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i wanna punch things
Twentieth Bell, 3rd of the Great Tree Moon
What started as an innocuous chorus of two Deer enthusiastically spreading the word for a party evolved beyond what Jorah had likely imagined. Oskar had ensured his task had been fulfilled even if the rest of the Deer hadn't uttered a word--and in their defense, no one could have predicted the outcome. While the word had spread out to the student body quickly as the idea of festivities to celebrate their orientation seemed like the ideal way to finish the day, it had also spread to the rest of the Monastery. The kitchens that typically closed after the eighteenth bell remained in full steam, rushing to get the spread out before the twentieth bell would arrive. The knights, similarly, found themselves scrambling to adjust to a schedule as it was obvious supervision around the reception hall would be needed...even if not a single knight could properly recall when it was decided.

By the time the very last bell rang out, the reception hall had been transformed. Servants had hastily moved aside a majority of the benches to make way for a dance floor. The spread there rivaled that of the Archbishop's coronation, boasting plates from all over Fódlan and capped with sweets for those who may have already had their fill in the dining hall. Servants came and went, offering spirits and drinks to any students that asked. Music filled the hall as a band was swept together to provide ample entertainment while students either danced or conversed happily.

"The Archbishop is so kind to put this together!"

"The Archbishop? I thought I swore Jorah von Reigan organized this."

"I thought I saw him running around telling everyone to be here. I guess he's looking to make sure everyone's welcomed. And to think, people were worried about the Golden Deer's leadership this year!"

The Archbishop in question was deaf to the conversation nearby as his eyes were trained on the assortment of sweets before him. In another setting, he may have blended in better as he no longer wore his crown, but the lack of height still made him stand out from the rest of the students. Unlike before, he was accompanied by no one, and he took full advantage of it, grabbing a sweet bun and biting into it with full gusto.

Not too far away, Euphemia was completely flabbergasted at the sight before her. The conversation earlier had lead her to believe he was going to stuff twenty students into his room with ale to go around or to put something hasty strung together, not this. This party looked like the Church had organized it! She had absolutely no idea how he managed to pull it off and it was a major concern of hers. She had heard he would be trouble, but she had no idea he had this much influence. It was concerning and she was already feeling a headache forming as she tried to comprehend the sight before her.

Tomai stood next to her, decidedly more interested in the plate of food in his hand than anything else. "I'm glad they brought this, I haven't had a chance to eat," He admitted.

"Did you...happen to know how all this occurred?" She asked him. "Michail didn't help Jorah, did he?"

"The Captain is trying to get Michail to dance with her, I don't think she'd be so...spirited if this was something he came up with," He gestured towards the pair, taking a bite as Kalliope successfully pulled Michail off the bench and promptly dragged him to the dance floor. "Also, I heard Ioannis organized it."

Dare she correct him? Euphemia was at a complete loss. She looked over at Kaira hovering nearby, taking a glass of something off a servant's plate and tasting it. She hesitated as she caught Euphemia looking at her. "We may as well enjoy ourselves, no?" She asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, I need a drink, too," Euphemia muttered, deciding to chase down the servant.

The variety of introductions had each professor mentally taking notes; even Tomai was already noting who would become a potential problem down the line. Lysander remained perfectly pleasant, giving each student his complete attention. The majority of students were self assured and knew their future roles in Fódlan, and any rough around the edges could be smoothed over well enough. He exercised a cautious optimism, knowing that at minimum the Archbishop would be pleased. He did, however, watch the Imperial princess with open curiosity.

Adelaide’s introduction was followed by Johann, who only stood once the princess was seated. He flashed what he hoped was a friendly grin at the room at large. “Greetings, one and all. I am Johann von Aegir of Adrestia. I squired under Lord Klaus von Arundel and thus my interest in chivalry and knighthood was sparked. I don’t care much for cowardice nor dishonesty, either,” He gave Clarissa a small nod of acknowledgment before retaking his seat.

