Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

What had started as a basic traffic violation had quickly escalated into something much more. Apparently the man had something to hide, and her very presence had sent him off the deep end. Thankfully, her training had kicked in before he did any major damage but he did manage to nick her on the arm before she subdued him. Combined with a slight cut on her hand when he first attacked, it was nothing to be worried about. However, to put her friends at ease, she went to the hospital and got it stitched up. Finishing up the last stitch, the doctor looked at her. "Now I would suggest you avoid knife fights in the future." He told her with a smile. Seeing her look, he cleared his throat. "Right. Change the bandages every day for the next two days and then you'll be fine. The stitches will come out on their own in a week or so."

"Thank you." Miranda replied pulling back her hand. A few strands of her light brown hair escaped where she had pinned it earlier and fell along her faceline. Brushing her bangs aside, Miranda rose and nodded to the doctor. "So I'm all done?" She inquired.

The middle aged man nodded. "Yup. Though don't try to overdo it. The stitches might come out." Miranda nodded. Fine. She and him both knew that the injury wasn't that bad. She wouldn't have even needed stitches except that the hospital got some extra money from the insurance company to do it. As she exited the hospital room and made her way down the hall, she passed the elevators and made her way to the stairs. If she could, she avoided elevators at all costs. What she told most people was that taking the stairs helped keep her in shape. But in reality she disliked the closed in space. It wasn't that she was claustrophobic she just disliked being in enclosed spaces for very long.

As she made it to the stairway she glanced at the window. What had been a clear, normal day had quickly vanished. Sure the sky seemed a bit clear but rain was falling down. Wait a minute. She looked closer. It was not falling down, it was rising. How could that be? The rain was going toward the sky. It made no sense. Before she could really wrap her mind around it, she found herself staring out over a dark landscape. They were on the moon. She stepped away from the window. How was that possible? She could hear the surprised and panic other places in the hospital. Her training kicking in she tore her gaze away from the window. Whatever had happened, people were frightened. She needed to get down there and help try to calm them down as they figured out what happened. As she headed down the stairs she pulled out her phone and tried to call the station. Hearing nothing, she glanced at it. Great. It was dead. She was on her own.
Universe 2:

"No Vastra. I told you I'm done. Let the world handle it's own problems." The Doctor looked at the Silurian, her companion, Jenny, and the Sontaran, Strax. His face showed the weariness that hung over him. "I'm retired." He moved to brush past them. He no longer wanted a part in adventure or trouble. He had saved the world enough as it was. And what had he to show for it? Nothing. Just a blue box in his home in the clouds. Everything or everyone he cared about was gone. Amy was gone. Rory was gone. River... He lifted his chin. He was done. No more adventures. No more companions. Just his home in the TARDIS.

The veiled Silurian moved and cut him off. "Doctor, please. There is rumor of people disappearing. Men going out to work in the morning and not returning in the evening. Women disappearing on their way home from the market." She looked at him. "Please, people need you." Both her tone and face were set to implore him to help. To listen to her plea. Sidestepping her, the Doctor continued on as if unaffected. "Children, Doctor." She called. "Children are missing." That brought him to a stop. For a moment her heart leaped, surely he would help now.

"Your a detective, Vastra." The Doctor replied, impersonal. "You figure it out. I'm done with everything. I want nothing more to do with monsters or rumors." Walking away, he made his way down the street ignoring any further things she yelled at him. "I'm done. Retired." He told himself. "No need to investigate. Others can do it. I've done enough." He paused by a snowman and glared at it. "No more meddling." He told it, though in fact he was arguing with himself. "I'm done. Retired. She can handle it." He paused and stared at the snowman. It sat there, the snow face looking straight back at him. "Look at me." The Doctor muttered. "Talking to a silly old snowman." Waving an arm, he turned and started to walk away.

Children are missing. Vastra's voice echoed in his mind. He stopped and shook his head. No. He was done. He's had enough. He was going to go back to his blue box in the sky and forget about life. Maybe catch up on some reading. There was so many books to read now that he was retired and not going anywhere. Or the trains. He could finish working on the train room. Yes, anything other than fighting monsters and chasing villains. He was done. Children, Doctor.. He sighed. He couldn't just do nothing... Steeling himself he started forward again. No. He was done. Retired. Finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1;

The day had started out as any other for The Tenth Doctor, he had arrived on earth to search for alien activity. His search had led him to the hospital, he wasn't quite sure what to expect. The Doctor just knew to be alert. Anything could happen. The Doctor was dressed in a blue suit, as opposed to his brown pinstripe one, Really these days the Doctor was lonely. He didn't have anybody with him and he missed Rose, Parting with a companion was always hard, he just hadn't expected it to soon with Rose.
The Doctor knew he was no good on his own, his companions kept him from making the wrong decisions and gave him somebody to talk to.

The Doctor walked around, he had been talking with a few of the nurses and doctors that were working at the hospital asking them if they had seen anything strange going on. If there was aliens he knew the humans here could be in danger, He always tried to keep them safe. What ever was going on was hidden when he had entered the hospital He had briefly though had thought about checking himself in. He wasn't sick or hurt and it would take a lot of faking.
He though decided not to and just to wait in the hospital to see if anything was going on.

It seemed the Doctor didn't need to wait long as he realized the hospital had been moved. The Doctor felt it and something seemed strange, he walked to look for the nearest window. The Moon? Well now this was interesting. He was leaning on the window edge looking out, He was drawn to the beauty of the moon. It was rather interesting. He just wondered how long people would be able to breath here. Now that would be a problem.

The Doctor looked around more till he spotted Miranda "Ah Hello," he was grinning. He wondered why she seemed calmer than most. He doubted she would be used to it.
He wondered if there wasn't much that made her panic, though maybe she would be able to help him with the situation, he noticed large creatures in black suits walking by. He was intrigued by them. He wondered if they were to do with the hospital been moved to the moon, he could see they were looking for something.
Universe 2

Working as a barmaid was rather tiring and boring sometimes. But it was a job and was all she had to do. Having a job was not something anybody should complain about anyway. Though the day was always long and slow and there was never much to do. When there was nothing to do she would often just sit there.
It seemed today that not much was really going on. Sighing Clara just waited for somebody to come.

The barmaid soon noticed the Doctor when she headed out, she could see he seemed wary and sad almost. Clara wondered what was bothering him. There was something that was rather interesting about him.
"Oh Hello," she knew it couldn't hurt to speak to him. Though that was if he even wanted to talk. Maybe he didn't want to. But he looked like he needed somebody to talk to.

"I'm Clara." Clara was looking at him still. She head heard him muttering to himself. Retired? But he looks young maybe he was so rich he didn't need to work anymore. She had seen him talking to a snowman as he walked. Clara had seen it earlier and hadn't paid much attention to it, surely it was a normal snowman.
It did look a little creepy though. People had been going missing, she doubted it was to do with the snowmen, Far as she knew anyways. Though either this man was mad or she was missing something.

Clara was looking around, making sure that there was nothing else around. Maybe he hadn't been looking at the snowmen exactly. She couldn't see anything else around, her gaze went back to the snowmen again. Really if there was something to them, she wanted to know. Clara was quite curious by all that was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

On her own without any backup to aid her, Miranda made it down the next flight of stairs. "Everything is going to be alright." She told the patients who were starting to mingle in the hallway. "Return to your rooms and wait for further instructions." Whether it was the uniform and tone or just the fact that they needed someone to take charge, the patients slowly obeyed. Walked over to the floor's nurses' station. "Keep everyone calm and in their rooms." She ordered.

"The moon." The nurse on station said pointing toward the window. "We are on the moon." She was a bit young, maybe twenty-one, twenty-two. Her eyes were a bit wide with hysteria and she looked as if she was going to have a melt-down.

Slamming her palm down on the counter, Miranda startled the nurse. "We don't have time for your hysteria, Nurse..." She looked at the young woman's uniform. "Taffard." She gave the young woman a calming smile. "You need to be brave. If you act frightened, the patients will sense it and get frightened. What we don't need now is a hospital full of frightened people. Can you do your job?" The nurse nodded, bravely. "Good." Miranda turned. Looking over the banister, she could see that the individuals in the lobby were getting out of hand. "Now, I have to go. Can you stay strong?" She asked the nurse. The woman nodded. Satisfied that she wouldn't start screaming, Miranda turned and walked on.

As she headed toward the stairway, she almost ran into a tall man wearing a blue pinstripe outfit and a tan overcoat. He didn't look like a patient and he was definitely not a doctor or part of the medical staff. Not in that outfit. A visitor? It really didn't matter. She didn't have time to waste. Smiling at her the man greeted her. She smiled politely back. "Sir, I need you to go into one of the rooms. Someone will come by and let you know when it is time to come out." Seeming to ignore her, the man had already looked away down into the lobby. Frowning, Miranda snapped her fingers in front of his eye. "Sir, did you..." Her voice trailed off as she saw what had caught his attention.

Large creatures were marching into the lobby. People were screaming. One of the creatures removed what looked to be a helmet reveling a the face of a a two-horned rhinoceros. Now Miranda had seen a lot in her time, but this. If they were not on the moon she might have thought it was a bunch of hoodlums causing trouble but this... No. This had to be something else. She had never really believed in extra-terrestrial. At least not visiting earth. With the vastness of the universe, it did make sense that there might be life out there but to visit a backwater planet like earth? Highly unlikely. Well, apparently they did decide to come.

"Blos so folt do no cro blo cos so ro." The alien rhino said. All the other aliens drew what looked to be weapons. This was not going to be good.

Watching the aliens, Miranda spoke sharply to the man. "Sir, go into one of the rooms now." She ordered. Not bothering to see if he obeyed she moved away, trying her walkie-talkie to see if it worked. But it was dead too. From her vantage point she saw one of the aliens push a human against the wall and shine a blue light into his mouth. The human cried something and the alien seemed to record it and play it back. Saying something, he shined a blue light on the man's forehead. After a quick second he marked the man's hand and moved on. Unsure at the intentions of the aliens and on her own, Miranda wondered what she was going to do now. Nobody had been killed yet. Maybe if she went down there she could help ensure that no one did get killed. But then again, who knew what the aliens wanted? They might just be marking everyone for something unpleasant.
Universe 2

Still muttering to himself the Doctor walked back and forth in front of the snowman. He couldn't just leave. Whatever it was was taking children. No! He was retired. Vastra could handle it. She was a detective and all and should be able to solve this mystery. A voice startled him out of his thoughts. He looked over and saw a young woman. A barmaid at a guess. Nodding, he waved absently. "Hello." Realizing how stupid he looked walking back and forth muttering to himself he turned to go. "No. I'm retired." He finally muttered to himself. Then the girl continued the conversation. Stopping, he looked back. "Clara huh? That's a nice name. You should definitely keep it." He told her. Nodding once more, he turned to go. "Goodbye."

