Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Miranda could tell that the creatures were not at all pleased with what the Doctor was. The very fact that he was a living Time Lord seemed to scare them. However, despite their fears, the smaller ones still congregated themselves between the Doctor and their leader. They snapped and hissed and held their weapons tightly but did not come closer. The guards that had escorted them took a step back and gripped their weapons more tightly as they looked toward the Doctor. Though they had no idea what a Time Lord was or what that even meant they had never seen these troll-like creatures scared of anyone. The very fact that the mention of who he was terrified them made the guards feel a bit uneasy. Perhaps he was more dangerous than he looked.

Miranda glanced over at the Doctor as he mentioned he was the last of his kind. She winced as she wondered what that must feel like. To be the last of one's species, knowing that there was no one else and that when you died your kind died with you. She knew that she would not live forever but there would be those after her to remember and death wasn't that scary. Not if you knew where you were going. But still... To be the last with no one to miss you. How that must feel. Then he mentioned he ended the war. She frowned. Who was he really? The fact that he had ended a war that left him as the last of his kind made her realize that she really did not know the man.

The troll/goblin leader kept back as he examined the Doctor. Time Lords were always dangerous. In the olden days they claimed to have rules against interfering but they still had a lot of rules and made kept certain races back. His race had gotten in trouble more than once with the Time Lords as they "claimed" his people were overstepped their boundaries by toying with the future. It wasn't his fault or his people's that it was so much fun dictating other race's future and slowing them down as they saw fit. You really couldn't let them quickly race to the front. If they did they would be a powerful nemesis. And now, here he had not only a Time Lord but one who claimed to have ended the greatest war in the history of the universe. If that was the case then they might as well give up.

However, his pride and nature got in the way. There was no way one Time Lord could have ended the war. If that was the case the war with the Daleks would have been over quickly. Why would the Time Lords put up with such a disastrous war if they could have sent in this one and ended it? Especially, as they personally had a lot destroyed on their end. Though much was lost about the Great Time War and not many races even knew about it, many remembered hearing about Arcadia and how the most guarded city on Gallifrey was defeated by the Daleks. No. This man was bluffing. He did not end the war. He might have somehow survived but he was no match for them.

Rising he glared at the prisoners. "Take these prisoners below to the deeper dungeons." He smiled wickedly. "Take them through the process. Once the Time Lord is controlled have him kill his companion before letting him realize what he has done. Then kill him." He waved his scepter at them dismissing them.
Universe 2

The creature was not pleased, not pleased at all. This was not supposed to happen. The two-legged creatures were to be killed and torn apart. That was the nature of things. They were the prey and the icedors were the hunters. They were supposed to be weak not fight dirty. He growled at the man in front of him. Though he did not know how apple odor could be in such a strange device there was no telling. The two-legged ones were very crafty and he wouldn't put it past them to have something like that. He glanced sideways down the hall. Where were the others? With more of them here it wouldn't matter. They were quicker and faster than the prey and even if the creature was not bluffing he had no ways of escape. He narrowed his eyes. Why didn't it just spray it now? Did it only work once or did it not work at all?

The Doctor watched the icedor carefully. He knew they were intelligent and it would only be a matter of time before more arrived and they figured out that he was bluffing. He glanced sideways at Clara and Jenny before looking back at the creature. The others were counting on him. Moving forward he watched as the creature backed up slowly still uncertain. With the doorway free the Doctor was glad that the hallway not guarded by the creature did not have any sounds of creatures howling as they approached. In fact, the only ones he heard were coming from the opposite direction. That meant they had an escape route. "Clara, Jenny." He said nodding behind them.

Carefully, Jenny followed Clara out. She mentally kicked herself for not being able to do something but there really wasn't much that could be done. Though she might be able to fight the creature and possibly win, it would not be pretty. Besides, the Doctor seemed to not approve of her violent nature. She wished she could think of something that could get them out of here. Perhaps if she hadn't shown up in the first place, they wouldn't be caught in this mess. They did mention something about the TARDIS locking onto her, or something like that. Whatever that meant. She still did not know what the TARDIS looked like or even what it was to the fullest extinct. She had a guess it was the Doctor's ship but other than that she was not sure.

