Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The Pack vs The Scouts- The Cabin

Enrique spun around hearing a scream from one of his men. He didnt care who was out there, they were a threat now. The Pack had hostages, the new enemies had a rifle. He banged on the hood of the truck and shouted for his men to change positions so they could be clear of the fire. He had the cabin people on their knees and restrained, their wrists tied to their ankles to prevent them from fleeing. He drew his pistol in his left hand and then rested it on the back of Dannys head. He told two others to do the same and colton did the same on a fourth, each of them had a gun at the back of their heads.

"Listen up whoever is out there!" Enrique shouted "They shot first, and we wanted to check the cabin for an evil man I once knew. They shot me in the arm, we retalliated and captured them. I have two men checking the cabin as your sights are on us. You take another shot on anyone we start exocuting them, I doubt you want that since you shot our friend Gerald already. We spotted you, and now we seem to be at an impass. I cant tell who you are but maybe you have some sense and leave us alone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heather - Resting Period - Hank

Heather felt her heart go still in her chest.

He had pushed her away...
He pushed her away and told her not to talk to him...
He could barely look at her...

As he walked away Heather stayed frozen to the spot, eyes wide and mouth open. Her eyes had the doe in the headlights look that was quickly blurred as tears gathered. A pain started in her chest, an ache that ate away at her getting bigger and bigger.

He pushed her away... she needed him and he pushed her away...

She waited for him to turn around, to say something else, hell for him to even flinch a little.
He just walked away like it was nothing.

Heather's chest started to jerk in an effort to breathe without pain. Her eyes blinked rapidly and she stared blankly at the ground, trying to deny that the last 10 seconds hadn't happened.
Hank had never done this before. No matter what arguements they had he was always there, he had never walked away from her.

He didn't want her, didn't want her presence. Did just the sight of her make him sick?
Her hands shook as she wrapped her arms around herself. She had felt dirty since that night, unable to get clean, unable to get the feeling of their hands off of her. She felt disgusting. And apparently she was disgusting if Hank couldn't stomach her.

Her legs felt shaky so Heather sank down onto a log. She turned her back on everyone, so no one would see her cry. She covered her face with her hands and proceeded to silently break down. It was the kind of crying that had no sound, just a lot of shaking and a lot of pain in the lungs and chest. She wished she could find a room somewhere and just scream and cry and sob loudly until she couldn't breathe, but that was possible.
People would probably see her crying and just think it was PTS over what had happened. No one had to know the real reason she was breaking right now. No one but him and it appeared he didn't care one way or the other. Not anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Danny - Cabin

He grunted as he was forced on to his knees. He felt the muzzle of the gun at the back of his head, and his heart beat harder against his chest in response. He wanted to look over and see if the others were okay, but he feared turning his head would make it end up with a bullet. Fucking hell. It seemed out of them all, James had been the only one to escape capture. Danny had told everyone to split up, but it hadn't worked. Now they were all lined up to be executed, and Danny entirely blamed himself.

He hadn't cried in a long time, but he almost felt like crying now. He couldn't get Shannon killed-- Not after all this! "Please!" Danny moaned. "Don't hurt Shannon! Let the girls and the fucking old man go!" He coughed, feeling sick. To think he thought things were going to be okay. To think he preferred this over what the world once was. What a naive fucking idiot Danny Heidecker was. His parents were probably right about him all along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sylar - The Cabin - Scouts VS Pack

Sylar was pleased when he saw that Enrique and his boys were repositioning themselves to get behind cover. Good; they'd attained their attention.What didn't please sylar was when Enrique brought out four people; one of them being Danny. Sylar pulled back the bolt and reloaded the rifle. "Hold up, guys." He ordered to the scouts. As Enrique shoved his gun to Danny's skull, Sylar tensed. He slowly looked at Cody, and then back at Enrique. He listened as Enrique announced himself.

Sylar's tension only increased when Enrique threatened to execute his hostages. He didn't know where, but the girl and the younger guy beside Danny seemed familiar... he just couldn't place where he'd seen them. He handed the rifle to Cody and stepped around the hood of the SUV. "Enrique!" He yelled. "I'm not here for the good of survivors." He was lying, but he hoping Enrique wouldn't catch on. "I'm here for you!"

"Remember me? Sylar? From Outpost; the people that you betrayed! When the fires ended, we got swarmed!" He spread his arms open wide. "Where were you when the walkers swarmed us? Huh?! You were gone! You left us to die! After we took you and your firends in, we fed you, gave you safety, you repayed us by leaving us to die!"