It wasn't that he meant to be rude, he just didn't want anything to do with people again. Or monsters. Or Vastra. He started to walk away and then stopped. Doing an about turn he walked back to the girl and the snowman. "That's quite a snowman you built here." He told her re-examining the snowman. He technically wasn't going to get involved. No. He wasn't going to do anything to find who was behind the missing people. Though, that had nothing to do with why he had come back. There was something about that snowman. Something off. When the girl denied she built the snowman he glanced sharply at her before re-looking at the snowman. "Hmm... Maybe the snow remembered how to make a snowman." He stated. Shrugging, he tipped his hat to the girl. "Goodbye."

Heading down the street he stops as a brougham carriage pulled in front of him. Sitting on the driver's seat, Strax looked down. "A ride for you sir?"

Scowling, he shook his finger at the Sontaran. "No. Tell Vastra I've had enough. Go back and tell her to figure it out herself. I'm done." He frowned at the short potato-headed alien. He frowned. "And have her look into the snowmen." He declared getting ready to go around.

Jumping down, Strax went over to him. "Sir, if there is something out there shouldn't we destroy it? Be reasonable!"

Waving him off. The Doctor continued on. "Not my problem." Going on, he started to whistle a Christmas tune as he made his way to the park. Annoyed, Strax got into the carriage and rode off. Glancing one way and then another, the Doctor paused in the middle of the park and then pulled down a ladder. Climbing up, he disappeared into the cloud, the ladder rising up behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
Avatar of Magic223


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor continued to look around, exploring the area. “Ah Jadoon ,brilliant.!” He seemed to just be amazed by it all, he couldn’t really help himself. It was very exciting . He hadn’t seen Jadoon for awhile, he knew that they must be here looking for something. But what that was. He wanted to know.
He was watching as the creatures appeared to be marking people. So far it looked like they were categorizing . What ever they were categorizing for he was sure they would carry on until they got what they wanted. Though the Doctor couldn't let anybody get hurt. He just needed to make sure that he was staying alert.

So far it looked like they weren’t touching the humans. Either they needed the humans alive for something, or where after something that wasn’t human. The Doctor knew that would be bad news for him. If they were indeed after something non-human he knew that it surely couldn’t be him, he was going to have to be careful. He walked back over to the young women, He hadn’t paid attention to most of the times that she had told him to get back to a room.

“Ah I’m The Doctor by the way,” The Doctor was looking at her “I’m here for a reason.” He was grinning bit “Nice meeting you.” He though knew that he should get back to trying to find out what was going on.
“Though I should be getting back to finding out what is going on.” He knew people could be at risk “I don’t know how much longer we will have air.”
He could tell there was something keeping the air in, but he wasn’t sure for how long. A lot of people could die from lack of air when they lost it.

“You can help me if you like.” The Doctor was walking around and making sure the checked humans were alright. Some were a bit scared and the Doctor just spoke kindly to them, He looked at Miranda, he still hadn’t listened to her. He wasn’t going to. He had come here for a reason and he needed to get to the bottom of what was going on. It was rare the Doctor would actually listen to anybody in a situation like this. Most of the time he was the only one that knew what they were doing. He stopped again trying to work out what the creatures could be saying, he wanted to know what they were after.

Universe 2

“ I didn’t build it, It wasn’t even here a second ago,” Clara answered him, she started circling it. She didn’t even know who would make such a scary looking snowman anyway. She wasn’t even sure who would have built it.
Hearing the Doctor’s comment though “What snow? Its just snow.” She found the Doctor rather strange with the things he was saying. Clara couldn’t help but want to know what was going on. She had noticed that the snowman had taken the Doctor’s interest. She knew that there must be something to it.

It was surely just snow. It couldn’t have to do with any of the disappearances around here could it. Clara wasn’t sure what to think anymore. Sometimes things were just too strange to explain and she didn’t seem to be able to work them out. She was sure the strange man she had just met could, but didn’t want to. Though if it was linked to any of the strange disappearances. Clara wanted the man to explain to her more about the snowmen. And she was determined to not leave him alone until she got her answers.

As the Doctor started to walk off Clara followed. "Oi, where are you off to, I thought we was just getting Acquainted?" she hadn't expected the man to just walk off. It seemed well rude. She had thought he was going to talk about the snowmen more. She hadn’t expected him to just walk off. Or maybe she had.
The Doctor was trying to stop himself from taking notice it seemed. Clara was sure that she could convince him with some encouragement. She dashed after him beginning to run, she was determined to not let him out of her sight. Clara wondered where he was heading, she saw him talking to some man in a carriage. Well at least Clara thought it was a man.

Clara continued to follow him, she watched him walk around and then pull down a ladder from the sky. Clara wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or not, it seemed rather strange. A ladder in the sky, she wondered where it lead to. Certainly he didn’t live in the clouds, did he? She wondered. She waited until the man was gone before she too pulled the mysterious ladder down and began to climb, she soon realized she was climbing up some steps into the clouds. It was amazing, she wasn't sure if it was all a dream, or how such things were even possible. She was in the sky, it the clouds, and once she got to the top. Sitting in the clouds was a blue box. Surely there wasn't room in that things. There was something strange about it though, Clara walked around the box and few time and knocked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

The alien leader started giving orders and Miranda watched as they started to break into teams. She frowned. Were they planning on rounding up everyone? Glancing back at the people in the lobby she noticed, once marked they were ignored. That was strange. A voice interrupted her musings and she looked over. It was the man again. Didn't he hear a word she said? Ah I'm the Doctor by the way. He told her. A doctor? He didn't look medical. He continued talking, grinning all the while. It was like a kid meeting Santa Claus or something. However, he quickly moved on and started talking about air and how they might not have long. Then he asked if she wanted to help him. As if not expecting an answer, he moved off, checking some humans. Maybe he was a doctor.

Realizing he probably was right about the air, Miranda went after him. They were in space. Why hadn't the air left as it was? Maybe the aliens or whoever they were, put up something. If they did, it would contain the air but not bring in fresh air. Maybe that was what the Doctor meant. "Officer Taylor." She offered coming up alongside him. At his quizzical expression, she pointed to her badge. "That's my name." She stated. He hadn't bothered giving her his first name and there was no need for her to give hers. "You mentioned something about the air. What can we do?" She walked along as they headed back up the stairs. They still had yet to run into any of the aliens which worked for her. She didn't know what exactly they were doing. She paused after the man blurted out some idea. "What kind of doctor are you again?" She inquired.

Whoever he was, he did know what he was talking about the air supply. Waving at a few people standing around, Miranda called out to them. "Start gathering oxygen tanks. We might need them soon." Looking her over, they nodded and scattered. She smiled. Having a uniform on did make things more helpful. Sounds of the aliens a few floors below them caused caused her to look back at the doctor man. "Any idea why these...things are here?" She asked. For some reason, she had a feeling he knew what they were and possibly why they were here. "When you checked a few of the people back there, how were they? Did the mark or whatever the alien did cause serious issues?"

She wasn't really scared or worried for herself. She seen death and faced it often enough that she wasn't to worried for her life at the moment. What concerned her was that there was a hospital full of people, some kind of rhino alien, and the oxygen was running out. What she didn't know was that there was a something even more dangerous lurking around in the hospital. Something that the aliens were after. Something, that if given the chance, would sacrifice so many humans to save her own skin.
Universe 2

Inside his TARDIS, the Doctor tossed his hat on the control panel and made his way around it. "It's just you and me, ol' girl." He stated gently touching the knobs and controls as he passed by them. Not turning them on or anything, just gently stroking them. When it was all said and done, when everyone one had left there would always be him and the TARDIS. When he ran away from Gallifrey all those years ago, it was just him and her. Though he picked up companions along the way, it eventually always came back to him and his TARDIS. Maybe it would be easier that way. Maybe he should just stay within the TARDIS and not venture out again. He had given a lot to the universe and the universe did not care. Amy was gone. Rory was gone. Every companion he ever knew or loved was gone.

A knock on the door startled him out of his musings. Turning, he looked at the door surprised. Had he heard something? Was this solitude finally getting to him? For as long as he knew, he had always been running. Going after monsters, chasing villains, exploring the wonders of the universe. He didn't spend a lot of time resting or relaxing. Maybe this retirement was getting to his head and he was just hearing things. The knock came again and he realized that it had to be real. "Who would be knocking on the TARDIS?" He wondered allowed as he headed back that way. The TARDIS was parked up on some clouds. It moved when he wanted it to move. The only way up was a ladder that no one could see. You had to know where it was to even pull it down. How could someone come up and knock on the door?

Opening the door he expected to see someone. But no one was there. There had to be something. He heard the knock. "Perhaps I'm going mad." He muttered turning to go. Catching something from the corner of his eye, he turned and bent down. Picking it up he examined it. It was someone's scarf. "Now who's is this?" He wondered looking it over. He looked around the cloud. "Hello? Is anyone there? Vastra if this is some trick you are playing to get me involved, I won't have it." He stated. He shook his head. As he was about to go in, that's when she appeared. The young woman from earlier. He stared at her. "Clara is it?" He said, a bit puzzled how she got there. "How did...?" He looked toward the ladder. She must have seen him climbing up and followed him.

