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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Bur'nak awoke he could feel Victoria nuzzled up close to him. He smiled and pushed the log out of the way once out side he stretched and yawned. Bur'nak sniffed the air and noticed something stunk he sniffed around only to realize it was himself. He sighed he went onto all fours and started walking through the woods, to see if he could find a river or a small lake. After a few minutes he found a river with a deep pocket in it he walked out and started to dog paddle for a bit then he dove under water to soak the rest of himself.

He came up and started scrubbing his fur he only wished for some sort of soap to better clean himself. Bur'nak shrugged he rolled onto his back and started to float a lot has happened in the past week. He reflected on what had happened he finished up and climbed out of the river. He walked back to the tree Victoria must be getting hungry should find her some food somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria pretty much stayed asleep after Bur'nak left for her body was still out of hit after all the memory changing and attacking werewolves like she did and it just took longer to regain her strength. After a while she did wake up and slowly sat up as she breathed very heavy for her thirst for blood was kicking in and she knew it was because she over did it with using her vampire powers yesterday. "Man I knew this would happen but it was necessary to get those two clans against each other and off our backs." She grumbled for she really needed blood and she needed to get it before she took it from the only person that cared about her. She left the hallow tree and sniffed the air to see if she could get a fix on something. After a bit she caught the scent of something and decided to follow it.

She ran through the forest letting her vampire instincts take over as she ran and came to another village that looked liked it was massacred like the last one she and Bur'nak were in before they started to put the two races against each other. She went in and feed on those who were already dead. While she was there she found some new clothes to try out and before she could leave a scent she left as if she was never there and went back to where they stayed for the day to sleep. She changed out of her dress and put on some female pants and shirt that she found along with some shoes before she started to burn her old dress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Bur'nak walked back from his bath water still dripping from his fur, he quickly shook most of the excess water off of him. He walked into camp and noticed that Victoria had left. Bur'nak shrugged she should be fine more than likely went to feed, on that note it probably was a good idea for him to eat as well. He went and prowled into the woods sniffing the air as he went, he quickly found a pheasant he then pounced on it killing it quickly. Bur'nak scavenged what food he could find deciding it was best for him to eat out in the woods. He made a small fire and cooked what he had found, Once he finished cooking and eating he headed back for the camp, He walked into the camp and saw that Victoria had changed her clothing. He chuckled "is it okay for you not to dress like a princess?"

Creed paced the floor of his throne room when a messenger came in " your majesty we have received word that the group of soldiers you sent to find the traitor were ambushed by vampires and one was able to grab this off of one of them it appears to be some sort of royal seal" Creed ripped the amulet out of the messengers hand " how can this be those traitorous bastards they dare to attack me they just ended the peace agreement and the way things have been going i am itching for a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria looked at Bur'nak when he got back and saw her in her new clothes and burning her dress. "I think its ok besides I hardly can do much in a dress and two I am not a princess anymore after I got banished." She siad as she finished burning her dress. "And two it gets ride of my scent a little so my brother can't find me so easily and two I thought I be able to move around better in these clothes." She said to him as she sat down and fixed her boots and looked at him. "Do I not look ok?" She asked for her clothes had a bit of a steampunk feel her pants as the normal stripe detail, her shirt was part corset and her books did not have high heels just a simple low heel and it went up to her knees. She even got her hair back in a pony tail. "Besides that dress was very uncomfortable you think being a princess you get the nicest clothes though mine must have been made that way because of my half blood." She said with a sigh as she stretched a little. "So where did you disappear to before I woke up I did not see or smell you when I woke up." She said to him as she watched the flames from the fire dance around and her once red dress becoming black and turning to ash right before her eyes. "Man it felt good to burn that thing." She said to Bur'nak though ever since she has been around him she started to change slowly for her one lifeless eyes that looked dead and emotionless were starting to brighten up a little showing signs of life in them.

Alexander was pacing around when he heard from the guards that the werewolves were getting mad at them for an attack that they have no knowledge for doing. "What why the sudden accusations we have done everything to keep the peace this makes no sense." He said trying to figure out what is going on all of a sudden.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He smiled " I thought you were doing pretty well for your self in the dress" he laughed. "Even if you were banished that doesn't stop you from being a vampire princess, yea that should help with the scent it will buy us a little bit of time. On another note me being around you will also help, do to the fact that i smell like a dog." "You look fine and it almost suits you", he watched as she fixed her boots. "that dress really didn't seem to comfortable and it probably been terrible to sleep in also".