Derec figured since he was the last Lion he may as well stand. However, he noticed that Isolde had also stood, the pair looking at one another in surprise. The redhead retook his seat, gesturing for her to go first. This seemed to embolden her, but a good few seconds passed, the blonde girl’s eyes darting all over the place. “...Isolde von Ordelia,” She managed to sputter out, a bout of nervousness gripping her. “I like knitting and sewing and…I don’t like this…” Her words got quieter as she slowly sank back down to her seat, eyes trained on a spot on the desk in front of her.

The awkwardness following Isolde’s introduction hung over the classroom. Taking pity, Derec stood up again, clearing his throat loud enough to get everyone’s attention. "I'm Derec Ballard," He introduced himself with a smile. "I like making weapons and accessories, and as for dislikes, I prefer cooler temperatures and don't do as well in the heat. I look forward to working with you all."

Derec’s introduction was punctuated with a clap from Michail as he stepped forward. “Wonderful! Now we all know each other a little better!” He grinned at the class, placing his hands on his hips. "I, for one, am looking forward to our year together! With all that out of the way, you’ll all be dismissed. Feel free to get comfortable with your dorms–the assignments are on the bulletin board outside–and dinner will be–”

Tomai did a double take, giving Michail an incredulous look as he continued to speak. “What–no,” Tomai interrupted the knight. “There’s still a student who hasn’t introduced himself.”

“Huh?” Michail paused, looking around the room, counting each student. “Oh, only eleven. I must’ve missed someone…?” He seemed a little confused, his hand coming up as he silently recounted the students.

Tomai bit back a comment and motioned to the student in question sitting towards the back. Michail followed his motion, looking back at him with a confused expression. There was a moment where Tomai looked like he was going to keel over from disbelief, but he composed himself, instead gesturing for the student in question to get up.

Rudolf shakily stood from his seat near the back of the room, even paler than normal after that withering ordeal. As if it weren’t obvious enough that he didn’t belong here, the Goddess seemed eager to remind him every chance She got. The room was full of men and women of confidence and decisiveness. Even the outliers - an irrelevant Fraldarius some ways down the line of succession and the daughter of a traitor barely clinging to what remained of her aristocracy - had excuses; they could settle for a meek, invisible existence. Count Bergliez could not. The princess seemed to agree, given the scathing attack she put forth in her introduction, targeted or otherwise.

Rudolf almost thought he was in the clear when their knightly ‘professor’ - he used this term lightly - began to wrap up the introductions before Rudolf could even muster the courage to rise from his chair, but even that small solace was denied to him when Professor Malathice forced him to stand up.

"Uh," he started lamely before clearing his throat, giving the room a moment to settle their eyes on him properly before he started talking. "I’m Rudolf. Uh, Rudolf von Bergliez. Of the Empire, as you can probably guess from the… yeah. Bergliez. I like-" Saints, what did he like? He blanked on every preference he’d ever had, short of the intense dislike of whatever this was that he shared with the Ordelia girl. His mouth floundered open once or twice, as if words would come easier if he just started to speak, but they never did.

"Uh. Sorry," he finished quietly, then shrunk back down in his chair, hopefully to be ignored by the congregation again for the rest of the year.

“No need for apologies, we’ve got the rest of the year to get to know each other better!” Michail grinned, ignoring Tomai’s exasperation.

Lysander nodded in agreement. “As Michail mentioned, dorm assignments are on the bulletin board. Our offices are located on the second floor and are always open whenever needed. I believe Professor Kalonic wished to speak with the House Leaders for a moment, but everyone else is dismissed,” He stated. “Enjoy your evenings!”

With the dismissal of the students, the courtyard got a little busier as conversations blended into one another. The only exception was a very loud Oskar Goneril announcing Jorah’s party. Tomai decided to take the nearest empty seat and flipped open his book, diving into the text and showing little interest in anything else.

