Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Staring up at the roof of the van, Beth tried to gather the strength to ask for a drink of water or something. Her throat was parched, which was apparently a side effect of the sedative they had used on her to prevent her from using her powers to escape. Finally, she managed to mumble the request, the effort required for that simple action surprisingly draining. The woman in the passenger's seat of the car, a tall individual with curly blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, squirted some water into her mouth in response before turning back to looking at the map, muttering something about needy kids under her breath. Not that she had needed to say anything for Beth to have heard her. Just because she couldn't touch other minds while drugged didn't mean that she couldn't still read them.

Exhausted from the effort of speaking while under the sedative, Beth felt her eyelids growing heavier. From what thoughts she had heard from the two women, it seemed that they were about two hours out from their destination: the enigmatic academy that had turned out to be rather... persistent in ensuring that the students they accepted attended the academy. At least, that was the impression she got from their willingness to, y'know, kidnap her. Regardless, being about two hours away meant that it should be safe to allow herself to fall asleep, though it wasn't as if she had had much of an option. Her eyelids had already closed by the time she made that decision, and it was within moments that she was soundly asleep.

Approximately an hour and forty-five minutes later, Beth was woken up by the sound of squealing brakes, the jerk of the vehicle going from thirty-five to zero in approximately a second, and the sound of several car horns going off. From the thoughts of the two women, and even some of the people in the other vehicles, Beth was able to conclude that some idiot in a red Corvette went flying through a red light at what seemed like seventy miles per hour. Not that any of that really bothered her as she stretched groggily. Once again, her throat was as dry as a bone in the middle of the desert, so she mumbled another request for water.

Apparently, they had switched drivers sometime while she was asleep, because it was the plumper woman with straight black hair and brown eyes that gave her some water. Unlike the blonde woman, this woman smiled as she squirted some water into Beth's mouth, making it seem like she was sorry that they had to drug her. She also made sure to give Beth more than an ounce, which Beth was certainly grateful for. Needless to say, she definitely liked the second woman better.

Knowing that they would arrive in a little while, Beth struggled to sit up. And it was a struggle. Her fingers kept slipping off the back of the seat, which they barely reached in the first place, or her arms just refused to pull her up. But, eventually she managed it, her body complaining of the effort it had taken. Breathing a little harder than normal, she was ready to sit there for the remainder of the ride when the blonde woman cheerily proclaimed that they had arrived. And then she said it out loud, leading to a stereo effect.

Once the car was parked and turned off, Beth had to wait for one of them to come around and open the door so that she could get out. But the thought of them touching her almost sent her into a panic attack. Sure, the fact that they were women helped a little, but that didn't mean that their touch didn't burn like a white-hot poker. So, she slipped out of the back of the van herself, leaning on the vehicle because she had a feeling that she would have kissed the pavement if she hadn't. Her legs still felt like jelly, but that eased up a little after a few minutes. Not much, but enough that she could stand by herself.

While she was recuperating, the two women went about pulling her luggage out of the back of the van. Not that she had packed, of course. After drugging her and setting her inside the back of the police cruiser, which had eventually been ditched for the van, they had thrown all of her clothing and other personal affects into three bags. She didn't really worry that they had forgotten anything in packing for her because most everything she had fit in three bags. Her clothing probably took up about one and a half bags by itself, while the rest of her stuff would fit in the other one and a half bags. She hadn't made a very extravagant living while she was in Phoenix after all.

Once the bags were out of the van, a tall man with broad shoulders and short brown hair came to take it to the garage. Despite the fact that he wasn't even going to come within distance of touching her, Beth couldn't help but move further away from him. His thoughts let her know that he thought that was strange, but didn't particularly care either. He had a job to do and worrying about the oddities of some little girl wasn't going to help him get them done any faster.

As the van pulled away from them, Beth caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Having been allowed to change earlier that same day, she was wearing a different set of clothes than she had been when she had been kidnapped: a yellow and white striped shirt with a glittery, silver star on the front and her yellow and white striped skort over her white long-sleeved leotard and matching tights. To top it all off, she had a yellow and white polka-dot bow in her hair as well. She also had a white mood watch and a pink sapphire ring that had belonged to her mother, as well as the matching necklace, on her right wrist and hand. Her shoes broke the mold, however, as they were rainbow-colored.

After the van was gone from sight, however, Beth turned her focus back on the academy, looking up at the massive building of gray stone and dark slate roofs. The thought of what was so important that she had been kidnapped to attend was what kept going through her mind every so often, and she found herself impatient to know what the reason was for all of that. She didn't like not knowing something, especially when that something directly involved her like this academy did.

“What are we waiting for?” Beth said weakly, the muscles in her jaw protesting being used when they were so sluggish. She could tell that the drugs were wearing off, however, as it wasn't nearly as hard to speak as it had been in the van. Hopefully they didn't continue the dosages in the academy. They couldn't very well expect her to learn if she was drugged all of the time. Which meant that it probably wouldn't be too hard for her to escape. Heck, she might even be able to get out by the end of the week.

“We're waiting for the rest of the students to arrive so that the principal doesn't have to repeat himself,” the blonde-haired girl said snootily. She really did think of the whole situation as glorified babysitting, and she resented Beth for making her go through it. The measure of her feelings were demonstrated by the fact that Beth hadn't had to probe her mind for that information. It sat on the surface like oil on water. “They should be here soon, so stand there and shut your trap.”

In response, Beth stuck her tongue out at the woman when she turned to the other lady, though she didn't say anything. Instead, she prepared herself to wait quietly and patiently, which was a lot harder than it seemed. She wasn't used to waiting on anyone, so it was something of a new experience for her. The sound of a vehicle approaching the driveway caused her to look over hopefully, but it only sped by, which elicited a sigh from the tiny girl. Hopefully the others, whomever they may be, wouldn't be too long in coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosy sat in the front seat of the of the truck they had her put in a nicely dressed man driving paying no atenshon to her at all but that didn't matter to her. For one she had Celtic music blasting in her ears and for two she didn't talk to people.
The trip took was going to take around a hour more and that ment another 30 songs to listen to. Why was she wanted here rosy had no clue but it was better than being laughed at she was fine.

A few playlists later the door on her side opened and the dude helped her out pulling the duffel bag from the back. Being pulled to stand next to a girl shorter than her, Rose closed her eyes. She just stood there listening to music thinking about music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

"So...if I go peacefully, you won't pull some sneaky crap?"


