Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Not being used to traveling this way, Miranda almost fell when the TARDIS took off. She quickly grabbed something to stabilize. Entertainment huh? "What kind of entertainment do you like?" She inquired. Depending on one's choice of entertainment might determine what type they were going to see. For those who liked the gladiator days, the Roman Colosseum might be a good time to go see. Though. personally, all that killing would probably just make her sick - and she had seen a lot. Thankfully, the Doctor declared that there were all kinds of entertainment, thus the reason for it being a good era. Feeling a bit better, she smiled, looking forward to see what the future would be like.

Miranda liked new and exciting things. Seeing what the future would be like was both exciting as well as a bit nerve racking. What if she saw things in the future - that would give her the ability to learn about events, events such as tourist attacks. She could save so many people. But then again, what if they were destined to be and she messed up something. What if, even if she knew about them, she could do nothing. All those deaths would be on her head because she knew but couldn't stop it. She glanced over at the Time Lord. No, he probably would be careful where he took her. He had been doing this for some time. But then again, how many times had time changed because of that? She rubbed her forehead as a headache started to come on. You know what? It wasn't worth worrying about. At least not now. When the time came, then she could think about it. Until then, she'll just enjoy the ride.

The trip itself wasn't that long. At least from what she would have guessed. The Doctor had stated 2998. That was a good 984 years into the future. The amount of time it took them to get there was amazing. But then again, he could just be pulling her leg. Telling her that they were going to the future but not really. Deciding to wait and see, she followed the Doctor. You really need to be more trusting. She thought to herself. It wasn't that she didn't trust people, it was just that people had to earn her trust. Though she had worked through a lot of it, she still had some scars from childhood that effected her life today. And trust issues was one of them. Exiting the TARDIS,she stopped and looked around. They were in a large room with racks and racks of various clothing. Props filled bins and were scattered throughout the room. Not many people were around, and those that were a bit distracted or busy to notice the two newcomers. She looked at the Doctor. "2998?" She inquired, a smile growing on her face. This was exciting. Though it resembled any major theater room back on earth, there was certain designs, certain props that made the place seem different. Going over to a window to look out she couldn't believe her eyes. They were on a satellite in the middle of nowhere. Stars could be seen in the background but no planet or solar system was around them. Just dead space.

"There you are." A man said rushing over. "You were almost late." He chided them. He stopped. "Why aren't you in costumes?" He sighed. "Don't tell me Frederick forgot to give you your scripts and wardrobe details." He turned before they could reply. "Frederick!" He yelled. "Scripts for the newcomers." He ordered. Another man with a cat like face and whiskers came over. Miranda pursed her lips so as not to exclaim at the sight of this strange creature. She glanced at the Doctor, a slight question in her eye. However, once again, the man came back to them, after he had thoroughly berated his assistant. Handing them a tranquilizer each, he shook his head. "Your script and wardrobe details." He informed them. Seeing their blank looks he sighed. "Must I do everything?" He muttered. Taking one of the tranquilizers, he held it up. "You press this to your neck here, and press the trigger. The information will be automatically downloaded." He shoved it back at Miranda. "Now get moving." Turning he walked away muttering something amateurs and how they ruined everything.
Universe 2

Once safely back inside the Doctor turned and looked at Clara. "Don't worry I have a plan." He told. He smiled and straightened his bow tie. He hadn't said that in a while.
Of course, he really was still formulating one at the moment but no matter, by time it was needed he would definitely have a plan. Or at least part of one. He looked back at Clara. "No. Never melting snow. Looking for the perfect version to copy. Here we have a perfect duplication of human DNA in ice crystal form. Ultimate fusion of snow and humanity." He shook his head. "No, no. We give that to them and they'll be unstoppable. Snow needs her to get to the next step. She's the blueprint. They get her and it will be the end of humanity." He looked toward the force field formulating a plan. "Alright so we need to get her out of here yet keep them from her." He headed toward the stairs, grabbing an umbrella as he went. When Clara asked how, he just smiled. "With this." He said holding up the umbrella. "Pay attention."

"Sir, what are those out there." Latimer inquired his rigid countenance shaken. "Do they wish us ill?"

The Doctor shook his head. "Just inside, keep the doors and windows shut and you should be fine. Should be." He added again more to himself. Smiling at the man, he clasped him on the shoulder. "Cheer up old fellow, once I get rid of her, they'll leave as well. They want her." He nodded toward the ice governess who was standing yelling at them from the stairs. He looked at Clara. "Now, hope you are ready." He said eyes alight with excitement.

"For this of course." He replied sonicing the force field. Dashing through, he waited until she was through as well to bring it back up. Dashing underneath the ice governess he dashed up the stairs toward the children's playroom. He glanced sideways and nodded glad to see that Clara was following. The good news about the ice governess was she was slow. Surprised she had tried to grab them but instead fell down the stairs. Reforming herself, it would take her a few minutes to catch up. More then enough time. Climbing through the window, he went over to the ledge waiting for Clara to get through. He was so nervous. Was she smart enough to pass? Turning, he saw her still in the window. "What are you doing?" He cried. The ice governess would be upon them soon. Frowning slightly when she said she got stuck, he helped pull her through, flying backwards and landing on his back, her right on top of him. "You need to take these clothes off." He informed her. Blushing, he realized how she probably took that. "No. No." He said shaking his head as they got up. "Not that way. That's not what I meant. I didn't mean... No..." He stammered around. Thankfully she saved him and cut him off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
Avatar of Magic223


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1
The Doctor however of course was used to travelling this way. He seemed to enjoy been knocked off his feet as soon as the TARDIS took off, He grinned as the TARDIS wobbled and he fell backwards and he just laughed, He knew it would be new to Miranda. He was glad at least that she wasn’t too scared. He knew that was the makings of a good companion. He knew if she was too scared she probably wouldn't have come along. He liked it when his companions enjoyed themselves and were curious with what he had to show them, he though made sure she was holding onto something , as he knew not everybody found it fun to fall over.

Hearing her question the Doctor about what kinds of entertainment the Doctor grinned “Ah I like all sorts of entertainment just depends. But this era is a good one for many kinds of entertainment.” He explained, “Won’t show you any of the brutal kinds of entertainment, if I can help it, Though since is the future people are not into those kind of things as much. “ Having Miranda by his side had given him a new burst of life. He always felt his age when he was lonely. Having a companion by his side made him feel more young and full of energy.
He was smiling and looking at Miranda. He was surprised she had wanted to carry on without sleep first, after the hospital incident and the lack of air, he was surprised she wasn't tired. He was still not tired, even after being drained of blood. He knew he could go on for a while before he would need sleep, He never seemed to sleep properly anyway and could put it off for a while. He always was more interested in travelling. Sleep was rather boring anyway. Though he did forget his companions wanted to sleep sometimes and a lot more than him.

He was quiet for a while as he focused on flying the TARDIS. He just hoped she was taking them where he wanted to go and not somewhere completely different. He knew sometimes the TARDIS did the complete opposite of what he wanted. Please be taking us to the right era and place. He wanted to show her where he intended to take her on first trip and not somewhere different. Once the TARDIS landed, he grinned and stepped out of the TARDIS. He knew there was likely to be a lot of exciting things aboard this spaceship. He wondered what type of entertainment they would find there. The Doctor was alert and knew that anything could go wrong while they were here. He didn't really want anything happening to Miranda.

“Brilliant,” He was glad the TARDIS had taken them to the right era. He was looking around. They had landed on a spaceship. He was rather excited that it seemed some form of a play seemed to be going on here.
He noticed the man come over and talk to them. He was rather confused why the man thought they were a part of the cast.
He though hadn’t intended to be a part of it so much as watch. He just nodded as the man walked off.
“He clearly thinks we are a part of the cast. Seems to be some kind of play. I was more hoping to watch it “


Universe 2

Clara smiled watching him straighten his bowtie, she could see that he must love it. She was glad to hear he had a plan, or at least knew what he was doing, She didn't want to be stuck in this situation with somebody who didn't know what they were doing. She listened to him as he explained that letting them have the ice governess was a bad idea. She had guessed that, if they wanted it to badly it clearly meant that no good could come from that.
“Ah I see, didn't think it was a good idea to let them have her, It seems like it would be a bad idea to do what the enemy wants, especially with how badly they seem to want the ice governess.” It was going to hopefully not happen. Clara didn't really want to imagine what would happen if they let Simeon and the snowmen have the ice governess.
She was sure it would be a disaster. She wasn't sure if the Doctor could stop them then. Though maybe he could, Clara hadn't seen everything he could do.

“How?” She asked , when the Doctor said they needed to get the ice governess out of here. She was watching him and seemed interested yet confused when he pulled out the umbrella. She wasn't sure what he planned to do with it, she though followed him, watching to see what he did. She smiled seeing the excitement in his eyes. “Yes I’m ready, and I defiantly prefer the happy you.” She looked at the Doctor. “Find it hard to believe you’re the same person almost.” It was much nicer to see people happy, even if it was a strange person like him who lived in a box. She wondered if she would ever get to see inside, it looked so small from what she had seen. She had no clue how it was his home. She wondered whether to ask him about it. After he broke down the force field she followed him. She noticed the ice lady was following them, but was nowhere near as fast as them. Clara tried to follow him when he climbed through a window, but her large dress caused her to get stuck. Oh Brilliant she sighed. She knew it wasn't the best dress to wear when trying to climb through windows.

“My bustle is stuck,” Clara stated when the Doctor asked what she was doing , as soon as the time lord pulled her through she fell on top of him and was blushing. It was rather awkward sitting and almost made more awkward by the Doctor’s next comment. She gasped when he told her to take off her clothes, That really did sound wrong. She heard him try to say he didn't mean it the way he said and look quite embarrassed. She saw the Doctor was blushing.
“I know, I understand, I do,” Clara replied. It was cute to see him all flustered and blushing. She looked around knowing the ice governess would soon catch up. She got up again and brushed snow off her dress.

Clara looked around again to see the Ice Governess was coming to the window. "She's coming!!" She realized they were on the roof, she wondered if the ladder was around, that would be good, a ladder up to the clouds, or they were really rather cornered. Clara knew it was best to stay calm and she knew the Doctor would keep her safe, She wasn't sure how she knew that, He had just proved he was wanting to stop the ice creatures from harming anybody. Things really were getting rather difficult , but it was still exciting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

Watching the director walk away, Miranda touched the spot where he had injected her. It was still a bit sore. Words, pictures, concepts - the entire play suddenly started running through her mind. Her character was a servant to a wealthy baron. Though, she seemed like a background character with few words initially, she had a lot of scenes and would be the one to discover who the murderer was. Of course, the character would almost get killed for this knowledge but it worked out in the end. She looked over at the Doctor. He had something about wanting to watch it. Though she preferred a good book next the fireplace to either, she would still rather watch the play rather than be in it. But then again, it was something new. She had never been in a play before. It might actually prove entertaining.