Euphemia perched herself on the desk, crossing her legs and waiting patiently for the trio to make their way to her. “I won’t keep you long, but House Leaders have a few more responsibilities in addition to their schoolwork. The first is a weekly report with your house professor on your classmates’ skills. Every Monday, you will let me know which skills your classmates want to work on, and in turn we–that is to say, all of your professors–will ensure each student is educated properly. Most nobles usually have some idea on reports and the like from watching the adults in your life, but aren’t aware of the actual paperwork behind it. This will be excellent practice and help me judge how you would watch over your own troops, so to speak; if there are any faults or mistakes, I will correct them, so feel free to do your best and don’t be afraid of any slip-ups.”

“The second is a mandatory monthly conference with the other house leaders. Facilitating relationships between the future leaders of the Empire, Kingdom, and the Alliance is a cornerstone in diplomacy, so this will also be good practice for the future. This will also be the time where your problem solving skills will come in handy, as any inter-house grievances or issues are to be solved there,” She tapped Priscilla against the palm of her free hand. “The last will be deciding which students will be assigned to which tasks. The Officers Academy is indebted to Garreg Mach for their donations, and so we return the favor with community service. The students help by tending to the horses in the stables, picking weeds from the fields, and assisting guards with watching the skies on pegasi and wyverns. Keep in mind that students cannot opt out once they're chosen and will lose their free time on Saturdays to complete these tasks.”

The blonde looked at each leader. “That is the sum of your responsibilities. Are there any questions?” She asked. “If not, then that’s all from me. I’ll be looking forward to working with you this year!”

Michail followed the crowd outside but paused when he spotted the young Archbishop crossing the courtyard with the current Captain of the Knights of Seiros, a tall, olive-skinned woman named Kalliope. The height difference between the pair was staggering despite Ioannis’ headpiece adding a good amount to his height. He diverted his path towards the pair, catching the tail end of their conversation.

“If you truly feel that the Western Church no longer requires your services anymore, then I welcome you home,” Ioannis told her. “I imagine your knights will be pleased.”

“Some more than others. I need to ensure no slackers were born while I was gone. Lady Arianthe mentioned she would come soon as well,” Kalliope said, eyes focused on any who wandered too close.

Ioannis stopped in place, surprised. “Lady Arianthe will come here? What a pleasant surprise, she didn’t mention that in her last letter,” He said. He followed Kalliope’s gaze to Michail, who stopped and bowed before the pair. “Ah, Michail, I meant to ask how your first day as professor went.”

“Good evening Little Archbishop, Captain,” Michail greeted the pair.

“I think it would be best if you weren’t so casual with the Archbishop, Michail,” Kalliope raised an eyebrow at him.

Meanwhile, the Dining Hall was bustling with servants coming in and out of the kitchen. On any other day, a horde of students and church goers would likely stampede into the room and form lines, but as today was more relaxed, it was mostly stragglers and the hungry that decided to answer to the bell's summons. Word about a party in the courtyard had spread, and it spread fast–while there were some who preferred to get settled, some were curious to see the many nobles of the Rose Unit. The idea of putting a majority–if not all–the nobles into a single unit had spread faster than the party rumors, with whispers on the Archbishop's decision floating around.

"If you could have just a little--nay, just a sliver of professionalism so you could pretend you belong in the position of professor, I would appreciate it!"

Michail endured both the berating from Euphemia and the viscerating glare from Tomai, all but unphased with a small smile on his face. He lit up considerably, however, as the bell rung, signaling his freedom. "Saved by the bell! Time to round up the units, let's get this going," He hastily darted away, narrowly missing getting struck by Priscilla again as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Azalea Unit, meet in the Black Eagles' classroom! Rose Unit, meet in the Blue Lions classroom! Poppy Unit, meet in the Golden Deer classroom!" His voice carried over any conversation, causing a guard across the courtyard to jump from the volume.

"What am I going to do with him?" Euphemia sighed, shaking her head. She paused long enough to catch Oskar chatting with a pair of girls, the two making eye contact before she gestured to the classroom. "Go on, you heard Professor Kalonic."

"I thought you were Professor Kalonic," He replied, a little confused. He didn't argue as her smile widened, jogging away to the assigned classroom.

