Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with great pleasure that I offer you an invitation to attend the prestigious Holt's Academy for Intellectual Excellence. Chances are that you have not filled out an application, which is fairly common among accepted students. Holt's Academy has a long-standing tradition of finding the people it wants to attend, and it has a very selective process of determining exactly who is offered an invitation to attend. Your remarkable gifts have drawn the Academy's notice, and we think that you would be a wonderful addition to our student body this year.

Now, you may be wary of attending an academy that you have never heard of nor applied to, but let us put you at ease. Our academy offers an education of the highest quality, which will pave the way to your future, whatever that may be. Due to projects the Academy partakes in, as well as funding from private and public sources, tuition is entirely free. The primary reason for this is, of course, to remove the obstacle that separates individuals of dire financial circumstances from the opportunities that they rightfully deserve a shot at.

The Academy also offers the highest in quality of life, holding the record for the safest educational facility in the nation for the past five years, the highest-quality healthcare worldwide, and a five-star dining staff that works around the clock to ensure that each and every student is kept fed with a well-balanced diet. In addition, the Academy also offers clubs and sports for the students to get involved in as they see fit. These clubs and sports feature everything from Engineering Club to Martial Arts Club and Tennis to Bowling to ensure that the students have a way to connect with one another and keep themselves busy. In fact, if it isn't offered on the campus, the Academy will pay to send the student to a location in the city that does provide that activity.

We look forward to seeing you at the beginning of our next term,
The Headmaster of the Academy,
Joseph A. Tynedale

For whatever reason, you are sitting in a vehicle on your way to the Academy, remembering the elegant handwriting that had covered the page. If you had said no, it seemed that they were quite persistent, sending you several more letters that found themselves in the trash until eventually, the police had found you and requested that you go with them. From there, it was on your way to the Academy. Had you accepted, you would have found them much more genial about the situation, replying to your acceptance with great enthusiasm. Regardless, it seemed that this Academy had some greater purpose than simply education, and you couldn't help but feel that the wording was designed to let you know that they knew about your abilities. See, for quite a while by then, you had been able to do fantastic things with your mind, like reading others or throwing stuff around or even seeing the future. But you had been careful to keep it under wraps for fear of detection. Now it seemed that that didn't matter anymore, and it was with anxiety that you approached the Academy. What awaits you? What or whom will you find there?



Accepted Characters:
Ray Grimm (ShadowRaeper)
Devon Grimm (Toxx)
Rosy (PsychoticBreakDown)
Anzhelika Stepanov (Epiphany)
Arson Lodern (UncannyWanderer)
Elizabeth Carson (TaliPaendrag)
Raven Maitland-Smith (WinterNightSky)
Silas Barrows (Tryant from the West)
Nikolai Luzchezke (HellHoundWoof)

Non-Player Characters (NPC's):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ray Grimm
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Ray has pure white hear since he gained his powers, his eyes turned red and his smile barelly came on his face again.
He ussually wears white clothes, for they fit him the best thanks to his hair.
Ray isn't muscular, he is just an average guy, with an average lenght of body.


Ray is someone who would go trough fire, storms and even an entire army of enemies to protect the ones he loves. For his faith, wich he believes in the most, holds most answers for Rays questions.
Ray is a kind and loving guy, wich will aid any one in need, trouble of even the biggest danger that one could die from.
He also is the kind of guy wich woudn't even swear, hate another of even won't speak to someone, because he is the kind that forgives someone, before it even has happened.


Psychic Constructs ~ Ray can create anything that comes up in his mind, although he truelly has to visualize it, feel it and then even create it with his own energy.
This is also called: Willpower Construct.
Aslong as Ray has the willpower to create things, he will be able to even create multiple items, but there are limitations to Ray's power...

- May be unable to create psychic energy, being limited to shaping from already existing sources.
- Construct structural strength may be limited by the users will.
- In most cases constructs will return back into their original state if the User becomes unconscious, leaves the proximity or otherwise loses contact/control of the item.
- May be limited on how complicated constructs they can create (ie. no/limited amount of moving parts).

As Ray was younger, at the age of 4 months, he was brought to a church, this is where he grew up.
At the age of 4, he learned that no book could contain enough wisdom for one to know, that each piece of information should be contained by your own hands and that if you find it, you should only keep it to yourself.

This was his first lesson, that he learned in the first few years of being with this church, he enjoyed it and even his adventures were contained with wisdom. But he never shared his knowladge with others...