"It shouldn't be too bad." She told him. "Especially, as the words are already memorized." That was something clever. She had no doubt that they would come to her mind when she needed them. It was doubtful with this kind of technology that having stage fright and forgetting the words would happen. But then again, memorized words the hard way or words slammed in one's head both might disappear when one was nervously standing in front of an audience. "Besides," She shrugged. "The man seems to have confused us with someone else. And I don't think he would take kindly to us just leaving him in the lynch." She stated.

Three more individuals entered the room. Spotting them, they headed over to them. The first was elegantly dressed and seeming to be in charge, at least of the other two. Pausing before them, he looked them over. "You both don't look exactly like I was informed." His eyes glanced over Miranda. "Exquisite, but a bit shorter than I expected." He declared, either unaware he just insulted her or didn't care. He looked at the young woman right behind him. "Take her to get her wardrobe. The play is going to start soon and you'll need to make some modifications." He waved them away. Allowing the younger woman to pull her away, Miranda glanced toward the Doctor. She knew she would catch up to him eventually. He was after all, a major character in the play.

The man sniffed as he glanced over the Doctor. “Good, you seem to be in costume already.” He declared. “Louie here will show you toward the stage.” He waved dismissively at the young man. “Your character doesn’t really change outside of this outfit so I’m done. Try not to get it to ruined. These things are masterpieces.”

With that, he walked away leaving the young man with the Doctor. “This way, sir.” Louie stated. “If you are worrying about your friend, don’t worry. She’ll be fine. If I read the script right, she lives to the end.” Then, as if remembering, he paled. “Not to rub it in, sir.” He declared. “I meant no disrespect. We all are thankful for your sacrifice.” He bit his lip and turned expecting the usual complaint. He was so dead. If he was lucky and avoided getting written into a play, he would definitely lose his job. You don’t speak about that. Especially not with one who’s character died. Yes, he was in big trouble. No doubt this man would complain to the director and he would be punished. “This way.” He said, more subdued.
Universe 2

Boy was he embarrassed. Sometimes words just popped out of his mouth without him even thinking about the ramifications. Thankfully, she seemed to understand. She was a bright individual. Someone worthy of being his companion. If only she passed the test. Looking past her, he saw the Ice Governess trying to get through the window. They didn't have much time left. Not that he was concerned. If she passed the test, they would be safely away. If she didn't...well... there was no need to think about that. She wasn't going to fail. He smiled, as Clara looked at him concerned. He smiled. "So come on, then." He told her. "Plan. Do I have one?" He smiled as she boldly stated she knew what it was - had known it all along. "No you don't." He declared. He doubted she knew it, well the whole time anyway. Even he had been making it up as he went. Well... he did have it at the base of the stairs. But that didn't matter. The matter was to see if she could prove it. "Prove it." He declared pacing in front of her. He frowned at her, though in reality he was trying to contain himself. Would she pass? Did she really know it?

He watched as she paused a second and then asked why should she bother. If he knew it, why explain it again? "Because," He informed her. "We will be dead in thirty seconds." Though his back was to her, he knew that the Ice Governess was slowly melting her way through. She was almost through and would quickly reform once her entire body made it through. He waited while Clara rapidly thought it out aloud. He shrugged. "So?" He stated at the mention that if they were hiding they would be elsewhere. He kept the grin off his face though his eyes started to sparkle as she grabbed the umbrella from him. The grin broke out as she used the umbrella to pull the ladder down. "Bravo." He told her. His expression quickly turned to urgency. "Now we better get going. Ladies, first." He said being a gentleman even though there wasn't much time to spare.

When she informed him she was wearing a dress and that he should go first, he nodded. Made sense. Not that he would have looked but still… Scurrying up the ladder he reached the top and waited for Clara. The ladder pulling up behind them had bought them a few seconds. However, he knew the ice governess would pull it back down. The goal was to get her on it, and then hopefully she would fall, breaking apart. Then Simon would be unable to get her. Though, the ice governess would be difficult to kill, the fall would scatter most of her remains making it almost impossible to get back together. At least for many years. In which, it would be dealt with by his younger self. Ah… that was a fun adventure.

Spotting Clara he smiled relieved and headed toward the TARDIS. Opening the doors with a snap of his fingers he entered. Turning, he waited to see her expression. This was the best part about a new companion. The first time they saw his TARDIS always was enjoyable to watch. He couldn’t wait for her to say “Bigger on the inside”. He was practically relishing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
Avatar of Magic223


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor yelped when his was injected. He just decided it was best to go through with it whether he wanted to or not. He knew it might be the best way to find out what was going on. He also wanted to make sure that Miranda was safe. Sometimes getting involved was the easiest way to find out what was going on.
He was sure that there was something suspicious going on. He couldn’t put his finger on it right now but something wasn’t right. He wondered what sort of creatures would want to sabotage a play. It seemed like something was going to happen. He just wasn't quite sure what it was. He knew the best he could do was to stay alert and look around. Though there was still the fact that he was now meant to be in the play.

“Yeah hopefully,” The Doctor replied, there was serious look in his eyes briefly as he was looking for anything suspicious but he then turned to her with a grin. “But I suppose we came here to have fun, so I do intend to do just that as well.”
He was surprised that she seemed ok with being dragged into a play. He knew that she was a good companion to be ok with the unexpected. He hadn’t really expected such a situation either. He was thinking still. He didn't think this was a normal play. Normally he was good at telling when something seemed off. This time as well there was something that seemed wrong.

“Just stay alert.” The Doctor told her. He didn’t want anything to happen to her. They had only just started travelling together. He didn’t want to loose her, and he didn’t want her harmed in anyway. He was also worried something on one their first trips would scare her off. But she did seem bothered by anything yet. He knew that it was good if she wasn't scared. He wanted to make sure that she was safe though. He couldn't bear to loose anybody else. Even if they had just met, he felt partly responsible for her. Though he was sure that as a police women that she was capable of defending herself. He still couldn't help but worry. Though it was meant to still be fun coming here as well.

He noticed the man come over, He smiled a bit. He knew that it wasn’t wise to let them know that he was suspicious of them. He just looked at Miranda and then back at the man “We are?” That’s odd he thought, If they had mixed us up. He wondered if they had in fact expected exactly them. If that was the case then something was happening.
Hearing that it was going to start soon, He was thinking. What could be going on. There was a lot going through his mind right now.

“Alright.” He was still trying to focus on what was going on. Though what he hear next made him even more suspicious. People die? He was not liking the sound of that, He didn’t get to ask the guy questions as he had already walked off. For now the Doctor knew he had just better take his place and hope for the best.
If people died then he wasn’t sure who else was at risk. Hearing Miranda was supposed to live was at least some relief.


Universe 2

Clara was watching the Doctor’s movements and trying to work out what he was going to do. She just knew he was clever and was sure that he had some idea of what he was doing. She too knew the ice lady wasn’t far away from getting closer. She was sure things would be ok. At least she hoped so, she had no idea that Doctor was testing her at this point though.
When he asked her whether he had a plan she looked at him, “Of course you have a plan, I know your plan I knew straight away.” She seemed rather confident that he did have a plan. When he stated that she couldn’t know, she just looked at him.

“Course I did.” She replied. Either she was thinking like him, or was pretty sure that he would be thinking of a similar thing, she was quite sure that he was clever as well. When he asked to prove it, she was thinking for awhile.
“Why bother?” she asked him in response to his question. If he was the one with the plan, he should be the one explaining. At least she thought so.
Though hearing that he still expected her to tell him, she continued to think. He was genius so of course he did have a plan. She was willing to see if it was anything like what she was thinking. “Alright well If we'd been escaping, we'd be climbing down the building. If we'd been hiding, we'd be on the other side of the roof. But no, we're standing right here. “ She went on to explain. She wondered what his reaction would be to all of that. Hearing the so, she took the umbrella from him.

She knew that his ladder would be around somewhere, she figured the TARDIS must be above, she hoped that the ice lady would follow if they did so, and they would be able to destroy her from there, she was only hoping. She assumed the Doctor was hoping the same thing. She heard him say that she should go first.

“After you.” She told him. “I’m wearing a dress, eyes in front solider.” She said. When he began to climb, Clara did as well. Wasn’t really the best situation to be wearing a dress and she knew that. She continued to climb knowing the ice governess was following her, Once at the top she followed him into the TARDIS. She stood staring In amazement, Never had she seen anything like it. Things like this should be impossible.
But yet here she was standing in a ship that was bigger on the inside then what it was on the out. She walked out again and circled the ship before coming back in and stating “Its smaller on the outside.”

“Is it magic? Is it a machine.?” Clara had a lot of questions for the time lord. But there wasn't really time to ask them all. She knew that as much as she wanted to they needed to focus on what was meant to be done, it was hard to avoid a few questions though. "And why are you showing me all this?" Sure she had convinced him to help her find out what was going on and to protect the children, but she didn't think he would show her his ship, which she assumed was also his home.
It was all still rather interesting to her, but the door was open and there was still the problem of the ice governess. She felt something grab her and pull her back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

The costume was actually not that bad. Despite what the wardrobe director said, the maid’s outfit fit Miranda pretty well, though she did feel a bit silly wearing it. She wasn’t normally a fan of various costumes and outfits which is funny considering she wore a uniform all the time. Perhaps that was why. She had the real thing and therefore there was no reason for the fake. But either way, her she was and she was going to do her part. Putting on the maid’s hat she tied it on and then looked at the mirror her assistant pointed her to. “Not bad.” She declared.

The young woman with her smiled. “Just a few minor alterations and it fit just right.” She informed. Her smile dampened. “You better join the others. They will be starting the opening bow shortly.” She stated.

“Opening bow?” Miranda inquired. “What’s that?”

The woman looked at her as if she didn’t understand why Miranda didn’t know this. “When all the actors and actresses come out and bow for their performance. It has to be done so the show can start.” She shook her head.

“Isn’t that at the end?” Miranda asked. From what she remembered, the entire cast would come out at the end and take a bow. It made more sense actually. Nobody knew who they were initially and you can see how well they acted before meeting the people behind the character.

The young woman laughed. “Right. And then we would be missing a major portion of our cast.” She shook her head, surprised at what she thought was stupidity. “Here you go.” She said nodding toward where the others were standing. “Good luck with your performance." With that she scampered off leaving Miranda to join the other members of the cast. Quite a few of the members looked down as if depressed. It seemed strange really. Did they really not enjoy being in a play? Why did they join up in the troupe if they didn’t like it? Figuring that one of their friends or a member of the troupe had died she left it be. Spotting the Doctor she headed toward him.

