Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"You must truly not value the life of young Michel. What would your love think?" Though Zodiark was able to get that out, he grunted at the pain of the purification that was currently underway. Deep down, he knew this was a mistake. But his plan was worth the risk if he could get into her mind long enough to distract her from his true objective. It required a little sacrifice.

Wesley understood Emiri's hesitant reaction to keep secrets from anyone, especially Jaakuna. He knew that asking this of her would only put her in an awkward position, but what was plaguing his mind could no longer be kept from anyone. He needed to tell someone. He knew he couldn't bear to tell Nadeine and everyone else would not understand. She was the only one he could disclose this to.

"Since I woke up yesterday, I've found out things; things that were otherwise out of my reach. Knowledge-wise, I know certain things." Wesley understood he was making little to no sense. "Allow me to rephrase." He pressed his thumb to his lip, looking at Emiri with his darkened indigo eyes. "I had a dream last night that made a lot of things clear to me. The Word, while different for everyone, seems to give me clairvoyance. With this, I dreamt of something frightening." Wesley found himself unknowingly gripping Emiri's hand. "I know who the protector is. The man who is responsible for the tragedy that befell my family. The man who was also responsible for Nadeline's kidnapping. The very same man that.." unknowingly, Wesley was gripping her hand, "it's me, Emiri. I am The Protector. I am...Fandaniel, the Protector, spawn of Zodiark."

And as he spoke that, Wesley felt ashamed to even look her into the eyes.
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Clearly he was trying to save his own skin--figuratively--and the woman eyed him casually, as if trying to decide what to do with him next. "Your words don't amuse me any longer," Shion informed him as she would let go of her sword, backing away from him to cast a spell. "Any last words?"

The princess closed the door behind her, looking around. Wesley hadn't been in his room as she had hoped, although she was secretly glad. The more she thought about it, the worse she felt. How could she possibly face him? Cassandra's words, hollow as they may have been, seemed to play like a song in her head over and over. Never in her life had she felt such a mixture of her very nerves shattering and an unwanted sense of dread. This wasn't how things were supposed to turn out. Not like this. She didn't know where to go, and she didn't want to see anyone. Letting out a huff, Nadeline couldn't help but slap herself. She needed to get a grip! Deciding to put Wesley aside just for the moment, she decided there was one more place she could check.

Wesley was always concerned for his friends, and so she decided to head to where she knew Emiri was. She approached the door nervously, stopping right outside. She hadn't even considered what her friends would think of all this. Did she want them to know? No doubt Cassandra would go and scream it to the heavens. As the thought left her mind, she would look at the door, as if searching for answers. "That can't be!" She heard Emiri through the door. "Wesley, that can't be the truth!"

The truth? About what? The princess put her hand on the door, intent on confronting her, although she found herself stopping as Emiri would continue to speak.

Emiri was looking at Wesley with a combination of shock and pure denial. "Wesley, that isn't possible. You can't be...You're kind! And caring, and you wouldn't hurt anyone!" She didn't mean to be so loud, but maybe she was just trying to understand. "You're the prince of Dalmasca, there's no possible way you could have murdered your own family! I mean, you said you didn't have a clear memory of it, but--I can't see you serving under Zodiark of all people!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"Just three," Zodiark said through his wincing. "Don't turn around."

When he uttered those words before she would even know what hit her, a sword of darkness pierced through Shion's stomach, spraying crimson liquid out from her torso and onto Michel-possessed Zodiark. The sword itself appeared out of nowhere. However, in a matter of three seconds, it would appear as though it wasn't. A form that blended with the light started to step out as if through a portal of some kind. First, its leg came out, clad in red armor and soon, after about a minute of it slowly coming through and pulling the sword from Shion's stomach.

Given that Shion would look behind her, she would see a face that was all too familiar. "You're off your game, Blue Rose," the deep, aged voice said.

Zodiark smiled, finally free from Shion's clutches. Taking a moment to collect himself, Zodiark knelt down to Shion so he was at eye level with her. "I do hope you understand what just happened. Though, perhaps you should ask my loyal subject."

Their face was now revealed and they stepped into the light.

"Isn't that right, Hamut?"

Hamut whipped his sword free of Shion's blood and simply watched her with curious eyes.

"I cannot explain this, but..it's true, Emiri. My new powers granted me several things. The ability to see through Keiran's charade. The likely bonus that, on some level, I know what he is planning is also something I might be capable of too; unsure about the details. but what I do know is that this...dream I had. It showed me in a different form but it was still me. My mist was very much the same. I was in the heavens when the Espers rebelled against them. I was Fandaniel, the Protector. I was the one who banished Hashmal and locked him once more into a prison in Pheros." Wesley couldn't shake the feeling that he was right. Why else would he know these things? If he truly was Fandaniel, then that meant... "I can't let anyone know this. Not until I am absolutely sure. I need to make sure this isn't the work of someone else. Or if it isn't, then I cannot be around anyone. I need you to promise you'll keep this to yourself until I can make sense of it."
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Ah, so this was the source behind his confidence.

Despite the lack of surprise on her face, one hand went to her wound, though she found her body dropping to her knees. Her magicks would fade, the many petals surrounding them wilting away. What little energy she had seemed to have gone, all of it having been spent on the attempted purification. She closed her eyes, her free hand in a fist. So, this was it. She should have known better, should have been sharper and more concise. She opened her amber eyes as her blackened arm seemed to seize the moment, a sharp pain shooting through her body. Her seal wasn't able to combat it, enabling the dark magicks to travel further through her body.

"Fled to your master's shadow once the Sky Pirate had his way with you, did you?" Shion took a stab of a guess at Hamut. "To think even you were in league with him...tell me, how did you get here?"

It was Emiri's turn to put her hand on Wesley's. She was honestly at a loss for words, as she wasn't sure how to take all this. After a moment, she looked right at him, determined. "No matter what happens, we're all here for you," She told him. "Don't try to do everything on your own. You have us--all of us! So please...don't talk like that." Her voice seemed desperate, feeling as if her words alone weren't enough. How could she get him to understand? She searched herself for the words, but they wouldn't come. She would, however, nod. "I won't say anything...but...I think you should tell everyone anyway. You don't have to go through this alone. Please, Wesley, don't make the same mistake I did. But not just for us, think of your family, of Nadeline. She would want to know."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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She could call it whatever she wanted. Call him pathetic. Call him a less of a man than he was before his partnership with Zodiark. At the end of the day, Hamut ensured his survival by aligning himself with Zodiark. Though, perhaps Shion deserved to know exactly why he did join forces with Zodiark. Perhaps he could grant her that much. Considering she’s on death’s door, it was only right that reward all of her hard work by enlightening her. Hamut stepped forward, circling Shion. As he looked at her in those amber eyes of hers, he actually pitied how far she had fallen. After a longing gaze, he would tell his tale.

I could spare you the details, but you seem like you want to know exactly why.” He started, gazing upon Shion’s form. “Truth is that Zodiark and I have had a plan from the very get go. Before my grandson ever freed him from that prison in Giruvegan. Before my son’s revival and Zodiark’s true release. Before any of Jackson’s friends or even Jackson’s father, there had always been a plan to not only get Zodiark free but return him to where he truly deserves: ruling over all things. Anything that could be and anything that would be, my master--no, my partner in crime--deserves it all. It was then when I was a young dragon in this world of ours, I devised a plan. Together, through the years, I etched my name into this world and rose to power. Doing everything I could to make sure Zodiark’s revival was inevitable. There were some setbacks, sure, but I was confident that everything would go according to plan.

And guess what, Shion?” Hamut knelt down to her, hand on her rosy cheeks. “We’re almost there. The final step was getting you here. Once he delivers the final blow and absorbs that strong mist of yours, we can initiate the final stage of the plan.” Hamut informed her. “With your power, we can--

Hamut, that’s quite enough.

Of course, my apologies,” Hamut backed away. He looked to Shion. “It’s too bad no one will be able to know of my involvement, Blue Rose. I was really looking forward to getting even with that grandson of mine. I suppose your death in our company will have to do.” Hamut shrugged, stepping aside as he would let Zodiark do what needed to be done.

Zodiark raised his arms, up in the air, conjuring up Michel’s mist around him. Seven colors of his seven auras surrounded him and swirled around he and Shion. His eyes would flash all seven colors and then all of that mist gathered would concentrate into his two fists. And then he would go for a series of punches. “It’s time to reunite you with Rio and Avira,” he said, going in for the final kill.

Gods he knew she was right. And it wasn’t like he was going to retreat to his vices like Emiri did. He knew that wasn’t the way to go nor was it what he intended to do. Perhaps she misunderstood what he meant in his previous statement. Still, this wasn’t something no one would believe nor accept when they did believe it. While it was similar to what Emiri went through, she herself was not Keiran, but rather had it implanted inside her head. Wesley was a Spawn of Zodiark. From where he stood, there was a difference and not one where he could simply go and tell everyone, hoping for the best.

I appreciate what you’re trying to say, Emiri. I know it comes from a good place, but I cannot do as you request. If this is the truth, I cannot risk putting anyone in danger. In the event that something unfortunate happens to me, I simply cannot. I refuse to put anyone’s lives in danger--especially Nadeline’s.” Wesley felt a sharp pain in his heart when he thought of Nadeline. “I..need to make preparations for my journey to seek the truth,” Wesley stated, letting out a sigh. It was one that was as if he had no other choice. “I will tell the others some--”

And as Wesley would turn his wheelchair around, he saw Nadeline in the door. In that exact moment, there were a lot of things that went through his mind: how much did she know? What was she thinking right now? He took in a deep breath and exhaled. “How much of that did you hear?

When they were left alone by Nadeline and Grant, Savayna and Jaakuna never moved from where they were. The sun’s rays were on them and he held her in his arms, continuously telling her it would be okay and that she didn’t have anything to be afraid of. He assured her, reassured her, and re-reassured her until she got the hint. He wanted her to be sure that there was absolutely nothing for her to fear. As long as he was by her side, he wouldn’t let anything harm her.

And though she protested him in the beginning, after awhile, Savayna ended up admitting defeat. When it all came down to it, she could never say no to him nor stay mad at him for long. It was just the way they had always been. Even when he drove her to her last nerve and it seemed as though she could hold onto her anger with him forever, when it all came down to it, he was probably the only one out of anyone she knew that could get her to see the logic in just about everything. Where everyone else failed, he was always the warmth she sought after. And yet, as they rested on the balcony, watching the birds fly overhead, there was something that she couldn’t help shake. It was as if something had happened yesterday--probably the reason for her meltdown earlier--that made whatever was happening right now seem wrong.

But what was it?

No, she shouldn’t ruin a good moment between old friends by finding a fault in it. Whatever happened yesterday didn’t matter to her. She honestly didn’t care one way or the other. As it stood right now, this was what she needed. She needed a comfort of a friend and that’s exactly what Jaakuna was providing for her.



I just wanted to say..I mean, that is to say..

You’re welcome, silly.

She said nothing after that. They simply stayed there for twenty more minutes before they would venture back to the others in the Grand Hall. They were probably getting worried, anyway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Hamut's smugness practically radiated off him as he spoke. Confident, wasn't he? She was admittedly more intrigued than anything, though Zodiark would deny her the information she truly wanted. That they would want her power meant they didn't have enough for whatever it was that they were planning. As Zodiark would approach her once more, she watched him as he would charge up. To think this was how it ended. Though one word more than the rest seemed to stick out, a bitter reminder of things that had come and gone.

"You had it right the first time," Shion would correct Hamut. "If you truly believe yourself to be his partner, you're more of a fool than I believed. He would rather reign than have an equal. Isn't that right, My Lord?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. It would seem Zodiark was done with her, however, though she was determined to make sure she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain.

As he neared, however, she seemed to notice something behind him. The crystal underneath her shined, and she let out a gasp as a barrier surrounded her, effectively halting his assault. Something seemed to swoop in, a black cape billowing behind him as a claw would grip Zodiark's head. At the same time, someone would drop in front of Shion, and she would see Vlyn holding out his hand. Before she realized what happened, a blinding light surrounded the three, and Vlyn would hook an arm under her knees and pick her up. He backed away a distance, and it was then she would see the cloaked figure in front of her.

Aloa eyed both Hamut and Zodiark in Michel's body, one of her eyes colored red as she held out her morphed claw. "As we suspected. The entirety of Archades searched in vain, though now that we know the truth, clarity comes to us," She spoke, although her voice was distorted, likely by Zalera's presence. "You take yours, we will take ours." She stated, her magicks working their way through Michel's body.