"You're a coward, Enrique!" He shook his head. "The only regret I have right now is that I didn't but an arrow in your head at Haywood when you murdered the boys that I called my friends! Nick! Jonas! Blaine! You killed them, and I should have killed you! You didn't deserve a chance and I'm an idiot for letting you live."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-Cabin-The Pack VS the OG Crew vs The Scouts

"Sylar!" Enrique bellowed angrily, "You call me a coward but those at Outpost couldn't even kill me like men! They set the cabin I lived in on fire, Amanda died, she burned alive until she couldn't scream anymore and they did it!"

Enrique felt a tear forming in his eyes and blinked it away. He let out a sigh and pulled back the hammer of his pistol, he looked down at Danny and knelt beside him.

"I don't want to kill you, you were a good man and I don't think you deserve death. But know if Sylar tries anything I will blow your head off."

Enrique stood and shouted to Sylar, "I left so that I could spare the people my wrath, had I stayed no one would be alive. I lost the one thing keeping me there so I fucking left it to the walkers, what happened to the people there was on you and the fools who stayed!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tyler - Baton Rouge/Apartment - Scarlett/Katie/Jacob

He entered the living room looking and feeling a lot better than before. As all his available clothes were dirty, Jace and Caleb had offered him some of their clothing to help him out. Jace was slightly bigger than he was and Caleb was slightly smaller, but Tyler managed to cobble together an outfit that fit him well enough between them. He asked the group where Katie was and was told she was in the upstairs bathroom with Scarlett. Before Tyler could see her however, Jace grabbed him by the arm before he could enter the hall. "Man, you have to tell us who that was back there," Jace said. His voice was low, but everyone in the room was listening in anyway. Tyler's gaze wandered from Jace and looked at everyone in turn.

"I don't know," Tyler was forced to say. "He was... crazy." He knew it wasn't a sufficient answer. Berk had been definitely crazy, but he knew the connection between Tyler and his daughter. The group knew that Tyler had to have known the man at one point in time. Jacob especially. "He must have been watching us all and saw that Katie was my daughter. I... I don't know why this happened. I'm just glad we're all okay." Jace tensed slightly, but eventually backed off. He shared a glance with Tina, and Tyler knew what they thought. They didn't press the issue probably because of the damage that had been done, but Tyler was sure this topic would come back at some point. Still, with that out of the way, Tyler moved to join Scarlett and his daughter.

He closed the bathroom door behind him and knelt down to pull Katie into a hug without saying a word to Scarlett. Tears ran down his face as he gingerly brushed at Katie's hair. "You're alive," was all he could say. "You're alive. You're alive." He ended the hug to examine his little girl, relieved she looked better than before. Caleb had been nice enough to clean her up and bandage her wounds. Tyler looked up at Scarlett and said, "Thank you." He sniffed and swallowed what felt like a heavy lump in his throat. He'd only just met this girl yesterday, but she reminded him of Lauren. It was almost scary how similarly the two woman carried themselves. Add a few years and red hair on Scarlett, and Tyler was sure she'd be the spitting image of Lauren.

Her resemblance made him pause, and in this vulnerable moment, Tyler had to ask, "Do you... Do you trust me?"
Tremblay - Baton Rouge - Matt

Matt's hands had been tied and his eyes blindfolded simply because it was a formality. One of the men transporting him had said as much, but looking at the sight of him being roughly pushed into the furniture store, Michael Tremblay could only think they had gone a bit too far. They untied Matt and allowed him to finally move on his own, to which Tremblay walked over to him and gave the man a charming smile. "Glad you could make it," he said, gesturing for Matt to follow him further into the store. His vague accent was more pronounced today, sounding distinctly French now. It was a sign that Tremblay was tired today. It took an unfortunate amount of effort to sound more American, to which he wondered how some actors had even done it.

There was a large bulletin board full of maps and notes in the centre of the store that was surrounded by couches and armchairs. Tremblay directed Matt to sit down at one of the couches while he sat down on a bed across from Matt. Tremblay clasped his hands together and continued smiling evenly. "I hadn't exactly warned you about the rough welcome you were likely to receive... I apologize for that. We're forced to operate with a... ah... a heavy hand." He gestured slightly, attempting to word this delicately. "We're not soft. Not like Outpost. It's why I left in the first place, you can imagine." Tremblay shrugged. "... Speaking of which, now that you're here, I assume Outpost hasn't been doing so well since my visit. I thought it would last longer... It's a shame, really. I thought that place would be something really amazing, once upon a time."