“You didn’t change.” She noted, a bit envious of the fact that men really could get away with a handful of clothing while females had to constantly change up their wardrobe or even get new clothes to avoid being criticized. But it really wasn’t something she was going to dwell on. Life had its little twists and turns and in no way was it fair. You just had to deal with it and move on. Don’t let the tiny thorns of life get you down or you would never be pleased. Not that she was always happy but still. It was a principle. “I guess he liked your clothes and decided it would make a good costume.” She smiled. “Though I bet it probably had to do more with your bullheaded stubbornness.” The incident in the hospital came to mind. He was a bit stubborn. She nodded toward the other members of the cast. “They all seem a bit down.” She stated, her voice lowering. “I wonder if we are replacing some cast members that passed away or something.”

“Everyone, line up for the bow.” The Director called out.

Quickly getting in line, Miranda nodded to the Doctor. “Best of luck.” She told him unsure if there would be time to catch him once the play started. “Break a leg.”
The man on the other side of her gave her a scowl causing her to quickly shut up. Maybe they didn’t use that expression anymore. Following the others she headed out as the curtain came up. Looking out over the enormous amphitheater, Miranda took a deep breath. Stay calm. Everything will be fine. Joining the others, she bowed as the cast was introduced.
Universe 2

He frowned. He had not been expecting that. Smaller on the outside? He looked at her. With all the companions he had, this was the first time anyone had said that. “It’s bigger on the inside.” He shot back, a bit miffed that he didn’t get to hear his favorite words. When she inquired about if it was magic or a machine he smiled and straightened his bow tie. “It’s a TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension In Space.” He informed her. “My TARDIS.” He smiled as she was a bit confused on why he was showing her all this. It really was pretty simple – at least for him. He wanted her to become his new companion. Showing her his TARDIS was another step leading toward her traveling through time and space with him. Of course, they still had to deal with that silly ice woman first. Not to mention that he definitely needed to get Clara out of the Victorian aged clothing and into something far easier for her to travel in. No way was would all the large skirts, bustles, and hoops work in his line of work. There was an awful lot of running and that dress just wouldn’t do.

Suddenly, Clara fell backwards with a startled scream. “Clara!” He shouted dashing forward. Going to the edge of the TARDIS he watched as she and the Ice Governess fell down toward the roof of the house. He winced as they crashed down on the side of the house. Dashing back over to the controls, he kicked himself for dawdling. “Stupid imbecile.” He flipped the switch and held on as the TARDIS moved through space and enclosed Clara and the some pieces of the ice woman. Moving the TARDIS to the study he quickly brought Clara out and placed her on a table. Her face was pale and her eyes closed. “You can help her right?” He asked Vastra ignoring the exclaims for the humans.

Vastra looked at Strax who pulled out a device. “We’ll try.” Strax stated. When Latimer lamented about how she was died, Strax grunted. “This technology has capacities and abilities beyond anything your puny human mind could possibly understand. Try not to worry.”

Not being able to stand and do nothing, the Doctor scanned what was left of the ice pieces that were around Clara. “Is the creature still dangerous?” Vastra inquired.
The Doctor shook his head. “No. Not now anyway.” He stated. The plan had worked. The fall did enough damage that it would take a long time before she could reform, assuming she would at all. He had some of the shards here and some were outside. If they were together there might have been a chance but not now. At least, not a major one.

“Then you should be with her.” Vastra said nodding toward Clara. She knew that the young woman needed him as much as he needed her. “Go to her Doctor.”
The Doctor put the shards into a lunchbox. “She’ll be fine.” He declared though he didn’t feel it inside. He couldn’t lose another companion. Not again. Not when he was just starting to hope.

“The technology will help her for a short time but she won’t last.” Vastra declared. “Not for long.”

“She was in my care. She was my responsibility.” The Doctor said shutting the lunchbox a bit harshly.

“What is the point of blaming yourself?” Vastra asked, her eyes kind. She felt sorry for the man. He had lost so much and now he was going to lose another. Sometimes it just wasn’t fair.

The Doctor gave her a hard look. “None. Because she’s going to live.” Turning, he headed over toward Clara, setting the lunchbox aside. Pasting a tentative smile on his face he came over and took her hand. “Hey.” He stated smiling unsure what to say. “Hello.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
Avatar of Magic223


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around. Dying, that wasn’t good. Plays were meant to be only acting. He wasn’t sure what was going on , he intended to find out. There was a look in his eyes that said he was focused on something. He didn’t want to let all these other people die. He knew if things became too bad that he and Miranda could just escape. Though if he could save all these people then he would. He still wondered how his normal clothes were perfect.
The rest of the cast looked miserable. He wondered if they knew what happened. He wanted to tell them it would all be ok because he was here. The opening bow made things even more suspicious that something was up, Normally that kind of thing was at the end. But if people died, then half of the cast would be missing. He was sure that he was going to get to the bottom of anything. He needed to find out a few things, and at least starting the play might help with that.

“Opening bow… alright,” The Doctor was trying to not let his suspicion for what was going on show. He didn’t want it to show. Not while he was trying to work out what was going on. Miranda was his responsibility, he couldn't let anything happen to her. He was sure he would feel guilty if anything happened to her when they had only just started travelling together. He was sure that he was going to have to stay alert through what was going on. He was sure that if he wasn't alert that he was going to miss what was going on. He knew every bit of information was rather important right now.

When he was sure nobody was listening and Miranda had spoke to him, he was looking at her “ Ah yeah… They told me I was already in costume.” He was looking around more, He spoke quietly and was looking at her . “People die in this play… as for real, we need to find out what is going on.” He had a serious look in his eyes. He needed her to know that before they went on stage. He wondered how people were even meant to watch this if people did really die. That was a big problem , especially if they couldn't find a way to stop them, without arousing suspicion. He wasn't sure at this point how to stop what was happening. He really didn't want anybody to die. Not for something like this. Plays should be entertaining and fun.

He was quiet once he saw the director come. He still was a bit excited by all this. Bad situations were always a bit exciting.
“Allons-y!!” The time lord shouted. He got ready to line up for the opening bow. He was he would need a plan, His main focus was to keep his companion safe. He didn't really want to die, but if it meant her living then well he knew he would not worry about his own safety. He never seemed to worry about his own safety though. Most of the time he was more or less fine as well.
Universe 2

Clara didn’t get time to answer the Doctor , as she had been attacked and pulled back. "Get off me!!!" She screamed as the ice lady had grabbed her. How dare that creature even grab her. She though had wondered why the Doctor had wanted her to say “bigger on the inside” That did sound better. But it hadn’t been what she was thinking. Those words just hadn’t come to her. Though she didn’t even have time to think over that , The Ice Governess had pulled her causing her to fall back. The Girl screamed before she fell from the clouds. It had come as a shock to her. She had been busy admiring the TARDIS and didn't expect to be pulled back.

The fall caused her to hit the roof before she landed in the snow. It seemed that the fall had killed her, though for anybody to survive falling such heights would be a miracle. The girl seemed still and peaceful laying there on the table, Some of her hair seemed to be in the way of her face as well. The children appeared to be crying. They thought their convenes was gone. They liked her more than they had any of the previous governess’s. The atmosphere of the room seemed depressing almost. Though it was like not many people seemed to think there was any hope. As soon as she was brought back, Clara gasped, she looked weakly at the Doctor, her heart was beating again.

“Doctor…,” She closed her eyes a bit, she could feel the pain in her body. She hadn’t thought she would survive such a fall. But now she was in need of urgent medical care, as her life was at risk without. She saw the children were crying. Had they not thought that she would live either. She saw the look on the Doctors face as well.
She wondered if they had at all defeated the snowmen. “Did… we stop them,” She seemed to be breathing painfully. The injures themselves were making It harder to breath as she lay there. She still saw the look on every bodies faces.

“They all think I’m going to die.. don’t they.” Clara looked at him wanting the truth. “I am aren't I?” She didn't see how she could survive this. The girl was in a lot of pain as well. She wondered if the Doctor had any hope, or whether he thought that she would die too. The girl wondered if it was over. She wasn't sure if they had done everything. The girl didn’t know what had happened after she fell off the roof. Clara had so wanted to go with him, anywhere, but now it didn't seem like it was going to happen. Not if she couldn't survive all this.
If she did though, she wondered if the Doctor would let her come with him. It had been exciting really and she wanted more days like it. Normal life was so boring. She had wanted more excitement in life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

It really was difficult to remain calm as Miranda gave a bow. Not only was there so many people but the fact that the Doctor had just told her that people died in the play didn't help. Regrettably, she wasn't able to ask to many questions as they all had been forced to go out and bow. Keeping the confusion off her face though she gave a bow and then followed the others back. "What do you mean?" She whispered, placing a hand on the Doctor's arm. "What do you mean people die in the play for real?" It really didn't make a lot of sense to her. However, once again before the Doctor could reply she was informed that she needed to be on stage. "Doctor?" She said hesitating.

One of the director's aids stepped between them. "Go. They need you on now." He ordered firmly, no room for argument.

Realizing she would just have to catch him between scenes, Miranda held up her hands. "I'm going." She said before the man resorted to firmer methods. She turned and headed on stage. It wasn't actually that hard. Whatever they had stung her with had not only given her the script but they also tied in a bit with her body language, making the the ability to act become non-existent. But to Miranda, it was actually a bit unnerving how much control whatever they injected her with had on her body. Though she was in the character's role acting, it was if she was watching someone else control her. She wondered if saying something off script could happen, giving her somewhat control over her actions. However, when she thought of changing a word or sentence, the correct one still came out. It was as if someone else was controlling her mind. It wasn't so much that she couldn't it was just that even if she tried, the words and actions required for the play overrode all else.

For the next several scenes she wasn't able to be off stage with the Doctor. Either one or both were on stage. It didn't help that the Doctor was a main character. She wondered how he was performing under the injection. From what she saw, he quoted the lines perfectly, even performing actions that was required for that scene. She wondered if that was because it was controlling him or because he wanted them to think that. He did look human so they might have assumed he was human not taking into consideration how well it would work on an alien physiology. Not that she watched him much. While she was offstage she tried to get some information from the other cast members. It was difficult but she was able to piece together a bit when Act I ended giving both her and the Doctor a respite where they could talk.

"Nobody had a choice to be here." She hissed disgusted after pulling the Doctor into a corner. "Though they weren't real chatty it turns out each one was picked in a lottery forcing them to attend. Those who survive get about ten thousand credits while those who 'win' have their families provided for over the ten years." She glanced at the other cast members who seemed resigned to their fate. “This is wrong. The things they inject us with seem to take over, they are forced to be here and from what I gathered and what you said, some people won’t even survive.” The anger at the injustice of it all was evident in her tone and expression. “This is wrong. How did we get this far where things like this are even legal? Has human life gotten so cheap that it is alright to murder everyone?”

