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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy finished up writing up her stuff and will go over it will Ariel later to see what her thoughts where on it before going off doing something might not be a good idea and she did not want to screw up or make her mad. She placed her list of things in her pocket and grabbed the plate of cake pops and placed them in the middle of the island in the kitchen so the two can get to it and eat them or do what they want with it. Once she did that she walked to find where Mater Philips' room was at and once she found it she knocked on the door. "Master Philip, Ariel I made some cake pops for you two to try they are on the kitchen counter so they are there for you to take whenever you want." She said through the door not wanting to go in unless she was told it was ok and also she did not want to see Ariel close with Philip for it made her stomach feel weird along with her heart and she had no clue why.

"Also Master Philip I was wondering if I could possibly start a vegetable garden to grow some fresh vegetables for us to eat." Amy said through the door for she thought she might as well ask while she could so she could figure out all the stuff they need to make a garden that is if Philip agreed to it. She just stood there not knowing what she should do not for she really wanted to know what he said about her garden idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"A...vegetable garden? Er, sure we can start one up. I mean, I don't see why not after all." Backing away from Ariel, Phillip fiddled with the doorknob before opening it up to see Amy standing before him. Well, if Ariel said there wasn't anything to worry about, then he shouldn't worry himself too much, right? He gave a thumbs up to Amy before heading towards the kitchen to try out some of those cake pops. "I've never had a cake pop...um, what are they?"

Ariel followed out of Philip's bedroom with a small smile. Glancing at Amy, she nodded in approval. "See? Told you he wouldn't mind!" Lowering her voice, she offered up another kind grin. "And don't worry...I didn't tell him anything."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy smiled that he agreed to the vegetable garden for it would give her something to do that she loves and hoped that Philip will taste the difference between fresh grown vegetables with store bought ones. She followed Philip to the kitchen to try the cake pops. "They are like but in mini ball size form on a stick with either white chocolate or milk chocolate coat over it." She said with a smile. "I thought I let you try it and if you like it I can make different kinds with multiple different flavors." Amy explained to him with a smile on her face not wanting to show that anything was wrong with her or that something was off. "They are the new latest sweets that everyone has been raving about and loving lately so I thought I make some for you and Ariel to try to see if you guys like them or not." She said with a smile.

Amy looked at Ariel. "Thank you for not telling him Ariel I really appreciate it." She said to her in a hush tone towards Ariel. "Why don't you try one Ariel that is if you want to of course." She said with a smile towards her as she walked to the counter and pulls out the stuff she wrote out. "Ariel I wanted to discuss some things especially the front of the yard I got most of the branches out the area and swept the walkway so no one can slip but the place is still covered in leaves and wanted to get you opinion on what to do to help get it cleaned up." She said to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"The latest snacks, huh? Well why haven't I heard of these things before? They're pretty tasty!" Phillip scooped up a handful and popped one after the other in his mouth, happily munching away. Ariel shook her head in amusement towards his eating habits.

"The young Master must really control his manners." Taking two for herself, the maid sat down at the table opposite of Phillip and pondered Amy's recommendations. "Hmm, that sounds about right. Right now the best thing to do is continue moving things around and clearing out the area. That way we'll have more space to manage and work with."

"Now that's fine and all, but you two aren't doing any of that in this kind of weather." Ariel gave her employer a look of suprise.

"Excuse me Master?"

"Ah, you heard me right Ariel. I can't have you two going out and possibly catching a cold or anything. Besides, it can't hurt to wait one more day right?" At least he was concerned.

Blinking, Ariel looked at Amy to hear her opinion on the matter. "Well it does make sense I suppose, and I could always substitute the vegatables for something else tonight for dinner."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy was glad that Philip liked her cake pops she had made. "Well I am glad you like them and I will make sure to make more later on for you guys then." She said with a smile glad that he liked it a lot just made her dad brighter. She looked at Ariel and commented at his habits. "Oh let the Master have some fun after all I like seeing his happy face as he munches on my sweets though I better not make them very often." She said as she cleaned up the stuff she used to make the cake pops with. "But they are fun to make especially for a party." She said with a smile at him and Ariel for she was the type to be happy that people like her food.