It had been Myriah's fault, Tremblay believed. She had known it as well, even, but that hadn't been enough to fix anything. People like Matt were simply a by-product of that broken system, but if Matt hoped to act similarly here, Tremblay had to put him in his place. "I'd ask about Myriah, but the look on your face tells me all I need to know. Hope you're satisfied with that." His smile wavered slightly, but it came back for what he had to say next. "I scratched your back in Outpost, so it's only fair that you do the same for me here. I'm not in the business of receiving new members, so it's only fair. What do you say, Matt?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The Cabin - The Scouts/The Pack/Cabin Group

Sylar watched Enrique closely, waiting to see what he would do. Every word Enrique spoke sent anger through Sylar's body, and with the anger came grief as well. He could see the burning ash pile that used to be Myriah's home, as well as the ruins of Enrique and Amanda's home. He'd always hated Enrique, but he was quite fond of Amanda. She was a diligent girl and she was unshakable. In a way, Sylar admired her. She had the traits that he lacked.

She had been too good for Enrique. The man was insane; a bloodthirsty killer. He had seen it with his own eyes; all that would satisfy his seemingly insatiable wrath was the blood of others. He came to the conclusion that right now; there was nothing different about him. He would put a bullet in the back of Danny's head if Sylar made a move to fight back. He turned his back to Enrique and his boys; he knew Enrique was petty enough to shoot a man in the back. "Cody."

"Whatever happens in the next few moments; whoever gets hurt, whoever faces loss; you don't shoot. None of you." He commanded all of the scouts. "That's an order."


"Do what I say, Cody!" Sylar barked. He turned away from the scouts and faced the trucks in the woods. "Enrique, I called you a coward; While I still believe that to be true, I have to admit my cowardice as well." He slowly formed the words to the biggest lie he'd ever told. "I burned the houses; I killed Amanda. It... was... me." He stepped off of the road and towards the men. "Danny didn't do anything to you! It was all me! So don't be a coward and hide behind hostages!" Sylar said, throwing down his crossbow.

"Let's settle this like real men. Drop your gun and come fight me; no guns. Just a fight to the death. If I die, the scouts leave, and you can rest in peace knowing that you've avenged your love. If you die, I will kill every last one of these men... Starting with Colton."

"What do you say, Rambo? Fight me to the death."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jessalyn - The Road

Jess finished feeding Ben and lowered her shirt before pulling off the jacket she'd been covering with. As she patted his back, trying to get him to burp, she looked at Abram. "Where should we go now?" she asked. "The sign said that Baton Rouge wasn't far. Do you think perhaps we should go there and see if there is anything we can use? We might be able to find some shelter for the night too."
She was just suggesting things. Jess was comfortable with following Abram's lead. She trusted him to make a good decision that would benefit them all. Like Floyd, he had never given her a reason to doubt him yet.

Floyd... his face appeared in her mind yet again and she felt the stab of sadness in her heart. Where was he? Was he still alive? Had he found a new group, a new girl to...
She shoved the thought away. It was too depressing to think that he had found someone new and forgotten about her. But what if he had? What if he wasn't even looking for her? After all, she had been pregnant at the time and only a hassle for him to deal with.
But their kiss... surely he hadn't forgotten their kiss... it had meant something to him, just as it had to her, she was sure of it.
Jess wasn't sure when exactly she had fallen in love with him, couldn't pinpoint the moment, but she knew that it had happened. She loved him and she would always search for him, no matter how long it took.

A sound brought her from her thoughts. Was that... vehicles?
"Abram," she said urgently, looking towards the woods. "Do you hear that? It sounds like cars. Big ones."
Was there a group nearby? Were they friendly? Would they have food? Water? Would they have seen Floyd?
Katie - Apartment - Tyler, Scarlet

After the man was gone they headed back to the apartment. Katie allowed Caleb and Scarlet to take care of her cuts and clean her up but she really only wanted her daddy, but she stayed quiet and didn't make a fuss.
The quiet only last until her daddy came in and hugged her. She threw her little arms around his neck and hugged him back, crying. "I'm sorry daddy," she said, "I'm sorry. He grabbed me and I couldn't get away. I tried. I tried really hard daddy," she assured him, but she still felt terrible about all the trouble she had caused. It was a miracle no one had gotten hurt because of her. She pulled back to rub her eyes.
"I love you," she told him. "I knew you would come and get me."

She was quiet for a few minutes, just standing there hugging him. Then she pulled back and looked at him sadly. "Daddy? Why did he call me dirty? Am I dirty? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Scarlett - Baton Rouge - Tyler, Katie

Scarlett had stayed near the little girl whenever she'd move or if they would take her to a different room.

In the bathroom, she had watched carefully as her wounds were cleaned up and had even brushed Katie's hair. When Tyler came running in the door, Scarlett jumped a bit, startled. She watched the two hug with a smile on her face, wishing she could have her own family with her at the moment. Or at least Sam. She wanted to know if she was safe, or if she was at least away from the thugs that had taken her.