Walking over, he handed her back her scarf. "You shouldn't be here." He told her a bit put out. "You shouldn't have followed me." Her scowled at her but she just glared right back at him. Whoever, she was, she had spirit. Kind of nice actually. Might make a good companion. No! He was done. He was retired. "Did Vastra send you?" He asked looking her over. "Tell her I don't want anything to do with it anymore. I'm done." He shook his head, the weight of his years hanging heavily upon him. "I've given the universe so much already." He stated, his tone sad. Turning back, he spoke again, his voice raising a bit. "And how does it respond? Nothing. It doesn't care." It wasn't shouting but the words came out fairly strong. He looked at her, suddenly realizing something. "Vastra didn't send you did she? You just happened to follow me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around, there seemed to be people in panic still, he wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. "The Doctor is my name, I'm a doctor of everything," He replied. "Have medical skills though." He said answering her question "Officer Taylor , nice to meet you," He wondered why she wasn't giving her first name.
He was doing his best to try and calm some of the humans "Don't provoke them and they won't hurt you." He said softly, he could see somebody already had and the others were freaking out. The Doctor knew that people didn't need to die.

"Either try find what it is they are looking for and make sure its caught and hope they put the hospital in place or well thats the best thing to do in this situation." he went on. The Doctor was clever and he seemed to know what he was doing. He seemed to be speaking quite fast at some points, he really couldn't help that.
He started to follow her up the stars and was looking around. It was important that they found what ever it is that the Judoon wanted, when up the stairs he hid behind some plants "They are looking for something non human I think, which is bad news for me." he replied. He knew that the creatures could mistake him for their target.

"They were scared as imagined, But unharmed, The creatures won't harm you unless you assault them, they are like police and are looking for a criminal." he seemed to have worked out some of what they were saying. He knew she would assume it was him if he didn't say that he wasn't the target.
He was quite sure that he could figure this out before they came to him. "We need to find what ever creature they are after and make sure that it is caught." The Doctor seemed to be looking around and trying to work out more of what the creature's were saying. All of this was still rather thrilling for him.

"Do you know where the computers are? We should check for any patients with strange symptoms. Might help narrow things down." he hoped that would work. He knew Judoon were thick, so that would depend on if they hadn't wiped the records already. He was scanning around with his sonic screwdriver. He wasn't sure if he would pick anything up. The creature could be hiding if it knew the Judoon were after it. He was looking around the area.

Universe 2

Clara circled the TARDIS, she seemed unsure whether to let him know she was there, Maybe it had been a mistake coming here, she knew that he might have not wanted him to come here. She didn't realize that she had dropped her scarf as she did. She continued to walk around the TARDIS not knowing whether to reveal her self.
It was rather strange being up on a cloud, she couldn't believe where she was. It seemed so unreal. But Clara was quite sure that she was awake.

Hearing his voice Clara span around and was looking at him. As she thought, he wasn't pleased to see her here. She wanted answers and she wasn't going to leave until she got them. She wanted to know about the snow. She needed to know if it was to do with people going missing. She didn't want anything happening to the people she cared about. "No she didn't tell me follow you, I don't know Vastra, I wanted answers about the snowmen and I am not leaving until I get answers." She was glaring up at him. "Plus I don't even know your name," She had told him hers and wanted to know his.

"What am I standing on?" She asked. Not knowing how it was possible to be standing up here in the clouds. She couldn't believe the Doctor would live up here, it seemed awfully lonely. The girl wondered how he could cope without anybody caring about him. She also wasn't sure how the blue box could be much of a home. It didn't seem to make sense to her. Unless there was more to the box then she knew. She was waiting for the Doctor to give her the answer she wanted. She was curious which was another reason for following him. The man seemed interesting to her.

"Do you actually live up here, on a cloud in a box?" She said looking at him, hearing his response she replied "Blimey, you know how to sulk don't you." She couldn't believe anybody would spend so long alone in the clouds. The girl looked firmly at him "Doesn't helping people make you feel good, ?" She was sure that helping people was always the right thing to say. "You look miserable and lonely you know that." She leaned on the box and was waiting for him to answer what she was saying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

His name was the Doctor? He looked serious when he stated it. What parents named their kids "Doctor?" Deciding to take it at face value, Miranda watched as the Doctor explained that they should find what the aliens were looking for first. That made sense. Find whoever was behind it. When he ducked behind the plants, she did so as well, though not sure exactly why. When he stated they were looking for a non-human she was a bit surprised at that. Then he just casually stated that it meant bad news for him. Wait, he wasn't human?" She wondered a bit surprised. He looked as human as her. However, before she could ask him on it, he continued.

As he explained, she nodded, trying to keep up. "So the aliens are like interstellar police that are after a criminal. Which is not you but is it not human either." She frowned. "As for the computers, there is a security office on the fifth floor." She informed him. She remembered it well as she had been assigned to watch the monitors one time when they were looking for several hostile individuals. "Come with me." She told him heading up the stairs. They were just ahead of the aliens and she could hear their boots echoing in the stairway. "If you they aren't after you," She stated. "Why are you hiding from them?" She looked at him sharply as she made her way onto the fifth floor. But then again, she was a police officer. Some people seemed to think that they were all bad and therefore wanted to avoid them, even if they were innocent. It was a bit annoying sometimes. Apparently this man was similar. "In here." She said pushing open the door to the office and nodding to several computer banks. There was no one in the room, the security probably all taking off to keep everyone calm. But then again, she hadn't seen a security officer at all yet. Had they cut the budget?

Turning, she looked out the door. People were still freaking out. In a matter of a few minutes, the aliens would be up here and things might get out of hand. "I'll let you play with that. I'm going to see if I can do anything." She couldn't just stand around and do nothing. She had to get involved. Heading out the door, she made her way down the hallway. Thankfully, the hallway was fairly empty as most people were in the rooms, frightened. Hearing an unusual noise, she stopped and entered one of the rooms. A person enclosed in complete black, motorcycle gear or something, stood there with the helmet on. The noise stopped and a woman rose, a straw in her hand, inches away from her lips. Their eyes locked for a second, before Miranda caught sight of the man on the ground, dead.

"Get her." The woman cried to the black figure.

Having an opponent ran at you gave one such a great defensive advantage. Using their momentum against them saved you on energy as well as made it easier for a smaller opponent to face off against a larger opponent. With that in mind, Miranda used the figure's momentum to flip him over, forcing him to land on his back. The figure rebounded far quicker than she expected and came at her. Dodging his grasp she struck only to find that his surface was far to rubbery. Her pause gave the figure enough time to backhand her sending her out of the room. Jumping up she stood, her back to the railing waiting for the figure to attack. The figure lowered his head and charged at her. Moving away, she winced as he hit the railing and instead of stopping, flipped over and fell. Going over to the edge she peered over. The thing hit the ground knocking over one of the aliens. Quickly several others came over and fired lasers at it, turning the figure into a glob of rubber. She winced and ducked out of sight.

Turning, she re-entered the room only to find that the woman was gone. Running back to the computer room she found the Doctor slightly still toying with the computers. "I think I found your alien friend." She told him. Then she quickly explained how she had found the woman, a straw at her lips and the rubber like figure. He was obliterated by the alien police on the first floor. Assuming the fall didn't kill him." She stated. Though she hated to be the cause of the man's death there had been no time to really save him. And even though it was self-defense, undoubtedly his death will haunt her just like all the others.
Universe 2

He felt a bit stupid. No Vastra had not sent her. She had just followed him up on her own. How had she done that? Perhaps he was not as careful as he should have been. He smiled sadly as she declared she was not leaving until she got answers. Ah those were the days. Then she proceeded to ask a bunch of questions. What was his name? What was she standing on? Did he actually live up her on the clouds in a box? He waited until she finished asking questions and stating the obvious. A smile started to toy on his lips as she finished up. She was good. If he hadn't seemed sincere about not knowing who Vastra was, he would have guessed that Vastra had indeed sent her. "Clouds. Yes. And no I'm not sulking." He responded though there was a flicker of what he used to be in his eye.

He smiled briefly as she blinked. “You are standing on clouds. And Yes I live in this blue box on top of the clouds.” Satisfied?” Apparently she wasn’t because she still wanted to know his name? Also what was going on with the snow and how on earth did snow remember? He held up his hands. “Whoa. Slow down.” He said. “First off, I’m the Doctor. And secondly, I don’t care what the snow does. I’m finished saving the world.”

He slowly circled in front of her. “Now you’re the odd one.” He told her matter-of-fact. “Able to follow me without detection, which actually probably wasn’t that hard as I hadn’t really been trying…” He stated flinging his hands around while he talked. Turning quickly he came back. “As well as find my ladder and climb up here.” He paused inches from her face, pointing his finger at her. “You Clara are an interesting girl. You know why?” He inquired stepping back and crossing his arms. “You aren’t just a barmaid.” He told her.

Despite the fact he didn’t want to help or do anything, her spunk and energy seemed to spark some enthusiasm in him. It was as if part of him was ready and willing to go investigate this farther. Part of him was already back and rearing to go. “You know why you aren’t just a barmaid?” He asked turning and walking toward the ladder. “Your hands. You attitude. Your manners.” He snapped his fingers. “My bet is you’re actually someone who works with the upper class but is only working as a barmaid to get some additional information. Or to help a friend out.” He added more to himself. “No matter.” He came back and looked at her. “So Clara, who are you and why should I help?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking at her. He couldn't say the reason that his name was what it was. He knew he didn't want to go too much into his life. He wasn't fully sure if he could trust her with too much yet, He knew that he would have to tell her things in time. He was also just more focused on the task at hand. The Doctor knew there wasn't that much time to stand around talking about things.
"Yes thats my name," Was all the Doctor could reply. He knew that he needed to go and find where the criminal had gone. Records would help, he knew that, it seemed the quickest way to get the information that he wanted.

He looked at her from behind the plants "Because Jadoon are thick, they would mistake any non human, even a Time Lord like me as the criminal." He explained. He knew that Jadoon sometimes were too stupid. He wondered how they even did their job properly. He sighed he knew he was smarter than them and that they wouldn't check the same floor twice. He hoped that the alien he was looking for hadn't worked that out. The rate of his hearts had increased a bit. He waited till the Jadoon had passed before he looked at her and raced to the computers,
He knew that he would be lucky if there was still records. He turned on the computer and was going to search through the computer records for anything that might help him track down the target. The Doctor though saw the records had been wiped.

"Ohhh Jadoon are thick," He shouted, he shock the computer and then started trying to see if he could do anything with his sonic screwdriver. He knew it was pointless but he had to try, that had been his best leads right now and he didn't know what else to do right now in that situation. He needed some other way to try and find out who he was after. He was sure that would mean paying close attention to anything that was going on in the hospital. Anybody who was acting strangely. He sat there and tried to figure out if he had seen anybody like that.