She then listened to what Ariel had to say and agreed with her on all of it. "Yeah that was what I was starting to think but still wanted to run it by you just in case." She said to Ariel as she wrote some stuff down before looking up and listening to Philip. "Um Master Philip it is not that bad outside in my opinion and its actually very hard to catch a cold if you dress appropriate for this weather and it is best if we get most of it clean up before the wind picks up again that way the walk way and area will look nice especially if we get un expected guest and they do not have to worry about slipping." She said to Philip for she was the type to do nothing but work until it was done so it would be come a big problem. "But if wish for us not to do it I got most of it done earlier so I guess we can wait till tomorrow." Amy said as she rubbed her arm a little for it was hurting a little but rubbing it helped a little.

Amy went over and grabbed her cook book and flipped through the pages. "Master Philip why don't you pick something you want for dinner again tonight like last from my cook book as a new plan and if you want you can help make it again that is only if you want to of course." She said to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel's gaze sharpened when she saw Amy rub at her arm. She was about to say something but Phillip beat her to it. "Hey Amy, did something bite you? You're scratching your arm over there...." Ariel diverted the conversation by taking the cookbook in Amy's hands and placing it in front of Philip.

"Oh, nothing to worry about! More importantly you need to focus on our meal for the day." Leaving him be, she carefully grabbed Amy's hand, making sure not to hold on too tight, and led her down the hallway.

"Hey wait, where are you going?"

"Just girl talk Master!" Once they had put enough distance between them and the kitchen, Ariel paused to let go. "Does it hurt often?" Her look was serious, and she already formulated herbal recipes in her mind to treat the pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy looked at him and only smiled. "Just some dry skin Master Philip I forgot to put lotion on earlier today so my dry skin is just getting a little irritated." SHe siad to Him not looking fazed at all for she is very used to hiding what she does to herself only reasons she was found out once was because a female coworker saw her arms when she was changing. Thought she did let out a small eep when she got pulled down the hallway by Ariel for she did not expect that at all. Once down in the Hallway she looked at Ariel when she asked about her arm. "It hurts from time to time if I don't clean it right or........if I go a little to deep." She said as she held her arm tight.

"I am truly unstable I thought I was getting better honetly I have been to therepy for this but it seems old habits die hard." Amy said as she rolled her other sleev up showing cut mark scars and some with teeth mark scars. "It started with me biting at a young age and it only got worst as I got older." She said as she rolled her sleeve back down and looked at Ariel. "I am sorry that if this is a burden of me I have some parts of my past that I am not proud of at all." She said to her as she sighed a little. "But I guess the small plus is that is has been a while since I last harmed myself like this." Amy siad as she tried to smile. "But I will be fine really sorry for being a burden Ariel." She siad to her.

Amy sighed a little for all she wished for was a normal life instead of being what she is now but most of the blame has went to her parents and how she was raised. "We better get back and make sure Master Philip is not worried." She said as she started to walk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel tensed up as she bore witness to the scars and marks running all over Amy's arm like a melody of red. So many...how long had she been doing this? The maid gritted her teeth as she shook her head to Amy's words.

"You're not a burden. Got that? You're not a burden to me, or the Master, or to anyone else so stop saying you are one Amy. And please...if you ever feel the need to hurt yourself again, please at least talk to me first. I don't know what I can do for you....but I know talking helps. Ok?"

Honestly worried about her fellow maid, Ariel nodded in response as the two made their way back into the kitchen; only to find Phillip trying to get their attention by waving around the cookbook madly with one hand.

"Girl talk eh? Anyway, look what I found! Gourmet cheeseburgers! It says we need onions, and bacon, and some kind of special sauce...hey, let's try it out!"

The Master's energetic state served well to lift Ariel's depressed mood in facing Amy's self-mutilation and she couldn't help but giggle away at the enthusiasm.

"Well, well! Watch out Amy, or you just might be replaced in the kitchen by the young Master here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy laughed at Master Philip with him her cookbook waving it like mad as she walekd over to look at the recipie. "Um master Philip we also need ground meat to make them too." SHe siad with a smile pointing it out. "Most of the recipies in here are made from scartch recipies." She siad with a smile on her face and she looked at it. "We can do this for its a fun thing to make for all of us." She said with a smile as she decided leave the book open on the recipe to remember what to make for dinner. "If Master Philip wishes we can make it for lunch then let Ariel decided what we can do for dinner." She offered the idea to them to see what they thought of the idea and did not mind if they did not agree with it.