When Tyler had looked up towards Scarlett, it took a second for her to realize that he had been speaking to her. "Oh." She wiped the few tears from her face and nodded at him, wanting him to know that she trusted him. At least for now. "Of course I do. You haven't done anything to make me think otherwise, yet....." Katie spoke up then and Scarlett let her speak. Once she had finished asking her dad her questions, Scarlett added on to them. "You'll have to tell me what happened back there though... Eventually." She shrugged nonchalantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tyler - Baton Rouge/Apartment - Katie/Scarlett

Katie was apologizing, but Tyler would hear none of it. He spoke over her, not relenting until she stopped. "Stop," he said. "Stop. You didn't do anything wrong. None of this was your fault. Katelyn--" He moved his hands to her shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. "You're not dirty. Nothing... Nothing is wrong with you." It was true, really, as all the fault was on Tyler. If something was wrong with Katie, it was because of him.

After Scarlett answered, Tyler looked up at her and nodded. She was right, and Tyler knew he had to let his own daughter in on a few things as well. He couldn't possibly tell them everything-- No one had ever understood him, so he didn't dare believe anyone would start understanding him now-- but he had to come clean just a little. Just enough to make things clear. Taking his hands off Katie's shoulders and putting them to his side, Tyler let out a weary sigh. "There's a few things I have to tell you... Both of you." He stared at Katie, still kneeling in front of her. "That man-- Berk... I knew him once. I did some... very upsetting things that made him hate me. He must have been following us for a while now, waiting until..." Tyler paused to lick his lips. This was a delicate topic, and it was starting to make him sweat. "I'm sorry, Katie, but your daddy wasn't the nicest man a few months ago. I was actually a really bad man." He stood now and looked at Scarlett. "I led a group of dangerous people. I didn't approve of everything that was done, but I'd felt it was necessary at the time. I just wanted to protect Katie... make a place where she could be safe. After her mother and... and her brother--"

He had to stop for a moment; Had to gather himself. He brought a hand to his face and rubbed at tired eyes. "Those people are gone, but my actions had consequences. You were never the dirty one, Katie. It was always me." He cleared his throat, placing a hand behind him so that he could lean against the door of the bathroom. "I did it to protect you, but that wasn't right of me. You're everything, Katie. You mean absolutely everything to me. You're my hope, no one else. I was wrong to shelter you, so now I have to do the hardest thing I can imagine." Steeling himself, Tyler balled his hands into fists. It made him want to throw up all over again to even think of this, but it had to be done. He'd gone about this all wrong from the day it began. "You need to learn to survive, Katie. To protect yourself. To carry a gun and know how to shoot it."

He looked now at Scarlett, cautiously. He didn't know how she'd feel about all of this, especially concerning that last bit. "I trust you. I need your help."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Jacob- Baton Rouge/The Apartment - Liam, and the rest

Jacob didn't say anything after the plaza incident, he just followed the group quietly. He stared at the back of Tyler's head, he felt useless yes he couldn't help even Liam saved the day before him, but he couldn't help but think the longer he stuck around Tyler the more danger they would be in, he had to make a choice whether to leave or to go. On his own he had never stepped on any toes, but now it seemed like everything Tyler had done was coming back to bite the group in the ass. When they entered the apartment he went right over and started reading the book he had taken from the library.

It didn't last long though and before he knew it he found himself pacing, lost in a train of thought that seemed to be derailing at this very moment. He had to pick between leaving the group and heading back to his life as a rat slinking and sniveling or support Tyler who could of just shot him and left him for dead. He didn't know what to pick but apparently he had made up his mind subconsciously, he didn't trust these people and he didn't want to die from Tyler's past coming back and killing him. So he packed his bags and when nobody was looking left. Fleeing across the tall grass and trying to put a good amount of speed between him and anyone out there so he didn't get killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abram - The Road - Too many Females

Abram worked spoke with the woman for a few minutes, quickly settling their mutual worries - Food, supplies, the dangers of having an infant, etc. He learned her name was Turisa, and that she was willing to help them. This pleased Abram; she had a car and supplies so she made a good ally.

Abram threw away any suspicion of this woman; she seemed true enough to her word. Even if she wasn't faithful to help them, it would only take a moment to overpower her, though Abram desperately didn't want that to happen. When they were all introduced, he sat while Turisa arranged room in her car for everyone to pile in.

Abram felt slightly overwhelmed by the newcomers they'd met in one day. First they'd met Leah, then Samantha came, and now Turisa. Either fate was playing a cruel joke that would end badly for all of them, or God was doing them a favor. Either way, it felt almost too good to be true.

He was drawn back to the present when a distant sound of rumbling caught his ear. Apparently, Jess heard it too, as she notified him that she thought cars were coming. Abram looked at Turisa. "Is your car ready to go?" She shook her head.