The Director called out that Act II was about to begin, interrupting her tirade. “I’m not sure I like this future.” She declared. If this was the best age of entertainment then there needed to be a careful evaluation of what that word meant. Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair. “Not that it’s your fault.” She stated apologetically realizing that she was taking her anger at injustice of this out on him. “I’m sorry. I just…” She frowned unsure what they could do. If it was legal could they even stop it? Or would they get arrested for disrupting a perfectly “normal” thing.

“Players on stage.” The Director ordered. Thankfully, neither the Doctor or her started the second Act.

She looked at him unsure what to do. Here she was, far away from the rules and culture of her society. What was acceptable and unacceptable in her time had changed over the years. She hoped the Doctor knew what to do because she felt at a loss. And it was something she did not like. “What do we do?” She asked. “Doctor?” He was the time traveler. He was the one who knew what could be done without ruining the time stream. He would know what to do. Or so she hoped.
Universe 2

He smiled sadly. Though the ice governess was taken care of he still had a few minor things to clear up with Dr. Simeon and the living snow. Instead of answering, he just smiled. When she asked if everyone thought she was going to die, he didn't even bother to look at the others. "I think you are going to live." He stated instead, his eyes staying locked onto hers. Sure it looked hopeless, but he had faced hopeless before. "If I save the world will you go away with me?" He asked placing a key into the palm of her hand. It looked like any ordinary key but it wasn't. Most of the time he waited for awhile before giving a new companion the key to the TARDIS but not her, not Clara. There was something about her that made him hope again. In her way she was unique and different then the rest of his companions. But that was good. Each companion had their own traits and that was what made them special. Giving her this key not only showed that he was willing to move on but it was a sign of how much she already meant to him. When she accepted the key and told him to go save the world, he smiled and straightened his bow tie.

"Just you wait, Clara. I'll be back in a jiffy and I will show you the universe." Turning he grabbed the lunch pail and headed toward the TARDIS. "See that she stays alive." He ordered Strax.

The Sontaran sighed. "I'll do my best sir." He declared.

Going over toward the door he opened and glared at Simion. Holding up the lunch box he spoke. “Remains of the ice governess.” He declared. “Your office, ten minutes.” Shutting the door he didn’t leave time for the man to argue. Nodding for Vastra to join him the two disappeared into the TARDIS and quickly left.

"Don't worry." The potato-headed alien said going over to Clara. "He'll save the world. You should have seen him in the olden days. He was a great warrior. Would have made a fine Sontaran!" He declared.

The snowmen outside the window remained while the Dr. Simion quickly left in a carriage. It was a slow anguish wait. Stepping toward the window Captain Latimer looked out at the snowmen. His two frightened children huddled in the corner terrified and worried. Their governance, no more than that, their friend, was dying. When Clara spoke he almost missed what she said. Looking over at his children, he looked back at Clara. “It isn’t really my area.” He told her. When she told him it was now, he nodded.
Straightening a bit stiffly he went over to his children. Though a bit awkward at first he soon held both of them, comforting them.

A bit more time went by as Strax watched the vital signs slowly lowering. “No! You must fight!” He ordered. “Hang in there boy!” He always did get the genders confused.
As rain fell outside the TARDIS once again appeared. Dashing out, the Doctor headed over to Clara. “We did it, Clara.” He told her. “You and me. We saved the world.” His smile was sad.

“She doesn’t have long.” Strax informed him.

Not accepting that, the Doctor looked at Clara. “You got to hold on.” He ordered. “Just hold on a bit longer.” Gently picking her up he turned to walk past Strax.

“Where are you going?” Vastra inquired concerned. She put her hand on his arm. “She won’t last much longer. There’s nothing you can do.” She whispered aware of the children.

“Like heck she will.” The Doctor shot back. Heading into the TARDIS he gently set her down and set a new destination. “Just hold on Clara.” He said as her eyes started to close. “Hold on.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor bowed when the others did, he knew none of this was supposed to be happening. Last time he had been here, the plays had been much more different. He knew it was a great era of entertainment. Stuff like this normally didn't happen. He wondered why things had changed. Though it was probably something minor to the time stream, he still had to stop what was going on. He didn't like it and when ever he didn't like something, it had to stop. Though that might be the hard part. He was sure he could resist been told what to do.
Though he thought he might as well play along. He knew the lines, but he wasn't going to die.

He had wanted so badly to answer Miranda's questions. But he couldn't as their time was cut off by having to be on stage. He would do after he got a moment. For now all he could do was just go along with the play for a bit. He wondered if people of this era would even enjoy such things. He knew it must be brothering Miranda. Hell it should be bothering any normal person. He was bothered by it, but he still was acting like he wasn't, at least in front of the play crew. He needed to work on a few things, so he could stop this and also get Miranda out safely. He spoke his lines like he was being controlled by the rest of them. He was plotting, He was sure given the right moment, He would have a way out of this.

When he was able to talk to Miranda again, he looked at her " This is wrong, Its not meant to be happening, Last time I was here, this sort of thing wasn't going on." He told her, "Somebody has interfered." He narrowed his eyes. "I'm not going to let this carry on." He was hoping he could somehow break the control that they had over her. "Right reckon we have 49 minutes until we are next on, I can fight off being controlled awhile, not sure how much longer, But in that time we need to be able to stop people been controlled at least and then work on toppling the whole plan that is going on here," He was speaking to her, and making sure that nobody could hear them.

"Plays and movies are different now sure, but not like this," The Doctor was looking at her "Your not meant to die or be controlled, The system has been interrupted." He was thinking a bit. Even if he ended up hurt it was going to be worth it if he stopped this thing happening. He had used his screwdriver to their room shut for now so they couldn't be overheard and could plan. "I don't think you can resist been controlled, so sooner we can break that , it be easier." He grinned a bit and looked at her "Don't worry, I promise nothing will happen to you." He really did hope he could live up to that, considering his track record with all his other companions.

Universe 2

Clara was laying there, she was trying to fight and stay alive. But she was weak and was finding it hard. When the Doctor stated he thought she was going to live, she smiled sadly " I hope you are right then Doctor." she told him, she smiled more when the Doctor pretty much asked if she would travel with him. She really wanted to. That would depend on whether she survived or not.
"I would love too," she smiled up at him, she held onto the key. She was doing her best to have hope. Thinks seemed really bad though. There wasn't much that could be done for her, not in this time. She closed her eyes for a moment.

"Go save the world Doctor," She smiled. She knew he could, he had already proved he could do so much. That at least gave her hope. She was trying to have hope that she could save her too. When he said he was off she looked at him "I'll be waiting." She said quietly. Though she wasn't sure how true that was. Her body was shutting down, she knew that. Things seemed grim. She could see the children were afraid, she wasn't sure what she could do to comfort them. She couldn't even move much. It was upsetting to see them cry, they were upset and scared, It was their father's place now to comfort them.

"Not too late for him to do all that again," Clara told Strax. She was looking at the alien.

"Capitan Latimer, your children are afraid and upset, Go hold them." She told the man. She knew he wasn't used to doing such thing and saw it as more of a women's job. Hearing the man's response she looked in his direction. "It is now." There was tears in her own eyes. She was breathing painfully and even finding it hard to stay awake. She wondered if she would even live to see the Doctor get back. She was struggling with each minute that passed. She could feel her heart slowing and that it was getting harder to breath, she was trying to not give up but it was getting harder.

She was doing badly when the Doctor returned, she heard Strax and looked at him "Girl." She smiled slightly "I'm a girl," She was gasping weakly, even her voice sounded a bit weak. She noticed the Doctor was back, she wondered if he had finished dealing with Simeon. She smiled when the Doctor said the world was saved , she wondered if he was going back to his cloud, even if he had given her the key.
"Are you going back to your cloud?" she asked. The girl was still curious as to that, She knew she didn't have much of a chance of living right now. Without her would the Doctor go back to his cloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1:

Miranda felt a slightly better when the Doctor had mentioned how it had been different the last time. For a moment she had been worried that his entertainment was not something she was going to enjoy. And in that case she would have to request to be taken home. Thankfully though, he was just as concerned about this as she was. Not only concerned, angry. As if the blatant disrespect for human life angered him as much as it did her. She nodded when he spoke about going back on. Though, both had major roles neither were needed during the second Act. That would give them time to look around and see what they could do.

She frowned when he mentioned she couldn’t resist being controlled. “No and I don’t like it.” She stated. “Though it doesn’t seem like I’m completely controlled I still don’t have the ability to change what I say or do during the play. Now I’m fine.” She looked at him. “I take it the injection doesn’t control you like it does the rest of us?” She noted. “Is it because you aren’t human?” It was a strange question to ask. A few days ago she would not have thought she would ever being asking that question seriously. But things change.

Glancing toward the closed door, she looked back at the Doctor. “We probably should get out of here. They might wonder what we are doing back here.” She smiled slightly to herself as she knew what some of her friends would think. Undoubtedly they would tease her and say she was romantically involved. Why else would she go into a small room with a man? Not that it bothered her. People could say what they want it didn’t matter to her. She learned long ago not to let what other people impact your emotions. Let them believe what they want. You know the truth and that is what matters. However, in this situation, they didn’t want to rouse suspicion.

Putting her hand on the door, to pause the Doctor from opening it, she looked up at him. “So, how do you want to go about this?” She inquired. “Should we go snooping around?” She smiled at the idea of getting to investigate it. She had always wanted to be a detective and this would give her plenty of practice. The stakes were high. If these people had no issues controlling others and killing them off, they might not take kindly to the two of them investigating. She wondered if whatever they injected her with would enable them to control her outside of the play. She hoped not. She would hate to have to be forced to turn on the Doctor. Glancing at his lanky form she wondered how a fight between the two would be. As he was taller and undoubtedly stronger he did have the advantage. But then again, she had been trained to fight against larger, stronger individuals. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to worry about it. She didn’t want her skills to be used for wrong.
Universe 2

Standing by the console, the Doctor smiled as Clara entered. “Never again. He had whispered to her as he had carried her from that table and into the TARDIS. He would never go back to that cloud. All she had to do was live. Rushing her to New Earth in the far future, he watched as the Sisters of Plenitude were able patch her up. Now, fully recovered, she stood there in her new twenty-first century wardrobe. He briefly wondered if she had been hesitant at first to try on the new clothes he had suggested. After all, she was from an age where very few women wore paints and it was looked down upon. But, if she was traveling with him, these clothes would be far easier for her to run and get through things. The image of her stuck on the roof had shown him that all her full skirts would just get in the way for their traveling. Thankfully, she had taken his advice. And though she looked just a bit uncomfortable he had no doubt she would get used to them quickly. “You look great.” He informed hoping that would calm her nerves.
“Alright,” He said turning toward the monitor. “So where should we go, ehh? Twenty-first century earth? The asteroid of Milozor? The singing trees of Skillana?” He looked at her, his smile wide showing the slightly boyish attitude underneath. “Anywhere you want to go in the universe, just say the word.” He told her.