Grant had grown tired of Lorenzo's blubbering, and thus departed the room. He wasn't sure where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do, though he was more annoyed by his lack of voice than anything else. He stopped to stare out the window for a moment, though the sound of a door opening would catch his attention. Keiran let out a rather loud yawn, scratching the back of his head, though he would give Grant a smile. "Hey there, buddy," He greeted him, slinging his arm over Grant's shoulders and pulling him close. "Still feeling sour? Not that you could tell me...but you never were the talkative type, were you?"

The prince didn't quite appreciate the closeness, though he had little choice as Keiran would practically drag him along as he walked. For all intents and purposes, Keiran was enjoying himself. He did catch Grant's expression, though it seemed to please him more. "I thought you could use some comforting. The first love of your life, and your current one both love Jaakuna, don't they? It's pretty harsh, and I figured after your failure at calming Savayna down you'd want some encouragement. No need to thank me!" He stated, clearly missing Grant's annoyed glare. "Wanna know a little secret?" He asked, though Grant was certain he was going to continue anyway. "I have an older brother here in the castle right now."

Now that was a joke. Grant couldn't help but scoff at him, though he managed to get out of his grasp, crossing his arms. Keiran examined him for a moment. "It's true. You don't believe me? You can ask your dear Emiri, or your niece--though, with the way things are headed, I don't know if Nadeline's going to be in the best state of mind, so to speak." His words finally seemed to get some sort of effect on Grant, who seemed to finally pay attention. "It was a suspicion, but I wonder how my big brother's going to take the news that he's going to be a daddy? Or will the princess even want to have it now that she knows the truth?"

What kind of idiot did Keiran think Grant was? Grant shook his head at him, though Keiran would simply turn him around, showing him Nadeline standing outside of Emiri's room, her hand on the door. She looked shocked, listening in to the conversation in the room. She would then push the door open, walking in. Keiran chuckled, patting Grant's shoulder. "Let's watch and see what happens, shall we?"

She hadn't even noticed she had opened the door until she saw Emiri's surprised expression. It was then that Wesley would address her, though without thinking, she immediately went to him, and before she knew it, she slapped him. There were a flurry of emotions running through her heart, a mountain of thoughts crossing her mind, but she had acted purely on one thing, and she was in both denial and in shock.

"How...how dare you!" Nadeline couldn't help but shout, her hands on the sides of her head. She was clearly overwhelmed with everything at this point, and Emiri forced herself crawl over closer to the pair. For some reason, Nadeline's reaction seemed to be more...frantic than usual. Emiri let out a gasp as Nadeline dropped down to her knees, though she was surprised when the princess would take a hold of Wesley's chair, staring at the ground. "You were going to leave just like that...after everything...I can't..." She couldn't string together enough words to convey what she was trying to say, though it was clear how upset she was. "Please don't...I don't care about anything else, Wesley, I can't be alone!"

"Nadeline, it's not what you think!" Emiri tried to come to Wesley's defense, though she felt like there was something else Nadeline wasn't saying. "What's wrong? What is it?"

It was at that point that Nadeline would burst into tears, her head on Wesley's lap as she sobbed. "I can't do this without you...If you leave now..." She managed to say between her crying. "This wasn't how I wanted this to happen, not like this! Wesley...I'm...I'm..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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The long silence from when he had spotted her and asked his beloved what she heard to the moment she spoke was a killer. Wesley thought that maybe she didn’t hear anything and she was just confused about why Wesley was meeting with Emiri in secret. Alternatively, she could’ve heard every last bit and she was finding it difficult to process. It could’ve been a number of things--none of which were favorable in his humble opinion. However, as soon as she would open her mouth, it became obvious to the Dalmascan prince that something was terribly wrong. It was in the way she spoke and how frantic she was acting.

But what could it be?

Listening to her intently with a partial reason for not wanting to miss any of it and the rest being of intrigue as to why she was acting this way, Wesley became more convinced--if not fully already--that she had heard nothing of there being a high chance of him being Fandaniel. Instead, she seemed to only hear what he told Emiri about wanting to leave the castle. Though, while that mystery was solved, it still didn’t explain why she was acting the way that she was and saying the things that she said. As a man who wanted to understand it all, she was puzzling him. Even Emiri would try to get her to see to reason. However, that fell on deaf ears.

And when she amped up her tone, Wesley saw Nadeline go to her knees as she started to sob hysterically into his lap as she pleaded with him not to leave. Hearing her words, Wesley knew exactly what was happening. Knowing her so well and knowing how observant he was to certain things, Wesley wasn’t like most men. He had read and experienced so much that Wesley understood what was happening. Though, if the gods forgive him for his silence in the moment, this took him by surprise.

I see,” Wesley said, patting Nadeline’s back to comfort her.

He looked to Emiri, who at this point was unsure what was happening. He gave her an assuring smile, though he shook his head at her. Without saying anything, it was enough. He knew she wanted him to tell her the truth. Had she been in any other state, then perhaps he would’ve, but she was upset enough. If he were to add to her unrest, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. Besides, he was just reminded of something important. What separated him from all other Zodiark Spawn. Even if he was the Protector, he was still Wesley Alexander of Dalmasca.

How could I have been so blind and not noticed it?” Wesley seemed to be questioning himself rather than Nadeline. Once she would raise her head to him, doubtless with puffy eyes, he smiled gently at her, giving her a comforting kiss. “My fiance bears me a child.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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"WHAT?!" Emiri blurted out without even thinking, although in all fairness it was one of the last things she had expected to hear. The truth of the matter was that she had seen the pair as rather chaste. Wesley seemed more the courtly type, so she admittedly never really thought of him being the type. As for Nadeline, she was more traditional, especially with the way she was raised. She always talked about a big wedding, then starting a family, and so on. So it was a surprise. A huge surprise. It almost left her feeling dizzy, though she ended up sighing in relief, eyeing Wesley in particular.

They both knew Nadeline hadn't heard everything, only the part of him leaving. It was lucky, but at the same time, Emiri really wanted Wesley to come out with the truth. Now didn't seem to be the time as he would shake his head, but at the very least, he understood now. She was glad; it really tore her up when Jaakuna had left, so maybe she had just wanted to spare Nadeline the same pain.

The brunette decided to put their conversation to the side--for now. "Congratulations?" She didn't mean for it to be questionable, though there was something she didn't quite understand. "I really thought you'd be happier about it."

Nadeline sniffled, trying to regain control of herself. "It's...to be honest...I'm not entirely sure..." She mumbled, shaking her head, though a newfound rage seemed to form. "Keiran was the one who put the idea into everyone's heads! But now that I think about it...it's possible..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Keiran told you this?"

Wesley pondered on that thought, placing his thumb against his lip. He bit on it and thought long and hard. If Keiran put the thought into her mind that she might be pregnant, then maybe she wasn't? Or she was and he was doing nothing at all. Keiran lived to cause confusion for anyone. Making everyone play against each other and causing trouble everywhere he went. It happened with Emiri, then Jaakuna, and now he was doing it to Nadeline and Wesley. It didn't matter to him that he was somewhat forgiven, he kept persisting in these games. Keiran was too much like Zodiark. He thought no one caught onto his games. He thought that he was tied to Emiri that he couldn't be hurt. He thought that just because Jaakuna had hurt him once and in turn hurt Emiri that he was untouchable.

But what he failed to realize was that only a Spawn can hurt another Spawn.

Wesley dug into that part of him that was Zodiark. If it was true, then what he was about to do would work. If not, then it was useless.

Reaching deep into the dark essence of his soul, Wesley felt Fandaniel's soul coming through. Even if for a brief moment, his eyes flashed green. Wherever Keiran was--wherever he was plotting from--not only would Wesley know where he was, but anything he had in mind would be halted immediately. Keiran would feel it as his entire body would feel a number of things. First, a sharp pain would course through his body. Then, though it would take a few moments longer than he intended, Keiran would be force-summoned into Emiri's room.

"We know what you have done," Wesley stated coldly.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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At that point, Grant had shown up, poking his head into the room. It would seem Nadeline had broken the news, and Emiri would offer him an apologetic look. He let out an exasperated sigh, raising an eyebrow at her. The brunette blinked in confusion--what was wrong with him? Nadeline had seemed to regain herself, although she would take a seat, a little more calm. Emiri shifted uncomfortably as Wesley would speak, as if she knew what was coming already. She nearly jumped as Keiran would suddenly appear, although he looked less than pleased at being forcibly summoned.

"Ow. That was just plain rude," Keiran scoffed, rubbing his shoulder, though he would purposely put his elbow on Grant's shoulder, looking at Wesley as he spoke to him. "Done? Hmm...I guess I have to tell you the same thing I told that one--I haven't done anything," He stated cheerfully, nudging Grant. "My buddy here can vouch for me, he thought the same thing I did! I thought you would've been happy to know you're going to be a daddy."

Grant rolled his eyes. While it was true, Grant would never actually admit it, knowing exactly how Lorenzo would have reacted. Emiri grimaced, though she glared at him. "You can't go around saying things like that," She scolded him, irritated. "Honestly, Wesley has a point. If you're trying to pit us all against each other, it's not going to work."

Keiran's grin finally faded, though he looked equally as annoyed. "So I was the one that made Savayna go all out of control and get comforted by Jaakuna? I was the one that got Cassandra to get all possessive and upset Emiri? I wasn't the one openly complaining in front of everyone about my symptoms, either." He pointed out, shaking his head. "Go ahead, blame me all you want. But this group is dysfunctional enough on its own--trust me, I don't even need to lift a finger to destroy your bonds, you can do that on your own just fine."

Admittedly, Nadeline mentally admitted he had a point. Things simply weren't the same since they split up--a wedge had been driven between them, whether they liked it or not. Grant scratched the back of his head, equally in agreement. Emiri, however, would disagree. However, she looked instead at Wesley, who would hopefully understand her look. She would look back at Keiran, and let out a sigh. "A lot has happened," Nadeline would admit out loud, much to everyone's surprise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Suddenly, as death magicks surged their way through Michel’s body, Zodiark noticed something absolutely wrong. It wasn’t exactly what Zalera’s power was like--not really, anyways. It was, like Aloa’s voice, distorted and mixed. Ancient Viera mist mixed with the Death Esper’s own intended to finish the job that Shion had started. It was different from Shion’s magicks, though. Hers was purely purification-based. Zodiark could tell that his brother’s approach was a lot more vicious and vile. Much like Zodiark’s own ambition, it dug deep into the connection that he had with Michel, no matter how guarded it was, the piercing magicks got past all defenses and now had the Keeper of Precepts on his knees, gripping his chest tightly as he grunted out. It also caused him to start to pant heavily.

And as it dug further, Zodiark fell on all fours.

What’s happening?” Hamut asked, worried as he saw Zodiark almost cry out from the pain. Whatever Aloa was doing not only halted his master’s attack completely but it also forced him to collapse to the ground.

Hamut gripped his blade and swung at Aloa. The viera would stop it with her claw, though it seemed she wasn’t quite interested in Hamut so much as she was in Zodiark. She would acknowledge him as she held his blade steady. “Your master so loves to take that which does not belong to him,” Shion would inform Hamut as Vlyn would put her down, the male viera healing her wound. “My Chamomile is not a tool to be used at your leisure.

Zodiark fought through the pain, standing up despite every inch he moved ripping through his hold on Michel. “Your Chamomile sought me out. Like your poor Rio and like Jackson, Michel was the one who called out to me. All I did was answer his lust for power.” Zodiark struggled to say that.

There was probably some truth to what he said, but just as Zodiark loved to cause pain, Shion reveled in the opportunity to talk down to him. “Truly? Then why are you struggling so much to keep him under your thumb? Ah, forgive me, my simple hume mind couldn’t possibly comprehend whatever thoughts cross your opalescent mind.

You’re right about one thing, Blue Rose,” Zodiark said through panted breath, “you could never understand what it’s like to be me--what it’s like to be perfection. You could never understand what it’s like to be the greatest in all of existence. This is why you could never possibly control my power. That is why I chose Rio over you. Unlike you, he understood what it took. He wasn’t a weakling like you. But maybe he was. Perhaps, like every man before him, he was too weak to handle my Seal.” Zodiark marathoned past that but not without consequences. He felt his hold over Michel slipping the more he spoke. Though, as he looked to Aloa. “Great and powerful holder of Zalera, you didn’t know this, did you?” Zodiark let out a grunted laugh. “I guess the Blue Rose of Utena never really does change no matter how much she boasts.” As Zodiark spoke, Hamut couldn’t help but feel he was saying too much.

The viera would look at Shion out of the corner of her eye. Vlyn’s healing spell finished, though Shion remained steady. No time like the present to confront your demons--literally and figuratively. The blue haired woman looked at her blackened hand wistfully. “Yes...just like them, I, too, sought power once,” She stated, forming a fist. “Though you’re wrong about one thing: Rio didn’t have what it took, but I did. You knew he was my weakness...and purged him in an attempt to strengthen me. Too bad instead it opened my eyes to the monster you truly were.