At the age of 8, he learned how precious food was, he learned how to plant it, how to care for it and once it was ripe enough, he learned how to harvest it.
Once harvested, he learned how to cook it, how to enjoy it and even how share it with those less fortunate.

This was his second lesson, wich he learned in just a few months, the other mons were impressed by this, for most of them needed more that four years to master this part.
So the monks gave him his third lesson, forgiveness... Ray took two years to master this part, and thats when everything started to change...

As Ray turned 10, he didn't had much to learn anymore. The monks learned him about wisdom, about food, even that those who are less fortunate are the ones you should aid and he learned about forgiveness, but the most important thing that Ray had learned, was that you had to protect those you loved!
As Ray didn't had anything to learn anymore, he started to meditate... Each and every day he meditated in the garden, near the old oak tree, but after a few months, Ray had a heart attack... The monks got quite scared, for Ray died for a few minutes before he returned back to earth. As Ray returned back to life, his hair was white and his eyes were red.

The monks didn't banished him from their land, but instead locked him up in the deepest part of their monistery. This was where Ray found out about his new powers, he could create anything that he imagined in his mind!

Ray started to use this power, to aid anyone in need, to protect those who were weak and banish evil from the town that the monistary was in.

~ Ray his body has different carvings in it, for they were gained once Ray learned about his power, Ray himself also carved different signs of his religion into his body to make it seem that the marks aren't weard for others once he is undressed.
~ Devon is his little brother, they were seperated at birth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Devon Grimm
Age: Sixteen. (16)
Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'11, with a slim look about him, Devon isn't necessarily intimidating at first glance. He has a slightly muscular structure due to rough nights in his original home-town, but, other than that, there isn't anything specifically amazing about him. He has dark purple eyes that tends to glow whenever his powers are activated, which is almost constantly, along with feathery black that flits gently over his left eye, leaving his right eye the only one visible. Devon's 'style' is mostly dark-colored hoodies, slim jeans, and dark-colored converse; he doesn't like showing much skin. He tends to wear awkward smirks or smiles, to 'soften his personality', but they are obviously forced and fake.

Personality: Calm, casual, and cool are three words that best describes Devon. He is a very laidback guy that doesn't get angry easily, although he is quick to become annoyed, and will slice someone down in pure spat fire if bothered tremendously. He is a nice enough guy - maybe a bit too aloof and focused, but if you're not, in his eyes, frustrating, than he'll be kind to you as long as you return the favor. Under stressful situations, Devon is usually the guy who takes charge, unless someone else does, which, in that case, he sits back lets them take hold of the stirrup. He's not specifically quiet - he is, of course, emotionally withdrawn and comfortable with being alone, but Devon also enjoys cracking sarcastic jokes to release unwanted or unneeded tension, and hanging out with friends; loneliness was a big part of his childhood, and company is definitely needed/preferred.

Biography: Life threw Devon a gigantic middle finger, even at birth. The child was seemingly abandoned on the darkened urban streets of New York, when the criminal underbelly squandered the streets, and where the scum of the earth festered in their own crap. He was lying there, in an alley, for a whole day...right behind that familiar old trashcan that stunk of rotten fish and molded bread. His health was deteriorating from the brisk coldness, and any hobo who found the baby did nothing but laugh psychotically at it with a pointed finger. The baby's emotions were haywire; it was hungry, cold, tired...that's when the genetic powers came to surface. Devon's mother, or father...or even both were probably psychics, and powerful ones at that. Whilst laying in the gutters, the 2-day old baby was sobbing it's little heart out. There was absolutely no hope for it to survive. That is, until something happened. A hobo actually examined the noise, and to his drunken surprise, it was a hairless little snot! Wrapped in an extremely fluffy, and only slightly dirty quilt that would do a heavenly job of keeping the coldness away.

The hobo had reached for the blanket, pulling at the seams and growling as he forced it away from the screaming baby. It was night time again; anyone who saw the dastardly, execution-worthy deed kept to themselves, selling drugs, prostituting, or doing whatever they were doing previously. But little Devon...he wasn't having it. A scream; an abnormally loud roar escaped the baby's throat, and the man was suddenly blasted back into the wall, actually breaking through the solid concrete. He didn't even have time to grunt in pain. All of his bones had been completely disintegrated, and the hobo was dead before he even hit the wall - a heart attack, or cardiac arrest. Regardless, the scum was dead...and that's all that mattered. But not really. The baby lied there, gone of all energy, and unconscious. But...a mysterious figure exited from the hole in the wall, revealing himself to be the same hobo that supposedly died. Rusty brown hair, straggly beard, ragged clothing...Vincent Leone tore off the wig, revealing a shiny bald head, and brushed off the extra shavings, showing a sharp, neatly trimmed goatee. The owner of one of the shadiest orphanages got his new freak...