" I went and found a river for I needed a bath, I smelled awful and I was still covered in mud from last night. I also haven't had a bath in several days" he watched as her dress burned " I bet it did feel good to burn the dress. That was your last link to your horrible past, now you can move forward." Bur'nak could see life slowly filling her eyes from the emotionless voids they once were. " should we take care of the vampire scouts now or rest a bit longer I honestly would love to sleep in an actual bed and eat a good meal" he laughed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

"I may have held my own but it was still hard to move fast enough." Victoria Said to him as she used her Vampire speed and appeared behind him in a blink of an eye. "I can move much faster now in this outfit and the shoes help out a little more too." She said to him as she walked away from behind him after proving her point. "Even so I still do not feel like a Princess for I was never really treated like a princess like I have told you my father may have kept me but I was an outsider in that family." She said to him as she sat back down on the rock and looked at the fire knowing her dress had been completely burned. "I know I could smell you on my dress but I still want it gone just to many painful memories in those clothes for it just reminds me of the life that I have no clue why I lived. "It was not at all sometimes it was hard to sleep in this will make wake up all of a sudden that is why I was normally so tired and sleepy most of the time." She explained to him.

She listened to him explain how he went to take a back and she agreed him being in mud did get on her when she slept last night but it did not bug her to much. She stretched a little as she listened to him say it must of felt good to burn her dress. "Yes the last piece that ties me to them something I want severed permanently for someone who was suppose to be a father to me treated me like a basterd child that he created and my mother I have no clue who she is my mother was banished the day I was born." She explained to Bur'nak as she looked at the fire. "I wish I know who my mother was or that I was banished with her instead of living that life." She said as she looked at him. "The scouts will not be around for at least another couple days if they know the werewolves are starting to show a threat most of his guard will go more around the boarder of the werewolves to try to keep them contain so the scouts number will lessen by a lot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Bur'nak stood there and listened to Victoria, "more than likely your father didn't want you with your mother because even if you are not a full princess you still have royal blood. That is a threat because you could amass an army and still have rightful claim to the throne, if you were to kill off your half siblings. Its like the sayings goes keep your friends close but your enemy closer, that is just my opinion on the situation whether its true or not that i do not know." "we probably should move towards creeds border if they plan on trying to keep the peace there. It will be less suspicious when I attack the vampires on the border instead of further into you fathers territory. If we want to make it there before they make peace again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

"Yeah right if he wanted me to be raised to one day take the throne he would hat taught me what I needed to know to do so but I hardly was raised that way but all I wanted from my father was for him to be a father to me.....treat me as his daughter that needed love and a father in her life but all I got was being surrounded by strangers." Victoria said to him as she sat on the rock while she looked down at the ground with some tears falling. She really wanted a real family and she thought she would have gotten that if she was banished with her mother but no she got the rotten life. "I have no love for my father, step mother, and half siblings anymore I tried to get along with them but I was saw as the enemy well now I am their enemy." She said as she wiped the tears away. "Yeah we should the sooner we do it honestly the soon we can just watch the show as the two races go against each other and hopefully kill my family off and kill the Creed fellow on your race side." She said to him as she let out a long sigh and shook her head trying to get focus on the plan again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He nodded as he listened " well not much we can do at this moment, before we kill your father i will make sure he gives you a reason for why he has done this to you. First we have to occupy his and your brothers time with war". He pick up Victoria and started running through the trees. He wasn't sure if she was still tired or not but he could tell she didn't mind being carried. It would take them several hours to get to the border.

He found a giant cave system and went deep inside of it, he set her down "ok you can not be seen here if you do they will suspect that it was you who started the war." "It is also dangerous for me in the same aspect I will find a small scout camp and see if I can't demolish it. It is also a full moon so my powers will be stronger also." With that he quickly made a fire for her and made a place for her to sit while he went to fight. Once he was done he ran from the cave and into the night sniffing the air laying low to the ground.

He came upon a small scouting party he quickly over powered them severing there heads and destroying there hearts. He turned back to a human and dawned on the uniform of one of the vampires. He whistled an in audible whistle and three dire wolfs came running to him he smiled " lets hunt". He walked with the wolfs down the path he followed the smell of vampires to another cave. Just out side the cave two guards walked up "who goes there ?"

" I am a new recruit i was just told to come here" they came closerto him and looked him over, " we haven't heard about this and why do you have dire wolfs? " Bur'nak rolled his eyes " sick em" the dire wolves jumped onto the vampires, Bur'nak walked past them once inside he ran into the cave. He yelled" we are under attack dire wolves sent by creed", the guards started to run past him. Once every one was out side they saw the dire wolves finishing the vampires. The guards went to attack the wolves Bur'nak walked out of the cave, " I wouldn't do that ".