Tomai decided to leave Michail to his shouting and chose to converse with Lysander and Kaira. He noticed Lysander was staring intently into the Blue Lions' classroom, and it wasn't hard to figure out what he was looking at. Derec Ballard was conversing with his fellow Lions, none the wiser to the professors watching him.

"So the rumors are true. How bold of Duke Charon," Tomai noted. "I take it to mean that Lord Ioannis took his plea to heart. But what coincidence would it be to have both heiress apparent to the Empire and the legitimized bastard of the Kingdom? Not to mention the heirs of the Alliance's roundtable."

Lysander frowned at Tomai, shaking his head. "We mustn't speak of this. The archbishop made that clear," Lysander reminded him. "The very least we can do is grant a year of peace and hope that the relationships built can withstand the incoming turbulence."

"And you don't believe the students won't also notice? The unit is made entirely of those in specific positions wielding certain abilities," Tomai asked.

"Regardless, we must do what we can for them," Lysander insisted. "No more, Tomai. Leave your concerns for later, please."

"They'll catch on, and when they do and start asking, I won't hold back any answers," He replied, taking a second to look at Kaira. "Don't let him fool you into taking on any more work than necessary."

"Anyone overhearing this conversation would think you thought me a villain," Lysander rolled his eyes.

"Enough," Kaira stated. "Lavender and Sirius will be here soon and we have three classes to explain things to. Let's get going, I'm sure the students are eager to be properly dismissed so they may go about their day."

Lysander took her words seriously and looked at Tomai, but the man was already crossing into the classroom. He let out a sigh and followed suit. Soon enough the classroom began to take their seats and Lysander stood in front of the desk, watching each student with mild curiosity. The other three professors stood close by, watching everyone settle down. As the last student took their seat, Kaira closed the door, joining the other three house professors at the front of the classroom with her hands together.

Lysander took a gaze at all of them before he cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming. My name is Lysander Roland and I am honored and humbled to meet you all," He said with a soft voice, giving the class a short bow. "As some of you are already aware, this year the Officers Academy is choosing to--well, to be honest, this year I am choosing to do things differently. While tradition has long since guided our way, I feel that a little change can do no harm."

Euphemia frowned at Lysander, but he continued, "In truth, Fódlan is experiencing an instability that hasn't been seen in centuries. The Black Plague sweeping the Empire while they navigate relations with Dagda is enough to upset the balance, but both Kingdom and Alliance have had their fair share in trial and tribulation as well. Because of this, it is prevalent to do what we can for the people of Fódlan. For your people, for your brethren, to offer a hand to thy ailing neighbor as the scriptures dictate...the time will come sooner than later where faith and morality will be tested."

There was a heavy, odd silence that followed Lysander's words. Tomai let out a muted sigh, shaking his head at the dark haired man. As he caught his eye, he cleared his throat, a little concerned. "That was more ominous than intended! I sincerely apologize," He chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "What I meant is--what I mean to say is that now, more than ever, reaching across borders and taking your neighbor's hand is important. That is the reason we have split the classes into 'units' as opposed to separating them by house. By combining the three, it is my hope that relations between students will see through nationalism."

Another pause followed, but it was more comfortable and mostly because Lysander forgot what he was going to say next. He snapped his fingers as he remembered. "I thought I had more to say, but honestly, I think that about covers it," He said, missing Euphemia's facepalm. "Well, this group in particular does have a small advantage over the others. Lord Ioannis himself chose the members of this unit! That's neat, isn't it?"

"Yes, Professor, but I believe you had more to say..." Kaira piped up, trying to steer Lysander back in the proper direction.

"Did I--? I did. How bothersome, my memory is just not what it used to be," He sighed, trying to think. "This unit will be looked after a little closer than the others. Aside from a few heirs and royalty among you, some classes and missions will be handled differently. Students participate in requests given by surrounding villages as a way to both give back to the community and to give the students experience. In addition to those, there will be the odd mission here and there that will take you to the other churches to offer your assistance. Think of it as a trial for future generations!"