The shock that she was no longer in her own time and was in the future had occurred when she woke up in the year five billion and twenty-three. Looking down at her face which was fixated on one of the cat sisters, he smiled. “Yes, she’s a cat.”. He informed her. “Did I mention my blue box is also a time machine? The look she gave was priceless. But that’s what he loved about new companions. The wonder and amazement at what he took for granted. He was so glad she was here with him. He felt like living again. Seeing the universe. And now that he had someone to show it to, he can.

Getting her response, he nodded. “Alrighty then.” He told her inputting the command. “Geronimo!” He yelled flipping the switch.

The TARDIS jolted as it disappeared and then started through time. As it came back to a stop, the Doctor came over and took Clara’s shoulder. “You’re going to like this.” He said escorting her out of the TARDIS. Stopping, he looked around. This was not where they were going. They were in a tunnel that looked like a junk yard in a railway arch at night. “This is definitely the right place.” He said. He looked over at Clara. “We can always try it again.” He said slightly embarrassed that the TARDIS did this to him now. It liked to do that a lot. He would input one destination and she would take him somewhere else. “You’re making me look bad.” He whispered to the TARDIS.

“Don’t move!” A voice ordered.

Looking over, the Doctor saw two soldiers standing there, both of their weapons pointed right at them. This was not good. Great. His first trip with Clara and things were already off to a bad start. Normally, he liked surprises and a challenge but not now. He had wanted to impress Clara not have her face the barrel of a gun right away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around the room. He was trying to spot anything that may help him stop what was going on. He wanted to get this over with as soon as he could, He knew people could start dying soon. He wanted to loose his temper at the ones who were running this. Some idea this was.
Plays could be so much more fun without people having to die. He didn't want Miranda to think badly of him , or this time era, which was why he had told her things had been different when he first came.

"I don't want you to think badly of me on our first trip, I didn't think we would come across anything this messed up yet and not in this setting, But there may be messed up things while we travel. Things I don't agree with, some things I can change , others I can't." The Doctor decided it best to tell her. "Any time its too much, you can always go back to the TARDIS and wait, I don't want to scare you off, Though this time because of the control, I doubt we will be able to leave to the TARDIS just yet, and we can't leave all these people like this." He went on.

"Yeah, I will work on getting you free as soon as I can," The Doctor explained. "I can resist it, not easy to control me, But It is a bit difficult to keep resisting long term, It is giving me a headache, But I am a good faker, But we do need to try and break the control soon as we can, But they were probably not aware I wasn't human."
He was looking towards the door, it was silent, He was making sure he couldn't hear any footsteps. He knew they shouldn't stay back here too long though.

He was heading to the door again, he was about to unlock it with his sonic screwdriver. "Yeah its not wise to stay back here too long." He didn't want them knowing he was up to anything. Some of their thoughts would be way off though. He was red in the face as he thought of the other suspicious things people would think they were up too. He looked around at her.

"We should snoop around and look for more information as to what is really going on, There has to be some purpose to this for them, Unless of course they have some twisted form of entertainment from this, But we also need to find out what can break the control," The Doctor went on to explain.
He unlocked the door and headed out. He was looking around for anything that might help them with this situation right now.
Universe 2

Clara had woken in a hospital in a planet she had found out was called New earth, she had been quite shocked when she woke especially upon seeing cat like people. She had a lot of questions for the Doctor. Though he had not seemed to mind answering them. It was like he was used to such reactions and questions from his companions. She had returned to the TARDIS once she was healed, and been rather unsure about changing into some 21st Century clothes. It wasn't what she was used to. Though she assumed that they would be easier to mover around in. She stood there looking at the clothes for awhile before deciding to put them on and walking out to join the Doctor, she was uncomfortable and nervous seeming.

She smiled slightly when the Doctor said she looked great, she felt herself blush a bit. She looked at him when he asked her where she wanted to go. She honestly had no idea. Clara hadn't even known it was possible to travel in time until recently. Everything was so new and exciting. She seemed overwhelmed with all the choices. Not even knowing what some of them where.
The girl was looking at him again "You pick?."

Clara was sure that she would enjoy where ever it was the Doctor would take her. She wanted to see everything. The whole universe, travelling with the Doctor seemed alot more interesting then everyday life. She looked confused when he shouted Geronimo, but she held onto something so she didn't fall over once the TARDIS took off through time and space, she was enjoying it though and was smiling. It was an amazing experience just to be flying in the TARDIS. It was a different kind of thing to what she was used to. But it felt right.

Once it landed Clara couldn't wait to see where they were . She followed the Doctor out of the ship and looked around. She was amazed by everything she was seeing. She seemed impressed. Though she noticed the Doctor stating it was the wrong place. She didn't much care. She was sure that it was going to be interesting all the same. "Its fine Doctor." She told him. "Still seems interesting."
The girl stated. She looked around and began to follow him. Though neither of them seemed to have got that far before been held at gun point. Clara did as she was told not wanting to be shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

As the Doctor opened the door and turned to leave, Miranda saw that his face was slightly red. Was he embarrassed? If they were doing something she might be a bit embarrasses as well, however, they did nothing wrong. Besides, it wasn't anyone elses business. But then again... she would probably be blushing as well if a few of her friends saw them together and started teasing. It was hard not to, despite the fact that she didn't care what others thought. Or at least didn't show it.

Following him out of the room, she glanced at the Doctor. "Maybe split up?" She suggested. They would cover more ground and though finding each other later would be a bit more difficult she wasn't the type to just hide behind someone else. Heading off, she ignored the looks from the other cast who watched her head toward one of the doors.

"You can't leave." One woman whispered harshly glancing toward the distracted director. "You'll get into trouble."

Miranda looked at her. "You have no problems with people dying?" She inquired, keeping her voice low as well.

The woman shrugged. "It can't be helped. Your family is provided for. Besides, where are you going to go? They have the right to pull anyone in and hold them to it."

Miranda smirked. "Right. Don't talk to me about legalities. Where I'm from, this would be illegal." She said turning and placing her hand on the door. She frowned as she wondered if she should have said that but shrugged it off. She didn't actually say she was a time traveler. Opening the door she quickly went through it. Following a long hallway she made her way into a lift and looked at the numbers. One always meant the bottom. But from her experience the people in charge always were on top. This way they could look out and down at the people below. Looking at the numbers she was surprised to see that there was five hundred levels. This place was enormous. Pressing five hundred she watched as the doors started to close.

"Hold it." A voice called out, as a guard quickly stopped the doors from closing. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Hi. I'm Miranda. I'm looking to see who's responsible for this establishment?" Apparently her dazzling smile didn't affect him. Looking her over, he frowned. "You should be in the theatre room." He declared, still standing in the way so the doors couldn't close. "Let's go." He said nodding for her to step out.

"I'd rather not." Miranda replied giving him an apologetic smile. "I really would like to know who is behind the whole controlling and killing."

Frowning, the guard pulled out a device. Not sure what it was but knowing it wasn't good, Miranda went for it only to trip over the custom. Stepping aside the guard smirked and pressed the button. "Now, now. Let's go back." He said taking control.

Trying to resist the command, Miranda gritted her teeth. However, she had to stand up. Suddenly a pair of whitish/blue shoes appeared. Looking up, Miranda saw the Doctor. What he was doing here, she wasn't sure but he had impeccable timing. "The device." She managed to push out as she stood, attempting to fight the control.
Universe 2

"Drop your weapons." One of the soldiers ordered.

"We don't have weapons." The Doctor replied holding up his hands. "See, all good." He grinned at them his hands coming back down. “Let’s see, uniforms, plasma guns, creepy hats…” He frowned thoughtfully. “Yeah, no idea where we are.” He said looking over at Clara. Spinning back around to face them, he pointed at them. “So, fellows. Guns huh?” He said. “Couldn’t you point them at someone else?” He inquired.

“How did you get here?” The one soldier demanded.

The Doctor grinned. “The question I’d like to know is who are you after.” He said starting to walk around, ignoring the fact that their guns are were following. “I mean the Triad usually is after someone from what I know they’re usually innocent.” He declared.

When Clara asked who the Triad was he nodded toward the soldiers. “They are. Well, the organization. They’re like bounty hunters in the 81st century.” He bit a hand up and whispered. “Top secret supposedly. A bit lame.”

“How do you know who we are?” The one soldier asked gripping his gun tightly.

“Though the question is, either the person you are looking for is easy to find our you blokes are running low on recruits. Kind of raw aren’t you?” He asked.

The three straightened. “This is our first mission, Sir.” Another one stated.

“Don’t tell him anything, Alfred.” The leader lectured. “He could be a spy.”

“Or I can be doing a surprise inspection.” The Doctor said pulling out the sonic paper. “See, Triad inspectors. I’m the Doctor this is Clara.”

The soldier frowned. “It’s blank.” He said. “That’s physic paper.” He said eyes narrowing.

“Well it was worth a shot.” The Doctor said. He looked at Clara. “Run.” He said grabbing her hand and dashing off.

“After them.” The soldier yelled.

Dashing down the long tunnels, the Doctor was glad that Clara was wearing pants. It made getting away a lot faster though he didn’t think about the fact that his long legs might be making it harder for her. No, all he thought about was the thrill of having a companion and going on adventures again. Even if they were getting shot at.
Ducking into a corner they waited until the three soldiers the Doctor waited until the three soldiers ran past before looking over at Clara. He grinned. This was exciting. If only they could figure out what was going on, where they were and why the TARDIS brought them here. But then again, that was always the fun of an adventure. Finding out as you went along.

A click sounded and he spun around. A figure stood in the shadows weapon pointed at them. From the way the weapon was positioned it was clear that the individual was a lot more skilled then the three soldiers that they had ran across. “What are you doing here?” A young woman stepped out of the shadows and looked at them. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail and there was a hint of amusement on her face.

The Doctor frowned. “No.” He said shaking his hand. “It can’t be. Jenny?” He inquired.

The smile vanished and the woman stared at him. “Do I know you?” She asked a bit suspiciously. When Clara mentioned his name asking him who person was, she looked sharply at him. “Doctor? As in the Doctor?” She frowned puzzled. “You don’t look the same.”

“Regeneration.” The Doctor replied a bit dazed. “You’re dead.” He said. “You shouldn’t be here.”