So it was true. Vlyn had thought as much when the Garif had addressed her, but he didn’t think it was an actual reality. “The Ashlesha Ascendant…” He chuckled, an eye closed, though he supposed he would have to be the bearer of bad news. “We viera live longer than humes. The very reason Aloa left the Wood was to find the Ascendant...to find the one rumored to have been chosen by the gods--chosen by you.

We were less than a passing glance,” Aloa informed Zodiark. “But long have I watched you. Your disturbance goes back to years...and when my people refused to take action, i chose to do so myself. Ivalice herself has chosen me--and so my own plan would turn as time did.

In other words, Master, Aloa knew long before you even had it as a thought,” Shion would lay it outright, though her expression would darken. “I admit, I would like to take credit, but while the Treaty Blade was my idea, it was Aloa who brought it fully into fruition. One step ahead of me--yes, I will admit that. For all my power, I never could truly come out on top. Luckily for me, Aloa was always a step ahead of you.” She stated, beckoning towards the crystal around them. If one would look closely, traces of Aloa’s magicks were all around them. “I haven’t changed. But I have changed my company.

It took a long moment for it to register with Zodiark. How could this have gone past him? Was it because he didn’t anticipate Aloa’s role in all of this or was it simply he didn’t think the Viera were capable of something so clever and so sneaky? That wasn’t their way. And yet, as he just heard it himself, there was no denying it. The ones who he should have gone after from the beginning was not the Blue Rose. It wasn’t even Jackson’s band of misfits. The ones he should have dealt with were the Viera. Those abominations that shouldn’t be allowed to breathe the same air that he breathes should’ve been his main target. He was careless. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

Zodiark had only one thing on his mind now: to make sure these Viera and Aloa didn’t make a fool out of him again. And so, despite the continued rising levels of anguish, he rushed forward. His movements were slow, but he reached out, aiming for Aloa. As he did, however, Aloa would take Hamut by his blade, callously throwing him aside. Rather than run, Aloa went straight for Zodiark, her normal hand grasping him by the throat, though it was meant to hold him steady rather than harm.

Vlyn would snap his fingers, revitalizing Shion’s previously wilted roses, and they would spring to life, wrapping their vines around Michel’s body. Aloa would stare at Zodiark, as if looking into his very soul, her cape billowing around them as they were surrounded by her magicks. “Your rage will be the end of you, although I will comfort you with a thought. I will not be the one to strike you down--that honor will belong to the Prodigal Son. I am but a stepping stone, though that humiliation in itself will suffice for now,” She informed him rather cooly, her expression stony. “Begone, he of darkness, and come forth you who would Whisper!

Aloa released him, though she would slam her palm onto Michel’s chest, the light once again erupting through him. As it did, a shadow formed behind him, screeching at unbelievable sounds. In that same moment, Michel’s body fell forward. Without a host, it was, at least for the moment, an unconscious body. Meanwhile, the hovering shadow that could only be deduced as Zodiark was nothing but a floating hume-sized shadow of absolutely blackened darkness that had eyes like maroon. As it screeched more, it swirled around Hamut, empowering the Archadian.

And as Zodiark found a new host, Hamut rose from where he was and raised his non-sword arm up and conjured up a mixture of powerful magicks that was his own and Zodiark’s. Powered by Exodus’ seal and Zodiark’s Seal, Meteor came from below, glowing bright orange and surrounded by a pitch black aura. It came down for the group, though at the point of contact, Hamut would be already gone.

Always with the dramatics, are we?!” Shion couldn’t help but get frustrated, though as Vlyn would raise his hand, the crystal glowed, shattering the meteor.. “...an illusion?

No, but viera magicks are much more than hume ones--even with Zodiark’s ‘enhancements’, he doesn’t quite understand how to utilize the crystal’s power.” He stated, kneeling down to pick up the unconscious Michel. “What’s next?

Aloa narrowed her eyes at the scene, but it seemed Hamut had truly fled. She let out a small sigh; she had hoped to capture him, but it was of no importance. “We go to him,” She stated as both her flaw and cape would dissipate, her red eye going back to its usual brown. “Although...I am not too pleased you would reveal my place.” She couldn’t help but give Shion a look.

The woman gave her a genuine smile. “Forgive me. I could not hold myself back...it was satisfying to rub it in his face,” She outright admitted, though she would regain her usual serious composure. “Next, we deal with the Seed...and see to it that Fandan
iel remains where he needs to be.

Vlyn shrugged. “To Dalmasca, then?” He asked.

Indeed. We have carefully dismantled one problem. Yet our work is not done,” Aloa stated, holding out her arm as her teleportation spell spun around them. Their surroundings morphed, the Mist blinding until instead of crystal, they stood on stone, people bustling around them. Few paid them any mind, though the castle was in view. “We will ask the royal family to spare us a room. Wesley should be awake now.

Shion nodded, though she winced, holding her abdomen. “Next time...I’ll get him for sure.

Before anything would happen, Michel’s body, which was over Vlyn’s back, started to fidget. Additionally, he was coming to. He coughed and his eyes would open. “Where...am I?” He asked lowly, his voice still weak.

Shion would place her hand on his cheek comfortingly. “Be still, you are with me in Rabanastre,” She soothed him, speaking gently. “Tell me, what is the last thing you remember?

I was with Meli. and then I heard a whisper of sorts. It goes blank after that.” Michel tried to remember, but each time he tried, he was met with static. “Tell me, what happened to me? How did I end up in Dalmasca?” Michel asked confused.

We came from Giruvegan, where you had followed Shion to,” Aloa informed him bluntly, ignoring Shion’s annoyed look. “Your actions were not your own, instead you bended to Zodiark’s will. He stated as such--is it true?

He started to remember. Yes, the reason he was with Meli. “I think…” Michel’s eyes went to Shion’s. “My Mistress, I must apologize. I did this willingly.” He regretfully admitted, gesturing Vlyn to let him down.

The viera was glad to put him down, letting out a sigh of relief, though he was practically shoved out of the way as Shion would step closer to Michel. “Why?” She asked, unable to hide her disappointment, and outright ignoring Vlyn’s expression of annoyance.

Michel took a deep breath, preparing himself for his explanation, though Shion being so close to him didn’t make it any easier. “Before you berate me, allow me to explain. I was not doing this because I wanted to. I understand the risk involved, but I stumbled upon something in Archadia. Actually, my father told me about it. An old scripture from the the beginning of Ivalice.” Michel said, “in the scripture, it detailed the Espers, their three stages of their Seals, and something called the Word of Ivalice.” Michel tried to recall exactly what it said. “Mistress, it also stated that the way to truly know Zodiark was to allow the beast to take control of your body. Should your will be strong enough, you may understand the truth of his soul. I admit, it was a gamble, but I found out something important…

Aloa raised both her eyebrows, clearly amused. “The Word is hume knowledge? Now that’s a surprise,” She mused, though she would put that to the side, sensing Shion’s impatience. “You were able to connect to him? I’ve underestimated you. What did you learn?

The Zodiark the legend states was misinformed. He is not the real Zodiark. I suspected when I was reading the scripture, but it was proven to me when he took control. The one who calls himself Zodiark is actually the reincarnation of Vayne Solidor--or what remains of him after Venat’s control.

A remnant of ages past...I see,” Aloa seemed to understand.

This doesn’t surprise you?” Vlyn asked.

Of course it does. An unbound remnant is a large threat, however...I fear that is not what I mean.

Shion shook her head. “What she means is that the true Zodiark is still running amok. No matter--I will continue to deal with the demon.” She stated boldly.

I will...search, then. Zodiark is...too much of a wild card to be let loose,” Aloa admitted, turning away from the group with a thoughtful expression. “I trust you will guide your mistress, Michel.

We just got back together, and you’re leaving?” Vlyn couldn’t help but whine, though he would nod. “Oh well...guess we have our work cut out for us.

Michel simply nodded to Aloa as she would depart. “We could use a rest, I think.” Michel suggested. With everything that has transpired, some rest to rejuvenate their energy was the top priority. Shion nodded in agreement, beckoning for him to follow her. She walked without fear: now that she knew exactly who the enemy was, she needed to continue no matter what.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 day ago

Amidst Keiran’s baseless explanation, Wesley finally realized how gifted of bullshitting he was. Bringing up everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours and how he was the sole blame of all of it. Wesley couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as Keiran announced them as dysfunctional and how he didn’t have to do anything to them. Wesley knew that was entirely untrue. No pot stirs on its own without someone using the wooden spatula that causes ripples within it. Anything that happened was, in some way, because of his interference.

When he was finally done, Wesley looked at Keiran, one of his eyes glowing a bright green. “That’s enough…Mitron.” Wesley coldly exclaimed.

The black haired man clucked his tongue in annoyance, though he would stop leaning on Grant, eyeing Wesley. “Are we using our real names now, Fandaniel?” He asked, feigning ignorance, although he too would drop the charismatic act. “Now that you’ve awakened, you’re getting serious? You don’t have any proof behind your claims, but go on, punish me,” He invited Wesley.

Is this what Keiran had meant by ‘older brother’? Grant looked between the two; even if he wanted to ask, he couldn’t quite speak, though he would look at Keiran specifically. Keiran seemed to understand, voicing Grant’s thoughts: “I told you Grant, didn’t I? My older brother is right here in front of you. The noble Wesley Alexander Dalmasca...or rather, Fandaniel, the Protector. The same one that eliminated Sanguine and Caerulus, Princess.” He spoke to Nadeline, who looked shocked.

What nonsense are you going on about, now?” Nadeline couldn’t help but snap. “To accuse Wesley of such a thing… have you lost your mind?

Keiran let out a laugh, motioning towards Emiri and Wesley. “Ask them. Since I’m apparently a liar and troublemaker, why not hear it directly from him?” Keiran asked, putting one hand on her shoulder, the other pointing at Wesley. Emiri herself would look away, alarming Nadeline. “You aren’t that surprised, right? You know how Emiri loves her share of secrets...but go on, Fandaniel, tell her. Tell your beautiful fiance, your future wife, your future mother of your children, the truth.” He stated as he walked behind Nadeline, both hands on her shoulders.

All the while Mitron was speaking, Wesley grew increasingly enraged. Though not noticeable to anyone around, his mist was growing to the point where he expelled a pulse of Spawn mist towards his brother, pushing him back where he stood, and holding him in place against the wall. And then, tot he shock of everyone, Wesley stood up, suddenly surrounded by a green aura of mist. “Yes, I am Fandaniel, but don’t you dare compare me to the likes of you, Mitron. I am nothing like any of you.” Wesley rushed past Grant to grip Mitron by the next. “Jaakuna might not have been able to harm you because it directly ties you to Emiri, but he did not have the Ark Essence like we do.” Wesley’s left palm would glow bright with green magicks and he placed it on Mitron’s throat, sending the magicks right into onto his flesh.

Wesley held Keiran against the wall and looked at Nadeline. “When I first figured this out, I didn’t know what to do, so I came to Emiri. I knew, of anyone, she would understand. I thought of leaving, but I know that’s not the way. She reminded me of that. And yes, I am a Spawn of Zodiark, but I’m not like him. I know not of what Zodiark meant for my existence, but I will not bend to his will. I am Wesley of the Alexander royal family. Origin might be Scion but I am a Dalmascan--a Dalmascan who is very much in love with you Nadeline.” Wesley turned his attention back on Keiran. “Foolish little brother, what you fail to understand is that we don’t have to be Zodiark’s pawns.

Grant crossed his arms, though he would close his eyes. Nadeline looked right back at Wesley, confused, though she was relieved to hear him say that he was still himself. Keiran was unamused by the entirety of the situation, though he winced as he felt Wesley’s aura. “You’re the one that doesn’t understand,” He ended up speaking after all, glaring at Wesley. “Don’t act like we’re the same! You can’t even begin to understand me!

Then enlighten me.

Enlighten you? You can tell the difference just by looking,” Keiran stated. “Why do you think you’re a prince of a kingdom while I’m just a shadow of the Scion of Time? You think it’s just coincidence, Fandaniel?!

Nothing is ever a coincidence, but if you don’t like the hand you were dealt, then force the dealer to give you a new hand. Why stay loyal to someone who obviously doesn’t care whether you live or die?

Better to run with those who have power than those who don’t stand a chance.

Emiri found that odd. “What are you talking about? If we didn’t stand a chance, then why would Zodiark bother with us? He’s repeatedly tried time and again to stop us!” She couldn’t help but point out.

