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Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Jacob- Baton Rouge- Tyler,Katie,Liam,George,Scarlett

Jacob didn't know how to answer Tyler's question about his phone as he wasn't sure why or how it was working. "I don't know, I modified this phone so much that you wouldn't be able to tell it from the original. Same with the lap top." He said patting his bag, it never left his sight and if it did it never left for long. "I appreciate you telling me the whole story, as long as that past is behind you now I don't think I will worry." He said and headed upstairs.

He didn't trust this group, something seemed way off with them. His main question was how would a group survive this long on the edge of a raiders territory if there wasn't something between the two, he probably wouldn't sleep tonight but he would fake it just in case something did go wrong, he would not take any food or water from them as well just to be sure he wouldn't be drugged. He might be acting paranoid but he didn't get feelings like this very often normally he trusted everybody, but as one great hero would say "My spidey senses are tingling." And Jacob's spidey senses were practically causing a rash. He thought about asking Scarlett and George to come speak with him alone as well but he didn't want to draw attention to himself so instead he settled down into a chair opened his bag and read the book on philosophy he had stolen from his night at the library.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abram - The Road - Leah/Jess/Samantha

Horrified as the car sped up, Abram attempted to aid Jess and her son, but the car swerved out of the way and kept on driving. "Jess!" He barked, and Leah rushed over to help them. Abram stopped in his tracks as he saw the girl a few yards away. Leah had already drawn her weapon, and she looked back at Abram, who drew his pistol from his waistband. When the girl offered the fact that she was friendly, Abram nodded, as to acknowledge the idea.

"Much oblidged, Ma'am." He answered. "However, I'm not so sure if I'm a man to trust someone on their word now days. I'd feel quite better if you put your gun away..." He remarked, nodding his head towards the pistol in her hands. "If you put away yours, I'll put away mine, and so will Leah here."

He waited a moment. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss. I'd apologize for our hostility, but I don't really think it needs explanation in these days." He glanced over the girl quickly. She looked like she could put up a fight, but Abram had full confidence that he'd be able to put a bullet in her head if she got testy with them, even though he didn't want Jess, Leah, and especially Benjamin, to see something like that.

Emma - The Cabin - The OG Gang 3.0 (Yes I coined Panda's name)

Emma sat in the back room of the cabin, her mind wandering in the night. It was when voices came from the front room that Emma sprang from the bed, and threw open the door of the back room. The girl felt relief when she saw that it wasn't a threat, but rather it was Shannon and James. She acknowledged James and Shannon, but her eyes set hard when she saw the man behind Shannon. She knew him...

He had been there when Tyler had attacked Haywood... He had been there when Daniel died... Emma didn't want him there, she knew that. However, Shannon, Rob, James, and Finch seemed to welcome him. Emma had been trying to block those memories for a whole month now, and having someone from the group that murdered her brother didn't help her in any way. On the outside, she seemed emotionless and empty, but on the inside, she was screaming at herself, crying, and on occasion, she'd considered suicide as a plausible option. Everytime she considered it though, she came to the decision that killing herself wouldn't please Daniel or her father.

Emma was pulled back to the present when Shannon's friend, Danny (She hated the fact that his name was Daniel), walked past her, going to the closet and opening the safe. She had seen the safe, but had deemed it too hard to open, and gave up on the task before it even started. The girl watched as he opened the safe, revealing several firearms. She watched as Danny placed the weapons on the bed, and she spotted a black pistol, and she reached for it. She ignored Danny's glance, and picked up the gun. He probably thought that she didn't know what she was doing, but that was the opposite of the truth. She definitely knew her way around a gun. She slid the magazine from the handle, and made sure there were rounds in it. She replaced the clip in the gun and checked the safety, and then slid it in the back of her waistband.

She didn't speak to anyone, and no one had expected her too. Instead, she walked past Rob and Finch, out onto the porch. There were a single rocking chair and she sat down in it. She glanced back inside, pulling her legs into the seat. She watched as everyone talked... she didn't want to talk to anyone... she hadn't wanted to for an entire month, so that's exactly what she did. She'd found herself about to say something, but then almost became scared too... what would it sound like? Would it sound like a normal girl's voice, or would it sound like the scared small person that she was? She shook her head visibly, even though no one was watching... She couldn't remember what her voice sounded like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The Cabin-The Pack