, Hearing Miranda the Doctor looked around "Ah you did." he walked over to her, he saw the lady "Was sucking blood from a straw? Sounds like a plasmavore, problem is they assimilate the creatures they drink from, so she will appear human right now, and Like I said Jadoon are thick so they won't notice what she is." he hoped hoped that they could find a way to have her caught easily.
The Doctor knew the Plasmavore would be doing her best to make sure that she wasn't caught.

Universe 2

"Really not sulking?, You live alone in the clouds... In a box... a box!!! If thats not sulking then what is it?" Clara huffed. She was standing there and looking into his eyes, she could see the sadness in his eyes, She figured he must have lost a lot to be feeling that way. Though for now she decided to not question him about it unless he talked about it, as she needed his help.
Clara was still unsure if she was going get him to help so easily. The Doctor was sulking in her opinion. She was sure getting him out of that and helping him move on would be better, sulking because something bad happened wasn't the best way. She knew things would hurt less if you tried to carry on with life. "How can you even live in a box? Its seems awfully small."

Clara was still not satisfied when he had answered about the clouds and whether he lived in the box. She wanted to know about the snow and his name. "Doctor?" She sounded a bit curious there "Doctor Who?" surely he must have a full name. Though maybe he didn't want to tell her. "And I care about the snow, I know you know!! and people are going missing!!" She argued. He really was making this difficult. She had her hands on her hips. She was sure that if she kept persisting that he would tell her what she wanted to know.

Clara was just looking at him with a pleased look "Ohhh of course it wasn't hard, you weren't that careful to make sure nobody was watching." She told him. She still was unsure how it was possible to be up here. "Ohh fine I'm a governess." She explained. Hearing the Doctor call her interesting made her smile. She wondered how to convince him to come with her to find out what was going on. Clara had no idea what would get him out of his sulk. She knew that something must. Nobody could sulk the rest of their lives.
"Is there seriously nothing left to live for that you'd rather stay up here not helping people." Clara went on. She was quite firm as she spoke and really wasn't leaving until he helped her.
"How do you know all that, how do you know I wasn't just a barmaid." She figured that he must be clever. Nobody normal could just figure that out. Clara was interested by this man as well, she was sure she had seen some small spark in his eyes

Clara was looking at him hearing him ask why he should help her. Now she really did need a reason. She then then went on about something that happened the other day "Alright then, one of the girls I babysat has these dreams about an ice lady and ....,:" She was about to carry on but the Doctor had cut her off, telling her to only use one word. One word. That was hard, there was so much that had gone on. Clara wanted answers and it seemed like it was going to take her all day to get them if they were to keep arguing.
"Pond." she hoped that would do it, she wasn't sure how he would react to that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

Miranda frowned. A plasmavore? She had no idea what that was. The woman looked human. However, the drinking blood, especially through a straw didn't seem so human. But then again, there was strange things that happened. "So her drinking the man's blood helped her assimilate into a human, at least on the surface?" She stated. She frowned. "And if the aliens...Judoon are searching based on humans she'll get away. What if we tell them?" However, the Doctor shook his head at that suggestion. The Judoon were just so thick. She hid a smile. Apparently, as he kept stating that. "Don't they have a deeper scan or something to tell?" She inquired.

The sound of heavy boots sounding in the hallway caused her to glance out. The Judoon were slowly making their way down the hallway, checking each room as they went. She glanced at her hand. She had yet to be marked. "Doctor, Judoon are on their way." She told him. The Judoon where almost upon them when he exited.

"Non-human!" The Judoon stated pulling out a weapon.

Before Miranda realized what was happening, the Doctor had her hand and was yelling for her to run. They dashed through the wing quickly loosing the slower Judoon. Coming to a rest outside the MRI ward, the Doctor let her hand go and paused to think. "Do this a lot?" Miranda inquired curious. He briefly answered before starting going off trying to figure out what to do. Something finding the alien, trapping her and getting the Judoon to find her. Then he looked at the door to the MRI ward. His face lit up like a Christmas tree and he seemed a bit excited. Miranda looked at the door. What significance had it provided? Was there any relations or did he just get the idea while looking in that direction?

The sound of heavy boots came toward them. The Judoon would find them fairly quickly. She glanced at the Doctor. Apparently he had a plan. "Doctor, the Judoon are almost on us. Should we continue to find the plasma...whatever?" She watched as he stopped in front of her. The sound of the Judoon getting closer and closer. "What's your idea?" She asked taking a glance behind her. Would the Judoon think she was an accomplice even if neither of them were guilty? Would they just execute them without question? Remembering how they killed the few people before, including firing on the black figure just for landing on them, she nodded. Yes. They would have no problems killing first and asking questions later. She frowned. Not very good police. She turned her attention back to the Doctor. "What do you have planned?"
Universe 2:

He nodded. A governess. Ah ha! He got it. He grinned all excited that he called it before realizing that he really didn't want to get involved anymore. Quickly frowning, he turned off. "Just guessed." He stated when she asked how he knew she wasn't just a barmaid.

After he had asked why he should help her she quickly started spouting of nonsense. He shook his head. "Enough." He told her. "I don't want to hear the entire thing." He said. He was about to walk away before he decided something. He turned back. "One word." He ordered. "Tell me in one word what seems to be the problem and why I should help you. No more." It was unusual of him to ask. Most likely whatever she responded would be inadequate for him and not be worth his time. He would then have to find a way to get rid of her. However, he was curious. Vastra had taught him the one word test. It made it interesting to see how someone would respond. How creative could they be? He waited, while she frowned trying to think of a word. "Right." He said turning to head back to the TARDIS. As he took a step she spoke.

It was as if time had stood still. It was if the universe itself had frozen at the sound of that word. Pond. The image of the young Scottish girl flashed through his mind. Her smile, her laughter, her tears... When she had been sent back in time he had given up all hope that the universe cared. All hope that any good was left. But now... His hearts started racing, his blood started to tingle. Now... He twirled around a huge childlike enthusiasm evident on his face. Now he got his response. Now he could move on. Forget retirement he had so much to do, so many things to see. He came back to Clara and beamed. "Let's go look see that girl." He told her.

He laughed at her shocked response. "You wanted to answers Clara the Governess." He told her. "Let's go find them." Practically skipping down the steps, the Doctor felt something that he hadn't felt in some time: Alive. He was alive again. Sure, there had been pain. Sure he lost his Amelia. But there was a case to be solved. There was snow to investigate and people to find. "I always wanted to see living snowmen." He informed Clara not seeming to notice her expression or bewilderment. Pausing at the base at the base of the ladder, waiting for her to descend, he rubbed his hands happily. Once she was down, he turned to look at her. "Alright, so where is this little girl?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor knew that all of this would be rather confusing to Miranda. It made sense to him and he sometimes talked to fast leaving people rather confused. The Doctor though was happy to explain things when he could. Though he thought Miranda was mostly following him . “Yes but not for too long, it will wear off I suppose, But yes the Judoon are too stupid to believe us, they just believe what their scanners are telling them”
The Doctor was scratching his head “Well a deeper scan possibly, But its still difficult.” He wasn’t sure if it would be enough but he could always try.

Though the Doctor knew when the Judoon were upon him that he would be in danger. He knew that he would have to run. He heard them confirm he was non human. Time to run. The Doctor grabbed her hand . “Run,!!” He was grinning when she asked if he did this all the time “Oh yes.” He was seeming quite excited he sees the sign on the MRI room.
“Ohhh she is as clever as me almost,” he dashed into the room and looked around. He was thinking a bit.
The Doctor knew that they had the creature cornered. Now to just find a way to get the Judoon to see she was the target and not him. He didn’t really like been mistaken for a target. He could see flashes of light going on inside the room, the plasmavore was up to something. He figured she was in the control booth.

“Oh won’t need to, she is in here, knew where she would head,” he was still quite excited. He knew that the Judoon would kill him, no questions asked, he couldn’t tell his plan knowing the creature was in the control booth.
The Doctor then started speaking a lot and rather fast, He knew that would either annoy her or at least distract her, he was aiming for her to drain his blood. He knew the risk, but he needed to have the Judoon see that she wasn’t human. His non human blood would be enough to do that. It was a smart plan that would fool even a creature like her.

“Have you seen them?. These great big space rhino things. I mean, rhinos from space. And we're on the moon! Great big space rhinos with guns on the moon.” The Doctor continued to speak a lot. He was hoping to get her attention. He knew that she had too men or what ever they were ready to probably grab him on command. “I said to my wife I would recommend this place to anybody, good treatment and then we end up on the moon, I Mean we are on the moon and did I mention the Space Rhinos” He was sure she wouldn’t bother to check whether he was human or not. “Though I heard one those big Rhino’s say they were upping the scan to setting two I think it was.”

Universe 2

Clara looked at the Doctor she could see the flicker of excitement and how he was trying so hard to get involved. She wondered if he had almost forgotten he didn’t want to get involved. She considered him a very difficult man to try and work out. But he was still interesting and she wanted to know more.
Really she was finding him rather strange, she wondered what he was like when he wasn’t sulking so much.

After Clara had given him the one word, she watched his expression, she wondered why that word was all he needed to help her. The one word test didn’t seem to make all that much sense to her. But she saw a childlike enthusiasm on his face, its seemed such a contrast to the more serious attitude that he had been having. Though seeing him happy made her happy. His behavior now was much better and she seemed to prefer it when he started acting all childlike. Really she wondered how long he would stay that happy though.

Clara was unsure if he would go back to his retirement and sulking in his box after all was said and done. But for now at least she was getting help with the problem at hand. She was sure her expression would be that of shock right now. “Alright,” She said simply. “Their maid should let us in,” she confirmed.
“Ohh I just didn’t expect that one word to be all you needed to hear.” She though laughed too. It was oddly exciting to be solving a mystery. She knew that it was also rather risky and dangerous and that she would have to be careful. Clara thought she could see more life in the Doctor eyes, she started to climb down the ladder.