Growing up in the orphanage was, to be blunt, completely shitty. Devon didn't have any memories of his telekinetic blast as a baby, and so he took to the grueling, horrible life of an orphan rather crappily. He was often beat by the matrons, fellow 'freak haters' themselves, and generally tried to make himself as small as possible, keeping to his small room unless he had chores to do - which he often did, which was only rewarded by more beatings and starvation. However, at the age of fourteen, whilst cleaning the gutters of the orphanage, Devon suddenly fell, having been pushed off of his ladder by an older boy. The boy was Butch, and let me tell you, Butch was a complete asshole. The boy was 17 years old, with a fat, yet arguably bulky build, a bald head, and the growings of facial hair. May I also say that he's the son of the orphanage's enigmatic owner, Vincent Leone. Long story short? A small fight insued, which ended with Devon having a snapped rib, two black eyes, and four missing teeth. The fourteen-year old fought back valiantly - that is, curling into a fetal position and attempting to endure the punches, but in the end, he was beaten. However, Butch wasn't finished. The boy withdrew a pocketknife from his pocket, and slowly walked towards Devon with evil intent.

That's when the boy completely snapped.

He leaped to his feet, tackling the bigger boy with the force of a bull dozer. Bony fists were brought back, and then slammed brutally into the larger boy's face...one...two...three times, all with the same telekinetic force from before. Butch, by this time, was absolutely shitting himself in fear. Literally. He was sobbing, slobbering, and screaming. The orphanage was empty - everyone out on a field trip other than the two boys and the owner of the orphanage, Vincent. Long story short, again? Devon, not in-control of himself, basically clenched his hand, an invisible force pressing Butch into a small ball until bones after bones snapped. The pocket knife was laid out somewhere, discarded. However, Devon was suddenly thrown back due to a boot to the face, and Vincent stood there, chuckling, while Butch slowly stood, more ...wolfish than man.

"You did well, Devon." The man smiled, revealing fangs. Everything went black.

'Shortly' after, Devon woke up in a hospital, hooked up to an IV machine. A nurse told him that he was found lying outside of the hospital, with critical injuries. Torn throat, major rib damage...the boy had made a full recovery in the time of his coma. He was told that it had been months since he had been awoken...but the boy wasn't listening. Overcome by anger, he pushed the woman away and ran out of the hospital. No one could stop him, as it seemed as if the wind was forcefully moving out of his way as the boy ran; he didn't even know he was doing it. He stopped in front of the orphanage...and everything went black, once more. He awoke on top of a rooftop right near the ruins of the orphanage. There was fire everywhere, and police officials arresting Vincent, who was staring up at Devon with that same damned grin.

The boy lived on the streets after that, never staying in one spot. Life was absolute shit...he only had rudimentary knowledge on his powers, and he often used the brute force and power of it to crush/throw/kill any hobo or criminal/mugger who bothered him...until he was notified, and sent a letter, by Holt's Academy.

Powers: Devon has a unique case of raw Telekinesis. He can control, move, shift, crush, and generally affect, in a variety of ways, different objects and beings in the universe. This was first discovered by him when he, as a child, accidently pushed away a bully - throwing the other child backwards quite a few feet, with the accompanying shockwave exploding the television and ceiling lights. So far, he has seen that he can throw around objects and items at varying speeds, push extremely heavy items, crush objects and items (IE a car), and a variety of other different methods one would see in a Telekinetic. However, he does have his limitations. So far, he can only 'pick up' items that weigh approximately 10 ton or less, and constant, 24/7 use can give him killer migraines and headaches, even going as far as to have him faint. Furthermore, he's still learning about the variety of applications he can use with his power.