Enrique had remembered vividly the way back to the Outpost cabin, he had Colton drive the pack there the next day. They stopped not far from it and had those of them that were profecient with rifles take positions around the cabin, after Enrique had given them enough time to take positions he had the rest of the scouts drive up. They parked the cars in a V, the drivers sides facing away from the cabin. Enrique exited the shotgun seat as his boys positioned themselves behind the cars. Each had weapons drawn, Enrique held up an AK-47 and squezed the trigger with the barrel raised into the air. He spotted a little girl on the front porch, he wrapped the gun strap around his elbow and tucked the rifle into the crook of his shoulder and held it over his chest. He waited for Tyler to come to the door, for him to show his face, the instant he caught eye of him Enrique would blow his head off. He heard the scouts behind him whispering, he held up a fist and then put his hand out to the side and patted the air in a calm down motion.

"Enrique," Colton said in a forcefull whisper, "I dont like this..."

"Did you hear me ask for you're feelings on the plan?" Enrique said slightly raising his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Road - Abram, Leah, Samantha

Benjamin immediately started crying. Jess hugged him close, cooing gentle words of comfort. While he stopped screaming he still whimpered and large tears continued to pour down his little cheeks. Jess cuddled him, rocking him gently as she faced the new threat. It turned out to be not a threat at all. It was another young girl. They seemed to be a lot of young girls wandering around by themselves.

"I'm Jessalyn," she said to the two newcomers. "This is Ben," she said, lifting her arms a bit for them to see her son. "He's only a month and a half old. Who are you?" she asked.
The rain was still falling which made Ben voice his displeasure at getting wet with an angry little yowl. Jessalyn bounced him. "I need to move off of the road, under some cover," she said to Abram and moved underneath some trees on the side of the road. Ben blubbered and fuss. Jess wiped off his face and reached into her bag to find something dry to dry him off with.
Katie - above the bar - several people

Katie looked at her daddy for approval before taking the man's hand and letting him lead her into the kitchen. The one man, Jace, looked scary to her, but Caleb looked nice as did the old lady and Tina.

Once they got some baby formula into the syringe Katie sat down and fed her kitten. "I haven't named him yet," she explained, focusing all of her attention on feeding him.
Everyone was talking and laughing and seemed nice. Katie's stomach growled loudly. She was really really hungry. Once her kitten was fed he yawned and fell asleep. She cuddled him against her and followed Caleb out of the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" she said quietly, hating that she was interupting them. She cleared her throat when everyone looked at her, blushing quite a bit at having everyone's attention on her. "I'm... r-really hungry," she said, stammering a little. "C-can I pl-ease have..." that was when she realized her daddy wasn't there. "Daddy...?" she said, her face going pale and her eyes widening in terror. "Daddy!" she screamed, making the kitten scrambled out of her arms and run under a chair. "Daddy, don't leave me!" the little girl cried, tears welling up in her eyes. "Where is my daddy?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Samantha - The road - Abram/Jess/Leah

Samantha watched as a young girl came out running with a weapon in her hand and soon after a man. She didn't know what to do, but she wasn't here to hurt anyone, so she nodded and put her weapon away. "I'm sorry." She lifted her hands to show she meant not harm and walked over a tad bit closer when their weapons were put away. "I heard the tires, the baby, and I jumped to conclusions. I didn't mean to scare anyone. I'm Samantha."

"I understand you though. Not everyone that one bumps in to is a saint." She smiled and turned her attention to the truck that had caused the ruckus. "The noise will attract biters though." She bit her lip and looked back at the three. "You.... You guys wouldn't happen to have a place to stay, would you? Or at least point me off to the nearest town here?"


Scarlett - Baton Rouge

Scarlett turned to Tina after she had finished speaking, shrugging and shaking her head in answer to her question. "I have no idea who those guys were. I'm sorry." She smiled at Elyse as she made her comment and shook her head once more. "I'm not as strong as you think. Just the need to survive. And no, I'm not from here either. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona. I just go to school here. I rarely ever leave the campus and when I do it's because I'm going home on car."