Wesley sighed and released Keiran from his hold. “Whether you realize it or not, you are defying Zodiark right now. You continue to use a different name than the one he gave you. Instead of brandishing the identity of Mitron, you prefer Keiran. Why is that? If you truly believe he is the one to side with, then you would have accepted the Mitron name long ago.” Wesley pointed out.

Keiran would remain silent at he simply stared at Wesley. The silence was deafening, a tension thick in the air. Emiri wanted to break it, but she didn’t dare break it. She bit her lip nervously, though she was surprised would Keiran let out a sigh. He shrugged as he would shake his head, “You really don’t understand anything, do you?” He asked. “He’s everywhere. Everywhere. You think you’re safely resting here? It’s because he wants you to be at full strength when he crushes you. You’re too detached to see the situation wholly, Fandaniel. And I’m not saying that to be a prick--I’m serious.

Even the mightiest shadows yield to light.” WEsley said with eyes closed.

And the greater the light, the greater a shadow is cast,” Keiran immediately shot back.

Wesley shook his head out of disappointment. “Listen, Keiran, the longer you continue to run away the more power you give Zodiark. By embracing your individuality, you take away his power.” Wesley told him. “It is his control over our brothers and sisters that gives him his real power. By cutting the control he has over you completely, you finally become your own man. Unless I am misreading the situation and you wish to be his puppet until he has no use for you,” Wesley coldly implied, looking to his brother.

Don't act like it's so simple,” He replied, though his voice was quieter than before. “If that was all it really took, then maybe. But the situation is much more complicated than that.

Wesley had raised his eyebrow out of curiosity. “And what exactly does that mean?” He asked Keiran. To him, the only thing that was complicated was Keiran’s refusal to take a leap of faith and seize the moment for himself.

Keiran said nothing to that, making it a point to cross his arms. Grant looked at him pointedly, wanting him to continue. Nadeline stayed quiet, not wanting to intrude, though she was further confused when Keiran would raise one of his hands, forming a fist, though he would leave his thumb out. He slowly ran it across his neck, the motion being very clear to everyone in the room. Was it that he wouldn't talk? Or that he couldn't? The princess watched him, though she would look back at Wesley.

At first, Wesley didn’t understand. What was Keiran trying to tell him? Sure, he saw a mark, but it didn’t register. Only when Keiran would reinforce his silence with the sternest of looks did Wesley begin to understand. Whatever that mark was, it seemed as though it forbade Keiran from doing something. Maybe it was something to prevent any of the spawn from rebelling. Did this apply to just him or was it the same for the other twelve Spawns?

That seemed to strike a chord in Wesley’s mind and he made a musing sound as he bit his thumb, pondering on it for a few, long moments. He hummed rather absentmindedly--something Wesley usually didn’t do. This was the side of Wesley that came out when something truly puzzled him and this was a way of him trying to process it.

Grant, on the other hand, was more concerned about Wesley. He understood what Keiran was trying to say, but apparently Wesley had...not? Actually, he wasn't sure what the hell Wesley was doing. He waved a hand at Wesley, trying to catch his attention, but he was ignored. Emiri let out a laugh--Wesley certainly was in the zone.

Wesley?” She called out to him. “Hello?

Contemplative, isn't he?” Nadeline was less than amused.

How did it work? Surely whatever that mark was worked in mysterious ways. I have been Fandaniel this entire time and yet I haven’t experienced any trouble opposing Zodiark nor any other incarnation he had or whomever he had under his influence. It just didn’t make sense.” Wesley kept muttering, not responding to his friends’ attempts to get his attention. “Maybe it only worked for those who were with Zodiark from the beginning and had time to be molded by him. Maybe it was something specific to them and them alone. It was a theory worth considering. And yet, I can’t help but feel as though I’m missing something. There’s something crucial that I haven’t figured out. But what could it be?

Probably the fact that you've lost your mind. Grant couldn't help but think, rolling his eyes.

Emiri bit her lip as she tried to stop herself from laughing. “He's completely gone, isn't he?” She giggled.

There's no getting to him now, I suppose,” Keiran shrugged, though he would look at Nadeline. “You're probably the only one that could possibly get to him.” He motioned towards the still muttering Wesley.

What? Why me?” She asked.

Keiran looked at her incredulously, surprised she hadn't caught the gist of it. When she would only stare at him blankly, he would stroll over back to Grant, his arm around his shoulder. The Prince didn't like where this was going, especially when Keiran would practically pin him to the wall with his body, Keiran's hand under his chin as he gazed into his eyes. Emiri wasn't great at reading lips, but she was very sure that if Grant could speak, she would be hearing a lot of ‘no’ right about now.

Nadeline scoffed at him, crossing her arms. “How juvenile,” She commented dryly as Grant would slip away from Keiran and hide behind Emiri’s bedpost.

Oh, I'm sorry, who was it that thought she was pregnant? You've already gone all the way, a little P.D.A. won't kill you,” Keiran immediately shot her down, much to her embarrassment. “I mean, I don't mind, but I don't want you to beat me up.

It’s true that I don’t have any basis for my theory, but it’s not like there is any other explanation. I’m sure that whatever that marking is, it definitely applies to a select few. But who is it besides Keiran that it will hinder from betraying him and how exactly does it work? Can Keiran talk about betraying Zodiark but the act itself is impossible? Or maybe there’s something else at play. Perhaps it’s a mixture of both?” Wesley muttered and muttered, though now he had a short, back-and-forth pace as he would hear low whispers. Nowhere enough to snap him out of his zone, however.

The longer Wesley mumbled, the more Nadeline would become concerned. She let out a sigh, though she would stand, resigning herself to Keiran’s suggestion. He nearly ran her over, however, though she would firmly plant herself in his path. As he neared, she would practically hop onto him, though instead of kissing him as Grant had thought, she would put her mouth to his ear. “WESLEY! WESLEY! WEEEESLEEEEYY!” She screamed into his ear, scaring the crap out of both Grant and Emiri, and as a result, Wesley jumped so high that his mist accidentally activated and sent him head-first to the roof, making a sizable dent in the structure as well as a large thud being heard. The next thing anyone realize, Wesley had landed on Grant and Keiran, bonking his head with Grant’s head and Wesley’s feet would unintentionally kick Keiran in the privates.

A petrified Nadeline had landed straight on her ass, though she would scramble to her feet. She ignored Keiran as he was in pure agony, instead placing her hands on her hips as she glared at Wesley. “For goodness sake, Wesley!” She couldn't help but scold him, paying no mind as Grant let out a groan.

Emiri let out a low whistle, impressed. “Wow, can't wait to see that in battle,” She admitted.

What?” Wesley looked at Nadeilne confused. Though, as he would look towards the door, he saw a few faces that he was quite pleased to see. “Oh, Shion and..Michel?” Wesley wasn’t sure. It had been a while since he last seen the green-haired male.

You guys didn't’ make it hard to find you at all,” Michel let out a chuckle, letting Shion enter the room first.

Shion would step over the fallen Keiran without skipping a beat. “Where is the Sky Pirate?” She asked the group at large.

And hello to you as well,” Emiri was quick to catch Shion's lack of greeting. “I'm sure he's still in the castle.

Probably still comforting Savayna.” Keiran said meekly.

Grant grimaced, visibly upset at the remark. To his surprise, Emiri wasn't exactly pleased to hear that, either. She frowned at Keiran, though Grant seemed to confirm that what he said was true. However, none of that mattered to the blue haired woman. “I assumed he would be where there was the most racket,” Shion stated. “No matter. If you would like to speak here, fine. If there is a more appropriate place, I would have you make the arrangements. There is something we need to discuss.

What is it?” Nadeline asked.

Michel looked around, though his eyes fell upon Shion. She was definitely wanting to speak to everyone. Obviously it was something that all needed to hear--not just those in the room. “It’s about--

I heard Wesley cry!” Jaakuna suddenly came into the room shoving past Shion and Michel, knocking them both into Emiri and Grant respectively, knocking them all down in the process. “Huh?” Jaakuna looked around. He heard wrong, it appeared. However, as his eyes scanned the room, he saw people were laid out. He saw Michel, but as he saw the other person still on the floor, he gulped.

Letting out a small groan, Shion remained on the ground, clutching her abdomen. “So this is how it ends…” She muttered, her face rather pale as she stretched out her arm to Michel. “Michel...make sure you take my place…

Are--Are you alright?!” Emiri asked, slightly troubled. She half expected Shion to get up and slice Jaakuna in half, but the blue haired woman stayed exactly where she was.

I’m...too tired to be angry,” Shion admitted. “It’s been a very long morning.

Nadeline pulled Grant to his feet, only to unceremoniously shove him the the side as she would kneel down, casting a Curaja. The prince would plop down on the bed, clearly upset, though Nadeline ignored him. “You’re wounded! What happened to you?” She asked her.

Did I stutter? Do you think I just sit around, plotting in the dark? I get things done while you all lounge around,” Shion snapped, though it was hard to take seriously considering she outright refused to budge.

Do you...need help getting up? You can use my bed,” Emiri offered hesitantly.

Jaakuna couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “That moment when Shion is as lazy as Grant is.” Jaakuna had truly seen the end of the world.

Grant would glare at Jaakuna, scoffing. Shion would, however, get up, though she definitely looked worse for wear now that she was actually up. Nadeline shook her head at Jaakuna, though Grant would move as Shion would sit with a long sigh. “And to think I was here to see you. The gods have a peculiar sense of humor, don’t they?” Shion mused out loud.

See, she does like me. And here I feared she was still mad at me for calling her an old hag yesterday.

Shion smiled warmly at Jaakuna. “If I were you, I wouldn’t stick around too long. Once I regain my strength, I’m going to make sure to properly punish you~” She stated cheerfully, making her intention rather clear.

Jaakuna had then froze. Whatever he was going to say or what he had in his mind had suddenly went blank. Not even Belias could excuse his behavior. The musings were simply adding to the point that Jaakuna had fucked up. Emiri nudged Jaakuna, shaking her head at him. Jaakuna slowly looked at her, trying to hide the shear dread he felt. Though, he would come back to planet Ivalice when he heard Michel’s coughing.

Right, well about why we’ve come.” Michel started, looking at Shion. “Did you want to tell them?

I suppose,” Shion stated, brushing off some stray dirt off her shoulder. “I’ll start by stating that yesterday I had Aloa retrieve the Treaty Blade. Thanks to the graciousness of Her Highness, by willingly allowing her to retrieve the blade, we thankfully skipped a few...troublesome steps. The blade is a weapon given to the Dalmascan Queen a long time ago, though the circumstances aren’t important. What is important is its origin, that of the Occuria. Despite its original purpose being that to cut through Cryst, its latent powers give it the ability to cut through anything--whether it be steel, Mist...or otherworldly beings.

Such as Zodiark.” Wesley mused aloud, throwing his guess out there.

Zodiark...and those who would claim his name otherwise.” She confirmed his guess.

What’cha talkin’ bout, Shion?” Jaakuna asked, raising his eyebrow.

Yes, I am afraid I am also at a loss too, Lady Shion. Can you elaborate?” Wesley requested.

It’s something I’ve learned today. According to Michel, the enemy we have encountered is not truly Zodiark, but rather a remnant of what is left of a soul once blessed by an Occuria named Venat,” Shion stated.

Many thousand years ago, all-powerful beings looked down upon the land, and their rule was absolute. They commanded all things on the earth. All was done according to their will. Then one day they withdrew behind the walls of a great city of their own making, disappearing from history's stage. In the vacuum left behind, Ivalice fell into chaos, until the march towards a new age finally began.” Nadeline was the one to speak up this time, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Those were the Occuria. Or rather...that is what the legends say.

Wait...if that thing isn’t the real Zodiark, then where is the real deal?” Emiri asked.

Aloa has seen to it to search for the answer to that question,” Shion said. “Regardless, the revelation affirmed her suspicions, and I went ahead to Giruvegan so that the Treaty Blade could drink on the Great Crystal's power. Of course, he came, cloaked in Michel’s body...and your dear old grandfather did as well,” She gripped her wound absentmindedly.

What did you just say?

Forget all of that about Zodiark not actually being the real Zodiark. Jaakuna would address that next, but the mention of Hamut took him by complete surprise. He swore she was wrong and that his grandfather was still off somewhere not being a problem to him.

Shion would stand, her hands slightly fumbling with the sash keeping her kimono together. Grant’s eyes widened as she would let it drop past her shoulders, lifting her arms through the sleeves. He found himself mildly surprised at the sarashi wrapped around her bust, but his attention was diverted as she would push the kimono down further. He wasn’t entirely sure what she was trying to do until she left her kimono around her waist, revealing a rather unsettling wound through her abdomen. It was then he noticed her left arm as well--the last time he saw it, the blackened part had only reached her elbow, now it was all the way up to her lower shoulder.