"Samantha, Leah, Jess; get off the road and into the woods. Turisa, I hope you don't mind helping me out. I need more than just my rifle if it comes to a sticky situation." Abram commanded when the younger girls were off the road. "Thank you, by the way. I doubt you understand how much we needed help." He then pointed the scope of his rifle at the road ahead. He could make out two cars coming toward them. He glanced over into the woods and was satisfied when he couldn't see the girls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Scarlett - Baton Rouge - Tyler, Katie

Scarlett was slightly surprised by the fact that Tyler had begun to explain what he had done in his past to have had the current events happen. She had left it to him to tell her whenever he was ready, rather than on the spot. At least things were slightly cleared up.

As she heard Tyler talk about the dangerous people he had led, Scarlett wanted to cringe but resisted the urge. She had just been abducted by some just a couple of days ago and now she was in a small bathroom with a man that had led some. Although a million things ran through her mind as she assessed the situation, she showed no signs of fear or anger or disgust. In the end, the man had done what he thought was best for his daughter. Scarlett would have done the same, or at least she thought, to protect her baby brother or little sister back in Arizona. As she noticed that Tyler began to become more upset, she stood up and raised her hands slightly, as a gesture of comfort. "Please.... If it upsets you I don't want you to talk about it.... I've lost people too. Family of my own."

She made no comment as Tyler told Katie that she needed to learn how to protect herself. Who was she to stand in the way of a father wanting his daughter to stay alive. Especially with thugs running around, it was probably a good idea. Scarlett looked back up from Katie to Tyler as he asked for her help. There she did show a bit of surprise, her calm façade breaking as her brows raised and her mouth opened slightly. "Oh... Of... Of course I'll help you. It's the least I can do.... I mean... Tyler... I feel like it's my fault Katie was taken. I had let her go to the restroom with Tina and that's when she was taken. If I would have been the one to go with her she would have never been taken. I'm so sorry." The words came out rushed, and even though she showed no signs of tears, her voice broke at odd places as if she were to have been crying or was going to begin crying. "What happened in the past is done with. By the way. I'm not going to judge you for what you did because in your eyes, you were doing what was best for your daughter. I would have done that same. We're not saints." She hoped that her few words would reassure him and prayed that he didn't get too upset with her for what she had told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Turtles


Member Offline since relaunch

Nathan-Outskirts of New Orleans

Hatred. Hatred was all he felt. Hatred for his father. Hatred for these creatures that had begun to populate the world. Lastly, hatred for those government officials who massacred the whole neighborhood back in Chicago.

Snapping back into reality, Nathan readied his bat, and knocked the head clean off the corpse that had been approaching. Breathing heavily, he crouched down to rest for a moment and regather his thoughts. (Still keeping the old baseball bat within quick reach in case more of them came).

For many months, the young man had been travelling from state to state just trying to survive. He could still remember his neighbors calling him crazy for packing up and leaving. That was back when a lot of people thought it was only a hoax created by the local news in order to get better ratings. While most people were laughing about the whole thing, Nathan was gathering supplies. It's no wonder he was one of the few people left on Earth. Hell, he could be the only human left on Earth for all he knew.

"That's enough negative thoughts for today," he muttered to himself as he stood up and grabbed his bat. He gave the rotting corpse a final kick in the ribs, and resumed his search for other survivors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jon - Baton Rouge - Jacob

Jon Evans was on Perkins, just below Highway Ten, when his radio started to life. It was Jackson. Or, well, "The Jackal" as he told people to call himself. Of the group of people Tremblay had rallied around himself before treking into Baton Rouge, Jon thought Jackson was probably the strangest. "I... thought I saw a guy in the... area. He... but, uh, he slipped away from me and the others. Have you happened to see... anyone, no?"

Without speaking into the radio, Jon sighed. It was hard to understand Jackson sometimes due to his weird manner of speech. Sometimes the man would mumble entirely, forcing anyone listening to him to ask him to repeat himself over and over. "I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary," Jon admitted, speaking into the radio. "You said you heard the horn over by the Bawell group? Maybe whoever--"

"No. No, I don't think so." The Jackal also liked to interrupt people. "You know, uh, we could ask of them... if they've heard."

Jon rolled his eyes. "I mean... okay. If someone is over there making a bunch of noise, then they probably aren't from around here. They could be whoever you spotted."

"Yeah... maybe. But--"

"What did he look like?" Jon was met with silence at this inquiry. He stuck his head out the window of his truck and eyed the corner of Pickett and Perkins. There was a lot of tall grass in the area, so he knew it was entirely possible to pass by the street unnoticed here. He started the truck so that he could patrol the block when Jackson finally responded to his question.

"White. Tall. Brown hair. Young, I guess."