Other: Ray is his brother; they were separated at birth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shoulder length black hair, ecstatic blue eyes, blue flower always perched in her hair. Wears only black dresses, and dark blue or black skirts and short sleeved shirts. Her eyes are the same color as the flower and even during hard tasks the flower never falls from her hair.
Name:Rose (rosy)
Age: 15 ( acts older, but well she is not able to hear most of the time cause of music.)
Gender: female
Personality: Talks in short bursts when not spurting info about the past she had seen. Most of the times doesn't talk much though. Her intents are mostly unknown as she came willingly for some reason. Rosy is happy most of the time but shy with a slight smile on her face but mostly having a neutral expression with some fear. Sometimes turns on Celtic and other olden types of music to escape the world as she puts it she goes to where they are singing about and her stress is relieved.
Power: Retrocognition to the extent of being able to see the past events when seeing a picture or hearing of a brief moment of these events. Can go back into some one else's past and skip around for a certain period of the past.
Limitations: Rosy falls into a sort of trance when doing this.
She gets a bit unstable when she had the knowledge and will start to blurt it out after she is full.
She is not able to notice present surroundings while in the trance
Rose when in someone's past has to be touching them while searching if the past has not been described even if it's a little.
( what I mean here in simpler terms is if she has to get information from a unwilling suspect or something from there perspective she has to touch them though if they just want where they can describe it a bit.
Rose grew up to two therapists dealing with many psychological cases of things she didn't understand. When she was three she started to just listen in a dark room to a news station drifting off into sleep. Her mother thinking this was foolish asked her what she had heard on the news and this little girl at the age of three described a fire the news was talking about in perfect detail. Since her mother didn't hear of this she thought it was foolish shut her out of that.
Around the age of 9 she started to tell of a thing that happened decades ago, she said by listening to the radio show host talk about a day and be sent there to see it and describe it in lot of detail. More teasing she grew more and more shy to talk about things she saw talking less and less. Her mother getting worried gave her a recorder to record what she was saying but Rose took this offensively and threw it away.
Another two years go by like this. Finding it impossible for interaction with bad news or thoughts she mostly wore earphone putting her into a state she couldn't hear anything. Which again had to be taken out when at school and was a cause of humiliation. Being a shy thing with little physical interaction she started to take to only a few who had not teased her and they soon grew to be enchanted with her stories of the past and her knowledge of their past. Age 13 she had a small friend group and mostly told about there past. Her power was almost usefully in tests as she could find someone's memory of the spelling words or the math problem she was having dificulty with, when a letter arrived. Her parents took one look at her and packed her things, having music blasted in your ears to tune out what ever was going to put you into a trance. Ya she would leave this past infested place for a place she could drown her self in music, umm yes please.
Think I'm done her, this bio may or may not be based on the music I have been listing too, nope not one single Celtic bit cough cough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lb

Name: Anzhelika Stepanov

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Anzhelika has a phlegmatic temperament. Just as she appears, calm and courteous on the exterior, she is also coordinated. Anzhelika is one that attempts to consider the whole situation before making a decision, though based on empathy for the most part (ex. "Because it is the right thing to do, rather than it is fair."). She enjoys the company of others, as it gives her a chance to keep connected with the world around her. Despite her upstanding facade, which one may easily be led to believe, she does not mind quarrels as long as no serious harm is dealt.

Biography: As a child, Anzhelika lived with her mother who could barely pay off their bills, causing her mother to spiral down into a deep depression. Her father was an unknown man and fled at Anzhelika's birth, fearing that he'd have to spend time and money on his new family since they were both very young at the time.
As an only child, she had to do something to pay the bills and buy food for their next meal, so she decided to do street-side shows in Moscow consisting of card tricks, something a beginner magician would do. Secretly, her magic tricks were illusions that she was able to manipulate as a small child. Soon, her magic tricks began to grow in magnitude, and she began to receive massive amounts of money from the people who believed her tricks were actually real.
An academy took notice of her skill and she received an acceptance letter, strange since Anzhelika never filled a form out, though she took the chance anyways.

Powers: The user can create and manipulate illusions, causing people to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived.
- Illusion Eye: To project illusions via eyes.
- Mirage Inducing: is a version of Illusion in which the user can generate illusions which last, and are entirely real, as long as the targets do not know that they are illusions. One with this ability could cause any type of illusion they desire, but the second that someone calls out “It’s not real!”, shakes subjects out of their deluded state or the subjects see the illusionist working his power, then the illusions will wear off, entirely (or until the user can go unnoticed to use his ability again).
- Illusive Appearance: Most users who are not exactly combat savvy would use their ability as a defense mechanism to camouflage themselves, and even alter their physical appearance to look like someone or something else.
- Some users are limited to creating illusions that affect only certain senses, sight being the most common as a result people with Enhanced Senses might be able to see through it.
- User may be unable to create accurate illusions, such as making things that don't exist or situations that would never happen in a million years. One common mistake is misplacing a feature on a person, or forgetting to add shadows to their forms.
- Some users might have to limit the amount of mental powers to control the illusion.