Jaakuna knew he shouldn’t stare but for an old broad, Shion was stacked. Though, he would feel Emiri’s glare force him to cover his eyes.

Now it was Keiran’s turn to let out a low whistle, a frown on his face. “He really got you, didn’t he?” He asked.

Emiri’s eyes widened. She couldn’t remember it exactly, but Shion’s arm was a result of their clash. A pang of guilt hit her, though she remained quiet. Nadeline, on the other hand, was more focused on her abdomen. “That looks like a sword...but those magicks…” She said slowly, examining Shion closely.

Hamut is in league with the remnant,” Shion confirmed the revelation to Jaakuna bluntly. “It explains why he appeared so suddenly in Archades, as well as explaining Hamut’s sudden disappearance despite Roman’s orders for the entirety of the city to search for him. I wasn’t expecting that...a mistake that nearly cost me my life. If it hadn’t been for Aloa anticipating Zodiark, I wouldn’t be here right now.

Hold the fucking front door!” JAakuna waved his arms around dramatically. “Can someone tell me who exactly this Venat is?

Venat was a fallen Occuria. He sought to give Ivalice its freedom...by letting Archades reign over the entirety of the world,” Nadeline would tell him. “It was said that he influenced Vayne Solidor, but the records are unclear whether they worked together or if it was a master and apprentice sort of thing.

Is that so? And you think this Venat is back somehow?” Emiri asked.

Supposedly towards the end of its existence, it merged with Vayne Solidor, but again, nothing is too clear on exactly what happened afterwards. Vayne was defeated, with Queen Ashe ruling over Dalmasca and bringing Ivalice to peace. To the victor does history give its attention to,” Nadeline reminded them.

Jaakuna felt like he was back at his home lessons about history, so like he did several times per-lesson, he raised his arm. “Yeah, another question.” Jaakuna’s expression was one of absolute confusion. “What’s an Occuria?”

I told you this already!

He probably forgot the moment he saw her rack,” Keiran pointed out.

“Yeah, what the abomination said.” Jaakuna nodded with eyes closed and arms folded across his chest. Emiri coughed at him, swiftly elbowing his side.

In other words, the Occuria are the beings that created all of Ivalice. They’re gods.” Emiri put it as simply as she could, giving him a look. “They’re also the beings that created the Espers.

Well, how was I supposed to know that?

Honestly...must I spell out everything for you? Haven’t you been the least bit curious about the history of Espers at all?” Nadeline asked him.

Ain’t nobody got time for that shit.” Jaakuna declared proudly.

Nadeline threw her hands in the air, exasperated. However, Shion decided to get the conversation back on the rail at that point. “Even so, none of that has to do with why I’m here now,” She stated, pulling her kimono back on, though she eyed Jaakuna warily. “The Occuria, Venat, Hamut...each one of them is our enemy. And so I’ve decided to place my hopes onto you.

You sound very confident about that,” Keiran raised an eyebrow.

I don’t have a choice. If I were able to, I would have made sure to bring an end to him...and so we come to why I’m here now,” Shion raised her right arm, showing off a series of intricate series of patterns that lit up. “I suppose in the end, it’s an option. This will guarantee you have a fighting chance...but in turn, you mark a target on your own back.

What? “You’d have Jaakuna fight your battles?” She asked, taking his arm somewhat protectively. “What kind of crap is that?!

The Word has chosen you all, but he alone shares the burden--the Prodigal Son,” Shion informed her cooly.

A burden you’re passing onto him!

Why does the burden have to be on him?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Savayna showed up. “He doesn’t need to bear this on his own.

He who would walk with the Gigas, he who would take his swords and go forth--haven’t you found it rather peculiar that the Gigas had called out to you?” Shion asked Jaakuna. “It was not coincidence. Zodiark will fall to no other--he will fall at your hands.

Emiri narrowed her eyes at Shion, shaking her head. “Savayna’s right. If anything, that just means he has to deal the last hit--he doesn’t have to do it alone.” She said, holding him close.

He didn’t really understand what he should say to that. Sure, he had always wondered why Belias chose him, but he never thought past his preference for fire. “I understand you might think it’s more than the obvious, but really me having Belias doesn’t have any bearing on my...destiny. It’s because I’m a fire-user; that’s it.” Jaakuna said as if trying to convince himself.

Shion immediately picked up on his hesitance. “Is that it?” She asked, though her right arm formed a fist, and she held it out for him to see. She opened her hand, flames coming out and dancing before Jaakuna. It seemed to take a shape, becoming a much smaller, yet clear image of Belias. Its eyes would glow, four arms crossed over its chest of fur and flesh. “It’s Belias’ sigil. ” She told them.

Even so, I don’t understand what it is that you have.” Emiri interjected.

This is Jaakuna’s weapon. It was made just for him, and no other. Even now I am just a carrier--I could not hope to wield it myself,” Keiran narrowed his eyes, though he remained silent. Grant caught his look, though he would give Jaakuna his full attention. For some reason, the tension in the air was rather thick. Shion would not take her eyes off Jaakuna, though she knew he was still reluctant. “Or better yet...why not ask him yourself if you don’t believe me?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Jaakuna had remained to himself for a majority of the past minutes. Although, as Shion would force his hand by raising hers and making flames dancing in it, he saw the body of a ram appear before him. It was a man with four arms crossed over the built chest of fur and flesh, and the head of a ram towering over it huffing smoke and fire, eyes glowing like the flames of a forge.

There wasn’t anything that Jaakuna could say to all of that, not really, anyway. He had figured that there was something special about him; maybe he had always known.

He couldn’t place exactly when he figured this out, but it was probably some time after they all were in Nabudis and experienced their worst realities at the hands of Lola. He had forced it to the back of his mind and chose to forget about it because he didn’t want to accept that he was somehow the only person that could defeat Zodiark. He wanted to remain in ignorant bliss for as long as he possibly can, so maybe that’s why he made certain decisions before the day before last. But no matter what he did or how long he stalled, there was no running away from destiny; he knew that now. But that didn’t make stomaching all of this any easier.

And now the eyes of everyone—Wesley, Nadeline, Grant, Keiran, Savayna, and Emiri—were on him. They were doubtless curious about his reaction to it, but he had none; not at the moment, he didn’t. It was all too much. He even had Belias questioning what he had to say to all of that. Usually, his Esper had something to say one way or another, but perhaps it was out of respect for Jaakuna to respond on his own that hindered the Gigas from saying anything in retort.

Shion had said that it was his weapon and that she had been holding it for him. The first thought that came to him was how long had she been in possession of it? Was it just recently or did she have it this whole time, waiting for the right time to unveil it? If she truly was holding onto it for him, then why reveal it now? Why not give it to him when he needed it? Why didn’t she give it to him when Zodiark—

Instead of asking me all of these questions, perhaps you should ask her.

As always, Belias knew exactly what to say without actually giving any specifics.

He let out a sigh, having the attention of everyone. It was like any sound or movement he made grabbed their full attention. Needy much? He shrugged, approaching Shion. He knew he couldn't take it just yet. “Shion..” Jaakuna said after nearly five minutes of silence. He looked at her blue hair, then her eyes. Eventually, after almost a minute, he then looked to the sigil in her hand. He was tempted to take it from her hand right then and there, but this wasn’t something he could do without knowing some things. “I want to know something. Did you just obtain this or were you holding onto it this entire time you’ve known us? If you just had it, then I will gladly take it, but if you had it this entire time, then why wait until now to present it to us? I want—no, I need—to know before I take this from you.” Jaakuna backed away one pace as if to resist the temptation of grabbing it by mistake. He just simply let Shion answer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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What was it about this situation that she disliked so much? Maybe it was the fact that despite Shion's prodding, Emiri felt like she was pushing her will onto Jaakuna. She expected him to reject it outright, to tell Shion off, to slap her hand away. But it was as if he was hypnotized, the sigil almost calling out to him. Emiri was shocked when he would step forward, out of her reach, and she was just as surprised to find her own hand reaching out for him, as if trying to stop him. But that wouldn't be right, would it? If it was truly his decision, there wasn't anything she could do about it.

Jaakuna's question came. It was one she had half-expected. "Neither," was Shion's blunt, to-the-point answer, though it was the truth. Admittedly, she was weary, though she supposed she should at least try to understand his hesitance. She closed her eyes for a moment, looking for the right words, though she would hold the sigil close to her. "Truth be told, I didn't know this was yours. Now, it has a brilliant flame that calls for its master, but back then...back then, this was something I created with my own soul. And even though I've had it for so long, I knew not of its true power. It helped me cut my own path, lead me where I wanted to go, but it wasn't until recently that I realized that despite everything, I never could make it come to life the way it is now."

"How can something you create be meant for someone else?" Nadeline couldn't help but ask. "If anything, that's all the more reason to make it your own."

"Perhaps. But it's no longer mine to have. Not anymore," Shion would open her eyes once more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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He made sure to listen intently to Shion, but he caught the disappointed glance from Emiri. He knew how she felt about all of this, but she could probably sense it in the air. Something about this felt like there was no avoiding it. Destiny wasn’t something Jaakuna liked to accept, but when there was a flame in front of him that seemed to be closely related to him, even more than he probably knew. He had a theory, but that wasn’t going to be made public until he had all of the facts.

And as Shion explained that she made this from her own soul and how she didn’t even know who it was going to be fore, Jaakuna scratched his head. “That still doesn’t explain why you think it’s my weapon.” Jaakuna stated, feeling like a broken record. “I understand it resembles Belias a great deal and being a primary fire magick user, it makes sense, but you aren’t telling us everything, are you.

I’ve told you enough,” Shion started.

No!!” Jaakuna snapped, cutting Shion off. “If this is truly going to be the one thing that makes me the only person who can defeat this Venat person, you owe me the whole story.” He stated, sternly looking at Shion in her amber eyes.

Only isn’t the right word for it,” She told him quietly.

Then what word would you use?

For the first time in a long time, Shion visibly hesitated for a moment. She seemed to think of quite a few things to say, although for the moment, she said nothing. Her lips parted for a small sigh as she looked at her hand, still contemplating. At that point, Emiri let out a huff, crossing her arms. “Quick to throw your responsibilities at others at a whim, yet someone asks you for the same respect and you say nothing!” She couldn’t help but snap.

Of course. This would be the first time I’ve asked someone for anything,” She replied slowly. “Although...if I must speak the truth, the phrase I mean to say is...you would be the second choice.

Second? “So much for ‘made for him’,” Emiri scoffed.

Because it is. As I said, this was a long time in the making...and at first, I had hoped I would be the one to take him down…” She closed her eyes, a rather forlorn expression on her face. “I’m not giving this to you out of a need for the world. I’m giving this to you because I want to.

Color Jaakuna surprised. This was the first time that he had actually heard Shion open herself up to him. Actually wanting to do something for him without something in return or having it be her last choice. This was something she actually wanted to do. And yet, as Jaakuna contemplated that, there was still something that was left unanswered. “If you are the first choice and you can’t use it for whatever reason, then tell me why you made it in the first place and for what reason? I think—no, I know—you owe us the whole story. We trust you Shion. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but we do. More importantly, I trust you. It’s time you return the favor.” As Jaakuna speak, he could feel it. This...weapon was more than just a weapon. Sure crafted from her own soul, it was something that Jaakuna felt change him, but for the better.

He likely didn’t understand what it was that he was asking for. Or maybe he did and just didn’t care. “That’s not it. I...I wasn’t the first choice,” She started slowly, though she seemed resigned to it. “I should have been. There was...hm. I suppose now is as good a time as ever.” She muttered, closing her palm for the moment, although the marks on her arm remained visible--clearly due to Jaakuna’s will.

She crossed her arms, staring at the ceiling. “I suppose the truth is...I feel responsible for his rise of power, considering that I let it get so far. Of course, at the time, I was his prodigy.

By ‘his’ you are referring to Zodiark--I mean Venat?” Wesley intervened, musing aloud.


Emiri’s eyes widened considerably, though she instinctively walked up to Jaakuna, taking his hand in hers nervously. Grant raised his eyebrows, interested, though he seemed more intrigued than surprised, though once again he would catch Keiran’s too-giddy smile. So he knew. Nadeline looked curious as well, though she wasn’t entirely sure how to respond.

Jaakuna would take only a moment to think about what she said. It was shocking, to say the least but that didn’t stop him from wanting to know the whole truth. “Please continue, Shion.” Jaakuna uncharacteristically remained calm, letting Shion continue with her tale.

You’re probably too young to remember, but I come from a town that no longer exists thanks to your country--Nepal. The short of it is that after its destruction, I developed a craving for more power. And so I went to him, to the false Zodiark. But...I suppose the truth is a bit more complicated than that. That is indeed how it began...though I was not alone in my hunger. It was primarily myself and two others named Rio and Avria...and Zodiark--Venat would decide to give us our ‘gifts’. I had no trouble with it--I still believe I exceeded even his expectations. But power only leads to greed...Rio would not have it that I was stronger than he.