The girl smiled. “Regeneration. Except apparently I didn’t change features. Lucky for me.” She grinned and pointed the gun away. “Hello Dad. Miss me?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around after he headed out of the room. He knew it was nobody's business what they got up to, but they had just met and he didn't want people thinking things. But for now the Doctor knew to focus on the seriousness of the situation and to carry on with what he was doing. He was determined to make sure this whole play thing ended. It was wrong and it wasn't even a play to him. Plays didn't work like that in his opinion.

"Splitting up, that might be a good idea yes," The Doctor replied. He knew they didn't have a lot of time and needed to cover as much ground as they could and find out what they could. He knew that it would mean things would get done faster. "Be careful and I'll catch up with you soon." He didn't want her getting caught. He was hoping that nobody would suspect what they were up to either.

The Doctor went off to look around. He was being careful and sneaky. He always seemed to be good at that. He wanted to see what he could find. He knew if these people had any idea who he was that they would probably have no even dared to make him part of the 'show' or maybe they would have. He wasn't sure.But he knew many of his enemies had learned to fear him in ways.

Not finding anything yet and sensing Miranda was in trouble, he rushed over and looked at the guard "What seems to be the problem?" He smiled a bit. The smile was fake. He truely wasn't happy with anything that was going on here. "I would back away from the girl if I was you." he narrowed his eyes. "I am the Doctor , And I won't tolerate anything that is going on here, Let her go ! Got it?" He was finding it hard to not get angry. He raised his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the device disabling it. He was hoping to have broken the control.


Universe 2

Being face to face with men with guns who wanted answers wasn't what Clara had in mind for first trip. But there was still some thrill to it. She was listening to the Doctor and the men. She had no idea what they were talking about really and found it all rather confusing. She had no idea what they wanted that was to do with them. She knew the Doctor would explain anything she wanted to know. She wasn't sure if there was anything that he didn't know.

"Who are the Triad?" She asked. Hearing his answer, she looked at him. "Oh I see." She wanted to laugh when they thought the Doctor was a spy. Hardly. They had just come here by accident. But even if it was an accident, she wondered if something had drawn them there. She was sure the Doctor had known where he was going, so for them to end up elsewhere she figured they must have been drawn away from their normal destination.

"MMM if we are not where you told the TARDIS to go maybe something drew us here," Clara said once they were away from the men, keeping up with the Doctor seemed like it was going to be hard. He was fast. But at least she was wearing better clothes. It was still thrilling and exciting and she was grinning as she ran by him.

Clara was glad that getting away with the men with gun's was easy enough. She followed him, and then noticed the blonde girl as well. Seeing the girl didn't know that it was the Doctor. But the Doctor knew the girl. Clara was confused. "Doctor who is she?" Clara asked. Though hearing the next answer made her eyes widen.

"She is your daughter?" Clara blinked. She didn't know the Doctor had any children. He wondered if the Doctor had a wife then, or used to. The girl seemed rather confused. She though looked at Jenny and smiled "Nice to meet you."
She looked back at the Doctor "I'm confused."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Universe 1

Once the device was broken Miranda was able to quickly regain control. Straightening her dress she nodded her thanks to the Doctor before looking at the soldier.

Not pleased at the turn of events, the soldier lifted his sidearm and pointed it at them. "Put the device down." He ordered glaring at the Doctor. "Under article 97 of the Free Guild Alliance, I hereby place you under arrest. Your sentence is twenty years in the Luna prison. There will be no trial, no appeal."

Miranda's jaw dropped. "What gives you the authority to do that?" She demanded a bit annoyed.

"Article 107, 3156, and 02 of the Free Guild Alliance." The soldier replied calmly. "Now, are you going to come willingly or do I have to shoot you and then make you come."

Raising her hands, Miranda glanced over at the Doctor. "I guess we really should surrender." She stated shaking her head.

"That's more like..." The guard's voice cut off as Miranda twisted the weapon out of his hands. He had foolishly come closer after she stated they would surrender, making him an easy target to hit.

Giving the man an apologetic smile that stated she really wasn't sorry, Miranda calmly aimed the weapon at the man. "You were saying?" She said turning so she could look at the Doctor yet still watch the man. "I think we should have Mr. Security guard here take us to the boss. What do you think?" She asked the Doctor. He agreed but he really didn't seem to be a big fan of the weapon.

If she had been an amateur, she might have waved the gun a bit claiming that she was perfectly fine. However, she wasn't. Though she didn't carry one on the job, she did have to train occasionally at the station to keep her skills sharp. "I would put it away." She replied to the Doctor. "However, I can't do a lot in this." She waved her free hand at her dress. Though she was wearing her street clothes underneath, she was still in full dress and would not be able to do much in case the man tried to do something. "Stay right there, pal." She stated seeing him starting to edge up. "I don't shoot often but I never miss."

Not that she cared to shoot someone. She had never had to before and she never really wanted to. The thought of taking someone else's life was a bit hard and though she knew she could do it if she needed to protect someone or herself, she doubted she could even pull the trigger on any other circumstances, including this one. Getting an idea, she stepped around him and back toward the elevator. "Or we can just leave him here and go up ourselves." She told the Doctor. "He'll alert the others but they probably know already." She nodded to a few indiscreet cameras. Another plus to being an officer. "Scram." She told the security guard. "And don't forget to tell your buddies I said hi." Tossing the gun aside she hit the close buttons closing the elevator. Pressing the button for the top floor she looked at the Doctor. "What?" She asked at his frown. "I wasn't going to shoot him."
Universe 2

The Doctor frowned at Jenny before looking at Clara. "Long story." He declared. "She isn't really my daughter...Well I guess in a way she is." He shook his head. "It's complicated." He looked back at Jenny. "I was there. I even waited. You didn't regenerate?"

Jenny shrugged. "Hey, I'm new to this Time Lord stuff." She replied. "Or is it Time Lady." She winked at Clara. "How should I know how it works. Of course, part of it could be I didn't want you to stick around for me. I wanted to see the world. Go on adventures. Save the day."

"We could have done that together." The Doctor said not understanding her logic. "I travel the world. Have adventures. Save the day." He straightened his bowtie. "Tell her Clara."

"Right." Jenny said. "But that's you." She paused, her grin gone. "I just wanted to be out on my own, you know? Outside of your influence." Her expression showed very much that she was still a bit of a teenager. "Besides, you found me very quickly. I've only gone on a few adventures." She admitted.

"A few?" The Doctor looked at Clara before back at her. "It's been forever."

Jenny nodded. "I can tell." She said looking at the Doctor. "A bowtie? Really?"

The Doctor frowned and straightened it. "Bowties are cool." He replied. He looked at Clara. "Clara thinks so. Don't you, Clara?"

"I'm sorry." Jenny said after Clara responded. "I'm being rude. Hi, I'm Jenny." She held out her hand to Clara. "Who are you?" Her tone was friendly and her expression open. "You're not Martha regenerated are you?" She inquired. She knew Donna wasn't a Time Lord or Lady because she had been asking questions. But she hadn't seen much of Martha so she wasn't sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor merely just smirked once the control was broken "You were saying?" he didn't seem all that afraid by what the man was saying. He knew that he himself was doing the right thing.
When the man tried to arrest them. He narrowed his eyes. "And I am the Doctor, A time lord, And I can't allow for this play to go on, You want to go to a higher authority there isn't one, It ends with me," He sounded serious. He didn't like the idea of being arrested. Even if he was he would find a way to escape. He was trying to think of a plan and he looked at Miranda.

Twenty years that was nothing to him. Though it would be downright boring.People normally were stupid to cross him. "ok fine , fine we surrender." He said following her act when he saw what she was doing. He still had his screwdriver in hand and was waiting to see what she would do. He normally didn't surrender unless there was no other choice or if it was a way to catch them off guard.
He really wasn't going to let this play go ahead. Once Miranda had the guard he looked at them. "Right, this so called play, can't go ahead. Not while I'm here, Its shutting down today and everybody in it goes free, so trying to stop us is pointless."

"Can't believe its ok with any of you just to control human lives like that.' These kind of things did make him very angry. He looked at Miranda, he didn't seem to like that fact that she was using weapons. " I think forcing him to take us to the boss is a good idea." He didn't like how humans had to resort to weapons and violence. "Miranda... must you use the gun?" He sighed. He walked by her. He knew some of his companions did seem to like having weapons. Most of the time he forbid the use of them. Ever since the time war, he had gotten stricter on such things.

Humans and weapons he thought hearing her answer. He said nothing in response to that. He knew it was hard to get weapons off some of his companions. But he didn't have to agree with their choices. He wasn't sure that he would ever get a weapon off her. Though he knew that it was true she couldn't do much in a dress. He still wished there was another way. He was alert and making sure that nobody else was around. He was trying to not loose his temper too much with the security guard. He was sure that he was going to with the boss.

"Alright let him go then." The Doctor did hope that he wouldn't alert the other when Miranda let him go. He just frowned looking at her after, He had thought she was thinking of shooting him. When she confirmed she wouldn't he raised an eyebrow. He knew Jack had often been the one like this with weapons out of his more recent companions.
"I am sorry, I still don't agree with using weapons, I've gotten through many situations without." He stated. "Anyway lets go find this so called boss." He was determined to bring down this whole play.
Universe 2

Clara was looking at Jenny. She thought she seemed rather interesting. The girl was confused with what the Doctor said. "Umm ok." She blinked. She wondered if he would ever explain it fully.
She wondered if the Doctor had a habit of not explaining some things. Clara was quiet for awhile as the two talked. She didn't know what to say. It seemed like the kind of conversation she didn't want to get involved in.

Hearing Jenny say she wanted time away from the Doctors influence, she was a bit confused, Being with the Doctor was awesome. But yet she wasn't the Doctor's daughter and was sure all children wanted to get away from their parents at some stage. "Well yes the Doctor does all that, But Doctor but she is still your daughter in ways, and we'll at certain age children want space away from their parents, I did at some point, I'm sure she doesn't hate you though." She looked at him. Clara wondered if the Doctor understood about all that.

Clara was looking at the Doctor when he said bow-ties were cool. She grinned a bit not knowing how to answer. "Well,..." She didn't know why he thought they were cool though. She looked quite amused though.
"Ah well suppose you like them." She knew she would never convince him otherwise. She found the Doctor fun to be around. Clara was still wondering what had drawn them here. Prehaps it was Jenny.