Devon quirked an eyebrow, leaning back into his torn, tattered lounge chair and crossing his legs into an Indian-style-like pose. The black-haired boy bent his head forward, before grabbing a lock of feathery hair and rubbing it softly, eyes narrowing as he thought over everything. They - meaning him and a tall, broad-shouldered middle-aged man - was currently inside of Devon's 'homebase'....if you can even call it that. Some would call it a piece of shit. Others, specifically orphans with no other place to go but than down, would call it heaven. To Devon, however, it was merely a place to lay low.

His 'home' was basically a large, cold warehouse with rusted metal walls and absolutely no furniture. Absolutely none. It simply had a cloth mattress made of straw, which lied lazily against the wall, along with a surprisingly clean bathtub and refrigerator. A pipe from the roof, directly linked to the large, fresh stream on the outskirts of town, was tied down to the bathtub, with a metal sheet in front of it keeping the water from blasting out and over-filling the tub. All in all, it was a really shitty home...but he had to think of the actual important things...

"Look, kid, I don't have all da-" The man began, interrupting the young boy's reverie - and rather rudely. Devon glanced up, purple eyes glowing with dangerous power, which wasn't uncommon. His eyes glowed most of the time, which is why he usually kept on sunglasses. "I'll go." The boy smirked, floating out of his seat and landing on the ground. He reached into the pockets of his tattered black jeans, withdrawing a pair of dark purplesunglasses, which, combined with relatively long hair, only left his lower, smirking face visible. As soon as the glasses were placed on his face, Devon visibly untensed, and the glass shards that were subtly floating around the air gained a purple glow, before falling to the ground.

The man, who was named 'Keith', according to his nametag, didn't appear surprised at all. He merely nodded, whispering something that sounded oddly like 'Peacefully required', before reaching into his pocket and grabbing something. Devon's eyes narrowed, and the man suddenly scowled and clenched his teeth as the bones inside of his arm began to grind against his skin. "I'm just getting my keys." The man growled, his jaw clenched due to the heavy, oppressive pressure that had begun to surround his entire body. A bead of sweat rolled down the man's temple.

"Oh...sorry about that." Not appearing sorry at all, Devon gave the man a half-wave over his shoulder, already walking towards the rotten door that acted as the exit and entrance to his home. Keith raised an eyebrow, withdrawing his keys and rubbing his forearm with a silent grimace of pain. 'Damn brat...' He whispered to himself, following after the teenager, who was walking towards the exit with his gloved hands resting calmly inside of the pockets of his dark black hoodie. "Aren't you going to pack?" The man asked in spite of himself.

Devon turned around, his eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses. "Ah, right. Sorry about that." Devon responded to the half-assed apology with a snort, turning back towards the door and continuing his walk. The rotten door exploded outwards in a hail of damp splinters, and without taking his hands out of his hoodie, Devon exited the warehouse and glanced around. His warehouse was located in a rather urban neighborhood, inside of an ally-way, and completely out of the way of any prying eyes. The boy glanced up into the sun, a fresh sigh escaping his mouth. It had been quite a while since he had been out - often more then not, some bone-headed thief would try to come in and steal the boy's meager - and by meager...he means meager - possessions. More often then not, it ended with them being thrown dozens of feet into the air.

"Done with your reminiscing?"

Devon frowned, giving the annoying man the middle finger before sliding into the man's black Corvette. Keith chuckled, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the car. It sputtered to life almost instantly, and the man began carefully driving out of the ratty alley, quickly getting onto the blacktop street. The car began pushing 30mph as the man drove slowly down the road, and Devon snorted, leaning back in the passenger's seat and tapping rhythmically on the dashboard. Keith glanced at the bored boy from the corner of his eyes.

"What's your name, by the way?" The man asked, pulling onto a long, spindling country road.


"Devon, hm?" Keith nodded, repeating the name in his head as he began driving down the street. "Well Devon, hope you have fun at the Academy." Devon smirked, looking out of the window, and into the surrounding forest. "I definitely will..." he murmured. Keith raised an eyebrow as the car began speeding up, and his jaw completely dropped when it actually began floating an inch or two above the road. Within seconds, they were zooming down the street at an almost blurred pace, Devon snickering to himself as Keith began to babble, trying to regain control over the steering wheel and gas pedal.
Devon slowly woke up, taking off his shades and rubbing his glowing purple eyes. Psychic energy floated from the corners of his irises, and the boy quickly put back on his shades before his powers began over-reacting to his slightly confused state. "We're here, hm?" He mumbled, straightening in his seat and staring out at the incredibly large building. It gave off a sort of gothic feel, which the boy didn't really mind all that much.

"Yup." Keith responded, getting out of the car and stretching his legs. Devon followed suit, the door opening by itself, and the boy leaping out of the suave sports car and stretching his arms above his head. After a second of this, he sighed and regained his calm composure, sliding his hands into his hoodie's pocket and slipping on his hood. Only his dark purple glasses and pale lower face was visible; just the way he liked it. Not a lot of skin shown. The boy glanced around in interest, eyebrows quirked in interest. Keith patted the young man on the back before jogging towards the other cars to help out with some equipment.

"And so it begins." Devon murmured, walking over and standing beside two girls, all who were both shorter than him by a rather wide margin, and one whom was listening to music. Figuring that the music girl wouldn't hear him, the boy turned towards the girl with the funky shoes, giving her a smirk and a half-wave. "Er...hey. Name's Devon." His smirk was a bit awkward, and it looked a lot more predatory, rather than welcoming. The boy coughed and the smirk disappeared, although a sheepish half-grin took it's place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ray was as always meditating in the darkest parts of the basement, the monistary still didn't wanted him to be seen by their visitors.
As he heard footsteps going trough the halls, he grins, for he created a maze for trespassers. He hated those who came down into his 'home' and never told him they were coming.
Although Ray knew of the letter, he also wanted to test the persons that were coming to get him, for if they wanted him, he needed to be sure that they were suitable of taking him away from his home.
As he heard some guy yelling to his partner, Ray laughed, for the maze would always shift untill Ray was satisfied with the game he was playing, he somehow enjoyed to play with trespassers, to make them get lost and just before they would break down... They would find him right infront of them.
As he heard a girl swearing, Ray stood up, he made some walls dissapear, walked straight towards the two in his maze and smiled.
"Welcome, how can I assist you?" Ray looked at both, his crimson red eyes, wich almost looked like flames, were dancing in the small light coming from the torches.
The girl walked towards Ray as she handed him the letter, as Ray glanced at it, he knew it was the same letter the monks gave him a few weeks ago. It was time for him to depart, and to start his true adventure...
Ray just nodded, as the maze dissapeared, both the female and male were astonished by this, for the basement wasn't truelly as big as they had thought!