Amy laughed when Ariel said that Master Philip my no longer need her in the kitchen. "Maybe but I also know a few advance recipies that might be able to keep me around longer." She siad with a smiel but soon her arm was throbbing a lot and she had no clue. 'Excuse me I will be right back I need to go to the ladies room." She siad as she walked out and went to her bathroom, took the bandage off and saw her wound was not doing good. "Crap I hope this is not already infected." She siad and noticed dirt under the bandages. "Oh no some dirt must have got in here when I was moving the branches." She said and started to clean her arm again and spryed some disinfectinat on it and it stung really bad. "Ah stay calm stay calm this just means its doing its job." She said as she noticed some small bugs in her wound and got them out before they can do damage.

Once she was done she carefully rebandaged her arm she made her way back to the kitchen and smiled once she walked in. "Sorry about that never know when nature calls." She siad with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Eh, Ariel can have the next pick. Just make it a good one, ok?"

"Why of course Master Phillip! Do you doubt my choices in the culinary world?"

The happy rounds of mirth and joy were cut short when Amy excused herself to the restroom. Ariel frowned as her gaze followed the other girl with intent. Why couldn't Amy tell Phillip? She knew that the boy meant good and so would not hesitate to treat her wounds and counsel her properly. She felt so...helpless. And she hated it.

"Master, why don't you find some supplies in the pantry? I'll wait here for Miss Jones."

"Well alright then."

As the eye-patched boy left to go to the pantry, which was really just a huge closet packed with ingredients, Ariel waited patiently for Amy until the other girl returned. She kept a close eye on the arm she knew was bandaged and her frown became deeper.

"Amy, you need to be treated soon! You can't keep going on like this...at least let me apply some medicine. I don't want you to end up like...never mind. Come on, let me put some proper lotions on it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy looked at Ariel confused when she looked at her. "Ariel I am fine my arm was throbbing so I went to figure out why dirt got under my bandage I was just cleaning it and disinfecting it then place a new clean bandaged on so I am fine really I did not hurt myself again." Amy explained to Ariel not wanting to freat over her. "So I am fine honest Ariel I just went to clean it agian."

"But if it will make you feel better you can put some on later after lunch ok, but for right now everything is fine." She explained to Ariel. "Thank you for worring though Ariel you are the first to really worry." She said to her as she walked past her and went to the pantry to get the ingredients she needed not knowing that Philip was in there. She walked in and was amazed at how big it was. "Wow no this is a pantry." She said to herself as she started to look around trying to find what she was looking for not really paying attention what was in front of her. "Hmm now where is that spice I am looking for." She said as she scanned the shelf trying to find the spices she needed and other stuff that she would need for lunch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel only clenched her fists, obviously still deeply upset by the whole thing. Why couldn't Amy see that what she was doing was wrong? She needed help! Ariel didn't want the other girl to end up like...to almost go through with...saying nothing, the dark haired maid turned to follow her into the pantry as well, keeping a close watch on that arm of hers.

As it turned out, Phillip didn't have the first clue on what special ingredients they needed, so he spent the majority of his time rumbling through the stacks upon stacks of supplies. Lashing out with his hands, he reached forward in an attempt to grab anything...only to brush against the light switch instead and trip on a stray loaf of bread.

"Hey, watch ou-mmpf?"

The fall wasn't as hard as he expected, and he realized something soft had cushioned his blow; something was also covering his mouth. The lights flickered back on at that moment thanks to Ariel.

"Young Master, are you hurt? I heard a crash...."

Her words trailed off absently as she stared down at the sight before her. Phillip was....he was....his lips had landed upon Amy's! They must have tripped over each other in the dark and...and...Ariel's eye twitched slightly as the image was too much to bear. First Amy's mutilation, then her refusal for help, and now...now...

As silent as a ghost, Ariel left the pantry to return to the servant's dorm. There she closed the door and sat on the bed, staring blankly at the walls in front of her. Realizing his mistake, Phillip quickly crawled off of Amy with a dark blush.