Other: She enjoys magic tricks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@PsychoticBreakDown: Looks good. :3

@Epiphany: Looks great! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I like the lost and birth twist the boys so far. Rosy never uses a last name so it's either rose or rosy for her.
Love your char Epiphany girl power for the win.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Woo! Thanks so much!
Yaaaas for the wiiiin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I had such a good idea for another chair but someone took the power so I took the opposite of what I wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Epiphany: I'm glad to have made you happy. :3

@PsychoticBreakDown: I too enjoyed the twins part of the first two profiles. Quite a nice touch, in my opinion. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Thank you. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I may edit the bio a bit later but that's the general gist of it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Beth stands at around 4'3” and weighs a measly 68 lbs, both of which are things that she isn't all that happy about. Somehow, she was also born with pink hair and eyes the color of pink sapphires, both of which kind of make up for her stature in her eyes. Her parents blamed it on an experimental drug that her mother had taken while pregnant for a serious condition, but Beth believes that it has something to do with her powers, mainly because her eyes have a tendency to glow when she is using her powers.

As for her usual clothing, Beth prefers to wear dresses and skirts. Due to the fact that her clothing selection is limited to the kids section of the store, most of her clothes are rather bright and cheery, which she doesn't really mind. In fact, she actually prefers cute clothing, and so has no qualms wearing clothes with childish designs on them. She also likes to wear ribbons or bows in her hair and often keeps her hair in twintails, though she does change it up every once in a while. She also usually wears mismatched socks, velcro shoes that are bright and colorful, and leotards, bodysuits, or tights underneath her regular clothes.

Name: Elizabeth (Beth) Nicole Carson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power: Beth possesses the power of Telepathy, or the ability to send and receive information mentally. Telepathy, while not a strong combat power, does have a wide array of applications, such as the ability to shield and/or hide psychics and the ability to act as a relay for her teammates to communicate with one another, and uses that make her perfect for a support role. Some of her more common applications are:
Psychic Communication
Illusion Manipulation (limited to only the mind of the target)
Emotion Manipulation

Limitations: Beth has quite a few drawbacks to her power, the first of which is her inability to shut it off. She is literally always hearing the thoughts of those around her, which is more or less fine in small groups, or even large ones for a little while. But the problem is that, when she is in a large group for too long, she get intense migraines that leave her unable to stand on her own or even think coherently. These usually pass after some time in solitude, but they can be persistent if she remains in such a large group.

She also has an awful time getting a good night's sleep due to this. The dreams and thoughts of those around her while she's sleeping interfere with her own sleep and result in her getting significantly less rest than she would if she was isolated from others. That's usually not that hard to to, however, as she has a tendency to influence the dreams of those around her, making them just as unable to get rest on a good night, let alone one where she has her usual nightmares.

The final thing is that it takes time to whittle through the defenses of someone who knows what she is doing. It's like a wall that she has to find a crack in to exploit and get through. She has the power to burst through once she finds a crack, and even sometimes without one if the wall is weak enough, but an individual who has practiced could last for hours before she managed to wriggle through. And, though she doesn't know it yet, psychics have a natural resistance to her mind-controlling abilities. Sure, she can read their minds and talk to them if they don't know how to stop that, but can't mess with their emotions or thoughts without some effort.

Personality: Beth is a rather... reserved person. The side-effects of her powers have instilled in her an incredible appreciation for solitude, and she has a hard time ignoring her instincts to push people away because of that. Even when she can overcome that natural reflex, she still has a hard time utilizing social skills. It's not that she doesn't know them; she does. It's just that she doesn't have a perfect grasp on using them effectively, which means that she often comes across as rude or ignorant.

That isn't to say that she isn't a person whom people would consider nice. She does care about others, and has made use of her abilities to the benefit of the homeless and impoverished people living in her community, though always anonymously. She hates the attention that follows after helping people. Even having it be anonymous is almost unbearable. She couldn't think about what would it would be like if they knew who had done those things.