When we were young, he was an idealist. But he was also extremely protective, he wanted to be the hero everyone worshipped. I think...with power, he became obsessed with the idea. I didn’t see it until I had surpassed him. I never thought he would turn his blade on me...It’s chilling to see someone you love to raise a blade at you.

Emiri shifted uncomfortably from one heel to the other, her eyes darting at Jaakuna nervously. Shion would continue, either not noticing or not caring. “He was always kind...I truly thought we would be together far longer than we were. I still believe that Venat had given him more power on purpose, and it drove him to insanity. He would slay Avria before my eyes...and I took it upon myself to kill him. Venat was...satisfied to see my suffering. His sadism knows no bounds.

She seemed to catch herself, shaking her head. “I suppose the truth is that I had hoped Rio would help me slay Venat, but...that wasn’t how things were meant to be. I would forsake the power given to me, instead forging a blade from my own soul...but it isn’t enough. For someone that lives and breathes for battle, there’s only so much one can do. It isn’t until you gain a certain passion...a zest for life itself that you can see what power actually is. Perhaps, if I had an Esper to guide me, I would have gone to face Venat by now. But I decided...it was best left in someone else’s hands. You grew. You changed. So I took my sword, combined it with the Occuria’s power, and forged your weapon.” She said, shrugging. “Satisfied?

‘Satisfied’ isn’t the right word for it.” Jaakuna laughed at the irony of things. In their physical appearances and assumed mannerisms, Shion and Jaakuna were different from one another, but just as much they were different, there were similarities between the two.

Still, the tale she told did answer some questions he had, but the name Rio stuck out to him. And the name of the Forgotten Village of Nepal was something every student of the Archadian Imperial Army learned about. There was a lot of things in Archadia’s history that, when they looked back on it, they regretted—most of which were under Emperor Vayne Solidor’s rule. Following the undertaking from the Darcone family, Jackson’s ancestors tried to correct them. Though a few slips in the cracks, there was a silver lining when Lady Guinevere had went from Judge to Emperor and made harsh calls regarding old policies that had still remained in effect from the Solidor era, such as mining oil from the Sandsea furnaces. It was deemed inhumane and in violation of a treaty with Rozarria. It was a show of goodwill between longtime rivals. However, there was a lot of animosity between the two already. And the constant trekking into Nabradia didn’t make anyone feel any better.

When Guinevere's son, fifteen-year-old Niles Darcone took over her role after she passed just ten years after she assumed leadership. He was a ruthless bastard, they said. Jaakuna couldn’t believe exactly what his motives were, but he wanted to control more of Nabradia’s territory, which led to the first Ivalice Civil War with Archadia against Nabradia and Dalmasca. This conflict lasted for ten, gruesome years, and cost a collective of five-hundred-thousand lives. It caused so much death that some often refer to it as The Naught of Nabradia. Many smaller countries, villages, and towns were brought to their knees. Either they showed support for Niles or they got destroyed and pillaged. Some bent the knee and some joined the opposing side, but one was so defiant that they were wiped off first.

Nepal,” Jaakuna said as if in disbelief. “You can’t be from Nepal. That was...” Jaakuna shook his head, trying to gather his thoughts. “It was destroyed three hundred years ago.

Two hundred ninety-four years ago,” Shion corrected him with a straight face.

Nadeline blinked a few times, a hand to her chin. She peered at Shion, examining her face. Not a single wrinkle in sight--she couldn’t have been that much older than her own mother. “You’re telling us you’re three hundred years old?” She asked in disbelief.

Three hundred and two,” Shion corrected Nadeline, her expression unchanging.

Grant’s jaw dropped. He looked positively bewildered--how was that possible? “Do viera even live that long?” Emiri asked, trying to make sense of things. “I thought that was biological…

I’m not a viera,” She corrected Emiri. “I’m still a hume...mostly,” She coughed at her last word.

That’s not possible! The longest a hume has ever lived on record is only a hundred and ten years!” Nadeline couldn’t help but burst out, clearly baffled.

Might want to write it down in that great big book of everything you carry around.” Savayna said to Nadeline. “Now it’s three hundred and two years--maybe add about forty to fifty years.” She looked at Shion, sizing her up from her face to her body. “Yup, definitely fifty.” Shion gave Savayna a glare in return.

Lady Shion, I have to admit that you kept your form in your...experienced age.” Wesley stated, choosing his words carefully.

Mistress, does my father know about this?” Michel asked curiously.

Shion stopped glaring at Savayna long enough to answer Michel, “I don’t know. Ironically, I’ve always found myself attracted to older men...fate can be cruel,” She lamented for a moment, lightly flipping your hair.

As much as she wanted the conversation to get back on track, Emiri couldn’t help but ask, “So you’re...immortal? Was it a spell? Pact with the gods? How is your skin still so flawless?!

You can do anything so long as you’re determined enough,” Shion replied cheerfully, giving Emiri a fake smile. “Eat right, drink lots of water, and exercise~

That’s...not a real answer, is it?

Does it matter?” She asked, dropping the act almost immediately.

I actually want to know why, too… Grant lamented mentally.

You told us this much, so might as well as tell us how you lived this long.” Wesley added, feeling as though it was moot to stop now. Grant was eternally grateful for Wesley’s equal curiosity.

It happened after I was forced to kill my beloved,” Shion stated, her hand to her heart. “To be torn away from your lover is worse than death--and so rather than die, I am cursed to roam Ivalice...forever suffering from heartache…

That’s not it either, is it?” Emiri asked, deadpan.

Shion raised her eyebrows, pointing at the brunette. “No. But if you don’t watch your step, that’ll be where you end up.

I beg your pardon?” Nadeline asked.

The more I think about it, the more you remind me of him,” Shion admitted. “Kind and gentle...and yet, a thirst for power unlike any other. You’d do well to watch yourself, Scion of Time. Or that could very well be your fate.” Emiri froze in place. She wasn’t sure if Shion was being serious or not, but it definitely struck a chord. Was that really how others perceived her? She took a step back, uncomfortable. Shion clucked her tongue, seemingly deciding to change the subject--or rather, return to the topic at hand. “I made a pact. Until that pact is fulfilled, I will continue to live in Ivalice.

With whom?

Shion placed a single finger on her lips. “That’s a secret.

Jaakuna found himself quiet during this whole ordeal. He had been trying to remember where he had heard the name Rio before. He knew he heard it from Vincent and his father when he was younger. “Your...Rio wouldn’t be Rio Corona, would he?” Jaakuna asked, still unsure if he was even right.

Savayna jerked her head around and looked towards Jaakuna. It seemed as though he might’ve caught on. She was surprised that he had actually paid attention to the history lessons during their younger days. Weirder things have happened, so maybe she shouldn’t be all that shocked.

The one and only,” Shion confirmed his suspicions rather wistfully.

Now it makes sense.” Jaakuna felt like he was just hit with a big hand right in the fact. “The one who nearly drove Archadia to its brink and almost sacrificed everything my ancestors worked towards and everything that Emperor Larsa hoped would be his legacy. Your…beloved nearly brought Ivalice to its knees. And for what? For power? For useless power to make himself feel strong? He wasn’t strong, Shion. I’m sorry to tell you this, but I’m sure you know this more than anyone. He was weak because he thought power gained through a false prophet was real power.

The more Jaakuna spoke, the more he was understanding everything and why this was meant for him. But also he was beginning to understand why this was his responsibility. He got that now. Rio Corona, known for his strength and unyielding bravery in the wars he commanded, was no better than Vayne Solidor. Hell, at a time, he was no better than Jaakuna was. But that was a time when Jaakuna was lost and sought for answers. Now it was clear.

To defeat this false prophet, one has to have been one of his willing puppets and overcome his influence. I understand now.

Shion imitated the sound a bell makes, wagging her finger with the sound. “Ding! Ding! We’re fortunate you’re able to catch on eventually,” She stated, though her expression fell back into its usual, more serious tone. “And so here we are. Will you take it?” She asked as she would stand from the bed, extending her hand out to him.

Jaakuna nodded, getting closer to Shion as he looked at it intently. This was one of those once in a lifetime moments where a man came face to face with their destiny. And though he knew he had to take it, there was one more hint a doubt. He understood, yes, but the doubt still lingered. Shion would take her outstretched hand, beckoning for him to take it. Whatever doubts he had, he needed to accept them, and move on.

He knew he should, but Jaakuna’s mind still kept him from accepting it. No, he had accepted that he was the one to kill Venat. It was obvious to him that he was the only one left alive who could do it, but something else kept him from doing it. He wasn’t sure if it was his fear of what would happen should he take this power or how it might change him. Something about it all was...overwhelming. There was also one last thing about Shion’s story that Jaakuna needed to know. Though, before he would ask that last question, he looked around the room. “I understand everyone is curious, but I need to speak to Shion alone.” Jaakuna stated rather surprisingly.

Nadeline nodded in understanding as she would stand, smoothing out the wrinkles in her shirt. “Alright, we’ll give you some time, then,” She stated, pulling both Grant and Keiran with her, giving Jaakuna a smile as she would shove the pair ahead of her. Grant gave a (soundless) protest, though he did let out a yelp as Keiran would accidentally step on his foot. He blamed Nadeline, though he had little time to protest as Nadeline would continue to push them both out into the hallway.

Very well. I hope you will be able to decide one way or another.” Wesley said to Jaakuna, offering the blond Archadian a smile. Savayna would look at Jaakuna longingly before just nodding to him. There seemed to be nothing else to say. And shortly, they would follow Nadeline out of the room and into the hallway.

Emiri looked at Jaakuna with a concerned expression, though it seemed she wasn’t sure what to say. She reluctantly looked at Shion, who simply gave her a rather intense (and admittedly cold) stare. Emiri frowned, though she seemed defeated, Shion’s words still ringing in her ears. She tried to give Jaakuna a smile but ended up giving up, instead simply walking right out of the room.

Jaakuna would stop Emiri from walking out, making sure she looked at him. “It won’t take long, then I’ll come find you, alright?” Jaakuna gave her a reassuring smile followed by a quick kiss.

She was speechless, although at least she nodded, able to return his smile as she would leave. Shion watched her for a moment, though she wouldn’t speak until the door was closed. “Venat would have made it so the two of you would have fought. He enjoys that situation,” She said as she would give Jaakuna her attention. “I warned her, so i suppose I should warn you as well. He’ll use any means necessary to cause you pain...and if it means using her, he won’t hesitate.” She paused for a moment, letting out a sigh. “What exactly is it that you want to know so badly you’d have the rest of your comrades leave?

He let out a deep breath and looked at Shion. “So you can be completely honest with me, or did you not think I wouldn’t notice.

You’ll have to be a little more specific than that.

Jaakuna sighed, “you should know, of all people, I know when Venat’s mist has infected a soul. It happened to me. It happened to Emiri. ” Jaakuna would say, pointing to Shion’s abdomen injury. “As you are with a lot of things, you’re rather skilled at hiding from those you do not wish to worry. Making it seem like it was just a flesh infection, but you and I both know that the reason you can’t hold onto your soul weapon--the real reason you have to give it to me now--is because if you keep it any longer, it’ll become infected.” Jaakuna deduced, “isn’t that right?”

Shion actually smiled, crossing her arms. “And here I thought the princess was the only one to notice. Admittedly, it wouldn’t even be too much trouble, however…” She half-shrugged, clearly motioning towards her blackened arm. “Courtesy of your girlfriend, my hand was forced--no pun intended. I was given a week to live--three if I used magicks. So either my pact will have me bear unimaginable pain...or I’ll drop dead in another two days. We can see which will happen first.

Jaakuna usually didn’t hate to be right, but this was one of the few times where he truly did hate his gut feeling. And as he had one single thought on his mind--two if you count the question he had in mind--Jaakuna knew that this was going to involve more than he would want it to, but, like Emiri did for her, Shion has forced Jaakuna’s hand. “Since your time is precious, I won’t bore you with politeness.

The fact that you’ve managed to stay relatively pleasant was a dead ringer that it wouldn’t last,” Shion replied in earnest. “Out with it already, then.

Two things: First, I want to hear the full story of this pact you have.” Jaakuna practically demanded of her. “And given your state of health and the odds of you seeing it through is unlikely, I suppose I will have to, along with accepting my weapon, I will bear your burdens.” Jaakuna let out a sigh. “I don’t know how we got here, but if you can’t do it, then I will avenge your friends and your people. As an Archadian, allow me to do this. It might not be able to make up for the horrors you have gone through--the horrors you continue you go through--but, at the very least, it might be able to provide you with some comfort in your final days.” Surprisingly, Jaakuna actually sounded almost like a man of honor and not some quick-witted knuckleheaded idiot.