Ray followed the couple upstairs, as he said his goodbyes to the monks, wich all just looked at the stone pebbles that were lying on the ground. Ray already forgave them for what they did, he understood them and wasn't angry or sad, he was satisfied for their teachings made him the guy he is today.
As the couple left the monistary, Ray followed them, as he saw the car they would drive in, he smiles. It wasn't a sweet ride or anything, it was an ordinary small kia wich would dus drive towards it's destination. Ray sat down in the backseat of the car as it took of.
Somehow he felt that where he was going, would be special... For only the village that the monistary was crossed with knew about his powers, or as they called it 'God's Gift', and yet the monks disliked Ray for being gifted, they were jealous and Ray knew this from experience, but he didn't care, he forgave them the very first day they threw him into the basemant and made him call it his home.
As Ray was drifted into his own thoughts, he got awakened by the car wich had stopped, he barelly even noticed the female talking to him, to get out and join the others.
As Ray came back to the world, he heard the woman saying it again, but this time it reached Ray. He stepped out of the car and looked around. There were a few others, wich were I think forced or taken here the same way Ray did. Peacefully.
Ray stood at the back, not making any presence with the others, for he disliked being the center view of a group.
But instead, Ray listened to what they said, observed how they moved, and perhaps... Would find out if they were like him, or not...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fuck... How do you open one of these things?
The man adjusting his seat so often with a cigarette sticking out of his mouth, Arson, looked at the gray cat seated next to him for an answer but in reply he received nothing. Nothing. Nothing from his companion that would be in the same predicament as him if he didn't find a way to stop the smoke from accumulating within the car. Arson continued to analyze his surroundings and the window seemed like the best way to stop the smog from killing him. While pondering the possible means the window could be opened, he proceeded to make the rings of smoky elation manifest within the car as if it wouldn't worsen the situation. Incapable of figuring out how to open the window, he shrugged before peering down into his bag of objects of importance.

More cigarettes, his pipe, a lighter, matches, sugar cubes, and enough candy to kidnap all the children of the world along with enough matches to rid Arson of the evidence. The holsters on his rucksack holding his fire poker and fire-eating torch. His fire-poker looked more appealing than usual.
His audience would discover why when he made made good use of it and attempted to skewer the window, breaking through it with the sound of glass shattering encouraging him to shatter the remaining pieces that stubbornly stayed in place. During this release of energy Arson started to recall what he was doing in this car.

It was so recent and the memory was still fresh in his mind. He was preforming, being a human flamethrower and entertaining people through dangerous means. The audience was entertained and stolen hat filled with money. When examining his profits, a letter was easily distinguishable. An invitation to the academy. ...Receiving an invitation from a stranger in the audience and proceeding to follow it's instructions because it tells me to... What the fuck am I thinking? I should bail right now... Arson looked over at Smokey... He was really only going in hope of somehow finding better living conditions for his comrade.
It was felicide making Smokey live in such poor conditions....
Finished shattering the window completely,Arson put away his firepoker and ignored everything else as he stuck his head out and breathed distorted rings of smoke out that lost their shape quickly in the wind. The wind blew smoke in his face and stole his cigarette before he sticking most of his body back into the car, peeking his head out to exclaim something.
"Bastard!" Arson was genuinely irritated and angry at the wind. It has no right to take his possessions or anyone else's.... He would kill the wind. The second he has the chance he will stab it repeatedly...

Arson, now back in the car, noticed Smokey's disapproving expression. It was most likely about the window and unnecessary damage done but he just shrugged it off, "Perhaps I should have just opened the door or something... but where is the fun in being completely reasonable and rational?"
After he uttered this he started to pet Smokey behind his ears and in return Arson heard purrs. He then placed a small strawberry flavored sweet onto his tongue before thinking of making Smokey dance. Well, not really dance but moving Smokey's arms without the cat's consent in goofy adorable motions.

His thoughts were interrupted when the car approached the Academy. He straightened his tie as some kind of joke only he was supposed to laugh at, he knew he didn't care about how clean or tidy he looked and this was amusing to him. He peered out of the lack of window before then noting he knows nothing about cars... He squirmed out the window and fell onto the ground before picking jp his luggage and cat then picking himself up, not bothering to dust himself off and proceeding to stare at the Academy grinning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After receiving the letter of acceptance from the school, Anzhelika packed her bags and headed off, leaving her home in Moscow for a new style of life. The flight to get to the school was rather long, almost taking 10 hours and a few breaks in between. Earlier Anzhelika had said goodbye to her mother, and the woman waved back, almost glad that she didn't have to deal with another living being.

The Russian girl was practically worn out but managed to stay awake. She tugged at her luggage and got off of the plane, her eyes being immersed in a different light. "This is... America?" Anzhelika murmured in her thick accent as she was escorted out by a lean man in a suit. He didn't converse with her, nor did he want to at the moment. The two silently walked out to a black Sedan. The man took her luggage and placed it in the trunk of the car, and once he finished, he opened the back door for her and gestured her to climb inside. This caused Anzhelika to be somewhat flattered at his hospitality towards her, though she ended up realizing that it was protocol. She watched as he closed the door and walked around to get into the drivers side, thus beginning another long ride to the school.

Anzhelika placed her hands on her lap and clasped her hands together, letting out a small sigh as she stared out the window. America wasn't as impressive as she thought it was, it was like Russia though the only difference was that they spoke English and the streets were much more... Disorderly. She squinted as she tried to decipher the text on the billboards that hovered beside buildings, most promoting fast food or beauty care products. "How much do Americans consume?" The girl turned her head towards the driver, hoping he would speak to her during the ride.
"Consume what?" He finally spoke up after a minute or two.
"Food." Anzhelika replied, a curious glint in her eyes as she leaned back in her seat.
"A lot." He simply stated, "I'm not supposed to talk to you."
"Why not?"
That word again. The two simply left it at that. Anzhelika stared back out the window waiting for the time to pass, she was close to falling asleep but managed to stay awake during the duration of the ride.

"We're here." The man slowly stopped the vehicle and got out, he went to pull out her luggage before letting her out of the car. "Welcome to the Academy." He said as Anzhelika got out and placed her hand on the handle of her suitcase. It appeared as though other students came here before her, so she walked up to them, giving them a slight wave and a 'Hello'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosy looked at the others before removing one earphone from under her black hair. "Hello too you to my friend." She said before putting the headphones back in, wavering back and forth the music could be heard if you stood close enough to her for it was there to drown out anyone trying to Gove her information on anything that has happened as she knew enough.