Watching them slowly back down the hall, the creature moved forward. It didn't matter. They were in the open. There was no way they could outrun him. And every second they moved at this pace, brought about the fact that the others would be here shortly. It grinned, reveling jagged sharp teeth. It was patient. It could wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

Seeing the creatures feared him, meant that the Doctor was sure he could find a way to use that to his advantage. He didn't want to give into them. But knowing that they feared him was a good thing. He didn't let that show as he wanted them to not know that he was planning anything.
He knew that he was good at making sure creatures didn't know what he was up to half of the time. Well he tried to at least.

He hated mentioning he was the last of his kind. He knew that Miranda would likely ask about it later. That was if they ever got out of this sitution. The Doctor was sure that wouldn't come to that. He was determined to get them out of this and save as many people as he could. His mind seemed to be working fast. He knew that he needed a plan. He was sure that those creatures didn't like the cold. He just wasn't sure how to at this point. He didn't like what these creatures were up to.

The dungeons that wasn't going to be good, There was no way that he was going to kill her either. He didn't want to kill his companion. He wouldn't let them control him. He was looking around. He was thinking quickly. He wasn't sure if it would be too late to wait to escape the dungeons encase they controlled him. He wasn't going to take that chance.

The Doctor was narrowing his eyes. He didn't want to resort to violence. He was looking for a way to make it colder. He gave Miranda a look that said run.
He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at them "One step near me and I will freeze you." He hoped they would believe that, he wasn't going to let them grab him. He had to be smart. The Doctor hoped them fearing him was enough for them to not capture him.

Universe 2

Clara didn't like the look on the creatures face, she was sure that it was planning something or waiting for back up. She didn't like these Icedors at all.
She wondered what they were doing here. The creatures were sure to have a plan, unless this planet was there home, but because the town was abanonded she doubted that.
The girl was staying alert and waiting to see what the Doctor was doing.

She saw him point and headed in that direction, she hoped the creature wouldn't follow them or call for its friends. She knew by now the Doctor wasn't into violence but wondered what he was going to do to defeat them. "I wonder what they want ." She said.
There had to be a reason that they were here . She knew that investiagating more would be a good idea, She wondered if the Doctor was going to.

Clara was interested in finding out more really. She didn't think they would leave it at just this. She wondered if Jenny would rather just shoot the creature . She knew that was the easy way, but was against the Doctor's wishes. Clara wasn't sure if she would be a violent person.
She knew that anyway she would go along with what the Doctor wanted. The girl was looking around and she continued to follow him.

"MMM I don't like the look the creature gave," Clara muttered, SHe had caught the look on its face. It knew something, was it confident they wouldn't get away. She saw it had believed him about the apple odor, at least for now anyways.
She wasn't sure how long it would believe them. She thought they looked rather smart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[Universe 1]

Miranda wasn't so keen on the whole going to the lower dungeons. The whole "process" did not sound like it would be something they would enjoy. Glancing toward the Doctor she saw his eyes narrow. He was getting angry. And rightfully so. People were dying and this creature did not seem to care. In fact it seemed that they enjoyed death and sorrow. It was sickening really. How could someone or something really enjoy the sorrow and pain of others? She had seen it before and had always been pained by it. She just had to remember that no matter what justice would be served. Either here or after all death. Though it was always a bit of a satisfying to see justice dealt with here.

The Doctor glanced toward her and she frowned slightly when she caught his message: Run. Glancing around her she slowly made her way away from him and hopefully the creatures so she could get away. She really had no idea where she would run. Technically, she could head back to the elevator but she would need access to the door first. That meant having a card from one of the cards.

It didn't really matter really. As soon as she started to move away a few creatures stepped in her path. One fired and a slight jolt of electricity shot through Miranda. It wasn't too bad just a bit painful. The creature growled at her and waved her back toward the Doctor. Apparently, running was not an option. She glanced toward the Doctor. Whatever was going to happen, she was going to be stuck here with him. Which, she actually preferred. She did not like running from danger and if something was going to happen, it was better to have it with a friend at your side.

Then everything changed. The Doctor declared that any step near him and the creatures would freeze. The creatures roared back terrified. The little troll minions looked to their leader. His face, pale, still held a bit of arrogance. "What? You?" He smirked though there was a bit of fear in his eyes. "There is only one of you against hundreds if not thousands of us." He declared. "What can you do?" Though in reality he was terrified. A Time Lord was extremely powerful. But pride would not make him stop.