They looked at him why there is only three Bur'nak whistled and 15 more dire wolves came out. " Kill him hes working for creed how couldn't you dumbasses realize it". With that Bur'nak transformed into a werewolf and attacked them, they fought for an hour he left only a few alive Bur'nak walked back to where Victoria was carefully covering his tracks and masking his sent carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria looked at Bur'nak as he talked and she had to agree with him on wanting to know why her father and brother was like this to her for she really wanted to know her past and everything better. She let him pick her up and carry her for she had to admit she liked being carried by him for it felt comforting to have someone to care about her and actually treat her like someone not a thing that was brought into the world. She looked at him as she was in his arm as he ran for many hours and she yawned a little for she was mainly bored to death right now. She just tried to enjoy the ride the best she could until he finally made it to the cave and she stretched her body a little as he set the fire.

When he told her that she should not be seen for he had a point there. "Alright I will make sure to stay out of sight." She said to him while he made the fire and place for her to sit which she did but she knew she was going to be bored. "Just be careful out there you never know what you might find out in our territory." She said to Bur'nak for she things the forest of the vampires were haunted half of the time. But she did not believe it. Once he was gone Victoria started at the fire and bit her finger with her fang for she saw one of her siblings do this and the blood flow and form out weirdly as she tried to control it and then flicked it around like a whip and it did so. 'Wow that was cool and got it on my first try." She said for it took all her siblings took forever to master it but she has a natural talent of catching onto the stuff faster but she has not clue that she was stronger at it then all her siblings combined even her own father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He yawned as he snuck through the woods so no one would see him, he was battered and bloodied but there was no helping it. He went and found some fruit and some small animals for food. When he got back to the cave he made his way to Victoria he saw her playing with her blood. He was quite impressed with it he smiled " I see you are practicing some of your talents I've seen that one before it is quite impressive". He sat down across from Victoria and he started cooking the meat he caught. He ate the fruit while he waited for the meat to cook he continued to watch her practicing her blood magic so to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria looked at him once he was back. "I got bored this is a blood whip first time doing it." She said as she did a few more times before finally stopping and made the blood go back into the little puncture mark she made with her fang. "I used to watch my sibling with out them knowing as they practiced and they were bad and I got it on the fly." She said to him as she leaned back to stretched. "So I see your part was successful since you looked exhausted and worn out." She said to him as she saw a big spider near him and used her blood whip to split it in half. "Hmm not bad for a rookie like me." She said as she sighed. "Hey Bur'nak what is the sun like?" She asked all of a sudden since she could not be in it especially after what happen to her when she pulled him back in the first place they slept together in after first meeting. "I know it can kill my kind but I am still curious about it I mean its something I can not be in and it only makes me wonder what is the world like when the sun is out and about." She said to him as she stretched her back and arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He smiled "I can tell you were bored", he listened as she talk about watching her siblings practice the blood whip in secret. " Yea it was rough but I was able to get help from a pack of dire wolves I used to run with when I wasn't busy. None the less I could sleep" he watched as the blood whip went whizzing past him to split a spider in half. Bur'nak smirked "you are getting good at that". He was startled by the question but smiled " the sun well its bright as you know. When its a nice summer day not to hot not to cool just right, the sun will shine down on you warming your skin ever so much almost like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket. I guess is the best way to explain it" he looked at her then back to the fire.He picked up one of the sticks with a squirrel on it and started to eat it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria listened to him as he explained the sun to her and smiled. "I wish I was not a vampire so I could experience it myself for the moon is my sun and the sun is my moon." She said to him as she stretched a little before laying on her back. "I have some other tricks that I know from watching my siblings but I will do it another day for i am getting tired and the sun will be up soon." She said as she curled up before closing her eyes so she could sleep and get her rest in so she would be stronger to practice more tomorrow with her vampire abilities.

Back at the vampire kingdom Alexander was talking to his father when some of the guards that survived game back. "Your majesties we were attacked by the werewolf clan and also by their wolves." the guards said and Alex father got made. "those mangy wolves have broken our peace treaty prepare for war I am teaching those mangy wolves that. i will not be made a fool of." the king said and Alexander agreed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He felt bad for her never being able to move freely about always having to watch the time. He shook his head "what a horrible way to live no offense". " When I was first cursed I had to fear the moon because I couldn't control the curse, I dare not say how many innocents I killed before I took control." He watched her as she started to lay down, he got up and walked to where she way laying. He then laid down behind her, he pulled her close careful not to scratch her with his claws. As he pulled her to him to keep her warm in the somewhat damp cave. He watched the fire for a moment before falling asleep.