Lysander seemed satisfied, taking a seat back behind the desk. The other professors avoided exchanging looks, but were a little more confident. Euphemia nodded, deciding to say a few more words. "All of us here--that is, Professor Michail, Professor Malathice, and myself included--implore you to reach out to us if you ever need a guiding hand as well," She told the class with a smile, though she noticed Kaira's deflated look. "And Professor Kaira, too, of course!"

Michail chuckled, deciding to join Euphemia. He motioned for Tomai to join him, but the man preferred to stay where he was. For now, Michail decided to focus on the students. "On that note, how about everyone here go ahead and introduce themselves?" He suggested. "I'll start it off. I'm Michail Kalonic, Knight of Seiros turned professor, and I'm from the Kingdom. I like horse riding and fighting, and I dislike people telling me what to do. Explains why I decided to teach, right?" He joked.

Euphemia was less than thrilled at Michail, but Lysander loved it. "That's a great idea!" He agreed, much to the chagrin of the blonde. "Oh, but I already introduced myself. Why don't the rest of you go ahead, that way each student knows us all?"

Tomai seemed to disagree, but relented. "Tomai Malathice. I like crest research. I dislike Michail," He replied plainly. Michail's smile never left his face, but he did look over at Tomai.

Euphemia managed to contain her grin as she decided to follow suit. "I am Euphemia Kalonic--the Goddess blessed me with only one brother but could only do so much with Michail--and I like books and nature. I dislike bugs, though," She stated confidently, giving the class a playful wink.

The three then looked to the green haired girl, who seemed to forget she was a professor for a moment. Considering the gap in age, it was probably understandable; the three professors looked to be from their mid- to late twenties, whereas Kaira looked more like she fit in with the students. "Oh! I am Kaira Simeon, and I like...praying? Oh goodness, I feel like I could give a better answer than that..." Kaira furrowed her brow, trying to think. "I like a lot of things, and I don't like some things, but that is...not very specific, is it?"

"While our lovely Kaira decides, who wants to introduce themselves first?" Michail asked as he smoothly transitioned attention to the classroom, looking at the students. "Don't be shy! Just stand up and introduce yourself! We're all going to be fighting together, so it's handy to match a name to a face when need be!"

Adelaide's rebuke was sharp but Johann took it in stride. Better a woman to keep her wits about her than to fluff herself up and say nothing of true substance. He supposed there was the odd chance his father could have arranged such a situation for him to warm up his bride-to-be, but the much more likely explanation was that whoever was in charge thought it just made sense. And if it really was the work of his father, then he'd be disappointed.

He would wait for Rudolf to act before he as he had arrived first, but he had to admit the lack of grace was...confusing. Surely, the boy was taking the whole thing in jest. He wasn't sure if the Bergliez was awkward or nervous--personally, he would bet on both--and he kept his expression neutral. Less asset and more burden, this one would be. If he struggled kissing the air above a woman's hand then he was likely of little use in other areas.

"Maybe so, but I believe that skepticism is just fate's way of keeping us on our toes. Perhaps it enjoys a good debate as much as we do, orchestrating circumstances to keep us questioning and pondering its mysterious ways," He made an attempt to steer the attention away from the lad, demonstrating the proper way--no nose nor lips would grace Adelaide's hand as was proper and he didn't linger--and gave Widolaic a respectful bow.

"Opportunity seems to be the theme of the year; a unit system instead of the traditional House structure to unify the various students is begging for inter-country relations, isn't it?" He agreed with her statement wholeheartedly. "Many of the future Roundtable heirs, as well as Olivier of House Gaspard and Auberon of House Galatea, are in attendance. You'd have to be blind to not see the networking possibilities. Although with both the Gloucester heir and the remnant of House Ordelia attending, I'd think harmony among the Deer would be rare."

Every minute that passed felt like someone was subtly and slowly pushing down on Isolde’s chest. It was all so overwhelming; the statues felt like they were staring into her soul, the odd glance her way feeding into her anxiety in a way that made her wish she hadn’t bothered coming. The benefits had initially outweighed any negatives and her mother had a point; she had to show her face in public at one point or another.