Well, that described a whole lot of people, didn't it? Jon didn't say that though, instead saying, "Okay, I'll keep an eye out." He put the radio down and let out a deep breath as he started his search.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The Cabin-El Perro De Infierno VS The Bowman

Enrique lowered his pistol and motioned for one of the Pack to take his place behind Daniel. The man came forward and Enrique stepped aside so he could aim his gun at Daniel's head. Enrique walked over to the hood of one of the trucks and set down his assault rifle, He waved Colton over. The boy walked over his eyes never leaving the scouts nearby.

"You cant be fucking serious," Colton said staring down the enemy.

Enrique pulled his pistol set the pistol on the hood of the truck and then unfastened his axe from his belt, he gingerly set it on the hood and then let out a chuckle. He pulled his knife out of its sheathe and tossed it on the hood. He removed his jacket and folded it setting it over his gear.

"Colton, if he wins, I want you to tell those hostages to run, then fight till the last man, assault them. Even if it means I die, and if they play dirty, you play smart. This is gonna end today one way or another."

Enrique walked towards the space between the scouts and the pack, he stretched out his shoulders and rolled them. He popped his knuckles then his neck.

"Gringo, I'm gonna enjoy knocking your skull into the fucking dirt, you are gonna suffer for what happened to her." Enrique said pure hatred in his voice, he continued walking so that he stopped in between the two groups, in front of Sylar. An arms distance away, staring him down with the cold dead eyes of a hungry dog ready for a meal. Sylar stared him down with intensity as well, Enrique initiated the combat. He dove forward his shoulder striking Sylar in the chest, Sylar managed to keep himself up and dug a downward elbow into Enrique's back, Enrique wrapped his arms around Sylar's stomach and lifted him up then brought him back down hard into the dirt. He pulled himself up just enough to throw a hard punch into Sylar's face. He saw blood spurt from his nose, Enrique laid another punch in as Sylar brought his knee into Enrique's ribs.

"Fuck you!" Sylar said pushing himself up and putting a knee in the right side Enrique's ribs. Enrique coughed up some vomit and swore in Spanish. He brought himself so that he was up on his knees and then dropped a hard elbow into the side of Sylar's left knee cap. The joint bent inwards and Sylar fell over clutching his leg, Enrique stood and stomped the joint several times hearing bone splinter as the area around the joint began to bleed through the pants. Enrique smiled and threw up a fist into the air, he let out a warriors battle cry and looked towards the scouts.

"Look at your leader!" Enrique said with might in his voice, "I have broke him! And in this world the broken do not live!"

Enrique turned back to Sylar and grabbed a nearby rock, he tossed it up in the air then caught it and repositioned it in his hand so that when he struck down its point would hit him in the head. Enrique knelt next to him and when Sylar brought his arm up in defense Enrique moved it aside with his left hand and brought the rock down hard in his right, the impact struck Sylar in the teeth, but he had no time to cry out before Enrique brought it down again this time on his right cheek caving it in. He brought it down a third time in the same place, this time knocking it far enough in the right eye fell out of socket, Enrique brought the rock down again and smashed the eye. Sylar let out a few loud gurgles but it wasnt enough to stop Enrique, he brought down the rock again smashing Sylar's nose in. Again. Again. Again. Again. Eventually Enrique was just slamming a rock into bloody bits of bones and flesh, Sylar had been gone for some time but Enrique kept slamming the rock down bloodying the dirt around him. He kept going until he got tired about 3 minutes later, he stood, and dropped the rock next to the puddle that was Sylars skull. He wiped his hands on Sylar's shirt and stood looking towards the scouts.

"Do as you were ordered, or my boys kill you like he would have you do to us." Enrique shouted his hands bloody, "I will personally grab my rifle and mow down all of you if you do not leave now. El Perro de infiernos esta suelto!" He said throwing his hands up in the air shouting into the sky. He walked back towards the truck and grabbed his rifle off the hood of the car and fired several rounds into the air. He sat there waiting, watching the scouts, his breathing was heavy and his heart pumped with speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Katie - Baton Rouge/Apartment - Tyler, Scarlett

Katie stepped away, shaking her head. "No. You're not bad. You're my daddy."
She didn't understand why her daddy was saying these things. He had been bad? She refused to believe it. He had cared for her and kept her safe and he had come for her when they were seperated. To her he would always be her daddy and she would always love him no matter what he did. She hugged him tight. "Stop saying that," she ordered him. "Stop saying you're bad. You're not. You're my daddy. I love you. I'll love you for forever."

Then he said something about her... using a gun...
Katie's eyes widened. She backed away a little, looking up at him with horror in her eyes.
Lauren... turning to her... just before her face was blown off...

The horrific images played over and over in her mind like a tape on a loop.
Lauren's face gone... blown off... blood everywhere... pain in her arm... she had been shot... a gun had hurt her...