Seeing all the creatures sidetracked, Miranda sighed. Now would have been a good time to run. Oh well. She was going to stick by the Doctor through this mess. And though she might just be human she can do her best to watch his back.
The Doctor continued to walk backward holding his sonic out at the creature. His mind was racing with a few different possibilities. He glanced toward the girls to make sure they were alright. Thankfully, they were still in one piece. A bit scared but no harm done. A plan formulated in his mind as he walked. There were some down sides but he had a feeling it might work. He just needed to find those bounty hunters.

The hallway was fairly long with doors leading to rooms similar to the one they had been trapped in. Jenny bypassed each knowing that they would not survive long if they were stuck in those rooms. The creatures were tenacious and would just tear down the door. With no other avenue of escape it would be hopeless. She racked her brain trying to remember if she had been down this particular hallway before. They were all fairly similar looking except that some led to more escape routes, others led to dead ends. She hoped it was the former rather than the latter. She glanced toward Clara. Though scared, the other girl was acting pretty brave. She wondered how Clara came to be with the Doctor and what had happened to Donna and Martha? She shuddered. Had they died?

"You know this is hopeless." The icedor informed them as he continued to follow them. "Every second that passes brings more of my kind here." He looked toward the Doctor. "If you are going to use your device, now would be a good time. Otherwise, I will just keep following you and the others will follow me." Technically it did not matter. They would still be able to find these creatures. However, he was curious. He was sure that it was a bluff but part of him feared that it was not.

The Doctor stopped and looked at the creature. "So what brings you to this area?" He demanded. "Why aren't you with your kind back on Philas Seven?" He inquired. "How did you get here and why?"

The creature paused. He growled, all his teeth showing. The accursed world. The icedor had once been a proud race spreading throughout the universe causing destruction. Though not very technologically advanced with weapons and ships, the icedor had been able to cause interdimensional pathways that allowed them to travel to other places. That was until someone had closed all the pathways and made it where they could not open them again. Taking that advantage, the Shadow Proclamation had hunted down the icedor and had trapped them on Philas Seven, turning it into an isolated system where no one could enter. There, the icedor had been trapped for generations. Tearing at each other and destroying the planet as they tried to figure out a way off. It was by a stroke of luck that they had managed to open on interdimensional pathway again that led them to here. Though they were unable to open any others, they all believed that it was just the beginning. Soon they would be able to open more and once again spread throughout the universe.

But the fact this man knew about Philas Seven meant he had been one of the ones behind the initial banishment and that meant he was not only prey but that he was their enemy. The creature growled again moving closer. He was someone extremely dangerous that had to be dealt with immediately despite the consequences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around. He seemed to be trying to work out what to do. He was hoping that he could outsmart these creatures. The Doctor always looked for a way to use his words to try and ouwit the creatures.
Sometimes that was enough to defeat the creatures and save the day.
He needed to get the actors and Miranda out safely if he could. He didn't want anybody else to have to die. He was smart and knew that he would find a way in the end. His mind was working very fast.

"Ohh I would," The Doctor said "Oh and one of me is very dangerous." He felt confident. He pointed his sonic screwdriver at them as if he threatened to freeze them with it, they didn't have to know that it couldn't do that.
He knew long as they believed it could, he could get them out of this. Having a way to actually freeze them or make the area colder would be helpful too. He knew after all of this, he just hoped that Miranda would be ok.
The time lord cared for her safety.

The Doctor had hoped that she would run now he had the creatures attention. He didn't expect her to stay by his side. He looked at her as if to say Go I’ll be fine. He wasn’t sure if she would really leave him. He knew his companions always wanted to stay by his side anytime anything was wrong. He didn’t want to risk her safety though.
He narrowed his eyes. The Doctor was determined that he was going to get them out of this. He just was having to plan things as he went.

“I want you to release everybody. Nobody else dies today.” He seemed furious. He was determined to get them out.
He hoped while the creatures feared him as much as they did. That he could get them to cooperate. He didn’t seem afraid of them. He pointed his sonic screwdriver at them still. He had a dangerous look in his eyes.
The Doctor was going to finish this soon as he could. He knew lives were at risk. Though it was still exciting, he didn’t want people hurt.

Universe 2

Clara was following the Doctor. She was aware that they were been followed. She hoped the Doctor knew what he was going to do about the Icedors.
She was sure they would be ok as she trusted the Doctor. Just how ever long that she was going to be in danger , she wasn’t really sure.
But danger was still fun really. She knew that was why she had even come with the Doctor. She wondered if Jenny was enjoying it as much. The Doctor was still a very strange man to her. She wasn’t so sure how he was able to do as much as he did.