She took a look at Jace and smiled at him kindly, "Thank you. I'll be glad to help out whenever you guys go on your runs. Anything to repay you for your hospitality." She listened closely to Elyse speak and smiled as they laughed, leaning back on her chair. When Katie spoke, Scarlett quickly turned her attention to her. She quickly panicked as she heard the young girl's cry, looking around nervously before reaching out to her. "Hey, sweetie... Katie, it's okay." She walked over and placed her hands on Katie's shoulders, rubbing them softly in an attempt to calm her down. "Hey, your daddy just went to check out the restroom, don't worry. He'll come back upstairs when he's done. I promise." Scarlett smiled at her to reassure her and tried wiping her tears off. "Don't cry, okay? You can wait with me until he comes up here." Her voice was soft and sincere. She could only hope that the little girl was a lot like her little sister and would trust her enough until Tyler came back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abram - The Road - Jess/Samantha/Leah/Benjamin(Cause Why not include the 1 month old Baby?)

Abram slightly relaxed as the girl lowered her weapon, and Abram followed suit. "Go ahead, Leah, it's alright." He said to the girl. He quickly glanced her over very quickly. She was short, but she looked like she was probably fast, or at least enough to keep away from the walkers. She looked like she had been on her own for a while, but that only added to Abram's sympathy and understanding of the girl. He himself had been alone for almost six months straight in New Orleans. Jess and Floyd were the first people he'd seen since he'd lost his squad. He knew how it felt to be alone, but he still kept his former squad in mind; he carried all six of their dogtags in his backpack. The only set he didn't have were Daniel's... and his sister had deserved those tags more than him.

Abram nodded as the girl spoke. "My name is Abram, and this is Leah. Actually, we're on the road too. We're headed towards Baton Rogue, and we'd love for you to join us." The man said. As they began walking the road, Abram slowed behind Jess and Leah to speak with Samantha. "Samantha, eh? You look like a tough kid..." He complimented. "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been alone?" He shrugged. "I mean, I've met tough people, I've seen well-near invincible people, but usually, they've got friends. Were you with a group recently?"

Emma - The Cabin - The OG Crew VS The Pack

Emma sat on the porch, the cold seeping through her sweater. She really needed to find a jacket; she felt muggy and her head was pounding against her temples, but she silently hoped she wasn't getting sick. As she sat in silence, Emma's hand slid to her chest, her fingers slipping past the rim of her shirt and wrapping around the dogtags that hung on her neck. Just as she pulled the necklace out, a shot boomed in the air, and Emma instantly jumped from the chair, hitting the floor. She quickly jumped towards the door, throwing it shut as she rolled into the cabin.

Someone was attacking... no, no, no... not again. They couldn't be seperated again... The girl looked to Danny and Shannon, her eyes pleeding for them to find a solution.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tyler - Baton Rouge/Apartment

Once he and Jacob were upstairs, Tyler quickly went to his daughter's side. The cat was sleeping now, and presumably fed, but Tyler was still concerned about it being in his daughter's care. He looked up at the guy named Caleb-- Who had joined everyone in the living room-- and gestured to get his attention. "Do you have any idea what someone's normally supposed to do when taking care of stray cats?" Tyler asked.

"Uhh..." Caleb looked toward the others, though they didn't seem to know much either. "When did you start taking care of it?" he asked, tapping on his thigh. "Can't be that old."

Tyler shook his head. "Earlier today. It's taken a liking a Katie, but we just don't what to do with it."

Tina chimed in with, "I'm sure most of us has owned one a cat some point. What are things a cat needs?"

"A litter box?" asked Jace.

Elyse scrunched up her face. "No, let it go outside for that."

Tyler held his hand out. "Well, wait. There are things that will want to eat this cat out there. We'll have to keep it strictly inside. Right, Katie?" He smiled down at her, hoping she understood he wanted the best for her. Now that this cat was in their possession, that meant Tyler needed to keep it safe at all costs.

Caleb leaned in toward the cat and smiled. "It's so small. It'll be a while before it can be safely let it outside, if we even decide to do that. So getting a litter box is what we'll have to do." He then lifted his gaze to Katie. "I'll get it on the next run, so don't worry about it."

Tyler had to admit, these people were being rather nice. Probably too nice, but that thought might have just been the raider in him talking. He couldn't be sure of anything, really, but it would be hard to reel Scarlett or George into this way of thinking if Adam's friends kept up their demeanour. "So, where is Adam?" Tyler asked

"He went to bed, actually," Tina replied. "Said he was exhausted when we were talking." She then leaned in toward Katie. "So, if you're hungry, why don't you help me prepare some food for everyone? Your friends are probably starving." Caleb then offered to help, and Tina extended the offer to everyone. "We have vegetables from the garden that we need to get through. It's too late tonight, but occasionally we use the barbecue downstairs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leah - The Road - Jess/Samantha/Abram/Benjamin