Looking around she brushed her fingers through her thick black hair. Going right over the blue flower but it didn't fall out. This is going to bed fun she thought looking at the others. A dude with white hair and red eyes, dude that doesn't look like he takes a bath and the other dude standing next to her which she couldn't tell much about him. Looking around again she stepped back to the white haired dude, at least he seemed different maybe it was just his appearance or something else but he was better than two boys who looked more like they belong in a streetgang.

Had she saw the messy looking guy before, she would like to know but going in a trance now in front of people wasn't something you would want to do. Especially if you heard about Hitler's old hide outs and going in a trance at school and waking up screaming no she would not like to do that now.

Maybe she had seen the guy with the purple glasses.'Come on memory don't fail me, I hate going in a trance.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
Avatar of Tyrant from the West

Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas leaned against a black minivan. Having recently arrived himself he was now able to get a good view of the surrounding area. Although he would like to try to see if he could teleport home and back, he has never actually attempted to transport himself such a great distance. Neither could he go one jump at a time, they knew about his ability and made sure he couldn't see anything on the ride there. He could only try to make it in one jump. So, for the sake of safety, it looked like he would have to stick here.

As for the view of the school, Silas was impressed. It looked like the place was pretty sturdy, and well funded. As well as just nice to look at! Silas would have loved to bombard his drivers with questions about such topics, but they appeared to not be allowed to talk. IA shame, I would love to be pestering that cutie they sent to drive me here. However, the car would soon be leaving him behind and both the cutie and his little island of solace would be gone, so Silas would need to actually move in towards the school. Was he nervous? Slightly. It was strange to think that he would be surrounded by people who all have something going for them that couldn't be distinguished by the use of the human eye. For all he knew, they could all be teleporters as well. That could real' quite fun. Although this place will probably be filled to the fucking rim with mind readers and those kinds of people.'

Such thoughts began to elude him, for his mind became focused on the task at hand. Which was actually going to the school. He put his hands in his pockets, gave himself a bit of a hunch, and moved forward. He tried to avoid making eye-contact with anyone, and tried to act as inconspicuous as possible. Although he would love to ask around, chances are no one here knew any more than he did. Or so he had hoped anyway. Silas had the feeling that he wasn't the only one who didn't know much, but his feelings have been wrong more often then not. Should I ask someone about it? Would it be worth it? he asked himself, his gut was telling him to move on but his paranoia was telling him to assault the closest person to him with his confusion.

As he trudged forward, the acceptance letter he had been given took up a portion of his mind. Along with his paranoid, he also re-read what he remembered to himself. Very selective process...remarkable gifts...education of the highest quality...quality of life...five-star dining...engineering club.... Not all of this he really cared for, but he knew it all meant at least something to his new life. Quality education meant he had to kick it up if he wanted to keep his grades descent, selective process means they may not accept every 'gift' they see, or maybe that selective process is potentially a lie. He also knew that if they could afford five-star dining and having a plethora of clubs they truly had some special funding behind them. Who would be getting so many little psychics together and giving them an education?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After the twelfth car passed by the entrance of the academy without bothering to slow down past fifty, the driver thinking of how angry their boss was going to be if they were late for the sixth time this week, Beth stopped bothering to look when she heard one. It was actually the forty-fourth car that was the first to turn into the drive leading to the academy itself, so it turned out that not watching every car go by was the better decision then.

Before the girl even got out of the white truck, Beth knew that it was a girl. Interestingly enough, it wasn't because she had read the girl's mind, like most would assume. No, for some reason, all she got from the girl was some kind of weird music. The fact that it was a girl and that she had been listening to music the entire ride came from the driver, a man with reddish hair named Arthur. It also appeared that he thought that she was rather weird and that she didn't actually deserve a spot at the academy, but those were just his personal feelings.

Unlike Laura and Gwen, the two women who had escorted Beth to the academy, Arthur only got out of the truck long enough to move the girl closer to Beth before hopping back in the truck and leaving, mentally, or perhaps physically, mumbling about all the paperwork he had to fill out once he got to the garage. From the fact that he didn't stay with the girl, Beth concluded that she was still considered a flight-risk, and so had to have guards. That would make escaping a little trickier. Hopefully they wouldn't stick around for long.

Having heard nothing but music from the girl's mind for the entire time she had been on campus, Beth didn't bother introducing herself. The girl clearly wasn't going to be interested. Thankfully, however, Beth didn't have long to wait before the next vehicle came up to the drive and turned in. This time there wasn't someone so focused on what they were listening to that they didn't think, so she was able to tell that it was a boy, which made her tense up. The man who had been driving seemed relieved to have gotten the boy, Devon, out of his hair as he patted the boy on the back before heading over to help some others out with equipment.

Unlike the girl with the music, Devon approached joined in without much hesitation, offering a wave and introducing himself when he got closer. Unfortunately, just seeing him approach had been enough to cause Beth to take several steps away, leaving a distance of about six feet between them. It was still close enough that she felt goosebumps along her arms, but it was far enough that she didn't feel like she was going to pass out with anxiety. “I'm Beth,” she said, still sounding weak, though there was more than the medicine at work this time.

Another vehicle pulling up into the driveway caught her attention, though the voices let her know that there was another boy, this one named Ray, in the vehicle. Interestingly enough, he had had two escorts as well, though it didn't seem like wanted to flee like she did. As if in confirmation, the two escorts drove off after he got out of the vehicle and made his way over. Clearly he wasn't deemed a flight-risk, which was a thought that made Beth sigh.

As with Devon, his approach caused her to chest to feel like it was being crushed, though his stopping behind the others did help alleviate that. Able to read his mind, she knew that he had no intention of going further and was just interested in the other students, particularly if they were like him, though there wasn't much of an explanation there for her to grab. Regardless, Beth could handle her anxiety so long as they didn't get closer, so she was grateful that he wasn't going to be coming closer.

The next vehicle that came up the drive had another boy in it, which intensified the goosebumps along Beth's arms. Surely she and the music lover couldn't be the only two girls, right? It would be ridiculous, almost as much as the sight of the boy, Arson, climbing out of the car through the broken window. The older man in the driver's seat just stared before angrily throwing the car into reverse and muttering about how he was going to explain that to his boss. Fortunately, Arson seemed to awed to actually come and join the rag-tag group, so her anxiety didn't actually increase by too much, though she did take another two steps away from the group.

