doubt some of it would come bite him in the rear later, probably best to let someone else explain it to Shu. It was quite the welcome sight, seeing T'charrl and the others again, as it meant Takeshi could get himself out of that hot mess. Landing right after Shu, Takeshi smiled as he set the fruit on the ground, that smile turning upside down when he saw the mess he'd made of himself. "Stupid fruit...!" There was a lot more that T'charrl would need to be filled in on, matters which were well outside of L'esta's understanding and jurisdiction. Ultimately it would probably fall to the Queen and Yusef to decide what their son would know, and knowing those two nothing would be left out. Just as well, it would be for the Prince's own safety that he learn of the situation here at home. "We can always venture into the Upper City later, if you'd like, so you can get a view of things for yourself. I'm sure your friends wouldn't mind acting as an escort, though I can easily send some men with you as well." The matter of other nations, well, that was not the Captain's concern, not as of now. The Queen and the forming council would have to handle other nations and hopefully find a peaceful way of introducing themselves to other powers. What they knew to be a peaceful merger could be seen outside as a hostile takeover, something T'charrl was quick to point out. Overhead L'esta saw the two brothers returning, and with them a plentiful bounty of fruit for the Prince to eat. Nodding in appreciation he smiled, folding his hands at his back. "I think things will work out fine. We just need to be patient and mind where we step and other nations will have no reason to fear us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral really hated when people pretended to be dumb, especially when they were supposed to be the one with all the answers. This guy was a Doctor and he was asking him a pretty dumb question to say the least. Letting out a groan he slowly moved over to the examination table, sitting on it lazily with the clothing still to his nose. He wasn’t feeling too great and hoped it was going to be over soon and he would be back to recovering energy. Watching the Doctor grab the variety of items needed to help him recover he gave a quiet glance over to Yumi, staring at her for a moment before looking to the Doctor. Staring at him as he made his awkward assessment he waited for the man to figure out which part of him needed sorting first considering that was the one still bleeding. “All I know is I was pulled into deep water by a large creature where it proceeded to shake me around and try to consume me. The nose bleed is hardly something that isn’t uncommon anymore…it just happens every so often. I couldn’t concentrate on anything…so how do I fix it?” Shu was happy enough to help out when it came to T’charrl’s health and happiness, especially considering he was one of his first proper friends that was of a completely different planet. He was quite excited to go and see T'charrl's family again after what felt like a rather long time of not seeing it. He hoped they were still in that place from before with all the pretty lights and the underground tree. It would be pretty nice to get some good food from down there too, especially when his friend seemed to be going through a fair amount of fruit that he picked out. He probably wasn’t going to get any of it after all, but that was okay if he could get some of the tasty treats that was given to royalty. “Ooh! Is Friend feeling better now? Friend didn’t look very good but already looking better! Takeshi got some fruit too!” T’charrl was rather worried about the state of affairs but his need for food definitely took over rational thinking as he proceeded to gobble the fruit presented to him. It was almost painful to eat like this when he was supposed to be maintaining some sort of dignity but it almost felt as if he was eating as if he was still in his large form. He probably should cut that out, but he still couldn’t help but take the last fruit from Shu with eyes drifting to Takeshi. “…Oh, uh, I-I’m sorry, I need to think straight…” he frowned, trying to straighten himself up as one hand held onto his abdomen. He needed to remind himself that he wasn’t a large creature anymore but he still felt starved and whether he was a bottomless pit or not shouldn’t be the first thing on his mind. “Uhh, I-I wouldn’t mind that sometime. I hope to see Mother first, though…and my friends need to get their welcome too. You can brief me better when I’m, uhh…a-a little more focused…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"The nose bleed is common...? Hm... Interesting..." The bigger wounds took precedence, but the Doctor was very much concerned over the nose bleeds as well. There were plenty of things that could cause it, from being hit to the skin being dry or cold, but none of those likely held any part here unless Viral was struck in the struggle. Maybe dehydration could cause it as well, so getting some fluids into the Beastman would be a good place to start. "We should get you comfortable first, yes? Let you settle so your wounds can begin to heal and your nose will stop bleeding." Unraveling a roll of the bandages and slicing some off the Doctor carefully pulled back Viral's shirt, exposing a row of bloodied teeth marks on his shoulder. Ah, he was forgetting antiseptic! Leaving the sleeve rolled up he hurried back to the cabinets, returning a second later with a bottle and a small bunch of cotton. "Now hold still, this will sting some," he explained, dumping a bit of the solution onto the cotton before applying it. The Beastman had a good natural ability to heal, and his immune system should fend off any infections on its own. Once the wound was clean the Doctor laid down some gauze over it, carefully wrapping bandages then around it to hold it in place. "Now for the leg. Please lay it on the bed for me?" Between what Shu had brought and himself there was more than enough fruit for T'charrl to enjoy; Takeshi had picked edible fruit... Right? On Earth not everything you found was edible, usually berries or brightly colored plants, and that could be the same here. Taking a look down at what he was carrying they didn't look bad, a bit bright yellow but then so were bananas, and Shu inhaled those. Placing the fruit alongside what his brother brought he methodically went about wiping himself off, trying to rid his person of little bits that fell off as well as drips of juice. "We don't need a welcoming party or anything, don't worry about it," Takeshi chimed in, grinning as he finished cleaning himself, "Though... And just putting this out there, I don't hate the idea of a nice welcome home meal!" Royal families always did throw big meals, at least in his very limited experience. Kaesstra had some mighty tasty food their last visit too, so the chance to sink their teeth into some more was nice. Rubbing at his