Leah put her gun away after Abram motioned that everything was ok. Her heart was still pounding in her chest as the adrenaline from the situation coursed through her small frame, though with some deep breaths she was quickly able to bring herself back down. When Abram introduced her she gave a small smile and raised her hand a little, "Hello" she said kindly before watching as Jess walked over to the tress to get the baby out of the rain. Her smile faded and she gave Abram a look to let him know she was going to go over to Jess before walking down the small grass bank towards Jess. "Hey... I know it's not much, but I have this?" she pulled off her schoolbag from her back and pulled out an extra T shirt she'd been saving, something she'd scavenged a while back that she'd found on pure luck, since it was rare to find something around which fit her. "Maybe you could wrap Benjamin in it to keep him warm?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leah - The Road - Jess/Samantha/Abram/Benjamin

Leah put her gun away after Abram motioned that everything was ok. Her heart was still pounding in her chest as the adrenaline from the situation coursed through her small frame, though with some deep breaths she was quickly able to bring herself back down. When Abram introduced her she gave a small smile and raised her hand a little, "Hello" she said kindly before watching as Jess walked over to the tress to get the baby out of the rain. Her smile faded and she gave Abram a look to let him know she was going to go over to Jess before walking down the small grass bank towards Jess. "Hey... I know it's not much, but I have this?" she pulled off her schoolbag from her back and pulled out an extra T shirt she'd been saving, something she'd scavenged a while back that she'd found on pure luck, since it was rare to find something around which fit her. "Maybe you could wrap Benjamin in it to keep him warm?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leah - The Road - Jess/Samantha/Abram/Benjamin

Leah put her gun away after Abram motioned that everything was ok. Her heart was still pounding in her chest as the adrenaline from the situation coursed through her small frame, though with some deep breaths she was quickly able to bring herself back down. When Abram introduced her she gave a small smile and raised her hand a little, "Hello" she said kindly before watching as Jess walked over to the tress to get the baby out of the rain. Her smile faded and she gave Abram a look to let him know she was going to go over to Jess before walking down the small grass bank towards Jess. "Hey... I know it's not much, but I have this?" she pulled off her schoolbag from her back and pulled out an extra T shirt she'd been saving, something she'd scavenged a while back that she'd found on pure luck, since it was rare to find something around which fit her. "Maybe you could wrap Benjamin in it to keep him warm?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Danny - Cabin - Emma/Rob/Finch

They were sitting in the front room when Emma came barrelling inside. Danny was about ready to admonish her for treating the door so roughly, but he quickly recognised the look of terror on her face. He exchanged a concerned glance with Shannon, who got off the couch and quietly asked if Emma was okay. Danny got up after and looked out the window, finding a scene that made him swear out loud. "One fucking day here and shit goes South." He turned to Emma and told her to get the others, but a second glance outside made him pause. He held his hand out and said, "Wait, it's just Outpost. I recognise most of the men."

"You mean the group that sicked Tyler on us," Shannon quipped unhelpfully. Danny gave her a sidelong look. He guessed she was bitter about that, or something, but fucking hell, how many times could he explain himself? He had felt awful enough as it was. The point was, he was here now, so wasn't that all that mattered?

He resumed his look outside and found the scouts in the same position as they were before. It was odd to say the least. Even more worrying was the fact that Sylar was nowhere to be seen. Lucas, Jerry, Aoife... None of the scouts Danny would expect to see were there. Worst of all, Enrique seemed to be leading them. "... They're waiting for something," he said. "And I don't know why. Emma, go get the others and equip yourselves just in case. And Shannon, stay away from the windows. I'm going to check them out."

He moved to push the door open, but Shannon roughly grabbed him by the shoulder. He flinched from her sudden movement and held up his hands. "I know what you're going to say--"

She cut him off with an expression of disbelief. She pointed at the front door with a sharp stab of her finger. "You're actually suggesting you waltz out there and talk to them? If you think something weird is going on, then chances are, something weird is going on!"

He stared at her levelly. She was scared, he knew. She didn't want to lose him now, just like he didn't want to lose her now. "Those guys out there, most of them know me. I don't know what they're doing, but I don't expect them to shoot me on sight. I can talk to them-- And, like, figure out what the fuck they're doing."