“A living snowman?” Clara looked confused. How could a snowman be living. She continued to climb down until she was at the bottom. She looked around the area and then back at the Doctor who she noticed was rubbing his hands together happily. “Ah the Darkover house.” She replied. “I’ll lead the way, unless you already know where that is.” She wasn’t sure if he knew or not, but for now it seemed best that she lead the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Miranda stared after him as the Doctor, instead of answering her question turned and dashed through the MRI door shouting something about how she was as clever as he was. A bit egotistic? She thought. The sound of the Judoon coming closer caused her to turn. She really didn't know what the Doctor was up to but she could give him a few moments. "Hello." She said smiling at the lead Judoon, ignoring the fact he was a rhino. "Are you looking for a ..." She really didn't get to finish her statement before the Judoon pushed her against the wall and started to scan her. "Not much on talk are you?" She asked.

The Judoon grunted as the scan came back. "Classification: Human." He marked her hand with a black X. The leader turned and pointed for a some of the Judoon to continue down the hall. This was the last floor. If they did not find the culprit they would have to obliterate the entire hospital. Opening the door that was next to him, he and several other Judoon started to walk through it.

Miranda frowned and followed alongside them. "Looking for a plasmavore right?" That seemed to catch the Judoon's attention. How would a simple human know so much about that unless.... Once again Miranda found herself up against the wall as they did a deeper complete scan. "Look, I'm just saying I saw some lady over a dead man's body." She told them. She had a straw and everything." It was actually a bit disgusting but then again, one had to get used to queasy stuff to do a job like hers. Though in all reality, the recruiter never did say anything about meeting aliens and going to the moon. The scan complete, the Judoon grunted again. Taking something from his belt he handed it to her. "What's this?" She inquired, looking at it.

"Compensation." He replied. Apparently, doing a deeper scan was more intrusive and therefore required payment after it was done. Or they were impressed with her information and wanted to pay her for it. Smiling grimly, she tried to hand it back but they ignored her moving on. Yeah, had to be the former. There was no way they would listen to a human. Did aliens really think they were ignorant and foolish? But then again, they did believe they were alone in the universe. She followed along, curious to see if there was anything more she could do. She had stalled them for a bit but who knew how long the Doctor would need. She just hoped that everything was alright and that the right villain would be caught. Anyone sucking blood in her book, especially another individual, should be arrested.

It didn't take them long to find the Doctor and the Plasmavore. Miranda frowned as she saw the Doctor on the ground and the woman. What had she done? She tried to move forward but the Judoon had blocked her way. The leader scanned the Doctor. "Culprit found. Deceased." A chill ran down Miranda's back. He was dead? Just like that. "Case closed." The Judoon said turning to leave.

"No. She's the guilty one." Miranda stated pointing to the smirking woman. She innocently held up her hand claiming she was already marked. Miranda narrowed her eyes at the woman. Then it hit her. If the Doctor was dead.... "Scan her again." She ordered the Judoon. I swear, she was the one I saw."

Whether it was to humor her or to get her to shut up, the Judoon pulled out his scanner. He scanned the woman. "Classification: Non-human. Category: Plasmavore."
Universe 2:

"Not just snowmen. The snow." The Doctor told her excitedly. "Though technically it's not really snow. It's a multi-nucleate crystalline organism with the ability to mimic and mirror what it finds. Looks like snow. Isn't snow." He turned and headed down the street. "Off to the Darkover house." He stated going in the opposite direction. When Clara pointed it out he turned and came back. "You better lead the way." He informed her. "As you know where it is."

He walked along somewhat excited again. Whistling a happy tune he tipped his hat to whoever they came across. It was as if he had been Ebenezer Scrooge, himself who had been visited by three spirits. He was now almost like a different person. For some reason London seemed so much cleaner, so much newer. Though there was still a lot of smoke and pollution, as was expected in this era, it felt fresh and clean to him. He had been living far to long alone up in his box. Whenever he did come down, he had been so wrapped up with himself that he didn't notice anyone or anything. He smiled. Amy would probably have slapped him. To think that you give up on everything just because you lost someone, Raggedy Man. You should know better. She was right. He had faced so much and lost so much. He wasn't honoring her memory by gloating and sulking in his TARDIS. No, he had done nothing. Nothing to venerate her time with him. Clara was right. He had been miserable and his sulking sure hadn't helped.

Reaching the Darkover house, he entered the house with Clara, looking around at all the new and exciting things. A stiff, properly dressed individual came toward them. She looked to be either the mistress of the house or the head servant. "A governess should only come in the back unless accompanying the children." She chided Clara. Looking the Doctor over she frowned. "And who is this strange man? Why did you bring him here? When the master finds out he will be out of sorts." She declared.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor." He smiled at her frowning face. "Just helping Clara out here with a problem. Bad dreams, ice lady, and living snow." He informed her. "Though technically it's not really snow. It is a multi-nucleate crystalline organism with the ability to mimic and mirror what it finds. Looks like snow so I don't blame you if you get confused." The woman, Alice, opened her mouth to speak in outrage but the Doctor continued. "Nice house you got her. Old. Very old. You say you have a pond around?" He asked looking at Clara. "But no matter, first to the children."

Alice's face turned red with rage. "Miss Montague, this is an outrage..."

"There was a telepathic field omitting from the snowman earlier and undoubtedly, your girl's dreams might be tied in somehow." The Doctor continued, not even noticing Alice's interruption. "Come along, Clara." He ordered as he headed up the stairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor looked at the women. He knew that he needed to trick her into drinking his blood, it would surely work, he wasn’t thinking about his own safety just everybody else’s. He quite often always thought about that.
He talked to her about the machine for a while to the plasmavore and what she was doing.
“So those rhino things they are looking for you?” The Doctor inquired. He waited to see what she would say.

“Yes but I’m hidden.” The woman smiled and showed him the mark on her hand, It was clear that the Judoon had already scanned her and let her carry on as they thought she was human. The Doctor knew she wasn’t human. The Doctor just kept up his act, he was sure if he was skilled enough she wouldn’t realize he wasn’t human. He knew it might not feel great after having his blood drained but that would be worth it, Well if he survived. He knew it was never easy to kill one of his kind exactly. But he had never been drained of blood.

“Ah maybe that’s why they are increasing their scans.” The Doctor answered, He was sure that would be enough to make her want to come after him. He wasn’t sure if Miranda would have agreed with his plan had she stayed in the room. But he really did see this as the only way out right now. Really he wasn’t sure what Miranda would say If he survived this. The Doctor though was sure that he probably would be ok.

“They are doing what?” The Women looked at him as if worried she would be caught. The Doctor was looking at her.
“Yes heard them say no sign of the non human time to increase the scans,” It was as if the women was only just listening when he had mentioned it before. He was waiting to see what her reaction would be.
“Then I must assimilate again.” she replied. She was looking at the Doctor, with a look on her face that she was after him next. The Doctor pretended like he didn't know what that meant. Of course he knew full well what she was going to do. But he knew that he needed to act human for this plan to even work.

Sometimes the Doctors plans didn't always work, but he knew most of the time they did, he was clever and always tried to do things without having to kill anything himself personally, he this time was going to make sure the Plasmavore got caught. "What does that mean?" he asked her.
"It means I must appear to be human." She was grinning. "Grab him," she said to the slab. The Slab did as it was told and forced the Doctor on his knees and the woman began sucking his blood through the straw.

The Doctor gasped , but as she drained him, he began to get weaker and paler , he heard the footsteps of Judoon, before he fell to the ground when she dropped him. He appeared dead.

Universe 2

Clara could see the Doctor was really excited about the snow, that apparently wasn't snow at all. She wondered if he was just one to get easily excited about things, If she hung around the Doctor more she was sure she would discover more things about him that was rather strange. "Right... so they snow isn't snow," She said. The girl was doing her best to follow the Doctor with what he was saying. Clara walked by him leading him to the house, he knew that the maid might not be impressed with them showing up invited, especially the fact that she was bringing the Doctor with her.

Clara was amazed at the change in the Doctor, seeing how he had changed rather quickly to an easily excited childish type man. She didn't know what was going through his head. She was looking around, she walked up to the house with him and was looking around. Clara hoped that somebody was home. She knew that Alice would be anyways. Clara was sure that the women wouldn't be impressed with the way she had come in. But it was important.

"Its just important ," Was all Clara said before she walked passed Alice and was looking around. She figured the two children would be up in their bedroom. She headed off with the Doctor into the house "Well the pond is outside and the children should be up in their bedroom ," She informed him, she knew the children wouldn't expect her here right now. He hoped that they would be able to explain more about their dreams. She was looking around the house and seemed to be thinking.

"Ah I see, there is a little boy too, not sure if hes been having the same dreams, only the girl has mentioned something about nightmares so far, But could talk to them both," Clara was confident that they were getting closer to working things out.

She continued up the stairs with him and looked at the Doctor and smiled "Your enjoying all this aren't you?" She could still his excitement as she walked into the bedroom.
She looked at the children "I brought a friend to speak to you about your bad dreams." she told them. She wasn't sure what else to call the Doctor at this point, if she told them he was somebody she had just met, she wasn't sure if she could gain the children attention. Clara waited for the Doctor or children to speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Reading the scan, the rhino alien turned his attention on the woman. "Confirm: Plasmavore. Crime: Charged with the murder of the child princess of Patrival Regency Nine."

The alien stepped forward. "She deserved it. That simpering voice. The pink cheeks. The blond curls." She laughed. "She practically begged for the bite of a plasmavore." She looked at the slab. Hearing the unspoken command, the slab stepped forward to attack the Judoon. However, all four opened fire quickly destroying him.

"Verdict, guilty. Sentence, execution." Leveling their weapons at her they fired. The woman flickered for a second before being incinerated. Miranda blinked, a bit taken back. Though she had been expecting it, it still seemed difficult to believe. These aliens, Judoon, were like the police, judge, jury, and executioner. No appeal. No trail by others. Any crime, swift justice and the penalty always obliteration. Or so it seemed. In a way she partially envied that. She had seen many a criminal get away from justice due to a everything not going exactly according to books or just because the jury didn't want do as harsh a sentence. Many individuals who had committed heinous crimes would only get x amount of years in jail before being released to go back to their same habits. However, she knew it was not a wise idea. Giving that much power to a select few individuals, eliminated the chance of facing a jury of your peers, and having any crime punished by death was not the way to go.