History: Beth's life was normal, apart from her tiny size and her ability to hear things no one had spoken out loud, until she was about three years old, when her parents were brutally murdered before her eyes by an infamous serial killer. Once he was done dicing up her parents' bodies, he turned on her and raped her. The shock of everything that had gone on wore off as he was cleaning up, and Beth threw everything that she was feeling at the man's psyche. She wanted him to feel the anger, grief, and fear that she was feeling, but the magnitude of the blast caused her to black out. Gratefully, the last thing that she saw was the killer hugging his knees and weeping piteously. Apparently, the rest of the neighborhood had suffered bouts of weepiness and anxiety for the next several weeks, though that hadn't been her intention.

Regardless, she woke up in a comfortable, yet unfamiliar, bed. It turned out that the police had come by to pick up the serial killer because he had called them to turn himself in. None of them understood what had transpired, but they had understood that a three-year old girl needed a new home, at least temporarily. It turned out that none of her relatives wanted her, however, and her temporary home became her permanent home. That's not to say that it was a pleasant living, however. Many of the other kids ostracized her for her ability to literally read their minds. Had she known better, she would have kept it hidden, but she hadn't, so the kids mercilessly bullied her, with the adults doing nothing to stop it. In their eyes, she deserved it for her wicked lies, or what they thought she was doing.

Eventually, the abuse became too much, and Beth fled from the foster home, using her telepathy to allow herself to slip past the supervisors and into the town itself. From there, her power got her a taxi ride out of the town and into the closest big city: Phoenix, Arizona. Once she arrived, she was able to find an abandoned building to set up in, making it her new home. Her powers got her the food and clothes she needed, as well as the knowledge that she was missing in school due to not attending. In short, she learned how to cook, do laundry, read, write, do math, and so much more just by reading people's minds and memorizing certain things that they knew how to do, so that she was taking care of herself completely by the age of six.

And while she would use her powers to get something that she didn't necessarily need sometimes, she also made sure that she wasn't just using it to be selfish. Several times, she used her power to get a couple of donations made to the local soup kitchen or clothes closet. It was nice to do good for people, though she would never think of letting people know about who she actually was and that she was responsible for the good deeds. Not only would it be awkward as heck, it would also ruin her hiding and result in her getting sent back to the orphanage. And there was no way in heck that she was going back there.

Everything was pretty much the same up until she received a letter from Holt's Academy of Intellectual Excellence, which she had never heard of nor thought of applying to. Unfortunately, they seemed to know that she had blown them off because another letter came shortly. After the third letter, however, they sent two women in police uniforms instead. Now, they wouldn't normally be a problem with her powers, but they had somehow managed to drug her just enough with sedatives that her mind was too fuzzy to reach out. Sure, she could hear everything they were thinking, and some of it was downright disgusting, but she couldn't actually touch their minds. And so she found herself in a car on her way to the Academy, which was located in the middle of Minnesota near a medium-sized town.

Has a strong tendency to wear colorful, mis-matched socks. She really just likes how they look.
Wears shoes with Velcro straps all the time. Not only are they easier to find, they are more colorful and easy to slip on.
Is ambidextrous and has awful handwriting regardless of which hand is used.
Is extremely ticklish. Seriously, a few minutes of tickling could result in her peeing herself.
She's allergic to all citrus fruits.
Can't sleep after watching horror movies. Also dislikes watching television due to receiving spoilers almost constantly.
Possesses agraphobia (fear of sexual abuse), androphobia (fear of men), haphephobia (fear of being touched), and gymnophobia (fear of being naked), all due to that awful incident when she was three.
Due to her fear of being naked, she usually wears something like a bodysuit under her regular clothes, out in public at least. Her fear doesn't just apply to when she's in pubic, however. It is admittedly less severe in private, but it is still enough to make her more comfortable wearing a bathing suit in the shower.
She loves animals because their thoughts are less straining to her than those of people. Also, she finds their simplicity and straightforwardness refreshing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@UncannyWanderer: You're good! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cool, anyone wanna predict future character interactions?... And possibly ship characters :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm awful with boats. D: So, I don't think that it's a good idea to go get on a ship so soon. :P

Forgive my bad jokes. But I really am bad at predicting things like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's all good in the hood. :3 So when do you intend on starting IC?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Uncanny, may I say that I find your Vaas quote extremely classy and suave?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you, Vaas knows how to say stuff. Ever play far cry 3? And a follow up question if past one was answers yes, you getting far cry 4?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


Member Offline since relaunch

Yes and yes. I mean, I can ride elephants in a kamikaze haze of shotgun-exploding glory. I'd be a fool not to buy it.
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