A black vehicle pulled up the driveway next, this one bearing a girl named Anzhelika, which meant that she was probably foreign. The driver seemed to really like her from what Beth could hear as he helped get Anzhelika's luggage from the back of the vehicle. That was pretty much a first. Usually the drivers seemed to think of their charges as scum, much like Laura did Beth. What exactly that meant about her personality, Beth wasn't sure, but it couldn't be anything bad. Her attitude and thoughts as she approached the group further reinforced that idea in Beth's mind, and she waved back with a small smile of her own.

Music lover girl seemed to suddenly realize that there were people around, taking a headphone out of her ear and saying hello. By the time she put the headphone back in, Beth had already discovered that her name was Rosy, though she didn't seem to be as focused on her music after putting the headphone back in her ear. Beth could tell that she was thinking that Devon and Arson seemed like they belonged to street gangs. She was also afraid of going into a trance, whatever that meant, as she looked at Devon. Of course, her actions showed that she wasn't as focused in her music too, as she stepped away from the two she thought were thuggish and to Ray.

While Beth had been focused on Rosy and her thoughts, another van had pulled up the drive, this one a black like the sedan the foreign girl had arrived in. A boy, Silas, was already leaning against the side of the vehicle as the driver, a woman, got out his luggage and prepared to leave. Again, seeing a male that hadn't already been there caused her to tense up for a few moments. It helped a bit that he didn't seem to have much interest in moving from his current spot at the moment.

Having been focused elsewhere, the only thoughts from him that she remembered had something to do about jumping, which is why they had stood out. Beth had heard weirder though, so she didn't bother thinking on it too much. The thought about there possibly being teleporters at the school stood out for its oddity as well, but not as much as his thought that the place was probably full of people who could read minds and the like. That... hit a little close to home for Beth. Surely he couldn't know about her abilities, right? But that would explain what he had meant when he thought about jumping.

Looking at everyone again with new eyes, Beth realized that there was something different about them that she could feel. It was especially obvious because Laura and Gwen were there as a comparison. Perhaps that meant that they had abilities like she did. That seemed the most obvious explanation, but Beth wasn't entirely sure. The whole thing was too new for her to make any reasonable guesses about anything.

Suddenly, Beth realized that he had approached the group itself, which caused her to jump involuntarily before she managed to get her heart rate and breathing under control. He was still outside of the danger zone, so everything was, more or less, okay. It helped that he was thinking of things that she could focus on, though it wasn't as if the others weren't, like his pondering whether he should ask someone about something. She was half-tempted to ask what he wanted to know about, but she didn't think that he would appreciate knowing that she had read his mind. He was also thinking of the acceptance letter and some of the terms they had used, analyzing them to try and puzzle out some of the academy's enigma.

“Hi everyone. I'm Beth. Sorry for being so jumpy. I'm a...a bit nervous,” Beth said, figuring that she should introduce herself to the group at large instead of just one person, as well as explain her odd behavior thus far. She had been about to say that she was afraid of men, but she was aware of how that would sound and altered it to something a little more reasonable. Hopefully they wouldn't think that she was a complete idiot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nikolai felt his stomach lurch as the car he had been transported in came to a stop. He blinked his eyes in an effort to see what was going on and he was blinded as his eyes took time to adjust to the outside light. He was laying down in the backseat of some kind of government vehicle, he knew these types of cars well. The upholstery was all the same, the look of the seats was the same, the smell's were almost all the same. Either smoke or really clean. He sat up in the back seat and ran his hand through his hair pushing it back, it fell to the left side of his head. He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and heard the door open to his right. He stepped out of the car and saw other kids around his age, a few other vehicles and a large well put together school. It appeared to be government run, or at least someone with other funding. It was impressive, not like the slums he knew, the slums he had been taken from when the men in black suits took him from. They had knocked him out and kept him sedated for quite some time, that way he couldnt do anything to save himself. He watched the other kids for a moment, assessing them all. He wasnt over all impressed, but he figured they saw the same with him. He decided it would be a good idea to show his powers, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He tried again and felt his throat was dry, he tried to scream but felt light headed and his knees buckled, but Nikolai recovered and grimaced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosy looked around and felt some weird vibe coming from what seemed to be another new arrival shaking her head she moved closer to the back of the group. Large groups probay phsical contact. Rosy shook her thoughts away from that again and looked around. A girl who seemed open and happy, from Russia rose could tell. The girl couldn't hide that accent well but it seemed rose knew a bit to much about that history. Shaking her head again she pulled out a square mp3 player and started to switch the stations.

Looking at Beth as she said her name as rose was adjusting her earphones. Looks a unafraid if she would say but she was mostly music and history too much history.

" Well this will be fun" Rosy said her voice mumbled under the music pouring into her ears pushing out other thoughts. Important things stored deeper where she could blurt the facts she had known. Walking backwards still she bumped into Ray getting a flash of a paper then a maze, she stumbled backwards straightening a bit the flower stuck in her hair as it didn't fall off her hair but one of the ear phones did and dangled on her button up shirt where she quickly put it back in thinking about what that meant.
' well hopefully someone else saw that, but it's not like a mindreader could see what I see right I know there is one but they couldn't have saw what I saw no one I have heard of could. But then again I'm lucky I didn't fall into a trance when that happened or that would be just weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You're not giving me a choice, are you?" She questioned the man in a black suit. Raven calmly took another sip from her tea, before grabbing the napkin and wiping the corners of her mouth. "I'm afraid not." The man replied. A long sigh dragged out of her lips, and her gaze fell down to the his name tag. "Then I suppose I should pack.. John." She said while putting emphasis on his name. Raven slowly got up from the couch, and walked up the stairs in a calm and composed manner. She took her time as she headed toward her room, wanting to keep the man in wait.

When she arrived in her room, her eyes slowly scanned her surroundings, taking it all in. John was nice enough to explain to her about the academy and the so called abilities. Though, she probably didn't leave him that much choice. She could be intimidating if she wanted to be, and her presence always demanded respect from others. She, of course, gives that respect first. Raven walked over to her desk, and grabbed the letter that she received a week ago, reading it again. She crumbled it into a ball and threw it into the bin before walking over to her closet. Raven grabbed the largest luggage that she had, and she started to put selected clothes inside; All in a slow pace.

It had approximately been thirty minutes since she left John downstairs, and she decided that she had made him wait long enough. She changed into a casual black dress before heading downstairs. She dragged the luggage behind her, finding it pretty heavy but she tried not to show it. John's eyes lit up, obviously glad that the long wait was over. He seemed to be in a hurry, since he was always making occasional glances toward his watch. As soon as she got down the stairs, John hurriedly grabbed her luggage and walked over to the car. She followed after him, and made one last glance behind her before stepping out of the house.