Creed yelled "are the soldiers ready to march against the blood sucking vermin!?" Yes my lord it will be a tough battle without Bur...." "don't you dare say that fowl name in my presence again, or I will fill you will so much silver your kin will feel the pain." " Sorry my lord it won't happen again but they are ready for combat." " Some of our scouts have seen vampires guarding the border so they know we mean to attack at some point." Creed smiled "good I have been wanting another war now go". With that the man left
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria listened to him when he said that it was a horrible life. "I take no offense to it at all and I know its horrible just because I can't do much especially at night." Victoria said as she listened to him talk about how it was hard when he first became a werewolf and how it took him time to learn to control it. "Wow that must of been rough for you but you made it through all of it and here you are a brave and a lot stronger now." She said to him as he came over over laid behind her and pulled her close to him and she was glad for it felt warmer in his arms. "Hard to believe when we first meet were were in the same situation two outcasted hated by the leaders of our clans now working together to end them." She said before finally dozing off in his arms and moved closer towards him.

The vampires at the boarder were armed and ready to fight while some of the others were waiting just in case they all need back up. Some of the guards were wondering why a;ll of the sudden the werewolves would all of a sudden break the treaty and just attack. Alexander was thinking the same thing and thought it was strange that it happened right after her basterd half sister was banished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

He nodded "yea a lot stronger and wiser" he smiled as he held her tight as he laid there with her. "It is amazing that we found each other after becoming outcasts. He yawned and laid his muzzle on top of her head he gave a slight yawn be for falling asleep. He was at the same battlefield the death howls could be heard, as werewolves laying dieing or being struck down. He was unflinching he had to he couldn't worry about the deaths for if they all died they would pillage the castle.

Killing the innocent servants and the children, it was time he stepped into battle he left instructions with the second in command. He pick up a massive battle axe, he barely noticed the weight of it. He charged into battle he leaped over his men and into the fray he swung the mighty axe taking several down at once. He yelled out commands as he fought, he felt the searing pain of a slash across his chest he howled in pain.
He shot up breathing heavily clutching his chest, the wound had been gone for along time but why the nightmares of that battle? He shook his head and laid back down he pulled Victoria close to him again but he buried his muzzle in her hair as he fell back to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Victoria snuggled up close to Bur'nak once he pulled her close to him as they slept together. She mainly dreamt of her past about how she already felt like an outcast because of who she was and her blood lineage. The one thing she thought back was why did her father had an affair with her mother and only banish her mother but keep her in the palace where she felt like she had no family. She then remember the day before she was banished it was when her brothers and sisters kept saying evil stuff to her that she tried to learn to just ignore them. But once they called her a basterd child it did make her snap and almost kill one of her siblings. Victoria opened her eyes after Bur'nak pulled her close to him again and looked around to remember where she was before she nuzzled closer to Bur'nak just wanting to be close to him.

"Why that memory it makes no sense I left my past behind in hopes for a better future so why did my half siblings torture me still." She thought in her head before closing her eyes again just wanting this to be over with and soon was dozing off to sleep again as she stayed close to Bur'nak hoping her past would not surface into her dreams again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maengun


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Bur'nak woke up and just laid there not wanting to move. He knew she liked to be close to him and there was no reason for him to get up. Their plan was in action as far as he knew they were either fighting or just waiting to see what the other one does. Or questioning why each side attacked each other hopefully it wasn't the last one. He didn't know what time it was but it must be close to dark for his inner clock was on Victoria sleep schedule. Why was he dreaming of that fight it wasn't that big of a war it was a territory battle mostly. the cave was pitch black the fire died out awhile ago. Now it was just a waiting game for them.

Creeds men walked the border looking at the vampires snarling at them. They were not aloud to attack just yet but the order would be coming soon. Another wolf came to the group. "Creed orders the attack to commence now" said the wolf. They turned to the border snarling and let out a howl to commence the attack. 200 werewolves crossed the boarder to attack the vampire patrols all along the border.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 28 days ago

Vitoria was asleep before finally stirring a bit and slowly opened her eyes and then rubbed them for they were a bit fogged up. She stretched a bit before looking at Bur'nak. "Hey there Bur'nak." She said to him as she slowly sat up and her back cracked a bit. "Well what do you think we should do know I am sure war must have started by now knowing my father and brother." She said to him as she tried to crack her legs for they felt stiff. Victoria looked at bur'nak to see what he was thinking and was curious about something and reached her hand out and started to scratch his belly to see if he does anything since he was part wolf right now. She could not help it for she was curious by nature.

The vampire clan did its best to fight back and killed off the werewolves also showing no mercy. any vampire men and guards fought the werewolves while many woman and children vampires ran for it not wanting to be killed. Alexander was in his room of the castle. "This does not seem right at all and I bet dear Victoria had something to do with this." He said with his sword in hand that was made of silver and soon cut off the head of a werewolf that tried to sneak attack him. "Very well then the games for use has begun and soon dear Victoria I will have your head." He said as he went to continue to fight and protect his younger siblings.
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