Clara knew that she still knew very little about the Doctor. She wanted to know more. But didn’t think he would so willingly share his lifes story.
The girl was considering asking him more about himself. She though wondered if he would still shut all that out from her. She knew he had right to not tell her everything. She knew that for now. They needed to save the day.
The girl was confident they would get through this. She was already sure that the Doctor was amazing. She had already seen some of what he could do. She was humming a bit.

She was listening to the Doctor talk to the creature. She could see the creature was annoyed. She wondered what it was going to say.
“Come on you stupid mutt aren’t you going to answer the Doctor.” She wasn’t sure if insulting it was too far. She wasn’t afraid though.
She knew the Doctor would keep her safe. But she was wanting to know as much as the Doctor what the creature was doing. She was sure it and the others had a plan. That or they needed a new home. But she didn’t think they were that nice. She knew that with the Doctors help they would solve this. He wasn’t a killer , so she was sure that he had other plans.
She wished they had some actual apples though.

That would have been way more useful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[Universe 1]
There comes a point that an individual snaps. Not everyone reaches that point but there are some that they just go over the edge. No longer are they concerned with the consequences or how insane something might be, they just react. They're pride and ego more important than anything else. And it came to that point with the leader. Having someone dare confront him after thousands of years of dominance was to much. Time Lord or not, no one defied him. The fact that Time Lords were extremely dangerous and that this one would undoubtedly do what he threatened did not seem to register to the large alien. He had had enough. The only recompense he would allow is the deaths of the Time Lord and his companion.

Rising he glared down. "Take them!" He yelled angrily. "Take them away. The next time I see them, it will because their heads will be added to my collection. Take them away!" He yelled. The little creatures, more terrified of their boss than anything else moved forward their staffs extended. They might be frightened facing off a Time Lord but facing him was easier then disobeying their king.

Refusing to leave the Doctor's side, despite his non-verbal order, Miranda lifted up her chin. If he was going to stay, so was she. Consider her stubborn but she was not going to leave him alone with all these creatures. Besides, the two guards were still here. They could take her out with a bullet before she made it ten yards. Especially considering she was still wearing the costume. Glancing over at the Doctor she wondered what he was going to do. Would he really freeze them?

Apparently, he was. She watched as he activated his sonic and the room temperature started to drop. Feeling his hand in hers, she glanced over as he ordered her to run. Dashing after him she half expected to be stopped. Either by a bullet or by one of the dozens of creatures in their way. However, neither happened. The creatures all started to panic as the temperature moved out of the intense heat into more comfortable ranges before going down to cold. They paid no attention to two running away despite the yells from the king. The guards... well who knew what they were doing. Maybe they had been surprised at the outcome and were to busy. Either way, it was a perfect opportunity to get out of there. Reaching the exit door, Miranda watched as the Doctor soniced the panel, unlocking the door. It wasn't until they were in the elevator when she leaned back and sighed with relief as they headed back up. "What will happen to them?" She asked. Little did she know that the little creatures could only stand hot temperatures. Anything less would cause their imminent demise. At least the king as he was the largest. Some of the smaller ones might be able to escape but without their leader they would be useless.

She looked over at the Doctor as he explained. "So with the creatures out of the way, does that mean you are going to push those upstairs to obey?" She inquired, having a feeling that was exactly what he was going to do. They were after all heading up to the top floor.
[Universe 2]

It was a bit tedious walking backwards. If one was going to do it, it would be better to do so for fun. Like dancing a jig or trying to watch you companion's face while walking. But walking backwards from a villain who would get you as soon as your back was turn was never fun. So he improvised. It wasn't all that bad. Turning slightly sideways he saw that this hallway ended and broke off in two different directions. Both ways extended a good distance before turning around different corners. No doors could be seen down either hallway and there was no way of telling if there were any icedor down either tunnel. It would not be good getting stuck between two of them. The howls from the other icedor came closer as they started to gain ground. "You never did answer my question." The Doctor noted stopping at the end of the hallway. "How did you get here and why?"

The icedor growled. "We have ways." He declared.