Her father wasn't home, as always. He probably wouldn't care if she was gone either. Raven closed the door behind her and walked toward the car. The door was held open for her, and she entered without making a fuss. She was told that if she didn't come with, she'd be taken by force. Raven's power wasn't exactly useful for fighting, so it was futile for her to try and put up a fight. She shifted lightly to make herself comfortable before the door shut close, leaving her in silence for a moment.

John entered and sat in the driver's seat, and the engine immediately came roaring to life. It didn't take a moment before the car started to speed down the driveway. "I hope the speed doesn't bother you. I'm in a hurry." He said while giving her a momentary glance in the mirror. Raven straightened herself up, "Why?" She asked, not really interested in the answer, but not wanting to be rude by not answering. "The assembly is about to start soon. If worse come to worst, I might get fired." He answered. Raven felt a tinge of remorse, "Oh. I'm sorry for purposely taking my time to keep you waiting."

There was a moment of silence before John started to laugh lightly. He seemed to be in his late thirties, and he gave off a fatherly figure. Images flashed through her head all of a sudden, and her eyes gave a golden glow for a split second. "If it makes you feel better, you're not going to get fired." She added before leaning back against the chair. "So you were taking your time on purpose.. And how do you know that? Can you read the future?" He smiled softly. The last part was obviously meant to be a joke, but when she didn't answer, his smile dispersed. "Right, of course. My bad." He laughed quietly to himself.

Fifteen minutes later, John told her that the school was just right around the corner and they would arrive in approximately ten minutes. "Hey.. If that school is going to be filled with people who have psychic abilities, one of them must be able to read minds, right?" She asked out of curiosity. "According to the data I received about you, you're supposed to be cold, and not very friendly. I guess these things aren't very spot on, huh?" He said, not answering her question. Raven shrugged, "I'm more friendly in private." She answered curtly. She did not add the part where talking to him reminded her of the days when she used to be close to her father.

"We're here." John announced as he pulled out in the drive way. The school came into view, and she looked at it in disinterest. It gave off a regal feeling, but above all that, it seemed to isolate them from the rest of the town. Raven didn't notice that she was spacing out until John opened the door for her. She stepped out as he got her luggage in the trunk. He placed it beside her and she took it. When she looked to her left, she could see other students. They all gave off a different feeling, and she walked closer in line. She didn't bother giving them a second glance, and she looked straight ahead at the school, waiting for whatever was going to happen next. Her cold demeanor was back on, and her eyes were completely devoid of emotions. Raven emptied her mind, getting rid of any thoughts inside her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Was this a hostile environment?

The students began to stare at one another, examining each other for information and tidbits that they could use for future reference. "I am Anzehlika." She said as others began to introduce themselves, rather awkwardly might she add. This caused the girl to sink back a bit and stand beside her luggage, listening to the conversations that somewhat erupted.

Anzhelika managed to pick up quite a few English words from studying, she knew greeting lines, questions, most of the vocabulary though still was rather knew to the concept of complicated sentences. The confident Russian was proud of her skills, but didn't want to embarrass herself when it came to a word she hadn't learned yet.

She ran her fingers through her the tips of her braids, intertwining her hair with her index finger. They all looked antsy, most at least, like chickens in a slaughterhouse. Anzhelika let out a small sigh as she looked up at the school. It was a great sight to see, but the school's urge to get them here was rather upsetting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

'Welp, totally not talking to anyone else here.'

Devon snorted, stuffing his hands back into his pockets and walking over to the gate, where he leaned against it and dropped his hood. From what he'd seen on first glance, the girl that he originally talked to was...kinda...messed up? Not specifically messed up, but she must've had quite a few phobias, or something. He didn't really have any phobias, so he had no idea on what was going on in her head, but meh...he didn't see himself talking to her. At all. It'd be too much of a hassle trying to become friends if she was afraid of contact, talking, the weather, the air around her.

He snickered silently to himself, but stopped once another car pulled up. This one was another male...with white hair and red eyes? The boy's eyebrows raised slightly in curiosity, before Devon squashed it and gave the boy a nod of acknowledgement. For some reason...he seemed familiar? As if he had known him long ago...but, not wanting to dwell on his past life, the boy opted to stare off into the sky and mentally play around with the pebbles. All around him, despite him having his hands in his pockets, pinball-sized pebbles began floating around his face and head, twirling around the air and spelling out different, short words with surprising skill. This was absolutely nothing to him...seeing as this wasn't even a percentage of the things he could carry. The boy glanced up as yet another car pulled up.

The next guy was pretty cool, in Devon's appearance. He was an older teenager, and he fell out of his car, landing straight on his butt before standing and grinning at the academy. Devon couldn't muffle a half-grin himself, waving his hand upwards in a half-wave. Finally, someone who didn't seem like they had the social skills of a slug. Hopefully they could be friends once the damned teachers came in and opened the gates, but, until then, Devon looked back at the road as yet another car pulled in.

This one was a girl in sweatpants and a sweater. Surprisingly enough, she walked straight over to the group and said 'hi', with a wave. Since Devon was directly across from the larger group, he merely glanced her way before gazing back outwards into the streets. By now, he was getting extremely bored, and the boy wanted to go into the damned school already. In response to his annoyance, the dozens of pebbles floating around him suddenly crunched into small, tiny spikes, before blasting out into the sky at a pace reminiscent to a bullet. The boy smirked, although it was a tad forced. He really needed to control his emotions more...

The next car dropped off a guy who seemed to be as paranoid as a snake. He slouched forward - Devon snickered. The dude must have shit posture - before walking around. Devon raised an eyebrow and sighed, returning his gaze to the sky. A few more students came, one, in which, was a girl who seemed to have the emotional and social development of a cucumber. Devon didn't even bother with acknowledging her. He merely stood up and withdrew his hands from his pocket, walking towards the guy with dirt on him - he seemed to be the coolest so far, from what he'd seen. He also seemed to have a cat, which was always a plus.