The Judoon put their weapons away. "Case closed." The leader declared turning to go. "All units withdraw." The Judoon turned and started to go.

Free to go to the Doctor, Miranda quickly made her away over there. Getting down beside him, she checked for a pulse. The air was starting to get a bit stale and Miranda could feel it was getting more difficult to breathe. The Doctor had been right. There had only been so much air. "You got to help us." She called out to the Judoon. "We need more air or we will all die." The alien rhinos continued, either not hearing her or not caring to respond. Brows narrowed in anger, Miranda quickly turned her attention to the Doctor. They weren't worth her time. Now him on the other hand, if he didn't get help quickly, he would die. Checking his pulse again, she begin to perform CPR. As an officer she had been trained in full CPR in case of emergencies. As she worked, she could feel the air getting shallower and shallower. With one final gasp of air, she transferred the air to the Doctor and then fell beside him trying to get in what little air there was left.

There had been many ways she had expected to die: A knife wound, a gunshot. A car accident. Maybe even dying in her sleep. However, she never thought she would suffocate to death. As her vision started to black, she smiled slightly. Well at least she had given it a good shot. She had helped get a murderer caught and she had made it to the moon. Her only regret was that she now wouldn't be able to spend her vocation time.
Universe 2:

The Doctor listened to Clara explain how there was technically two children and that she wasn't sure if the boy was having nightmares. No matter. He would find out soon enough. This place was really fascinating. Victory-Aged housing was so much better in some cases than the twentieth century rubbish they built. The walls and furniture was all made of wood. It was amazing really. Not that the twentieth century stuff was bad. No their skyscrapers and indoor heating and plumbing was exemplary. However, he enjoyed the custom craftsmanship of the era.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he stopped and looked at Clara as she asked if he was enjoying it. "What?" He asked, a bit surprised. "You aren't?" He grinned and then continued on. Enjoying it? You bet he was. Mysteries and intrigue fascinated him. Finding out what was behind the dreams and the living snow was going to be a fun challenge. Entering the room, he looked around, exclaiming happily at the various toys and items placed around the play room. While Clara went over to the children to talk to them, the Doctor moved around the room picking up an object only to discard it and grab another a few seconds later. Spotting the stage, he jumped up and disappeared behind the stage.

The two children looked over at Clara. "That's your friend." Digby asked, a bit unsure of what to think. "What's his name?" When Clara told him, he frowned. "That's an odd name. Just the Doctor?" He inquired.

"Doctor? Doctor? Doctor Who?" A voice asked. A little sock poppet peaked out from behind the curtains.

"That's the question to ask." The Doctor said, his head coming into view. Tossing the puppet aside he came over. Whipping out his sonic he scanned the girl and then the boy. Looking at the results, he smiled down at them. "Don't worry. The Doctor is here to take away any monsters." He looked around the room, taking it in again, though this time he did not pick up any toys or items. Turning back, he hunched down in front of Francesca, his face serious. "So, tell me about your nightmare."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

As Miranda gave him CPR the Doctor gasped and struggled to catch his breath, there already wasn’t much air and he coughed a few times and attempted to get to his feet and fell over a few times. He knew that the Judoon would have dealt with the criminal.
He knew the oxygen levels were very low. The Doctor hoped that Judoon would reverse it, he knew they didn’t seem to care all that much. “Ohhh Soddit,” he said ,when he realized the Judoon were leaving.

“Miranda?” He looked over at her, He knew he needed a bit longer to get to his feet, It wasn’t helping that there was already a serious lack of air. He wasn’t worried about himself so much as Miranda and the other humans who were still alive.
She had saved his life and now he was going to make sure that her and the others got to survive. At least the Plasmavore was gone. Now he just needed to focus on getting them out of here.

“We’ll survive this, you will be ok,” He was trying to tell her it would be alright, even if he maybe wasn’t so convinced of that unless he could get the hospital taken back to earth. He frowned looking serious. Nobody else needed to die today. The Doctor knew that hope was helped him in the worst situations, he couldn’t so easily give up. He lifted up Miranda best he could and carried her out of the room, he could see nurses and other people slumped to the floor, struggling for air. He knew that he still had determination. He knew he would not stop trying to find a way out of this.

“Come on , Come on, Come Judoon please reverse it, all these people don’t deserve to die,” He set Miranda down and looked out the window. He would stand there begging them to reserve it as long as he was alive.
“Just hang in there Miranda.” He didn’t want her to die. looking out he saw it was raining on the moon. “Miranda look , Its raining,.. Its raining and we are on the moon.” He knew that meant the reversal process had started. Soon there was a crash of thunder and big flash of light, the hospital was back where it was. He looked to Miranda. “You were brilliant.” He said grinning.
Universe 2

Clara was following him, she could see that he looked rather excited still. “Oh well yes it is exciting I suppose, just didn’t expect anybody to be so easily over excited . She though found it quite adorable in ways. Maybe it was just because of how sulky he had seemed earlier that she hadn’t expected this kind of behavior.
She looked around to make sure nothing suspicious was around. If the snow like creatures were living, she wanted to be careful, she didn't want any to appear.

She couldn’t help but giggle when he was looking happy with all the toys in the room. He really was just a big child it seemed. She was watching him a bit as he played behind the stage with the puppets, it was better to be childish then a arrogant or grumpy person. She was smiling seeing the life and excitement in the Doctor’s eyes.
“Having fun there Doctor.” She giggled a bit and noticed he had come out again to talk to the children.

“Well think so, “ Clara told Digby, she didn’t know if he had more to his name, or whether he had another name. She figured that was something the Doctor wouldn’t be willing to share. She watched him with the children and though that he was rather good with children, she wondered if he had children of his own once. If not she thought he did seem like the type that would do a good job. Clara just let the girl explain her dreams. Clara knew there must be something to the dreams now, before she would have thought that it was just a dream. She knew children often had bad dreams, but this was not something to be pushed aside.

“I have nightmares about our old governess , she fell in the pond awhile ago and froze, in my dreams she says she’s going come out of the pond and get me ,” Francesca said. She seemed a bit scared. “Is she really going to get me, can you stop her Doctor.?”
Clara was listening, she knew the poor girl was rather scared, she also knew the former governess had been rather angry and mean all the time. Had the ice taken form of the women or made her come back somehow. Clara knew that whatever was going on needed to be sorted out. She just wanted the two children safe, she looked up at the Doctor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating or dreaming. She could hear the Doctor moving around, getting up. But he was dead. Though she had performed CPR, she doubted he would have survived. As she blacked out, she felt someone pick her up. Maybe it was an angel....

The first thing she thought of when she opened her eyes was that it was surprisingly noisy for the afterlife. As her vision came into focus and she became aware of what was going on, she realized she had a breathing mask on and a paramedic was next to her applying the oxygen. Recognizing him from around, she gave a faint smile, though her head was a bit light. Seeing she was awake again, the man smiled. "You had us worried for a few seconds." He told her. "Careful." He ordered as she sat up a bit and pulled off her mask. "You blacked out for a bit. As soon as the hospital came back, your friend carried you out and over to us." Glancing around, Miranda looked for the Doctor. Where had he gone. "He's already took off." The paramedic informed her. "Probably just being a good Samaritan and not wanting to be thanked or anything."

Fat chance. Miranda rose. Brushing aside the concerns of the paramedic she made her way away from the ambulance. The next half hour was hectic. She got caught by several friends both from the station and from other emergency areas. All were curious as to know what happened. Even the media was there shouting out questions. Coming face to face with one of her supervisors, she was able to get some more information. "No one died." The man told her. "A few people had to be taken to the hospital but overall, everyone made it. Except of course the individual who was killed by the aliens." The man laughed. "Like that happened." He looked at her expression. "Come on. Aliens? There was not a lot of oxygen. You probably hallucinated it all. One person says something and everyone else, sees the same." He shrugged. "Don't worry. Happens to the best."

Not wanting to waste time arguing, Miranda just smiled politely. "We'll unless you need me, I'm taking off." She informed him. "My vacation time still stands?" She inquired.

The man nodded. "Yeah. Take your two weeks and relax." He waved toward the building. "You almost died in there. Take the rest." He smiled. "I'm glad you made it safe." Miranda nodded. So was she. Now just to find the Doctor. She knew she hadn't dreamed him up. Why had he shown up at the hospital at all and where had he gone? As she started to walk away, her boss called out. "Don't get on moody on us, Miranda." He called laughing. She waved him off. She wasn't the type to get moody. The fact that she almost died, wasn't lost on her but she had some close calls before. She'll be fine.

As she passed an alleyway, she heard her first name called. Stopping,she turned. There he was. The Doctor. Before she could say anything he disappeared into the alley. Not letting him get away without at least learning more about him and telling him thanks. She followed. How had he learned her first name? Probably when Lt. Jones called out a moment ago. It really didn't matter. What mattered was who was he and where he come from? Why had he been there?
Universe 2:

He listened carefully. Some people never took children seriously. Most adults thought that children just had creative imaginations. Whether it was a bad dream or a monster under the bed, most parents quickly brushed it away not realizing that it could be something more. Listening the Doctor nodded as Francesca told him her dream. She was visibly terrified and even the boy was a bit shaken. The Doctor smiled. "Not without getting through me, first." He told standing up, he straightened his bow tie. "You know what monsters are afraid of?" He inquired. They shook their heads. "Me."

"You have been naughty, children!" A harsh voice called out from the doorway. Shrieking, the children ran to Clara as the previous governess, all ice, entered the room.

Stepping in her way, the Doctor looked at her. "You know, you shouldn't be scaring the children." He stated matter-of-fact. When she just glared at him and started to move past him, he pulled out his sonic. In reality he would rather talk with the creature and gather some intel but there was children around. They didn't need to be frightened anymore by her. Activating it, he sent the ice melting down into the carpet. "See, nothing to worry about." Though he knew that wouldn't hold her down long, he did not show it. Besides, that meant he could come back and talk to her later.

Going over to the children, he put his arms around them and led them toward the stairs. "Alright, I'm sure Clara here won't object to us getting some biscuits and coco from the kitchen." He informed them. Their eyes lit up and they looked at her. When she had no objection, the Doctor smiled. "See. Always willing to help."

As they exited the room, they found nearly bumped into a man. "What? Who the devil are you?" He exclaimed. "What are you doing in my house?"