Now it was her turn to scoff at him. “I have too many things to do before I die. Don’t go writing me off so easily,” She scolded him as she would glare. After a moment, it would soften slightly. “This is no longer about revenge. My home will never come back. My family will remain dead. Nothing I do will ever bring Rio or Avria back; they live only my memories. If it’s personal, it would be making sure Venat dies and I get a chance to dance on his grave for all his wrongdoings.” She placed a hand on her cheek as she spoke, though she let out a sigh. “Besides...I will take responsibility for my own suffering. If you’re going to take on anyone’s burdens, it should be hers.” She told him, looking at the door once more.

He let out an annoyed groan. It became evident to him that she became pig-headed in her old age. “Usually when someone offers to make another’s last days easier for them, they say--oh, I don’t know? Thank you.” Jaakuna clearly was irked by her stubbornness. “I am not trying to write you off, Shion. Anyone who knows you wouldn’t dare do anything like that, but maybe see it from my perspective. I am trying to right the wrongs my ancestors did. You are the sole survivor of Nepal and I am the heir to the Archadian Empire. We both have the power to do something great and wonderful here. So, maybe instead of fighting me on this and holding onto whatever notions you have of bearing the burden of your people on your own, allow me to share those burdens. I’m not asking you as Jaakuna Hinoko, the Sky Pirate who has given you one too many headaches; I am asking you as Jackson Darcone, rightful Emperor of Archadia.” Jackson took Shion’s hands as if pleading with her but without actually begging. “Let me help you.

What a serious expression. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were about to propose to me.” She raised an eyebrow at him, though she would look him right in the eye. For a moment, she would say nothing, although she would nod. “I’ll have to add to the deal, then. If I tell you about the pact, not only will you take your weapon, one of the first things you should do is take care of that problem in the hallway,” She would tell him, looking back at the door. “I can’t ask for much, but if that problem is taken care of, then I can help Aloa in her search.

Problem? Jaakuna wondered what she meant. He gave her a raised eyebrow expression of his own, curious by what she meant. The thought of Emiri came to him, but what if that wasn’t just it? Jaakuna had to think about it, though he simply brushed it aside. Had he gone deep into thought, he’d space for hours.

You mean Emiri, right? She’s hardly a problem.” Jaakuna assured her.

She is a problem,” She corrected him. “Kind and gentle...and with a thirst for power. As they say, the best intentions are the most dangerous. Watch her carefully. Stay by her side. And whatever happens...if it comes down to it, you’ll have to be the one to keep her safe.” She seemed to change her thought mid-sentence.

There was obviously something he was missing, but Jaakuna knew all too well that when Shion said something, no matter how crass it came across, it was right. Before he would have fought her on it, but he knew all too well about the dangers of Emiri. Regardless, he simply would nod. “I won’t let her end up like Rio. You have my word.

Shion closed her eyes, though she would take a few steps back away from Jaakuna. She extended her good hand, though rather than Belias’ Sigil, another foreign symbol would appear. This one, however, would appear not only on her arm, but her chest, legs, and two marks on her cheeks. She opened her eyes, though rather than amber, they shined red. “It’s time I told you about the pact. Though it’s easier shown than explained,” She stated as she approached him, her hand extending towards him, a single finger hitting his forehead.

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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 day ago

The landscape around her was unfamiliar territory. Blood dripped behind her, leaving a clear trail, but she didn't care. If she was found, so be it. If she was killed, so be it. Despair had taken a deep hold in her heart, so much that if Death would show, she would welcome it gladly with open arms. Her entire body was numb, and yet she continued. Her grip on her katana was palpable, though it served its purpose as she would stumble her way through the Feywood. Images in the Mist danced before her, though she would continue, ignoring them. Monsters would approach her with hopes of making her their next meal, but they would fall by her blade.

Her body seemed to finally give up, her legs giving out underneath her as she would fall to the ground. The snow chilled her, though she couldn't bring herself to get up. Her katana gleamed at her, still bearing blood. She watched the snow take the color of blood, a surge of emotions overtaking her. She pushed herself off the ground, forcing herself to her knees, though a strange Mist caught her attention. She would brush her long, blonde hair out of her eyes to see better, to see what was in the distance.

She looked up, dark colored flesh standing out from the bright surroundings. Wispy, colorless hair and ears accompanied the image. She was going insane, no viera in their right mind would come out this far from their home. Shion sat up, surprised to see them accompanied by another, much younger one. They would stop before her, and she got a chance to really look at them. The older one was stunning, barely dressed but exemplifying every viera trait--gorgeously dark skin, white hair, and tall with long legs. The viera child was beginning to blossom, though her expression was more curious than anything.

The viera would kneel down before her, her hands on her knee. "You've certainly come far." She commented lightly, eyeing the woman closely. "The blood of another stains not only your skin, but your very soul. But you've let your legs lead you nowhere, there is nothing for you here, young hume."

"Kyli, who is this?" The younger viera asked.

"An excellent question. What is your name, little one?" The viera named Kyli would ask.

"My name is Shion," She replied quietly.

The younger viera would take a seat next to her, brown eyes watching her. She reached out, touching Shion's blonde hair. Her eyes lingered on the blood, and she looked at Kyli. "She's not hurt," She stated, frowning. "Why does she bleed?"

"It's not mine," She said, shaking her head. "How I wish it was."

Kyli nodded, though she would look around. "You breathe, so you will continue to live. Come, we will go from here, somewhere safe. I would hear your tale from the Wood, and we can decide what to do next." She said as she would stand, beckoning for the younger viera and Shion to follow.

"Why would you have me follow? Leave me to die. It's my will."

The viera chuckled, turning around. "Because Ivalice has told me otherwise," Kyli replied simply.

Despite her better judgment, she would stand. Kyli walked slowly, though offered no help otherwise. She would gesture for Aloa to follow, who would continuously look back at Shion. "Are we going home?" She asked Kyli. "Ktra would be so scared! She doesn't like humes."

"You shouldn't tease her, Aloa," Kyli scolded her gently. "Humes are dangerous creatures. They have a bloodlust like no other, never satisfied, even when they have drunk the land dry. Isn't that right, Shion?"

The woman nodded, though she remained silent. Aloa seemed to understand, though she showed no fear as they would enter the Golmore Jungle. She would slow her own steps, letting her curiosity loose as she would begin to ask Shion a slew of questions--where she was from. Why she was here. Where did she live. Who did she live with. What did she like. What foods did she like. It was mostly innocent and nonsensical, and despite her reluctance, Shion ended up warming herself to the child.

They arrived at an enclave, a small spring surrounded by many trees. "Bathe there. The water will calm you. I'll be there shortly," She instructed her as she would walk to a small, makeshift tent.

Shion was slightly confused by what it was that Kyli wanted. Admittedly, she was a little self conscious, especially since Aloa would plop down, her feet in the spring water, her eyes glued on Shion. She waited to see if Aloa would go away, but she kept staring at her intently. "What is it?" She asked.

"Ah...nothing," Shion murmured, slowly undressing. She couldn't help but notice her eyes widening at her bust--a common thing, all things considered--but boy, getting ogled by a viera was a first. Nonetheless, she stepped into the spring, her muscles screaming as she submerged herself. She was surprised to see the blood lifted effortlessly, almost as if getting purified.

"Better?" Kyli asked, causing Shion to let out a yell of surprise. "My, what a beautiful body."

"I feel as if her assets would get in the way of battle," Aloa admitted, her stare making Shion feel sheepish. "How can you bend down without falling over? I feel as if your back should break in half just walking around. And your hips are so wide...oh, wait, they are tailored better for child bearing, so that makes sense, at least."

She had never felt so embarrassed before, covering her chest with her arms. She was surprised as Kyli would take a seat next to Aloa, crossing her legs as she would smile at Shion. "Despite your instincts telling you otherwise, I am a friend to you, Shion of Nepal. The Wood has spoken to me, telling me whispers of events that have transpired. I am sorry for your loss."

Despite her words, Shion still felt uneasy. "I thank you for your words, but I want to know why."

"Your regret is obvious. As is your desire for revenge. The veil of ignorance has been lifted from your eyes, and though you would welcome death now, surely you would rather make better use of your time," Kyli stated, resting her elbow on her knee and her chin on the palm of her hand. "I know you'd like to see Zodiark fall."

Shion narrowed her eyes at Kyli. "And you're telling me that you know a way?" She asked.

"There is. But the one the Gigas will choose is not around yet," She informed her rather cheerfully. "I hear Ivalice's will, believe it or not. You may find it hard to believe, but the balance in our world is off. So he will remain in the shadows, having his way, until the time comes for his fall."

"Who in their right mind would purposefully wait until their enemy was stronger before felling them?" Shion asked, bewildered.

"No one alive has the power to properly defeat him. Even if you went forth now to slay him, he would only return. He is an enemy born from Ivalice herself, created by the gods. Would you want your efforts to be wasted?" She asked, frowning. "No, the solution isn't to kill him, the solution is to purge him from the land once and for all."

"And how can I accomplish that?"

"I doubt it will happen in your lifetime." She stated.

"I won't have that," Shion protested. "Why would I leave my burden to another? Surely there must be some manner of being able to do something!"

Aloa raised her eyebrows, amused. "What a change, from wishing for the reaper to take your life, to being this determined. I like it." She nodded in agreement.

Shion couldn't help but scowl at Aloa. "I'm serious! There's no possible way I can just sit around and do nothing," She insisted. "If there is a way, you must know."

"I do. But I want to know if you're truly willing. I meant it when I said that Zodiark's fall will not happen in your lifetime," Kyli replied. "And not in mine either. That is why I am training young Aloa to take my place--but I am sure you two will get along nicely." She smiled. "Would you be willing to wait hundreds of years?"

"If it means that he falls, so be it," Shion stated as she would stand, determined. "I'll walk Ivalice for a thousand years if that's what it takes."

Aloa smiled as well, nodding to Kyli. "Then we are in agreement? You will share my burden?" Aloa asked as she would slip into the spring, approaching Shion. "If you are serious, then we will walk the path together. But once we are in agreement, there is no going back," She warned her.

Shion nodded. "I will not rest until he dies."

Kyli sighed, seemingly relieved, though she would mimick Aloa and get in the water, stretching her arms above her head. "Best to make it official, then. We'll need to make it so that you can weather the harshness of time. Understand that you will not change--I suggest hiding, lest you be accused of withcraft," She stated, slicking her hair back with the water.

"I understand, but I will not hide. I will act from the same shadows he does...and make sure I am a known threat," She replied, though she was surprised when both viera would take each one of her hands. "I, uh, feel as if you'd like to know me better...but um..."

"You've read my mind~ But we're going to need to be a little more...intimate," She teased, running her fingers along the length of Shion's arm.

To her surprise, a mark would follow her fingers. Despite her teasing, it seemed Kyli had already begun the process. She couldn't help but fidget, unused to being touched so...sensually by someone of the same gender. Just when she thought it was over, however, the two viera would push her down into the water. She immediately got back up, coughing water, though the marks disappeared. As she was about to ask why they would do so, her bangs slightly covered her eyes. She let out a slight gasp, realizing her once blonde hair had instead turned into a shade of blue.

"And so it is done," Aloa stated, nodding. "Let us speak of the next step..."

The vision would finish, Shion dropping her hand from Jaakuna. She placed a hand on her hip, eyeing him curiously. "Little did I know that Kyli was Aloa's predecessor. She, too, had been keeping an eye on Venat's activities. It seems even back then, she knew you would be the one to slay him," She told him.

"OW!" Keiran yelped as he went crashing into the ground, Grant landing on top of him. "We could've just walked out on our own, you know!" He told Nadeline, annoyed.

"I don't care, whatever it is that they need to talk about must be important," She stated as she walked around the pair, her hands on her hips. "As much as I would have liked to stay, Shion isn't the type to talk, so if Jaakuna can get all the information he can, then better for us."

Grant nodded in agreement as he would stand. He looked at Emiri, who had been staring at the door. "Right...I suppose I'll go borrow a room, then. I still feel tired," She admitted, scratching her cheek.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Nadeline asked.

As Emiri was about to answer, she noticed someone else approaching the group. "You're about to have your hands full. I'll be fine on my own," She said as Lorenzo practically stomped on over, clearly having a few choice words for both his daughter and future son in law.

Nadeline let out a groan, though she would put herself in between Lorenzo and Wesley, holding a hand out to her father as he would come to a halt. "Don't do anything to Wesley, or I'll never forgive you," She warned him sternly.