"No." Shannon practically rolled her eyes at him. "I don't care if mom and dad were standing out there, no one should walk up to a group of armed people. Not now, not any more. You were my best friend Dan-- my best friend-- and yet you and your friends shot at me. You brought a man to kill me and my group." Flustered, Danny began to speak up, but Shannon wasn't having any of it. She spoke over him, saying, "You didn't mean it, I know! It sucks, Dan, but you did it! Nowadays, you can't know anything. You can't trust those people out there because they have the advantage. Don't you dare walk out there to show how damn brave you are or show how manly you are. Until we know what they want, we sit here and-and wait."

Silence. Danny wasn't sure what to say; That outburst was about the strangest thing he'd ever heard. Shannon would never have said like that, not the old Shannon. "Holy Hell," he muttered. "And I thought I was the cynical one." Shannon didn't laugh. He let out a sigh and put a hand to her shoulder. "All right. We'll sit and wait. We'll grab our weapons and make them come to us, if that's what it fucking has to come down to. We won't let them have the advantage, I promise."

Shannon nodded, her eyes betraying the stony mask she wore on her face. She was scared, so damn it all, Danny had to do what he had to. He moved into the hall so that he could take a spot around the corner. Shannon let out a deep breath and left him to inform Emma of the plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The Cabin- OG Gang vs The Pack

"Fucks sake," Enrique said under his breath watching as the girl ran inside and then after some time the door opened then closed. He got very annoyed moved quickly looking back at the pack. He walked between the two trucks and looked Colton in the eyes. He grabbed him by the shoulder and guided him towards the back of the truck the two had arrived in. He opened the trunk and pulled out a small shotgun tossing the AK back in the trunk.

"If I go down, I want you boys to shoot till that place is sawdust. If I'm not out in 20 minutes take it down."

Colton put his free hand around Enrique's shoulders and gave him a hug, "Understood."

"Good, have someone tell the boys in the trees to watch any exit and shoot anything that isnt us." Enrique said coldly. He walked up to the cabin door and let out three short knocks. He stood about a foot away from the door, his mind was calm, his breathing was steady, his shotgun was hanging from his right hand. After waiting for a bit he rapped the door with his fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Samantha - The Road - Abram/Jess/Leah

Samantha had listened to the girls quietly and she followed them into the cover of the trees. Her eyes scanning the area to make sure there weren't any strange signs or biters around.

"Nice to meet all of you." She offered them a small smile and she turned her attention to Abram as he spoke and slowed down to walk beside her. "That's because I am pretty tough." She smiled a bit more and heard him out, nodding once he finished his question. "I haven't been alone too long. Just a day or so. I was with a group before it got raided and my sister and I were separated. Which reminds me." She hadn't really forgotten about her tied up hands but at the moment, they weren't the most pressing matter. "Could you untie this rope from my wrists, please?" She lifted her arms to him and smiled sheepishly. It wasn't like her to ask for help, much less from strangers, but if she wanted to protect herself and defend the small chance of her survival, which at the time were these strangers, then she'd need help taking them off. "I don't have a knife and I can't pull them loose. I'm kinda stuck here."

She turned to look at the girls in front of them and sighed seeing the baby once more. "How does a girl with a child get stuck out here with no large group?" She remembered Abram telling her where they were headed and pondered it for a moment. She was on the search for her sister, but at the moment, she was running out of ammo and needed supplies. "I'll go with you guys to Baton Rouge. The more eyes you guys have in your group, the better, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abram - The Road - The Group

Abram unsheathed his knife, going to cut the cord of rope, but his arm halted, and he decided not to cut it, but rather undo the tie. "You never know when a cord can come in handy." He said, undoing the knot. He coiled the strand and inserted it into the side pocket of his bag. As they continued walking, he glanced to Samantha. "Mind explaining how you got yourself tied up like that?"

He waited for her response, not trying to rush or force an answer. He knew that there were some messed up people out there, so he was sure he wouldn't be surprised by anything she told him. "If you don't want to tell me you don't have too..."

Emma - The Cabin - The OG Squad VS The Pack

Emma listened as Shannon informed her of the plan while screwing a zoom-scope onto the rail of the hunting rifle. She was armed, ready to fight off whoever these people were. She didn't know the names of any of them, but she did know one thing: these were the people that had killed her brother. He was dead because of them...

When she was ready, she went to the front room, sitting beside Danny. With a breath she muttered five words to him: "I'm sorry I blamed you." Her attention swivelled to the door as a heavy knock boomed on the wood. She unsheathed her knife, ready to jump at an intruder.