"Crap, crap, crap, this isn't good! Sorry Amy..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Hmmm I wish I this place was better organized so I can find what I am looking for." She said and soon heard some rumbling and turned around and let out a scream when she felt something land on her knocking her down hard only her butt and back even her elbows doe it was helping keeping her propped up. She felt something on her lips also and looked up once the lights came back on and saw that she was kissing Philip and her face was now dark red. and once he was off her she freaked. "No I am sorry for this I should have come in here to clean so you would not have tripped over something." Amy said freaking out like crazy as her face stayed red as a beet. "And it's alright you tipped and...and..." She said trying to find her words as she tried to talk to Philip but it was a little hard now. Amy was now very embarrassed and and freaked out mainly.

"Um how about you go relax and I will just make lunch for us." Amy said to him for a lot of this stuff that had just happen might cause him to hurt himself for some of the prep involved chopping and she did not want Philip to get hurt at all. But she did not know when she fell back her sleeve caught a nail and ripped it off exposing her bandage and some other scars that went up that one arm. She quickly got up and dusted off the dust off her skirt and apron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"U-Uh, sure, If you say so."

Phillip quickly left the pantry to patiently wait in the living room area until he was needed again, his face still a light crimson. It took only a few moments for him to realize that one other person was missing from their trio and he turned back to glance at Amy.

"By the way, can you go check on Ariel first? I saw her run out, and I don't want her getting any wrong ideas with...you know, uh, us."

As he said this, he failed to notice the torn bandage now hanging loosely off of Amy's arm. Good fortune for her, as he surely would have reported it aloud to her. Inside the servant's quarter, poor Ariel continued to stare at the walls in silent and fuming misery. It was just an accident...right? The Master didn't actually like Amy in...that way...right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Amy was still freaked out like crazy at what had just happen. She did admit she liked master Philip because he was sweet and everything but she never think he would like her back because she was a low class girl and he was a high class guy. She shook her head trying to get it out of her head for she was there to work not fall in love. But when he asked her to check on Ariel she nodded at him. "Of course I will be back to make lunch in a bit." She said as she rushed to Ariels room and knocked on the door before walking in.

"Ariel.....Ariel what you saw was an accident he tripped on something and he tripped onto me and our lips just touched like that it meant nothing I swear." Amy said to Ariel for she got the vibe and idea Ariel liked Philip for the way she acted and said to her when they meet. "Ariel please believe me there is no way Master Philip would like a girl like me that way I am in the low low working class I can never be at his leave or be someone he could like since I am so distant." Amy explained to Ariel. "I swear I am not trying to get between you or Master Philip." Amy said to her for even though Amy felt something when they kiss she was not going to admit it.

"Ariel please come down and help make lunch you can make Master Philips portion if you like and he is worried about you after you ran off all of a sudden." Amy pleaded to Ariel still not noticing her sleeve was gone and her bandaged was exposed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel jumped when she heard Amy's voice right next to her. "Oh! Ah, sorry Amy! I was just....thinking...yes...yes I know it was an accident. Sorry for making you and the Master worry! He really is too kind for his own good..." Her voice trailed off at that last word and she couldn't help but wipe a growing tear from her eye. How pathetic of her to get upset over something as silly as this...yes! Yes, this was all just silly! Getting up from her place on the bed, Ariel recovered just enough to notice the large rip on Amy's sleeve. When she did notice it, she let out a gasp.

"Amy! Your sleeve!"

She grabbed the other maid's arm and gently led her to the bathroom. "Be glad the Master didn't see this! Otherwise he would have....would have...helped you." She paused mid-stride as memories of the past began to overload her senses and her perception. So much was the reaction to it all, that she let Amy's arm drop and stared at the bathroom mirror.

"He's always been so kind...to everyone...why can't he see....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy was glad Ariel was ok but she got worried when she trailed off when she said that Philip was to kind for his own good and it only made her worried more about things but it was none of her business since she had just meet Philip and Ariel yesterday. She jumped a little when she yelled about her sleeve and she looked down at it and realized that it was ripped off and her bandages were exposed. "Huh that must of happen when Master fPhilip tripped onto me and it must of gotten snagged by a nail." She said to Ariel and was Glad Philip did not noticed it for she as more worried she would be put in rehab and fired.