"Martha?" Clara looked confused "Who is she?" She looked at Jenny, "Though I am guessing she was a friend of the Doctors, I have not long met him, But my name is Clara." she smiled at Jenny.
The girl was looking at her. Clara still wondered what they were going to do here. "Has anything odd being going on here? The TARDIS was thrown off course, unless she was maybe drawn to you." she figured maybe Jenny would know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Universe 1

Miranda frowned at the Doctor but did not comment further. She saw an opportunity and she exploited it. As the elevator headed up, she eyed the Doctor carefully from the corner of her eye. For a person who tried to right the wrongs, he sure seemed not to like violence. She could respect that. Making a note of it, she decided if she could, she would avoid using any weapon unless absolutely necessary. At least when she was with the Doctor. He had been kind enough to let her come along, she would honor his wishes, if she could. However, if there was not many other options left she would do what she needed to protect them. Even if it meant disappointing the Doctor again and using a weapon. Though technically, she was sure she might find other ways around it. This time she could have knocked the weapon out of the man's hand and left him unconscious. They really didn't get much information from him anyway so it would have worked. She wondered what the Doctor would think if she had done that instead. Would he have been glad she didn't use the weapon or annoyed she still used brute force to take out her opponent?

However, she kept her mouth shut and rode in silence. The trip did not take that long and soon they were on the top floor. The door opened and Miranda started to exit before turning and looking back at the Doctor. "I apologize." She stated. "I did not mean to offend you with the weapon earlier. If I can find another way I will." In reality it would work better for her anyway. It wasn't as if Scotland Yard allowed their officers to have weapons. Well, except for a few in the special units. She offered an apologetic smile. "Though you might have to be patient with me. I'm trained to handle violence in any way necessary, including with violence." Turning she headed down the hallway toward the door ahead. She really did not want to see what disappointment in the Doctor's eyes again. Frowning at herself, she pushed the thought aside. So he might be disappointed. She was twenty-eight. She needed to quit relying on others for her personal self-esteem. If he did not like her then he could take her home. Though, she hoped he didn't. She was enjoying this and despite what she needed to do, she really wanted to please him. It was as if she was a child again trying to receive acceptance from yet another foster parent who only took her in because they had to.

"Stop it." She muttered to herself angrily. She was an adult and past that. Putting her hand on the door knob she turned it and entered. The room was crazy with a bunch of people working.

"You aren't supposed to be here." A man said spotting them. "What are you doing here?" He looked around. "We need security."

Miranda was about to speak when the Doctor took over. Stepping back she watched with a smile as he brushed the man's concerns aside and got down to the meat of the matter. It no time at all they were speaking to the boss who was not at all pleased to see them.
Universe 2

Jenny reddened a bit guilty. "Sorry. I thought... I didn't realize..." She smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Clara." She stated excited to see someone closer to her age. When Clara started speculating why they were there, the blond shrugged. She really wasn't familiar with the TARDIS. Technically she hadn't even seen it. She looked at the Doctor. "You know, you never did show me our TARDIS." She informed him.

"Our TARDIS?" The Doctor frowned down at her. "It's not our TARDIS, it's my TARDIS." He replied.

"We'll, technically it's a bit of mine as well as I am your daughter." Jenny replied giving him wide eye doe look.

"Well... I..." The Doctor turned and looked at Clara. "We should probably get moving. Those bounty hunters are up to something. And I'm sure if we stay here blabbering around all day they will be back and catch us." He glared at Jenny. "Ditch the gun. I thought I taught you no weapons."

The blond shrugged and took the gun off. "Sorry. Old habit. I just love the way a gun feels in my hands. I didn't use it."

The Doctor looked at Clara. "See what they did. Took a sample of me and extrapolated it into a soldier." He grunted. "Come on. We have to find out what's going on."

Jenny glanced away and bit her lip. This had been part of the reason why she had wanted to be on her own. Though he had been warming up to her last time she meet, he didn't seem to keen on her now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around. He seemed to be staying alert. He didn’t want anything to happen that would stop them from completing what they wanted to do. He knew that they needed to work out what was going on.
For the Doctor weapons were unnecessary. He always tried to find another way to deal with things if he could, with less violence.
Even after the time war, he seemed more firm on such decisions. He regretted everything he had done that day even if there had been no other way.

He was walking by her, He had been silent for awhile. The Doctor didn’t want to argue with her or fall out with her on their first trip.
He looked at her “Its alright..., as long as you respect my views, It is hard to change your ways I know, I will be patient if I can.
“I just won’t agree any time you do slip up, even if I am so angry and been so close to violence I try find another way.”
He knew if one was to think hard enough there was always another way. “There is always another way if you think hard enough.”

“I have my reasons for not liking violence.” The Doctor replied. He stayed close to her. “I don’t want to fall out with you over this, had friends before who liked weapons, was hard to get them to see my way. But I want to still be friends,”
He assured her “I am having fun traveling with you already.” He knew that after this adventure that he would need to give her time to rest.
He was sure that he would need a bit of rest as well. He walked by her and he was smiling “I won’t take you home.” He knew that he had disagreements with his companions in the past.

The Doctor walked into the room, seeing all the people at work. He knew that they were where they needed to be.
“Ah no allowed here are we . Well I am The Doctor , and this play is not acceptable at all, And I am going to see to it that this whole plan is shut down,” he spoke firmly “Anything you don’t understand.” He walked up to the man, his eyes firmly focused on him.
The Doctor knew if the rest of the time lords were still alive, that things like this would have been quickly shut down.

Universe 2

Clara noticed Jenny blushing and looked at her “Its ok, no need to be embarrassed, I assume you are new to a lot of things and didn't expect the Doctor with somebody new.” She knew she was lucky to even be with him.
Even if she had pulled the Doctor out of his deep sulk, she didn't think he would take on another companion. She knew that it was only because she had bothered to persist and try to get through to him. Clara did not think that just anybody would be able to do that.

Clara raised an eyebrow when the ownership of the TARDIS came into question. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t want to get between family issues.
“Mmm well lets go I guess.” She felt a bit awkward sensing a bit of tension. She wondered why the Doctor was acting so harsh towards Jenny even if he didn’t agree with weapons. The girl was walking by the two of them.
She seemed to be keeping alert for something, the town seemed quiet, other than the bounty hunters, she hadn't seen anybody else "Its very quiet, there hasn't been anybody else other than those men."

“Ummmm,” Clara said not wanting to get between anything. She didn't really have an opinion on that, nor did she know what he was talking about when he said they. The girl just looked blank. Though the Doctor didn't like guns, she didn't think Jenny seemed like a bad person either. “Doctor I barely have an idea what you are talking about.”
She didn't like it when he was grumpy either, She thought he seemed rather grumpy right now. She hoped that he wouldn't stay like that too long. She knew that something was going on.

“MMm something must be here that drew us here,” Clara said. “Maybe what ever it is , is what those men want?”
That seemed fairly logical. Though she wasn't sure. Clara was looking at the Doctor wondering if he had any ideas.
After awhile of following, she heard growling noises “Doctor what is that?” She stayed close and was looking around.
It sounded like some creature was near by, It sounded like a dog. Out leaped a large dog creature. It seemed to have red eyes and two tails. It charged straight for them , it growled at the Doctor and its eyes fiercely focused on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[Universe 1]
Miranda watched as the man who seemed to be in charge just stared at the Doctor. “Who do you think you are?” He finally replied shaking his head.
“I wouldn’t have said that if I were you.” Miranda muttered as the Doctor began a tirade of who he was and how this was completely unacceptable.

The man turned to look at the security guards behind him. “Take this lunatic out of here.” He stated waving his hands. “The boss will not be happy if the games are disrupted. And take the girl with you.”

Girl? Miranda frowned. She was well in her twenties. Where did he get to calling her girl? However, she did not vocalize her complaint as the security officers who grabbed them did not look like they would accept arguments. She winced as the guard’s grip tightened around her arm, biting into the skin. “Careful.” She told him. He ignored her and instead increased his grip.

Though she was tempted to try to fight her way out of this common sense overtook her. She was a police officer. She was trained to negotiate if necessary. Brute force was not always the best option. Especially, as they were outnumbered and the fact the Doctor did not seem like a big fan of violence. “Who is your boss?” She inquired looking toward the man they had assumed was in charge.

The man chuckled. “Don’t worry. You’ll know soon enough.” He stated. “Take them to the pit.” He ordered.

“Yes sir.”

The security guards pulled the two away and back toward the elevators. “What do you think is the pit?” Miranda whispered to the Doctor.

“Silence.” The head guard said turning and striking her. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

Wincing, Miranda clenched her jaw as her eyes watered. That had hurt. If he had curled up his hand and turned it into a fist she doubted it would have added a lot more pain. Clamping her mouth shut she glanced at the Doctor. Whatever these guys had planned, they were dead serious. She hoped he could get them out of it.
[Universe 2]

He was still a bit annoyed at Jenny. He had thought she had grown past that. The last time they had meet she had been so excited that she had been able to stop the others without killing them. Apparently, she had reverted back to his old nature.

Looking at Clara when she mentioned what drew them here, he frowned thoughtfully. “It could be Jenny.” He declared glancing toward the blond. “The TARDIS might have picked her up and deposited us here. Though, I wonder why it didn’t do it sooner.”

“Not exactly sure how YOUR machine works.” Jenny stated, emphasizing the your as the Doctor seemed intent on the fact it was his alone and not both of theirs. “But if you remember it has only been a little while since I last saw you. Your TARDIS could have picked me up as you were in the area.”

The Doctor brightened at that thought but before he could say anything they heard a growl. Coming face to face with the large creature the Doctor blinked for a moment before turning. “RUN!” He yelled grabbing Clara’s hand.

As they dashed down the hallway, the Doctor quickly led them into a room and slammed the door before the dog could get in. Using the sonic he locked it and stepped away. “That should hold it for the moment.” He said looking around.

They were in a room with no windows or other doors. They were trapped. The door shook as the beast through itself against the door again and again. “Now you understand why I had the gun.” Jenny stated a bit annoyed. “I wasn’t shooting humans I was taking out those creatures.”

The Doctor looked over at her. “Wait, in that case why are the men here?”

Jenny smirked. “Because I’m here. I caused a bit of trouble with someone or other. I was here cleaning out this nest of Icedors when they showed up. Then you showed up and here we are.” She shrugged.

The Doctor paled. Icedors. Looking toward Clara he explained what they were. “Icedors are like giant dog like creatures except they have snake like tongues that can leave a person in agony for days before killing them. They are highly intelligent, almost sentient and take pleasure in torturing other creatures.”

He started to pace. This was not good. Not good at all. His mind quickly started working through various scenarios as he tried to come up with an idea of how to get into this mess. “If only we had some fish fingers and custard.” He stated pausing in front of the girls.

Jenny raised her eyebrows but Clara got to it first. The Doctor shook his head. “No. It won’t be useful against them but I’m a bit hungry and I haven’t had that in some time.” He grinned as if there was no danger at all.

“Yup. He’s definitely different.” Jenny whispered to Clara. The old Doctor never acted this way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking at Miranda when she said saying who he was wasn't a good idea. He didn't often hold back on admiting who and what he was if he thought it would solve a sitution sooner. The Time lord was looking around and seemed to focus on the man.