The Doctor removed his arms from the children and shook the man's hand vigorously. "Everything's alright." He replied. "I'm your governess' gentleman friend. "I was just meeting your children. And might I say sir, that you have such excellent offspring." He stated putting his arm around the man and nodding to the now silent children.

"Uh. Thank you, sir." Latimer stated, a bit confused.

Moving back to the children, the Doctor smiled. "Now to the kitchen."
Though his tone was fairly light, he knew that it wouldn't be long before the ice lady put herself back together. And he didn't want the children to have to face her again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was glad when the paramedics took care of Miranda. He had barely noticed that Miranda had passed out. He knew that she would be in good hands now, there wasn’t much else that he could do, he wasn’t sure about sticking around. He wasn’t even sure she would want to come with him, she had just ended up helping him because he had asked. He also knew that right now she needed medical care.
Stay strong Miranda He walked off, he was silent and didn’t say another word. It was time for him to head back to the TARDIS. Back to a lonely old life in his blue box, that was if Miranda wasn’t curious enough to follow.

He continued walking lost in his own thoughts, It was almost like he wasn’t really there sometimes, he wondered if Miranda would have only thought that he was a dream. He knew he didn’t like being alone and he had fun chasing the Plasmavore. He always had fun with what he was doing, but it was more fun to have somebody by his side. He wondered if Miranda had even enjoyed the whole thing.

He was still wondering if it was maybe for the best that he stayed out of her life, he knew he ended up ruining his companions normal lives in some ways. At least it felt like that, he had caused Rose Tyler to be trapped in a parallel world . He also knew that it was risky and dangerous to even travel with him. He shook those thoughts aside. He knew that he couldn’t probably stop her. He also knew it would be nice to have company. Plus he wasn’t even sure what would happen this time.

He though noticed Miranda and turned around briefly “Miranda!!” he called, he though turned around and continued to walk into the alley way. Maybe she would follow? He wasn’t sure but he did need to get back to the TARDIS. He also knew he needed to make sure that his ship was safe after all of that. He still wasn’t sure what had happened. He noticed that she was indeed following , he walked over to his ship.

He was leaning up against the police box and was grinning “Ah good to see you are alright, I wasn’t sure if it was too late.” He pointed to the TARDIS. “My ship,” he said seeming proud. He knew that she would not understand that it was a ship unless he showed her. He was still unsure about all that. He grinned a bit “I was just about to take off, But you could come with me if you liked?” he opened up the door of his ship looking back at her.
Universe 2

Clara hated seeing the poor kids shaken, she could see The Doctor was doing his best to calm the children down and assure them that they would be ok. She could see the Doctor was really good with children. She knew that she was in some ways, but it seemed like the Doctor almost understood them.
She looked almost startled when she saw the ice lady come into the room. She wasn’t sure how to react at first, living ice, now that was something that she was going to have to get used to.

Clara stood protectively by the children when they rushed over to her. She wouldn’t let any harm come to them. “Your not getting anywhere near the children , Not if The Doctor and I can help it,,” she glared at the ice lady, it was not something that she was used to seeing. But it seemed strange things happened around the Doctor, She had seen a box sitting in the clouds, one that the Doctor seemed to live in. Well so far things seemed really interesting and she wanted to know who was behind all this, she didn’t know if the ice and snow creatures were smart enough to be without a Master.

She smiled when the Doctor said that he would get the children some biscuits and coco. “Go ahead,” she watched as they followed after the Doctor, she was looking around and still lost on what was going on a bit.
“Doctor , do you think maybe we should take a look at the pond?” She was unsure what they were to do next.
Clara looked at his expression, she whispered so the children couldn’t hear “she is going to come back isn’t she.”

She was looking around the area. The young governess wondered how they were going to further deal with the situation. It was serious, though the Doctor did seem to be mostly enjoying it, she wondered if the pond would hold more answers.
Clara was making sure that nothing was there, she though stiffened and backed up when she saw a few snowmen outside the window. "Doctor!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

There he was. Standing by an old police box. She smiled at the irony. Her smile flickered to confusion as he stated this was his ship. "Is this a joke?" She inquired giving a nervous smile. She was a police officer and here he was with an old police box from the sixties. However, he had already gone inside, leaving the door open for her to follow. She shook her head. There was no way that could be his ship. He had to pulling her leg. She waited a second to see if he would reappear. When he didn't she shook her head and moved forward. "Alright, I fell for your...." Her sentence stopped as she entered the box. Instead of a small room that had once been used to lock up individuals until the police arrived, there was a specious room with steps going off into different areas and a large console in the middle of the room. "No, no, no." She said shaking her head and quickly exiting.

Going around the box, she looked at the seemingly small outside. There was no way that room could have fit within this little box. Little did she know, her reaction was normal and had been duplicated by many individuals throughout the Doctor's lifetime. Shaking her head, she re-entered the TARDIS. "This can't be real." She stated shaking her head. "An illusion?" The Doctor just grinned at her, waiting. As if he expected her to say something else. She looked around the TARDIS and then glanced back out. Finally, turning her attention back to him, she smiled and shook her head. "It's impossible. It's bigger on the inside." That apparently set him off. As if he had been expecting her to say that.

When he finally calmed down and explained that his ship was a time traveling space ship, she just stared at him. Time travel. Spaceship. If he had told her this yesterday she probably wouldn't have believed him. But now, seeing alien rhino men who can talk, going to the moon, seeing a plasmavore, finding an old police box is larger on the inside, it wasn't hard to continue with the leap and believe him. "A time machine." She nodded and touched the edge. "Can travel anywhere?" He nodded. She looked at him. "So what's that make you? Doctor Time Traveler?" She almost laughed at his response. "Time Lord?" He was egotistic. Her grin faded and she looked at him. He had a nice life. Traveling through time and space. Going anywhere he desired. Must be nice.

Her smile faded. "Well, I just wanted to thank you. Heard that you got me out of there and to a paramedic before the lack of oxygen did to serious of damage." She told him. "Thanks." She bit her lip and glanced around once more. "Well, I better let you go." She stated looking back at him. "You probably have so many places to go, people to see." She paused. "Though, it is curious that you showed up around the time the alien rhinos did. Do you do that often?" She asked. "Go after trouble?" She smiled at his response. Made sense. "Well, thanks again." His call, stopped her. Turning she looked at him wondering what he needed. Part of her dared to hope that he would ask her to come with him. Though he had made a mention of it earlier, she didn't know if he had been serious or not.

Honestly, she didn't know why she wanted to run off with some strange man. Sure he might be a bit attractive but that wouldn't be the reason. No. The ability to see other things, to go places no human had ever been before, to help stop criminals like the plasmavore. But also, part of it was to get out of London. Having grown up in the area, and then locked in with the police, which she enjoyed, it would be nice to actually just leave for some time. Go elsewhere. Get out of the city of her birth. But no. He probably wouldn't ask her. There was no reason for someone like him to take a human like her. And there was no way she was going to beg.
Universe 2

The Doctor stopped, letting the children go on ahead and looked at Clara. "Any moment now." He told her, knowing she would be able to handle it. He looked at Mr. Latimer. "You should go in the kitchen with your children as well." He stated matter-of-fact. Before the man could reply Clara called out for him. Turning, the Doctor looked at the window. "Ah, there they are. I was wondering how long it would be before they showed up." He looked back at the man. "Now I insist you go to the kitchen." He stated going over to the front door. Undoubtedly, Vastra and the others were already on their way. Opening the door, he smiled at their startled faces.

"How did... We haven't even rang the bell, sir." Strax stated surprised he was standing there.

Vastra just smiled. "I knew you would get involved." She stated. She raised her eyebrows at Clara. "So, you have a new companion." She stated.

"Yes. Clara this is Vastra. Vastra this is Clara." He stated hurrying them in and closing the door.

"I say sir..." Mr. Latimer stopped upon seeing Vastra.

"Hello. I'm a wizard woman from the dawn of time, this is my associate Jenny and our butler Strax." She stated calmly. The man's jaw dropped.

"Should I obliterate him, Madam?" Strax inquired.

"What? No." The Doctor stated cutting in. "Though do get him in the kitchen. Does anyone have a force field?" He inquired. "Because now is the time to use it." He said nodding toward the stairs. The ice governess was now exiting the room and headed their way, screaming at them.

Jenny tossed a small forcefield at the base of the stairs, quickly trapping the woman. While she did that Strax ushered a bewildered Latimer and Alice into the kitchen. The Doctor turned and smiled at Clara. “Having fun yet?” He asked as the ice lady banged on the forcefield.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was waiting for her to come in, he wondered if she would. He wasn’t sure if she would think it was just some joke and not bother. Though everybody was always curious enough to want to know. “Nope,” he said when she asked if it was a joke. He wasn’t sure she would believe it until she saw, even then he knew that it could take time to sink in. Really he just loved peoples reactions. He knew that some couldn’t even handle the fact it was bigger on the inside. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction.

He watched her take it all in before going out of the ship again. He was used to reactions like this. He knew that it was a lot to take in, He was waiting to see what she would say, it was still quite amusing to him, he wondered if she would even believe it or try to find some other explanation. Though she had seen aliens today, so that depended on how far she was willing to go on believing things. “Nope no illusions.” He replied.
He really couldn’t help with being amused by her reactions. He was grinning waiting for her to say what he knew was coming.

“Oh is it?” the Doctor said grinning more pretending like he hadn’t noticed. He really did love it when people said that. He though was looking at her, he knew that she would want a lot more information.
“This is the TARDIS, she travels all of time and space,” He replied. He loved explaining about the TARDIS. “So yes the TARDIS is a time machine, and I suppose my home.” He went on to explain. He didn’t go on to explain Gallifrey and the time war. That was a bit personal and he didn’t want to explain it till he knew her a bit more. They had no long met. Plus he didn’t want her to be scared off, he knew destroying his own people might sound wrong to her. Even if he had seen no other way.

He was standing there as she asked what that made him, his grin got wider “I’m a Time Lord,” he explained. He saw her reaction after that. “Its my species.” He explained. He wasn’t sure what was going through her mind when he said that. He seemed to be quite calm as he stood their explaining things.
It was so interesting to him how all his companions were different. He did like that, they were all different, he seemed to admire them for who they were.