"B-but..." she stammered. "Guns are bad," she said in a quiet voice that seemed beyond her years. "They hurt people. A gun hurt me," she said, touching her arm where the bullet had gone through. "A gun... made Lauren's face come off..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alex Clark - The Cabin

When Sylar challenged Enrique to one-on-one combat he nearly choked. He had done what? Had he set fire to the huts...? No way... That'd mean that he was directly responsable for all of this. But then another possibility dawned to him. Poking into the reason Enrique went batshit insane and left was the only possible way to take him down personally without getting all the other scouts involved. A good plan to save lives and get his revenge, and force to other scouts to surrender the stolen goods. Not that it was likely that they'd give those up, but it was a plan. One better than just shooting at them. But then came the next problem. Enrique had shown multiple times already that he was a mean, mean fighting machine. He was merciless, bloodthirsty and unstoppable when fighting, and Sylar just didn't seem a match for him. Nevertheless Alex kept a steady frown aimed at the two combatants as they initiated combat.

At first it seemed like none of them had the advantage, Enrique managing to get Sylar to the ground, but taking some devastatingly painful hits in the proces. Sylar seemed to be holding up as Enrique spat out something and cursed loudly, before ending the fight by breaking Sylar's knee. Alex flinched as he saw the rest of the fight unfold, and watched in silence how Enrique brutalized Sylar untill there was little left of their leader. "Bloody idiot." He cursed when the batshit crazy man turned towards them, daring them to break Sylar's orders.

Personally he did not feel inclined to do so at all. Having withnessed the brutal death of Sylar he felt a lot less eager to fight, nevermind kill. Not that he had been in the first place. He looked at those Scouts next to him and saw the same sentiment reflected in their eyes, or at least hoped there was. But then he saw Cody raise his rifle, and Alex froze for a moment in fear, before he charged the young man, hoping he could prevent a bloodbath. They were ill-equipped, slightly outnumbered and low on ammo. Picking a fight now would mean certain death. They had had the element of surprise, but due to Sylar's plan, which he found increasingly stupid and suicidal now, that had been given away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Jacob-Baton Rouge, The Watcher

Jacob ran across the field only to get stuck in a patch of thick mud it sinking him all the way in and when he tried to pull his foot out it took his shoe. Then he heard it a soft groaning and the rustle of the grass, Jacob knew what it was and he only fought harder to get his feet free from the mud but it closed in and revealed it's self. It looked ghastly days or weeks of crawling in the mud painted it's skin like war paint but the wounds and open gashes smelt of pus and rot. It took everything it Jacob's power not to gag or vomit he raised his pistol and fired a shot. Bang the round impacted the things shoulder, what might of stopped a normal human didn't even slow this thing, he fired another shot from his pistol and this one hit home the thing went face down in the mud it's suffering over.

Jacob was no fool he knew someone was going to hear his shots, so he pulled himself out of the mud struggling harder to get free when he was finally free he snatched his shoes out of the mud and sprinted in his socks through the field flattening stocks of grass as he went. If one had an eye in the sky they could see the path he carved through the field, when he made it to the other side he took the time to sit down and put on his shoes and rest a bit panting and exhausted he hoped nobody had heard the shots or followed him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tyler - Baton Rouge/Apartment - Katie/Scarlett/Liam

You wouldn't have done the same. He almost said it, had actually really wanted to say it, but Tyler was self-aware enough to realise that he couldn't possibly justify his actions, especially not to someone who'd been put in a similar situation like people like himself. That day when he tried to explain himself to Jessalyn, what felt like ages ago now, she had rejected everything he had been saying entirely. Some of it had been Lynn's fault, but most of it... Telling her he never condoned the actions of his men-- his monsters-- felt incredibly hollow now. It'd left a bad taste in his mouth, but he had let them use and degrade the women he had truly cared for. Did he truly care for them, if he admitted he could never have done that to his late wife? At what point did doing what he felt was necessary become absolutely unnecessary?

Scarlett was right about one thing however, and that was that it was all in the past now. It was behind him, left in New Orleans. What mattered now was right here in this apartment. Tyler couldn't be entirely sure that he could trust Tina and her friends, but they had saved his life back in the plaza. They'd run into danger in order to protect his daughter, and that meant everything to him. "Right," he said. "It's all behind us."

He looked down at Katie, who didn't look too happy with his declaration. It was his own fault for coddling her, he knew, so it would take some time for her to understand. "Guns aren't bad, Katie." He gently took her hand and stared into her eyes in an attempt to calm her down. "Guns are tools, used by bad people and good people. They can be dangerous, but that's why you need to learn." Katie then mentioned Lauren, and Tyler felt a shiver go down his spine. She was one of his biggest regrets. Another blow dealt to his own daughter.