"Oi I am not a lautanic. You people all are," The Doctor said defensively, He had been sure that they would know of time lords. He had hoped if they feared him this would all end rather quickly. But it seemed he was going to be needing another plan. The Doctor was never short of plans even if he was thinking them up on the spot. He just seemed to know what he was doing.
The time lord looked at Miranda. He had to keep her safe, He knew if things got bad he would tell her to run back to the TARDIS. He was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

"I don't care if your boss is unhappy, This can't go on." The Doctor was determined he was going to stop this play, There was firm look in his eyes.
He struggled as he was being grabbed. He knew that sometimes been captured made things worse rather than better. But sometimes he was able to get the infomation he needed when he was captured.
"Don't you hurt her."

He wasn't fully worried about himself right now. The pit? He too wondered what it was. It didn't really sound like it was going to be anything good.
"Oh I doubt its anything good." He mutterd to Miranda. He didn't look pleased with been told to shut up. Well at least they were getting to see the boss.

Universe 2

Clara yelped as the dog had almost bit her, she jumped back. The girl had never seen a dog like this. She wasn't fully even sure if it was a dog. But if there was bounty hunters around they would likely be hunting the beasts she thought.
Though she couldn't be sure that she was right. But it did just seem likely.

She heard the Doctor mention about the TARDIS been drawn to Jenny. That could be likley but she wasn't fully sure on how the TARDIS even worked.
She was running by them and heard the dog creature growling. It was so much easier to run when she wasn't wearing a dress.

She panted when they got away. "What was that?" She asked. The girl kept a look out encase the creature found a way too them. Hearing the explantion and seeing the Doctor pale a bit. She figured it must be bad. The creatures didn't sound all that friendly either.
"Icedor?" The girl hadn't even heard of them before. She knew the Doctor was good at explianing things "By the looks on your face thats quite bad?"

The girl watched as he paced and then mentioned Fish fingers and Custard. How was that supposed to help. "Fish fingers and Custard .. How is that supposed to help?" She thought it was rather odd combination of food. When he explained it didn't help but that he was merely just hungry. She giggled slightly. She wasn't sure how he could be thinking of food when they were in danger.

Clara giggled again hearing Jenny's comment "Ah well I only just met him." She said. The girl looked at the Doctor "Maybe we should go back to the TARDIS for food then and to think of a plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[Universe 1]

The two were shoved along and back into the elevator. The ride down was quiet and the one time Miranda tried to say something she was quickly told to be quiet. Apparently, the guards were not in the mood to talk. The elevator continued down passing floor after floor. Miranda waited wondering what the pit was. If it was just a big hole in the ground then it shouldn't be to bad. Maybe the Doctor would call his TARDIS and get them out of there. Then they could face the boss again and deal with him. The fact that the play was still going on and people were dying did not please her. The longer they spent trying to stop this the more people died.

The elevator came to a stop at floor double zero and the doors opened. The guards pushed the two forward into a small waiting room where the lighting was so dim and the air was a bit foul. The heat itself was unbearable though Miranda couldn't tell where it came from or why it was so hot. Already, the extra layers from her costume weighed down on her making her to slowly perspire. Going over to the door on the other side, one guard swiped a key card unlocking it. He looked at the two prisoners and smirked. "Welcome to Hades." He said opening the door. The blast of stench nearly knocked Miranda backwards. The guards frowned and pushed the two prisoners forward onto a chain bridge. Glancing down, Miranda was unable to make out the bottom due to the blackness. She shivered at the thought of falling and turned her attention forward instead. The only light that illuminated the place was the flickering of torches stationed in various areas. "Keep moving." The guard ordered pushing them forward. "I don't want to stick around here longer than I have too."

As they walked along the bridge, Miranda made out multiple bridges ranging to various areas almost like an underground city. Tiny creatures that reminded her of trolls from Frozen rolled around and headed their way. However, unlike the ones from the movie, these ones had red eyes and made Miranda's skin crawl. They stayed a good distance back but called out rude suggestions as well as other things that made her ears burn. She was relieved to see that even the guards seemed a bit nervous around them. Clenching their weapons tightly, they pressed forward.

The region started to grow brighter as they moved forward as did the stench. Refraining from gagging, Miranda did her best to try to avoid breathing to much. Finally, they reached where they were going. Up ahead of them was an enormous monstrosity. Even sitting, it towered over them and the amount of fat bubbling off it was revolting. It kind of reminded Miranda of the goblin king from the new hobbit movie. Seeing them, the creature straightened making his throne crackle a bit. Miranda's stomach turned as she noted the number of bones around the creature and built into the throne. She had seen a lot in her day and knew that these were human remains.

Pushing the two forward, the lead guard gave a slight bow. "A gift, from the keeper." He said though Miranda noted he kept his distance. "So more trouble makers. Managed to get out of their per-programmed commands and make it to the top level." The guard stated.

The creature turned its bulging eyes to look at them. They eyes suddenly widened and he shrank back into his throne. "Timelord." He hissed. "But you all are supposed to be died. The time war." He shook his head. "How did you... When did you..." He shook his head, a tremor of fear in his eyes.
At the mention of "Timelord" all the other little troll creatures hissed. Pulling out tiny weapons they put themselves between the two prisoners and their leader though they kept a good distance back.

Miranda glanced at the Doctor. Well, at least someone knew who he was. But war? She frowned. She would have to ask him about that later.
[Universe 2]

"Well, if we can somehow talk these creatures into letting us past, that might work." The Doctor mentioned absentmindedly. He was trying to figure out how to take care of the icedors. Especially before they attracted the attention of more. One thing he knew about them was that they liked to travel in large packs. Though there was only one outside now, give it some time and there would be so many the door would be destroyed. "What I wouldn't give for some apples right now." He said sighing.

Jenny frowned. "Enough with the food." She snapped. This Doctor was so unlike the one she knew. The other one had no issues going straight into trouble and did not get sidetracked with food.

The Doctor shot Jenny a look. "Not for me, silly." He said shaking his head. "Apples are rubbish. I hate apples." He smiled. "For the icedor." He rubbed his hands gleefully together. "They don't stand the smell. Which I don't understand. It's the taste that is horrible." He blanched. Quickly brightening he headed over to the door and listened as the icedor still continued to hit the door. "But it's their greatest weakness. Toss an apple at them and you would think that it was Superman being strung along with Kryptonite." He stated not remembering that neither would understand the reference. "That I met him once. Pleasant fellow." The Doctor added grinning before looking back at the door and thinking.

Jenny frowned. "Who's this super man?" She inquired glancing at Clara. When the other girl didn't know either Jenny looked back at the Doctor.

"So if we don't have apples and we don't have a way out and a bunch of icedor are going to be pouring down here in a matter of minutes to eat us there is only one thing we can do." The Doctor declared. He looked at the two when Clara inquired what it was. "Open the door."

The expressions on the two girls faces would have made someone laugh and that was what Jenny was expecting this to be. One big joke. However, though he was grinning like a little kid the Doctor did not appear to be joking. Turning the handle he opened the door. Quickly pointing his screwdriver at the icedor he spoke. "Hold up." He ordered before it pounded in on him. "This has the ability to spray apple odor at you in a heartbeat if you try anything funny." He declared.

The icedor paused and took a step back but still blocked the doorway. Growling it stared at the Doctor before speaking. "You are bluffing." It declared.

"Maybe." The Doctor said starting taking a step forward. "But do you dare risk it?" His eyes gleamed with excitement. Now that he had a partial idea he could do something. But first off, find out why the icedor were here and avoiding getting them all killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Universe 1

The Doctor was looking around. He was shoved by the gaurds. He tried to not let that bother him. He just hoped that being captured wasn't going to put them off thier goal.
He knew the more off thier goal they were, the more people would die. Come on he thought. This better not go completly wrong. He wasn't sure what would happen. He just knew he would need a plan if anything went too wrong.
The time lord was worried about what would happen if anything went wrong. Long as nothing happened to Miranda, He didn't care about his own safety. His own safety was never import in situtions like this.

He walked out of the elevator and looked around. He couldn't help but be interested by where they had been taken. He had no idea what to expect really. But it was very interesting to him none the less. "Hades," he said looking around. He was sure that sounded fimular and tried to think . He was a time lord and knew alot of things, but he was slightly unsure where he last heard that.
He saw the creatures and narrowed his eyes. He figured there would be something bigger and more dangerous, Though what excatly he wasn't sure. He figured it had to be something bad.

He was getting annoyed of been pushed around and told what to do by the gaurds, But he figured he would have to go along with what ever was going on. He hoped that way he would be able to get more infomation out of the sitution.
The Doctor hoped he could use his words to get him out of this. He was sure that worked most of the time. Even when things were quite bad he was able to get himself and his companions out of bad situtions.

"Timelord ... and exinct no there is just me," The Doctor replied. He hoped that they would fear him. He was sure that they were still dangerous. He looked at them. he seemed confident. "The war... I ended it." he had a firm look in his eyes. "And that play... what ever your purpose is with it. It must end now." He hoped they feared him enough to want to stop it.
He was feeling very confident. He didn't seem to ever show fear all that often.
The Doctor looked to Miranda again. He was sure that he knew what he was doing.

Universe 2

The girl was listening to the Doctor. She trusted him to know what he was doing. He seemed to have got them out of the snowmen sitution ok enough. She blinked when he mentioned apples.
"Apples? " she seemed confused till he explained . She had just thought he had mentioned those because he was hungry. Until he explained how he hated them and wanted them just to repel the creatures.
She thought it was rather strange that apples repeled them. But yet there was stranger things she supposed.

Upon hearing his refrence to Clara. The girl looked confused. She saw that Jenny was confused as well. "I don't know who superman is, seems like a strange name," she had no idea what he was talking about really.
The girl waited to see if the Doctor would explian. Seeing The Doctor had met this man it seemed like he would know how to explain it to her. She just blinked more. She wasn't from the future or able to travel through space and time until she had met the Doctor.

Hearing Jenny ask what they were going to do without apples Clara was quiet as she too wondered what they would do. Surely the Doctor wasn't going to open the door without any form of defence.
"I have no idea." She told Jenny "But I trust the Doctor,"
Though opening the door without a plan didn't seem a good idea. She wondered if that was what he was planning to do.
She was looking at him as if waiting for him to decide what to do.

"And what is that?" She asked when he said there was only one thing for them to do. There was a complete look of surprise and shock on her face upon hearing the Doctor's answer.
She had a look that said you've gone crazy. She wondered what was going to happen and hoped they wouldn't die or get hurt. But she still knew that she trusted the Doctor. He was sure to have a plan. Even if they were in a tight sitution he was sure things would work out.

She was watching the Doctor, she seemed surprised the Doctor was brave enough to trick the creature. She watched to see what it would do. She saw it back up but seem unsure if the Doctor was telling the truth.
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