"Yes. But if I remember correctly all your pathways had been shut down. Closed. Eliminated." The Doctor grinned at Clara, while still keeping an eye on the creature. "I did that. Lot of fun that was. Well, somewhat." He frowned. "Almost got stuck." He made a face. "Yeah, probably not the best of ideas. But it worked." The icedor started to lurch forward but the Doctor quickly brought the device back up. "Not so fast." He declared. "Don't want to end to quickly without your buddies backing you up eh?"

The creature backed off. "You closed the portals." He snapped. "How is that possible? They were closed eons ago."

"Wibbly wobbly timey wimey." The Doctor said waving his hand. "Time Lord. Time Machine. Traveling through space and time is what I do." He grinned and winked at Clara. "And go on adventures as well." He looked back at the Icedor. "Still doesn't answer how you managed to get here? The Shadow Proclamation had your system black listed. No one was supposed to go there."

The creature smiled, it's large teeth revealing blood and rotten flesh. "Your patch didn't hold." It declared, getting bolder by the sound of approaching animals. "And with you at of the way, nothing will stop us again from pillaging the universe." It smiled at the girls. "I look forward to devouring you all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor had basically guessed that the creatures would still try capture them. That was why he had plans to freeze the place. He knew that was the best way to stop them and it wasn't particuarly violent at least.
"Oh ? I don't think so." He smirked looking at the creatures. He was determined that he was going to get out of this. "Now I'll say it one more time, Let everybody go," His voice was raised from the rage.
He knew that he was going to have to deal with them his way. He could see the creatures weren't backing down. So he had his hands on his sonic screwdriver. He was only 50 percent sure the plan would work. That was if he could get the room cold enough.

He had hoped that Miranda would have left sooner. But he couldn't stop her really. He knew she wanted to stay by his side. He activated his sonic screwdriver causing the tempreture to drop, He saw the creatures started to panic as he did.
He knew that they would need to get out of there as quickly as possible. "Run!!!" He yelled to Miranda. Oh but this was still very exciting to him. He knew that a bad sitution did excite him.
The Doctor began running and soniced the panel at the exit to open the door. He got into the elevator. He caught his breath a bit and leaned on the wall. He was planning to go and end the rest of this.

"They will most likely die... they cant stand cold tempretures, they need the warmth to surive. I don't know if some of them will escape or not, but at least the leader would be doubt with and they are useless without their leader."
The Doctor explained. He was focused on what he had to do. He knew that he needed to stop the ones running the play so he could free any remaining actors. This sitution was far more complex then he had imagained but he knew that they were getting there.
He was hoping with the creatures dealt with the rest would have no choice but to listen to him.

"Oh yes." The Doctor looked at her when she asked if they were going up top. He knew that needed to be done. He was looking around. He seemed very determined. "We need to end this,"
He was headeing up to where the others upstairs were, He walked up to them.
There was a firm look on his face,
"The creatures are dealt with, now I'd say Its time to obey me." He was hoping that it would be easier now, He had no idea if they would still resist, But he knew this whole thing would be over soon.

Universe 2

Clara was at first confused why the Doctor was walking backwards. She though noticed that it was because he was keeping a look out. She hoped that they would be able to deal with these creatures soon. She was listening to what the creature was saying.
She knew the icedor was not going to win.
The girl was confident that the Doctor would defeat the creatures. She knew the Doctor knew what he was doing. She didn't take her eyes off the creature, She wouldn't let it attack her. He sighed.

"Ohh the Doctor won't let you do anything of the sort" Clara said bravely. "I'm not afraid of a dog." SHe knew it was an alien dog but still. She also was sure that keeping it distracted until they could defeat it or escape would be useful.

Clara looked to the Doctor. She wondered what he was planning. This was going to end somehow, But it wasn't going to end with her or anybody been devoured. She smirked "One step closer and your in trouble. I have an apple in my pocket."
She didn't but wondered if she could trick it. She knew that it was a huge risk. The Doctor was probably better at such things than her. She knew that she was still able to be useful somehow.

"Doctor ," SHe was looking at him. She wished she knew what he was doing. But saying so she knew would be a give a way.Though she still did wonder if there was a way he could tell her without the creatures knowing.
She really wasn't afraid. She just hoped that being brave wasn't a bad idea. The girl was alert. "DOCTOR!!" She shouted his name as she saw more Icedors coming. Now they were really in for it.
But no she wasn't afraid , She stayed close to the Doctor. She knew she was safe with him, She wondered what his next move would be now that more of them. The creatures were snarling and snapping thier jaws.
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