She prayed silently to the Goddess for strength, hoping in some way that making it through the first day would mean she could survive the rest of the year. Her naive hope was that it had been so long since she had been seen that she wouldn’t be recognized, that the feeling of being watched was just her own paranoia. Everything passed her in a blur, and it wasn’t until a paper was in her hands that she woke up, so to speak.

Unfortunately, said paper sent her into such a spiral that she was sure she was going to throw up.

The mingling of students from different Houses had actually piqued her interest, if only because it meant a fresh start. She was shocked to see many noble–and even a royal!–name on the sheet, but her inner dread came out in full force when her eyes landed on one name: Nathanael Gloucester. Why? Why had they been put together? Surely the news of the late Duke Gloucester’s murder was widely known!

She noticed she was trembling and laid the paper down flat, taking a look around. To her absolute horror, she spotted the young man in question looking directly at her. Shame swept her quickly and she tore her gaze away, heart beating in her throat. She wasn’t ready for this. She wasn’t prepared to face him.

Isolde stood without realizing it and made a beeline for the door, stopping only when another arm hooked through hers. She was spun around in place and pulled along, and it took her much too long to realize it was Oskar Goneril doing so. There was no escape, much to her dismay, the older boy dragging her along even when she dug her feet in. Why was he so strong?!

He stopped before the trio and released Isolde, not noticing when she immediately hid behind him. “Alright, if we’re going to be showing these people a sincere Alliance party, then you just tell me where and when so I can tell people,” He boasted with a dazzling grin.

A startled, almost sickly look crossed Jorah’s face like a shadow as she approached, but he lit back up immediately when he saw Oskar, matching his enthusiasm. “Hm, that would help, wouldn't it?” He replied, holding his chin in thought. After a second, he snapped his fingers, eyes sparkling with excitement. “The Reception Hall! After the last bell. Tell people to bring their dancing shoes!”

Oskar clapped his hands together before pointing at each person with both hands. “Reception Hall after the last bell. Bring your dancing shoes. Be there. I’m doing my part!” He announced, nearly bowling Isolde over as he darted out of the classroom, repeating himself to every person he saw on the way out.

That left Isolde with nothing to hide behind, her expression, ironically, akin to a deer getting caught in the open. She tried not to panic as she found herself nearly face-to-face with a confrontation she wasn’t ready for, head dipped down as her brain tried to organize some words.

She failed, trembling in place for a few seconds before turning around and making an attempt to flee.

The Cathedral at Garreg Mach was famous through all of Fódlan and with good reason. A testament to centuries of history, faith, and architectural prowess, it was not just a place of worship, but a beacon of spirituality. The close distance from it to the Officer's Academy was surely a sign to the students gathered that the Goddess would watch their actions this year. Fortunately, he had absolutely nothing to fear, for every action, spoken word, and decision Johann von Aegir made was always calculated and with the dash of eloquence expected from a man of his pedigree. Any doubt he may have had was but a fleeting shadow in the radiance of his ambition.

He let himself follow the crowd of students from sermon to classroom, finding the setting one he liked very much. The blend of knights, the clergy, and students was something that piqued his interest; resisting the urge to flag down a genuine Knight of Seiros and grill him on the happenings of Garreg Mach were strong, but that was a life now left behind. That the Goddess had deemed his desire to come to the monastery one way or another was enough to make him chuckle, though he never would have guessed it would be to get a proper education.

With his elder brother set to inherit his father's position, it made Johann the obvious candidate for his father to offer to the Emperor for his heir's hand in marriage. Johann was neither reluctant nor was he exhilarated; it was simply a matter of fact and an inevitability. He was surprised by the news and had no shortage of theories on what his father had to do for it to happen--the head of the von Aegir family was notorious for not only getting what he wanted but his willingness to do what he needed to get it--but there was something unsteady about the entire affair that bothered him. Granted, the plague had ravaged the Adrestian Empire and seeing the princess wed would surely revitalize the people, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

For now, Johann focused on the famed Professor Malathice and held back a chuckle. He had heard that said professor's only public appearance in the noble circle had resulted in a flurry of ruffled feathers as the man's apathy had rubbed many the wrong way. It was a strange comfort to see he was as the rumors said he was, even if it would lead to some trouble down the line. He hoped there wouldn't be a need to seek the professor out for help, but he hoped at minimum any serious issues would be listened to, at least.