Sylar - Outpost - Cody, Lucas, Zane, Phineas, Jerry, Charlie, Alex

The morning after the fire, Sylar walked from his cabin with a grim face, making contact with no one until he found Phineas. He looked at the man, "Grab your gun, pack your bag." He said, and kept on walking.

"What?" Phineas questioned.

"We're going to hunt down Enrique and we're going to kill him. Get the others and meet me at the Yukon in an hour." He commanded. Phineas nodded, not further questioning the man. Sylar went to the supply room, and quickly filled up a duffel bag with as much food and water as he could. He zipped the bag and carried it to the trunk of the SUV. He turned and made his way towards the armory, passing Rhonda as he did. To her curious expression, he said, "We're going after Enrique. I don't know when we'll be back."

In the armory, Sylar examined the few guns that were left. A rifle, three pistol, a shotgun, and two automatic rifles. While Sylar had his crossbow, he also had Meghan's pistol in his waistband... and he was going to use it to kill Enrique.

An hour later, he made his way back to the car, but ran into Alex. He looked at the young man with a serious eye. "I need your help. I'm going to track down Enrique and I need you to help me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chris - Outpost

"I need anyone-- anyone-- willing to join my people to do so. We need to fight for our community or before long there will be no community to fight for. If you care about Outpost, then I urge you to join me."

Reggie's voice boomed inside his head. Chris recited in his head the speech the man had given a month ago, urging the people of Outpost to take up arms; The same speech that had prompted Chris to join the scouts in the first place. He hadn't taken to Enrique like the others had at the time, for Chris found the idea being one of Outpost's warriors sort of novel. He hadn't taken it seriously at all until that battle at the art museum, where Simon was blown to bits right before his eyes. Then, with Reggie dying soon later and the scouts being hauled around like someone's plaything, it gave Chris a new perspective on things. He wanted to be someone this community could rely on. That was the most prestigious position nowadays-- Forget the council, a warrior was what people looked up to.

He spent most of his morning gathering the dead and assisting in burials. They were going to have to burn the rotting biters, so that their stench and disease didn't linger. It was a strange process, one that reminded Chris of the burning cabins the night before. How the fires started were unknown, but Rhonda had made a huge stink about Matt and Enrique being the culprits. Considering both had left during the attack and had stolen supplies... well, Chris doubted it could have been anyone else. They had even attacked one of their own, Aoife, in the supply cabin. Chris and a few others had the grim task of cleaning the blood, but the task was only making him more angry. He didn't know Aoife too well, neither did he know Amanda very well, but damn it, their deaths felt so meaningless. It was the work of monsters. Enrique and Matt were no doubt monsters, just like the biters.

When the clean-up was finally finished, Chris stepped out of the cabin to find Elliot and Richard in heated debate-- Or at least, Chris figured it was heated. Elliot looked hurt as his hands cut through the air, and Richard's hand signs seemed rather aggressive, as if he rather be hitting Elliot with his hands rather than communicating with them. With a growl, the older brother turned away from Elliot and stopped Chris in his tracks. "Hey, are you leaving with Sylar?" Richard asked. "If you-- If you are, I need you to--"

Chris cut him off by shaking his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Sylar's leaving?"

Richard sighed and glanced back toward his brother. "... Yes." He turned back to Chris with a glare on his face. "He's taking a group of scouts to hunt down Enrique, I believe. I need to--"

"Excuse me." Chris quickly stepped away from Richard, suddenly too incensed to listen to what he had to say. If there was a group going to hunt down Enrique then Chris was going to be on that team, whether they liked it or not. That stupid stupid Jamie managed to completely bundle the mission yesterday and yet he then continued to spit in everyone's face by leaving with Enrique. Chris had a bone to pick to pick with Jamie and the monsters that he followed.

He found the group quickly enough-- Sylar would of course be bringing the veteran scouts with him. They were gathered around the only remaining vehicle and looked guarded as they saw Chris approach. "I want in," he said curtly. "And none of you can stop me."

The big man, Jerry, rolled his eyes, but Lucas peered at Chris with vague amusement. "You're not the first to ask," he said. He touched at his glasses and lightly shook his head. "And you're not the first we're turning away."

Chris stomped forward, stepping in the middle of the group. He was one of the biggest men there, and he knew he could throw his weight around if he needed to. "I've been with the scouts longer than these three," Chris said, pointing to Charlie, Phineas, and Zane. "Hell, she was injured yesterday. How can you possibly--"

"Hey," Charlie said, staring at him defiantly. She was practically daring him to badmouth her. Chris only grunted.