"I know. But the gun didn't do the job all on its own. It was... It was--" Me. "A bad person. A bad person fired that gun. That's on him. It doesn't change what we-- you need to do." He knew it would take more than just one conversation to make her feel better about it, so he smiled at her. "Just think on it, okay? We can talk about it later." He looked to Scarlett and gestured for three of them to leave the bathroom.

They stepped into the hallway to find Jace come running in from outside the front door. He looked distracted as he passed by them and walked into the living room. "I can't find him outside either," he said.

Tyler moved forward, looking around the room. "What? What's happened?"

Jace looked toward him and sighed. From behind the couch, George said, "Jacob's gone. So is his stuff, so he must have went on his own."

"I'm so sorry," Tina said in the kitchen. "I don't know if you guys were close, but--"

"We weren't close," Tyler said running a hand through his hair. "I'd just met him yesterday, but..." Tyler knew why he had left. He hadn't trusted Tina's group to begin with, but being confronted with someone from Tyler's past must have had him convinced he'd be better off entirely on his own. Jacob was a smart guy, so Tyler wouldn't have been surprised if Jacob had a good idea about Tyler's past based on Berk's words alone. "What happened today must have freaked him out."

"He'll die out there," George said grimly. 'We can't just let him leave."

Tina and Jace shared a look between them. They didn't want to disagree with George outright, Tyler could see. Caleb, on the other hand, had no qualms about this. "But we can't make him stay either," he said. "We could go out there and find him, try to talk him into coming back, but I don't see that working out."

Unfortunately, Tyler had to agree. "He was aware of the dangers outside. For him to leave... he didn't feel safe with us. I don't see how we could possibly convince him--"

"No." George rubbed at his eyes and shook his head. "No, that's... no. It's ridiculous. We should at least try." He then raised his hand. When Tyler asked what he was doing, George stared at him defiantly. "I'm voting. We should have a vote on this. Elyse, the kids, we should all vote. I know we've had a rough day, but I won't have Jacob on my conscience."

Tyler shook his head, but most everyone else seemed unsure what to do. No one was willing to make the next vote.
Chris - Cabin - Pack/Scouts/Hostages

Most of the scouts, needless to say, looked rather shell-shocked from this turn of events. Chris had thought they had a good chance to take Enrique out by surprising him, but once the hostages were brought out, the fighting stopped entirely and everything went downhill from there. Sylar made a declaration of being responsible for the fires, and challenged Enrique to a fight to the death. No one was really sure what to make of it, so no one but Cody made much of a move to say anything about it.

But as the fight went on and it became increasingly clear that Sylar wasn't going to live, the scouts turned restless, shaking their heads and gripping at their weapons tightly. Chris noted that Lucas, for once, looked frazzled and unkempt. Jerry couldn't take his eyes off the fight, whereas Phineas and Zane couldn't keep their eyes off the ground. When Sylar was finally finished, Charlie let out a choked yell, and Cody looked about ready to rush Enrique's group. He raised his weapon, ready to take on Enrique's dare, but Alex made a rush for him in an attempt to stop him. Cody probably would have gotten a shot off, if not for Chris and Charlie yelling at him to stop. He paused long enough to be bowled over by Alex.

Lucas then called out, trying to regain a sense of control over the situation. "The hostages! Let them come with us, and then we'll leave! Not a single shot will be fired!" As if to prove his word, Lucas put down his weapon, laying it on the ground.
Jon - Baton Rouge - Jacob

Jon debated with himself about how far up the road he should go. Past the field of grass was a line of houses one could easily hide in, but they'd still have to cross the street in order to get to them. If Jackson was right about what he saw, he was either way up North, or closer toward where Jon was patrolling. He'd get caught eventually if he was heading up that way, so Jon figured it would be best for him to stick to the area and wait out--

Two loud pops emitted from, well, somewhere. Jon recognised them as gunshots, but he couldn't quite be sure of where they came from. He lifted the radio and spoke into it, hoping Jackson was paying attention. "Hey, Jackal, were you firing off any weapons over there?" It took a minute for Jackson to respond, Jon becoming more annoyed every second of it.

"Uh, no. No firing here. Have you heard something like--"

Jon stopped listening. He threw the radio into the passenger seat and stopped the truck so that he could look behind one of the buildings sitting in front of the field. He could have sworn he saw something moving around there, and the building gave some good cover for anyone exiting from the tall grass. Quickly, but delicately, Jon aimed his rifle out the truck's window, training it on the side of the building. With years of hunting under his belt, it would be easy for Jon to steadily train his weapon on that single point for an extended length of time. Still, if someone was hiding there, they could possibly leave from the other side of the building, sprinting across the street so that they could hide in the line of houses over that way. Jon flickered his gaze between both spots, waiting.
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