Lorenzo let out a sigh as he would cross his arms, still looking sour. "All better now, are we? Good, we can talk about the next thing to do," He huffed, clearly upset.

Keiran chuckled. "Oh yeah, heads up Wes, Lorenzo isn't too happy you knocked up his precious little treasure," He said nonchalantly.

"Before anyone does anything, I want you gone," Nadeline snapped at him. "I've honestly just about had it with you causing trouble!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After the vision had ended, Jaakuna honestly was at a lost for words. It wasn’t a common occurence but it was becoming one as of late. This was, of course, because of what has been taking place around him. From Emiri being under Venat’s control to setting up a worldwide treaty between the Three Great Nations of Ivalice, Jaakuna’s world and involvement in politics has been shifting towards a more active role. To think just a short few months ago, Jaakuna was a shame to his country, wanting for murder and treason. Now he was the sole person who could save the world not just from the threat of a lingering Occuria, Venat but from his own race and those who inhabit this world.

Talk about pressure.

Jaakuna was feeling overwhelmed and most of it had to do with the fact that he was a tad taken aback by the revelation that was centric to him about the Gigas, which obviously was Belias. Apparently, for reasons unknown to him, that specific Esper was the only one who could defeat Venat. Jaakuna’s big take away from it, however, was that he was being talked about several decades before he was even an afterthought. Hell, around the time Aloa was young(yeah Jaakuna’s still trying to process her as young), that was when Archadia committed the worst war crime in their long history. So it was obviously a lot to take in. Hopefully, Shion could give Jaakuna a few more moments to adjust to all of it.

And of course, just as he would hope that, there she would go and speak. “I mean, she couldn’t have known that Jackson Darcone was ‘the Chosen One’.” Jaakuna quipped with a snarky chuckle.

Despite all of the information that was compacted in such a short amount of time, Wesley was pleased to see that it didn’t really change his friends. For that matter, it didn’t seem to change him that much. What started out as Wesley wanting to confide in Emiri about what he suspected, he ended up forgetting his real reason for going there. He wanted to inspect whatever was going on with Emiri for himself, but things got away from him. By the time they were talking one on one, he had completely forgotten about it, and ended up divulging something he never thought he would. And then that’s when everything got so warped and out of their control.

This was why Wesley had been relieved to see an aura of familiarity return to the group. Although looking at Lorenzo, there wasn’t exactly a positive expression his face. There was also Nadeline erupting towards Keiran, apparently having enough of his antics. “She is right. You’ve done enough damage, Mitron.” Wesley echoed Nadeline’s sentiments, showing a rare expression of tired patience towards Keiran.

Mitron? You mean the Scion of Light?” Savayna said, feeling out of the loop.

It’s a very long story. I’ll be sure to fill you in later on, but now, Keiran was just leaving.” Wesley stated rather coldly, his eyes piercing through any and all verbal defenses Keiran might’ve had.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Considering she was right about everything else, I have little reason to doubt it," Shion would immediately dismiss his statement. "Kyli was not only a talented sorceress, she also possessed the ability to see into the future. Her vision consisted of he who walks with the Gigas--the Transcendant. A man of unbelievable stubborness, rudeness, backwards logic, frustratingly naive ideals--and you fit the description to the tee," She stated, ticking off a few traits she had recalled, likely wanting to rustle Jaakuna a bit.

Long story wasn't even scratching the surface. As much as Grant would have loved to sit down and get a proper explanation, he knew Lorenzo's concerns were...more pressing. Well, not pressing, more like he wasn't budging. Like at all. Keiran seemed slightly miffed at both Wesley and Nadeline's rebuttal, placing his hands on the back of his head. Letting out a sigh, Grant decided that it was best to leave the three--that is, Wesley, Nadeline, and Lorenzo--to speak. He would lightly pull on Savayna's arm, as if trying to get her to follow him, though he wasn't entirely sure if she would catch the hint.

Either way, he would take Keiran by his shirt, giving him a small payback as he dragged him away from Nadeline and Wesley. "What is it with you Rozarrian's unable to just communicate?! I can walk!" Keiran hollered, though he seemed to catch himself once he realized Grant was the one pulling him. "Oh, right, the whole 'not being able to talk' thing. I forgot. I mean, if you want, I'll stick around you and be your mouthpiece. 'Cause we're buddies, right?" Keiran cheerfully told him as he could quickly hook his arm with Grant's, much to the prince's displeasure.

Nadeline watched Grant take Keiran away, and was grateful, though she now had to deal with the headache that was her father. Crossing her arms, she turned towards her father, an annoyed look on her face. "Don't make this more difficult than it has to be, please," She told him, shaking her head. "This morning has been one of the worst I've experienced--and if you could make this as smooth as possible, I would greatly appreciate it."

Lorenzo scowled childishly, though he couldn't help but glare at Wesley. "I was going to come here and give you a piece of my mind, but I guess first thing's first--are you absolutely sure that you're pregnant?" He asked, actually surprising Nadeline with a reasonable question. "I'm going to put the desire to strangle Wesley for deflowering you--FOR NOW--and just ask if you're positive. Or at least, if you have a way of knowing sooner rather than later."

Admittedly, Keiran put the idea in her head, and she hadn't really been able to discourage it, but for once, Lorenzo had a valid point. "I don't know. I suppose I'll know in a few weeks' time," She muttered, shifting her weight from one heel to the other. "Honestly, I can't say I entirely understand why you're so upset. You realize our plans for marriage haven't changed, right? If we...shot the gun a bit earlier than usual, then is there really any harm?"

"Of course there is," Lorenzo said, though the fact that he was actually serious was really starting to worry her. "You're forgetting, if you really are pregnant, I can't let you run off and fight, you realize that, right? I can't in good conscience put yourself in danger like that."

The thought hadn't quite crossed her mind. "Regardless, I will not sit and wait for Wesley to come home." She informed him.

"As your father, I can't allow that," He told her bluntly. "You're constantly risking your life--once it's not only yours, things change, Nadeline."

"I know that! But if something happens to Wesley and I wasn't there for him, I'd never be able to forgive myself!" She responded in kind, completely stubborn on her own point.

Emiri had found an empty room not too far from where her original room was. She closed the door behind her, though once she was behind closed doors, she let out a gasp, dropping down to her knees. A surge of pain nearly caused her to scream out, but she forced herself to hold it in. She could feel the room spinning again--she knew her fever was likely returning with every intention of killing her. Forcing herself to stand, she made her way to the bed, dropping herself onto it. She clutched her chest, in pain, though she couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on. The sensation was familiar, so it didn't make her uneasy, but something was wrong. It wasn't supposed to be like this, was it?

After a moment, the pain subsided, leaving Emiri gasping for air. As soon as she steadied her breathing, she would sit up, a hand to her head. For a moment, she thought she heard a man laugh. She looked around, confused. She strained herself to listen, but it seemed to have vanished. Great, she was finally going crazy. She stared down at her hands, trying to make sense of things. Inhaling slowly, she closed her eyes.

"Chaos...can you hear me?" She asked, trying to reach out to her esper. "If you have any idea what's happening, I'd appreciate an explanation. Anything. Even if it's just a vague idea."

The Word is calling to you. However...you seem to be struggling to hear it. He would answer her mentally. Or rather...something is trying to stop you.

Something? Or someone? Emiri mentally cursed, throwing her head back and letting herself fall onto the bed. "It's Keiran," She muttered. "Damn it...how do I get rid of him?"

I'm certain the viera is conducting some sort of plan for it. The question is, will she make it in time?

"In time for what?" Emiri asked, alarmed by his statement.

Either she returns, and you'll unlock your true potential...or he once again pulls the strings.

What?! Emiri felt her heart beating fiercely against her chest, though another pain would strike her, momentarily rattling her thoughts. No, it made sense. If she did reach her full power, maybe she could get rid of him herself. But he knew, and he was stopping her. Crap, was she just going to have to hope that Aloa would return to her? And if she doesn't...so this is what he was planning. She guessed, her hand forming a fist. Figures why he was so chummy. Even now he's slowly working his magicks...there has to be something I can do. She tried to think, although she would remember Jaakuna, sitting up quickly. As she did, she made herself dizzy. Well...I'm sure he's still talking to Shion. A few minutes won't do anything... She stifled a yawn, making herself comfortable and closing her eyes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There had been a few thoughts that ran through Jaakuna’s mind as he heard Shion speak about Kyli and how she was a powerful sorceress and could see into the future and how she could see the exact moment that Jaakuna was chosen by Belias. The thoughts in his mind were of awe and absolute shock at how, even decades before the birth of his grandfather, before the birth of his father, before the birth of his brothers — he was the Chosen One. As Shion had put it, he was the Transcendent, though Jaakuna couldn’t fathom what that meant exactly. The whisperings of Belias simply told the blonde that he knew. If he searched deep down, he knew what that meant.

And then, as if breaking from the serious streak she was, Shion would once again throw in a subtle, mocking quip at Jaakuna’s expense. He then scowled rather obviously, crossing his arms as he huffed at her. He didn’t appreciate that. He wanted to retort something back at her but one of them had to be the adult here. It sure as hell wasn’t going to be Shion, now was it? “Did Kyli actually see me? Maybe she’s seeing me right now? If so, I should say hello, should I not?” Jaakuna looked up and waved. “Hello Kyli, I’m the Transcendent. You know, the one who is supposed to save the world? Yeah, well just so you know, Shion found me. And guess what? She’s just as hot as she was back then!

As much as it does pain me, my darling, I believe your father has a point.” Wesley stated rather surprisingly, earning glances from just about everyone. Most notably, he caught Lorenzo’s look of shock, though it was one that WEsley knew would have him regretting even agreeing with him. He turned towards Nadeline with an apologetic look. “Please don’t be too mad at me, but if you are indeed pregnant with our first child, I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to not only you but our child.” Wesley admitted, furthering his reason to be more sane and reasonable than Lorenzo’s overprotective father logic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 day ago

What did he just say? A very faint, noticeable blush crossed her cheeks rather unwillingly. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes darting away from Jaakuna. For once she actually looked embarrassed, crossing her arms somewhat defensively. If it wasn't for Kyli and Aloa's insistence, she really would have never believed this was the so called 'chosen one'. She cleared her throat, shaking her head at him. "That's not how that works," She told him stubbornly. "It isn't as if she's watching us now. Heaven knows I would have anticipated your...personality a lot better if she had known exactly how you would be."

Nadeline shouldn't have been surprised at Wesley's response. Well, she was, but it was mostly the fact that for the first time in a long time, they were the voice of reason. She truly was the unreasonable one this time, wasn't she? She looked between both Wesley and Lorenzo, neither one of them budging on the subject. Still, there wasn't any way she could stand staying behind. Mustering up any dignity she had, she would cross her arms once again, lifting her chin slightly. There was no getting out of this one. But... "We'll just have to see then, won't we," She pouted, unable to hide her dissatisfaction. "I'll know for sure in a few weeks' time, I suppose."

Lorenzo looked at her, suspicious. She sure bowed down rather quickly--he half expected her to start whining. "Weeks? Isn't there a way to know sooner?" He asked.

She gave him a look. "You're going to have to trust me on this one," She said bluntly.

The realization hit him a little later than it should have, and he let out a nervous laugh. "Ah...I get it."

"You're disappointed, aren't you?" She asked him, her voice low.

"I never imagined you and Wesley would go and do the same thing me and Karolina did," He admitted, scratching his head. "I'll be the first to admit that I was...pretty pushy about it. Good to know you've gone through such lengths to secure Dalmasca's future." His last sentence came off annoyed as he would glare at Wesley.

"Such lengths?"

"I didn't think he had it in him."

Well, he certainly had it in me, She dared not speak the words she thought, eyeing Wesley. She would get her revenge on the both of them. "I assure you, he was very loving. His touch was very gentle, though towards the end he got much more aggressive...I found myself enjoying it quite a bit." She told her father cheerfully.

"AHHHHHHHHHH! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT!" Lorenzo yelled, his hands over his ears as he would jog in place. "Why would you tell me that?!"

Keiran hummed cheerfully as he was hand-in-hand with his new best friend. Grant was less than enthused, though he went along with it. As Keiran came to a halt, he would suddenly yank Grant back. He certainly was enjoying himself, wasn't he? Keiran let out a whistle, his hand over his eyes as if searching the horizon. "There she goes! A wild Savayna, out and about! Aren't you glad she came?" He asked as he pinched Grant's cheeks, trying to pull his mouth into a smile. "See? You're smiling and everything! No need to be so gloomy anymore, right?"

Why me? He gave Keiran an irritated huff as Keiran continued to manipulate his expression.

"If you want me to stop, just say so! Oh wait, you can't!" Keiran cackled, clearly pleased.
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