“Its was no problem, Wasn’t going to let you die and you did brilliant helping me,” He was grinning and looking at her. “Ohh yes,” he said grinning when she asked if he always went after trouble “Did you like it?” he was quiet for awhile. He turned back to the console thinking. He had thought she would have thought he was serious when he asked her to come. Maybe she didn’t want to. “So what do you think? Coming?”


Universe 1

Clara backed up, she was sure the snowmen were coming for them. They seemed even scarier than the ice lady. Today really was turning out to be a rather strange day. Living snow and ice. She knew that she had no choice but to accept it as it was happening. She wondered what the Doctor was going to do about the couple of snowmen that were out there. Was he going to try melt them like he did the ice lady.
“What do we do?” Clara asked the Doctor. She was looking at him, she trusted that he knew what he was doing.
She wasn’t quite sure how to deal with them. She had no idea how she could defend herself against such creatures. Clara noticed that there was a knock on the door and Vastra, Strax and Jenny walked in.

She assumed that these were the Doctors friends, she didn’t know what “Nice to meet you,” She said when she was introduced. She saw that Vastra and Strax were not human, She was sure they were trustworthy as the Doctor seemed to trust them. “Ah so your Vastra.” She said looking at her. Clara wondered how the Doctor had such interesting friends, though he lived up in a cloud in a box, she was beginning to assume that he wasn’t human.

The girl then looked around only to notice the ice lady had returned. Just like the Doctor thought. Clara wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. “Companion?” she had just met the Doctor and wasn’t quite sure what was meant by that. “I just met him.” She was blushing a bit not really knowing what was meant by that.
She noticed the Doctor was looking at her , she had to admit that it was fun, but it was still all rather strange too. She smiled and looked at the Doctor. "Yes,"

Clara was smiling up at him, she couldn't wait to solve the rest of it with him. She looked at the Doctor "I am interested by all this even if it is strange and new," She told him.
She wondered if he did this all of the time. It was rather different to her usual day, But prehaps a whole lot better as well. She had never had a day like today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Miranda blinked a bit surprised. "Really?" She asked. "You want me to come with you?" It was strange really. It wasn't that she thought little of herself, no she was fairly confident in her abilities....overall. It was just that here, an alien, a Time Lord from another species was asking her to travel with through time and space. It didn't make a lot of sense. However, she wasn't going to argue with it. A smile coming on her face, she turned fully to face him. "Sure. I'll come." Inside, it almost felt like Christmas. But, she contained herself, long used to keeping control of her outward emotions. "I do have to be back in two weeks." She informed him. "Otherwise, I can lose my job." It seemed strange to tell that to a time traveler but she had to make it clear. For all she knew, he was only going to take her for a bit and then drop her back off.

Glancing down at her outfit, she looked at him. "It wouldn't be too much to ask that we stop by my place so I can pack a bag, will it?" She inquired. "I doubt your Judoon friends would take kindly on me showing up on their turf." She joked. The Doctor conceded and they made the short trip to her place. Going in, Miranda hoped that he would stick around and not change his mind. Changing out of her uniform into some comfortable jeans and blouse, she packed a quick bag and locked everything up. Making a note to her landlady that she will be gone for a couple weeks, she slid it under her door and headed back to the TARDIS. Thankfully for her, it was still there, the Doctor patiently waiting. "Thank you." She said, setting her bag down.

As he flipped a few switches and tossed a couple levers she looked around. "So, do you do this often?" She inquired, putting her hands in her pockets. "Pick up stray females, offering them the chance to see the universe?" She meant it more as a jest. She didn't believe she was the first. No, if he was serious about asking her then undoubtedly he had asked others before her. Depending on how old he was. Of course, he didn't look that old. Maybe thirties, forties? She had never been good at guessing ages. When he mentioned there was someone else. And that she was gone. Trapped, she frowned slightly. She wanted to ask what had happened but he didn't seem to want to talk about it. Just mentioned that she was not here to replace the other girl. "Good." She stated crossing her arms. "I don't want to fill someone else's shoes." She declared. She had done enough of that as a child.

Sent from foster family to foster family, she had always been expected to be someone else. Look at Susy. See how she doesn't get into trouble. Why can't you be more like Leslie? When she could, she crafted her own identity. Now, there was no way she was going to try to play fill in for someone else. Someone who she didn't even know. Realizing that she was probably overreacting, she calmed herself. "So... Where are we going?" She asked him curious.
Universe 2:

The Doctor grinned at her reply. Interested was always good. The fact that she was fascinated and not freaking out like everyone else testified that she would make a good companion. "well then," He said grabbing a gentleman's cane from the rack next to the door, he nodded toward the door. "How about we go and say hello?" He looked at Vastra and Jenny. "Keep everything contained. We're just going to have a little chat with the snowmen." He informed her.

Knowing that any protest would fall on deaf ears, Vastra nodded. It was good to see the Doctor back out and about again. His cheerful attitude much better then the glum and sulking he had been doing for the past so many months. Her eyes fell on the young companion. She did not know what the woman said or did but somehow she had been connected to bringing the Doctor back. Perhaps it was nothing she did on her own accord, perhaps it was just someone else needing help and pushing to have it solved. Someone outside of the normal friends. The Doctor was always a sucker for pretty girls. Vastra smiled. Whatever the case, she was pleased that he was back. "We'll stay here, Doctor." She replied. "And keep an eye on the others."

Nodding gratefully, the Doctor opened the door and let Clara through first. Then coming out, he looked at the front yard. About half a dozen snowmen had gathered but there was someone else as well. An older, more palish man stepped forward. He examined them critically. He had been around the house before. Trying to talk Latimer into selling. "I am Dr. Simeon." He stated. "We've come for the ice woman." He stated, cold and precise. "Release her to us. You have five minutes."

"Hello," The Doctor said smiling, seeming to have missed what he was just told. "I'm the Doctor. This is Clara. So you're the one controlling these snowmen." He said going over and looking at one of the snowmen. "Fascinating really. Low telepathic field, reading off the minds of people. Their fears, their worries." He circled the group before coming back to stand beside Clara.

Simeon smiled, a cold, polite smile. "You will give us her or regret it." He threatened continuing where he left off.

The Doctor chuckled. "Right. Listen here, buddy, I'm the Doctor." His expression darkened. "And you threatened children. If you want your little ice lady then you'll have to come through me to get it." He declared, nudging Clara back toward the door. "And you'll find I'm not one to be reckoned with." The threat was there, not just in the words but in the tone and expression. He was the Doctor. Monsters cowered, when he called. Demons ran when he showed up. Those who challenged him were defeated.

Simeon inclined his head. "As you wish. Five minutes." With that the Doctor closed the front door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

“Ohh of course why not,” The Doctor was grinning happily. He could see she had the makings of a great companion. He was also alone and already liked her company. He already thought she was brilliant from earlier. “You are brilliant.” He was grinning when she said she would come with him, it seemed to make him quite happy. It felt like it had been a long time since he had anybody by his side. He knew that she would probably worry about work “This a time Machine.. we could be gone for months and I could still drop you back on this exact day or any time you need,” he knew he sometimes got it wrong, but he was fairly confident that he wouldn’t if the TARDIS also knew she needed to be back in no longer than two weeks. “Though that’s if you even want to go back to work after travelling with me,” He knew that some people wanted to drop their normal jobs to stay with him.

He was looking at her with a big smile on his face “No of course not..” He replied, it was quite simple for him to make the TARDIS travel to her place. “Ah yes probably not, I don’t usual travel to where they live unless I need them.” He didn’t want to deal with the Judoon anytime soon though. He dashed over to the console and plugged in the destination of her home. He parked the TARDIS outside her house. It felt like it had been awhile since he felt truly happy. “Go ahead, I’ll be waiting,” he let her go inside to get what she needed. He was patiently leaned outside of his ship. Where to go he was wondering. He was waiting patiently for her and walked back inside the ship when she returned , he went over to his companion.

“Yes I suppose, “ He started, He had a lonely look in his eyes at that moment “Recently I was travelling with Rose… but she is gone now, trapped.” He left it at that, it was too painful. Maybe he would be able to talk about it later. Just not right now. He gave a sad smile. “But your not here to replace anybody,” he really just needed a friend again. He though knew for now, it was easier to put aside the bitter memories. He really didn’t expect her to fill Rose’s place, everybody he had ever travelled with had been important to him again.

He flicked some controls on the TARDIS, he knew exactly where to go, “Mmm the year 2998 on earth, good era for entertainment.” He stated proudly . He also knew that where ever he went things never seemed to go normally.
Pulling down a lever, the Doctor grinned “Allons-y!!” He shouted as the TARDIS was off through time and space. He could feel the rush of excitement and couldn’t wait to see what awaited them out there.

Universe 2

Clara wasn’t sure why the whole thing didn’t freak her out. Maybe she was just bored of normal everyday life, working both as a governess and barmaid, nothing much interesting ever happened until today. She wondered if days were always like this with the Doctor. If so she did seem to want to stick with him. Though that was if he even wanted her to stick with him. She hoped so as she was starting to enjoy all of this.
“Are days always like this with you?” She was curious and couldn’t help but asking him, she wondered what his answer would be.

Clara nodded and followed him out the door, she looked around seeing all the snowmen. She hadn’t expected there to be so many, there was defiantly somebody behind them. She wondered who. Though the girl didn’t have to wonder long as she saw a man walk up to the Doctor. Him ? He is controlling them, she thought. Clara had a feeling the man wanted something to have come here, when he mentioned the Ice governess, Clara knew it couldn’t be anything else. What else would a crazy man with living snowmen be after.

She listened to him and the Doctor talk, she decided to not say a thing. She didn’t seem to have a way with words like the Doctor, she was sure he knew what he was doing for now. She noticed that he was nudging her back towards the door as well, she stepped back inside and was thinking. She wondered what they were going to do. Giving the man what he wanted might not be a good idea though she wasn’t fully sure.

“So Doctor what are we going to do?” Clara asked when he came back inside. “Giving him the ice governess is not a good idea is it?” She figured the Doctor must have some kind of plan. But either way she wanted that thing away from the children. It seemed like the Doctor probably would too. Though if they didn’t give it to Simeon she wasn’t sure what they would do with it.
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