"My point is, what reason is there for me not to go? All the scouts that joined when I did have either died or booked it with Enrique. I deserve to be here." Jerry stepped dangerously close to Chris and stared him in the eyes. Chris didn't dare step back, choosing to stand his ground. Lucas let out a sigh.

"Let him come," Cody said from the back of the group. "He was with me yesterday, and he kept a level head. I'd consider it an asset if he came along."

Lucas stepped in between Chris and Jerry and sheepishly smiled. "Sylar is the one who gets the final word, but if Cody is for it, I think you're in, Chris." Jerry backed off and sniffed heavily. They were all on edge from the events last night. Chris tried to shake off his anger and held out his hand, offering it to whoever scout wanted to take it. Thankfully, Jerry obliged first.
Danny - Cabin -Emma/Rob/Finch/Enrique

Emma took her place next to him, with Shannon and Rob taking the other side of the hall. Finch was on guard duty in the back room protecting James. Danny looked down at Emma and saw her mouth the words "I'm sorry I blamed you." He felt the sudden urge to respond to her in sign language, but he simply shook his head, meaning to convey: "Don't worry about it."

Their attention was turned toward the door as three knocks fell upon it. Danny steadied his rifle, doing his usual obsessive check of the safety as he did so. He wondered who might be beyond the door and if they intended to appear friendly by knocking. Enrique might have sent one of the scouts in on their own, but Enrique was more the type to head in himself. In fact, the more Danny thought about it, the more sure he was that Enrique was behind the door. He considered firing on it right away and ending the tension. The bullets would pierce the wood easily, and hopefully pierce Enrique's heart as well. It would be revenge for Samantha; Revenge for Reggie as well.

Yet, Danny couldn't bring himself to fire. Enrique or not, firing now would eliminate the whole point of their surprise. He turned his head toward Shannon and Rob, miming the action of opening a door. He looked at everybody in turn and mouthed the words: "Don't shoot. Don't move." They could not kill this intruder, at least not yet. If the intruder decided to step inside, they would need to capture them, or possibly even negotiate with them. If as many scouts were out there as Danny believed, they had no other choice.
Tyler - Baton Rouge/Apartment - Scarlett/Katie/Liam/Jacob

After dinner-- A meal mostly consisting of vegetables-- everyone decided to turn in for the night. Tyler's group kept to the living room, though there was a lack of sheets for them to keep warm during the night. Tina explained they only had enough for five people, not ten. George complained about it in the morning, after a small meal of fruit was offered to everyone. Jace replied that hopefully they would find some today on their run.

"Blankets, pillows, sleeping bags-- That's what we'll need," Caleb explained. "We'll also have to gather some supplies for the cat, and I suppose whatever else you guys want."

"Uhh, hold up," Tina said from the hallway. She stepped into the living room with a box of flashlights and set them down on the carpet. "Don't go crazy and bring back a bunch of stuff. We don't do that many runs, but this is just so we can keep you guys warm, all right?"

Adam, who was looking a lot more relaxed today, groaned and stretched from his seat on the couch. "You guys made me go out yesterday, so I think I should stay behind today. Tyler's honestly pretty bad ass, so I don't think you have to worry."

Tyler turned to Tina and he could tell that she was holding off on rolling her eyes. "Well that's if Tyler wants to go," she said. "Jace and Caleb should be fine on their own, so if you guys--"

"I'm going," Tyler quickly said. "Definitely. But I don't speak for everyone." He turned to everyone gathered around the room. "I think we'll be fine, so you guys can sit here and relax if you want... It's up to you." George only shrugged at the offer. Tyler's eyes then met Katie's, and he knew she'd object. "Katie, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to separate for a little bit."

"We'll bring your daddy back as soon as possible," Caleb added, smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Jacob - Baton Rouge Tyler, Katie, George, Liam, Scarlett

Jacob had a restless sleep, he felt paranoid the entire night so he spent most of it flashlight in hand reading his book. When everyone else woke up he turned off the flashlight and joined in with what everybody was doing.

Then there was talk of heading out. And Tyler said no one needed to go but Jacob spoke up anyways "I'll go." He said and emptied his laptop bag. Inside was his lap top, the charger, a stale starbucks cookie, and a few spare rounds for his pistol. With his bag empty he threw it over his shoulder ready to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Enrique-The Cabin-OG Gang vs The Pack

Enrique let out an audible sigh, he turned back to the scouts and threw his hands in the air.