"Hey, name's Devon. Enjoying the view, huh?" He asked with a much more natural smirk, looking out at the academy as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While attempting to foresee the possible splendors that may occur here, Smokey nibbled on Arson's leg taking him away from his inferno of hopes and dreams. Smokey knew the thought of burning the structure down would come to mind if the occasional bite didn't take him away from his thoughts. Back to reality, he analyzed the students already there. A what appeared to be a pink haired little girl, an audiophile, a boy with a pair of shades that Arson would like to steal from him, and a strangely white haired man. What an interesting bunch. They'd probably all burn easy so that is a bit of a plus.
The pyromaniac grabbed his bag and put it over his shoulder while sucking on the sweet he placed in his mouth before hand. After some more thinking and cat bites, another car came with all it's windows in tact and out came a rather calm tranquil girl. Most of everyone here looked the same to him, having rather predictable natures. He thought he would get to have more fun than this. He noted the heavy accent, still incapable of placing where she originated due to the fact he doesn't quite know what places have what accents and not knowing many states.... or countries... or continents. She was different in the way that she was more sociable compared to the others here and the difference made Arson smirk. Well, continue to smirk. English probably wasn't her first language but she had moxie to try and start a conversation. It was enough to make Arson consider her of some interest.
Afterward another car drove in and a boy slouching exited the vehicle. The fact he wasn't standing straight and was probably trying to not attract attention made Arson want to tackle him for the sake of ruining his goal to be inconspicuous. Perhaps I could illuminate whatever dark gloomy day he appears to be having later hmm?

In another vehicle, some kid who appeared rather constipated and could possibly pass out appeared. Whatever drugs they have him on, Arson didn't want in for once.
Well... Maybe he was a bit interested.
Soon another girl exited a car, yet another person who seemed to want to be alone.
Arson feels rather compelled to talk to them all and perhaps forcefully have them be more energetic and happy but decided to not do so... yet.
Anyways, some of them did choose to socialize and it was rather entertaining to see them all speak. This group seemed so mixed with the people who were do different located inside of it. He soon found out that the girl with the heavy accent was named Anzhelika and the girl with the pink hair was Beth.
He stretched and yawned before Devon approached and greeted him.

"Enjoying? I'd say more like anticipating the possible grandeur display that may emerge from the Academy." His voice was rather calm despite him rubbing his finger tips across his own other hand's palm and tapping his foot rapidly.
"The label forced upon me without my consent when i was an infant is Arson...," he said before motioning to his gray cat, "that's Smokey."
He looked through his bag and proceeded to take out a cigarette and placed it in his own mouth before it appeared to light itself.
He afterward grinned and held the cigarette with his teeth before holding out his hand for Devon to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raven stood there in silence, boredom creeping in on her as they waited. Nothing was happening, and no one came. It seems that there was no point to John hurrying, because there were no signs of any assembly happening. She sighed in discontent. Raven felt a sudden craving for coffee, and she turned back to check if John was still around. Fortunately for her, he was. "Where's the nearest coffee shop?" She questioned him out of the blue. She kept her voice low, not wanting the other students to hear her. He blinked a few times, taken aback by her sudden, random, question. "There's one a few blocks from here." He cleared his throat before putting back on his professional look. "Will you drive me there?" She asked in a casual manner. Once again, he gave her an odd look. She raised an eyebrow at him, beckoning him to respond.

"Oh. Uh, no.. Of course not. Sorry. What an odd question." He replied with a slight shrug.

"Fine, I'll walk." She replied, unconcerned. She started to walk away from the group of students, and away from the school. "Wait, you can't do that. H-hey!" John called out, but immediately kept quiet, not wanting to draw the attention to them. Raven continued to walk away, not looking back and deciding to ignore him. "Fine, I'll drive you there." He sighed in defeat. She didn't smile, but the glint of amusement in her eyes gave it away. She immediately turned back, and walked past him casually, before getting inside of the car.

As soon as John got into the driver's seat, he let out an exasperated breath. He turned around to face her before speaking, "I'll drive you there, you buy the coffee, and you will come back to the car. We have to move fast, okay?" She didn't reply, but he waited for a response, and something told her that if she didn't give him one, he wouldn't start the car. "Kay." She replied nonchalantly, before looking at the window. The car was tinted, so she could easily observe the other students from inside without them seeing.

The car started to move, and after a 5-minute drive, they arrived at the intended place. She slowly got out of the car, and before she shut the door close, she could her John mumble a "Hurry up." Raven walked towards the coffee shop. As soon she entered, the smell of coffee greeted her, making her mouth water. Thankfully, there were only a few people so there was no need for her to fall in line. Raven walked to the counter, and the lady greeted her with a warm smile. "Iced Java chip frappuccino." She ordered, and the lady took down her order before motioning for her to move to the next counter. As her order was placed in front of her, she reached into her pocket, and came into a sudden realization that she had completely forgotten her wallet back home.

The barista eyed her curiously, waiting for her to pay up. Her gaze slowly met his, and she flashed him a small smile as she took the coffee in hesitation. After a moment of staring, she swiftly ran for the exit, not bothering to look back. "Hey!" She could hear the barista call out before the door closed behind her. She quickly got into the car. "Move it, John." She hollered. "Why are you suddenly in a rush? Finally excited for school?" He answered lazily as he yawned. When he saw the barista running angrily towards the car, he paused, and stared. "Oh. I guess not." He stepped on the gas pedal, and the car moved backwards in a fast speed. Raven calmly fastened her seat belt, and leaned back against the chair as she took a sip from her drink.

"What the hell did you do?" John asked. The car was now moving in a steady speed towards the direction of the school. "Nothing." She shrugged as she took another sip from her drink. She chewed on the straw gently, as she looked outside the window. They were so close to school now, and that caused her to internally groan. "A barista came running after you. Of course you did nothing." He replied, but she knew that he wasn't angry. She could see the amusement in his grey, old, eyes. "Left my wallet. But I'll pay for it when I go back." She answered him. "If I go back." She added.

They pulled over in the school's driveway, but Raven stayed at the back of the car without moving. "You have to go down now. I'm leaving." John told her as he looked at her through the front mirror. "I don't want to go to school. I don't really.. talk to people." She said quietly, a hint of loneliness in her voice. "Is that so?" He replied sarcastically. "Way to ruin the mood." Raven sighed, rolling her eyes before opening the door and stepping outside. She slowly walked back to the spot that she was standing on earlier. At least this time, she had a drink in hand, as she waited wearily for whatever was next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Devon arched an eyebrow at the older teenager's eccentric way of speaking, but, finding it cool regardless, the boy smirked himself and grabbed the hand, shaking it before sticking his gloved hands back into his hoodie's pockets. "Possible grandeur display, huh?" The boy asked, his gaze returning to the gate, before he turned back around and shook his head, his smirk turning into a grin. "Don't know what that means in context with the academy, but it would definitely be interesting." His attention turned to Smokey, and Devon glanced down at the cat, noticing how he felt...weird looking at it, like the weird sense of deja-vu he felt whenever he looked at the other students. That was sort of...odd.