stomach Takeshi chuckled, looking over at T'charrl excitably. "Can't wait to get going! This is going to be interesting." "It will be interesting, I don't doubt that. But let's not worry too much about returning just yet, T'charrl needs a moment's rest." L'esta said, reaching into his bag once more. "I'll tell my men to head back, but we'll keep your arrival a secret for now. Until you're prepared to face everyone I think it's best we keep this quiet, otherwise there could be a bit of a mess." Getting T'charrl to the palace without drawing unwanted attention could prove difficult as well as he was bound to be noticed by someone now; the three Saiyan boys didn't help their situation any either. Getting all of them past the crowds of people that were out and about was not going to be an easy feat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had an idea as to why he got nosebleeds, but he wasn’t going to say anything to Yumi or this Doctor. It was an issue that he didn’t see as a big deal before but now it was becoming quite a big inconvenience. He had problems with his genes, everyone knew that, but none of them needed to know more than that. He just wanted it to stop, especially if he was to try and get some rest later without bleeding out. Sighing as the Doctor decided to work on his arm he looked away, feeling confident that it would hurt a lot more if he was looking right at it. “I know…I’m used to it…” he muttered but still let out a wince when the solution came into contact with his wounds. Letting out a low growl he lowered his head, waiting until it was all wrapped up before looking back to the Doctor. Frowning, Viral slowly moved his leg up, letting out a sigh once he managed to get it straight on the bed. “Now…anything you may find that’s suspicious, I’d rather you didn’t tell Vegeta”, he spoke up, looking away, “I’ll tell him anything that might be suspicious myself…so tell me what you find”. Shu was happy to help his friend, even if he did eat all the fruit he got with the exception of the one he held by his tail. He was almost hiding it from T’charrl since Takeshi had a lot of fruit for him as well, letting him take that first over what he had himself. Taking a step back he looked to Takeshi, giving a smile before nodding quickly. “Yeah! Food! It will be very nice if we get food!” he squeaked, shaking his fists in an excited manner, “Think it will be okay, though? Only been normal for a while. Family will be okay with all the other things too, right?” He hoped they weren’t going to get into trouble for their friend going back home and not looking quite his normal self. He was pretty sure T’charrl didn’t have those spines in his normal form and then there was the orbs. He didn’t know how they would take it and was definitely worried, if only because he knew his mother was quite vicious and even hit him when he was injured because he had been bad. T’charrl picked up the fruit Takeshi had left, staring at the pile in contemplation. “Uhh…yeah, it will be good. I’ll get to see my family and get a nice meal”, he smiled, picking at the fruit before quietly eating it. He did wonder if his family was going to be glad that he was home or unhappy that he still didn’t have full control, but at least he looked normal again. His instincts hadn’t changed back to how they used to be before he transformed, but he really did hope he wasn’t going to end up as a complete embarrassment in the future. It was difficult to try and stay in the right state of mind and fight off the primal urges that haunted him still. Rubbing his head slowly as he ate his eyes soon wandered to L’esta again, smiling and giving a nod. “Alright. I don’t want everything breaking down because I’ve returned. They’ll be wondering where you are…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

While the injuries might seem quite bad to an untrained eye the Doctor was not wholly concerned about Viral's well being, or rather he didn't think his life was in danger. Sure, there may be a little lightheadedness from the loss of blood but that could be easily fixed, and the injuries themselves would heal given the Beastman's healing abilities. That was what he had gathered from Vegeta's notes, and it would have to be the basis on how he'd work with Viral going forward. After patching up the injured shoulder easily enough they moved onto the leg, going through the same process to cover up the wound. "You want me to... Withhold information...?" the Doctor asked, sounding uneasy again. He was supposed to report anything and everything, even the most minor of cuts. Should he do as he was told however he'd be on the receiving end of Viral's anger, something he very much did not want to experience. Glancing uncertainly over at Yumi he frowned when she seemed to agree, sighing before nodding his head. "Very well, I'll keep everything here confidential. J-Just don't expect me to have to answer to Vegeta for this..." Just like that he had the leg wound covered as well, and with that they could move on to his nose. "First things first... I think we need to get you to relax. What can I do to help you relax, Viral? Anything you need, just name it." Takeshi was pretty much starry eyed over the promise of a big meal; fruit they picked from a tree out in the woods just wasn't doing it for him. Granted that was likely going to be the bulk of their meal later anyways, but at the very least he hoped to see a little meat. Smiling a bit uncertainly at Shu's question the older boy chuckled, rubbing at the back of his head and glancing away. "Uh... I sure hope they are buddy, I mean at this point they kind of have to be, you know? Not a whole lot we can do between now and then." It was true that T'charrl had yet to fully master his power yet, but they didn't have time to go over it all just now. He looked mostly his old self and he was in a pretty good mood, for the time being that was all they were going to be able to offer. "Things are going to work out just fine T'charrl, just you watch. Your mom and dad will be happy to see you and I'm sure everyone else will be too. All we gotta do is bring you home safe and sound and that's that." L'esta sincerely hoped that getting T'charrl home was as easy as Takeshi made it seem. Unlike the Upper City even now near everyone in the Lower City revered the royal family, even if some thought the Prince a bit odd. Seeing their Prince return from travels not just abroad, but to other worlds would no doubt spark interest, and his journey wasn't a secret. So long as they went the long way around and he made his men swear to keep their mouths shut everything ought to turn out just fine. "My being out isn't uncommon as of late, what with patrols and all. Let me worry about what the others will think, for now focus on regaining your strength. The sooner you feel up to it the sooner we can go see your mother and father."
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