Amy let out an eep when Ariel pulled her to the bathroom and she listened to her talk and stop all of a sudden. "Ariel......is there something bothering you about Master Philips kindness?" She asked Ariel knowing she was not open about her past but she still liked to try to help other for that was just her nature. "Ariel I know I am not open about my past for I do have a bit of trust problems but if there is something bothering you I do want to help and yes I know I am contradicting this because I won;t accept it but Ariel I do not like seeing you with sad face."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"I...I...i-it's just that..." Ariel turned to Amy with unreadable emotion in her red eyes. "The young master...well, he's always been kind to everyone. Especially to me...his family treats this flawless compassion as a weakness to the business. A liability to the real world..." Ariel looked down to stare at Amy's arm, her own mind plaguing her with long ago forgotten memories. "I was all alone," she whispered, as if to herself. "All alone in the dark...his father came to me and....let's just say that me and you Amy...we're more alike than you realize." By now, faint tears were starting to build on her eyes, and Ariel instantly began wiping them away so Amy wouldn't notice. She had always been trained to conceal her emotions from others, especially those closest to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amy looked at Ariel and felt bad for her for Ariel was in this dark world like she is right now but hers was still effecting her badly. Amy look down at her arm with the bandage and she looekd at Ariel and sighed. "Ariel.......I am credit card debt that I never created." Amy said to her finally. "May parents they lived everyday like thier were rich and had all the money in the world and spent it on themselves." She explained to her. "my mom would pretend to be a single mom and get money from the goverment after I was born and we moved a lot I never had nice toys, or the latest fashion all I had was boks that laid around or when I went to the library and they never really feed me so I would cook for myself that is where my passion for cooking came from." Amy explained to Ariel and looked at her arm. "The cuting began when I was 12 the bite marks happen when I was 6 for my mother kept saying that being alive and having her not throw me in the dumpster was repayment enough and my father agreed with her." Amy said to her has tears rolled down her face. "My wn parents that created me and brought me in this world saw me as a tool then a burden on them as they left me alone everyday to fend for myself and I thought thing would get better once I started working at 16 I was able to get my mom to sign something with out her knowing it that allowed me to work at 16 while I went to school." She said to Ariel. "Later one when I turn 18 I had enough money to finally move out and live on my own but when I went to withdaw some money to get groceries my bank account was cleaned out and I found out ccredit cars were created in my name that allowed my parents to use it ......it where their new scam to get moeny to spend to keep their life style leaving me to pay the bills...I had to close my bank account and cancel all the credit cards they created and set up this thing to try to prevent it from happening again." Amy said as she slid to the ground sitting there. "Then I lost my job due to the owner no longer keeping up with the place and gave up and I was broke and homeless I got lucky to get a job as a maid but when you came along I thought I was going to be on the streets again and I did not want to go back to the streets." Amy said to ARiel as she cried hard.

"The new cuts you see on my arms where caused when you were not happy with me and stuff it brought back memories of when my mom would act like that and I could not risk breaking down, especially in front of Master Philip, so I went up and cut my self to help stop the break down from happening." Amy siad as she burried her face into her knees. "I am truly pathetic and unstable." She said to Ariel and she was the first person to actually hear her full story at how her life was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel could only stand there, a hand held closely to her gaping mouth. How horrible! Amy was....and she still felt pain from all that time ago? Bending down to meet the other maid's gaze, Ariel reached out to pat her gently on the arm, mindful of the bruises and the cuts. "No...no I'm the pathetic one," she murmured. "Here I am complaining about accidents and the like....and you've had to suffer like this....heh, I really am weak after all." She spoke softly, as if confirming something hidden to herself and tears began to roll down her cheeks silently.

"Yes...here I am again, crying for myself when it's obvious you're the one in pain...sorry! I-I guess I'm still weak after all...ah, let me get you that medication then!" Holding back a choked sob, Ariel rushed into the bathroom without thinking of switching the lights on. Groping in the dark for the medicine, she tried to stifle her cries as much as possible.

She had still not told Amy her own story.
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