"I have a feeling that this isn't a coincidence." Devon narrowed his eyes, surveying the other students with keen eyes, from under his shades. In response to his suspicion, purple psychic energy began drifting from the corner of his eyes, pebbles beginning to orbit around the boy once more. Devon chuckled, plucking a rock from mid-air and twirling it around his fingers. He didn't really find a reason to keep his...gift a secret. Hell, maybe all of the others had some sort of weird psychic ability as well. His gaze went back to the one called 'Arson'. A very interesting and rather..,.morbid name, if he had to be honest.

"So...this is kinda random, but can you do anything, y'know, weird?" To capitalize on his question, Devon half-took off his glasses, showing that his eyes were glowing pure purple, the light directing from his eyes and giving his whole appearance a glowing, purple aura. The boy slipped back on his purple shades and snapped his fingers, the pebbles that were floating around him cracking - a rather loud, booming sound - before blasting towards the street. Thankfully, the bullet-like pebbles barely skittered across a car that was leaving the driveway - with the emotionless girl from before sitting in there. He ignored it, however. Maybe they were going to get a snack. The pebbles continued their blast, before piercing straight through a tree and continuing through the forest. Devon sweatdropped.

"That was sort of an overkill throw. My bad, heh..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas moved slightly towards the group, as much as he would like to just move on and head inside he had a little bit of a hunch that these people were a little bit like him, at least in there own ways. Arriving a little bit later then most of them, he didn't get the chance to see if any of the other 'recruits', as he dubbed himself and the others, put up much of a fight or came willingly. Although he would have to be curious about why many would resist a chance to learn how to become a bigger bad-ass then their powers already made them.

As he inched towards them, he overheard a few names. Smokey, Beth, Arson, Devon, Beth, and some weird European sounding name. Silas had a little bit of an urge to introduce himself and add his name to the little list, but he figured he would wait a few minutes longer. A little bit of fear came over him as he drew closer, for he could feel something emanating from the students who were arriving. He could almost compare it to looking in a cracked mirror. He couldn't deny he saw a hint of himself in all of them, perhaps this was one of god's little gifts that he had left Silas with? He didn't know if that was plausible or just laughable.

His attention, focused as it was on trying to plaster the names to faces, was shifted to a peculiar phenomenon. It appeared that this Devon kid was a bit gifted as well, in a way that almost made Silas envious. He almost turned those pebbles into some pretty lethal weapons. He didn't even look like that took a toll on him! If Silas had to guess, he would say that Devon was perhaps the one with the most lethal of the skills. However, no one else had stepped up to the plate yet. So his guess could be far from on-point for all he knew. "So...this is kinda random, but can you do anything, y'know, weird?". Due to him not paying too much attention, Silas wasn't sure if it was directed at anyone in particular, however he knew that he wasn't going to be the one to start showing off next. If possible, Silas wouldn't want them to know what he could do for as long as comfortably possible. This wasn't a talent show, this was a gathering of people who apparently had some very extraordinary talents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ray just stood there in silence, as he closed his eyes, he could sense something happening. Perhaps it was the boy who just glanced at him, wich just confirmed Ray's suspicion about the others. They all had powers, wich meant that they were gathered here by a reason.
Ray opened his eyes and glanced around, some were afraid to talk to another, and some were just observing.
And yet Ray coudn't get his eyes of the guy who glanced at him. Somehow he felt familiar to him, some how he felt like they had a conection...
Ray sat down and placed his legs across one another, as he then placed his hands together, closed his eyes and started to pray.
He knew this place would become hard for him, and yet he didn't care, he just cared for his god to keep his eyes on Ray and keep watch over him, he wanted to stay on his path that he walked and never ever wanted to change towards a different one.
As Ray opened up his eyes, they shined a crimson red light, it was a weak light and yet it would be seeable by those who would look at him.
He didn't truelly care about his eyes shining, for he saw it as a gift from his god, he saw it as a sign that his god heard him and that he would do as Ray asked. A crimson red light also shined trough his clothes, as a few runes were lighting up, they were runes that carved themselfs inside his body once he gained his powers, the others runes were carved in his body for each life he took, for each soul he claimed as his own.
Just five runes were shining this crimson red light, as they dimmed, Ray also gained back his own eyesight. For once his eyes shined, he always lost his eyesight for a couple of minutes, as he blinked with his eyes, he stood up again, his hair wavering with the wind, his earring almost looking like it danced with the wind and his eyes... Emotionless, for emotion was nothing in Ray's life, he gave it up when he started his first lesson.
As he glanced trough the group, he just started to observe them again, looking at them and trying to remember most of their names.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arson noted the arched eyebrow and remembered most people didn't talk or act like him. Perhaps it had something to do with most people not being him? He just stood there a she scoped Smokey and Smokey simply stared into Devon's eyes with his big green eyes.
"I have a feeling that this isn't a coincidence." Arson laughed a bit after this statement was made and while speaking, "Coincidence? When there is such an odd bunch of people existing in one spot that have no correlation it is either completely random or someone somewhere is pulling our little fragile strings and is aware of some kind of correlation... " He let rings and different shapes of smoke manifest into the air afterward.

For whatever reason it took him a good while to notice the pebbles floating around Devon. When he started to fiddle with one he simply continued to poison the air. He somewhat expected there to be a reason such a bunch was gathered and the other students having a similarity is expected. Just, Arson didn't believe this would be the connection between all of them. Smokey responded by watching the pebbles "magically" float.
"So...this is kinda random, but can you do anything, y'know, weird?"
When Devon showed Arson his glowing eyes he started to really catch his attention. Smokey simply kept his eyes on the pebbles and tried to resist the urge to chase the rocks as they moved as if life was given to them.
"That was sort of an overkill throw. My bad, heh..." Arson simply put his hands together and clapped slowly.
"If I wasn't drugged, that was a great performance... And whoever drugged me should really tell me what they gave me because this is a rather great presentation of a reality."
Smokey's tail was waving back and forth, amused and pleased by what Devon did.
Going back to his old question, if he could do anything weird, Arson stopped his clapping, put out his cigarette, and spit out the candy in his mouth onto the ground,
"I'd prefer the term phenomenal." He reached into his bag and took out his dark brown gloves, doing the expected thing and placed his hands inside of them.
He actually dusted himself off for what he intended to do before noticing the white haired guy about to do something. He was curious and stopped what he was doing to observe the whole show as he started to give off red light.
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