"I geuss no ones home!" Enrique shouted sarcasm ringing heavy in his voice, "Listen up whoever is in there, I'm blowing the handle off this god damned door if you dont open it, and if you take a shot at me this place will be filled with holes and so will all of you."

Enrique raised the shotgun and aimed it towards the handle, he squeezed the trigger and stopped the shotgun buck with his arm. He took a step back and kicked the door open his shotgun held with both hands at his waste. He stayed just outside the house standing in the door way.

"I dont want to hurt you, mi hermanos outside dont want to either, I want to check the house for a sick man I once knew, possibly going by Thomas or Tyler, and be aware if I dont come back out in around 20 minutes my boys are taking you all out. No disgretion."

With that Enrique slowly entered the house and kept his shotgun close to his chest. He had it facing at the ground but still where he could bring it up and blast somebody if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alex Clark - The Outpost - Scouts

Leaning against the car armed with his pitchfork he listened to the conversation concerning Chris joining or not. Why shouldn't he be allowed to join on this mission? So long there remained enough scouts to protect those at the Outpost itself, every able hand was welcome. "I can vouch for Chris. He did a good job yesterday during the storm." He said, trying to stay out of the discussion itself, as he was in fact only a few months into the Outpost. He was probably the greenest of the Scouts here, and he didn't want to raise a discussion about that. Despite the entire situation, Enrique having robbed them of half of their able Scouts, most of the weapons, vehicles and most importantly, food and supplies, he felt a bit conflicted about the entire mission of tracing him back and murdering him. He felt that this grim battle for survival was one against the crawlers, and not against people. He wanted to survive, but also to be a good dependable person in this crapsack world. Something that the world didn't seem to allow. For the second time now in a short while, he would be joining a mission targetted to kill human beings not yet tainted by the mysterious disease.

Then again, it had to be done. They had stolen a large amount of very important goods, they had caused the deaths of people that shouldn't have died, all for what...? They had to get back to them, even if only to get their food back. With some disgust he realized that the world was falling into a peculiar and recognisable pattern again. The beginning of a warrior class was already appearing, a class that specialized in nothing but fighting. They protected the others, and in return expected to be maintained by them, but also to lead over the others. The Outpost was turning into a bad disguise of a warrior-centered tribe already, Alex realized. All the Scout-based coups of leadership and the importance of their presence... But perhaps it was for the best in this situation. He sure hoped that if nothing could be done to stop this, it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Samantha - The Road - Abram/Leah/Jess

Samantha sighed of relief when her hands were untied and smiled at Abram, "Thank you." She turned back to face forward and rubbed her wrists as the man spoke. A small frown formed as she was asked what happened. She had failed, that's what had happened, and now she was stuck in the middle of no where with the deaths of her closest friends on her hands. "Um. My group was raided.The men in it killed and the women tied up and taken away." She left out the bit of how it happened and skipped right over the details, leaving much to the imagination. "I managed to escape though when the thugs that had me got distracted with a horde of biters. I never stopped to cut myself loose or anything I just ran. Thank goodness I bumped into you guys though." Sam tried to lighten the mood although it wasn't anything like her to do so. She had to be nice if she wanted to survive around here so she'd put up the best act she could for the mean time.

Scarlett - Baton Rouge - Tyler/Katie/Liam/Jacob

Scarlett had ended up falling asleep before anyone else, her legs aching by the end of the night and her eyes closing on her without warning. Forgetting where she was at, in the morning she had woken up frightened and on edge at the slightest sound. It took her a few minutes to calm herself and remember what had happened the day before.

Instead of talking with the group and joining them in their planning, she paid close attention to how they acted. Her mind was clear now, after she had a good nights sleep and she had gotten a bit to eat. It was if all five sense were sharper and she made note of everything; the way they spoke to each other, how they cut each other off, what their facial expressions were. There was certainly something their that she hadn't picked up the night before being so exhausted.

"I'll stay with Katie." Scarlett finally spoke up after they had finished talking. As much as she wanted to repay the group for having such great hospitality, she didn't want to leave the child in a house full of strangers. Then again, Scarlett was a stranger to Tyler. "I have a little sister and worked with kids before. I promise she'll be in good hands." She offered a reassuring smile and turned to the little girl, smiling at her as well, "Of course, that's if you'd like. Your dad will be able to come back faster if you wait here with me."
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