One exit and dismissal later and Johann found himself played spectator to a spirited conversation between the radiant Fiona von Varley and the prickly Veronica von Gerth. Both sang praise to the monastery, something he hadn't expected; Veronica in particular was notorious for always finding something to complain about so her being positive was a refreshing change. But a speck of white in his peripheral caught his attention and he watched as the heiress to the empire broke a hug from another he recognized but couldn't match a name to her face. It was innocuous enough but he didn't like it. He couldn't explain why, either, but whatever the case was, he had pardoned himself from the pair of ladies and found himself walking up to the duo--no, trio, where in the world did their third come from?

He didn't head over just yet, however. First, he checked the board, looking for both his name and the princess'. Fortunately, they were both in the same unit, and so he had the perfect excuse to walk on over and join the conversation. "Pardon the interruption, ladies and gent," He flashed a grin and a slight bow, eyes flickering between the Bergliez and the woman before landing on Princess Adelaide. "Johann von Aegir, at your service. Forgive my boldness, but I noticed we have the luck of being in the same unit this year. How fortuitous!"

Stories always paled in comparison to the real thing, this much Derec knew. Even still, Garreg Mach had a serenity that no tale could ever do justice; from the grand cathedral to the bustling marketplace, it was almost everything he had hoped for. Here the borders between lands were nonexistent and both commoner and noble walked side by side. In a sense, it was the perfect escape for anyone looking to hide from the world. Not that he was hiding from anyone in particular, but at the very least he could probably sleep better at night not worrying about any possible assassins sneaking into his room past the guards.

The Archbishop's speech was nice, but Derec found it hard to concentrate when the words were coming out of a child half his height. At least he looked like he was having a nice time. Speaking of which, their professor was certainly a character. He had heard of a Knight of Seiros joining the ranks of the Officers Academy, but he figured it would have been as a combat advisor. The fact that he was going to be the one in charge of the Blue Lion House was...not worrying, but not really comforting, either. His last name sounded familiar to Derec, too, but he couldn't place it. It must not have been any major noble house of Faerghus. Maybe it was a lesser known branch?

The professor left the room so quickly that Derec almost wanted to follow suit, but it was probably a good idea to find out which students he would be spending the year with. He stood from his seat and approached the chalkboard, towering over most of the other students. Finding his name wasn't too hard, but he did raise his eyebrow at only seeing 'Ballard'. Well, the Royal family had yet to formally recognize him, so maybe he had been expecting too much. Then again, Lord Leon had said he was free to use the Blaiddyd name, and he had the crest to quiet anyone who thought he was unworthy.

The house leader decided to introduce himself, and Derec watched with great interest. Galatea, now that was a name he did recognize. At least he sounded like a leader! He finished with such a flourish that Derec couldn't help but clap, though he realized his mistake shortly afterwards as he was the only one. "Oh--okay," Derec stopped clapping, turning back to the board. In theory, the best thing to do was to avoid the nobility--no doubt he wasn't exactly popular with those who would stick to the original heir--so he figured he should stick to his classmates.

And of course that meant he was placed in a unit with not only Faerghus nobility but Alliance nobility and even the Imperial Princess from the looks of the Black Eagles. "Great," Derec mumbled, scratching the back of his head. Galatea and Fraldarius? Really? Why not add in Gautier and Dominic while they were at it? How was he supposed to lay low?

He figured he may as well try to bring about a good first impression. But where would he start? House Leader Galatea? It certainly seemed like the obvious answer, but Derec would rather know his enemy first and foremost and the Galatea seemed problematic. He approached the blond somewhat reluctantly, running a hand through his red hair to smooth it out.

"Well said," Derec decided a little compliment to hopefully butter the guy up would help. "And well met, I'm Derec Ballard. Looks like we'll be in the same class unit for the year."
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