Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Beep, beep, beep! Rang an alarm clock on a bedside table rousing the young woman from sleep, the soft grey eyes opened and a hand got out of the covers and hit the 'off' bottom trying to rouse herself from the comfort of the bed. She stretched yawning as she pulled a hand through her hair and got out of bed and went to get ready for work. Fifteen minutes later, a shower, teeth brushed, and dressed Ashlyn Russo made sure that everything she needed for work was easily accessible. Her badge hanging from her hips as the fabric of it caused her to feel strangled, her shoes laying near the door of her apartment. She had rented it just a few odd months ago ready to move out of her parents house. Didn't stop them from dropping things she may have forgotten at their house though. A small fond smile flit across her lips. She sighs as she looks at the distant mountains once more craving to get out of the town she's lived in for her life, but once more came back to Earth with a jostle knowing she wouldn't ever have the means to make her dream come true. So she locked her door and went to walk to work it being a thirty minute walk away. She did have a car but she didn't use it if she didn't have to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Oh come on, come on! Come on you beautiful gorgeous thing you!” A young man shouted at a control panel as he stared off at the massive screen ahead of him. “Just land, I don’t care where, I don’t care when but if you land I promise I’ll give you a break for a while. No instantly travelling we’ll just… camp out for a bit!” He shouted at the machine giving it a pat as he jumped around to another control panel attached to the center conceal, “I promise, no random places for a while. We’ll plan things I swear just be a good girl and land… oh,” He turned his attention upwards. “And please don’t kill me, that would be nice too.” A cheesy grin spread across his face showing his white teeth as he gripped onto the railing behind him.

“Oh that’s a good girl. LOS GEHT!!!!” He shouted as the screen flashed black and the whole compartment rocked back and forth; during the commotion what did the young man do? The young man gripping onto the railing with his arms bent around the wood. His body nearly being thrown around because it was the biggest commotion the thing he was in had ever caused… he was laughing.

CRASH BOOM SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE the room went crazy and the young man just kept laughing before everything settled. The man then dashed back to the conceal and hit a button and turned to the screen behind him. The large screen popped up with a picture of beautiful London England. Symbols scribbled across the bottom of the screen translated into his language telling him exactly where he was. “Ah London England Earth 2014. Your fail-safe return place. Fair enough, I’ll find something to entertain myself.” With that the brown haired young man pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and clicked the top. Nothing happened, so the young man shrugged and walked down a small hallway to a door.

Pulling it open he stepped out into an alleyway and looked behind him. A single door sat at a large building in London. The door looked a bit random but it was there. Just, a single door against a red brick wall. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the white TARDIS but then again, he can find the door easy, even in the snow he’ll spot the black handle.

Smiling he looked down at his pen, the pen told him everything about anything he wanted to know but nothing was really happening around him which, in the end, could always be a good thing. Dressed in a dress jacket, a button up blue shirt and a pair of slacks, the young man rounded the corner and another corner only to nearly run into a girl who had been on a walk herself. “Oh I’m sorry.” He said quickly before giving her an innocent smile. “Could you point me in the nearest direction of a place to eat? I’m starving.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Being almost run into was certainly a curious way to start the morning, but Ashlyn smiles kindly at the guy anyway. He didn't seem that much older than herself, maybe by like a year or two older. She gave him up to at least five. He was handsome, but not classically. "You don't have to apologize. After all, you avoided running into me. Well I could but as I'm going to breakfast myself, why not come with me?" She suggested. She was naturally a kind person. And she didn't always automatically and this quickly warm to a stranger. But usually when she did, they became someone she cared for deeply.

That wasn't to say she didn't have things that could get under her skin. She just liked to avoid situations that would provoke the more violent side. A lot of her closest relatives had said that was what they liked about her, as well as her friends, that she had such a giving nature that wanted to help. They too often said for her to watch it. She hadn't seen him before but then again, he could be a tourist. Or he could have been here the entire time and she hadn't noticed. Now that last option sounded more like her. She almost rolled her eyes at the way her thoughts were drifting. But she refrained. "It's not that much further from here. You think you can wait just another few minutes?" She teases.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

His head jerked back in surprise when she invited him out to breakfast. Well that… that was new. The Doctor even looked over his shoulder, as if he was expecting her to talk to someone other than him. Without anyone else being behind him, he could only guess that she was referring to him. A soft smile moved across his fine lips showing his bright white teeth in response to her kindness; “I’d love to.”

The smells of earth were always peaceful and relaxing, even in the city. Taking in a deep breath he let out a small sigh before turning his sharp blue gaze to the girl he was walking with. It did take him a little bit before he could talk to her, not because he was shy or anything but because he was trying to see what he could figure out about her before she started talking.

“I’m the Doctor, what’s your name?” It wasn’t common that he had someone to talk to unless he had a companion with him. But that… that was a long time ago. Would it hurt to try to find someone to join him on his travels? Probably not but it’s not exactly something that one can just bring up in a conversation and as much as he’d enjoy the company, he really didn’t want her to get hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ashlyn looked up at the man calling himself 'Doctor' a clearly confused look on her face. "Doctor who?" She asked as she walked down the road enjoying one of the more sunnier days in a while, soaking in the warmth. She could honestly say she's never met anyone with just a title for a name. Then she realized she might be being rude in not giving her name in return. "My name's Ashlyn Russo." She says kindly. As she walked, she made sure she was making sure she wouldn't walk into the other early risers getting to work or school and looking at him. He had a real nice smile, with straight white teeth. It was very movie style rouge smile he had.

And like she had said, the restaurants that sold breakfast food were just up the street and it wasn't long until the smells of cooking bacon, coffee brewing, and donut making reached her nose. All the smells combined made her even more ravenous. She sighs in appreciation. "Here we are. I did say it wasn't long." She says uncertain how to make their time last longer but knew she had surprised him with her forwardness. Well consider that the both of them, she hadn't thought she would be that forward with a stranger she had met that second. But she was a good reader of people and she just knew that this Doctor was a trustworthy man. She wondered what kind of Doctor he was. A normal healing one? One that healed other things? And most of all, where he could have come from to just have a title as a name. After all, she didn't know the cultures of other people so there might be one where they gained the title of what they did. Or maybe she was just assuming.
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